Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Saturday threads

in advance...


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...


Have a great long weekend ahead all you working buddies

Jill said...

YAY. I am the first here after midnight. It's going to be a fun weekend. I am working. Just got home again.

Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world! We made it to FRIDAY!!! YEAH, YEAH, AND YEAH. 3 day weekend, wonderful!
Beautiful out tonight! 62 at my house and here. I have my Friday red on today, too!
Our cam started out with a good pic, but now has white lines across it, like the blinds. But really thick blinds!
We have someone in the eagle nest still sleeping. Osprey cam is totally down, but Lisa has an update on the web page. One about the Connecticut ospreys starting to hatch, the other update about our ongoing osprey soap opera! The 2 gals and 1 male are all still hanging around!
Owls are standing around grooming, stork has head down with the kids, and still dark out west and in PA. Have to go read blogs and see how the PA falcon banding went yesterday. They haven't updated the web site yet with who is who.
All have a great eagle day! Phew, it's Friday, did I say that already????
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Our kids should be visiting any second now, if they're not already there. Can't see the nest through the white blinds, so no pics today. Our eaglet woke up, stretched his/her wings, strolled around the nest, then took off.

Suzanne said...

They just arrived, and you CAN see them. Right on time. No sleeping in today, I guess.
See the PA falcon chicks standing around outside the nest box. Haven't read about the banding yet, but will this morning.
Owls standing around, stork standing over kids, and our kids checking the nest, and now looking around.

Suzanne said...

Oh, one of the eaglets is back.

Suzanne said...

Pic is better on our cam, but it's not quite daylight, so kinda hard to see.
Belle may be working on sticks by her take off point, Lib is standing by his perch watching.

Suzanne said...

Oh, both moved and looking over the side of the nest, to the right. Wondery if something was flying around? Or on the road over there.
Gone now. Belle by launch pad, Lib by perch, but both still kinda facing to the right.

Suzanne said...

Ah geez, Belle up close and personal by the tree now. you can see her head, and body, if you know where to loook. Lib still standing facing about 2 by his perch.

Suzanne said...

Now he's looking at her, she's looking out of the nest.
BW eaglet came in nest with a lot of wings. Now gone again. Now back. Geesh, can't make up his mind.
Lib and Belle still standig keeping watch on the nest. He's looking to the top, Belle is looking past the tree.

Suzanne said...

Getting lighter out, you can distinguish their yellow beaks now. Can't see feetsies...
Our BW eaglet must be practicing flying from nest to tree branch. One refresh he's in the nest showing lots of wings, next refresh he's gone. Or, just sitting there... Little toot heard me say that, so he decided to take a breather and just sit down!
Lib and Belle haven't changed positions.

Suzanne said...

Belle still by tree, looking off to the left. Lib still on perch looking in the direction of the barn that you can barely see through the trees. Now he's looking kinda at 11ish.

Suzanne said...

Oh, he has a bite!

Suzanne said...

They keep looking at 11ish.

Suzanne said...

Both still there, just standing. Belle still by tree, Lib on perch looking down.

Suzanne said...

Belle moved over by Lib.

Suzanne said...

Belle facing Lib, Lib on perch facing Belle.

Suzanne said...

Dang, have to go in a sec. Hope someone else is up and can take over. Lib now on right of pic, Belle on left.

Suzanne said...

Now can see feetsies...

Suzanne said...

Ahhhh, looking at each other.

Suzanne said...

op, Lib just left. Belle still standing in nest...

Suzanne said...

MT nest, didn't see them leave. I had to leave for a few minutes. They had a nice long visit this morning. They also cleared the cam pic up!
3 day weekend, you guys are gonna have to draw straws to see who gets up early Monday and takes pics of their early AM visit.

Suzanne said...

Osprey cam has been reset. Looks like a male in the nest, no necklace.
Falcons are all asleep. Some in the nest box, some out. Owls just standing around, and parent stork was shading the kids, but now just standing over them.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, they must have cleaned the cam yesterday! Very clear view of the falcons!

Suzanne said...

Eaglet home for a visit. Osprey grooming.

Suzanne said...

Now the osprey looks like a female with the necklace. Who knows???

Suzanne said...

