Wednesday, May 16, 2007


New thread. Warm this AM.


Robyn said...

Good morning :).

All this talk of the osprey has me worried now. I can't say I hve been watching this family but I m now. Does this happen where the male will just up and vanish if at least for a little while?

I do hope nothing happened to him or that other hussy won him over lol

movin said...

Good morning, everyone...Thanks, Steve.

The mother Osprey seems to be looking out for attack again as well.

The father could have been injured or killed by another Osprey or a Bald Eagle stealing fish on the wing. ... but we'll have to hope somebody can see more than we can see on-camera.


MITS said...

GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNING EVERYONE Weather is going to change today. Storms are coming. Robyn, it is hard to say what is happening at BW, so much drama there this season.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Jim. Mom osprey off the eggs again this refresh. Sure hope she gets eomthing to eat or finds dad! Ok, on 2nd minute away.

Suzanne said...

She's back. 2 minutes.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robynann and Mits. Yes, these ospreys have had a tough time of it this season! It's not usual for the male to up and leave, specially since they have eggs. I just hope he's ok, and can get back to mom soon!

Suzanne said...

Dang, meetings. Back later.

MITS said...

Nest Update

Father Watch- We continue to look for images that show two ospreys on the nest. Our father osprey has not been around and the mother has had to do some fishing for herself.


MITS said...


MITS said...

Osprey on side of nest, can't tell who it is.

movin said...

There is an Osprey with a fish on the corner of the nest now...think it could be Dad.


MITS said...

Don't see the fish, but looks like a smaller osprey, can't see the chest.

MITS said...

Ok, I see the fish now, still can't see the chest.

Robyn said...

How long can the ospreys stay off the eggs. I see somone feeding and what would one be looking for on the chest.

MITS said...

Robyn, the female has what looks like a necklace across her chest and male's chest would be plain white, when you see it you can tell right away, very distinctive looking.

MITS said...

Just got a pic of osprey, could not tell if it was a change or a dfensive mode....ROBYN NOT SURE HOW LONG THE EGGS CAN STAY WITHOUT SOMEONE ON IT, BUT WEATHER IS OK

Robyn said...

Thank you Mits, now I have another bird to fret over.

paula eagleholic said...

I think they are defineitley ok to get off those eggs for awhile, esp with these nice days....

I can't tell who it is either, probably MOm

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry for that wild spelling :) Still on first cuppa joe.

paula eagleholic said...

Info on CT Osprey

May 15, 2007, 11 a.m. Osprey Cam is up and running . Thanks for your patience. Hatching expected "any day now."

-- Mara Neville

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey done eating at BW, settling back in on eggs

Morning, all :)

MITS said...

No fretting aloud, Robyn, this is nature, just like life we really have no your fretting for the important stuff:):):).

MITS said...

Must have been mom back on eggs.

movin said...

Well, Mom's had a good breakfast, saved some of the tail end, and is setting on the eggs again...don't know what was wrong, but at least part of it is fixed now.

Have a good day and I'll talk to you this evening,


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Great pictures, Wanda. I can see Belle in the tree!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the pics! Picked the wrong time to go to a meeting, short though it was...thankfully!!! Nice to know she's eating, even if she does have to catch it herself. Think in this weather it won't hurt the eggs to be unattended for a few minutes, it's nice out. But I sure would like to see 2 ospreys in the nest at the same time.
Kent eaglets are snoozing while parent in tree keeps an eye out for them. Falcons are asleep except for 1, who is looking around taking the world in. Too cute. All 4 owlets are tucked in their corner with mom on guard.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Its going to be a busy one. Thanks for keeping me up with what is happening to our Osprey. In between my whales and birds I am really getting to be a mother hen. As of a few minutes ago the whales have reached West Sacramento. They cant go any further in that river because of a lock. Thats where the big freighters pick up rice, almonds, and fruit for Japan and the east. They have to turn around or die. Today they are sending in boats with sonar to urge them back to San Francisco and up out under the Golden Gate. They have done it in the past to other whales that get lost. Mother whale has a net or rope attached to her. I hope they can get it off without frightening her or her calf.Sorry about the novel this early in the morning.

MITS said... to zoo.

paula eagleholic said...

