Friday, April 02, 2010


Fresh thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve.
Happy Easter to you and you family, and all the staff at NCTC


magpie said...

I posted a reminder on the other thread...

Red Friday today, in grateful honor of our Military Personnel here and around the world...Veterans, and Active Duty

magpie said...

in younger days, our family would observe quiet time from Noon to Three, a Catholic tradition and maybe other denominations also, in reverence to the time of the Crucifixion at Calgary....

Hope today is a good day, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness and Safety
(( hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Mags!

That was so cool to see Palmer all by himself in that deep egg cup.

Beautiful day for the little guy to get some sun.

wvgal_dana said...

Today is Good Friday---soon Easter will arrive.

Good Morning to Everyone on board Friday's comments and also to those coming into Friday's comments.

Yesterday I did succeed in mowing the lawn. Boy I hurt but I am going to continue to try it.

Sad about the Sutton OK eaglet. Sure hope they find it and maybe they can make the egg cup a little bigger for the eaglets. I sure hope that find it and it is healthy.

As for our nest at this time parent is keeping Palmer warm in the early cool of the morning.

NO joke yesterday would have been my Fathers Birthday (88)

wvgal_dana said...

It sounds like a Palmer is really peeping under parent.

stronghunter said...

Good morning! I enjoyed sleeping in this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Hay Jimremember back when Pink Kitten became my avatar. People couldn't get over it was PINK.....well it is EASTER. lol

stronghunter said...

Yummies for Palmer.

stronghunter said...


Costume Lady said...

I've been watching Belle (or Lib, not sure) taking fluff out of the egg cup. Do you suppose she knows it's going to be in the 80s today and wants to make Palmer a little cooler bedroom?:)
This evening, for our Family Night dinner, I am having our Easter Meal, so that my girls can be free Sunday to be with their OTHER family and friends. So, Gene and I will be busy today preparing for that. So...if I don't have a chance to pop on here anymore today, have a wonderful Good Friday and keep cool♥

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda, Gene and Family have a BLESSED EASTER DINNER tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew out. Palmer all alone.

wvgal_dana said...

I think Palmer just woke. Started moving his/her body.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew back in.

NatureNut said...

Blessed Good Friday to all.

Dana, someone sent me the pink kitty couple years ago in an email & it was called a "flower Kitty". I saved it in my pics!So cute.

Gotta shuffle off to work--probably won't get to Stations of the Cross, but will still have a moment of silence around 3PM.

Mema Jo said...

Good Blessed Friday morning to all! There is so much to be thankful for this season. The flowering trees are so beautiful - I need to google for the Cherry Blossom of DC - I lost my cam that Mits gave me earlier.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Loretta it is like "Stop and Smell the Flowers". ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Loretta and Mema Jo on this Good Friday...with Easter soon on Sunday.
Have A Blessed Good Friday and Easter.

normabyrd said...

It certainly is a perfect GOOD FRIDAY DAY!---The SUN is shining--blue skies & yellow flowers blooming!!---the birds are chirping!---LIFE IS GOOD!---SENDING LOVE to all the EAGLE MOMSTERS & DADSTERS!---GIVE THANKS ---ENJOY & SHARE YOUR LOVE!!---

normabyrd said...

WISHING the MOUNTAINEERS THE BEST & PRAY WE BEAT that other school--you know--"DUKE"! ho!

Mits said...

Good Friday blessings to all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Good Friday everybody! I reckon I am heading to WV after while.

Mits said...

re: owl cam....
Hi Everyone,
We are terribly sorry for the frustrations of the camera being down. We hear your complaints loud and clear and assure you that our intent is nothing other than keeping the camera live. Unfortunately that isnt always within our control. I will say that everyone on all ends are working hard to keep it live. We are hoping that the great help at WildEarth can figure out what happened with the signal and send it back to all of you as soon as possible. Especially since we have a hatch on our hands. Please stay patient and stay tuned and we hope to be back up and running again soon. Thank you.

Fri, April 2, 2010 at 8:21 AM | Minnesota Bound

Mema Jo said...

Mits thanks for finding that about the Owl cam. I will pray they find the problem and stay patient. Hope Lynne sees your remark.
They are really ready to have a hatch and by the time we get back on line, a little white fuzzy Hooter may be in that nest.

Mema Jo said...

Going for Street Clothes........ BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I'll be rooting with you for those Mountaineers to down Duke!

Safe journey to WV Sharon!

