Monday, May 19, 2008


New week, new thread.


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MITS said...

they are doing an audio of the rescue, just introduced themselves

deb said...

I don't hear that they found a chick yet, do you?

MITS said...

they said adult is nearby.....and you can here it, looking for the eaglets now

deb said...

They got one!!!

MITS said...

no word yet...think they may have found one, said something about"so it doesn't run downhil"

deb said...

I am sure they said one chick alive under nest. Going to see if IWS heard the same thig.

MITS said...

ok Deb, you are on your own...hubby is wondering what I am doing?

deb said...

Yes they heard same thing. They don't know yet that both chicks were taken, unless someone got a hold of them after they left for rescue efforts.

deb said...

Guess they do know both are missing, they checked the cam.

deb said...

Peter is also in contact with the rescue crew, so they definitely know to look for both chicks.

deb said...

Just called for help, don't know why. BOTH CHICKS ALIVE!!! THANK YOU!!1 They won't put chicks back today, they will take them to check them out. Now tears of relief. I don't think I could take it if something happened to one of our chicks.

NatureNut said...

Can jear them talking on PH nest & said 2nd chick alive & think they said one may have broken bones.

deb said...

First chick found has a broken bill, hope it can be fixed at this young age.

deb said...

Now they are not sure if he said broken bill or not, so until they say specifics I won't post. I keep flipping to IWS forum.

deb said...

I am sure that right now they are just trying to safely transport the eaglets, we might not get another update until they get back to IWS. As I type they sound closer to mike.

deb said...

Oh thank you, Dave for coming and letting everyone know that both chicks look good, one has a slightly broken bill that will have to be fixed. They are going to contact Peter and assess the situation. I need to relax, I am so stressed.

NatureNut said...

Report from PH Nest---both chicks pretty good--taking them in. One has a broken beak, not bones as far as they know! God Love Em-rescuers too.

NatureNut said...

If they go back in the nest, I'd be ridin' shotgun!(or at least paint balls)

deb said...

Poor 10 and 26 will be so confused and upset. Even though we know the eaglets were taken for the right reasons, they won't understand.

MITS said...

was telling hubby at dinner, he was asking all the right questions, to let me know he was mildly interested....he is glad that things look good:)

Lolly said...

I got lost in the split!!! I am so relieved they were both found!!!
This is just too much stress!!!

Lolly said...

LOL!!! Just got a picture of Nuture armed with a paint ball gun defending the nest. :)

MITS said...

lol....that would be funny...get the camouflage out

paula eagleholic said...

Thank God the PH chicks are OK, One has a slightly broken bill, they other seems OK, they are going to contact Dr Sharpe

Lolly said...

I am glad you could hear them at the nest. Just today we have developed a problem with the sound on our computer. It is very, very soft. I had it turned all the way up and could not hear a thing!!!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the update Paula.

Received a wonderful magnet today. Yea! Thank you, I love it!!

wvgal_dana said...

Evening all

I have gotten some of the comments read. From where I stopped this morning. I just got to where the eaglet at PH was knocked out of nest.
:( tears tears tears
I don't know if there is more comments. I am at where some men are hiking to nest.
I know about nature but please let the eaglet be ok.
Going to blow my nose and try to finish reading.

deb said...

I can relate, Dana, I was shaking the whole time I was typing.

NatureNut said...

Hey Lolly, See if a new picture works!! LOL

Lolly said...

I was watching when the second one was grabbed or knocked from the nest. It was so horrible, I could not believe what I was seeing.

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Thanks for the laugh. We need that right now! I just keep thinking of what will happen now? The eaglets are terrified and the parents.......who knows what to think about them.

MITS said...

oh no....its Rambo Kitty:)

NatureNut said...

Nuts, it's a GIF, but won't move. Think you get the idea!
I had been watching Paula's video & by the time I found PH, 2nd baby was gone & Mom flew into nest.
Glad I didn't see it---would have had a heart attack or run over to Andrews AFB & commandeered one of those Flying Angels!!
Had enough excitement for today!

Lolly said...

I keep going back to the nest, but it remains empty. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Update from Dr Sharpe just posted

Both eaglets are alive. One has a cracked beak and the other may have a fractured right wing. We are going to fly them to the mainland to have them examined by a vet. When they are ready, we will release them from our South Hacking Tower. We'll update you on their status as it is known.

I think that is a wise decision, it is possible K10 and K26 may abandon the nest, thinking the eaglets are gone.

