Saturday, August 30, 2008


Weekend thread.


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MITS said...

Lun was in labor for 35 hours with her 1st cub Mei...she is a pro now......tired off to bed...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a very good day!!

Good Night to All

Peace to you & yours

Prayers for all our needs being said

Wake up Mason! There is a new
panda cam and you are also missing
a gig down at the Blue Moon!!!

movin said...

How are you all doing??

Sure sounds like a lot of excitement with the new baby Panda!!

And I found a new entry in the Panda blog at SD. The bluie link is below.



Panda blog

NatureNut said...

Hopefully we will soon see better, but put 2 pics of "part" of panda baby on blog.

Now we won't have to stay up all night or move a lounge chair in front of the computer!!

NatureNut said...

Hi Jim, Neat info! When is the SD baby's 1st birthday again?

Since we're short on eagles to watch, this HAS been exciting!

Gonna get dessert. BBL

Costume Lady said...

I think Lun Lun is in love with her new baby. Looks like she is going to be a good Mom.

Costume Lady said...

OK Jim and Loretta, we are going to have a lot of fun watching this little ball of nothing grow up, just as we did ZZ.

NatureNut said...

She is just all curled up around it! Seems they dimmed the light--rightfully so.

Costume Lady said...

I think Zhen zhen's birthday was a month or 2 ago. Jim would know.

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, looks like she is taking a little panda nap now...

hedgie said...

Lost my feed....if I "download" too much between 6am and 3am I get penalized by the Fair Access Threshold policy, and then I can't do hardly anything for 24 hrs. Argh!! So now I can't see Lun at all! Will check Loretta's blog and see if it will let me open that! And then will call it a night!! Early breakfast date in the morning w/ my Mr. Bill. Sleep tight, panda watchers!! God bless us everyone!!

deb said...

Darn, I see all the good nights, but no it is later by an hour for you all. I wondered what happened today for so many posts, but I bet it is a baby cub!

Costume Lady said...

Lun Lun is hiding the baby,Deb...but we know it's there somewhere. It was seen only for a few moments.

Costume Lady said...

I had to get the cam on Internet Explorer.

paula eagleholic said...

from the Panda cam news release

Zoo officials report that the organization’s joy may even have a part two. The Zoo’s Animal Management and Veterinary Teams continue to monitor Lun Lun closely for a potential second birth. Twin births take place nearly 50 percent of the time in giant pandas, although twins may not necessarily arrive within moments or even hours of each other. A second cub could arrive as much as 12 to 24 hours after the first.

deb said...

Ok, Wanda, thanks for the information. I will get the link in a minute. I am on a mac, so no IE for me.

deb said...

Sea eagles at Finny on the water!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is nursing Cubby at present

deb said...

I had to download a program to view it on my Mac, but that is done and now I see a panda. No little cub in sight yet. I saw Loretta's pictures, though.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite Deb and Wanda and Hedgie

And nite to Mits and Jo I missed earlier.

paula eagleholic said...

And nite Jim and Nature!

Costume Lady said...

I think Lun Lun just gave birth to a second baby! I will keep watching to make sure.

NatureNut said...

Night Paula...thx for info. I don't think I can watch for another 12 hours for a twin!! LOL

NatureNut said...

OMG, Wanda! I wasn't watching cam for a few. Did you see any suspicious movement?

Costume Lady said...

She sat for the longest time looking down at the Birth area and I could see movement there (I imagined I saw something coming out) She then, took her paw and swiped at that area as though picking up something and rolled over with her back to the camera and can't see a thing now. I guess we will know by morning if there is two.

NatureNut said...

Just now she had sat up w/back to camera, sort of looked like she was licking cub & then did a complete roll around w/ front paws covering anything/everything on her chest. What an acrobat!

NatureNut said...

They just put a flashlight on her chest for a sec.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe they suspect there may be another cub.

Costume Lady said...


movin said...


sLEEP well, enjoy the rest of the long weekend.



NatureNut said...

Nighty Night!!

NatureNut said...

Panda birth video is on the Cam page on the right in "Videos of Lun Lun and Mei Lan".