Now I'll BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - sorry to say the OK chick did not survive the fall :(

Welcome back, Norma!

movin said...


GooD MorninG


A Joyous Easter

to you all.

"Do not abandon yourselves
to despair.
We are the Easter people
and hallelujah is our song."
-- Pope John Paul II




Lynne2 said...

Mits thanks for the info on the owl cam! Hope they get fixed soon...

Margy, when I was a little girl, my best friend Valerie and I used to pack little lunches, and from noon to 3 on Good Friday we'd go to church, come back to her house and sit under the dogwood tree and talk about Jesus. Then at 3 we'd eat our lunches.

Heading off for a while....

BEagle said...

Lady O in Oregon was covered in snow. She got up and shook it off about an hour ago, rolled the eggs and wiggled back down. Now she is almost entirely covered with snow again. Just a smidgen of her is showing. Long winters in Oregon.

Was not able to help find another forum at the OK nest. It appears the people who comment didn't see the fate of the little eaglet.

Palmer looks healthy and robust. The two at TH do also.

stronghunter said...

Can someone give me the link to the Oregon cam?

BEagle said...

BEagle said...

Oops I sent OK. Here ya go.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

It looks like Palmer and the egg cup are getting aired out. Lib or Belle? is providing shade.

stronghunter said...

Thanks BEagle. Took me a bit to get my computer to allow it, but I finally got it. Very snowy. Looks like our nest awhile back. Tough for the eagles.

BEagle said...

It does look like a replay of our nest. Haven't seen a lot of activity so I don't know if Cascade is feeding her. Maybe THAT is Cascade on the nest. ???
It will be good to see the outcome.
If incubation is 35 days, it will be early May before a hatch.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at Palmer stretched out in the egg cup, can start to see those big feet. Parent providing shade, not sure which one!

paula eagleholic said...

A lot more sticks at BWO, hope we get a nest there!

Parent at BWE with chicks, I think it's eating time.

paula eagleholic said...

Bet those nestovers are really starting to smell good! Not!

paula eagleholic said...

So where is everyone?

hedgie said...

Good Good Frideay afternoon to all.
Jim, loved your iteration from John Paul!
Loved my chances to be in town last evening and this morning: saw so many lovely flowering trees!!
First thing today at 6:30, I had 9 turkey out back! Hadn't seen any in a while, so glad they are still near!
So much here I should be doing, but think I need a nap!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am here but getting ready to head to WV. Will check in from there!

hedgie said...

I got a 2nd census form today....mailed back the first one as soon as I got it...hmmm. Typical waste of taxpayer money!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice fresh fish delivery by Lib!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle off to the left , heard some calling ... Palmer snoozing in the bowl.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in from the right, attacking the fish...I think it's Belle but not positive.

Nice poop shoot by Palmer out of the nest! Think he's ready for lunch!

BEagle said...

It looks like Belle helping herself to the new fish. Or is that LIB

paula eagleholic said...

On second thought, that might be Lib coz eagle is munching on nestovers, not the resh stuff....Palmer headed his way

BEagle said...

Palmer is OUT OF THE NEST. I missed seeing that one! Heading for the food. WOW. What a sight!!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent walked to back of nest, Palmer still up front

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is by the nestover at 6, fresh fish is untouched.

BEagle said...

Palmer is NOT getting help with the fish. GO BACK Palmer.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer looks like a sea turtle, using those winglets to scoot himself along, now facing noonish...eagle in the bowl, digging.

paula eagleholic said...

That's gotta be Lib, tenting an MT egg cup! Palmer making his way back

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer finally getting some shade under parent

movin said...

Channel Island Reports

A really upbeat and interesting Catalina Report this week... and a Northern Isle Report, which I haven't read yet.

Enjoy the read and the clips.



movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

If I disappear, I am having some problems with the Blogger. I got knocked off and had some trouble getting back on.

hedgie said...

Whew....made it back on. Blogger cop was blocking me for quite a while!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, you and me both! And Jim gets a triple!! Argh!

movin said...

Same thing happened to me, Hedgie, except I got those repetitions first.

Guess I'd better delete them.



hedgie said...

Lovely pics from Catalina and Santa Cruz for sure!!!

movin said...

I deleted one, but now I don't see a trash can icon on the remaining two.

Anybody know how I can delete one more copy of that comment??



movin said...

Found the blockage. The blog had signed me out somehow. Now that I'm back on, I see the cans again.



paula eagleholic said...