Osprey gone.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning Suzanne! You are right, we made it to Friday! Our school is only going a half day today, so I'll be out at 12:15pm, when the kids go home. :) I'm hoping to be able to rush home to get some time perusing the bird sights before our guest comes home.

carolinabeachmom said...

Can't wait until summer break so I can get up and see the early morning visits of Liberty and Belle. I guess they are trying to reserve their nest for next season.

carolinabeachmom said...

I did get to look around yesterday to see some of the chicks and they have grown into adults. How fast was that? Amazing!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Half day, lucky you! Enjoy your long weekend. Hopfully, you'll get to see Lib and Belle before your guest arrives back home and takes over your computer.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mema Jo and Jill....... trying to beat Suzanne on the morning blog; only kidding. I see Jim didn't get on late last night for this morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes that is what I am hoping. Did they ever come back to the nest during the day yesterday?

carolinabeachmom said...

We have beautiful skies here this morning, but they only have the beach area getting up to the mid to high 70's today. Can't complaine tho as the whole weekend is supposed to be sunny and beautiful. Want to plant some more of my yard with flowers.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I had better get down to business before the kids come in and find me not working. :) All of you out there have a very nice and safe weekend. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING, Suz & Beachmom--It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown. It's going to be in the upper 80s for at least a week. I wonder how the hot weather affects the Eagles.
Beachmom--My daughter's in-laws have a beach house down your way. (Carstatters). Don't know exactly where you are, but maybe you have heard the name.
Hope both of you have a wonderful weekend.

Robyn said...

Morning Ladies,

Last night I saw 1 BW juvie in the nest and one osprey on the right corner a little after midnight.

Went to make coffee this morning and saw I believe an eastern bluebird, can't really say because my eyes were still focusing (pre-coffee) and I saw a really bright bluebird on the bird feeder off my deck and poof it was gone. If it was an eastern bluebird it will have been a few years since I lst saw one here.

Costume Lady said...

I have been wondering if you ever got your photos posted. If you did, I missed them.

Costume Lady said...

My Mother has 4 bird boxes and 1 has a Bluebird pair re-building their nest for the 3rd time this Spring (destroyed once by Sparrows, once by Wrens). She also has a box filled with eggs of a Tree Swallow pair. The most interesting nest I have ever seen.

Suzanne said...

Candy, you are welcome to beat me on the blog! Gotta get up early to do that, though. But looking for someone to get up early and blog the AM visit on Monday! Wanna volunteer? They usually arrive about 5:15 or so.
Morning, Costume Lady and Robynann. Supposed to be nice up my way this weekend too! Sure hope so!
Hey neat about the Eastern Bluebird, Robyn! I was interested in trying to do houses for them, so I did some research on the net. Man, lots of work! Changed my mind really quick when I read that. I don't have time to do anything now, much less start a huge project for bluebirds. Maybe when I retire...
There was an eaglet in the BW nest this morning, but the osprey cam was black, so don't know if anyone was there or not. One came later, first I thought it was the male, then maybe a female, and finally just didn't know. Gave up trying to figure it out.
I hope you guys have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Suzanne said...

Went back and read the PA banding excitement! They are VERY loud, aren't they? Too funny. They're also a lot bigger than they look on the cam. First year I watched the banding, I was very surprised at how big they actually were. Thanks for blogging it Mits and Sunny! Did they say how many boys and girls they were? They'll put that on the site, with the color band, so we can tell who is who.

Osprey in nest, getting daylight in Kent. One adult in tree, one in nest.

sunny said...

Just popping in for a second, then ready to hit the road. Won't be back until Tuesday night. Have a great weekend, everyone! I'll read the blogs when I get back, so keep me updated of any important happenings. I really do read it all, and appreciate your notes very much!!

sunny said...

Makaing a quick trip around the world before I leave. Look at Mr. VA, sitting on a branch all proud and happy!

Suzanne said...

No surprise here, Spirit is with the chicks. Also looks like they had another feather animal, big wing leftovers by one of the chicks....or something.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, I swear those Kent chicks double in size every night! Sun's coming up behind nest, love to watch that!

Suzanne said...

Spirit took off, chicks sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Have a safe weekend, Sunny! Enjoy the heck out of it!!!

Suzanne said...

Just saw the cutest thing! Parent was leaving in Kent, and one of the chicks raised his wing waiving bye bye. Adorable. Man, I think those guys have doubled their size overnight!