Or copy/paste

NatureNut said...

Dumb blogger----chopped off last letter which is m

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, my friends of fine feather and fur! I just watched the video of the birth WITH SOUND! Wow. That baby was just squealing and squealing, Lun Lun picked it up and it immediately stopped. Mother Nature is so amazing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I was watching at the moment of birth, just didn't know it until she moved@

Costume Lady said...

The video is a MUST SEE! And don't forget to turn your volumn on.

ceil said...

Good morning everyone. We are back. Great trip. Too short. Catching up on the e-mails and blog. Great news about Atlanta. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO GENE.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Sharon. I can't remember if Sissy was watching, I sure hope she was (Our Panda Wantabe).

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Ceil...
Good to have you back! We want to hear all about your trip.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, that link won't take you to the Video. Just go to Atlanta Zoo page and click on the video of new cub.(as Loretta suggested)

ceil said...

Having problems getting on the blog.BBl

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

I guess Atlanta has only one new cub. Lun sure looked like she was going to pop out another, but no word from the zoo. She has been balled up in a corner most of the morning. I doubt we will be able to see her little "Jewel" for a while.

MITS said...

the boat by the sea eagles nest has left.

Costume Lady said...

Don't you wonder what they were doing there?

magpie said...

there is a large bird at the Finney's nest - not the water nest, the other one, looks like a sea eagle ...

magpie said...

Good Morning Everyone..gonna read and watch the Baby Panda info soon..

MITS said...

holy guacamole...that is a big bird

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Margy...sure is a strange looking bird. Kinda a combination of an osprey and an eagle. Looks like it got a wing stuck in an electrical outlet!

MITS said...

I think the boat found a nice quiet little nook, and spent the weekend....funny we all know about it....wonder if they ever felt eyes watching them?

MITS said...

maybe a juvie sea eagle or a golden? to church, later:)

Costume Lady said...

Maybe they were watching us! LOL

MITS said...

lol......maybe you are correct:):):!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Gotta go...BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lun in the corned with new cubby. Where did all the bedding come from?

magpie said...

MITS - I can't access the pictures I "think" I am saving...can you save and send this to Suzanne?
the Holy Guacamole bird, that is?
Now, on to the Panda things...


wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Friends ( : and new panda cub. Contragulations Atlanta and Lun Lun...

When did they bring in the straw?

MITS said...

I just did, Margy, and you should have one too:)...gotta go.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I had a dog once that it's hair looked like that lol

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Margy, I got a picture of the holy guacamole bird to send out.

ceil said...

Dana I was wondering the same thing. Momma pandas don't like to be disturbed with a new cub and the keepers usually do not disturb them.From what I have seen of the cub I think its name should be Bubba. It looked bigger then any of the other cubs we have seen. Maybe it is my eyes. Off to food shop. BBL

magpie said...

The Colors are Beautiful, Dana...musta been a pretty dog...sometimes I think MY HAIR looks like that...

xo Thanks Mits ! Got It!

magpie said...

Where there's one, there could be TWO if it is like the Water Nest...

wvgal_dana said...

Dang gone about the time the cub was born was when I couldn't stay at computer watching anymore. Laid down and fell asleep for night. Glad some of you got a glimpse at the cub.

magpie said...

I suppose this one in the nest now could be a juvenile....and I am just guessing it could be a Sea Eagle...beak looks like the ones at the Water Nest, Cleaver-style!

magpie said...

I slept through the whole thing, too, Dana, and I'm headed to the Cam page now to check things out.

Happy Panda Motherhood Day to Everyone!


wvgal_dana said...

My dog stood proud like that bird is. Looking at us and thinking "What are you all looking at?" still a cutie

wvgal_dana said...

Wow just seen the video of the new cub born. Of course I couldn't zoom in. It looked larger and less tail than they mostly have. Shows the baby cub a good while moving and squealing around there.

Mema Jo said...

Good New Panda Day Morning

Bobbi - that little cub was a great b-day present for your special day! Ceil, maybe that name should be Bobba! lol

Going over to watch the video to see again what I witnessed last night.

magpie said...

