Monday, April 30, 2007


New thread for a new week.


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Suzanne said...

Oh now we're getting brave. Osprey that was in the nest is slowly making her way to the one on the side that's still eating. And the saga continues...

Suzanne said...

Now we're a tad closer, and the one that's eating has turned sideways so she can eat and watch the other one at the same time.

Suzanne said...

Now we're at a standoff. Both are standing in the nest, one watching the other. The one that was eating is looking off...

Suzanne said...

They've switched positions again, and both are in the nest. Now I'm gonna guess that this is our male and female. Male has caught fish before, and mantles to protect it.. doesn't share it with the Mrs.

Suzanne said...

Well I'll be. That WAS the male. he must have heard me, he just turned around and faced the cam. Little porker, didn't give his mate a bite!!

Suzanne said...

One of the BW chicks just totally disappeared off cam. Back on next refresh. Wish he wouldn't do that!!

Suzanne said...

Oh good grief, he did it again! He's there, just off cam, cause the other one is watching him. Both ospreys standing around, our nest MT, Falcon on eggs trying to sleep. Got the barn owls up, parent is there (can't see chest) and the 4 chicks. Here comes wanderer BW back in view...

Costume Lady said...

Good Mornins Suz,
Watching the Kent baby hatch was awsome. A first for me. I got a stiff neck watching for so long.

Time for my coffe with Suzanne!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suz, I did get a few pics of the first visit. Will send them out in a bit!

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady! I'll bet it was awesome! I'm sitting here smiling. I'm so glad they had a hatchling!! I was getting worried, I was thinking the first would hatch on Sat, Lorraine said Sunday, and here it was Monday and no baby yet. Guess I went home too soon!!! I'm hoping the other one hatches today since they were only 2 days apart when they were laid! How exciting would that be????

both ospreys still in nest... the full male, the hungry female. Our nest MT, BW chicks just laying around, Falcon on eggs, and the 4 barn owl babies are snoozing. Still dark in WA, so can't see Kent or the osprey cam.

Suzanne said...

Great, Sharon!

Suzanne said...

Male osprey left.

Suzanne said...

Female is taking off from the osprey nest as we speak.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Sharon,
Been thinking of you. I have a daughter your age and she quit smoking 6 days ago. She just now is feeling human again, but is proud of herself. (Read your profile about the cigs. so I am assuming you partake) She too, has been watching the Eagles nest and it has kept her mind off her habit. She was thrilled to see the Kent baby hatch.

Suzanne said...

Well, she made a liar out of me. Only doing some wing flapping to greet whoever else just arrived. maybe the male back again, who knows with these guys????

Suzanne said...

Almost dawn in Kent, can't wait to see the new baby! Who knows, maybe we'll even have 2 new babies!

Suzanne said...

Not quite daylight, but there is a tail up in the air at kent. Checking new baby, I presume.

Suzanne said...

That wasn't a tail, it was a fuzzy head.

Suzanne said...

Wow, eagle parent is ALL puffed up, very pleased with him or herself. Not quite daylight yet, can't tell who it is, but I'm guessing it's Dad.

Suzanne said...

He also has some red leftovers on his beak....ewwwwww.

Suzanne said...

He's either all puffed up or he's soaked. Oh man, I hope it's not raining in Kent!!!

Robyn said...

Good mornng all,

Peeking in on the nests I see ours is mt again and it looks like rain in Kent. Seems there might be a new additon in Kent today if it hasn't happened already.

Suzanne said...

Yes, that is dad... still has that white "star" on his wing.

Suzanne said...


Robyn said...

Does the kent egg looked cracked?

Suzanne said...

Awwwww, he gave the chick a few bites of breakfast, then just stood and looked at him for a sec. Now back on baby to keep him warm and dry.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Hi Robynann, I'll have to go back and look at pics I took. Was so excited to see the chick, didn't really check the egg. Dad seems so happy!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Robynann,

Looks like rain or a heavy dew in Kent--unlike our beautiful day.
Have a good one!

Robyn said...

Morning Suzanne, Costume Lady, yes it is going to be a beautiful day here. When I can leave my home in flips flops to drive my daughter to school without freezing feet it is a good day :)

Suzanne said...

Chick again!!

Suzanne said...

Dang, wasn't quick enough to get a pic, but looked like Dad was trying to bite other egg. Course we all know eagles don't help their young hatch, but it looked like he was doing something with the egg. Maybe just talking to the chick.

Robyn said...

Does anyone have any info on the Va cam and if it will be up and running soon? I am sure those babes have gotten HUGE this past week and I am having withdrawals!

glo said...

New thread

movin said...


Come over to the new thread, see the new look.


Suzanne said...

Switch at kent. Spirit in tree, Star now on baby and egg.

Suzanne said...

Well, never mind, Spirit took off. Star is on baby and egg.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...