Friday, May 18, 2007

Wednesday and Thursday threads

In advance.


Mema Jo said...


We had a very short visit last late evening - Pix in Momsters Album

Suzanne said...

Morning, eagle world. Morning, MemaJo. Glad to hear you had a visit, however short. I'll go check out the pics later.
Nice night out, don't even really need a jacket, but I did wear a heavy sweater. 59 at home, 61 here at work.
Not gonna believe this! Ms Justice and Mr Majesty are both sound asleep in the nest. Very cool to see, indeed! Osprey nest cam is messed up, can't tell if anyone is there or not. Lisa has updated both eagle and osprey web pages with new info. You guys probably already know that...
Our nest is MT, but what a cool pic! Light is shining on the leaves on the left, and you can actually see the nest. Neat.
Owls are hanging out in front of the cam and back in the corner. Stork chicks are being fed by beautiful's 1027 over there. Still dark out west, and of course PA with no lights.
May try to glance back at blogs if I have time.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

They have a different view of the stork nest...they pulled the cam away and you can see the nest with mom in it.
Cam3 has been fixed in Kent. Sure glad, that poor eagle just made me feel bad!

Suzanne said...

Both Lib and Belle in nest!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, Lib doing his usual, checking what was the egg cup, Belle standing by the tree.

Suzanne said...

He always looks so disappointed when he doesn't find anything there. He's turned around and looking at Belle, who is ignoring him totally.
The BW eaglets took off. Every once in a while you may see a wing.
Getting daylight out, falcon chicks are at edge of nest box. See the egg is still there. That must be one VERY HARD SHELL!
Lib is moving closer to Belle, who is still by the tree. Maybe he thinks if I inch up, she won't notice.

Suzanne said...

She noticed, just left. Lib still in nest.

Suzanne said...

Lib still in same spot, he's trying to look around the tree, but only moving his head.

Suzanne said...

Lib still standing looking around. Getting daylight outside.
Eagle nest MT, getting lines across it. Osprey nest still messed up, but cam is not updating, getting light at the eagle cam, but not at the osprey cam. So that's down for the time being. Falcons are standing around waiting for breakfast. You can still see the egg.
Stork has fed the kids, I see 2 little heads sticking up. Owls just standing around.. Sorta like Lib still standing around..

Suzanne said...

Lib still standing in the same spot, just watching the world go by.

Suzanne said...

Man, he just left. I'll send pics in a few minutes.

Suzanne said...

Only 2 falcon chicks are on cam view, other 2 are out of the nest box. One of them has something on his cute little head.
Barn owl cams are not updating.
PA cam view changed, all 4 are there, but the other 2 are way over by the bar that hangs over the ledge. Their world is getting bigger for them, they're exploring!

Suzanne said...

BW eagle refresh, parent and both chicks, but think parent must have brought something to eat, and one of the chicks has it, cause Justice is mantling all over the place. Little piggie gal. Looks like Majesty may have something too, but he's not mantling. Parent just watching. There goes Justice again...big wings!

Suzanne said...

Poor Majesty is over by the edge of the nest now...parent still kinda standing back, and Justice mantling all over the nest.
ok, well that's finished. Think Majesty left, parent and Justice still there. No more mantling.

Suzanne said...

Oh, parent has fish, both chicks back.

Suzanne said...

Couldn't see during the refresh, but parent now on side facing out, one chick on side, don't see fish anymore, and the other chick is sorta standing there and looking around. Ok, parent left, chick on side, chick in middle of nest. Think the one on the side stole the fish.

Suzanne said...

Mom stork is feeding chicks again, it's noon over there, so must be lunchtime!
Both chicks still hanging out at nest, one in nest watching the other. Other has head down like he's eating.

Suzanne said...

Oh no, one in the nest has something under his feet. One on side of nest also appears to be eating.

Suzanne said...

Ok, another fish must have come in between refreshes. Both are eating. Chick that was in the nest has a very large fish!

Suzanne said...

That's the little one, Majesty. Fish is almost as big as he is!

Suzanne said...

He's handling it, head gone already.
Mom stork is sitting on the babies.