Yeah, that is a spiffy little video, watched the birth of Mei Lan and the tot squiggled on the ground the same way and for about the same amount of time as this one.
Nice Work, Lun Lun...

Nice Going Mema, for announcing the birth, I bet you just about fell over when it happened...

xo xo

magpie said...

Can't get OUR nest main page up, won't know if we are getting a Cyber-Reboot 'cause I can't get to that page.

Just like a few days ago, glad I kept the Blog up...

magpie said...

Some people watch TV before they go to bed, I'm watching Pandas and Birds...should make for some good Dreams..

wvgal_dana said...

If this cub is chubbier and shorter tail. Which I'm not sure of course cause I couldn't zoom in. Maybe it is a boy.

paula eagleholic said...

Same here, Mapgie. Can't even get our cam page to load...maybe they are working on it??

paula eagleholic said...

One osprey at CT eating

Mema Jo said...

Margy - almost fell out of my chair!
I was calculating how much longer we would need to wait for the birth..
thinking it was ok to go on to bed & pick up on it in the morning!
One glance away and then back to a cub squirming all over the place. I just watched the video and how about that loud squealing!! Mits and Ceil had watched Tai as a cub and mentioned about the loudness of him and Mei.
Yes! this is perfect timing for a cub to be born with our eagles fledging.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, just watched the panda birth video! Just plopped that baby right on the floor!

Mema Jo said...

Sea Eagle in Finny Land Nest

Mema Jo said...

Osprey in CT looks like an adult -
probably the dad who migrates last

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Jo, he's beautful!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks breezy there....head feathers getting blow around

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is awake. Licking away.
Then Rolly Polly over and out!

She hasn't changed her habits since Buta Buta was born! It is really
great to witness this new one and also have memories of the first one.

Mema Jo said...


With Picnic yesterday it is
Mass this morning..........


normabyrd said...

LIFE IS GOOD!!----They have the camera on LUN LUN & LITTLE LUN!!!-----She was still cleaning her---now she is curled up in a ball like she did with BUTA BUTA!!!----
WHAT A WONDERFUL SIGHT!!!----REJOICE!----(pray my puter stays up!)

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning. its a beautiful day in Cal.

Mema Jo said...

I peeked back in before leaving...

NORMA Life is wonderful.
On the panda page click on the
Panda Updates..... then click on the small pic of LunLun in her birthing den for the video.....

Mema Jo said...

No one can get our Nest cam up this morning.

Talk to you all later..........

Anne-Marie said...

I booked a room at the Comfort Inn in Shepards Town. Is there any where to eat around there?

Anne-Marie said...

I need the link to the babe panda to show Master Brandon when he gets out of bed. Please.

wvgal_dana said...

Anne the Clairton is where we had the dinners at in Shepherdstown during Open House.

wvgal_dana said...

all on one line
video says "giant panda birth 2008"

or you can go to the Atlanta cam page where we watch Lun Lun and go to the right in red it say "Video of Mei and Lun Lun" the birth on is the top one Anne.

wvgal_dana said...


NatureNut said...

Good Grief!! Couldn't get on here this AM for 1 1/2 hours! Went thru Eaglet Momsters site!

Noticed that now they have thumbnail for panda birth video at top of "cub updates" site.It's in Quicktime & has SOUND!

NatureNut said...

HAPPY Good Morning to all!

Not turning this page off now that I finally got here!!

WAKE UP MASON!!! Neat stuff happening!

Mema Jo said...

LunLun is sitting upright - Cub is lying between her legs and she has her paws out around the cub - Her head is down over the cub but if you
keep watching when she moves we may be able to get a glimpse of the little naked cub! Well! Rolly Polly again! no sighting.........

normabyrd said...

Is anyone else having problems getting on the blog???---It has taken me all this time to get back on-----

SUCH FUN TO WATCH LUN LUN--(should say her back)!!!---She --so far--has done exactly like she did with BEAUTIFUL BUTA BUTA!!!---POOR TAI!!----His cousin is going to get less attention --for a little while---ho!----'LITTLE PRINCE TAI'!---You are still TOPS!!---"Little IMP is sleeping in his rock cave!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well for sure I am not closing the blog! Norma & Loretta I'm so glad you're back!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Had to come in the back door! LOL I am off to church, but it sure is hard to leave the Panda cam!