I couldn't get in for an hour!

Howdy all!

hedgie said...

Answered your email on Yahoo, Paula....we were all blocked!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yahoo mail has been as bad as the blog today...frustrating!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, seagull for lunch at PH...

paula eagleholic said...

It's not lunch yet, but it's there for later! Check it out.

hedgie said...

Here's a link to the article about the meeting I attended last night.

County Dog Ordinance

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone.

T-Bird said...

I got home from work and it's like Belle and Palmer are posing for me.

T-Bird said...

Now Liberty has come to visit me too. Aren't I special. LOL

glo said...

Hi everyone. Just wanting to stop by and wish you all a Blessed eater weekend. I hope this posts i see there have been Blogger problems today.

magpie said...

Of course T-Bird ♥

You, and Everyone on Here, visible or not ☺

magpie said...

Well I guess I really meant that last comment LOL !

magpie said...

saw the gull at PH Paula...
lots of meals there with that-
patooie - feathers!

hedgie said...

Just got a good capture of adult and Palmer....on my Lair!

hedgie said...

Thelma, you've got mail!
Hello to all chiming in this late afternoon. Much hazier sunshine today, so not as hot as yesterday!

stronghunter said...

Excellent picture, Lynn. I left a comment for you.

magpie said...

Same to you Glo....thanks...

New Spring Update for April 2 posted
on our cam daily page
thanks Steve...

nest looks great, live feed just about perfect

love all that straw on there

T-Bird said...

u 2 glo

magpie said...

2 chicks in nice view at Ft. St. Vrain, little escape artist is staying close to his sibling

movin said...

Wow! Look how much more lumber the Ospreys at BWO have moved into the nest today!

I've got to take care of business here, so I'll talk to you later.

Hope you have a good, and beneficial, Easter weekend.



magpie said...

Same wishes for you Jim
You're right about BWO !

magpie said...

seems like everything around here that can bloom and blossom, is....
from such a winter...this beauty develops

Work week-end for me, bottoms and tops...time to TTFN

Best wishes to all, Precious Pals
Hope there are special Easter Blessings for each of you and your families

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Wonderful Afternoon to All...
I have been up west and the trees are blooming all over and the daffodils are still all in place along the interstate! Came the back way from Hagerstown to Sharpsburg to Boonsboro.
I have 2 hanging baskets of the tiny bell flowers that the Hummers love. I'll have to ask Megan to alert me when she sees her hummers return.

OC Boardwalk is shoulder to shoulder on the cam that Mits sent me.

hedgie said...

Jim, the osprey are finally getting serious!!!! So good to see.

hedgie said...

Oh....John Forsythe passed away. He was 92. Always liked him in everything he did!! But he'll always be Charlie to me!!

hedgie said...

DC Ch. 9 sports reporter is in Martinsburg to do a report about the 'eers and the big game! Coming up next.

hedgie said...

Power out at Hornby since early morning their time due to storm.

Mits said...

also Sidney nest is down and Ceil told me that Delta nest is completely gone, that cam is up and working, but winds are fierce and loud...

Mits said...

that is Sidney nest cam, not the nest.

Mits said...

that was Delta old nest

hedgie said...

Talking to myself.....hmmmm, NOT a good sign!

floralgirl said...

Hummer migration map

hedgie said...

Oh, hi, Mits!!! Guess those Santa Ana winds are really rough! Hope they get things fixed!

Mits said...

they said power should be back on around 11 tonight, then cam has to be rebooted, by raptorman

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone. Going to shut down farmhouse office, but had to share also the beautiful spring that is here today. Have been doing a crummy multiple update job & went outside & one of our beautiful signs of spring flew onto the sidewalk~~~they are the small brilliant emerald green tiger beetles!They seem to like sunny walkways, paths, etc. & run & fly away when anything comes near. Got camera & one walked almost to my foot!All day we hear a hawk, but can't see it. Then an OSPREY flew high above the pond~~didn't land. The deer are out now, a robin did a serenade right outside the kitchen door, groundhog stopped about 6 feet from window & stood up! I might not go home ☺ Later~~~

BEagle said...

Good evening.

There is sunshine on the OR nest.

PA Nana said...

Good Friday greetings everyone. I've been keeping the afternoon quiet from noon - 3:00 PM. No tv, computer, etc.

Having trouble with this pc and went to the laptop to do some catching up.
Really am slow using it, but it is what is was.