Lolly said...

Again, Paula, thanks for the update.

Going to fix dinner. BBL

NatureNut said...

Thx Paula. Altho we won't see them, it's a relief to know they will be safe. I was wondering what the future would bring if they went back to their nest, w/teenage predator around.

ceil said...

Good to hear that they were found. Prayers that they will be healed. Wonderful people at IWS for so much care that they give to these eagles.Wow they were fast and they found both of them. LOL Nature can just see you flying that plane now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I had to go out just as this all began. I am so grateful that they found them and they are safe. I have often wondered if one of ours fell out of the nest, if NCTC would have somebody go get it. I am really hoping that would be the case!

wvgal_dana said...

OH THANK YOU GOD....I know nature is nature. I am so glad for everyone that those people lived that close.
Also glad Dr. Sharpe will keep us up-to-date in way of Paula (thank you Paula) keeping track of things through other forum.

Get Well Dear little eaglets of PH...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, it is so funny you said that because Beverly used to have a Rambo Kitty and now there is another hanging out at her house that we have named the same.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Pearl has been working on my heart all day!

MITS said...

no kidding , Sharon....I don't think we would have the same results if this happened at NCTC, unless they could call the people down at Keedysville that has the nature refuge, don't think they are equipped for eagles, but you never know...the other place would be Tri-State in DELAWARE....since our nest is not subject to the same kind of observations as SC's are

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So do we need to get some body armor and really thick gloves for somebody that lives near the nest? That would not be good!

MITS said...

didn't finish my thought, got thought is our nest is just not watched over by professional scientist like the nest out there, so if it were daytime, sure NCTC could make a call to approbiate people...really they should have some plan in effect in case this happened....Steven if you read this, any thoughts??

MITS said...

incoming our nest....

paula eagleholic said...

There is a Raptor rescue place around Baltimore they could call. Not very publicized, but it's there.

ceil said...

I think I remember that one Paula. We called them when we had a duck land on our street. They told us what to do until they got there. It has been a while.

MITS said...

well spidey's nest has taken over .

wvgal_dana said...

I see where good things did happen for "Ralph" the cat. Wonderful they got him down.

Anne-Marie said...

Well I'm home and feel like I have been through a war. I felt so helpless. all I could do is watch as the babes were carried off.I still dont understand where the parents were and why they were not in the nest. I am capable of killing for my babes.

Anne-Marie said...

I can not get in Ph did they turn it off?

Anne-Marie said...

Where is Norma?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Anne
I haven't been on most of the day. I've had the nest up hear the birds tweeting but have seen on parents. Don't know anymore than that.
I think everyone is happy the crew that hiked up there got the 2 eaglets. Yet still sad about the whole affair.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana can you see the nest?

Lolly said...

Anne Marie, they have not turned it off. I still have it on.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana I finally got it. I hear birds but not mom and pop

Anne-Marie said...

this island is very special to me. I have photos you wouldnt believe.

ceil said...

Good night everyone.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana, check you email.

deb said...

I took a break for awhile and watched Dancing. That was so hard to watch, but I had to know what happened, so I kept watching and hoping everything came out OK. What a great rescue! I want to find out how long it took them to get there after they got the word about the first chick. I will let you know, when I get it figured out.

Mema Jo said...

Just returning home from very nice evening. Must read some more on PH nest... & Helen said Paula has a video.
One comment: Keedysville Raptor Refuge would be the gal to call I think from what I read in the article. Still have it - I'll make a notation of the # - Megan said it was very close to her.
Anyhow---- Never a dull moment when Nature is involved!

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot all about Dancing

Trying to do videos from PH

Mema Jo said...

I see we SPLIT and didn't even SPIT

Mema Jo said...

Hey Nature - is that Ralph? LOL

Anne-Marie said...

I am going to try and find something to eat. I dont want to I need to. BBL

NatureNut said...

Spidey is crawling around--not con cam yet. I'm sending Rambo kitty!

deb said...

Here are times(pacific):

2:30 Paula says chick missing
2:35 Harpo calls Dave
2:47 Team assembling and leaving for nest
3:21 2nd chick missing
3:36 26 arrives with food and is in distress
3:39 26 leaves
3:49 Team arrives
3:53 Find first chick
4:01 Female asks for help
4:02 We know both chicks alive
4:10 Dave makes announcement that chicks are alive and Peter will make assessment.

NatureNut said...

Jo, I went thru some animal pics today to find one that looked like Ralph--the earlier one in the lounge chair---and this kitty was in the same folder!

