Monday, May 12, 2008

Stormy Monday

Rain gauge says almost 5 inches of rain overnight. Here's a shot of our birds, looking rather wet...

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...


floralgirl said...

I somehow forgot to tell you guys earlier that our good friend Sandra walked throught the market yesterday with her husband Tom and I was glad to see them both out and about. She looks well and says she has been keeping up with the progress of the eaglets.

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Hedgesviller! You flooded out yet? Chrissy hasn't been on the blog for a few days but she did send out Mother's Day greetings by Momsters email.

Why don't you investigate Eaglet_Momsters yahoo site. All 1 line

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Megan!
Now that is the bestest news ever

MITS said...

what wonderful news, Megan....thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely beautiful news, Megan!! I hope to walk through that market this summer myself!

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Jo that road is 5 minutes from my house. check this out- sorry no time for link-

wvgal_dana said...

Deb nice picture slideshow. I did get lost in the badlands lol delivered such GOOD news. Go Sandra yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Paula says still no luck getting on the blog but her feed is on.

deb said...

Did you watch out for the rattlesnakes, Dana? You don't get off the path out there unless you watch real well. Off to mow the front yard. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Deb there is a blackbird on the list for Endangered. has yellow mark like a check mark on wing.

I try to send the link to you.

wvgal_dana said...

Our parent is feeding the eaglets

Lolly said...

Back from running errands. Live feed looks good, but no sound!

You guys have made me hungry, gotta go eat a bite of lunch. Won't eat hot dogs, but to put my two cents dogs should have mustard, chili, onions and cheese. Yummy!!!

Sorry to see Paula is still not on. Wonder what her problem was not being able to get on the blog.

Yes, have missed Chrissy all week. Thought for sure we would hear from her this weekend. We did get a lovely card.

Gotta go eat! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Deb when you get back in check your email

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like storm is over at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Adult in nest looks quite DRY.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like adult can tent over at least 1 eaglet. lol

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Megan I hadn't looked it up yet.

Link to Keedysville Sanctuary

Mema Jo said...

BBL Taking a break

deb said...

Lawn is done for another time, but I think I will have to do it again on Wednesday, it is really growing. I just was looking at the SJ falcons. The babies are really changing. Their faces are getting color in the feathers now.

deb said...

Dana, you have mail.

Mema Jo said...

I have a good many links for falcons and they range from little fluff balls to maturing chicks!
There are some on the NBG site under Falcon.. Of course we have SJ & Harrisburg. Then I have Dunn Memorial Bridge

The sea eagle is nesting..She is pretty.

deb said...

NBG has a hawk cam too, Jo, that I found when I was looking at all the falcons, It has three babies. they are eating right now.

wvgal_dana said...

2 egg in loon nest now

MITS said...

there are now 2 eggs at the Minnesota loon cam:)

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you have mail

Mema Jo said...

Loon is off her eggs

Link to LOON

Mema Jo said...

Dana - on the Loon cam I see what you mean about it pausing and then starting right back up again.
Her 2 eggs are beautiful - She was out for a swim & then plopped right down on the eggs after rolling them.

Mema Jo said...

Dana you have answer in your email.

MITS said...

I think the loon cam is getting alot of hits....

MITS said...

loon eggs showing again

wvgal_dana said...

Let me see if the blackbird picture shows up for Athenna's on here.
Thanks for helping me get right person Deb.

MITS said...

was going to fix hot dogs for dinner, but hubby is going on his annual golf trip to NC tomorrow, so am fixing a nice pot roast with potatoes, rolls and a green salad....hope he likes it...

deb said...

It sounds delicious to me, Helen!

Mema Jo said...

Well be dang if you aren't the considerate wife! I really knew you were all along. That makes me proud to know you!

MITS said...

thanks, Deb:)

Mema Jo said...

We need to get the music going in the nest

Wingercises big time...

Mema Jo said...

Look as though one found some old tough nestovers to chow down on...

Our little one has occupied Spunky's Perch all day long. Going to do some
flapping and drying out now

wvgal_dana said...

Now I just have to find Athenna's email address so I can send her the link to this picture and its information.
If anyone knows it ... you know mind so please send to me. Thank you

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I think our eaglet was doing the knew dance....Remember the chicken dance.......Well that was the new eaglet stomp and dance. lol

MITS said...

thanks, Jo I try....

Mema Jo said...

I think they are waiting for their dinner.............

wvgal_dana said...

Mits we are still cold over here. We are having Tomato soup and grilled cheese this evening. Sound like it will warm us two up.

You are the good wife we know. ( :

MITS said...