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!----JILL (heavy duty on holiday wkend!)----SUZANNE---"A DAY WITHOUT SUZANNE IS LIKE A DAY WITHOUT SUNSHINE!!!!---TRUE!!---CANDY---SUNNY--WANDA--& ROBYN---So who is going to take over for SUZ on Mon.----(holiday)---ho!---ho!--As if everyone doesn't have it marked on calendar!!!!!----

normabyrd said...

I just checked the BARN OWLS---Still have 4!!!-----They are getting to large for their box!!!-----There is a KILLDEER at that site!!!---They are truly something to watch!!!----Should hatch this weekend!!----SUZANNE watched the FALCON BANDING YESTERDAY!!!---Good crowd of school kids---& WOW!!! those little chicks let one & all know that this was not a favorite thing to do!!!! ho!----After they were back on the ledge---MAMA FALCON "SQUAWKED" for quite a while----SAYING---'DON'T YOU EVER TAKE MY BABIES AGAIN!!!----Such a protective MAMA!!!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, good morning, Norma! Yes, those little babies are very vocal! I'm glad you watched it yesterday, it is fun to watch. They squirm and squak the whole time, but the guy that bands them does it quickly, so that helps with their stress! He's very good. Wish I could have watched it. So Mamma told them she didn't like the babies being moved, did she? Bet that was funny to watch.
And Norma, we're gonna draw straws later to see who is gonna get up at o-dark-early on Monday to watch and tell of Liberty and Belle's early AM visit! And take pics, too, I might add. I asked Candy this morning if she wanted to volunteer, but she didn't answer me. (Hum, can't understand that!)

Suzanne said...

Both parents in stork nest!

normabyrd said...

I so enjoy watching the STORKS---5/16 & 5/17 ---chicks hatched--The stork chicks extricated themselves from the egg shells---The parent storks stays at the eyrie at all times while the other searches for food.---STORK CHICKS were "christened"---naming contest----Their names are CHESS, MILA & GWEN---Parents are CIO & LUNA---Can't wait to see a chick out of the nest!!!!----MOM & DAD are STRICKING!!!!----CAN WATCH:--DAILY (EXCEPT MON.) BETWEEN 10:00 a.m.-- to 5:00 p.m.---

Suzanne said...

They just had a switch. Other parent has all white on back, this one is kinda yellowish between shoulder blades. Only difference I could see.

Suzanne said...

They are striking, aren't they, Norma? Beautiful birds! I have some cute pics, I'll find them and send them to you.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wishing you all a very wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. Remember Freedom isn't Free I am both Proud and Grateful to be an American.

Thank You Service Men and Women May God protect you and your families as you serve this country.

movin said...

Good morning, eagle lovers...

Looking forward to some 'rec time' as well as some 'considerin' of what the great, patriotic people in our history have accomplished to make our free way of life possible.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend to the max.


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE!!!----JUST DISCOVERED THE WV HACK BOXES----Falcons were removed (last fall) from dangerous sites in other states & removed to the NEW RIVER GORGE NATIONAL PARK----in these "HACKING BOXES"---It appears they may be successful---Look under the NORFOLK EAGLE site for WV HATCH BOX & They have lots of info----I may not be using the proper 'FALCON LANGUAGE'----ho! ho!I wrote last year to see if they were going to put up a cam----WOW!----Looks like they have----That's at the NEW RIVER BRIDGE---THAT IS SOME OF GOD'S BEST HANDIWORK!!!---AWESOME!!---BREATH--TAKING!----PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!!!----

glo said...

And for those who will spend some time at the grave ofany lost loved one this weekend...I offer a link to this site....I didn't write this; as you read you will see that the author really couldn't write it either. If you have been or are on your way to a graveside you understand what it is you are reading.
Silent Embrace

Jill said...

