Wednesday, January 23, 2008


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Belle just arrived.

deb said...


deb said...

I wonder if Belle is eating?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle is eating, Lib just left.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, when Belle is headless over 3/4 of the time, she is definitely eating something. Glad she is hiding whatever it is!

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - yes she is eating, when she constantly has her head down like that. If you refresh before the 30 seconds, you may be able to catch her with her head up everyone once in awhile....otherwise she really just chows down!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon :)

Actually she has come up for air at least twice!

paula eagleholic said...

Big old chick head up at CC1 - guess they are getting big!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is gone - got a pic of her tail as she was leaving!

deb said...

Done and gone.

deb said...

Both eagles at BWE.

deb said...

I think there are more feathers at BWE, must be another bird for lunch.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you just see TEsoro chick - looked like it was climbing out of the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWE

deb said...

BWE camera went wacky.

deb said...


deb said...

It quit snowing, so I am off to snowblow. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Go to Maine nest quick

wvgal_dana said...

Never mind it is all over now. I have to give this some thought????

deb said...

Eagle in Maine nest, eating.

Steve Chase said...

Hi Folks,

We may have a need to do some more user acceptance work on our website. We would be looking for three or four volunteers to spend an hour or two working on your computer at home, basically downloading some images. We would ask for your thoughts and comments on how easy it is to access the images. If you are interested in helping, please email me. thanks, Steve

wvgal_dana said...

What I saw right before I yelled for you all. Was at Maine two eagles squawking loudly and talcons entangled.

deb said...

Maybe fighting over dinner.

deb said...

There is an eagle nearby. Every once in a while you can hear it call, sometimes the eagle in the nest calls out.

deb said...

I wish I could record, that would have been great video for others to see.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - someone elsewhere said one pushed the other off the nest while they were fighting over food. Now I see another has arrived and is eating. The one on the branch left

deb said...

Maybe someone got some tape of it.

I just scooped out a path through the backyard for the dogs. It is just a big circle, but at least lets them get around a little.

movin said...

Hi again,
I think you might like the shot of ZZ chewing on Mom's bamboo..


Mema Jo said...

I opened the Maine forum
Here is a video clip of what you saw Dana......

LINK to ME video clip of Food Fight

Mema Jo said...


movin said...

Mama Hummer was off the nest, and I could see both eggs still intact.

Then she perched on a branch in the background (barely in focus) and proceeded to hunt for the gnat-like insects, which are one of the birds' staple foods.

At work in Winter I used to wonder what the resident Hummers fed on, until I saw one of the males perched atop a tall Eucalyptus, watching for the swarms of small flying bugs you might find on your windshield. Then he would dart out from the tree into the swarm and catch as many as he could while hovering amongst them.

They don't feed on nectar only, although you might get that impression from what you've seen or from TV programs.


movin said...

Now, ZZ and Bai are sharing a good bamboo chew session...

You gotta see them.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, for the better part of an hour I have been trying to get a sparrow out of my laundry room. I finally got the window open that it had been flying to and then left. Just went back out and looked around the freezer and washing machine and didn't see if anywhere. I pray it got out safely!

Mema Jo said...

I am getting ready to take Hubby out to eat for b-day dinner. Then when we return all the kids should be here for cake & ice cream.

I have had Ally (3yr old great grandgal) this afternoon. I have been playing all kinds of games.... lol

BBLate evening

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have fun Mema Jo and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED!! We love you for being so wonderful to our Mema Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link Jo.

HAHAHA on the Maine food fight

deb said...

Good video, but it was a little scary hearing the eagle fall into the tree. I liked the part where they were both in the tree talking to each other.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


deb said...

Eagle alert, our nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Belle just arrived!

deb said...

Feeding at Tesoro, both little heads up.

MITS said...

little late tonight.

MITS said...

was she just mantling???

MITS said...

poof Belle

MITS said...

he is watching her.

deb said...

Both gone now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now Poof Lib!

deb said...

Lots of deer on the PA cam,

MITS said...

