Sunday, January 13, 2008


Weekend thread 2.


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paula eagleholic said...

2 now!

Costume Lady said...

No Pic, Paula. She has Dial Up, much to her dissapointment.

paula eagleholic said...

both down in the bowl

paula eagleholic said...

She can stil take a pic, though Wanda. You'll have to talk her through it!

paula eagleholic said...

Just put your cursor over the cam image and hit the little disk drive to save, or right click and save.

paula eagleholic said...

Our couple still moving fluff around

paula eagleholic said...

Dallas and NY are tied now 7-7

paula eagleholic said...

B sitting on the big stick ont he right front

paula eagleholic said...

Goona Poof

paula eagleholic said...

Poof for Lib

Costume Lady said...

One gone...

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if he will pick the roost spot for tonight?

Costume Lady said...

I think it is Belle who remains.

paula eagleholic said...

Poof for Belle!

Thanks for the visit!

Costume Lady said...

Belle is gone now..

paula eagleholic said...

Moosecam unstuck. One moose kneeling to eat out of the bowl!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I think Karla was waiting on one of us to mention the mating and didn't think to save the pic.

paula eagleholic said...

Green bay will play winner of NY/Dallas game

glo said...

Looks like I just missed a visit
:( . Getting home from work and catching up on happenings while I was gone.

Welcome grannyblt What a cute choice of Blog name.

Now that folks are relaxing some that regular feedings are occuring at Tesoro, I wanted to share on the blog a link to a smilebox I also made last night Celebrating the happenings at Tesoro yesterday. I have to admit I did embellish the captions a little LOL Hope you will enjoy.
Tesoro Celebration

paula eagleholic said...

Nice close up of the bull at the moosecam

paula eagleholic said...

Mama hummer on the nest

2 deer in PA

paula eagleholic said...

Now 4 deer

normabyrd said...

GLO!----That is AWESOME!!----I doubt I could ever make one!!---Thanks for sharing this!!---SO COOL!!

glo said...

Norma Glad you enjoyed. I don't know if you save some of Liberty and Belles pictures I bet you probably could make one. Look how much you have learned to do over the past couple of years on a computer.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---Do you think they seed that area in PA?---Really looks like it tonight with the deer!!

Costume Lady said...

Glo, I couldn't see some of the last photos on your smilebox video. How about you Norma?

normabyrd said...

OH NO!!!----GLO---They only thing I can do is TALK!!---ho!---As you folks know!!---But I particularly like the pic showing both parents admiring the new EAGLETS!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I couldn't see them as well either!!----Are t hey COOL?

movin said...

Look at ZZ now!


normabyrd said...

EVENIN' JIM!!----What's she doing!!---THANKS---I'll check!

normabyrd said...

JIM!!---What's on her back??---Kinda looks like a seat belt!!---ho!---BLESS HER LITTLE HEART!----She is ASLEEP---really asleep---She is hanging over a limb!!!

normabyrd said...

JIM!--Do you think that is a seat belt??--ho!

glo said...

I clicked on the link and could see it all fine. Not sure what happened for you that it didn't work. There is a video included near the end but not the last page. Well sorry the last couple of pictures are really cute too...hmmm

movin said...

Well, Norma, do you think Dallas is going to come back?


normabyrd said...

WELL KIDS!!!---Still doesn't look GOOD for DALLAS!!---ho!!

normabyrd said...

Well I at least got caught up on my laundry--folded & put away---trash ready to take out!!---Dinner almost ready!!!----There is always next year!!

movin said...

Sorry, Norma. That interception "iced" it.

The Chargers came through, but they get to face the Patriots next week.

That should be a serious game of football!



movin said...

Later, folks. I've got to take care of business around here.


normabyrd said...

OK---It's like this----I don't want to wait until next year!! ho!-----BUT I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING NICE----What I really wanted to say is ^*$(%$#@!((&^%%))$#@!)(*&^%^^^^???----How did I do HELEN?

normabyrd said...