Have a great day Panda watching!

normabyrd said...

HELLO ANNE MARIE!!----COOL!!!!!Looking forward to seeing you!!---SHEPHERDSTOWN---is blessed with good restaurants----"THE RUMSEY TAVERN" (where we eat dinner) is in the CLARION HOTEL in Shepherdstown!!-----'YELLOW BRICK BANK' is a great restaurant too!!

normabyrd said...

I am delighted to be back!!---Still problems---(i signed on for ERROR SMART)--supposed to make me not freeze up & to be very fast!!-----Every time -- I want to type--It comes on & is doing good things--(so they say)---but I can't get it off!!---Anyone heard of ERROR SMART?----

normabyrd said...

WOW!! SISSY---Do you still want to be a PANDA!!----MOM holds that CUB for a few days---never eats or drinks!!----PANDA MOMS ARE WONDERFUL MOMS!!!!

NatureNut said...

Thx Jo for posting Sea Eagle at Finney's. What a gorgeous creature.I was ab;e to save pic. I have so many sites up, I was afraid to leave this one!

MITS said...

never have heard of it Norma

paula eagleholic said...

Morning again...well make that afternoon to Anne, Norma, Nature and Lolly!

Nature - I do have all the direct links on my links is what I use everyday!

Loved the sea eagle at Finny's

Norma - you may want to run a virus/spyware program...

Anne - lots of great places to eat in Shepherdstown...I'll send you a link...Blue Moon cafe...and there's another one I went to.

paula eagleholic said...

Still can't get the cam page up...

normabyrd said...

HEY KIDS------I have NORTON too!------Isn't that a virus/spyware program?---help me?----Puter is better today---but I have begun to think I need a new one!!

MORNIN' LOLLY!---I had to come through the back door to get on too!!!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

OK, Norma, I misread your post about error smart...thought you had an issue...and yes, Norton is you have the version w/ spyware?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh neat Comfort Inn right there on 45 not far from 4 way stop ....greatttt ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I'm sending Anne information on Betty Resturant and the hours in Shepherdstown. A lot of our church people liked that resturant too.

paula eagleholic said...

The Press Room is a new restaurant in Stown...was very good...I sent Anne the link for that too.

Norma - it seems you should run Error Smart, then change the settings so it is not constantly running....

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I sent you an email about the Error Smart program. I didn't know much about it but if you don't want it to run any longer - go ahead and delete it. Your Norton is what takes care of virus scans.

paula eagleholic said...

College Kid just left to go back to school, (sniff, sniff). Gonna miss him!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I found a site that has all the resturants in Shepherdstown with phone #'s and maps to each one. Sent that to Anne.

I got off the phone with her a little bit ago. She and Brandon are driving to the State Fair. Boy is he going to have a great time!!! ( :

She said she is bringing her brother in Oct.

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is sitting on the very edge -

I am remembering that as the cub grows how we watched and cheered the very first time Butta Buta made it out of the bed over that edge onto the den's floor.......... lol

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey on the cam at CT

wvgal_dana said...

Paula is the Press Room Italian?

MITS said...

sea eagles back at FINLAND OSPREY NEST

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - Yes it is....has seafood also as I recall...

The Press Room 129 W. German St. 304-876-8777
Our newest restaurant, opened by the former chef of the Yellow Brick Bank, Mike Luksa. Open for dinner with pastas and American cuisine served with an Italian flair. Full bar. Advance reservations (a week or more) are recommended. Closed Tuesdays.

paula eagleholic said...

I went there without reservations, though. Sat at the bar and ate....was a weeknight.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep I found all that out but couldn't find a menu. So I was guessing from what I had heard maybe Itilian...did read a comment about Oysters on the half shell too.

paula eagleholic said...

There's 2 sea eagles at the Finny water nest now

Lolly said...

Back from church. Just watched the birth video. WOW! This is going to be so interesting to watch.

