11:08 am - Email from George:
Hi all,
I want to let you know that we are making updates to the EagleCam player as a required change from our media delivery service. This is a required change and unfortunately once we go through this transition we will lose the ability to rewind on the player.
We will work on getting our current 12 hours of rewind readded to the player but the rewind function will stop working for a period of time.evening visit
only got a min because they worked on camera and we have no rr or ff function Bummer here are a few pic I did get from the video before I knew I couldn't go back or ff excuse the end of this short vide oopsie I went on the page when it wasn't working and found the message aboutt the camera upgrade
big Great Blue so big
This vid is a fast foward of the visit and at end I slowed it down
almost look like she fell out but she did fly is why I slowed down to see