Monday, April 30, 2007


New thread for a new week.


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sunny said...

Hi Steve! Thanks! I'll go get the others.

phyrfly said...

Suzanne, the owl cam was up this AM no problem. Thanks Steve for the new thread

Bob Quinn said...

Just posted on the old thread by mistake. Here's what I posted:

BW Osprey Cam report - I was at BW yesterday and I'm not sure the struggle over the cam platform is completely over. There was an osprey on the platform and another on the other side of the drive on a post. A third osprey appeared high in the sky above the platform. The osprey on the post took off and gave chase. I lost track of them. A few minutes later an osprey appeared, dove and caught a fish. As soon as that happened the osprey on the platform took off and chased after the osprey with the fish. I don't know if they were mates and she was just looking for her share or it was an advesary. Lisa mentioned the male of the couple has not been good about sharing. She showed up back on the platform a few minutes later without lunch. Sunday's pictures are here:


Robyn said...

Good morning all, looking forward to the next eagle generation today or tomorrow or...

Hopefully belle will be utilizing the egg cup.

Any word on the Va cam?

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Sunny. Bob, the intruder female spent the night, or at least when I logged on this am about 4:15ish she was on the side of the nest. Then later the other female landed and both were mantling. Then off and on the nest. Then an orprey came in with a huge fish! Then the original osprey left. But there have been 2 females and 1 male in and out all morning. I agree, nest ownership hasn't been decided yet! Got a bunch of pics to send Lisa.

Thanks for your photos, they're wonderful! Love the egrets!! And the RWBlackbird. I have one in my yard, but he has very little red, but a thick yellow stripe.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Phyrfly, guess it's just the 30 sec refresh that's down.

sunny said...

Good morning again! My boss walked in right after I signed on earlier.

What are the chances that the osprey will waste an entire season with all this battling? That would be sad, but another side of nature, I suppose.

movin said...

I put this into the earlier thread and waited for your reaction.... Hahahaha!

movin said...
Good morning, everyone,

I learned a way to place 'clickable links' into blogs from the Maine blog, and I'm going to try it on Bob's photo url from this morning...


Can't make it work again, and it's late...look at the end of the former thread to find a 'clickable link' to Bob's pics.

sunny said...

Yay Jim!!! I just went back and clicked on it, and it works!!!!! Good for you!

Great pics, as always, Bob. I left a comment for you on Firday evening's blog!

movin said...

2nd try:

Bob Quinn's Pics


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning This is my first post and I have lots of checking up to do - My priority is to see if Kent has any new additions & I do see our MT nest. Hi Bob Great description of what you witnessed. I still say they should go for a WEnest deal! lol
Sounds like some miracles are happening this morning! Go Jim!
Sounds like you did it per Sunny

movin said...

It does work!!
I'll put the formula here later...
gotta get ready for work now.

Have a great day.


Mema Jo said...

It worked, Jim!

OK Please Give us
Please........... This is going to be great! Did you use tinyurl first?
Are you at work, Jim

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to surf the bird cams & read emails......

Bob Quinn said...

Sunny - Just checked out your note from Friday. I could do that. I'm not a pro so I'm not sure how informative/entertaining I'd be but I'd be more than happy to give it a shot.

Suzanne said...

Spirit just turned eggs again. He has a white star on his back/wing now. He was grooming earlier.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Beautiful day in the neighborhood--74° & sunshine here---SUZANNE--Your commentary gets better each day!---THANKS!! BOB QUINN---Your photos are fantastic!---HELLO SUNNY--PHYRFLY--ROBYNANN--MOVIN'JIM---& all you MOMSTERS on the other thread---COSTUME LADY--GLO, etc.---Still wondering if this is the day----I have begun to feel--we may have passed the day---

Mema Jo said...

I see a feeding at Puget Sound and 1 egg is visible.



Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Norma - I am feeling almost the same as you concerning if
this is the day........ <:(

Mema Jo said...

Well BW has 2 osprey at the nest now.
They look determined!

Suzanne said...

BW parent back and both chicks sitting up watching. They ARE paying attention!

Mema Jo said...

Trying to follow the Adventures of Paula. She should be headed up the coast now - Yesterday I think she would have seen dolphins & whales & eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne How do you like the names Justice and Majesty? Very regal, I'd say.

normabyrd said...