Suzanne said...

Dang, eaglet cam not updating now!

Suzanne said...

Barnowl cam is now updating. Ok, BW back to updating. You can see both chicks with their fish each. Both pigging out!

Suzanne said...

BW chicks still chowing down!

Suzanne said...

What good parents... both chicks still eating nicely together.

Suzanne said...

Well, they're still eating nicely together. That will probably last until the first fish is gone...

Suzanne said...

Or, one gets full. One chick, think it's Justice, looks bigger than the other one, left the fish, and Majesty moved his tail over in that direction. Majesty then went back to the fish, and is now way over the fish, but not exactly mantling.

Suzanne said...

Now Justice has the fish under her chest, and is giving the evil eye to Majesty. Majesty is just kinda looking at her, but he's not letting go of his fish.

Suzanne said...

Oh, just thought I'd check...osprey in nest, looks like a female, but which one???

Suzanne said...

Osprey has eyes to the sky, wonder what she's watching overhead?
Chicks are still playing "I can out stare you and you're not getting my fish."

Suzanne said...

Hum, parent came in, has head down, so maybe another fish for parent this time?

Suzanne said...

Everybody still eating, parent (think Lady BW because of the tail), and both chicks. Osprey stil in nest looking around. Our nest MT, they've made their early AM visit, probably back later this afternoon. Owls hanging around some sleeping, and falcons all huddled together in the sun. Looks like the storks may be eating again.

Suzanne said...

One eaglet left, parent still eating, other chick moved away from fish, left lots of leftovers...

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, chick taking off flying over parent. Too cool!

Suzanne said...

Didn't fly very far...can see wings flapping from the tree, so he must be standing on tree. Mom was eating something white, doesn't look like a fish. Oh, maybe that was her tail. Whatever she was eating she has left, and is now taking care of the leftovers the last chick left. She is alone in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Didn't fly very far...can see wings flapping from the tree, so he must be standing on tree. Mom was eating something white, doesn't look like a fish. Oh, maybe that was her tail. Whatever she was eating she has left, and is now taking care of the leftovers the last chick left. She is alone in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Lady BW still alone, and working on eaglets fish leftovers. Osprey still in nest, grooming.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, thanks for the morning update :)

Suzanne said...

Lady BW cleaned up all the leftovers, you would never know there were fish in there a little while ago. She's gone, MT nest. Osprey grooming on side of nest. Our nest MT. Stork has head all the way down in egg cup, can't see beak at all, so that must be a deep egg cup. Barn owls grooming and standing around, falcons all huddled together again in the sun, and still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Robynann! Glad to see someone else is finally up to join me watching these cams!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all that will join you later. I got into school early today, so wanted to say "hi". Got back from Winchester on Monday afternoon, late, but didn't have a chance to catch up on all the news until late last night.

carolinabeachmom said...

So sorry to hear about the BW Osprey eggs. I guess that wasn't meant to be from the start.
Glad to hear that our eagles were in the nest this morning. At least they are still showing up. Thanks so much for all the pics you sent. I did get into my email last night.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to you Robyann. Suzanne has an early "bird" watcher to chat with until others get on.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning ROBYNANN & SUZ
I was just wishing the BW Eagle cam took in more territory. What do you think? I have the urge to take my curser and try to move the image around. Ha!

carolinabeachmom said...

The pics of the ladies visit to the eagle nest were great. So glad to hear that they all had a good time. Again, it is nice to put a face to the names. I was with you all in my thoughts and heart.

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy Suzanne, you sure have some early birds now. Good morning Costumlady! I saw that you made it to the eagle nest with the rest.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you also BEACHMOM. How is the weather in your area?

carolinabeachmom said...

Can't watch the birds this morning. The kids will soon be coming in to start the day. Maybe I can do some of that tonight if I can get our guest off our computer. I'm anxious to see all the grown chicks,and now you are all watching storks. How neat.

carolinabeachmom said...