Glad your back and about! Good thing you didn't see all the BP raisers before your tests!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the recap, Deb. I'm going to post that on the IWS forum also.

MITS said...

great recap, Deb, I didn't make it thru all the IWS forum posts....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

deb said...

It seemed like it lasted for ever when it was happening. It is amazing to see it really wasn't that long of time from agonizing start to a thankful ending.

Mema Jo said...

Nature - you're right! Not even a good strong BP pill would have held it down! That was just unbelievable but someone said that the eagle is the worst enemy of the eagle. OR nest was the first example for us.

Thanks Deb - that puts it all in line. I just hope the vet's report comes out soon. I am glad they will be fostered out of the hack box! I am sure someone will yell if K10 & K26 return to their nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Helen

deb said...

Dancing was good, Paula. Kristi and Mark scored a 60 for the night, Perfect.


wvgal_dana said...

Night everyone

Mema Jo said...

Nite Dana
I think I am following you........

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being offered

wvgal_dana said...

Parent eagle at PH now

Anne-Marie said...

parent at PH

Anne-Marie said...

Maybe this juvi is the same one that attacked the other nest on the island. Maybe he is making a profession out of it.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's 2 more PH more to go.

#3 of 4
Intruder attacks Skye at PH

#4 of 4
K26 returns to an empty nest

Anne-Marie said...

parent sitting at 2:00 just looking. Just trying to make sence of everything. so am I.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - no one will ever convince me that emotions are not felt by birds!
Especially parents!!!!
WOW So sad

Anne-Marie said...

I am so mad I could spit nails. Why didnt they defend the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Mom was out fishing...don't know where Dad was, mabye the same

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Mom at PH

Anne-Marie said...

parent standing in nest

paula eagleholic said...

She's eating the prey she brought earlier for the chicks

Anne-Marie said...

the female is eating. Woopie

wvgal_dana said...

It is #26 in nest

wvgal_dana said...

Is she eating what she had left in the nest?

Anne-Marie said...

I wonder where 10 is ? He is Brandons favorite.

Anne-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne-Marie said...

I wonder where 10 is ? He is Brandons favorite.

Anne-Marie said...

I sat by the hour on the deck and watched the sunset over Santa Cruz. Its so beautiful and so wild.

deb said...

I have cruised by Catalina, that is as close as I have gotten to any of the islands. (on a fishing boat)

Anne-Marie said...

Its very different from Catalina. I grew up in So Cal and the island was a favorite. Santa Cruz in wild. Old California. Beautiful

NatureNut said...

See #26 still in PH nest eaating and looking all around.

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the first video...the intruder is already on the patio area of the nest...the lower right bottom. The intruder had already attacked the nest twice before I got video going.

video 1 of 4

Intruder on the PH nest

paula eagleholic said...

No one has seen K10 yet

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Paula. I know you must be tired.

Anne-Marie said...

Paula this is what concernes me. he was the nurturing one not her, where is he?

Anne-Marie said...

she is gone. tummy filled.

deb said...

I am shutting down for today, it has been quite a day. Good night, everyone.

Anne-Marie said...

good nite Deb. sleep well

wvgal_dana said...

Night all

Anne-Marie said...

Its getting dark here too so I cant see Ph either. good Night.

Lolly said...

Just watched the video of the parent K26 returning to the nest. That broke my heart!!!!

NatureNut said...

Me too. In that one, before 26 returns there is a lot of eagle squealing. I wonder if that was her from another spot or the babies from below.?
Guess I can answer my own ?--after she was in nest I really didn't hear other sounds except her. I wonder if she was able to find and go to theem below?
Now I'm not gonna sleep, but gotta do shampoo yet & get up way early for work. :-(
Later (maybe tomorrow)

Costume Lady said...

It sounds like I have missed something really big. I'm too tired to go back and find out what it is. If it is disturbing, I won't be able to sleep.

PRAYERS (please let the problem be a small one that can correct itself)

NatureNut said...

Night Wanda (wise choice) & Everyone else hitting the hay.

Lolly said...

I have been searching for Finney's nest. No luck so far!

NatureNut said...

Isla & Angus at Scotland nest. I can't get big Fin nest up y must have changed the address.

Lolly said...

Yes, the big Fin nest is the one I was searching for, but no luck!

Time to call it a night!