Yeah Norma. Fun Weekend. Looks like the clean out our jail and sent them all to Pot. to get ready. Holiday Wknd and 3 Graduations here. Ya think anybody will be drinking?????????LOL. Oh did I mention the DUI Check point. It shall be fun.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO & JIM!!!----Wishing you all the BEST HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!ENJOY!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY----JUDGE JILL!!!----YOU CAN HANDLE IT-----BE TOUGH!!!!---Need help----I am available!!!---STAY COOL!!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, HAPPY MEMORIAL WEEKEND AND GOD BLESS AMERICA . Suz, I watched the banding yesterday and it was so interesting, I wasn't paying attention to the sex of falcons.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo, Jim, and Jill. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Norma, I'll check out your hack boxes, thanks.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits. You were posting same time I was, didn't see you. Yes, it is interesting. They'll post the sexes when they update the web page. Helps to know who you're talking about, like, blue, male. Blue banded male. Not very imagnative, but it works.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Check out this eagle story and new cam.

BLOOMINGTON - Internet users may now visit Eagle Watch at Miller Park Zoo for a live web camera picture of Beauty (F) and Mathata (M), Miller Park Zoo’s bald eagles.

According to a news release from Miller Park Zoo, in late April a wild bald eagle landed on a tree along side the Zoo’s bald eagle exhibit.

Around that time Beauty started building a nest and laid two eggs – her first in about 13 years.

On May 18, one of Beauty’s eggs mysteriously disappeared, but the other remains in the nest.

Although the Zoo is unsure if the egg is fertile, gestation is 30 – 40 days, which would make Memorial Day weekend the likely hatching period for a fertile egg.

Miller Park Zoo

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Just stopping in to wish everyone a wonderful Memorial day weekend! Please be sure to think of all the soldiers past and present who serve our country. Keep in mind the average temp. in Iraq this week has been 115°. if you get a chance, this is a great website for a good cause,

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS---Hope you check this site too---IT'S the New River Gorge where you "almost drowned" WATER RAFTING!---ho!--ho!----ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND AT THE BEACH!!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Thanks for the Miller Park Zoo link. I remember when the strange male started hanging around, someone wrote about it on here. Interesting. Let's hope this egg hatches, wouldn't that be neat?
Have a wonderful long weekend!

Morning, Megan. Yoo have a wonderful weekend too!

Ok, off to check Norma's site before she beats me with a wet noodle!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at BW, Osprey gone

floralgirl said...

Wet noodle? Ha! It's the eagle cane you gotta watch out for:)

Suzanne said...

Ok, Norma, I give up. Can't find your hack boxes. What's the URL?

Jill said...

Norma, I might need to get you down here with that cane if it gets too bad. LOL

normabyrd said...

Take a "few" min. off & enjoy you flowers!!

Suzanne said...

Oh man, that's right, Megan. I forgot about the eagle cane! Geesh, and I just told her I couldn't find the bloody site she's talking about. Ok, I'm out the door running...

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Well, Norma, this is my time off, while I grab some breakfast and a Gatorade. yep, I gotta work pretty much every day this time of the year, but at least I'm my own boss. Gonna be a long day , gotta pull plants for tomorrow's mkt. and then make bouquets, in between watering the Gh. Really hope we get some rain next week, we need it badly.

normabyrd said...

When you go to "WV HACK BOX"---This is truly a REMARKABLE Program---!!!---THIS IS A GOOD READ---& GREAT PHOTOS!!!!----This is the first day that I have seen this & have been looking for it!!!!----REMEMBER----"I LOVE WV"---

Suzanne said...

Found it, Norma. Neat site. Messy hack box! Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Wow, just saw the slide show. That was very cool! Looks like the falcons in that hack box are being very vocal also! Bet they're loud, 8 of them in there!

Suzanne said...

Well, they have given us 59 minutes, so that means I'm outta here at 11. I only hope that maybe that means my drive home will not take 4 hours. I love long weekends, but this is Friday afternoon of a 3 day weekend...which means every person in the world is gonna be on 495 and 270! Usually it means about a 3 1/2-4 hr drive home. Geesh, don't know why I do this!
Anyway, all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Stay safe, all!
Oh, don't forget to have your short straw drawing for who is gonna get up early Monday and log Lib and Belle's visit. Oh, didn't send pics this morning. Got busy and totally forgot. Jo, I'll send to you for momsters. Sorry!!!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Good grief! Jo, Lib and Belle pics enroute to you for Momsters. I totally forgot to send them out. Ok, outta here.

normabyrd said...

SUZ---I'll let you off with the Dirty HACK BOXES!!!!-----But next TUESDAY ---Would you check the NATIONAL PARK'S program---PLEASE!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---Must be heating up at the ZOO---I think the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is in the water!!!---ADOREABLE LITTLE IMP!!!!----

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA----Just checked out the MILLER ZOO site---I so hope the egg HATCHES!!!---Wouldn't that be great!!!!

normabyrd said...