BEagle, I tried the link for the eagle cam and I got a "page not available." It offered me the main site, which I tried, but couldn't find any cams. Must've done something wrong?

Our live cam is good today, but I'm wondering why I answer that I'm still watching, then wait 27 seconds until I have to hit the live eagle cam arrow. I sometimes forget this and end up watching a still cam. Duh...

Blog is acting funny too or it's my pc.

Need to consider supper.
... later

BEagle said...

Palmer is trying to walk out of the egg cup but it's a little too steep in in that direction.

hedgie said...

Well, Megan, that plotting map is cool!
Have you seen any yet?

hedgie said...

Hi Dianne and BEagle! Yeah, blog has been funny this afternoon.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Megan, I need to get my hummer feeders out.

... now to supper

BEagle said...

May be if you Google
Oregon Eagle's nest cam you may get to the cam easier.

When I brought up Google yesterday it said Topeka! My son informed me of all the April Fool's jokes going on in the networks and that was one. I guess You Tube put some videos out in text to play a joke.

The pictures on the Channel Island Reports are gorgeous. The Middle Ranch BE nest is situated so beautifully overlooking the water.

BEagle said...

The blog went out earlier. It was stuck around 2:15 or so. It was stuck on one of Paula's notes about that time.

I took a Panda nap! : )

Mema Jo said...

Checking on some cams... 2 days ago
The hack tower camera is being repaired

We miss Noah, but know he is practicing flying and waiting for the big day when the hack tower doors are opened.

I think that Noah would just be sitting there and eating what he was being fed. Too early I think for him to be thinking about flying. He should only be 8 or 9 wks old.

BEagle said...

There's a picture of a hummingbird on the Channel Island reports that Movin' posted earlier. The 3rd "forum" topic down. The post person called it an Anna Hummingbird but it has red near the throat and pretty green wings.

BEagle said...

Both parents on our nest. Both enjoying a meal.

Mits said...

Sidney nest cam back on , rainy, windy, poor eagle calling out loudly...sounds like a hurricane

BEagle said...

Lib is sharing with Palmer.

stronghunter said...

I have the Sidney cam up next to ours. What a contrast. Domestic bliss at our cam. One wet miserable eagle in a storm at the Sidney cam.

Mits said...

Shirley the poor thing called out and when no one cam, she got up moved the eggs and looked for nestovers...then quickly got back on the eggs

stronghunter said...

I read your message and that's why I checked, but I didn't hear any calling. I took a picture. It is pretty depressing. It looks like she is saying, "What a revolting development this is."

Mits said...

I have audio on the Sidney nest.

stronghunter said...

I saw something really strange on CNN earlier today. I tried to find a link to a video, but was unsuccessful.

A little girl climbed all the way inside one of those machines full of stuffed animals that you can win if you pick them up with a grabber. It showed her go up inside the thing, then jump around inside with a horrified adult on the outside.

I could just imagine myself in the adult's position. Supposed they took the machine apart? Or maybe they coaxed the kid to come out the way she went in?

stronghunter said...

I had audio, too, Mits. It sounded awful.

stronghunter said...

That's "Suppose they took the machine apart?"

Mema Jo said...

Right below the Sidney cam is the video of what just went on with the intruder. The viewers think it was one of the juvies. That wind almost blew her out of the nest - poor thing!
And yes, she was calling out big time
on the video. I would have a heart attach watching that as it happened...I am looking now as she is hunkered down on those eggs.
I do have sound - the wind sound for right now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Shirley, Helen, BEagle, et al.!

Just got in from transplanting a few of my Martha Washington geraniums. Three more to go, and I'll be done. Tomorrow is another day.

Haven't caught up on the blog yet. Hope you are all having a wonderful Good Friday. The weather here today has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! The high was about 65, the sun's been shining, and it's breezy but not TOO windy. The weather, combined with what day it is (Good Friday) certainly makes one appreciative, to say the very least!

Mema Jo said...

Bet they got the idea from a news clip from some time ago that showed a little boy who did the same thing - don't remember if I checked it out on snopes or not.

Mema Jo said...

Question: Sidney cam - is it trying to snow or rain?

Mits said...

hard to tell, Jo, don't know what the temp is there...could be blossoms from trees

Mits said...

I love geraniums, Andrea

Mema Jo said...

Breaking for some TV


stronghunter said...

Found the news story about the little boy and the video of the little girl. The story says the store removed the machine the little boy got stuck in. It took a locksmith an hour to get him out.