HI MEMA JO---Earlier on CNN this a.m.---They showed the CHINESE ZOO PEOPLE, showing the PANDAS "porn" shows to get them "in the mood"---WHOA--They say it is REALLY WORKING!!!--They even tried VIAGRA which wasn't successful--All that aside they also show these beautiful little pandas climbing every where!

Suzanne said...

You can see an egg under Spirit. He's looking down at it! Talking to it.

normabyrd said...

JO--PAULA is on the other thread, I think---She seems to be having a BLAST!!!!----I can't even imagine how great that trip would be!!!

Suzanne said...

Star just arrived!!!

Suzanne said...

Star in tree, spirit talking to eggs!

Mema Jo said...



Suzanne said...

Well, if he could talk them out, I think he would! He sure was squaking at them. Star is on a branch in the tree, he's back on the eggs.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Jo! I'm so busy watching Star and Spirit, I didn't have our cam up, had it minimized! Little beaking going on...

Mema Jo said...



normabyrd said...

CHECK JAMES RIVER CAM #4---Shows Mom feeding the five little falcon chicks a black bird of some sort!!!---They all have their little beaks OPEN WIDE!!

Mema Jo said...

Our 2 are content just to be in their nest....... Belle is front and Liberty is behind her...

Mema Jo said...

Eagles still in


normabyrd said...

THE "PRIDE OF SHEPHERDSTOWN" (are/is ?) visiting their nest----I need some more adjectives to express how I feel about this couple!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I thought my cam froze there for a moment.

Mema Jo said...

This is a nice long visit from
Belle and Liberty

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU EAGLEHOLICS Been watching our guys and reading e-mails and checking cams. Have a good one.

MITS said...

Thanks, Bob for the new pics and JIM, you da man!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'll say one thing!
I Love it that he conquered our Link Click!! It is going to be so cool!

normabyrd said...

PA LADY FALCON----all alone on her nest-----CO NEST is "WHITE"---SUZ--How do you feel about "YOUR EAGLETS" name---

MITS said...

AARRGGGHHH...#3 cam at KENT is stick.

MITS said...

ok its ok now......phew....

Mema Jo said...

Sharon had a great pic of the eggs at Kent - sure looks like that one is more then ready for hatching.

Mema Jo said...

I really need to take a quick brunch break! MITS if you can catch a pic at our nest when they start to leave - be grateful.

MITS said...

JIM IS DA MAN Thanks , Jim for your perseverance. Yes, Jo, did look like a hole in top of egg.

MITS said...

okie-dokie, Jo

Sandy said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Sandy said...


MITS said...

Our cam is freezing at times.

MITS said...

Lib just took off

MITS said...

Belle just took off. MT nest

Mema Jo said...

I guess they both went for lunch!

MITS said...

Yep, right at noon.

Mema Jo said...

I am placing Suzanne's am pics of our nest into the album BBL

Suzanne said...

Jo and Norma, I like the eaglets names! Kinda liked mine, but I think they're very good names for them. Justice and Majesty, yes, very regal names for very regal raptors! Been writing a bunch of files to CD, and it's taking forever!
I see Spirit is losing his "star" feather...slowly working it's way down his wing, then will be off soon, I'm guessing. Glad Lib and Belle had such a long visit! Think one of the BW chicks, maybe Justice is eating the corn.
Spirit is up off the eggs!!!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

He's really listening!

Suzanne said...

R we hatching????

Suzanne said...

Dang, egg turning. Looked like he was listening to the eggs.

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Mits, Jo, you have mail.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Dang CD writer is slower than molasses! All have a great eagle day. Great day for an egg to hatch.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

WOW, just looked at my temp here...86°

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Getting ready to head out of the hotel for the trip up to Morrow Bay. Haven't seen too much of sunny California yet....been foggy here along the coast and probably will be today, too. Fortunately, there was some sun out on the islands, as I am sporting some red hands, nose and ankles.

Had to find an alternate route in San Francisco this morning, due to the bridge fire on the bay bridge, but not the Golden Gate Bridge. Found one OK and hopefully the traffic won't be too awful. Sounds like the weather is going to be better on the east coast this week, but I don't care!


