Thursday, January 31, 2008


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Glo! We sure do know she is well fed! :)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon That isn't like a live stream we're watching - is it?

I am thinking we are watching
Daddy Liberty --- what do you think?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That certainly would be an awesome birthday present!

Mema Jo said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Glo
Happy birthday to you!

May you get an egg!

So glad you came on in!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No live stream but I sure do wish so!

glo said...

LOL Thanks Sharon...Goodness though I do hope if this is elle that she is gonna be OK with the weatehr coming in

Just Vicky said...

Well its after midnight in WV and someone is in that nest !!!

glo said...

MeMa Jo 99% of the time I finish my day reading the BLOG and checking the that order so had a good heads up Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, my dogs just came sliding back in so I am going to try to go back to sleep. What a wonderful sight we have right now.

I still think it might be Belle because of the way she looked when she first came in.

Mema Jo said...

Well you do have 2 special emails

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky
We're really having a party - I was
hoping to catch you midwest gals still up!

glo said...

OK Sharon its an hour earlier here so I will be watching for a while or at least try to :)

Mema Jo said...

I hate to think it let alone say it-
I think it is Lib standing there
waiting for Belle to return. Bet she told him to keep the egg cup dry & warm - that she'd BBL..

I could be totally wrong..
When the other one flew out - it was right up by the cam and off that side that Belle always uses.

Like you just said Sharon - We'll know in the morning! Good Nite Gal.
Thanks for being here. I will stay a little longer.

glo said...

I do think that looks like Belle to me.

glo said...

MeMa Jo if its Lib run over there and tell him its way too late for dessert!!!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

OK Poor Guy if it is!

Nestling down into the egg cup maybe
Yes Yes Yes
Now it does favor Belle - the length of the body and the tail feathers.

Just Vicky said...

And just what do WE make of this? I think we are about to have labor pains!

glo said...

It does kind of look that way Vicky and you are going to get snowed in tomorrow anyway

Mema Jo said...

Remember last season at Kent when
we all saw Star's egg come out?

glo said...

OK I can already see whats starting to happen here. Now with this nightlght we are all going to turn into Insomniacal Eagleholics

glo said...

Yep saw that one, and she didn't sit on it>>>>>> Duh ut she obviously did fine anyway, and Bartons Cove

glo said...

Vicky you have mail

glo said...

well its gotten quiet in here. Guess I will say goodnight. I am going to kind of watch and doze I guess for a little while.

Mema Jo said...

She has been in the nest a full hour.
Hope that is the sign that she will be staying and laying!

glo said...

It sure looks like it. Her head isn't tucked under like she is going to sleep.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed into bed - if I get up throughout the night I will peek in -
Mainly to see if she is still there and what the weather is doing..
I know she is a TOUGH OLD BIRD !
But I just worry about conditions she can't control - like Mother Nature!

Enjoy your special day tomorrow GLO...

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! I meant to say to you,Glo

to enjoy your special day today!!

glo said...

Thanks MeMa Jo Good Night

movin said...

Well, it's 1:00 a.m. Eastern, and Belle is still in the nest; although she seems to be half standing on the far side of the egg cup.

If I recall the last two years correctly, Belle spends at least one full night in the nest before she lays her eggs.

But it probably means we will see the first egg within at most two days time. [;~D]


movin said...

There are both a big raccoon and the deer with the injured leg(s); although the deers legs just look really swollen now, and it looks like it is standing on them better now.


Unknown said...

It really looks like she has laid the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

WOW JIM That looks like the
Daddy of all Raccoons! 50 lbs at least!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dion - I don't think she has been there long enough to expect the first egg... What Jim says about past behavior is what usually happens.
I wish I could see that egg already there so I could feel good about going to bed........

Are you here on the east coast?

movin said...

There's a large heron perched on top of that snag that looks like the eye end of a needle at Pete's Pond.

Looks like a giant on a twig.


glo said...

dionI don't think she has laid an egg yet, but sh eisn't tucking her head under her wing to sleep either.

Mema Jo said...

Jim - With predicted icy weather starting soon, Suzanne will more then likely stay home! I guess Wanda or Candy will get the Early Bird Honor.

I wish Belle would tuck her head under her wing & just go to sleep.

glo said...

Yep If Belle tucks her head I'm gonna go tuck mine too LOL

movin said...


Happy Birthday, Glo.

Good to see you on here, Mema Jo.

Kinda late for both of you, isn't it. Must have gotten up to watch Belle.



glo said...

Thanks Jim..yes its rapidly getting later. I will need to eat or sleep soon LOL.

Mema Jo said...

