Sunday, May 18, 2008


New thread.


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Suzanne said...

Baby has turned himself around to watch mom better, and trying to use wings to get closer. Head is really wobbling, too cute.

Suzanne said...

Ah, got a bite. Oops, LOL, mom knocked down some moss on the baby while she was trying to get a bite for him. Knocked him over for a sec, but got right back up. Still getting bites, crop getting fuller. Oh this is so cool.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Angus just arrived and started to take a bite of leftover fish, but changed his mind and flew off with it. Isla still on baby and eggs.

Suzanne said...

One of the PA falcon abies has some leftovers and is holding it with his feet. Also trying to eat it by himself. Too cute. Keeps getting little bites, I think. One of the other chicks is watching him. Wow, they sure are big and fuzzy! Gonna try to pull a bite off again.

Suzanne said...

Oh, baby is alone in Scotland. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Awwwwwwwww, so tired! Kinda had head up, and very slowly head kinda just went down. Too cute, now laying down. Oh, head up again, but we're gonna use an egg as a pillow. Nope, back all the way down. Just too tired, can't keep eyes open. See shadows flying over so mom and dad are very near. Zooming, checking other eggs, don't see any cracks. Uh oh, big parent shadow, head up and wobbling. Oops, curled talons, here comes one of them gonna get back on baby. Oh moving moss, must be dad. Yup, dad. He is so gentle!

Suzanne said...

Breakfast has arrived in PA.

Suzanne said...

They sit and wait so patiently! Miss quick defeatherer is at work...

Suzanne said...

Breakfast is over, chicks are picking through the feathers. They're getting quite a collection there!

Suzanne said...

Angus is trying to feed the chick, and he did a few bites, but we're too sleepy. Chick turned around and is going to sleep. So Angus is eating, but taking tiny bites and he looks at the chick each bite before he eats it. Oh, we may be waking up again. He's moved the fish closer to chick, offering a bite, chick ignored it so Angus ate it. aww, life is just too hard, I'm really sleepy! Offering another bite, ignored. Baby has eyes closed now. Offering another bite, eyes open...just can't get that ol head to stay up. LOL, now he's brought the fish right next to the eggs. Keeps offering bites come on little guy...oh, we got a bite in, so now mouth is open. Ok, staying awake for 2 whole bites, head back down. Oh, both parents are in nest. Ok, chick got another bite. This is adorable.

Suzanne said...

Got another bite or two in, but now gonna get back on baby and eggs. Our 3 are standing looking out the back of the nest, so maybe parent is over there. Only Destiny is in BWE, Intrepid is probably on a branch. PA falcons are napping, full tummies.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz. Great commentaries this morning! :)

Getting ready to start work. Very long night as I have a neighborhood dog in heat who is running the neighborhood with 3 faithful followers and my dogs barked and whined most of the night wanting out at them! Oh, what a night!

Suzanne said...

Intrepid's back, our kids still hanging out in the same spot waiting for food delivery, and our baby in Scotland got a few more bites of food. PA kids are awake and scooting all over the nest. Still can't get Finney's nest up, darn! Oh, they're showing reruns in Scotland, so if you missed first feeding, it's on now. Man, chick is way smaller than he is today, that's amazing. And looks like it's raining on this clip.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. Thanks, fun to watch these guys. Good grief, you have my sympathies on the dogs! They will keep you up all night. Sure hope the heat gets over pretty quickly, or the owners do the right thing and bring the dog IN!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Nice to see the sun for a change! What a cloudy rainy weekend. Think I saw the sun for about 6 hours total, Sat and Sun.

normabyrd said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...