Costume lady. The weather here is a little cool, but very sunny with blue skies. I guess it is supposed to bet to the high 70's sometime today. I am still wearing a sweater to work this morning.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Carolinabeach mom and CostumeLady. Glad you got back safely, Carolina. Did you have a great time?
Glad you guys are on here with Robyn and me, we can all watch the cams.

Costume Lady said...

Beachmom--Yes, I did visit the Shepherdstown Eagle nest. It was my first sighting of an Eagle. I have wanted to see one for many years. It was awesome! We had a wonderful visit. It was as if we had been friends for years. Hope we can do it again sometime.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I had better be on my way until later. You gals have a wonderful day watching and chatting. School here gets out on June 8 for the kids and we have to go for the next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then I can get on during the day, too. Can't wait to be able to take this all in all day long.BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Costume lady, I hope to be one of those to join you after I retire after one more year of school. My son lives in Winchester, Va. and is is soooo close to Shepherdstown.
You all looked as if you had a very nice time and I am glad that you all could go and experience it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, I had a wonderful time, thank you. The Sight and Sound production of In the Beginning was just wonderful. My son, Josh, and I stopped on the way back to Hershey park where I surprised him by going on 2 old wooden roller coasters. Surprised me too. I did have a nice visit and got home late Monday afternoon.

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

Good morning Costume Lady, Carolina. Waking up this early will be coming to an end this week as my daughter will be finished with school till the fall.

Looked like one of the Va juvies were out on a limb but on second glance he is on the edge of nest. I see an osprey but don't see a necklace. I read the blog from Lisa and watched the videos.

Maybe I will see an eagle or osprey while on the water in Annapolis today.

Jill the Blue Angels fly at 2 as per the midshipmen website.

Time for me to get ready to head to Annapolis and enjoy the day with my brother and his family and sights of uniforms ;).

Suzanne said...

Robynann, have a wonderful time! The Blue Angels are awesome to watch! They are absolutely amazing with their timing. Have fun. Talk to you all later, have to get on other computer for a while. BBL.

Jill said...

thanks Robyn. Hopefully they will get a glimpse of them.

Suzanne said...

Just looked at the PA falcons... they are all out of the nest box with a parent. One is really squaking. Two are up by the bar in front of box, other 2 are not in cam view. Too cute!

sunny said...

Hi everyone! They're making me work hard at work, so not much time to spend here. I do lurk whenever possible. I see the storklets got their names from the children today: Chess, Mila, and Gwen. I hope they grow fast, so we can see more of them! Glad to hear the BW eaglets are still safe and sound. Like Lisa says, Papa Osprey (if that's him) has some serious 'splaining to do!!!!

movin said...


It's 'hump day' already this week.

Interesting reports early in the morning from you ladies...thank you much.

Have a wonderful day.


Costume Lady said...

Does ayone know when the Derby Falcons hatched and is the newest one ok?

Costume Lady said...

I haven't been watching Derby nest. Is that pink fuzz a hatchling?

paula eagleholic said...

Carolinabeachmom - I love those coasters at Hershey - only ride I can do anymore! Can't take those ones that always spin you around - coasters are different. We went on every single one last time we were there.

paula eagleholic said...

Where are my manners?

Good Morning, Wanda, Jim, Sunny, Suz and Jill! And anyone else lurking!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 Eaglets at BW - one is working on a fish - must be pig out day!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning all of you early birds!
I can't do coasters with those Loop de loos!Makes me feel like getting turned over upside down in an ocean wave
Everyone enjoy and make the most of today! I am going to go Cam Surfing & Emailing.

sunny said...

Hi CostumeLady, I'm not ignoring you, but I don't watch that nest, so I can't answer your question. Sorry! I only watch 4 nests on a regular basis, and check in on a couple of others if I hear something exciting is happening. Too many nests ~ Not enough time!

Suzanne said...

Just got caught up on blogs. good morning, everyone! Kent eaglets are getting breakfast. They sit there so cute just waiting patiently. Not sure what it is, but it has wings and legs and feet, so it's no fish.
Osprey still hanging out in nest, but don't know which osprey. Both BW fledglings are in nest, cleaning up breakfast scraps, I guess. Our nest MT, darn. Baby storks have been eating all morning. Mom is very attentive! WA osprey on eggs, and owls standing around with mom. Getting toward their bedtime.
Jo, went and looked at pics from last night. Glad Belle made an appearance, but hopefully today both of them will stop by and say hi.