Way to go Jim!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope we have some new chicks at Kent!! How cool!

Cool names at BW.

Still no osprey egg at BW?? That's a shame, but what can ya do!

paula eagleholic said...

Bye all! Have a great week!

Jim is da man!

Mema Jo said...

If both eggs hatch same day -
Does that mean TWINS

Mema Jo said...

Hey there PAULA

Keep on having a BLAST!

Mema Jo said...

Over at Momsters
Pics for album this
Last day of April 2007

Mema Jo said...

Both osprey in BW nest........

MITS said...

Paula, good to hear from you....HAVE that part of California.

sunny said...

Kent HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robyn said...

YAY!!! we have a baby in Kent OMG how small he/she is. This is an exciting day for me and I am sure all else. I missed getting a pic I was so excited :)

MITS said...

HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET, BUT IT IS A WONDERFUL THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Robyn said...

I awoke from an unexpected nap in perfect time,*dabbing at tears of joy for kent* I am going to try and take a pic and post it on the delaview site on the kent boards

MITS said...

Next to Belle and Lib, I love those eagles.

sunny said...

I hadn't looked for awhile, and when I popped in, she was standing over an egg and a grey fuzzball, still partly surrounded by eggshell! I didn't think quickly enough to get a picture.

Mema Jo said...


sunny said...

from your tone of voice, I'm guessing it wasn't 'she'??

Mema Jo said...




I am so happy for Kent!

Robyn said...

Here is a link to the wshington deltaview page. I do not know how to add pics to this site. I added a pic but not a very good one, she is being difficult about sharing :)

Mema Jo said...

I think it was Spirit, Sunny. The mark above his left eye...
What do you say Mits??

Mema Jo said...

I am trying to send out a momster's email with 2 of Kent's pics that Robyn told us about. Well see if those attachments can come through.

MITS said...

I thought it was Spirit, also. I'm so happy to see little fuzzys again, and could not happen to a nicer site

MITS said...

That chick is barely out of the egg it looks like.

MITS said...

moving egg cup remnants out of the way.

MITS said...

I'm way behind schedule today, really must go to store, out of milk...need bananas:).....just don't want to stop watching KENT.

Mema Jo said...

I'm finishing up with the Momsters album... just need few more minutes.

Mema Jo said...

Momster's Album ready for viewing of this morning's action at OUR nest

Mema Jo said...

I need to get off of here for a few hours & be productive within these walls! lol BBL

MITS said...

Great job on the Momsters album, JO!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I hope others take the time to look at them...Especially those who don't have access to watch as we do throughout the day. I try to keep them in order so they get the Whole Story.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I caught them... Proud Papa & Momma

Anne-Marie said...

Great job Robyn, if it hadnt been for you I would have missed everything.

Anne-Marie said...

Jo thanks for keeping me up to date and for all the hard work you do.

Mema Jo said...

It's all worth it Anne especially since I got your Thank You <:)

MITS said...

both parents left the nest at KENT, BUT ONE IS BACK

sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits and Sharon for all the cute pics from Kent!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

You are welcome, Jo.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Sitting Pretty Time in WV Nest

MITS said...


MITS said...

Our eagle still there, feathers blowing in the wind.

Mema Jo said...

Been there a good half an hour. Just relaxing!

Mema Jo said...

Well I have a dinner bell ringing - so I must leave. Take care of watching our eagle everyone (MITS)
Just try to snap MT Nest when he leave or a FULL Nest if another one comes......... You know what to do..

MITS said...

gotcha, Jo...

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Returning from dinner .. delicious meal from the crock pot!

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle's visit has now been for One full hour.

MITS said...

Glad you are back Jo, I need to go to the les:)::)

Mema Jo said...

Today I did not get NE or VA eagle nests...

MITS said...

just took off, going to check my pics.

Mema Jo said...

MT nest for now <:)

MITS said...

Neither did I, Jo, and I went to the lew, not the les:):):)

MITS said...


MITS said...

MOM brought in fresh leaves for baby.

MITS said...

Going to check my KENT pics now..BBS.

MITS said...

Love the way both eagles are taking care of the little one at KENT

sunny said...

I've always wondered what CAM 1 was showing at Kent, and now I can see it! I finally figured it out!

