Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...


deb said...

I hope it is the real deal, especially since you get to be a look out person.

MITS said...

well, I will only be allowed to be in the cam the shift and get out, they don't want us coming in if we get wind that the birth is coming....pretty straight forward stuff, writing down observations...I have to learn to run the cams, and I will be one of the people called if someone doesn't make their shift, because I live within 15 mins of zoo, and this could be 3 during the day or 3 in the a.m.

ceil said...

Nite everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Helen - What time frame are they looking at...... I mean like if Mei is pregnant - when would the cub arrive?

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Ceil - I'm not far behind you!

deb said...

It will still be exciting to be involved.

The last two falcon chicks in SJ are flapping their wings. They will probably be gone soon.

MITS said...

that is still up in the air...gestation is anywhere from 90 to 150 days....she is only in phase 1, if she goes to phase 2, they will suspect that implantation has occurred, then it would be 40 to 50 days from that point,,,their best guess estimate right now if things go along in anywhere from the middle to the end of July...there are so many varibles an unknowns, that it is just an educated guess....MTBR

MITS said...

as with humans every pregnancy is different....I am going to be training the cams with the woman who was the actual observer the night that Tai was born

MITS said...

GOODNIGHT are up late tonight.

MITS said...

yes Deb, they were running the birth of Tai videos tonight and it brought back such wonderful memories

deb said...

One of the SJ falconettes that fledged today had trouble and was rescued by the watchers. He is spending the night in a box in the men's restroom. Three people are on the way to see if they will put it back on the roof tonight or not.

MITS said...


MITS said...

fledging is such a dangerous time for any bird....

deb said...

Yes it is. It was trying to get back up to the nest and slid down the side of the building. Luckily a watcher was right there.

deb said...

Night all, we will see in the morning if there are three falcons back in the nest.

MITS said...

PA will let you know and you can read on their forum of the falcon watchers....sometimes it is hard to hear when one of them has died, 2yrs ago one of the PA juvies madw it all the way to Dulles airport in VA and was hit by a plane

MITS said...

eagle KENT CAM 1

Mema Jo said...

Just looked up the score on the Baltimore Oriole/ NY Yankee game that Paula went to....
NYY won 4 -2.

floralgirl said...

Well, boo- but at least she had a nice night weather wise to go to a game.

Mema Jo said...

She really did - sorta cool out there.

Get all your peonies cut?
How do you preserve them until Market Day?

movin said...

Evening, folks, I actually think the diagnosis of the Norfolk chick is fairly good news. It's a lot better than cancer; it hasn't spread to any other feather-bare areas; it should be relatively easy to remove surgically; then all they have to do is redirect the growth of the upper beak by splint or other device and give it a little time to heal.



floralgirl said...

Yep, all cut for today. Trick of the trade, cut them before they open when the buds feel like a stale marshmallow, and store them out of water in the frig. until you want them to open. Then recut the stems and put them in water. Sounds crazy I know, but it works, been doing it for years.

floralgirl said...

Hi Jim- yep, he at least has a chance for treatment now, he would have died in the wild without man's help.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - I googled and read up on
the Avian Pox. I hope they caught it in time. It will be interesting to hear about their procedures. They may be able to save him!

Mema Jo said...

OK Peonie Lady! Pretty neat trick!

I am out of here.

Good Night everyone...
Peace to You & Yours
Pleasant dreams & restful sleep...

(( hugs ))

Lolly said...

Wanda, you still up? We put in new caladiums every year. We put in too many to dig and they do not keep well. I have a few that are in pots that make it through the winter, but they do not do well.

floralgirl said...

Me too- nite all:)

movin said...

I see the eagle cam at Norfolk has been disabled for this season...



Lolly said...

So sad!!!

movin said...


Happy tomorrows.



Costume Lady said...

Our electricity has been out for a few hours and has just come back on. We were in the Eagle Express and planning on spending the night, but the lights came back on and spoiled everything. We have generated power in the motor home and could make coffee in the morning. No need now.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I use to plant caladiums and impatients together for many years and then dig the bulbs up in the Fall and store them in peat moss over the Winter, then bring them out and set them in soil in front of a window in March and by May they were leafy and ready to set outside. Can't do that anymore. I start getting ready for Halloween in Sept. and don't catch my breath until Nov. 1.

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Going to call it quits for the nite. Osprey still not on nest in Finland, on the water.????????? Has been gone for some time now.??????????

magpie said...

Good Morning, Paula, and all the Eagle People. This is Margaret. Still getting settled into THIS nest. I think I finally made it. Thanks for the encouragement. Now I have some preening and "nestorations" to attend to.

floralgirl said...

45° this morning, chicks are up and hanging out on edge of nest. Lots of wing flapping going on this am.

deb said...

Good Morning, the thunder, lightening and rain is keeping me awake. I got up to check the radar and it it looks like it will last a long time. Our kids are flapping away this morning.

I checked on the SJ chick that crashed into the building and it is okay. They kept it locked up for the night and will release it sometime today.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Deb- sorry you were awakened. Sun is coming out here, looks like it will be a warm day here- 79° and sunny.

ceil said...