Suzanne said...

Oops, forgot the falcons. They're huddled together in the shade. They've been out and about this morning, exploring their new world. Parent has been within sight of them.

Suzanne said...

Think the Kent eaglets are eating a chicken. Spirit is feeding them.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a good day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! (Kent chicks are still eating their chicken.)

MITS said...

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE Busy a.m. trying to get things ready for return to beach tomorrow. Off to the zoo now. TTYL!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL. Well oh well! Those well mannered VA eaglets! One just stole the others fish!!

sunny said...

Holy cow! I just peeked in on the VA eaglets, and one is flapping and getting some major air! He'll be gone soon.

sunny said...

Have any of the PA falcons escaped the scrape yet? If not, it's only a matter of time before they're running around everywhere, and we're holding our breaths!

paula eagleholic said...

Sunny - Oldest VA eaglet will be 11 weeks this Saturday - they are getting some good air aren't they!

paula eagleholic said...

Look which cam is #10 on the list.

Top 10 webcams

paula eagleholic said...

Check out that cam site for sure. They list top cams for each month. Last month one from Ocean City was #1.

paula eagleholic said...

Click on the "View the top 10 ARchives" at the bottom, and it puts a calender w/ years and months at the top so you can check out other Top 10 picks. Maine cam is on there too.

sunny said...

I now see that ALL of the falconettes have escaped!

Mema Jo said...

Owls were out on their dirt hill...

Albuquerque Burrowing Owls

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from exercise - ready for a nap! Ha Ha - defeat the purpose of going!

Thanks for posting the TH & WE videos from Dr Sharpe, Paula on your blog site. Those little chicks are big eaglets now!

Mema Jo said...

Banding Event
Please visit the DEP Website tomorrow, May 24th at 1 PM for the live Webcast banding of the peregrine falcon eyases.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Family chow time at BW.

MITS said...

HELLO Our nest sure looks pretty with the setting sun...Zoo was great, Tai slept the whole time, Mei opted to stay inside and Tian was running up and down a tree.

Mema Jo said...

Cub updates said that the other evening, ButaButa decided to go as high up as she could! Trainer said she wasn't too heavy to get down but that she sure had a good grip!

MITS said...

Both osprey out in WA.

Mema Jo said...

Mits, have you actually seen the 2 Fishing Cats. I watched a video of them diving into the water for the fish. Really unusual species.

Mema Jo said...

I said the other day that I think the Puget Sound EGG is a wooden one!! lol

Both Star & Spirit at nest - WITH FISH - both eaglets are sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

VA eaglets look as though they are all waiting for something to happen!

MITS said...

Jo, I have see them, but have never seen them fishing. Did not get up to the rest of the Asia Trail as I was the only Asia Trail volunteer this afternoon., so stayed with the pandas.

MITS said...

Poor little SC chick is all by himself, eating.

MITS said...

Those red-tailed hawks in NY are just beautiful.

Jill said...

Wanda, got your message, found my phone all is good. Well except I missed your call. Call me in the morning and I will try to find the phone and answer it. LOL

Robyn said...

Good evening everyone,

Back from Annapolis and such a sad day as my brothers Unit will be shipping out mid June for up to 18 mths.

On a good note saw the Blue Angels and from where were sitting you could amost reach out and touch them they were that close.

We did see an Osprey fly over the water a few times which was cool.

Hope you all had a great day

movin said...

Hahaha, I was just in the wrong church, wrong pew! Monday and Tuesday's thread...wondered about many things I saw there, which you might discern in the following comments.


movin said...
Good evening, everybody... what happened today? There are very few comments on the blog and the blog time has jumped an hour ahead.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:12:00 PM

movin said...
By the way, talking about the Blue Angels.... I used to live near the beach (still country then) between Torrey Pines Park and Del Mar.