Mema Jo said...

One chick and One egg at Puget Sound

MITS said...

LOL....just sent you a pic of Puget Sound, Jo.

Costume Lady said...

Sunny--I have been wondering the same thing. Now we know.

Robyn said...

I see I missed a bit today as I was mowing and putting together a new grill. I will look at all the pics shortly.

I see it is feeding time at Pugent Sound, missed kents :(.

I see our nest is mt and Va is still down, I sure do hope they get it back up before they fledge

Robyn said...

Oh my! I don't know why thought today was May 1, I guess I did guess the hatching correctly lol, silly me. I believe I need a break from school

Mema Jo said...

Pretty warm day outside today for the Pandas. I think I see Tai inside resting. Didn't get a chance with the Kent excitement to view ButaButa today. Updates say that all is well.

Going over to put afternoon visit pics on Momsters..... Keep your eyes open for the late evening visit.

Jill said...

Could somebody give me the url for the Kent nest. I can't find it.

Jill said...

Never Mind, I found it. Guess you have to actually open your eyes and read if you want to find something LOL

Anne-Marie said...

Its been a great day and a busy one. Its time to go home for me. I will check back later. Thanks again to all of you who made my day better by keeping in touch and watching for me.

MITS said...

Feeding time at KENT

Costume Lady said...

We have a visitor in WV

sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...




Costume Lady said...

Make that 2 visitors.

Mema Jo said...

Short but so good to see them no matter what time of day

Hi Sandra

Mema Jo said...

20 more pics for Momsters.......

Mema Jo said...

What does anyone remember Candy saying when she was last on..... Did her daughter go to FL with the band??

or am I dreaming?

Robyn said...

I just took a pic of kent and it looks like there is a hole in the egg, wow that would be awesome to have two in one day.

How much longer for the pugent sound egg to hatch?

I tried to get a peek at our nest but it looks foggy.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn You can go to the photos over on Momsters site and view the events of the day at our nest - was sorta busy with visits!

My question about Kent if we get 2 on the same day - Are they twins LOL

Mema Jo said...

On yes, Robyn
Our nest is surrounded with the
Eagle Spirits that are protecting our nest.
We used to always say that at night especially when the nest was filled with 3 little eaglets

Mema Jo said...

It's been a very eventful day and hopefully there will be one or more like it in the future.

I'll be back in about 1 1/2 hrs to say good night..........

Robyn said...

I they are twins would they be identical or fraternal :)

I am rooting for lib and belle, from all the visits I read maybe they are getting ready?

Robyn said...

that would be IF they are twins

sunny said...

Awwww....Lil Kent just looked right up at the camera!

MITS said...


Robyn said...

Sweet dreams mits.

WOW Suzanne I see you all over the place :) in blogs that is.

Mema Jo said...

I'm back... Twins - probably need to come out of the same egg! lol

Mema Jo said...

If Megan comes on - bet you 2 to 1 that there is a sunburn from today's outside work! The breeze was so soothing that you would forget about the sunshine.

Mema Jo said...

I think there is more then 1 Suzanne.. Our Suz is on the computer at her job site.. the one at home is not PLUGGED IN yet! It is a big inside joke that we play with Suz about her computer at home.

floralgirl said...

Ha! Of course I've got a little sunburn on my nose... Beautiful day today!

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping I could find you!
Have you been wearing your garden wide brimmed hat?

floralgirl said...

Well, I just sat down after doing a large sink full of dishes. I must confess, no hat for me today.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Megan - 1 egg hatched at Kent
The chick is being fed now..
They sure don't stay a baby long..

Mema Jo said...

Sure looks like a peck mark or two on the remaining egg. Having some difficulty rolling the egg and getting the chick to go down under!
All settled down!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - what happened to your dish washers. Too much homework tonight or didn't get home in time from work???

floralgirl said...

lol... One is not home from work yet(poor thing) and the other had a great report card and lots of homework. So it was up to me to find the sink.

Mema Jo said...


floralgirl said...

That is such a great shot of the Kent nest, what a view.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

Jo, they came from the same place so perhaps they don't need to derive from the same egg :)

Mema Jo said...

I love that nest too, Megan. Those 3 cam views on one screen is exceptional.