They have 4 eggs again at CT - hopefully more than one will hatch this year.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Heidigirl. That's not a book, that's interesting. Hope they get the whales where they can continue on their journey, with no harm to the whales!
Mits, have a ball at the zoo this afternoon. Give our love to Tai!

paula eagleholic said...

Mom Osprey at BW eating again

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Sure hope dad osprey shows up today. Has anybody seen the Kent chicks get fed? Saw dad leave this morning, then Star arrived, but she didn't bring breakfast. Haven't seen Spirit since this morning. They're sleeping now, so I'm sure they're ok. Star is on branch watching them. One BW eaglet has been AWOL for a little over an hour. Testing his wings, I suppose.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent arrived at VA w/ food? Chick mantling big time

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Was a short visit, but I did get some pics! First time I have seen them in awhile :)

paula eagleholic said...

2 VA chick watching 3rd one eating. Smallest one just moved closer, hoping for some leftovers.

paula eagleholic said...

Can only see 2 eaglets at VA

Parent at BW eaglet nest for lunch

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, 3rd VA chick off to the far right - can see her when the tree is really swaying.

Jill said...

Osprey standing up doesn't appear to have a necklace.

Jill said...

back on eggs now. Must be mom but couldn't see anything on the neck

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I figure it is well past time for me to check in. Been busy with the new job, trying to stay on task and work only 8 hours instead of 12. I hope everyone is well. I have missed you all!!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Sharon, glad to hear all is well!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi, Paula!! How is it going with you?

paula eagleholic said...

Tired but very well, Sharon thanks.

Robyn said...

Good Afternoon

On the BW osprey page Lisa has a link describing the possible situations about the osprey and the missing dad.

I do not know the tinyurl so I can't put in a link :(

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, have you heard anything from people on Catalina when the cams will be up and how much dammage was done?

Jill said...

Last I heard power was to be restored to most of the island in 1 week to 10 days. Dont' know what impact that will have on the cameras. If they dont' have to rerun the lines to the camera should be a problem

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Jill. Loved the pictures. Its nice to know who I'm talking to. Jo has my picture.

MITS said...

HELLO!! Robyn, I tried to use the tinyurl, but don't have the time or patience right now. So Lisa's report is right on the osprey page aa a special edition of the opsprey log. Its just as easy to go right to it from here.

Mema Jo said...

HELLO How was the Zoo crowd!
Our cam right now is very clear - just turned it on. Was reading the update on both eagle & osprey pages at BW. The clips on the eagles' page are really really good! Lisa caught some good ones. We had rain as you can see on the nest that WV had some too. Well, Megan's flowers were naturally watered!

MITS said...

The zoo was good, all of the animals on the Asia Trail were out, although most were sleeping.

MITS said...

Sure would be nice to see a visit to the nest while the cam is calm.

MITS said...

I'm so glad you stopped by today, Sharon:):):):)

MITS said...

The storms we had earlier are over Cambridge, Maryland now, at the BW nests.

Mema Jo said...

I am happy that eagle eyed Sharon dropped in today also.

Mema Jo said...

I think that Panda cam 2 is showing Tai & all his bamboo.

MITS said...

Yep, that's Tai.

Mema Jo said...



MITS said...


Mema Jo said...



MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Well it was sure nice to see them.

Mema Jo said...

Got some good pics for album.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I missed them. Went downstairs trying to get my brat dogs in (the two renegade boys - Buphals and Hairy). Of course, they wouldn't come in!

Mema Jo said...

I got pics - I'll post them.
Did it rain in Bluefield today?
We got some - not much.

Mema Jo said...

Going over to Momsters BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It rained a lot here today, a big pour down!

MITS said...

Just as I left the zoo, the skies opened up.

MITS said...

Chicks all by themselves at KENT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. I have to get up at 5:30 a.m.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Mema Jo said...

This evening's pics of nest visit

Mema Jo said...

Cam 3 Kent is frozen but other 2 are running well. Keep looking for that daddy osprey - I think she is turning eggs now.

Mema Jo said...


Good Night Everyone
Tomorrow is another day
Peace Be With You & Yours

Good Morning Suzanne

MITS said...


movin said...

Anybody still on the blog? Mema Jo, Mits?


Jill said...

I just came back Jim. Have fun at the beach Mits. Wish I could go. Got my confirmation for July tho.

Mema Jo said...


movin said...