I did not realize the earthquake in China was so devastating...9000 people died, and it seems to be near some panda territory

The temblor struck hilly country leading up to the Tibetan highlands, toppling buildings in small cities and towns in the largely rural area. About 1,200 pandas -- 80 percent of the surviving wild population in China -- live in several mountainous areas of Sichuan.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok back to me-self..we can show the picture to Athenna's if we don't get an email address.

Yes Mits it is very sad. I was hoping to hear on the news more about the wildlife. Of course, people come first. It was devastating over there.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if we will get some kind of report from China to the Panda People here at our zoos?

Mema Jo said...

Come On Din Din

Where Are You - Mom and Dad?

MITS said...

I'm going to e-mail my boss, I'm sure we will hear something

Mema Jo said...

Going to go find my DIN DIN..

wvgal_dana said...

SAD.....the earthquake hit the Wolong Nature Reserve and panda breeding centers. Last heard from around late Sunday night.

melvsmom said...

I was busy for a few minutes and now I can only see 2 chicks. Is everything as it should be?

NatureNut said...

Hi Everybody, Got off work early...power went out & boy, the creeks were rising!
Dana, is that a local bird? Looks like the red-winged blackbird.Red doesn't usually show unless flying. Of course, they're not endangered.
Wanda, I took pic of rhododendron yesterday. It all popped out in a couple days.
Good and bad (maybe) Park news; on the way out was able to see part of eagle nest w/binoculars & there
was "a whole lot of flappin" goin' on"!!!Saw brown wings and brown body (no white)!! So at least there is one eaglet there!
The osprey cam has been down since end of last week but the 3 eggs had hatched. However, today from another building, nest was obseved a few times w/NO adult.When I was outside, saw one adult standing at edge of nest, then flew away. Boo.

MITS said...

omg, that is one of their main panda sites:(the zoo curator goes there all the time, that is Mei and Tian's hometown

NatureNut said...

OMG, I only see 2 chicks now!!!!
Can somebody call Steve?

MITS said...

2 are facing top of nest pretty sure the one is at 12 position facing the other 2

Mema Jo said...

The littlest one has been on the 12noon perch all day - doesn't want to get talons too wet. There is usually one standing right in front of him/her.

NatureNut said...

Now I think there are 3---two at 12o'clock.

melvsmom said...

Thanks for the update. I see 3 now.

MITS said...

God Bless and help those people in China:(

MITS said...

there they are...all 3 can be seen:)

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta Zoo - Ben Charlton, PhD
Research Biologist was just over at
Wolong Research Center on May 7th
No update as to the quake. He wrote

..On a personal level, it was great to get out of the big city. It has become quite hot and humid in Chengdu these past few weeks, so it was good to get into the cooler mountain environment where the air is also a lot cleaner.

wvgal_dana said...

Naturenut is considered endangered call
yellow-shouldered blackbird different from our red winged blackbird

all on one line

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...


...: This morning (May 12), a major earthquake hit Sichuan Province in China. The epicenter was just 56 miles (90 kilometers) from Chengdu. We have received word that the Wolong Giant Panda Research Center was not seriously affected. Our research technician, Jennifer Keating, is safe and sound in Beijing.

Mema Jo said...

BWE & BWO has some updates from

NatureNut said...

Heard/read about the earthquake in China. Lots of devastation---hope we learn about the panda areas.

MITS said...

thanks, Jo, that makes me feel better....sure people will talk about it on Wednesday

MITS said...

May 12
We are deeply saddened by the news of the earthquake that struck western China today. Many of you may be concerned about how China’s two giant panda breeding facilities were affected, and of course, we are too. We have heard that the pandas and staff at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding are safe. Wolong Nature Reserve, the birthplace of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, is in Wenchuan County, near the earthquake’s epicenter. We have not heard about the welfare of the pandas and staff there, but are continuing efforts to communicate with our colleagues at Wolong. We are carefully following the news and will provide updates. We hope we will be able to assist China and our colleagues in the face of this tragedy.

May 5

Mema Jo said...

Don't know what our eaglets are finding but they sure are digging for it! Hope their food comes soon.

BB after dinner.......

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits I would say yours is the closest to an update as to what is happening within the panda area from what I read.
We pray and hope and I'm sure the US will help.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits please keep us updated as you find out since you volunteer at DC Zoo. Thank you

wvgal_dana said...

Heading out to eat dinner bbl

MITS said...

Think they have picked that nest clean

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish we each had a camera on us when we are thinking that we only see 2 in our nest. A few of us have thought that today and I know I turn into an idiot!

MITS said...

we need to get the number of the man with the labs, in case we need a rescue

movin said...