You won't believe it!!!---But they wouldn't publish my HTML tags!! ho!----I had to remove them!!---I can't even cuss correctly!!! ho!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Norma, you need Mits to help you. She is our best cusser.
Where is she anyway?

Costume Lady said...

Norma, I understood every cuss word you said!

Costume Lady said...

You are getting really good!

normabyrd said...

THANKS WANDA!!---I am getting better!!! ho!

MITS said...

HELLO!!!!! I'm here watched the games some, but the M&M GIRLS were here so my attention was elsewhere.....they were soooo much fun....D-I-L set up the camera to the computer she gave hubby for Xmas, so now we can print them out right away, of course I will have to read the directions of how to use the new camera, and the printer. It will be great, I can give the camera to the panda keepers and maybe they can get some closeups of the pandas for me.

MITS said...

#$@%&(**, Norma you are doing a find job.....I would love to see Green Bay and Brett Favre go all the way, but that pesky New England looks like they are in charge.....sorry Norma, was routing for the Giants, can't live in Redskin country and rout for them Cowboys, besides, son is a Redskin fan, and he would not let me rout for them

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles at PH

MITS said...

I was just over on Baby Tessas' site and here is the latest up date

Sunday, January 13, 2008
ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation)
Continue in prayer. The doctors evaluated Tessa's condition when she arrived and felt it extremely urgent that she have ECMO surgery to assist her lungs in oxygenating her blood. She is in surgery and we are waiting in prayer also.

Mema Jo said...

OK the Lone Bull Moose that is still hanging around with the Moose Cow - With such a close up on cam I do believe it is NOT Bull #4 - it is the Youngest Bull that Pook had in the picture of the bulls.I think this is the one that usually ate from the bowls by kneeling. Like I said - maybe Pook will make a comment on who is still around.

Mema Jo said...

Kent Nest News
Check out your emails for my message & some pictures that Marcia took of a sub adult eagle visiting the nest. I emailed Loraine & Garry & and I will post their response when received.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mits! Prayers for
Baby Tessa being offered.

MITS said...

You can go on Baby Tessas' site and leave a msg. or prayers on her blog:)

Mema Jo said...

I didn't bookmark her url when Karla posted it........ Can you repeat it?

paula eagleholic said...

NOrma - you did a fine job! I would have been cussing too if that was my team that lost. Sorry, I'm like Mits, couldn't root for Dallas! I'm a Skins fan! It just wouldn't be proper!

Jo - I saw that young bull kneeling at the bowl earlier today!

MITS said...


floralgirl said...


MITS said...

thank you all great and wonderful Megan for the tiny url:):):)!!!

floralgirl said...

Well, you are welcome:) I would say it was easy, but with this connection nothing is easy right now. I will disapear soon, taking too long to load page. Sorry, Norma, can't root for those #@*% Cowboys. Go Green Bay!!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Night all - I'm beat! See ya in the morning!

movin said...



Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for all being said for all -
especially Tessa and Sandra!
Restful sleep and peaceful dreams

Good Monday Morning Early Birds

Costume Lady said...



deb said...

Good night all. Looks like you all had another good day eagle watching. Norma, sorry about your Cowboys. I will be cheering against Green Bay. If you are a Vikings fan, you are NOT a Packer Backer.

deb said...

I checked on Tessa before bed. She made it through surgery ok. The first 24 hours are very important in calibrating the machine to meet her needs. The family asks for continued prayers.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Not too bad out, we didn't get ANY snow, sleet or rain, but the guard here said it was sleeting here earlier. The roads are wet, and there are puddles, but nothing now. 36° at my house, 38° here, and no wind, so not too shabby!
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Deer in PA. Pic is doing it's thing again, though!

Suzanne said...

Awwww, Tai is awake, laying on his back and eating bamboo. He's so cute. ZZ cam is totally dark.

Suzanne said...

Glancing back over what I missed this weekend, see we have 2 new bloggers! How cool! Welcome, Ozzie and Grannyblt. What a cool name! I love BLTs!! Welcome aboard!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Tai is shaking that bamboo! Guess he wants to make sure it's dead!