Going to Laurel's today. Have not seen my boys for a week. Miss them! Jack has some drawers to install in the bookcase he built for them, also taking a tree to plant. He has his work cut out for him. I'll enjoy the boys!

ceil said...

Think I am still on vacation. Neighbor just gave us steamed crabs. Watched the video. So funny with panda Moms. They look at that screaming little thing and seem afraid of it. Glad they are keeping the cam on. Have to look in on my Tai. Have not had time to look at him.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back, Ceil!!

Need any help eating those crabs? :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun, Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Sea eagles are gone now...nighty nite time I guess!

wvgal_dana said...

Going to eat at Red Lobster...never been there....Always got my lobster tail at Outback...

wvgal_dana said...

Ceil I was trying to find the video of when Tai was born. If you find it let me know where ty anyone....

Mema Jo said...

Talk with you later, Lolly - enjoy :)
Wow! Ceil - did you have lobster up North on your trip?

It is time for me to consider a
panda nap --- lol!!!

Dana - you should love Red Lobster - enjoy! All this talk about restaurants made you hungry!

Paula - MT NEST at your house for a while!

ceil said...

Sorry Paula, they are gone already. Ate them for lunch as soon as he gave them to us. Wish we could do a crab feast for open house. Going to make our reservations today for open house.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, I must say that it seems like only yesterday that you were setting him up in his college room! Time really passes by us too quickly!

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - If you can't get the Clarion go for the Comfort Inn right in Shepherdstown...........

Mema Jo said...

A panda nap is coming on


ceil said...

Jo, Ate lots of lobster, lobster roll, lobster ravioli, clams, oysters. Great food. Great time.

ceil said...

Paula, I know the feeling. Miss son when he goes back to the West Coast. Feel better now that he has Jennifer.

wvgal_dana said...

Ceil make your reservations soon because for some reason the Clairton is all full....Like Jo said call the Comfort Inn in Shepherdstown.

ceil said...

Both the Clarion and the Comfort Inn are booked for the 18th.

movin said...


i'M not as late as it looks, but I did have a nice long sleep ... always good on a long weekend.

Can't open the camera feed through beakspeak today ... what else is happening??

I don't think I have the link to the new Panda, so can somebody give it to me??

Thanks. Enjoy a great Sunday and Labor Day weekend.



wvgal_dana said...

On no Ceil......lets see thinking

paula eagleholic said...

Ceil - sounds yummy, love lobster. Wish I was lunching with Dana!

We are going to try to do some crabs while Anne is here!

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't had crabs all summer, either, but am going to an all you can eat crab feed in 2 weeks! Can't wait!

paula eagleholic said...

There is also Bavarian Inn and Thomas Shepherd Inn

paula eagleholic said...

There is also a Comfort Inn in Harper's Ferry

paula eagleholic said...

Ceil, sending you an email

wvgal_dana said...

Ceil the Bavarian is right there just past Sandra's 1-304-876-2551. Don't know the cost of rooms though.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm don't see the comfort inn at Harper's Ferry...

paula eagleholic said...

It's still there...Comfort Inn and a Quality Hotel in Harpers Ferry

wvgal_dana said...

Paula there is a Comfor Inn on Rt 9 and Short Rd. 1-304-263-8888. I'll use map to see how close to Shepherdstown.

ceil said...

Have stayed at the Bavarian Inn before. Thanks Dana forgot about it.

paula eagleholic said...

OK...heading outside for awhile! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Comfort Inn in Harpers Ferry takes 18 minutes drive to Shepherdstown

wvgal_dana said...

later gators ( :

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, all the FWS sites are down...

NatureNut said...

Jim, Wanda posted a link at 8:30 AM.(Copy & Paste) It takes you to the Atlanta Panda videos page w/top thumbnail showing the birth.
At top border of page are links-one to the Live Panda Cam.

movin said...

Hi, I finally viewed the Panda birth, which was rather amazing...and loud.

But when I switched to the Panda cam now, I can find no sound. Am I missing something??



ceil said...

Jim, The Atlanta cam does not have sound.

MITS said...