There's something going on at BWO... The female left the eggs (maybe 3, maybe not) again a few minutes ago, and now there's a fish crow perched on the side of the nest box.

Maybe something happened to the male Osprey in the storm last night, and the female is having to fish for herself.

Shades of last year.



MITS said...

news from LNest Update

Special Alert-
Our parents have abandoned the eggs, and a crow has come in and broken them.

We knew we had young parents, and it appears the heavy, cold rain was just too much for them.

We'll update the web log later tonight.


MITS said...

that is so sad.....yet again.

NatureNut said...

Thx Jo for panda news.
And thx Dana for blackbird info. Will check it out.

Had rose-breasted grosbeak at Park Sat. & today his lady friend was with him! Gotta dwnld camera.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Mema jo---will check it out.
Haven't been out but my daughter said Back Creek is really up!

NatureNut said...

How sad for BWO. I'm gonna call our Park tomorrow & find out about our ospreys. Seems if something happens to the female, the male doesn't sit on the young ones. He will sit on eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh no wonder if any of the 3 eggs survived at BWO....:( so so sorry Lisa.

wvgal_dana said...

From the site of the pictures it doesn't look as any eggs survived. :(

NatureNut said...

There's an osprey sitting in BWO nest. Maybe there's an egg left or they can mate again?!

MITS said...

They have to fledge by September for their long trip to South America...don't know if they have enough time for that.

MITS said...

Lisa's reply to my e-mail:(

Thank you! Yes, we're very sad here. Especially since this happened last year, with a different couple. We're having some bad luck with this nest.


MITS said...

asked Lisa about a second clutch...

No, I don't think we'll get a second clutch. It's late and being a young couple,
that might be asking a lot of them.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, thanks for the heads up on the Loon Cam. That was one of my favorites last season. So 28 day from last Saturday, we should have another baby LuLu or two.

Costume Lady said...

What a show off!!

Costume Lady said...

I don't know which eaglet that was, but she sure was flapping those wings and stomping those feet. LMBO!

MITS said...

probably doing the Sherperdstown Stomp

MITS said...

hubby home off to finish fixing dinner.....I forgot to eat today....

Costume Lady said...

One of the eaglets looks as if she has her head under her wing, asleep.

Costume Lady said...

Isn't that unusual for such a young bird?

Costume Lady said...

All done supper...Santa Fe Chicken(with rice and corn) and muffins. First time I have baked anything in umpteen years. Lolly would probably like this dish.

Costume Lady said...

I don't think Belle has fed the triplets supper yet nor shook the rugs. (Maybe I missed that.)

MITS said...

how sad, BWO osprey is back on the nest...

Costume Lady said...

Maybe one of the eggs survived the attack.

Costume Lady said...

Almost Dancing with the Stars time.

Lolly said...

Gee, you are really having rainy weather. Sad about BWO.

Have worked in the yard all afternoon. Jack made me quit at 5:30 or I would still be going. We sit and enjoy the yard before starting dinner, but tonight is yesterday's leftovers, do not have to cook.

Sante Fe chicken??? I think that is the name of a dish that I fixed once, but gave the recipe to my daughter. Does it cook in a crock pot?

Has Paula ever gotten back on?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lolly. Everything is thrown into the Crock Pot. Wonderful meal for Sunday dinner.

Lolly said...

Wanda, I think I found that recipe and gave it to my daughter. She is teaching, and with those two little guys to tend and I thought it a good recipe for her to put on before school. They like it a lot. I have had it once and it was very good.

MITS said...

you would think with all the rain spidey would have been washed away....

Costume Lady said...

Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout....down came the rain and ....

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all! Good to be back on here!

Blogger cop had me locked out most of the day!

Wow, lots to catch up on!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Was reading the Mount Magazine and saw the picture of "Maggie's Mounties"!

MITS said...

that is Maggie's favorite song....I see the little critter at bottom of pic..

MITS said...

yes, Paula saw it the other day:)

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, some really good news...Sandra was walking at the market...

And sad news, about BWO and waiting to hear about the pandas in China...hadn't heard 9000 people dies, omgosh how awful.

MITS said...

can still see the Minnesota loon

MITS said...

dawn in osprey on nest

MITS said...

all those lost lives is such a tragedy....from what I am reading they don't want any outside help yet.

MITS said...

good, osprey back in Finland

paula eagleholic said...

It was such a busy crazy day at work...probably wouldn't have been able to post very much...only had our cam open, but I hate being blocked out by that blogger cop! Couldn't even get to my own blog!

MITS said...

wonder why that happened Paula?

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know Mits - didn't have a chance to restart computer...too busy. Hopefully will all be OK tomorrow...