And we could ride our bikes, or later drive our cars, about 10 miles east through Sorrento Valley to Miramar Road, which skirted Miramar Naval Airbase (the Marines are there now) on the west side.

We'd get out our binoculars and take in the whole Blue Angels show for free. And they were fabulous then too.

It's all developed now, but it was open brush and grasslands in that part of the county...lot of rattlesnakes and kangaroo rats, jack rabbits, etc. It was like paradise for a teenage boy...beach, hiking and rabbit hunting, and it was like an hour or less to the mountains...

If you saw Paula's photos of her trip north of Morro Bay with the grass and cattle, you will have a good idea of what San Diego County looked like from about where Sea World is now north and east. There were small communities here and there, but it was totally undeveloped right after I said, paradise.

The Blue Angel were and are great.

Have a good night and a very good Thursday morning.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:35:00 PM

Robyn said...

Jim is was a great show, the last time I saw them was in 1982 when I was hanging out at the beach where I lived in NYC and they were pracicing.

Robyn said...

I see Kent and PS eaglets are sacked out

Mema Jo said...

Well, I skipped out on everyone around 7:30--I went up to visit granddaughter & children. Then I got over on the Kent Forum & I had just gotten the email from Barb with her pictures of the baby burrowing owls from the WildWatchCam. I had been thinking that the only babies yet to view were in Albuquerque.
Now I am a happy nester since I have two sets of Burrowing Owl Babies to watch.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Cam 3 at Kent is frozen.

BW 1 eaglet in the nest
1 osprey at the nest

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone

movin said...



Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Nice night out, 60 here and at my house. Brought my jacket, but don't need it.
One of the fledglings is in the BW eagle nest sleeping, but dreaming, I think. Wing flaps and stretches are going on big time! Our nest MT, osprey cam down again, dark in PA and out west, barnowls are all over the nest, and the stork is watching over the chicks. I think I might have seen 3 little bobble heads this morning, not sure. Right now, see 2 definately.
May try to read blogs, see what I missed. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, it appears that Majesty was the one in the nest, because Justice stopped by for a visit and quick nap, and she's much bigger than Majesty. Can really tell when they're side by side, but that's about all. Our nest still MT, but they're not due yet for another 20 minutes or so. They have changed the PA falcon cam view, you can now see the ledge. Now that the chicks are getting out and about, we can watch them and get really nervous when they get near the ledge edge. Knowing they are cliff dwelling falcons, and will not fall off the ledge, does, of course, not help in the least, and we will continue to worry!
Cam3 is down again at Kent, and mom stork is on the nest and her babies.

Suzanne said...

Forgot, 4 barn owls are walking around their nest box. Course since it's still dark here, it's definately still dark out west, so can't see Kent or the WA osprey.

Suzanne said...

Someone is in our nest! Way too dark to see who, but someone.

Suzanne said...

Still there, just standing, facing noon and looking around.
PA chicks slept outside last night, but right next to the nest box. Parent on top of the nest box. Too cute, they're all huddled up together.
Our eagle still just standing around. Maybe waiting for the other one.

Suzanne said...

Oh, from the PA falcon site:

Please visit the DEP Website tomorrow, May 24th at 1 PM for the live Webcast banding of the peregrine falcon eyases.

Wish I could watch, but I'll be on the road. Probably wouldn't get it here at work anyway. Someone needs to watch and blog everything. We find out how many males and females we have then too.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Think either Lib left, or he has his head down. Still pretty dark. Belle still there.
BW eaglets are out on adventures, MT nest.
Ok, Lib had head down, he's still there with Belle.

Suzanne said...

Well dang, he did it again. Either hiding white head or gone.

Suzanne said...

He had his head down, he is now way up on his perch, Belle in nest.

Oh my, love when they do this...Romeo and Juliet. Lib on perch looking at Belle, Belle in nest looking up at Lib.

Suzanne said...

Both looking off to the side now, about 5 o'clock.

Suzanne said...

They keep looking off to my left. Something must be flying around.
Another view of the eyases and the ledge. Sure is getting messy quickly!

Suzanne said...

