Saturday, January 19, 2008


New thread.


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normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is outside enjoying his bamboo & this cold weather-----MEI is eating her bamboo too!---

deb said...

Good Morning, Lisa, Norma and Candy. Yes 5 is cold, but yesterday morning it was -5, so today is 10 degrees warmer!

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Candy see you when you get back...

Lisa I am taking it as a hopefull sign. Since last year we nor Tesoro had success. Since Tesoro now has 2 chicks/eaglets. That your nest and our nest and others will have egg/eggs and hatchlings.

deb said...

Since we don't have any eagles visiting, I am going to get some things done. BBL.

Lisa said...

We don't do anything with the osprey nest other than make sure it's sturdy and the cam is working.

So if all the sticks blow out, then we just leave it, and the ospreys fill it up when they return in March.

It doesn't take them long to have it filled with sticks again. I guess it's better that way, because then the nesting material is fresher and cleaner.

A first osprey egg should come around the first week or two of April.

Regarding the eagles, yes -- let's hope luck is in the air for everyone. :-)

normabyrd said...

DEB---PEGGY'S COVE---looks like a picture postcard---it's so beautiful!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda we were suppose to hear about Brayden Ed's great grandson on Friday night. Didn't get the call. So I am hoping they call today. If not I am having Ed call his daughter. So hopefully I'll have some good news to spread.

normabyrd said...

I noticed in the paper----ATLANTA, GA has snow!!---Would like to see if BUTA BUTA gets to play in the snow!!----Bet she loves it!!

floralgirl said...

Been standing at the end of my lane waiting for the Eagle Express to take me to Florida....cold here-12°and windy. Glad to see BWE eagle sitting in nest, she looks comfy. Birds here are gobbling seed, just watched a blue jay eating banana, mockingbird was ticked about it and let him know. probably my last post until new thread. I could walk to all your houses and greet you personally and it would be faster than this dial up connection. Have a good day, stay warm everybody.

Costume Lady said...

Can't wait any longer on a visit.
Time to get ready for church.
Have a good day ladies.

Proverbs 17:17a KJV

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan....get in out of that cold gal! Have you heard anything about your internet cable?

Wanda see you when you get back lady.

If I snap a picture of our nest it will be of something usual ( : but I'll be commenting Wanda so you can read about it.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Norma when we lived in Georgia. They said we had brought along with us from West Virginia snow flurries. The store we were in closed up. They are NOT use to getting snow in Georgia!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN---Well just walk on over----would love to have coffee with you!!---I am so upset--I have always had DEER!---never really bothered my feeders!!---Within the past mo.---They have destroyed--broken them---two of my best feeders!!---There has been a housing dev.---20 acre lots--built about a mile up above me!!---I guess they are coming down!!----They have always come down to my house & up to the windows---chewed on the shrubs, etc.---But NEVER have destroyed any of the feeders!!---THANKS MEGAN FOR LISTENING!!---ho!---Needed that!

wvgal_dana said...

I feel for you Norma I really do...I know you love seeing the deer. They are being trambled upon my developing. They keep it up and a deer will only be seen in a "zoo".

wvgal_dana said...

CC I is really having a rough ride in the nest this morning. Picture foggie due to humidity and possible rain showers there with wind gust.

wvgal_dana said...

Well the storm has passed at CC I still a little windy. Foggie/cloudy gone. Looks like no rain now.

Hope someone else is watching our nest to make comments if our eagles come in. I have to leave bbiaw

normabyrd said...

Thanks DANA!---Deer are being pushed out!---No place to go!---I don't want to start feeding them!--Might hang some soap on the feeders!!---Forgot about that!!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Dana- still waiting for the cable company to tell me when they are ready to get cable to my house, hope to hear something this week. Think I can get phone service, cable tv and broadband all from them and save some money . Norma, no problem, you can rant about deer anytime, I feel your pain. Wait until summer, then I'll have everyone over for a cool drink...

normabyrd said...

ME NEST---MT---Some wind!!

wvgal_dana said...

Soap huh Norma never heard of that...hope it works.

Megan a cool drink in the summer and hummingbirds landing on my arm/hand sounds good to me. ( :

floralgirl said...

Geez, Dana, I'll see what I can do.... Soap, if I put that out they would just eat it. None of that stuff works here, only solutions are electric fence and weaponry of your choice. Course there is no hunting here in my development(what a great idea) so bb guns and paintball guns are the weapons of choice. Sorry deer lovers, I feel sorry for them, but it's survival of the fittest in my yard, and man(or woman) rules.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Norma I hope your soap idea works for I said never heard of that.