Hahaha, yes I did, Mema Jo,

I was wondering if anyone had seen the male Osprey bring fish in for the female during the day today.

Then I opened AOL and looked at the first pic I sent this morning when the bird landed with the fish...I'm 99% sure that was the male...smaller beak and feet, male head markings, lands with fish in same place he lands, proceeds to eat the head end before giving the remainder to the female.

Anyway, did anyone see anything further during the work day?


Mema Jo said...

Paula must have seen her eating again (maybe the leftovers) close to the noon hour. No one has sighted the dad.She has been turning the eggs.
I keep checking but their cam will go off around 11:00 eagle land time.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Robyn said...

Thank you for the pic Jo. Enjoy OC Mits.

I missed so much today between replanting 2 black cherry trees, spending time with my daughter and studying.

Tomorrow is another day.

Sweet dreams all

movin said...

Thanks for the info, Mema Jo...
I believe we did see the Dad bring the fish this morn, and the Mom getting her maybe things aren't as black as feared for that pair.

I should also say good night, God bless you all... Good morning, Suzanne and the early crew.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Another day closer to Friday! Older I get, the longer the workweek gets! Nice night out 52° at my house, 61° here. Not as humid, so it feels chillier than it has in a couple days. Had some good rain yesterday afternoon, we sure needed it! Started before I got home, so got soaked getting mail at PO, then going into my house when I got home. Didn't mind though, like I said, we needed it. Stopped around 5ish I think, then went out and fed the birds. Poor things, they were soaked!
Ok, cam update. Our nest is MT, but a nice clear pic (shhhhhh), BW has one eaglet in nest, other one is probably on a branch. Only 1 osprey on eggs again today. Read Lisa's update on the osprey page, male was last seen Sunday morning. She gives some explanations on why the male would not be in the nest. Very interesting. Dark in PA, can't see the falcons, dark out west, and the barnowl cam is locked on last night at 2030. One of the owlets is stretching his wings in front of the cam on top view, showing his butt on side view. Cute pic when you look at both of them. Side view has a perfect shot of the owlets butt and that's all.
Oh! Jill! Thanks for the camera info on your Olympus!!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Someone just arrived in our nest! You can see the tail, looks like Belle's but wouldn't swear to it!

Suzanne said...

Someone just arrived in our nest! You can see the tail, looks like Belle's but wouldn't swear to it!

Suzanne said...

Well, ok, they now turned around. Can't see tail, but head is in what used to be the egg cup.

Suzanne said...

Still there, standing in nest, looking around.

Suzanne said...

Still standing around looking comfy to be there.
Osprey on eggs, BW eaglets MIA, and cam is getting flakey! Falcons are coming into view, appear to be sleeping, and barnowl cam still frozen in time.

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight out, you can see head, tail, feet, and body, now.

Suzanne said...

Ok, up on perch now, must be Lib.

Suzanne said...

Ok, we're rearranging sticks now.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now standing in front of tree. I have no clue, thought this was Belle until they got on the perch. NEVER MIND BOTH THERE!!!

Suzanne said...

Dang, have to go for a sec.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. I am watching these beauties too. Getting ready to start work. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Remember - do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great for the giver as well as the reciever!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now they are gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Liberty is back.

Suzanne said...

One still in nest. May be Belle, standing in nest, but over by launch pad.

Suzanne said...

Oh, morning, Sharon! Thanks, had to go out, so couldn't watch them! Don't know if that's Lib or Belle, but it's nice to see whoever it is!
Enjoy your day at work!

Suzanne said...

Both BW chicks are eating something, osprey just turned her eggs, butback on them now. Falcon has something huge for breakfast!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Lib came back, had a big stick. I see new leaves.

Suzanne said...

Belle's getting a branch to move.

Suzanne said...

Couldn't tell if she moved the branch or not, but now Lib has his beak open getting ready to get a stick.

Suzanne said...

Both still there, just watching the world go by.

Suzanne said...

Lib moved over next to Belle.

Suzanne said...

Lib just left, Belle still there by tree.

Suzanne said...

Dang, knew it. Cam started messing up, got one more pic, now Belle's gone. MT nest. Bad pic.

Suzanne said...

OH, no, she's way up by the tree. Belle still in nest!

Suzanne said...

Belle still there by tree, looking around.

