Tuesday, January 29, 2008


New thread.


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Suzanne said...

Wow, saw Dana's last comment and had to open our cam! Belle is in the house! How cool is that!!! Little early bird this year. What a surprise. And in the rain, too. Bless her heart.

Morning, world. Morning, Dana.
Rainy, foggy, and clear in spots, but not cold. 41° in PA, 48°(!) here. Enjoy it while we can, weather is going to get colder again very soon. Least one of our 2 worst months is almost over. Jan and Feb are the worst, but March can throw a curve ball too, as we all know!
Gonna watch Belle and open other cams. Want to see if we have a second egg in BW too.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

wvgal_dana said...

It is Liberty that was left in the nest. He has moved forward now and I can tell. Picture better what looked like food was not.

Suzanne said...

Just opened BWE and saw Lisa's note. Guess we're gonna have an only child in BW this season. Better than nothing!!!! If she lays a second egg today, we're going to have 2 eaglets of very different sizes!

Suzanne said...

Think that's Belle, Dana. Lib took off from his perch looked like.
Hard to tell with the glare from the IR light!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne I am hoping to get back to bed soon lol

BWE hasn't gotten up since I have been up.

Suzanne said...

Lines come and go on the BWE cam. Doesn't look like we're gonna get a second egg this year. But I'm grateful for one!!!!

Belle, or may be Lib, still standing in the BR.

Suzanne said...

Oh, owl hotel is MT. That's unusual at this hour! See the burrowing owl still have a lot of snow, but their door way is a bit wider than it has been.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I had checked the "owl hotel" when I got up also and it was MT.

Ok handing it over to you. Back to bed for me.

Suzanne said...

Hold on, Dana, you can help me sign HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEGAN!!


Sure hope you can get on to even read this and hear us sing! Well, maybe that's not such a good idea on the hear part.

But have a wonderful wonderful birthday! Hope your cable guy comes and get your cable connected for your birthday!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, guess Dana did go to bed. Sleep tight, Dana.
Lady BW has changed positions, but didn't see her get up enough to see if she has added an egg.
Lib or Belle still standing kinda in the BR and the center of the nest. Just hanging out, only moving head. Wonder if it's still raining??????

Suzanne said...

Oh, gonna work on egg cup. If that's Lib, Belle must have just arrived nearby, he's working. if it's Belle, she's working. Eagle was grooming a sec ago.

Suzanne said...

I'm thinking again this is Belle. Just looks very wide the way she's standing.

Suzanne said...

Belle still standing in the house, Lady BW turning egg, but she's not far enough off it to see if there is still only 1.
POur eagle has moved up by the perch, not only in front of it, not on it.
I guess Lady BW is finished turning egg, and gonna settle down the way she's laying now. Did not get to see the egg at all.

Suzanne said...

We have squiggly lines at BW, and our eagle appears to be working on the perch.
Ok, now back down in the nest, and the squiggly lines are gone from BWE. Back up to perch. You get the idea.

Suzanne said...

Our eagle back to standing in the BR, and the BWE eagle looks like it's got a wet head, so must be raining there. Well, it kinda looks wet, she just moved and now it doesn't look so wet.

Suzanne said...

Our eagle still just standing in the nest only moving head.
Lady BW has her head on her back under her wings, panda nap time.

Suzanne said...

No changes for a while, ours standing in the nest falling asleep, looks like. BW eagle hasn't moved, so she must be asleep.

Suzanne said...

LOL, I'm back and absolutely nothing has changed. Eagles didn't move. Oh, BWE just moved her head, she's awake. Our still standing in exact same spot, still just moving head. Ok, BWE head just went right back under wing, back to sleep for her.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Belle just flew in, so that's been Lib hanging out all morning.


She looks like she's inspecting his work. Yeah, right, what work?

Went to post and had to login again. Haven't said lately how much I hate this blog, have I?

Both still in nest.

Suzanne said...

Aww, Belle looks like she's giving Lib a kiss on the cheek.

Suzanne said...

Belle left again, from her perch, and Lib watched her go. He's still in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Egg turning in BWE.

Lib still waiting for Belle to come back.

Suzanne said...

Darn her. Lady BW turned and couldn't see under her. Now she's settling down again.
Lib still standing around.

Suzanne said...

BWE put head back under wing, gonna go back to sleep.
Mei is up and pacing, don't see Tai. And SD is TOTALLY black, don't see a thing!
Can't get Maine up, should be getting light enough there to see if an eagle is in the tree, but it's not coming up.
Lib looks like he's ready to takeoff, hunching down. Oh, no, he's gonna lay in the egg cup. How cute is that!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, what do I see so early in our nest? The wind is blowing so hard here that I didn't think they would show up this morning.