GOOD EVENING EVERYONE!!! Busy day here...zoo this a.m. and p.m. errands.....Carol, mouse acts up every now and then, still trying to figure out its problems when I have a few minutes to spare....Dana, that was me that you saw at the sloth bear exhibit. That was Balavat and his mom Hana...he was annoying her, not trying to mate. He turned 2 yrs old, two weeks ago, and is still nursing til around 3 yrs old. They were so much fun to watch today, he is aways trying to destroy something in the exhibit. He was pulling bamboo thru the fence just for fun, then he went to the water hole and was breaking up the ice, which was about 4 inches thick. He was just pulling it up with his claws. He weighs the same as his mom, 200 lbs. that was in December, they can't weigh them now because he destoyed the scale

deb said...

I am sad to say that there is a new update for Baby Tessa. Prayers to the family in this difficult time.

MITS said...

My God, what that little one has been through, and her parents also. My prayers will go out to them at this most difficult time of there lives...RIP, Sweet Tessa:(

paula eagleholic said...

Oh My - prayers for the family of Baby Tessa.

Costume Lady said...

I just got home and read about Baby Tessa. My heart is so broken and yet I feel relief for Tessa. She has been through more in her short little life than most of us will go through in a lifetime. I think her parents were given this little life for such a short time for a reason. In time they will know that reason. Faith can bring you through anything and this couple have more faith than anyone I have ever known.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jo for putting up the link for the video of the food fight. That is exactly what I seen today when I posted at 4:03pm.
What screaming !!!

Hope the one that went over is ok.

wvgal_dana said...

So Mits that was you ty for telling me. I commented and tried to get everyone there to see you.

Glad they were playing. I didn't no if it was mating time. The way it looked like you was talking inside the window. I felt it was possible it was play ty for describing what and who I was seeing.

Butterfly Mama said...

Thank you so much to all of you who opened your hearts to Baby Tessa. She has certainly left her mark on our hearts forever. Rest in peace little one.

MITS said...

Karla, thank you for letting us know about her. It was a joy to know her if only for a little while

Butterfly Mama said...

It's crazy how things work. We were celebrating the birthday tonight of the lady who introduced me to Tessa. Family kept the news from us until just a bit ago. It's amazing how this little one has brought so many people togehter. Makes me proud with warm and fuzzies.

Gotta go home now - still at the Lodge.

God bless you all!

Costume Lady said...

KARLA, I hope your tears will stop now; Tessa is at peace and will never suffer again.
Love You.

wvgal_dana said...

God Bless You To carefully.

MITS said...

It really is strange how things work out, and you could just feel all the prayers for that little one......closing down for tonight, sad for sure, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE....PRAYERS FOR ALL

deb said...

It is amazing how a family that we have never met could touch our hearts so. Thank you, Karla, for bringing them to us.

Mema Jo said...

B-day company didn't all leave until 10pm or so. NO CAKE LEFT! Hubby enjoyed his evening!

I was saddened to open the email from Mits about Tessa- It is true, Wanda, she did have a purpose here even though it was a short time - She & her mom and dad certainly captured my heart and strengthened my faith. I will be remembering Baby Eli in my prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the evening - I am sad but at peace knowing Tessa is with her Almighty Father.

Good night all
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being said for all our needs

Costume Lady said...

We have heavy hearts tonight with the passing of Baby Tessa, but we know she is in a better place. My sorrow is for Anthony and Nancy. I think their faith is unshakable and they will get through this in time.
Prayers tonight for Sandra and Eli and Brayden and anyone else who need prayer.


movin said...


God bless little Tessa and comfort her parents.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. So sorry to read Jim's last comment about baby Tessa! I know God welcomed her with open arms! I pray for her parents!!

Cold out tonight, but another bright winter moon reflecting on the snow. 15° at my house, 29° here! Big difference, but cold nontheless!

Alright, have to go see what's going on this morning. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Wow, I just checked the ClustrMaps counter to see how many visitors we had yesterday to our blog! RU ready? 830!! We had 830 people from around the world checking out our blog. That's the most I've ever seen in one day. We sure have a lot of lurkers!!! Who knew?