Suzanne said...

Now she's right up by the tree. Almost hiding, but she is there. Can see her white head and part of her body.

Suzanne said...

Ok, she either took off, or she's WAY up by the tree and invisible to the cam.

Suzanne said...

Nah, she's gone. Phew, that was exciting.

Suzanne said...

BW parent brought something to the nest, and an eaglet came to investigate. Nest has been MT for a while. Chick started eating leftovers, but decided whatever mom or dad had looked better, so now over there begging some of theirs.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good eagle morning Suzanne and Sharon.

carolinabeachmom said...

I see where you have been watching our eagles in our nest already this morning. Sounds like they still like their home. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Never got on after work yesterday, as our company was home. Soooo I hope to be able to get on my son's computer a little bit while I am there. Doesn't look good for the drive. I'm hoping rain up your way and along 95 will be done when I get there. I hate being on 95 in the rain.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'll be trudging out of school about 1:30pm I hope for the trip to Winchester. I see Mits os going to OC. I hope she has a safe trip and good weather.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy. Not raining now, storms stopped late yesterday afternoon. Think it stopped at my house around 5 or so, cause I waited until it was over to feed the birds. Believe we are supposed to get more rain this afternoon, but wouldn't swear to that! What time are you coming to Lancaster?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, children are going to start coming in. Thank goodness our school year is winding down; only about 2 and a half weeks left for children. :) We are all ready to get out of here! Then come August, I can't wait to get back. Go figure.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, be back Monday night. You all take care of all of those precious babies out there and keep an eye on our nest. I'll try to get in and read the blogs. All havae a good day.

Suzanne said...

Oops, was posting while you posted and didn't see it. My mistake, Winchester is your destination. Where did I get Lancaster?
Mits, have a safe trip to OC!!!

Pics of this mornings visit have been sent.

Suzanne said...

Have a safe trip, Candy, and enjoy your visit!

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, hopefully I'll be reaching Josh's house around 7pm if the traffic and weather are good to me. Like I said, I hate 95.


carolinabeachmom said...

We are going to Lancaster on Friday to the Sight and Sound productions of Adam and Eve and then back to my son's house until Monday am. Then I'll head back to the beach.

As you say, eyes to the skies.

glo said...

A fun nest visit with Lib and Belle and chatter with the Momsters. what a fun way to start the day.

Good morning all. hey has anyone got a fly swatter I coul dborrow some days you just need one for each hand?

Suzanne said...

Ok, thought I remembered something about Lancaster, but then thought it might have been someone else. I hate 95 too! You be careful, and have a good weekend and trips!
Morning, Glo. I've got a couple, but my arms aren't that long to give them to you. Suggestion...get a cat or two. They're big hunters when they catch a fly or something! Goes right to their head, and they just prance all over the place!

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight in Kent. Can see an adult in the nest. One of the BW chicks is in the nest, other one is AWOL. Our nest is MT, but we had a nice visit this morning. Owl cam is still down, closed it. Falcon chicks have eaten twice, now 3 are sleeping and 1 is sitting up looking around. The egg that refuses to break completely is still there.

Suzanne said...

Oh, and mom osprey still on her eggs.

Suzanne said...

That's Spirit with the chicks.

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks have a big fish for breakfast!

Suzanne said...