Atlanta cam DOES NOT hve sound

movin said...

Here are a couple of pics from early today in Brisbane showing Frieda on the nest ledge; and if you look farther down there are a few of Frodo yesterday.

Maybe they'll get it together early next month.




magpie said...

REGARDING HOTELS: In Martinsburg, there is a Holiday Inn, a Hampton Inn, Comfort Inn, and like Paula mentioned, Comfort SUITES on Rt 9/Charles Town Rd not far from Kearneysville, all of these would be within 30 minutes or less drive to Shepherdstown. The week-end of the 18th is probably, Apple Harvest Week-end in Martinsburg, which might account for some of the problems wth availability. Also there are some Bed and Breakfasts....Charles Town will also have some hotels, again, within 30 mins or less of Shepherdstown.

Howdy Everyone ! Up from Panda Nap ! Perfectly beautiful day in the Eastern Panhandle !


NatureNut said...

Jim, see you got the address. I didn't know if you were still on here, so sent it email too.
FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY I was able to access this site from front page! Still cam comes up, but is still stuck.

magpie said...

I put up a Yahoo email to the Eaglet Momsters (and Dadsters)with some motel/hotel information.


paula eagleholic said... to a BBQ

movin said...

I just noticed that there is a Photo Gallery just below the cam pic on Frodo's site. They have maybe 33 pics from the last month or so in the gallery now.



Mema Jo said...

I'm back on line..... Catching up emails and have read these comments.
We may be doomed to have this thread all weekend... We can make it!

movin said...

Not much happening at the Channel Islands now; but they did capture a video of a snake on the Seal Rock



movin said...

You've got to see Bai and ZZ playing and rasslin up one of their trees....



hedgie said...

Hi Eagle and Panda lovers!! Been all day trying to get on...if not Hughes messing me up, then it's FWS!!!! Due to Hughes punishment, still can't open any cam action. Haven't been able to do much w/ mail, either!! Oh is what it is!
All the talk about restaurants and hotels is sure making me itchy for Oct. 18th!! There is also the big new hotel at the racetrack in CharlesTown! And I think they have a new Quality Inn, too. Yep, Apple Harvest Festival would cause the bookings!!
Crab, lobster...mmmmm good! Hungry again, even tho' I just ate!
Got my Charles Chips this am...when I got the munchies this afternoon and opened the can got a whiff of rancid oil...expiration date on inner bag was May!!! SO have to make a trip back to Cracker Barrell to exchange.

Mema Jo said...

I think that last Oct Open House weekend was not only the Apple Harvest Festival but Home Coming at Shepherd U. I haven't googled the college but I will.

I will be contacting Clarion this week to set up the 5:00 dinner for our group.

magpie said...

Bummer Hedgie - Hate when that happens. Treated myself to a box of Russell Stover dark chocolate candy once, same thing happened....chocolates were chalky looking, it had an expired date!

I have been enjoying the Hydrox...if you go to Martins, they are not in the regular cookie aisle so save yourself some time...they were near the end of one aisle, the "meat side end" as opposed to the cashier end....about one aisle or two further into the store from the cookie aisle...


magpie said...

I'm thinking maybe AtlantaPandaBaby is nursing...?
Can't really tell what I am seeing...

magpie said...

But I know this: Lun Lun is one beautiful attentive Momma Bear...xoxo

MITS said...

which is closer to Shepherdstown, Martinsburg or Charles Town?

Mema Jo said...

lol I was watching LunLun and I was thinking that the cub was in front of her between her paws but as usual her head was down and in the way for me to really see anything - as I stared at that area - The flashlight turned on and my first thought was that Oh there's the Cub and he is all aglow!

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget about Hagerstown or Frederick area as far as distance from Shepherdstown.......

magpie said...

MITS - It's about the same....
(in my opinion...)

I suppose Charles Town could be a little closer, main roads to it include Route 340 - whereas main roads to Martinsburg would include I-81 -

Mema Jo said...

I googled Shepherd U calendar & this is another reason for Shepherdstown being busy!!

Oct 18, 2008
Football WV WESLEYAN * (Homecoming) 1:00 PM

magpie said...