JIM Isn't is great to know
you are not alone on here?
I was ready to go to bed sometime ago but a Little Bird Told Me that I
better watch the cam awhile longer!!

glo said...

well I am going to grab a snack and stay up til 1 then I need to go to bed. I guess I may have to wait for the rest of the story in the morning. Sure is awfully still.

Mema Jo said...

I just ate some crackers ..
She is very still ..
She's been there for 2 hours ..
I won't be up much longer - no plans in the morning especially if icy ..
Won't be going to exercises ..
But I will want to get up to see what happened as I slept........

movin said...

Yes, it's great to see both of you on at this hour...
AND Belle too.

I usually just take a peek around at a few cams and then close up shop.

It's good to see that deer with the bad leg in PA doing better. It was putting full weight on that leg as it walked tonight, and the swelling looks more like a cast or a bandage now. It might even go away.


glo said...

I ate a cinnamin crunch cake. I am supposed to travel half way to Chicago tomorrow to visit a friend who had hip suregery almost 2 weeks ago now but its snowign with more to come so I don't know what my day will bring either.

Get some rest Mema Jo

glo said...

Goodnight Jim I am jsut about out of here. Good to see you too. I need to get some rest, I'm not getting any younger :)

movin said...

Good night, Glo, rest easy. Have a great Birthday.

I think Belle may be in the test mode tonight, and tomorrow night will be the real thing.


movin said...

Steffi is back, and there's an interesting Catalina Report on the IWS site now... enjoy.


Mema Jo said...

Good suggestion, Glo and
Good Night.

Mema Jo said...

Ok It's official
The eagle watchers are going to sign off & get some rest...

It is 2:00 am 2/1/08
Belle is still in the nest & hopefully she will stay the rest of the night.

Early Birds
Let us know what you see! I am hoping you see an egg but Jim thinks it could just be a test run as he has seen in other years!

Good Night or rather GOOD MORNING!

movin said...

I was just looking at the weather at the nest, and it's a 90% chance of rain and whatever tonight and tomorrow, so I'm wondering if Belle might be in the nest in order to keep it in condition for egg laying in the near future.

Tenting, you know.


movin said...

Good night, Mema Jo, rest up for the busy cam activities to come soon.


movin said...

I think Belle just tucked her head and is getting some shut-eye.





Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am back up for a minute. I see Belle is still in the nest and sleeping. So cool to see that.

It looks like Bluefield is totally covered in ice. Mess out there. Probably no school for rhe kids tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle's head is not tucked anymore. Looking around now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And she just tucked her head again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, going back to bed now. Have to get up in 3 hours.

movin said...

Well, so far I see neither egg nor "Wintry mix," and Belle has untucked, moved more toward 2 o'clock and retucked her head....

Unless it rains or snows, she's probably sleeping the night.


wvgal_dana said...

Belle is still in the nest. Facing her head at 12 o'clock with her backside to the cam. Head is not tucked in. She just looked around eye glowing so she is awake.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle just turned her head and tucked in behind her back to get some sleep now.

wvgal_dana said...

Something just stirred Belle awake head but up looking around. Now she put her head back behind her to sleep.

wvgal_dana said...

Check on Lady B. you all she was pretty restless about 10 minutes ago. Look to see if a 3rd egg is there.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING TO YOU ALL! I see DANA and JIM are still up and SUZANNE hasn't achecked in yet.

movin said...

Good morning, Dana,
BW looks like it could be the Lord on the eggs now. Whichever one it is has its head tucked and is sleeping.

Belle is back closer to the 12:00 position with her head tucked.

It doesn't look like eggs have been laid so far.


carolinabeachmom said...

I was so tired that I never got on last night and boy did I sure miss a lot. Has Belle been sitting there all night?

movin said...

Good morning to Candy also.

As far as I know she has been in the nest all night. I noted earlier that she usually spends one night in the nest "before" the egg laying night.

Also, there's a 90% chance of rain/snow there tonight, so she might be there to "tent" the egg cup area if it starts to come down.



movin said...

The BW parent might be "tenting" now...haven't checked the weather on the area yet though.


carolinabeachmom said...

JIM Just read back on yesterdays blog and I think she has been in the nest since 11:48 last night. They were all talkiing about freezing rain and bad ice with possible power outages from downed lines and trees. I sure hope that poor Belle can get through it if it comes.

carolinabeachmom said...

BW just moved about 5 minutes ago and looked like she was turning her eggs. She moved so fast, I didn't get a look at her eggs to see if there are three there yet. She is back to sleeping with her head tucked in.

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM, now you will be glad you are retired. You will be in the middle of all the activity. Lucky duck!

movin said...

I hope so too. It does sound extreme.

I fell asleep for about an hour, had to get up again, so I checked the cam; but don't be surprised if I disappear from the radar screen again, Candy.


carolinabeachmom said...