Darn, neither one of the BW cams is updating. Maybe they're doing something with the server, or something. Falcons are eating again, too.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz
Time for another cup of coffee--no; just looked at the time. Time for breakfast. Have a great day.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!--It's a cloudy day in WV--temp. 56°---HELLO SUZANNE---SHARON---CANDY--WANDA & GLO!!!--You are correct GLO--It's always a GLORIOUS DAY when LIB & BELLE are in the nest!!!--CANDY--You will enjoy the play at LANCASTER!!---The use live animals!!--AWESOME!---SAFE TRIP--SHARON is getting ready for ANDREW'S GRAD.---One "PROUD MAMA"---SUZANNE--If things get too hectic here--We can always join MITS at the beach!!--I heard her say---"COME ON DOWN"---(maybe that was Bob Barker, i heard)--ho!---WANDA (a new friend) is related to the Sheriff of WINCHESTER & JILL (a new friend) knows all the WV State Police in Eastern Panhandle!!---WOW!---CONNECTIONS---CONNECTIONS--This is just too much!---ho! ho!---4 OWLETS in the nest!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady. Have a great day today! Nice out, but windy. We had a good rain last night...or yesterday afternoon. Didn't have to water my plants!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Normabyrd. Didn't see you when I posted. Is the owl cam back up? It was frozen this morning, and I finally closed it. Nice to know all 4 are still there!
Falcons are having a coffee clatch in their nest bed. Oh yea, as I write that, all heads went down for another nap. So much for them being up and talking...
BW cams are still frozen, our nest MT, and osprey is on eggs in WA. Kent chicks have had breakfast and are now napping. Parent left a little while ago. I was reading something Lorraine and Garry have on their site, and seems squirrels live in the "basement" of the eagle nest! That might explain why we keep seeing George and friends all the time...they live there too!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning I'm up and getting ready for some "too early for me" morning appointments. I admit I am a night owl not an early bird.
Got all this am visit pics from Suzanne - thanks! Will place in album upon my return.
Glo I don't need the fly swatters yet - I need ant spray!
Everyone make it a good day for yourself and others!

normabyrd said...

PA FALCONS CHICKS are enjoying the a.m.----"Breathing in all that pollution from the traffic"---But they don't seem to mind---EGG still with them too!!!---Aren't they adorable--stepping on each other!!----See a parent's wing hanging down!!!

Suzanne said...

Note from Lisa: Power is out at the refuge, and they may not have it back until this afternoon. Guess that's why the cams aren't updating!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo. Have a good day at your early appointments! At least you can take a nap this afternoon!
Falcons are adorable, Norma. Love watching them. With all those wing leftovers, they probably don't even notice the car pollution! Course I guess they can't smell too good anyway. That's probably a very good thing!

movin said...

Good morning, everyone...

Have a great day.


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO & JIM!!!---JIM--Are you following the whale story there in CA?--OH!!--How I hope they get them back to the ocean!!!!----JO--Just think how good it will feel to get through all these appts. this a.m.

normabyrd said...

MIT RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS---Are in nest cuddled up & they are so CUTE----Feathers coming on---One might think they are wearing costumes---feather trims!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Update from Catalina -
Dr Sharpe and Steffani were able to visit 4 of the 5 nests yesterday and all is well. He took some video of the West End and Two Harbors nests. I put the links to them on


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!!---Have you recovered yet???---I remember after I got through my daughter's wedding---I thought----I CAN HANDLE ANYTHING NOW---BRING IT ON!!!---ho! ho!---I am glad everything went so WELL!!------Thanks for the update from Catalina---W/check out!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm trying Norma! Still tired trying to get caught up everything around the house. And that darn grass keeps growing! Gotta finish mowing tonight, was too wet last night.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Trying again

eagletmomsters blog

paula eagleholic said...

Woo hoo, got it now, that is so cool!

Thanks, Jim and Mema Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Trying again - Here's a link to my first set of pictures from California

Santa Cruz Pictures

Robyn said...

Thank you Paula, it is amazing how fast they grow. I swear the last time I saw them they were still grey!

Robyn said...

OH and such a lovely looking couple, I wish them much happiness

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Almost got the car packed, will be back next Tuesday, then turn around and go back next Thursday for Memorial Weekend Take care everyone:).

Suzanne said...

Wow, Paula, loved your pics! Wedding pics are beautiful, as are the California pics! Looks like you had a good time! Looks like Beannie had a grand time too!

Suzanne said...

Have a safe and enjoyable trip, Mits! Talk to you when you get back.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---WOW!---Great wedding pictures!----You look gorgeous!!--Is that a CA tan?---Wishing your son & new daughter-in-law----MUCH --MUCH LOVE & HAPPINESS!!---I appreciate your sharing the photos with us---Thanks!!
CATALINA PICS are AWESOME!!---How they visit those nests & get the pictures BLOWS MY MIND!!---Those EAGLETS are growing so fast!!---THANKS TO YOU & DR. SHARPE!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day, and safe travels for anyone traveling today! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

HI MITS!!!---ENJOY the beach !!! Have a SAFE JOURNEY down & back!!!!----Hope you have GREAT WEATHER too!!!

normabyrd said...

