Thursday, January 24, 2008


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

I think the pic is frozen...

Mema Jo said...

Where is Wanda if she need was

400 lbs going once, twice
given to Wanda for Vegas

paula eagleholic said...

I thought I just saw her beak move.

paula eagleholic said...

It is moving ever so slightly

Mema Jo said...

Last comment was about WAX for WANDA

I now remember how exciting it gets when you think something is about to happen in one of the nest.

deb said...

Looks like it is, Paula.

MITS said...

when I put the pop-up up the beak had moved ever so slightly, or my eyes were kidding me

paula eagleholic said...'s time!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Deb

Blackwater cam turns off at 11:00 our time - right. Like only 30 more minutes to watch her........
What time does it return.
We'll leave Suzanne a BIG note to check her out.

deb said...

This is my first and I didn't get excited at all. NOT!

paula eagleholic said...

Doesn't the cam go off at 11

MITS said...

I think it comes back on at 3 or 4

deb said...

I went and checked, it is off from 11-3.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it comes back on at 3 or 4am Jo

deb said...

It is under the eagle cam Q & A section.

Mema Jo said...

Well if mother nature gets me up around 4am to potty - I'll check it.

Anyone else setting their alarm?

I did email Lisa through her site.
I just know she is watching without anyone advising her to.
Hi Lisa

MITS said...

you betcha, she is watching....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks - I had remembered the 11pm shut off I had forgotten how early it returned....

Mema Jo said...

If all four of us send Suzanne an email about Check BWE Cam for the
Lady with the EGG. Then she will be certain to do it........

MITS said...

okie dokie

MITS said...

she is moving that beak

paula eagleholic said...

That's the only thing that's moving

deb said...

I sent a picture of when I first saw them. I am pretty sure that is both of them.

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

both there now

deb said...

Dana will be sad she is missing the beginning of the excitement!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

They are both still there

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a fish in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

From: (
Sent: Thu 1/24/08 10:46 PM

Yes, she looks right on time. I didn't know if she'd lay it in the snow. :-)

Lisa said...

Hi guys,

Yes, we're going to lose the image soon. If she's still on the nest when it comes back on later tonight, that will be a very good sign.

If I remember correctly, the eggs have come in the early morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Unless just a pattern in the snow

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is on left, him on right

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Theres that fish looking thing again.

deb said...

Back on the side of the nest.

MITS said...

wings spread out a little, tail more visible

movin said...

That's funny, the pair was not there a few minutes ago, and I went to read the latest weblog and look at her videos. Didn't notice anything when I went back to the nest, but as soon as I got to this blog, I saw your comments...

Sure enough...

Lisa just wrote recently that the female always produces an egg if she stays overnight, not like Belle, who will stay at least one night without producing an egg before she does.


paula eagleholic said...

5 1/2 minutes...

MITS said...


deb said...

Whatever that is, it was in the first picture I took. I have had the site up all night, but I was just looking for eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Lisa has been here - Just a couple of comments up from yours.

deb said...

Hi, Jim.

movin said...

Fatty the Croc is partially submerged right below the camera, perhaps eyeballing a beautiful gold Kingfisher perched above him, or perhaps fishing for some larger fish in the shallows.


deb said...

Darn, it is done.

Mema Jo said...

I feel like I am watching the Big Ball on New Year's Eve for the count down for the Cam to go DOWN

4 more hours and then MTBR........

paula eagleholic said...

That's it for tonight! Rats!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Ok, gotta go finish my email now....

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the alert Deb!

deb said...

Well, that was an exciting way to end the evening. I am glad you all came back, so you got to see it.

Lisa said...

I get up pretty early. If I see anything, I'll post a note on the cam page.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

OK Everyone can email Suzanne to check this out You know how darn early she comes to work.

LISA You could also leave us your comment as you get up to check on her! lol

deb said...

You're welcome.

Mema Jo said...


Did each and everyone of you check OUR nest to be sure BELLE wasn't in it? lol

movin said...

I suppose she could be melting snow in areas she expects to use for laying eggs tomorrow??...

I don't recall seeing any of them even plan to lay eggs on top of snow, and she's off to one side. It could be trying to get the nest into condition faster after the snow.


MITS said...


deb said...

I do every night before I go to bed, Jo! Just in case.

deb said...

I am to excited to go to sleep, so I am going to find your crocodile, Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Lisa!