Good morning, Lolly, Megan, Deb, Jim and magpie. Megan my husbands aunt used to have peonies, I loved them but they did have a lot of ants. Think I need a cup of tea. Not awake yet. Sun is shiny here. Deb you have had a lot of moisture out your way this year. BBL getting that tea. Have not even looked at the cams yet.
Miss Suzanne's commentary.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, we have sound this morning! Good morning everybody.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING MEGAN, DEB, MAGPIE AND CEIL...(a BIG welcome to Magpie, another Martinsburg watcher)
It is 45° right now and going up to 77°.
I'm glad we got our sound back. Now we can hear Pearl when she takes off for the nearest branch.

magpie said...

Live feed, picture and sound, the birds are quiet

Costume Lady said...

The sound just came on a few minutes ago. I had to refresh the Real Player, and when I did, it came back with sound. Hooray!

Costume Lady said...

I don't know what they did at NCTC, but the Picture quality is better. THANK YOU!

Costume Lady said...

Going for coffee.

normabyrd said...

MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I just scanned yesterday's blog---I am now waiting for a new thread---- STEVE------

WOW!--I MISS SUZANNE this time of the morning--Miss her sense of humor in describing her daily routine---

normabyrd said...

WOW!---Lots of early "birds" here(excuse the pun)---this morning!!
HELLO!---MAGPIE---MEGAN---DEB--CEIL--SHARON--& WANDA!------"Do you suppose STEVE decided to sleep in this morning!!----

normabyrd said...

The "AWESOME 3" have blended in with their sunny nest this morning!!----One can hardly see them in the nest!!----Probably planning their "GET AWAY" --- ho!----REMEMBER!!!---They keep coming back when the do fledge!!----Just like our 'kids'!! (eaglets don't bring their laundry)!!!!

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) had to go to bus stop- then chase a possum out of the yard. Not sure what he is doing out in the daylight- was just wandering around the yard slowly. he should be sleeping now.

Costume Lady said...

I believe if the Sycamore tree had branches nearer to the nest, Pearl would have been branching already.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, be careful of those nocturnal animals that prowl around in the daylight. (I guess you know that).

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, your Funny Bone is showing this morning.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---That's FUNNY?---Tell us how you 'chase' an opossum?---They aren't the fastest animal on the planet!!!

floralgirl said...

Don't worry Wanda, that's why I went out to get a look at it- I had my bb gun with me just in case. My fear is I'll be down on the ground planting and he will come up behind me. Tried to chase him down away from gardens. Gotta get to work, just ordered 2,000 gallons of water for my tank- ouch- price of course has gone UP like everything else..

floralgirl said...

Uh- Norma,he was walking slow until I showed up- they move like a turtle- then he surely started moving faster when I started making noise... at first it was coming towards me, it seemed confused.. off to battle the wildlife, found 5 bird nests in the past few days, all in very unconvenient places of course. The garden is just so inviting, 3 cardinal nests(with babies), a mockingbird(with babies) , and a beautiful thrush( 1 egg so far). And I can't find the house wrens nest, but they have no problem yelling at me every time I get too near "their" part of the garden.

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

Oh---MEGAN---I bet your lawn is a wonderland of BEAUTIFUL BIRDS & FLOWERS!!----I still remember your photo of all those red cardinals on the one bush!!!----AWESOME!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' 'NURSE' HELEN!!! WHOA!!---Getting to watch another "LITTLE PRINCE-/PRINCESS" that looks like TAI---enter this world!!! How COOL is that?????---

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING does it feel to wake up in the city instead of the Beach? I would stay at the Beach all Summer if I could.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

I just told Capt Eagle that Magpie is a 911 Operator here in Martinsburg, and he said she might come in handy if one of our babies falls out of the nest!

MITS said...

WANDA, up until I started volunteering at the zoo, I did..we moved into the condo in 2002, and I would go down in May and come back in October, and then go down several times during the winter everytime hubby would travel, but things change

Costume Lady said...

I guess spending time in the City makes you appreciate the Beach more. Change of scene is good.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder what happened to our MAGPIE? I guess she had to go to work. Hope she comes back on and chats some more.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if Nilla knows about our Get-Together on the 7th? Maybe I will email her and let her know.

MITS said...

well COMCAST, is doing everything it can to tick me off......can't get into to my homepage, says there is an error and to call them....yeah right like I have time today......have to get haircut and colored, leaving for Annapolis tomorrow for a weekend wedding

magpie said...

Magpie here - off to the VA to do a little volunteer time with the dear Veterans there, yes - I will be back on the eagles for me! Wih a name like magpie you can expect some chatter from me! Have a good and safe day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you are a busy woman!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I have had to restart my RP a gazillion times. Getting a little aggravating here.

normabyrd said...

PA PREGRINE FALCON SITE!!---Didn't take long for the 'ADORABLE CHICKS' to mess up the ledge---ho!---They seem to enjoy seeing themselves in the windows!----PARENTS are keeping a look out----trying to keep them ON the ledge!!---- REMEMBER this is 15th floor!!

normabyrd said...

WATCH OUT COMCAST!!!----HELEN is the best 'CUSSER' on the BLOG!!---Be nice to her today!!!!

Costume Lady said...

LADIES AND GENTS................
WE HAVE A NEW THREAD...COME ON OVER*****************************************************************************************************

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!!----It is a GLORIOUS DAY!!---Temp. was 50° -- now up to 55°---BLUE SKIES---& BIRDS ARE SINGING!!!---
What more can one ask for!!!----

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while