Hagerstown is a good idea, MEMA!
You can cut over through Sharpsburg, the drive would be beautiful !

And from Frederick, straight over on Rte 340 - or you could do the route which Paula took the other day going home

magpie said...

Woof! Homecoming, that will make a big difference !!

magpie said...

Why don't we all just find a campsite and pitch tents !!!

We could do up s'mores in the evening by the campfire !!

magpie said...

** ISS in the morning **

between 5:03 and 5:05 am:
from the North/Northwest,
Max elevation 28-degrees...that's low, but it should be pretty bright.

Venus tonight: Look West, South west - brightest thing you will see in dusk after sunset...and of course we have Jupiter in the South South East.....

Moon dark, will be back out in another evening too, delicate crescent in the West.....

and I have a Carolina Wren chirping in the neighborhood. Sweeeet !


Mema Jo said...

We can try to rent out the barn on the NCTC site and pitch our tents right there around the Sycamore Nest Tree

Mema Jo said...

Caring Bridge just announced update on Mason.... I was just over there & was disappointed at there being NO

Update Mason

Getting Dark - only 4 Candles

magpie said...

Jo - I just checked the update, and Mason has been moved to another room, sort of a "Step Down" room, still acute care, but a "step up" going to a "Step Down" unit...they will be posting photos of the Family tattoos soon..everyone got Scorpions on Friday, Sylvia's birthday (Mason's mother) -

Back in a bit, going to look for Venus.....xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Prayers needed

Dana just received a call from Nilla (Janet Kolb)of Martinsburg and was informed that Nilla's daughter is in LA. She was packed up and trying to leave but cannot get out.I know we are all praying that this storm does not do the destruction that Katrina did 3 yrs ago. Please add personal prayer for Nilla's Daughter's Safety!

magpie said...

Prayers on the Wing for Nilla's daughter, and all those affected by this ferocious storm...

ceil said...

Prayers for all who will be affected by this hurricane

Costume Lady said...

Just got home from Butterfly Mama's surprise birthday party. She was REALLY surprised. It was quite a feat, but we pulled it off.
Seems I have a lot of catching up to do. BBILW

hedgie said...

Pics, please, Wanda, of Butterfly Mama's surprise!!!
Where in LA is Nilla's daughter, Dana? Prayers, of course, for her and all.
Margy, you had a little excitement this am around 6:30, didn't you? Hope the rest of the night had been quiet, and that tonight will be, too!

magpie said...

Yes Hedgie we did....those GPS coordinates on cell phones have been coming in quite handy here lately....glad the lady decided to turn around and head back to Hedgesville.....but we were tracking her phone just about all the way...

Good Safe Evening to all, and pull out your STRONGEST PRAYERS for those in the path of Hurricane Gustav.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the pictures, Wanda!
Makes you feel so good when you know you've made someone else so happy!

Mema Jo said...

Margie - hope your shift goes well!
TTFN (Got it!)

Mema Jo said...

Each time I go back to spot check Lun Lun & her cub she has moved to another position! If you would be watching her constantly you probably would have seen a glimpse of the cub by now.

Wildwatch Osprey - 2 of them are at the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey everyone, got enough signal to jump on for a minute, not much though. Can you believe, of all time's for her to have that baby, I am at the lake. But I get to download the video and watch the birth. Have ya'll seen the baby today?

Prayers for Nilla's daughter. They say this storm is a monster!

WAKE UP MASON!! It is a new panda baby!

Mema Jo said...

New Picture gallery format on Frodocam site. I wish they could put it into Slide Show - now you need to click to forward.

May need to suggest that.....
It is better then last year's format.

MITS said...

Lun must be waiting for People magazine for the exclusive photos....I think I have seen a foot today...

MITS said...

we will be splitting GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!

hedgie said...

Aw, Karla looks so sweet!! Can tell she was really moved!

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Sissy! Darn inconsiderate of Lun Lun by not waiting for her most interested person to be there at the birth of this new cub!

Mema Jo said...

Naturenut - Loretta got 2 pics right after the birth. I think that is the tail you are able to see...

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...