And no, I didn't check out our nest - maybe in another week or so, we had better be keeping a vigil. Remember, there may have been an egg last year as early as Feb 6, and there has been an awful lot of HP lately!

movin said...

I think it's raining at Pete's Pond now...

Lady Blackwater is in the nest for the night regardless of why. Thinking about it again, they wouldn't have waited till 11 p.m. to come to the nest just to melt the snow, so maybe she is ready to lay the first one.


deb said...

I am shutting down for the night. I have a feeling I won't be sleeping in in the morning!! Night all.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks again Deb for the heads-up and Thanks Lisa for coming on with us!

Well I know I am a little bit too excited to sleep but maybe I can
force myself! Think I'll send the Early Birds an email & then say good night.

Costume Lady said...

I came in to say goodnight and what do I see? 468 comments and an eagle in the BW nest. Ladies what is going on? What does it mean? Is she going to lay an egg on the edge of the nest? Sooo many questions and soooo little time. I guess everyone has gone to bed.

Costume Lady said...

OK, I think the cam is frozen.
I will sign off now.


paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - it means we might be starting a countdown tomorrow, I hope!

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - check to see if Lady Blackwater is in the nest as soon as you get in!!! She was there last night when the cam went off at 11pm

Mema Jo said...

Good Night everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Rest well!
Prayers for all

Read your email Early Birds

movin said...


Looks like the "action" is about to start. [:~)

Good Morning, Early Birders.

Suzanne, check the BWE nest for the Lady and perhaps a newly laid egg.


Costume Lady said...

I just checked in on BWE and there is no egg yet. When we turned in last night Lady B. was still in the nest. She is gone now, at this time. TTYL

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I guess we all are trying to check on Lady Blackwater. It is 4:06am EST and she is not in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Lady B. arrived in nest at 4:10:45am

Suzanne said...

Morning, world, Wanda, and Dana. Lady BW is in the nest as we speak, but she is standing on the side of it. She does not appear to have laid her first egg yet. But I've not seen her in the nest at this hour yet this season, so we'll see what the morning brings! She's on the side, may be sitting, and looking around. Last year she laid her 1st egg on 24 Jan 07, so she's due any day, if she remains true to form! Oh exciting! Will have to keep this cam up all morning.
Phew, catch my breath.
Cold out, 21° in PA, 22° here, and had a dusting of snow on the car this morning. Roads are totally clear, if there was anything, the VERY STRONG wind blew it away!
Oh wow, so nice to see her sitting there. Hope she lays one today since it's Friday, and won't be able to watch her all weekend. Bless her heart, hope BW doesn't have the wind we have.
Ok, gotta go open some cams, just ours and BW open at the moment, so want to see what's going on in the rest of the world.
She hasn't moved for the last 5 minutes, other than her head. That's as long as I've had the cam up. Well, 5 or 7 minutes or so.
Ok, all have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Or lay in the nest!

wvgal_dana said...


Suzanne said...

Hi Dana. I logged on and then she arrived. Nest was MT when I first brought cam up, then in she comes. She was turned the other way, but then first refresh she turned the way you see her now. Only moving her head watching...

Suzanne said...

Still opening cams, can't get NZ to open, hope they come up when folks come to work!
BUT, Norfolk is up, and there is a light where you can see the nest. Sorta. But if eagles were there, you would be able to see them! How cool is that!
Our Lady BW has not moved, other than her head.

movin said...

Morning, Suzanne.

Both BW eagles appeared before 11 p.m. and then just before the cam shut down, the male left and she settled down near the edge of the nest...there's still snow in the normal egg cup area.

So I guess she got the urge to lay eggs in the middle of the night, snow or no snow, and she rousted the old man out of a sound sleep to take her to the maternity ward..........

I don't know if she will do it before the snow melts, but that's the story so far, Suz....with a little humorous cant to it.


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

I sent email and picture to Lisa at Blackwater about the different check times Wanda's and mine.

Suzanne said...

Glancing back at yesterday's blog, saw where Mits mentioned snow. It was on our news last night that OC got (I think they said) an inch or an inch and a half of snow! Thought of you, Mits. Good grief, ya just can't get away fromt he stuff!! But bet it was cool to see at the shore!
Lady BW is laying in exactly the same position. She moved her head to the right, she moves her head facing front, right, front, and on and on. She is not moving at all other than that.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! Nest was MT when I first opened the cam, but she came in first refresh. Hasn't moved much since. The snow may be why she's not on the egg cup! I wondered. Hope she doesn't have an egg under her right this minute, it could roll off! But didn't notice an egg when first brought cam up, but only had it up for 1 refresh, and she was in the nest. And yup Jim, that's how it works. Wait until hubby is sleeping REALLY WELL, then wake him to go to hosp. heheheh Works best if the wakeup is after a really big night, too!

movin said...