FEEDING TIME AT KENT!!!---Those EAGLETS are so well behaved!!!---They sit there---take turns eating!!----I'll say it again---STAR !!!---You have certainly trained your EAGLETS---ho! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey chick hatched this morning at the Dennis Puleston Osprey nest in Long Island, NY. Still 2 eggs to go!!

normabyrd said...

NYC RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are standing up in the nest---These are the HAWKS mentioned in the PA FALCON banding yesterday---They are predators of the FALCONS----

normabyrd said...

PA MAMA FALCON is atop the FALCON BOX watching---1 falcon chick has ventured out of the box & is on the ledge!!!----Won't be long & the whole family will on the ledge!!!!

normabyrd said...

The FOUR INDY FALCONS were banded 5/21/07---Need to name them---Last time I checked---INDY COLT PLAYERS' NAMES ARE HEADING THE LIST!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Afternoon Everyone!

Suzanne's Early Morning Pics

Beautiful Friday weather wise. Hope it stays that way for all the long
Lots of sites mentioned earlier in today's comments..Thanks Paula, Glo and Norma.

normabyrd said...

HI JO!---Just checked the STORKS again----I LOVE WATCHING THEM!!!---Trying to learn something about them!!!!

I bet you have a big WEEKEND planned----ENJOY!----It's 90° here now!!!----That what it is in FL--ho!

normabyrd said...

JO--SUZANNE is something else---She left me all the GREAT PICS of the STORKS!!!!----SHE IS GOOD!!!

Mema Jo said...

Another adventure - I just got the birdcam site in Italy from a viewer on Kent Forum and I wish to share

The Italian BirdCam Website

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

VA cam is pulled back, and I can only see 2 eaglets. Can anyone else see the third?

paula eagleholic said...

LIttle rascal at VA was hiding behind sibling!! Hard to see that with the cam pulled back.

Mema Jo said...

I only see 2 sitting and waiting for the return of the 3rd, I guess. I wish we could see higher into the tree.

If you go to Italy birdcam, be certain to watch
Rebecca & Nembo

Mema Jo said...

Geesh! The 3rd was hiding right behind the one on the left! lol

Mema Jo said...

You found him first, Paula
You Win! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Kinda like "Where is Spunky?" eh, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you just see her branch, Jo?

Mema Jo said...

I missed it Paula - She is ready to try out those wings!

Mema Jo said...

Need to take off for awhile -
Be back early evening hour....

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne on the Maine Forum has a video of Mom & Dad back visiting their nest just like Belle & Liberty.

May 19th Maine Nest Eagle Visit

Mema Jo said...

I was watching the 2 FtStVrain eaglets and noticed a band on the one. The news says:
It was a big week for the eaglets at Fort St. Vrain. At about 40 days old, the Colorado Division of Wildlife banded the young birds. Weighing in at 7.27 and 7.94 pounds, the birds looked very healthy to the wildlife officers who weighed, measured and provided the new bracelets.

Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a day..
Good Night All

movin said...

Hahahaha...Good evening, everyone.

I just reinforced the old axiom, "If you snooze you lose."

I was on here after work and wrote a pretty long comment, but I got up for something before publishing it, decided to lay down to rest my old back......... Yup, me and my puter both went into the 'snooze mode,' and the comment was lost.

I think it was to the effect that even after I've seen the pics and read the notes, I still don't know what's happening at the BW Osprey just doesn't make sense yet.




paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Hope everyone has a great day. Going to work till about 3, then eventually make my way over to the nest to see what I can see!

VA eaglet is eating, missed the food drop by Dad.

I would have to say BW eaglets have flegded, nest has been pretty MT. There is one osprey in the osprey nest.

paula eagleholic said...

VA eaglet on the far big branch, one in middle eating, other on the right. Eldest is 11 weeks old today!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at VA - looks like Dad brought in a fish.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning Paula
Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday with all this sunshine. I'll be anxious to see what your camera brings back from the nest visit today

For a little while - the entire VA eagle family was at the nest-Good thing the eaglet knows how to get up on the branch--It was crowded in that nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent gone at VA. Missy back up on the far branch - won't be long now!

paula eagleholic said...