Before I forget:

I hope your day is a special one.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like SUZANNE has some bad weather up her way, or she would have been on by now, I would think. I hope she stayed home if it is bad out there, but she will miss all the excitement.

Lady B is awake again.

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like Lady B. turning her eggs again.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim and Candy...yep been watching Belle and Lady B. made some comments. Belle has been asleep since 4:34am.

I am wondering if Lady B. or Lord B. is getting ice there now.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I can't believe that you haven't checked in yet out of curiosity. BELLE has been in the nest ALL NIGHT!! Put your coffee maker right by the computer so you don't have to get up to get some.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

HI DANA. There has been a lot of excitement on the blog since late last night.

I have been watching BW along with ours and saw parent move twice but saw no change of the guard or eggs.

carolinabeachmom said...

Pa. cam MT for now and tried to get NBG and all I got was black. I take it that there was not another visit from the Great Horned Owl last night, Which I am glad for. Let it go to the old eagle nest and leave these eagles alone.

movin said...

Think I'll try for some more shut-eye.

Looks dry at BW yet, and I don't think Belle has gotten much precip. either.

Should be dawn there soon.

Talk to you later, friends.


wvgal_dana said...

I know about the excitement last night I was a Watcher. So I was up late didn't think I would wake again this early. Probably have to panda nap today Candy.

Is it doing anything down your way?

carolinabeachmom said...

Get a good night's sleep JIM.

DANA We are having high winds and I can hear rain hitting our windows.

Belle was just looking around to her side. That is the first time I have seen her move since I got on. I kind of feel sorry for her sitting there all alone.

wvgal_dana said...

Falling asleep at computer not good. Going to try to head back to bed for some rest.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess I'll be dressing for work in shifts! :) Don't want to miss anything. AND I HAVE TO WORK TODAY! :( You can be sure I'll get right i there and get my computer on and be watching. I might even put the blog on so I can see from time to time if anything has happened. My teacher will just have to understand.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

OK Get some sleep DANA. Wanda should be on here to take over before too long.......I hope.

carolinabeachmom said...

OK WANDA, WE NEED YOU TO COME ON!!!!!! Most everyone else was on late last night giving us the scoop.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am getting a little nervous. The top of our cam screen is starting to get the multicolored lines coming down a little. I do hope the cam stays up for you all today.

carolinabeachmom said...

First deer making its apearance at Pa; the one with the bad legs. Seems to be alone right now.

carolinabeachmom said...

OOPS! There goes the Pa cam. White on bottom with color, back up. Don;t know what happened there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Maine eagle nest is now visible with no eagle in that nest yet. Tesoro is black like NBG

carolinabeachmom said...

The multicolored lines are now hitting the top of Belle's head. I sure hope Steve sees this and doesn't let it get too much worse. AND we are up to 491 blogs and counting. Maybe you all will get lucky and he'll give you a new thread.

Costume Lady said...

I see we have a visitor in the nest already.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Lib.
It is 28° here and sleeting. Ice is all over the trees and I don't know about the roads. I haven't been out yet and from the looks ov the trees, I won't be going out today!

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I can't believe that you haven't checked in yet out of curiosity. BELLE has been in the nest ALL NIGHT!! Put your coffee maker right by the computer so you don't have to get up to get some.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

wanda, I am sure glad that you came on. I was just checking in before heading off to work. The ladies last night seemed to think it was Belle and she has been there all night.

carolinabeachmom said...

So sorry to hear about the ice on your end. WE have high winds here, 56' and rain. :) I guess SUZANNE didn't make it in this morning with the weather. So, I have to head to school, and you are in charge now. Talk to you later. Keep your eyes peeled. Later WANDA. Watch for third egg in BW too

Costume Lady said...

OK, Candy, I will keep my eyes open. I thought it was Lib because of the spot he/she is in. Must be frozen to the nest. She hasn't moved since I came on.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone; It has been
snowing here this morning but we
didn't get as much as the weather
man said that we would get,but we
did get some freezeing rain at
first and that made the roads a
bit slick.The snow is kind of a
wet snow the kind that you can make snowmen with,so later today
the kids that have no school can
go out and make snowmen.I hope that everyone has a safe trip to
work and a safe trip home later.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Danelle said...

Good morning everyone! Icy conditions here in Inwood, WV. I'm getting ready to go to work and wanted to see if Belle is there, and it looks like this may be it! I'll try to check one more time before I head into work. How exciting! I wish I didn't have to work today!

Costume Lady said...

Be carefull Danelle, the trees are full of ice here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown. Schools are 2 hours delayed.

Costume Lady said...


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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...