Monday, March 04, 2024

3/4/24 3 🥚 now


More bedding 
Some snips found the close up camera from four o'clock in the morning to correct

612 Scout to the nest 613 Bella out 6:13 scout out 613 Scout back 811 Scout gets up starts calling off out and then he takes off toward the Grove a few seconds later 8:11 Bella returns from the same direction that Scout went 8:35 Scout on the scene Bella calls out 836 out of here he goes toward the road no COG he has blood on the side of his head does look like he has an injury if you go close up 840 scout arrives with bedding she was not pleased. 842 to LOP 844 he poof from there Is Bella made real good use of the beddng? 908 she wiggled down on the egg, she made The Great Wall of Bella LOL. 921 Scout returns with another load of bedding 922 up to the lop he goes 927 he leaves from the Lop she means incubating. 116 Bella gets up off Egberts and leaves from The Nest heads toward the road 617 Bella comes back to Nest from the other side of the Grove there and she's chirping and she comes in like she's ordering dinner 118 back to incubating after a brief egg roll quick video of zipping of the feathers. 359 Scout comes floating with a load of bedding  and from the right side the road area Bella squeals with like that is not what I was expecting no food as of yet that I have seem delivered today they do eat off the nest though as we can see from their crops when they come in but he's got to step it up and bring food for learning that he's going to have to feed the babes.. she goes up to the lop and poofs from there toward the road and the grove area Scout watches  her as she flies away and you know looks around like okay do I leave or do I stay lol I can see one of the eggs I'm sure the other one is further down c o g may have food in it it looks furry he look like he was pulling fur but Bella left anyway.. 447 Bella flies and Lands on the lop. Scout Gets up off the egg. Birds and flies up to the lap and mating commences. .  Then he proves from that position Bella goes down and incubate COG Yahoo, we have a third egg 527 approximately. Looks like she went into labor or egg laying position. You could see her setting high up in the cup. And then when she did not give us paint for a while but you didn't see pictures of the 3 eggs. We don't want to as probably not viable is the congratulations to the lovely coupleYahoo, we have a third egg 

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...