The two chicks at CT are having a nice long breakfast - They look really strong - still 2 eggs there.

Puleston chick has been snoozing a lot this morning = still 2 eggs there too.

Hopefully I will get to see Lib and Belle today!

paula eagleholic said...

Santa Cruz cam is still down - no word on what the problem is or when it will be back on.

Mema Jo said...

I am sure everyone is awaiting the safe return of Justice and Majesty to the BW nest. I can remember how excited we were when all 3 would return and be in the nest at one time so we could count heads!

Need to leave for a few...BBL

Hope all the bloggers are enjoying their day! Make it a good one for others

movin said...

Good West Coast morning to everyone...

I just caught an eaglet on the nest a couple of minutes ago at BW, looking for leftovers. So at least one is probably still branching.

S. Cruz camera seems to be having serious problems...can't even open the page.

The NY Red-tail chicks are looking more adult by the minute...I didn't recall how 'pretty' the mama hawk is. In fact I never knew they were pretty.

Paula, I meant to ask you about the banding numbers of the Channel Island birds and where they are reposited. People in the blogs, including the biologists, are constantly referring to eagles by that number, but I don't know where to look them up.

Enjoy, enjoy the Memorial Day weekend away....


paula eagleholic said...

JIm - I don't there is a complete list posted online that I am aware of - I do know that this

Two Harbors is K81 and K82

SC is K10 and K26

WE is 01, 69 (Dianna), and Wray

SC eaglet that was banded last year was A-49.

New SC eaglet this year will be A-63

And this from Steffani on this years eaglet numbers -

The wing tag numbers are determined as follows: the first number represents the year in which they were hatched (i.e. 7 for 2007) and the second number is the number of the chick of that year. The letter K and wing color represents the Catalina Island project. (Santa Cruz’s uses the letter A and the color blue). Given that this year we had more chicks than anyone expected we had to use other numbers that were available even if they didn’t begin with a 7. We used K00 and K03. The rest are K71, K72, K73, K74, K75, K76, K77, K78, and K79. If you are wondering about K70, that number was already used in 1997, and that eagle is still out there somewhere.


normabyrd said...

GOOD NOON-TIME EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!---HELLO MOVIN'---PAULA & JO!!!---IT IS ANOTHER GLORIOUS DAY IN WV!!!---Temp. 89°----I'm guessing everyone else is enjoying this day too!!---Need to check the OWLETS---MAKE SURE THERE ARE STILL 4!! ho!--

paula eagleholic said...

The Catalina bird numbers are determined by year of release and the Santa Cruz numbers are determined by release order - chick #1, #2 etc.

normabyrd said...

KENT'S #2 cam is down---But the "perfect family" are in a posing position!!!---MAMMA EAGLE & 2 EATLETS----Still 4 live OWLETS--The kids seem to be growing in leaps & bounds!!!!---The KILL-DEER is nesting!!!----She is a beauty too!!----Blends in perfectly w/surroundings!!!---I AGREE JIM---the RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are almost as large as parent bird now!!!---Haven't checked the STORKS yet-----

normabyrd said...

The STORK CHICKS, CHESS, MILA & GWEN are growing like "weeds"--but are lovingly called, "wobby heads"!!----When DAD STORK comes flying in---he sounds like a "GEIGER COUNTER" to me!!---The little ones don't seem to mind the loud traffic sounds either!!--Never realized they would be this beautiful!!!---LOVE 'EM!!

normabyrd said...

EARTHCAM.NET lists the 10 best sites ON THE INTERNET AT the NORFOLK SITE is now listed in the top 10!!!!----DERBY ENGLAND has a good FALCON site too---

Mema Jo said...

Norma Don't forget to look at Panda Cam 2.... You'll love it!

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

VA eaglet visible up on the limb with the other 2 down in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back later

normabyrd said...

NE EAGLETS are in their nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

Missy still up on that branch at VA!! Must be a good view from up there.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll post here later if I see Lib and Belle! Bye for now!!

movin said...

I seem to be missing a comment from earlier...maybe I forgot to poste it. Hahahaha.

Basically, I wanted to thank Paula for the information she sent about the banding tags.

I tried to ask the question on their blog, but it asked for a password, etc. I might join it later, but for now I'm just reading it from time to time, looking at the videos, etc.

