Sunday, January 06, 2008


New thread.


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Suzanne said...

Well, the SD pandas are going back to sleep. Bai is sitting up with her head on her front paws on the table, Precious is laying in the bamboo she was flipping around.

Suzanne said...

Bai went over to snuggle with our Precious, and now she's back to sitting with her head on the table, but Precious is hanging on her back! How cute is that????

Suzanne said...

Well, Bai must not have thought it was too cute, she got up and is now on the other side of the table. Squigs was trying to climb up on the table to get to Bai, and just couldn't make it. So she has figured out to walk around, but got sidetracked by a cool looking piece of bamboo. She's now on her back playing. Bai walked over and checked her and walked away. Uh oh, our girl is on the move. Mom there watching her, and here she comes back.

Suzanne said...

Racoon on PA cam. Big ol' fatty!

Suzanne said...

Racoon left, doe has arrived!

Suzanne said...

Oh, that's the girl with the bad legs.

Costume Lady said...

I guess it is going to be a long week after having 2 short weeks in a row.
I saw the deer with the crippled legs for the first time last night. I wonder if she had an accident or if it is a disease of some sort.
ZZ has been so entertaining,as usual. I looked in on her last evening and could only see Bai, sitting beside a large pile of bamboo. I noticed the bamboo kept moving a little and thought it must be the wind blowing it. Well slowly, but surely, ZZ emerged from under the pile and was just throwing bamboo everywhere. Bai just continued to eat away.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! I lost my whole last comment. I think the deer in PA was hit by a car when she was younger, and didn't heal correctly. Since it's both her legs on the right side, that's what I'm guessing.
Squigs is now by Bai, under the date numbers.
Wanda, did I read where you took your mom for treatment the other day? Did it help her? How's she doing?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Suz, I took Mom to Hagerstown to a Dr. Yaczks at the Robinwood Medical Facility. I wasn't allowed to go in with her, so I am not exactly sure how the procedure went. Mom said the put 3 needles into the bottom of her spine and xrayed her inbetween each injection....She feels much better now, but still has slight pain from time to time. I am suppose to call the doctor Wed. and talk to him about her treatment and let him know how she is doing. (thanks for asking)

Costume Lady said...

One day last week, I saw ZZ curled up asleep in a box outside and she was filthy dirty. There must have been some mud there and she just rolled in it. No one else saw it and Capt said it wasn't her, but then what does he know? LOL

Suzanne said...

Oh ouch! I'm glad to hear she's doing better!!! Hope she continues to improve, and hope she doesn't have to do that again.

Costume Lady said...

I got to thinking, how did she get clean. Does Bai still give her a bath? Havn't seen that in a long time.

Suzanne said...

I haven't either, Wanda, but I guess Bai still washes her. Maybe she's also learning to wash herself.
Take a look at Tesoro, kind of a neat pic in B&W and grainy, but it looks cool. Lots of clouds there.

Suzanne said...

Hope Lib and Belle stop by for a visit this morning!

Suzanne said...

Both Tai and I guess Mei are up and pacing.

Costume Lady said...

Something going on in there. Aren't they expecting any day now?

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...


Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Looking at the cam to see if we're here too.

Suzanne said...

Working on the egg cup.
Morning, Sharon.
Wanda, think the Tesoro eggs are expected to hatch around 9 Jan! Wed!!
Wow, incoming, both there now!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Belle just arrived.

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

Now we know that was little Lib in the nest, cause the big girl just arrived.

Costume Lady said...

I really can never tell til they are together.

Suzanne said...

Looks like Lib is putting some soft fluff around the egg cup.

Suzanne said...

And poof, there she went.

Costume Lady said...

Yep, just like I told Candy Saturday, leave it to a man to be more interested in the bedroom than the living room. LOL

Suzanne said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanda, you're too funny!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, our boy is on her takeoff perch!

Suzanne said...

I meant HIS take off perch.

Suzanne said...

Looks like he's gonna sit there for a while and watch the world go by.

Costume Lady said...

Suz, I can't find my Cape Coral site. Can I borrow yours?

Costume Lady said...


NEW THREAD.........

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...