Twas ever thus....

It's supposed to get up to 35 deg. or so in BW area, so they might have a chance of thawing it out in time for her to use the egg cup.

Well, I should be in bed myself, Suz.

I hope to talk to you later, but in case I don't, have a safe drive home to enjoy a great weekend.


deb said...

I had to get up and check on her. I kept waking up and wondering what was happening. I hope she waits for it to warm up some.

Suzanne said...

Since our gal hasn't moved, I was wondering if she actually did have an egg. Checked my pics, at 4:13:15 she arrived, and was facing the other way. At 4:13:46, she was in the position she is in right now. Has not moved. She's been in the same position for almost an hour.

deb said...

That is where she was when the cam went down last night, too. She had her wings spread open a little more though. Guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. I see I'm not the only one to get up and check on her.

Suzanne said...

LOL Jim, sleep tight! Hope it does get to 35°, will melt the snow!

Morning, Deb. There are so many of us up and waiting for the first egg, think we ought to break out the champaign!

Enough of us to have a nice Friday morning party, celebrating our first local egg of the season!

Suzanne said...

LOL Deb, we're having quite a crowd this morning! Lots of company for a change, that's nice!

Suzanne said...

Deb, if that's where she was last night, and the nest had snow, wonder if she has temporarily moved the egg cup? You know, when it's time, it's time!

movin said...

Hi, Deb. Looks like it's still coolish in your area, but a lot of areas I looked at are above zero at least this morning. :=)

I was thinking Lady Blackwater got the urge and moved to the nest for insurance...she probably didn't want to take a chance of being forced to lay an egg while roosted out on a pine branch. Would just have to start over again.


Suzanne said...

I got some pics from the nest last night, and there is not nearly as much snow as there was last night at 11. So either the eagles have knocked some of it off walking around, or the wind is blowing it off. Don't see her feathers blowing, tho, so maybe mom and dad, or probably dad walking in the nest has moved some of it. She looks settled for the duration!

deb said...

That could be. Lisa said she usually doesn't lay the egg till closer to morning, so maybe she is doing things different because of the snow in the nest. I have pictures from everytime she moved last night. I will do something with them when I get up for the day and will do them so you can see them to. It was sure exciting last night when I saw her come in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Hey, Jim, we're gonna bring out the bubbly as soon as we're sure she has an egg...

deb said...

I think you are right. I compared the last shot I have of the nest when the cam went down and it is not as white now. They probably did get rid of some of the snow. They were in the nest around 5:45 and moved some of the snow then.

deb said...

You are probably right about not wanting to lay an egg while roosting, Jim.

We are going to have about 4 days of nice weather, could get up into the 30's, before we go back to cold. It was awful yesterday morning. I am glad we don't get those temps too often.

movin said...

I don't know what's happening to the snow, Suz, Deb. There is a good wind, but the temp and wind chill are below freezing??

I agree though, Suz. The snow has reduced overnight somehow.


deb said...

I am going to try sleeping a little more, I wonder who will check in next to see how things are going.

movin said...

Yeah, the weather's so cold in Sioux City, it froze my uncle's typing fingers ...probably won't hear from him until the Spring thaw.


movin said...

Yes, yes...

Later, ladies. I've got to head to bed too.


Suzanne said...

She just moved her head under her wings, so she's going to sleep.

Sleep tight, Deb. Don't know who will be here next...only the Shadow knows....

Suzanne said...

Night, Jim, sleep tight. We'll keep ya informed.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Now she's moving sticks or something under her. You guys left too early!!!!

Need another set of eyes to see if she has an egg...
Couldn't tell, but now she's back down only facing the other direction. Phew, gonna have to open another BWE cam, and hit refresh...

Sleep tight!

deb said...

It is 13 in Sioux City right now, not too bad, I am at 9, that will go down yet as we still have about 3 1/2 hours of dark left. Sioux City has light snow, I have stars. That is why it is colder here.

deb said...

Ok, I never made it to bed and see she moved. I will probably be up a while. I am getting cold, BB.

Lisa said...

Yeah, that was interesting. She got up, looked under her, and then settled in a different position.