Suzanne said...

Lib back to work either on egg cup or his perch, at the bottom. Still looking around.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! That's Lib, Belle just left. they were both there at 4:02 this morning, then Belle left. He's been in the nest ever since!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Maine is up. It's just still too dark, but can see silhouette of the tree now.
Lib still standing in front of his perch. He keeps looking up towards the cam, so Belle may be on a branch there.
Lady BW still sleeping.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, that would be the work he does when he sees her flying towards him. He normally gets a little busy about 10 seconds before she arrives.

Good morning everyone and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!

carolinabeachmom said...


Two of you girls were realy early birds and got to take a peek at nestorations in the middle ot the night. So, those sneaky birds are coming in under darkenss.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE you also saw them early and saw that they remained. I get up and we have an MT nest. :( What is going on here.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon! I've watched him do that, too funny!
Morning, Candy. They both were in nest this morning at 4:02! Early birds this season.
But right now Lib's just hanging out waiting for Belle to come back!

Suzanne said...

What time did you get up, Candy? Dana snapped a pic of both of them at 4:02. Lib has been in the nest ever since, but Belle is in and out. Mostly out.

Costume Lady said...

Good to see a visit so early, isn't it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just added three pics from the 2:30 visit to the Momsters album.

carolinabeachmom said...

I wonder how much time they were in the nest earlier. I guess I'll just have to go back tonight and read the blog.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh SUZANNE, I was up at 5am, but didn't get in here to look. Was too lazy after having to go back to school last night as one of our bus childred never got home on time. It is all resolved now. She went to a neighbors house when she couldn't get into her house (left her keys home) and they called the Sheriff Dept. when her older sister got home about 4:45PM and didn't find her. Everyone was up in arms over it. They were going to take the video off the bus to make sure she got on and off, when the Sheriff deputy reported her home. By the time I got back home, ate a late dinner, showered, talked to my sister, I was too tired out to get back on the blog, either last night or early this morning.

Now that was one loooonnnngggg story, but true. ")

carolinabeachmom said...

Well no bus duty the rest of this week. :) Have to get into school tho and get the room set up and cams turned on for the children. It sure looks like our eagles might be early in laying their first egg. I voted for the 10th. :( Oh well, what else is new.

Suzanne said...

Lib's gonna do a little work now.
Thanks, Sharon. Saw where you saw them in the nest, but they left.
This is the first night they've been in the nest. Off and on, but in there.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Candy. I'm glad she made it home safely. Hopefully she won't forget her keys again!

carolinabeachmom said...

You all have a good EAGLE, Panda, Owl, Divers, Deer,watching day. WE at First Flight Elem. will be watching too.

SUZANNE have a safe trip home to little G and kittis. I'm off to get the day started.

Suzanne said...

Lady BW turning eggs, butstil can't see anything.
Lib still hanging out.
Both Mei and Tai are up.
Daylight in Maine, but no eagle.
There was 1 owl in the hotel earlier, but gone now.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE, Me too. New rider on our bus, so the bus driver and I weren't familiar with her or her stop as of yet, and I am only a sub. What do I know? Don't answer that!!:):):)


Suzanne said...

Candy, have a great day. We'll keep you informed by posting to the blog.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Belle working on egg cup, Lib inspecting looks like.

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day, Candy.

Suzanne said...

Lady BW is awake and looking around. Maybe a switch soon, then we can see something.
Both still in our nest.

Suzanne said...

Mei is doing her Ray Charles dance, she wants her treats. She's so funny when she does that!

BW egg turning.
Lib yelling at Bellle

wow hanky panky!!!

Suzanne said...



Costume Lady said...

It is not raining here now, but the wind gusts are 50mph. I have an early morning doctor appointment and I'm afraid to drive when it is this windy. My Mom has an appointment this afternoon. I'm wondering if I get blown off the road, who will take her to the doctor? No wonder I have issues with myself. Gotta stop that.

Costume Lady said...

Wow! That was quick; Hanky Panky and 2 eggs. LOL

Suzanne said...

LOL, Wanda, think they did 2 hanky panky's!!! How cool was that. She's still off the eggs so you can see them. I sent a pic to Lisa.

Suzanne said...

Eagle back at BW.

Suzanne said...

I am so relieved that we have a second egg in BW! More fun growing up,
OH, she's off the eggs again!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Now back. That was quick. Think this is dad, they switched.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Poof on Belle again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Before I could say MT nest, Belle was back.

Suzanne said...

Lib has left the building. He's been there for about 3 hours or so.

LOL, Belle back, though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or maybe it is Lib back, can't really tell.

Suzanne said...

Belle's actually doing nestorations. No wonder Lib left. She woulda put him to work!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Gone again.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...