Friday, May 02, 2008


New thread. Picture from Jo--check out that wingspan!


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ceil said...

Morning Megan. Hope the rest of your day is better. How is the sleep over going?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Ceil

floralgirl said...

All is quiet now- they were noisy, really noisy until around 3 am..5 teenage girls...somehow hubby sleeps thru it all, I got about 3 hrs.

ceil said...

Morning Dana. I better get some tea and breakfast I am seeing double. somehow I posted twice.BBL

ceil said...

Megan I miss the sleep overs. Have only one son always had boys over. Even when he went away to college the boys that didn't would drop in for supper. Computer giving me problems saying incorrect password

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew it with some kind of food almost sounds like a turtle. I don't know???

wvgal_dana said...

No maybe it is a fish. Two getting fed and one standing back just watching.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan are you getting the 30 sec refresh or LF?

floralgirl said...

I can't open the 30 sec cam page anymore again- I have the live feed up but the sound down. ANd I walked away cause I am making pancakes, bacon, eggs, etc. I've been up since 5 and I am hungry...

floralgirl said...

And I just turned the speakers on, but I have live feed but no sound.

wvgal_dana said...

Sniff Sniff oh that smells so good Megan....going to take a nap and dream with the scent of bacon, toast, egg and coffee....bbl

Our eaglets are fed parent flew off.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, so sorry for you and the Wrens. It is a joy to watch them hatch and being cared for by the parents and then try to fly. We have neighbor's cats who visit us for our birds also. Like DANA, I also throw rocks at them.
SLEEP-OVERS...I enjoyed them almost as much as the girls did. Really missed having the house full of teens after our girls left home. You are a good Mom, allowing the sleep-overs. Many Mom's don't want the responsibility or work that goes into a sleep-over.

floralgirl said...

Hey Wanda:) sleepovers-gotta love them..never had one when I was a child(don't ask), think it is real important to let daughter have friends over, it is her house too. Not a lot of work, just requires a lot of junk food- and a large trash bag. Oh, and a little patience. I remember being a teenager, notihng better than a close group of friends.

floralgirl said...

new SAturday thread

MITS said...
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Anne-Marie said...

Is anyone getting live feed?

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...