Nite all, and sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it's been a long day! (I'm waiting on a video to finish of our nest :) I probably won't post it till the morning )

Here's an update from Dave Rempel from IWS who went out to rescue the PH eaglets

Hey All,

We found both chicks alive under the nest this afternoon, but after checking them over for injuries, we decided to bring them back to our facility here on the island and will be flying them both off to a vet clinic tomorrow morning. One bird has a slightly broken bill that looks like it should heal quickly, while the other may have a broken wing. They'll both get a thorough vet exam tomorrow and we'll fill you all in on the results as soon as we can. We'll also post some pictures tomorrow morning of rescue effort. Both birds seem to be doing extremely well considering what they've gone through today. We'd like to thank the cam watchers that gave us the 'heads-up' earlier today and alerted us to the happenings on the nest. It helps to have so many people keeping an eye on things when we can't.


paula eagleholic said...

And another update from Ingrid.

Hi everyone,

It's been a long, stressful day but both chicks are in our care and safe....

We had been returning from our boat survey when Dave Remple got a call from someone that one of the PH chicks was missing from the nest. We grabbed our gear and sped down to the trailhead. Today was the fastest we have ever hiked to PH nest!!!
Just before arriving at the command center we saw one of the parents fighting off an intruder eagle. We tried to get some of it on film (video and pics to follow). We also had to do some reconnaisance before we made our move, so Cedrick went to the blind, Dave went to hook up the computer, Matt was filming and I went to the command center to check out what was happening in the nest. When the power was on in the command center, Dave and I immediately saw that both chicks were gone from the nest.
Dave, Cedrick and I rushed down to the nest to look for the chicks while Matt filmed. Dave found Wobble (sorry, I still call them Wobble and Bobble) first, just below the nest and under some brush. Wobble has a cracked bill, but seems to be okay otherwise. Cedrick found Bobble lower down the slope, also under some brush. That was when you guys heard me calling for Matt to come and help us gather the birds. Both birds were very alert, which is a good sign. Cedrick and I got Bobble, and all of us returned to the command center, called Peter Sharpe and Dave Garcelon. Dave R. did a medical assessment. Sadly Bobble has a broken wing. We put raptor hoods on the chicks and placed them in soft carrier bags. We got out gear together and hiked back to the vehicle, all the while craddling the chicks like newborn infants, checking to make sure they were watered, cool and comfortable. We returned to the base and cleaned up Wobble's bill and Dave taped Bobble's wing. They were both fed and medicated. They are now both sleeping soundly and seem to be doing well. Tommorow they will be flown to the mainland for veterinary care.
As for the intruder bird, we will be looking at the GPS data as it comes in and hopefully we'll be able to ID it soon. Indeed it was a SC born bird, sub-adult, and probably a 3 year old.
I'm not sure the chicks will be returned to the nest anytime, if at all. That's up to the vets, Peter Sharpe and David Garcelon.
Thanks to all of you for the postings. We were able to peice things together from the postings and clips. Keep it up and of course thank you all for your faith in us! We did out best!!!

I hope this fills in some of the gaps...

paula eagleholic said...

And there is an issue with the Norfolk has a lesion on its beak. They are going to biopsy it on Thursday.

NatureNut said...

Thx so much Paula.
If I DO get to work, will try to find a 'puter to use! Maybe can check PH forum.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Rain yet again! Started out light, but it's pouring now. 43° in PA, 51° here. Ugh, I'm definately ready for some sun!
Can't see our kids at all, just see an eaglet foot through the web. Destiny is in the BWE nest alone and doesn't appear to be wet. Rain started shortly after 3, so it may not be raining there yet. Read Paula's update from Ingrid...sure hope Bobble and Wobble make it alright. And I didn't know about the NBG chick! Hope he's alright too. Darn, we want healthy chicks! Jackdaw babies are alone and getting bigger, Finland nest is up and sunny, and I got Finney's nest up! New URL, but they got the connection fixed. Scottish osprey cam is totally black, hoping it will come up shortly.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, nothing but computer problems this morning. This one just flat out quit! Had to use my magic on/off switch (pull the plug) and restart. So if I fade out shortly, you'll know why. Other one's doing the same thing. Oh joy, gonna be a fun day fighting with equipment. Later.

Suzanne said...

Well, darn, bringing cams back up, Finney's nest is showing a pic from Sunday, and it's not updating. Bummer!

Suzanne said...