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne

Yesterday was a sad time for a lot of us that came to know Baby Tessa. Her parents and she came into our lives for a short time. I don't believe in coinidences. God brought them through our lives for a reason. She is now with God being an angel watching over her parents. Waiting for the time when they will all be together. No pain or suffering. Still it saddens those left here on earth.

wvgal_dana said...

SuzanneCheck out Jo's comment at 4:50pm click on her blue link.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana. I agree! Poor thing, you're right, at least she's not suffering any more. So much for such a little girl to go through!

Ok, Dana, I'll check out Jo's comment.

Suzanne said...

Ok, looks like there was a food fight, and an eagle fell from the nest. Can't see the video, don't have Flash installed, but got that from comments. Hope the one that fell caught him/herself in time and no harm came to them from the fall.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I was watching the nest at the time and heard all this screaming. Then their talsons hooked together and trying to get them loose. One "fell" out of the nest crashing. I think we do believe it is the two that have the nest. I was just hoping it wasn't a different eagle trying to take the food. I would think if it was the partner eagle would have come to the defense of its partner. Which leads me to believe it was/is the two that have the nest. Nasty nasty for a food fight..

Suzanne said...

Did you read the comments on the Tesoro site? Deb gave us the URL yesterday. The male eagle caught a gull for the female, then removed the wings so she could eat it! Wasn't that romantic? He didn't eat until she was finished what she wanted. How cool is that! Maybe ME was just having a lover's spat!

wvgal_dana said...

Both esgles at Maine one in nest one on limb

wvgal_dana said...

One that was on limb just flew off at Maine.

Suzanne said...

OH, eagle was on branch in ME, but he just took off. Cool!

Suzanne said...

OH, one that was in the nest just took off too. Glad you saw them too, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Now the other one in nest just flew off at Maine.

wvgal_dana said...

Well we know after the "food fight" they still are safe and speaking to each other hee hee

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz and Dana. I overslept a bit. Turned the alarm clock off and went right back to sleep. Of course, it helps working from home and I have a 12-hour window to get my 8 hours in. Should have stayed in bed for a while longer.

Suzanne said...

Feeding at Tesoro. Still kinda dark, but you can see well enough.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. Lucky you!

Costume Lady said...

I have not seen the food fight yet, but sounds like they are and ill-tempered couple. They are going to have some feisty babies. This is going to be such fun to watch!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING SHARON, I slept in also. Felt gooood.

Suzanne said...

LOL!!!!!! Reading back thru yesterday's comments. Have to laught at Mits' description of Balavat! That is too funny. Love the last line that they can't weight him anymore because he destroyed the scale! That line after everything else he does! Sounds like a typical BOY!!! If it's together, dismantle it. If it's working, break it! He sounds way too funny!

Costume Lady said...

Mits is so funny sometimes. Did you read her comment about cleaning her mouse?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...


Costume Lady said...

Is That Belle?

Suzanne said...

May be Belle, can't seem to get her head outta the egg cup, but looks too small for her...

Costume Lady said...

Nope, it's Lib.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Sharon and Wanda.

Suzanne that was so cute about "he tore up the scales". lol

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Wondered where you were. Glad you're here! I think it's Belle, but not sure.

Suzanne said...

Yeah, I think that's Belle. Seems she gets bigger the lighter it gets! hehe, figure that one out.

Suzanne said...

You may be right, Wanda, I just don't know who it is!

Suzanne said...

Well, poof...

Suzanne said...

One eagle BWE, one eagle BWO.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, poof went the bwe!

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew off at Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

Wing flapping at CC I

Costume Lady said...

I thought it was Lib because he spends so much time in the bedroom. LOL

Suzanne said...

Both on BWO nest now!

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Holding door open for Wanda and Dane. New thread . come on over

NillaWafer said...

Both owls are back and groomin in the corner once again... Oooo he is really laying it on

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...