I have to go to work soon, but it looks promising.

Also, I think the fact that she's been sitting in that position so much means the snow likely is melted under her -- from body heat.

deb said...

Morning, Lisa. Would she lay her egg off to the side like that or would she move into the nest.

Suzanne said...

Deb, I'm so glad you're still up, and Lisa, I'm very glad you're here too. Have you been watching her? I wonder what she was checking? And I'm sure you're right, her body has melted the snow. There isn't as much as there was last night, but still looks like quite a bit. Have some pics I'll send you later.

Suzanne said...

Deb, you are so right about the stars! No cloud blanket makes the air so much colder. I love to see the stars, but know it's gonna be colder when I can see them so clearly sometimes.

Suzanne said...

Hate to leave, but have to. BBIALW.

deb said...

I'll watch for anything that might happen.

deb said...

Jo, it is 5:43 and our nest is empty. :)

Lisa said...

In the past, she has preferred to put the nest cup toward the back of the nest, which is about where she is now.

She looks a little to the right of her position in previous years, but that might have something to do with the snow.

Once the eggs are here, she could always move them a bit after the snow melts.

Well, she just got up. No egg but the snow looks melted where she was sitting.

deb said...

Of all times for the dogs to want out. She moved, nothing under her. Settling back down. Have to let dogs in.

deb said...

I'm back. i got pictures of mostly everything between running with the dogs.

deb said...

Thanks, Lisa. This is my first time on the cams and it is so exciting.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, guys, I'm back and see she has turned around again. No egg yet, huh? Maybe soon the way she's acting. She continues to lay. Glad the snow is gone from under her!

deb said...

She got completely off the nest, all you could see was her tail, so we could see that there wasn't anything under her. Now she hasn't moved much since she got back down.

deb said...

It looks like she is standing up now, doesn't it?

deb said...

Back down. Maybe it was the angle she was at.

deb said...

Moved again.

Suzanne said...

She moved on this refresh, but didn't see her do it. Also looks like she has her head back under her wings. Nap time.

deb said...

That spot sounds like it is more where the egg cup is from Lisa's description.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Deb. Had to get a cup of coffee, matter of life and death for caffine! Didn't see her stand, just saw her move to this position. Head didn't stay tucked in long, did it? She's not sleeping.

deb said...

I noticed that too.

deb said...

30 seconds can seem so long when you are waiting.

Lisa said...

Well, I'm off to work. I'll check in with you all later this afternoon.

But if we see anything definite, I'll put it on the cam page.

She certainly looks like she's gearing up for something to happen. Looks very promising.

By the way, be sure to check out the videos I just posted in the new blog entry. Neat to see the couple in a moving video.

Have a good one!

deb said...

You, too. Can you watch at work?

deb said...

Do you know if Lisa has started at her new job yet? I wonder if she will be at Blackwater today.

deb said...

She moved again.

Suzanne said...

Deb, I am at work (shhhhh)! My PC at home is not online. That's why I'm not here on weekends, I'm home sleeping... with no computer on.
Yes, Lisa started her new job a couple weeks ago, or maybe 3. She says she likes it, and she's doing what she wants to do, so hopefully, she'll continue to thrive in her new job.

Lady BW just slid over, no snow, no egg yet. But she's getting closer to her real egg cup!
Oh, up. Melting snow in a larger area, but nothing there yet.

Suzanne said...

She's moved again. Her egg cup is to her left, but she's melting the snow on the sides of the nest it looks like.

Oh, she just took off!

deb said...

I think she is gone with that last refresh.

deb said...

I knew you were at work. I was wondering about Lisa, if she could watch at work. :)

Suzanne said...

Well another refresh and she's not back. Thought maybe she took a quick run to the potty. Sure can see where the snow has melted. Well,, 2 refreshes and she's still gone. Darn.

Suzanne said...

Oh, sorry! I think Lisa can watch from work, but I wouldn't swear to it!

Lisa you still here?

deb said...

My fault, I didn't put a name with my question!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone,it's still
COOOOOOOLD out but not much wind
so there is not much of a windchill
so far this morning.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Costume Lady said...


Such excitement over an egg! I was up at 3:30 and at first Lady B. was there and on refresh she was gone. The same thing happened just now. Either the BW cam is playing tricks, or I didn't get enough sleep.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORONING DAVE...You will have to check our comments from late last night til now and see what is going on at the Blackwater Eagle Nest.

deb said...