Mema Jo said...

If you say so Robyn! lol
I knew you would figure it out.
Did you read your 5 chapters yet?

movin said...

Evening, everybody...

Is that Spirit snoozing on the nest in Kent tonight?

Looks like he's laying on his side to keep from suffocating the chick.


Mema Jo said...

The eagle did have a hard time getting the one egg and the one eaglet underneath. It does look like a side-sleeper with good reason of course.

Mema Jo said...

Jim, I tried to do a clickable link but I flubbed it somehow. I will keep trying until I get it. Printed out your email & will work on it!

Mema Jo said...

Jim, Robyn and Megan

This old night owl is going to hit the hay! You all have good evenings & a good day tomorrow.

Good Night & Peace Be With You

Suzanne - eaglet in Kent (Could be 2 by the time you get into work and the sun comes up at the nest)

floralgirl said...

Good nite, Jo.

Robyn said...

I wish I finished those 5 chapters, alas I had to mow an acre of weeds, thank goodness for weeds or I'd have no lawn lol j/k.

Night all

movin said...

Mema Jo.. I hope you tried the clickable link on the blog. I don't think it works the same way in e-mail or other formats.

I copy-pasted the formula to a Word document, saved it in My Documents, then made a shortcut for my desktop...I'll be able to copy-paste the formula to the blog and fill in the blanks in no time now.

Think I'll do Mr. Quinn's pics again right here.

Bob Quinn's pics


movin said...

It works, but I found out you can't leave any blanks when you plug your information into the formula.

Well, tomorrow's another day...
Good night everybody.


Suzanne said...


Thought ol' Spirit was listening to the eggs yesterday. Awesome!!! Thanks for the pics!! I'm so excited!! Can't wait for daylight to arrive so I can see the new one. THRILLING.
Phew, be still my heart.
Ok, better now. Beautiful night out, moon is very bright. Looks cool peeking between the clouds. 53° at my house, 64° here. Hopefully, it will be a nice day, but heard part of the weather last night, think we're supposed to get rain, with thunder storms tonight. Oh joy...
Ok, gonna have to go read blogs and finish checking my email for our new Kent baby.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, got so excited I forgot. There is an osprey in the nest, so I presume she spent the night. BW eaglets are still asleep, as is any normal animal at this time of the day! Our nest is MT, and too dark to see PA falcon, or out west yet. Osprey is awake and moving around the nest, she's not sleeping or relaxing, so maybe the other ospreys are close by.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, wasn't watching, and one of the chicks is MIA. He's not in the cam view at the moment. Other one is sound asleep. It's even too early for them to start their flapping exercises!

Suzanne said...

Well, something over in the far right corner moved last refresh. But there is fuzz or something on the cam, and can't see clearly. Don't think our kids made it quite that high with their poop shoots, so no idea what is on the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle are in our nest this morning.

Good morning, Suzanne!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lib left, Belle still there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And gone!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. I missed them, had to step out. They've been coming to the nest early, lately. Did you get pics?

Suzanne said...

Got my barn owl 30 sec refresh cam up!! they sure have grown!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Still there. Checking the condition of the nest. AM nest inspection...

Suzanne said...

Oh, 2nd osprey arrived, but first one is just staring at him/her.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Just noticed, the 2nd osprey to arrive has brought a fish.
Lib just left!
BW doing wing flaps!

Suzanne said...

Lib's back, both in nest.

Suzanne said...

and the saga continues...
the original osprey that was in the nest, and didn't like the 2nd one aarriving has left. Second one is still there holding fish in claws.
BW chicks are doing wing flaps.
Both Lib and Bell still in nest.
PA falcon on eggs, no news on web site about a hatching yet.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, ok now, Lib left again. What's the deal with him today? In and out in a flash!

Suzanne said...

Belle still in nest. Osprey eating fish.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, belle at launch pad. Oops, gone.

Suzanne said...

2nd osprey just arrived, and the one that was eating is now mantling, so this may be the original female that spent the night.

Suzanne said...

The osprey that was eating is still eating, but she's turned around so her back isn't to the other osprey. But gonna eat anyway!

Suzanne said...

As soon as I said that, next refresh, she's mooning the one that's in the nest. But she's still eating...

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 237   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...