Hope you are all loving the long weekend so far...I am.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Hope Steve has had an exciting trip this week. Thought about him enjoying his adventures in that canoe with 2 best friends.

See you all Sunday morning on this same thread..unless our happy wanderer is near a computer

Mauley said...

Hello Dear Friends, Helping out little daughter in law who had gall bladder surgery Thursday. We have their nine month old. The other 7 grand kids left last night or today. I have a lot of catching up to do on blog. Please email me at home or work if anything has happened that I can't live without knowing. THinking of all of you. I have been in the pool most of the day watching grandbabies. Only 5 can swim out of the 8. Must teach the others as soon as we can. We have a heater for our pool and it was 88 degrees today. Bathwater, just like the kids like it. God Bless You all. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time late this evening. The local honor guard of veterans were placing American Flags on the veterans graves and I got to see them stand at salute and honor my Daddy. I miss him so much. Daddy never got to see the World War 2 veterans' memorial, but I went for him. All you eagle friends who have your parents, call them and tell them you love them. I sure do miss mine. My Daddy always cried and stood and hand over his heart for the Star Spangled Banner when he was confined to his hospital bed, he would say, " If I could stand, you know I would." God Bless our Veterans and keep our troops prayed out of harm's way. Love to all donna

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all. Hope everyone was outside enjoying the beautiful day.

I got to the nest around 5:45pm today, and sat on the curve on the road by the nest, as the NCTC gates were closed. I brought a friend along, and as luck turns out he was my good luck charm. Lib or Belle was in the sycamore tree, sitting to the right of the nest on the tallest branch on the right. We got to watch for about 10 minutes, before L or B took off to the river. It was really nice to see one of them, if only for a short while.

We then went into Shepherdstown and walked around a little bit. We went into the Nature store, and I bought one of the Audobon eagles that has the eagle call - it is so cool! Then we went to the Blue Moon cafe for a bite to eat, then headed home. A very nice afternoon indeed.

I put the pictures in my Picasa albums, because I tried 3 times to load them on Momsters and kept getting errors.

Have a great Sunday!!

NCTC visit, May 26, 2007

paula eagleholic said...

ONe other bit of info about the IWS cams from the forum today.

The TH cam is likely being interfered with by the electronics on boats in Catalina Harbor, or at least as they go between the nest and the first relay site.

We have had little sun on Catalina for the past 2-3 weeks, thus the poor West End image. I will drop in a charged battery on the way out to the nest tomorrow and it should take care of most of the zig zags.

The Santa Cruz problem is not with our equipment on the island, but appears to be with the server on the mainland. We have no control over any of that equipment.

The freezing with TH and WE seems to have something to do with USC's network. For some reason, the server images aren't making it through to our website and I don't know if it is a traffic related issue.

Robyn said...

Good morning sleepyheads looks like anther hot one here in Martinsburg Wv... 90!

I see 2 juvies chilling in Va one on branch another is in the nest...where is #3? 4 owlets in Benicia looking so much more like mom. I remember when they were scrawny little white fuzzballs :).

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial weekend and please remember our troops past and present, freedom isn't free and knowing our men and women are out there I will sleep easier thanking all of them for the freedoms we do have today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Almost Afternoon Robyn & Paula Saw the photos & am really happy that you saw one of our eagles.
Even a rear view from the road is better then none at all. I will try to see if I can copy over to Momsters. Robyn - is your pool up & running? With the temps up you should be enjoying it.
WE nest cam is not going to cooperate with our watching the banding unless the new battery is put in before. We may need to wait for the actual video from Dr Sharp & Steff.

movin said...

Another beautiful West Coast morning to everyone.. Not bad for a Memorial Day weekend Sunday.

Thanks for the photos of our nest area, Paula. And of Shepherdstown...all very beautiful.


Mema Jo said...

12:22 CA time - Cam has frozen - It did this before but then started up. The adult still in nest so I don't think anything has happened yet. Adult should fly out when Dr Sharpe makes his appearance. Cam has not been giving good pics.

Mema Jo said...

5:37 Our Time Dr Sharpe in the nest
Cam is lousy but you can make him out
Cam goes to a NO VIDEO and then back again....... Can't wait to see his video........

Mema Jo said...