We still have just one chick in Scotland, Isla just got up and is talking to him. He's looking at her like, where is the food????? Destiny appears to be trying to leave the nest. He gets totally off cam at times. Can see 2 feet now that belong to one eagle on our nest, but that's about it. Oh, zooming in Scotland. No more egg cracks, and baby is watching mom move around the nesst now. Darn, I hope they hatch, at least one of them! Holding head up better today, not as wobbly. Not quite up to moving around tho, that's a fall down and go boom when that's tried. Think we're waiting for Angus to show up with lunch.

Suzanne said...

Mom is showing baby the fine art of osprey grooming and wing flapping. He's taking it all in!

Suzanne said...

Well, grooming finished, Angus is a no show at the moment, so mom's getting back on baby and eggs. No leftovers in the nest, so the little mouth that keeps peeping is gonna have to wait. She sure is careful getting back in that egg cup!

Suzanne said...

Aww, they're showing other feedings. Mom takes 2 or 3 bites between the bites she gives the baby, but it takes the baby that long to get his bites down the hatch. As soon as he's ready, he gts another bite. Now it's night. Sure do like this site, seems you never miss anything, can see it again later. Oh, now back to present time. How very cool!

Suzanne said...

Mom just flew off nad left baby, and baby's not too happy about that. Looking at the sky and peeping occassionally. Zooming in on the little cutie! Here comes a parent back, may be Angus. Oh, moving a stikc outta baby's way, but now it's stuck. Ok, he got it out of his beak. Nudged chick, yup, he's ok. Slowly stepping back, toes curled. No, that's Isla, cause there goes the beak! Can't see necklace. Baby trying to come over to meet mom, but mom working on sitting on chick. Moving moss, moving eggs with beak and tucking baby in.

Suzanne said...

Had an impromptu meeting. Looks like one of our kids is on the tree! BWE parent is in the nest, but I don't see either of the kids! Parent appears to be eating. Scotland baby just got fed, now getting settled under mom. Turkeys in PA, and the falcons are trying to get settled. sorta. Oh, our nest just got psychadelic, darn. German storks are getting fed also. MBG eaglet in nest alone. Hope that baby is gonna be alright! That's all folks, back to work.

Suzanne said...

BWE parent just left, nest is totally MT. No leftovers for the kids, even. No surprise there. 2 ospreys in BWO.

Suzanne said...

Our pic is back, poor kids are soaked. One is still on the perch, about as high as he can go. or she.

Suzanne said...

2 racoons on the ground in OK.

Suzanne said...

NBG eaglet getting fed. Our kids looking over the nest, one on perch hasn't moved. Scotland baby also getting fed. PA falcons have finally gone to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Both BWO kids took off again.

Chrissy Beahan said...

OMG, OMG,,,OMG,,,,


Second chick just breaking through it's shell in Scotland,,,, AND I'M WATCHING IT LIVE !!!!!!!
OH be still my heart, this is stupendious,, I wish you all could see this.

sorry got to run and watch somemore

speak when it's hatched,,

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

We have an egg hatching in Scotland! Chick is farther out now than about 10 minutes ago. Thought it was a feather caught on the egg and blowing in the wind, but it's getting bigger now and out it's coming! Baby is still getting fed while other one is coming out in the world. How cool is that! Egg on the left if anybody is watching.

Suzanne said...

Feeding time is over, so baby turned around and is gonna use both eggs as pillows. Ok, finally zooming. Yup her comes baby number 2. Wait a sec mom.... I want to see. Oh, mom just poked baby on the head, so he's got his neck on both eggs and gonna go to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Well, darn, now it doesn't look like a hatching. There is a feather there, so that's probably when I have been seeing. Well, just darn! Here comes dad with another huge fish. And off he went... with the fish. Still pleanty of leftovers in nest.

Suzanne said...

Hi Chrissy! I thought so too, but then when they just zoomed in, couldn't tell. isn't this exciting????

Belle has arrived in our nest. Psycho colors now in BWE. And Belle has just left our nest.

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

Chrissy Beahan said...

HI pet

did you see the extream close up just now,,, they put the cam right on the hatching egg, oh noy it's going to be a good day for babies,, and Isla is just taking it all in her stride isn't she,,, ooooo daddys just turned up,, I bet he is saying,, " Well old deae,, I hope this one is my son and heir" ???

don't you just love them,, i've never seen a hatching before,, I'm just over the moon,, right going back to watch.

loves yah


Suzanne said...

Chrissy, it's awesome! Looks like baby is getting more food at the moment.

Chrissy, new thread. See you over there, heading that way....

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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...