I'm really beat, gonna watch some TV then head to bed...

NatureNut said...

Just got one set of so so pictures on blog. Called Baby Ospreys... Have some more I'll try & do tomorrow.
Missing my TV show.
Good night to those who are hitting the hay. Pray for the rain to stop! AMEN

MITS said...

good night, Paula

Mema Jo said...

I was just watching the Scottish Lady Isla turning her 3 eggs and then really wiggling down to incubate them. I feel so badly about BWO's eggs again this year! I thought things were going to be ok after the intruder stopped coming by the platform.

Mema Jo said...

NN- I really hope your osprey cam is up/running so you can see if the chicks survived all the rain.

Lolly said...

Been watching TV, Dancing with the Stars and the Bachelor. Jack makes fun of both, but I enjoy them. So there!!

Was hoping Spidey's nest would be gone. Guess it was just wishful thinking.

Twenty minutes before the ferry!!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Rain has stopped here, but in ocean city where condo is, thay have some cleaning up to do with sand on the boardwalk..and some flooding down near inlet.

Lolly said...

Missed the ferry1 It was a few minutes early this evening. Can see it behind the island.

Lolly said...

Whoops! I see it clearly, guess I can catch it!

Costume Lady said...

Quick! Where is The Ferry?

Lolly said...

Nite all! Going to go prop up my feet! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

BYE BYE LOLLY! Safe journey!
It was early by about 5 min or else
I was ready to go along!!

Lolly said...

Sorry Wanda, did you miss it? It was a little early this evening. I was trying to watch the news and watch for the ferry. Almost missed it!

Costume Lady said...

Dry? Sunny day tomorrow..70°.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - It's the ferry boat in Finland. Maybe we all can catch it tomorrow - 11:30pm is the usual time but it went early tonight.

Lolly said...

Sorry, you missed it Jo!!! I almost did! We're going to have to be more careful! Will miss you tonight! Maybe tomorrow! :)

Nite All!! As I said before, going to go put up my feet. Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day!

Sunshine tomorrow, please!
I have some more plants to put in the ground.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers being offered for all!
So happy to know that Sandra was
walking around town and down to the

Hope you make it in
over the puddles, Suzanne!

movin said...


Like everyone else, I'm sorry to see the storm take out the BWO eggs, but Mother Nature can be uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Hope it looks better tomorrow.

Good morning to Suzanne and the early crew of birders.



NillaWafer said...

The middle of the night report since i am up and cant sleep.. Been playing bingo on Pogo and checked cam.. Cant see a darn thing spidy has taken over the camera lens and could be she has babies spidies too.. What amess!!! Ok off to try and sleep.. Have Good day.. Nilla

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Morning, Nilla if you're still up. Hope you can get back to sleep. Made it in today, but I can see why they closed Rt 7 yesterday. Still lots of water on the road. Think we ended up with 5" plus at my house, unreal! Will have to go see what I missed. So sad about the BWO eggs! Darn, sorry to hear parents abandoned them during the rain storm Monday. What a shame!! Seems this nest is not too productive last couple years. Hope that changes soon!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Oh, can't see our kids thru Spidey's web and his hopefully soon meals. BWE kids are sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight, can see our very wet kids now and not spidey's web! They looked soaked. Little one is standing on Lib's perch. BWE eaglets are just roaming around. They don't look too wet. We have the female osprey sitting in the nest where the eggs used to be. So sad. OH, we have at least one Jackdaw chick, think one is hatching as we speak. How cool!! NBG eagle is sitting on branch, and the baby is sleeping. Mom falcon is trying to keep those big babies under her. See the egg has kinda cracked on the side of her. Both storks in nest, and they have an egg pushed out to the side. It was whole earlier, looks like it's broken now. NBG eagle has flown off and they were looking for him/her, but didn't see her. Eaglet is fine. later.

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Helen! I'm glad to hear the sun's out!!! But it's a bit nippy out there!
PA falcon is standing over her kids and watching them sleep, that's adorable!

MITS said...

yep 44°here... I know we got alot, but we really did so need that rain.....

Suzanne said...

It was 44° when I left home this morning, but 47° when I got here. It has since cooled off quite a bit. I know we needed the rain, but not all at one time! We now have 2 jackdaw babies, and both parents were in the nest checking them out.

MITS said...

our chicks are preening

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful morning here; the sun is shining and the birds are singing their heads off. A catbird right outside my window is talking to me. It is still very cold and damp...39°.

Suzanne said...

3 scottish eggs are visible.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Chilly here too.

Suzanne said...

Awwww, falcon babies alone in the sun.

MITS said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...