629 Our time: Peter & Steff have the 3 eaglets & are banding.. Off to the side because it is an MT Nest right now. They captured & placed into blue bags - weighing them also I think.
He said he'd have the awhile.....
I'll check back later... There are some pics (distorted somewhat)on the IWS forum. It's on Page 10 under Nest Observations today's date.

Mema Jo said...

We just had a short thunder storm here in the valley... Smells good!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Sunday evening to all out there. I just spent awhile looking at Paula's videos of her travels and wedding. She sure has some nice pics on there

Mema Jo said...

820 Our Time All 3 WE eaglets are back in the nest with nice new red wing blings! We can see #72 but not the other 2 yet. Now is time to wait for the adults to return......

Mema Jo said...

Hi Candy Where's your guest?

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Jo. He is working at a grocery store down here until 10pm. He was talking to his girlfriend all afternoon in Poland in Skype. It is like a telephone but it is on line and you don't have to pay.

carolinabeachmom said...

So far, he only works from 5 until and is trying to get something during the day. That is why I can't be on early Monday morning. My computer is in my son's room and that is where he sleeps.

carolinabeachmom said...

Has anyone seen our eagles yet today? The nest is getting really built up. They must be expecting a big family next year! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

West End chicks sure look fancy with their new blings on them. I went to watch ,and I guess they were banding them on the ground, as the whole nest was MT.

Mema Jo said...

I have been checking our nest but have not seen any visitors. Of course, I don't get up as early as Suzanne!
I have been mainly watching the WestEnd nest where they were banding the 3 eaglets this afternoon. The cam was horrible, but Dr Sharpe will send out his video within a day or two.

Mema Jo said...

Waiting now for the adults at WestEnd to return.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, Jo, I just looked in on them and they were still alone in the nest, but the cam was acting up again.

carolinabeachmom said...

In between the black novideo, it kind of looked like the adults have returned, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I have a completely black screen with No Video. I hope your right - they sometimes take awhile. I saw the one eaglet at the far end doing a wing span.

So how do you like having movie stars in town? Did you take that picture you sent?

carolinabeachmom said...

No, one of my friend did. I didn't get to see the action, but the ones that got bit parts in it said it was just wonderful. Said that everyone was so nice through the whole process. Some of my friends were in the dance scenes and others at a crab bake and I didn't hear where another one from the school was filmed. I just hope they don't get cut out of the pic when it is time to make the movie. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo, I don't go out on the main roads too often with the traffic now. The school I work at, First Flight Elementary is right across from the Wright Bros. monument and I just have to turn left and go up Colington Rd. to get to my house. I get to skip all the traffic. We also have a middle school and high school called First Flight all on one campus.

carolinabeachmom said...

The WE nest cam is on again, off and on, and maybe I was wrog Jo. It now only looks like three birds in nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well they can keep each other company while they rest and recuperate from their busy afternoon of banding.

Mema Jo said...

I think I am going to hang it up on the WE Nest - they look like they will make it after they decide what to do with the red wing blings on their wings. I'll wait for Dr Sharpe's video.

Mema Jo said...

I can imagine the increase of the traffic volume once the season begins. That is why I like to go to the ocean early spring or late fall - No traffic problems!

carolinabeachmom said...

That is when I used to come down here with my parents years ago. It would be around Easter and then in October. It was nice back then. Now everything is helter skelter; houses, houses, houses, cars, cars, cars, and PEOPLE!!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

WEnd still just has three tired chicks in it. I guess I'll have to leave the watching to you, Jo. Our house guest will be back here in about a half hour. So I guess I had better scram out of here.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo, you have a pleasant evening, what is left of it and a wonderful day tomorrow. Oh, a parent is back Jo.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just one for now. I guess they will be ok.

Mema Jo said...

01 is back on the nest at WEST END.
All is well!

Mema Jo said...

See you later, Candy.

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the evening...

Good Night Everyone in Eagleland

paula eagleholic said...

WE chicks - have seen #72 and #73 so far - don't know what the third one is, 74 maybe?

Hope everyone had a great day - see you tomorrow!!

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Be sure to open Norfolk cams today as soon as you are able.

Enjoy your Memorial Day.

Thank You to those who serve and have served.

movin said...

There's a new Memorial Day thread, so if you haven't transferred yet, come on over.


1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...