Lib is looking down from his perch, Belle just standing.

Suzanne said...

He just sits on that perch so pretty!

Suzanne said...

Lib looks like he's grooming. Belle still standing in same place just looking around. Dang, half a pic now!
MT BW eaglet nest, 3 eyases on cam with parent, other one must be hiding somewhere.
Getting lighter out, can see Lib and Belle better now.

Suzanne said...

Each is looking in the opposite direction...nest watch is covered.
Someone just arrived in BW eagle nest.

Suzanne said...

That was an in and out at BW.
Belle looks like she may want to move some sticks, Lib is looking off from perch ignoring her.
Oh, now both looking at say 7ish.

Suzanne said...

Both still there, Lib observing the world from the top of his perch, Belle in nest. Oh, Lib now in nest with Belle.

Suzanne said...

Oop, Lib left. Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

Ok, little toots. Belle moved up by tree, Lib in nest. Guess he didn't leave, they just changed positions.

Suzanne said...

Ah hah! I see Belle's body, but she has her head down right next to the tree. Very good at hiding, but Lib is looking right at her giving her position away!

Suzanne said...

Belle did leave that time, Lib's watching her go.

Suzanne said...

Lib alone in nest, just standing looking around.

Suzanne said...

Ok you lurkers. If someone is out there, I have to leave for a minute. Someone needs to take over.
Lib still standing in nest.

Suzanne said...

Still here. Lib moved up by Belle's tree.
BW eaglet still scrounging around nesst.
Oh, Lib just left, MT nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all others yet to get on site. Couldn't help you much as the nest was still MT when I got on.

carolinabeachmom said...

Don't have enough time to give a running account of all the birds, but I enjoyed yours so far.

carolinabeachmom said...

Didn't have a chance to get on last night after work either. Our house guest is still at our house.

Well, children will be coming in in a few minutes. Just wanted to check in and say "hi" to all and wish you all a very good and peaceful day.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Candy. I've kinda been watching, but not blogging. Doing other things. Not much going on, so don't think anyone is missing anything.
Have a great day!

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Did a quick read of the BLOG. Things are quieting down some eaglewise. I do have Norfolk up already this am. Our 3 taught us last year that fledges are most likely in the early am. I am going to miss these 3. They are my favorite cam this year. I surely home they all check back in again a few times for us after the fledge so we know they are doing fine.

Everyone have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. Hope all is well with you and your dog. Is he getting better?
Not much going on at the moment, and I've been doing other things, not too much cam watching this AM after Lib and Belle left.

sunny said...

GOod Morning, Gang. I won't be here much today, as I have to finish up a big project at work before I leave for my 5-day weekend. WooHoo! Thanks for all the great comments. I do read them all, at some point during the day. I watched the banding last year, but won't have time today. Happy raptoring!

Mauley said...

Morning dear ones, I have been so busy, but I have tried to lurk now and again. I am fine, but my little daughter in law has to have her gall bladder out at 11:00 today. If you have some time, please say a prayer for her. Sure home Glo's little furbaby is better. God Bless You all today. I will try to check in tomorrow and let you know about Shawna's surgery. (She has a ten month old and she is just a baby herself at age 21.) love ya all. donna

sunny said...

Mauley, prayers for your DIL. I had my gallbladder out a couple of years ago, and the pain relief was fantastic! I took a couple of days off work, and was as good as new ~ actually better!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sunny and Mauley. And of course, Glo.

Just remembered somethig! Sunday is Rachel Carlson's 100th Birthday! I know there are a lot of things going on to celebrate her 100th, but thought I'd mention it here too.

Because of her work and getting DDT banned, we have raptors to watch on our cams! Wonderful.

movin said...

Good Morning to all....

Mama Osprey seems to be breakfasting on a small, mildly flavored fish this fine morn.

BW eaglets are not to be seen in their nest now.

And the NCTC nest is empty and it looks smaller and smaller with all the renovation lumber piled helter skelter in it.

And I better get my coffee before I gush any more of this stuff.....


Suzanne said...

Mauley, I'll be praying for your daughter in law. I hope all goes well for her!

Suzanne said...

Both parents were in the stork nest a sec ago. Beautiful.

glo said...

Hi again.

Thanks for asking about little gal dog actually. Yes she seems fine now. Think she just had an upset tummy for who knows why.

Prayers for DIL Mauley.

Suzanne said...

Don't watch the Derby nest, Costume Lady, can't answer your questions.

Suzanne said...

Glo, I'm glad to hear Miss Daphne is better!!

Suzanne said...

Kent feeding time. Looks cool in sunrise.
Our nest, both BW nests, MT.
Falcons, all you can see is the ledge.
Barn owls going to sleep for the day.
Looks like stork may be feeding babies.
WA osprey up and down on eggs. When should they hatch, anyone know?

movin said...

See you all this evening....just bought a replacement part for my noisy computer fan on's an original Dell part...and now I've got to get ready for work.

Have a good day, everybody.


Costume Lady said...

I had my gall bladder removed years ago when they made a huge incision. Now they make three tiny incisions and insert a laproscope and out it comes, Usually no stiches are required. Very short recovery time. My prayers for her.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---SUZANNE---GLO---CANDY---SUNNY---MAULEY--& MOVIN'-----I am totally confused this a.m.----(That's par for the course)---ho!--I have gotten the threads mixed up----on this glorious Thursday a.m.-------Countdown for SUZANNE'S Mon. off & SUNNY'S---5 day vacation!!!------GLO certainly hope Daphne is better!!!---Sorry MAULEY your daughter-in-law is having surgery today---Will keep her in my thoughts!!!----Wasn't on the blog yesterday---Need to catch up!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Costume Lady is right on the gall bladder surgery. My DIL had hers out when her son was 2 months old. REcovery was pretty quick.

Morning, all :) Gorgeous day here in Maryland!

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUZANNE for the reminder of RACHEL CARSON'S birthday!!---We owe her alot!!!!----

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma. We sure do owe her a lot!
Morning, Paula! Nice here in Virginnie too.

Suzanne said...

WA osprey got up a minute ago. Still see 4 eggs.
Parent and chick in BW eagle nest.
Female Osprey on BW nest, but don't think that's our mom. She has a too defined necklace.
Been watching the burrowing owls in New Mexico. They are too cute!
Kent chicks sitting in the sun, parent in tree.
Can't see much in PA. They might have turned the cam to the ledge so they can get the chicks inside for the 1 o'clock banding this afternoon. Don't forget, somebody blog the details, please.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all of you It has taken me awhile to read comments, check cams and answer emails.
Beautiful out this morning.. We missed you yesterday Norma & we can't find Megan.
Mauley - prayers are with your daughter in law - Her age is probably a good plus for her surgery. Glo - I am glad Daphne is herself again
I think I am off again to another daughter's home - GreatGrandkids will be there! Can't hold a good grandmother down!
Suzanne & Sunny Enjoy your long weekend - you deserve it!
Jim I hope you are successful in getting that puter noise factor eliminated with the new fan! My puter talks to me all the time - sometimes it sounds like it is in pain! lol

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great cam watching day. Watch the PA falcon banding at 1, it's usually very interesting! You'll be amazed at how big they really are, if you haven't seen the banding before.
Outta here. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be Mom feeding in VA - Dad just does drop offs!!

glo said...

Hey did you know there are Eagle Lovers who played Bingo together last Fri night as many watched the Premier of National Bingo at 9 pm Eastern on ABC. It was really fun. Our caller is a Canadian eagle lover as her country can't print and play the Bingo only prints cards from those with ISP's from USA...not to bother though she plays lots of Bingo and made a wonderful caller.
What to do:

Go print off your Bingo cards before the gets busy on Fri nights just before the show but you can go print them off today

Then show up a little before 9 PM eastern time in the live eagle chat you will find associated with the BLOG I do almsot daily , that link is in my signature.

There is nothing to register or do...just click on the live chat you will see on the upper left as you get to the BLOG, then come in and play along. We would love to have you. You will have to give yourself a name or some such as you enter the chatroom. Guest is fine if you like. But you might have to be guest 2 or 3 or some such if the name guest is already being used in the room.

Good luck...wouldn't it be fun to actually hear Bingo by some eagle lover as the Nation plays Bingo...we all thought so and so decided to include it Fri as part of our weekly chat.

MITS said...


sunny said...

Thanks for the reminder, Helen! They're much bigger than we realize, aren't they?

MITS said...

They are sooooooo cute, aren't they and quite vocal!!!!!

sunny said...

I have no sound, but they sure LOOK unhappy to be there!

MITS said...

Are you running your real player, Sunny??

sunny said...

Yeah, but I need batteries for my ancient speakers! Our computers at work are prehistoric!

MITS said...

Darn....they are feisty....

MITS said...

This one now has a slight tric infection, he has a green band and they will treat all of them, the powder they are putting on is for feather mites infestation.

sunny said...

The one now (looks like green to me) is really putting up a fight!

MITS said...

They are now showing the birds to the kids, no touching , please.

MITS said...

What part of no touching do you kids not understand???? Keep your mits to yourself....

MITS said...

When they grow up they will be the fastest flying birds, he just said they will be flying in 20 days.

sunny said...

Hahaha! Mits says: keep your MITS to yourself!

floralgirl said...

HELLO everyone!! OK, the rumors of my disapearance have been greatly exaggerated, I am not lost, just living in the garden. Been working pretty much from 8 am til dark during the week, then I'm too tired to do much but shower and sleep. Just finished picking 250 peonies, and am heading back out to plant after eating my lunch.

MITS said...

A 2yr old peregrine is like an 18 yr adult

MITS said...

Great Horned owls are #1 predator of Peregrines, also red-tail hawks and golden head eagles. One year a red-tail hawk killed a young eyas and the peregrine got it and killed it.

MITS said...

Banding ceremony is over and cam is back outside, and mom is not happy about something.

MITS said...

A little play on words, Sunny.

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Hi Mits, just taking a quick break, it's hot out there.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Eyases are tired, Mom and Dad are flying in and out, trying to catch a snack or yelling at people in the building, the one is looking right in the window yelling.

sunny said...

Poor stork parent finally gets to rest! Other parent is on watch.

MITS said...

Heading to the beach....TTYL!!

Robyn said...

Good afternoon,

I am going to hibermate here shortly to find some time for myself if at all possible. I have been missing the cams this past week due to life, and to think I was told I needed one lol.

Mauley hope all went well with your daughter in laws surgery. My friend had hers removed at 11 today also. Best thing that happened to me when they removed mine a few years ago. In and out of hospital the same day

I feel by the time I have time to watch the cams they will all have fledged :(

Robyn said...

Have tthe VA juvies been landing on the branches today at all? One nearly gave me a fright as she flewo ut of cam range and landed on the branch on the right in front of cam...

paula eagleholic said...

2 chicks at CT osprey :):)

Those falconetts were loud!!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Robyn. I haven't seen them do that yet.

Mema Jo said...

No evening visit today. Will go ahead & place Suzanne's am pics in our Momster album.

Mema Jo said...

Today's pictures ready for viewing:

Momsters Album

movin said...

Good evening, everyone...

I hope you had an interesting day...did anyone get pics or video of the banding?


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - The PA site should have videos in a day or so...They have the ones from 2006 banding. Mits & Sunny were on line watching.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all. Hope it's been a great day. I was able to watch about 5 minutes of the banding before I had to leave the office for awhile. Looking forward to their videos.

Two Harbors banding is on Sunday. Expecting a report, as I will be traveling to my brother's house for the day. I'm sure Dr Sharpe will post a video.

paula eagleholic said...

I apologise - it is West End nest that is getting banded on Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

The banding by Dr Sharpe at Pinnacle rock is on the IWS Updates of May 23.

Click on the Discussion Forum - IWS Updates - Catalina Update May 23 by Eaglegal Great photos.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day..
Good Night Everyone




movin said...

Thanks much, Mema Jo, Paula...the bandings should be interesting to watch or look at the recordings.



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...