Here is the little girl:

Kid in Claw Machine

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

I think it is sleeting in Sidney.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Wow, really quiet at the nest, wind has finally settled down...wasn't sure my cam was on!

Yup it's on, heard a Palmer chirp :)

paula eagleholic said...

Got my first night of mowing knocked out...backyard is tomorrow.

What a nice spring evening!

stronghunter said...

Weather report in Sidney--temps in 40's and rain, but I still think there is some sleet at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Noah will be 7 weeks old this week, well today.

Palmer will be 2 weeks old.

paula eagleholic said...

Noah will be 7 weeks old this week, well today.

Palmer will be 2 weeks old.

paula eagleholic said...

Noah will be 7 weeks old this week, well today.

Palmer will be 2 weeks old.

stronghunter said...

When I got home from work on Wednesday, Will had mowed the grass. Yea!!

paula eagleholic said...

Great, no posts, now triple posts. I ain't deleting it!

paula eagleholic said...

I see the gull is still at PH


BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up on the update, Margy.

BEagle said...

Good evening. It looks like two spidey!

BEagle said...

Whew. The Sidney nest looks like it's going to blow away.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my poor Oregon eagle looks like our Belle did.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my poor Oregon eagle looks like our Belle did.

Judie said...

Good evening everyone and goodnight. Hope everyone had a lovely day and will have a good night's restful sleep.

Thank all who have sent special Easter cards and thoughts. They are appreciated.

BEagle said...

Lady O is covered in snow again.

hedgie said...

We hear you, hear you, hear you, Paula!!!! Yes, Palmer will be 2 weeks on Sunday!!!

BEagle said...

There's an echo on the blog and some is posted on the green screen and not on the white screen.


hedgie said...

Hi and bye, Judie!
Hello to ALL those coming in recently!
Feeling very sorry for those poor mommas in Sidney and Oregon. Looked like sleet to me at Sidney, too.
Temp has dropped quickly here since it got dark. Instead of changing shirts, I think it's time for a bath and nightgown! BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

It's the stupid blog posting several times.

You get green blog if you delete and say return to blog...then I always click on Shep eagle cam daily at top to get back to white blog.

BEagle said...

I just tried that but when I click at the Shep Eagle CD, I go back to the green main menu. Maybe I clicked the wrong place.

I go to the last post and click Post a Comment to go to the white screen.

stronghunter said...

That is how I get to the white blog, BEagle.

stronghunter said...

Actually, I click on the number of comments.

BEagle said...

That's works. When I click the Shep Eagle Cam Daily on the white screen, it will take me back to the green screen.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, takes you to the main screen. Thanks for other tips, I'll use those now!

BEagle said...

The "Kid in Claw Machine" was interesting. I would have been screaming. Children can be fearless.

How long has that storm been going on at Sidney?

BEagle said...

It would be nice to get tips to eliminate tons of scrolling.

BEagle said...

spidey made another appearance. gone again.

It's interesting to note that with all that wind in Sidney, nothing is blowing off the nest. Good nest making I suppose.

Mits said...

I eliminate the scrolling by having the posts sent to my email...goes faster.

BEagle said...


Mits said...

think some were asking last night about getting faves in order...I have files in my favs of different things, pandas, eagles, hawks, TV and radio stations, recipes, places I buy from etc....when I add a new one...I right click on it, go to sort by name and it alphabetizes it...everything is neat and tidy and easily found...

hedgie said...

Sometimes when I post, it automatically comes back up at the last then I only have to scroll all the way up to post another comment. Makes it easier than trying to find my last post to catch up!

stronghunter said...

It seems to me that it is always windy at those nests--Sidney and especially Delta. It is always blowing at Delta.

BEagle said...

I have noticed, too, that the last post is marked, it's just not doing it at the moment.

hedgie said...

My favs started out being placed alphabetically.....but it must have reached a limit because then it started just putting newest at bottom of list. However, when Firefox picked them up on installation, it put them in order!

BEagle said...

I haven't looked for Delta yet. Does anyone know how strong those winds are?

Belle's moving around a little.

hedgie said...

Ha! I right-clicked in the fav box (opened) and it had a Sort by Name option. Chose it and now they are in A- Z order again!!! Thanks, Mits! Sure will make it easier to find things!

stronghunter said...

I think I read that the Delta nest is gone. Is that right? The camera is still there, but it is not directed the same way it was. I just see windblown trees there.

Mema Jo said...