HI ROBYNANN---How are the tests coming?----Or do you still have 'EAGLES' dancing in your head!!!---ho! ho!---That was a wonderful day!!----Great meeting everyone too!------

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

THE "Little Princess" at the Atlanta Zoo----Is outside "sleeping in the sun"---LUN LUN woke up & went inside!!!---Love to watch BUTA BUTA move around---she is such a little BEAUTY!!--But when we get to watch---seems she is always asleep!!!

normabyrd said...

The NORFOLK EAGLETS are doing what they do best----EATING!!! ho!---They are such sleek looking birds--& very well behaved too---ho!---do enjoy watch them!!!
The JRB FALCON chicks are all asleep piled up on top of each other----Their pen needs a wash down---It's the "poop" thing--ho!

normabyrd said...

THE CO EAGLETS are asleep while MOM appears to be sitting there with a fish!!!----The FALCOLNS on that site are still "fuzz-balls"---

normabyrd said...

The OHIO FALCON nest is still MT---Ms. Daniel says that if they don't reclutch by the end of May-- they probably will not this year!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels, Suz and Mits!

Norma -
I did manage to get some sun out in CA - just in time for the wedding!

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and well wishes for the new bride and groom. I'll be sure to pass them along!

paula eagleholic said...

And yup, my VA cam is finally working good now too.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice clear pic of our nest. There really is a ton of sticks in it!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HAS ANYONE LOOKED AT THE NE NEST LATELY?-----There are 2 EAGLETS in the nest---One is very DARK--the other is GREY---I guess that could be----

normabyrd said...

The NYC RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are eating now-----They are HUGE compared to the other chicks we are watching!!!!----BEAUTIFUL BIRDS!!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the NE eaglets yesterday for a few minutes. They are getting big, aren't they!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---All the EAGLETS are growing so FAST---ALMOST TOO FAST!-----I love to watch the young eaglets---they are so cute to watch!!---But then I like watching them try to fledge too!!!

normabyrd said...

MEI LAN is atop the poles in Atlanta Zoo----Now she is asleep & LUN LUN is pacing!!!She does a lot of that when MEI LAN climbs!!!---MEI LAN is ADOREABLE!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Both BW cams are working again! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Norma - does your NE cam stay on more than 10 minutes now? Mine does -

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I have never tried to keep my NE cam to stay on that long!!!---It always seems there is not a whole lot happening there---I must be missing something!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I guess NE would stay on longer if the batteries were more charged up! Weak signal from there today.

paula eagleholic said...

They were eating a little while ago - now they are just hanging out.

VA chick is eating a fish, but you get the back end view!!

normabyrd said...

FOLLOW UP OF GOLDEN EAGLE FOUND INJURED IN WV in late January---The Pittsburgh's National Aviary has finally migrated to Canada---The aviary cared for the bird after its leg was caught in a coyote trap in WV--After it's recovery in March, veterinarians fitted the eagle with a tracking device & released it on New Creek Mountain in WV, where it had been found injured. It had stayed in that area until recently. Aviary officials had hoped the bird would follow other eagles to their breeding grounds in northern Canada. But they were not sure it would happen because the bird, estimated to be about 3 yrs, old, will not begin breeding for at least two years-----(The Charleston Gazette)

normabyrd said...

The two EAGLETS in the KENT nest---are sitting up side by side waiting for MOM--DAD--OR FOOD!!!

normabyrd said...

BW OSPREY sitting on nest!!!---EAGLE NEST MT---EAGLETS must be branching----

normabyrd said...

CO EAGLETS SLEEPING---alone in the nest!!!-----Not much happening this afternoon in the EAGLETS' NESTS!

paula eagleholic said...

Eating at NE - cam nice and clear

paula eagleholic said...

They are laying tail to tail at the NE nest - cute.

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglet still eating.

paula eagleholic said...




Robyn said...

Hi Norma, yes the eagles are stll dancing in my head :). Trying to stay ahead of my studies this semester since I get 2 weeks off end of June. Hope all is well with you.

They need to outlaw any kind of traps that injure or kill animals, this is as much their earth as it is ours!!!

Hope everyone has had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful day. Silly me decided to transplant 2 black cherry trees and now I need to make sure it gets plenty of water.

And last but not least, my daughter decided to surprise me with a new fluffy kitten she brought home from school. She as a weekend to prove she can take care of all 3 litterbox

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...