Ok ladies I have to be gone for awhile. So I be checking comments to see what I missed.

MITS said...

GOOD SUNDAY A.M. EVERYONE Light dusting of snow here last night, rare in these parts....cold today, but not as cold as Deb's place.....puter still running kinda of slow, ...been updating and scanning hoping that helps...have a good one...sorry Candy.....Go Maryland:) Fear the Turtle!!!

grannyblt said...

Morning everyone. It is 3 degrees here, but sunny. I am very thankful for central heating.
Deer emptied my feeder last night too, Normabyrd.

normabyrd said...

I let the DEER eat all they want at my place MEGAN---Just don't destroy my feeders!!!----Now MEGAN if your husband would come over & put my feeders up high like yours--that would be fine!!--ho!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN & GRANNYBLT---GRANNYBLT---You have the coldest weather so far!----But HELEN I bet it feels colder where you are---at the BEACH!!----Did you & husband join one of those "polar bear groups"----We want pics of you all rompin' in the surf!!----ho!----
GRANNYBLT---I don't care about them eating the birdseed---But they "BROKE" 2 of my best feeders!!

floralgirl said...

ok, Norma, but then you would have to climb up a ladder to fill the feeders. That's the only way we keep squirrels and deer off our feeders, hang them up high and way out from the tree trunks. Hello Grannyblt:) brr....balmy 14° now, sunny and very windy.

MITS said...

lol, Norma, our son is actually doing a Polar Bear event for Special Olympics this coming Saturday, he is going into the Chesapeake Bay, trying his best to raise money in honor of "our" Maggie, and the Special Olymhics...anyone wanting to donate just contact me:)....son always had a dare-devil streak in him.....I will be standing on the beach with rest of family routing him on!!!

normabyrd said...

Time for MOVIN'JIM to rise!!---The COLORFUL Humming Bird is in her nest!!----She is just too beautiful!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!---HELEN---You certainly have a COOL SON!!---I'll be happy to donate---Send me address!!!

normabyrd said...

At the NZOO---All the PINK FLAMINGOS are wading in the water--along with at least 20 ducks!!---Beautiful sight---steam coming up from the warm water & the sun shining down on them!!---GREAT sight to see!!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

NORMA, WE WILL BE HOME LATER TODAY AND I WILL SEND INFO Just tried to send it to you from here, but e-mail dissappeared after I hit send, Thanks so much!

normabyrd said...

2 DIVERS---Didn't come to window!!---Just passed by---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One of our eagles is settled down rignt in the egg cup.

MITS said...

wow...lookey there!!!...looks real comfortable

normabyrd said...

THANKS SHARON!!----Sitting in the right place--ho!----Noticed all the soft grass in there this a.m.!!
What do you think?----soon?

normabyrd said...

She sits---She stands---She picks at the Nest----SHE just can't seem to get the nest--to suit her!!! ho!

normabyrd said...

One can certainly tell----An EAGLE has been setting in the egg cup!!
WHOA!!---Won't be long!!!

normabyrd said...


george said...

morning, just stopped in to say hi. looks like nest is in very good shape waitting for eggs.

deb said...

I am back again, Good morning to everyone that has jumped in. I see Belle was in for a visit.

deb said...

Norfolk is up, no one home, though.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GEORGE & DEB----She was in the nest---kept hoping she would stay longer!!---You can certainly see where she sat!!----She looked BEAUTIFUL!!!-------DEB--missed the divers----but they didn't linger!!

deb said...

I saw that I had missed them, darn. I was just on that site, checking out the windsurfers. Sometimes I switch the that camera, makes me want winter to go faster.

normabyrd said...

I was checking PH---it is BLACK!--Watched a couple videos!!---Most anxious to see the NORFOLK nest!!-----That's a COOL nest---we can watch other birds nesting & hatching later!--Also birds nesting on the rock cliffs there!!

normabyrd said...

DEB---That's called----'wishful thinking'---ho!---But I agree---I want our EAGLES to lay eggs--NOW!--

deb said...

PH went down yesterday. Norfolk is up, just checked, but no eagles in the nest or trees.

normabyrd said...

I just checked NORFOLK---I get the not ready note----I watched some of the slides---Those pics are awesome!!!

deb said...

Try the link I put on at 7:52 this morning. It should take you to Media Player.

Mema Jo said...

Good "almost lunch time" now!
I see that all of you are trying to keep warm!

deb said...

Morning, Jo. It has been a very quiet day for the eagles. Not much going on.

carolinabeachmom said...


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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...