Costume Lady said...

It is 32° here and I see we have a trace of snow on the ground. Only going up to 39° today. Snow showers again tomorrow.
It's great to have Ozzie and Grannyblt join us. I wonder how many members we have? We are a very interesting group of individuals.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda. It is nice to have new bloggers! Don't know how many actually blog, but a whole lot of others read! I checked the counter one day last week, and we had over 700 hits on this blog! Unreal. 233 yesterday. That's why I say be careful what you say, the world is watching... and READING!
We didn't get any snow in my area, they had sleet here earlier this morning, and right now it looks like rain on the PA cam. Hope it's only rain! Was outside a few minutes ago, not doing anything here, so that's good.
Hope our babies are dry and will pop in for a visit.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning to all.
It was a great weekend,the weather
wasn't to bad and we had some sun
on saturday and the eagles were
working on the nest.I watched them
for about 4 hours as they worked on
adding more sticks and grass.I took
lots of photos and i will post them
later today.Max the young eaglet
from last year was around but didn't go near the nest,he just
stayed in a nearby tree and the
adults didn't seem to care.I
thought that once eaglets left the
nest they wauld not stay around to

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Costume Lady said...

We had 4 visits yesterday, the first one at 7am and the last one at 5:25pm.
It isn't snowing right now. What we got was just a trace. I see a dusting on my car and in my flower bed.

Costume Lady said...

Look forward to your photos.

Costume Lady said...

I must turn the heat up and get the coffee pot going, otherwise I might be tempted to go back to bed.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Dave. Looking forward to seeing your photos! Think our 3 from the 2006 season stayed around for quite a while after fledging. Not in/on the nest, but they were seen quite a few times in the area.
Wanda, just got my coffee. Don't want to miss the kids when they arrive.
Tai and Mei are both up trying to get out.

Suzanne said...

Don't know about you two, but blogger is incredibly slow this morning!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Eagle at BWE just left. Nobody home in Maine, but the wind sure is blowing. And can see head at Tesoro. Saw on the feed blitz we have a baby in Tesoro! Yippee!!!

Suzanne said...

Lord BW left, Lady BW still there.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MONGDAY MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA AND DAVE I see we have a newer early bird this morning.

Costume Lady said...

I had coffee with Capt. Eagle this morning and was afraid I missed our morning visit; I see I didn't. OK you two, you can come anytime now.

carolinabeachmom said...

SORRY NORMA ABOUT YOUR COWBOYS. iT It must have been hearbreaking, but there is always next year. ;)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Nope, haven't seen our kids yet. Wanda, tell Capt Eagle I said good morning to him!
I was just outside, and it's spitting something now. Guy from WV just came in, said he drove through snow showers to get here, but it's not bad. UGH!
Look at the sunrise in Tesoro! Beautiful.

Suzanne said...

Forgot, eagle in BWO.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I don't think there has been a morning visit yet this morning from what I have read. Wasn't that the BW nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, everyone. I working and watching for Liberty and Belle this morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is a chilly, dark and damp morning as I came to school today. Nice day to be in reading a book or watching and talking on the blog!:)

Suzanne said...

You can almost see our ZZ bear! She's on the table.

Costume Lady said...

L & B didn't appear until 9:29am Saturday morning. Hope they don't wait that long this morning; I have things to tend to.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. Yup, Candy, wish I was home reading a book!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey SHARON. Your eagle eye will surely spot our Liberty and Belle come into the nest now.. WANDA, you are back from coffee, so you can help too. :)

Costume Lady said...

No visit yet Candy..

wvgal_dana said...


Suzanne said...

NEW THREAD. Come over before the eagles come!

carolinabeachmom said...

I have our nest and Telsor up for the children to look at today. Can't seem to get either CC nest yet, and don't know if I'll have too much more time to try.

One another computer I have Pete's pond in Africa and then the other is the National Zoo's Panda's for Mits. :)

NORMA Hope you see your divers today. That should make you forget the loss Dallas had.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...