Morning, Dave and Wanda. We are still hoping for an egg today. She has been in the nest for the most part since you were on last, Wanda.

Suzanne said...

Morning Wanda and Dave! We have some wind here, but if you walk fast, it's not bad.
Wanda, you're seeing correctly. Thought it was just gonna be a quick out and back, but she's been gone a few minutes. Look at the right bottom of the nest where she has melted the snow.
Yes, Wanda, this is very exciting. But wait until Belle spends her first night in the nest! Talk about excitement!!! You have NO IDEA!

deb said...

I know the second I would go back to bed, I would miss something. I probably wouldn't sleep anyway wondering what was happening. I am yawning a lot!!

Suzanne said...

Deb get a cup of java, you'll feel better!

Our kids are due in about a half hour or so, but the Lady BW seems to be taking a break for the moment.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING TO ALL THE EGG WATCHERS. Suzanne, Dana, Dave, Lisa, Wanda. I had to come in early as I am riding the bus as a moniter today, and decided to check in for a minute, Sounds like a lot to excitement is in the air. I never did get on last night as I had dinner with some ladies to say goodbye to one that is leaving the area.

carolinabeachmom said...

So you are all watching the BW nest for it's first egg. How exciting. I'll have to make sure tht I leave it on screne for the whole day today. Don't want to miss it either.

Suzanne said...


deb said...

If only I liked coffee, Suzanne. I don't know how anything that smells that good can taste so bad. It must be something with my taste buds. SHE'S BACK!

carolinabeachmom said...

She's back!

deb said...

Maybe both.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! She laid her first egg last year on the 24th, so hopefully, she'll lay her fist egg today.


deb said...

Morning, Candy. Too bad you have school. Did she just move to the corner of the nest.

Suzanne said...

It was both earlier, but dad was off to the side, could only see his head.

Now both gone. Think she left first, now he's gone. Maybe last minute nest check before egg comes????

deb said...

I wish I knew more about this whole process. Is leaving like this normal? Probably different for each eagle.

Costume Lady said...

Glad you joined us.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have to go for now you lucky ducks. The bus will soon be ready to leave to pick up children. I'll be watching. You all have a super day and keep your eyes on that nest. Suzanne, you have a safe trip home. I can't believe that you travel so far to work each day. Later gators.

Costume Lady said...

We have 561 comments! We are a chatty bunch. That must be a record.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. I see the excitement for Blackwater. Can't wait for ours!

It is 4° in Bluefield this morning and everything is white. School has been canceled for today and Andrew's school is on an inclement weather schedule. Been working a little while. Boy, am I grateful to not have to go out in this to work.

deb said...

The sunrise is supposed to be at 7:15, so we will be able to see better soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...


Costume Lady said...

It is 17° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown and going up to 34°.

Costume Lady said...

Our nest is now occupied....

Costume Lady said...

It must be Lib...checking out the bedroom!

Suzanne said...

What was all that fluffing and flying? Think she's trying to get the snow outta the egg cup.

Candy, you have a wonderful day, and a wonderful weekend. Sometimes I can't believe I make this drive either!

Starting to get lighter, you can see more in the BW nest.

deb said...

It looked like he brought breakfast with him.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. I must have missed this one, only had a dusting on my car, nothing on the roads. I'm grateful for that!

Doing nestorations.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Snuggled down in the egg cup.

deb said...

It didn't snow there yesterday, unless it did overnight.

Suzanne said...

Deb, I got the dusting on my car sometime last night. It was there this morning when I came to work shortly before 2, but nothing was coming down.

Just standing around looking pretty!

BW eagles still out. Maybe getting breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Wow, you can really see where Lady BW melted the snow on the nest this morning! Shows up well, now.

Suzanne said...

Well darn, and there she goes.

Suzanne said...

Doesn't look like any snow in our nest. Did it snow in Shep last night?

Suzanne said...

Wow, wonder how Mits likes her snow this morning? She got what BW got!

deb said...

No, that's what I was talking about no snow yesterday.

Costume Lady said...

No snow in Shepherdstown, Suz. Just cold.

Suzanne said...

I can't get Tesoro up, can anyone else? Just keeps trying and trying. And wasn't watching Maine this morning, so no clue if the eagles were there. Norfolk is in B&W, looks really cool.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Wanda. Guess it just stayed east of us.

deb said...

New thread, come on over.

Costume Lady said...


«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 585 of 585   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...