Well I am back from my TV show The Medium - guess what - TO BE CONTINUED
Just my luck - I just hope I remember to tune in next time it's on.

Mema Jo said...

Don't scroll all the way up
Do CTRL Home or CTRL End

You need to take the cursor out of the
Leave Your Comment box.

Mits said...

that is the old delta nest, they have not used it the last 2 yrs, is what I have been med show on CBS...going to watch it

stronghunter said...

BEagle, I guess if it had been my child in the claw machine, I would have been able to stay calm because of the child, but I have to say it upset me when I saw it on CNN.

It does make me wonder if those machines should be childproofed. I can see why the store where the little boy was involved removed the machine.

stronghunter said...

I was kind of amused by the kid calmly washing the door glass while all of the excitement was going on. Then he just washed the machine. Kind of like he was thinking, "Oh well, another day at work."

paula eagleholic said...

On mine you can just page up and page down as well.

I'll have to try that alphabetizing...

paula eagleholic said...

Hey that's awesome, all alphabetized. Thank you!

Lolly said...

Well, that was neat! Just did ctrl/home...thanks, Jo.

Hi all! I am home and I am exhausted! Had an extremely busy day at Laurel's. Joey is doing great! He took two walks today and sat in his chair all day. Actually he snored the afternoon away!

Jacob was good all day. Had only one moment of being mad at me. I would not let him eat a can of tomato paste. Yes, I know, I am a mean grandmommy! lol

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - the window cleaning young man would probably have gone home and left that kid in the machine. He was so nonchalant about it all. While on YouTube there were quite a few other videos about other children who got inside of those machines. One little guy was crying his eyes out while others were having a blast with all the toys.

BEagle said...

That was a cinch. got my cams in A-Z order.

Now to try the P up and P down or C Home..whatever.

I probably would have remained calm if it were my child also. I remember remaining calm with my little one. It's the only way to get what to do next.

I guess some children like to figure out how to get their hands on those stuffed animals.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Let me know how you like the new med show Miami Medical. Hubby walking by telling me I wasn't missing much!

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope that BWO get a good many more sod balls to fill up those holes.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Yes, I did come home. Collected lots of daffodils/jonquils from woods next to pond at work. I'll have to find out if they were originally planted before small trees grew. Mine only lasted 2 years :( , but these must have been around for decades.
Wanted to do new pics, but after dinner, eyeballs took a nap!
Hope all the BC nests survive. I didn't read everything, but thought someone said a bird bailed at OK nest!? Was it seen?
For those of you hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Happy Easter to All :>). I know who our favorite Easter chick is!

stronghunter said...

There are holes in the osprey nest at BWO?

stronghunter said...

A baby eaglet fell out of the OK nest and died.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to go upstairs. I, too, hope the BC nests survive, and the eagles in them as well. I am sure the adults will be okay, but the eggs are another matter. I think the Oregon nest is probably in the most danger, though.

NatureNut said...

Found OK home site & learned about chick--didn't make it--seems that's a crummy dead tree & nest is an old hawks' nest--too small.

BEagle said...

Egg roll on sidney nest.

BEagle said...

Egg roll done quickly and efficiently.

BEagle said...

Palmer's moving around a little. Adapting to the night air?

paula eagleholic said...

Old Sidney nest is completely gone! Guess is got blown away!

BEagle said...

The wind is up at the OR nest. Maybe it will blow the snow storms away.

BEagle said...

Is this the first night Palmer is not covered?

hedgie said...

Well, gee....Ctrl-Home or End doesn't work for me. And paging up&down barely moves it at all!!! Just will have to keep scrolling!!
But cool that we all learn something new, isn't it?
Jo, no----Ed is right. You didn't iss much. I was not impressed.

hedgie said...

Sending Get Well wishes to RED. Saw on FB that he was in the hospital for 3 days.

BEagle said...

You have to take your cursor out of the box where you type your comment.
Click anywhere outside the box. Then don't use .

Use your "home" or "end" depending on what direction you need to go in.
My Page up or down only goes a short distance.

Try it and let me know if it works.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

It's still 60 here, so probably a few degrees warmer at nest. Air stirring, but far from cold! Palmer should be regulating his body temp now.

Hey, Lowreeda.....sounds like you'll have a lot of planting to do! Hope everything makes it.

Think I said something about the size of that nest last week.....TOO small!!

hedgie said...

Nope, BEagle....still doesn't work---at least not on netbook!

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED