Monday, May 28, 2007

St. John Eagle

Here's a shot of an eagle we saw on the second day of our St. John river float. Not the best picture, but a cool sight to see.


floralgirl said...

Thanks for sharing, Steve. Not close up, but you can sure tell it's a bald eagle. The first pic you posted was beautiful, the water looks so blue. Hope everyone is having a nice day.

Mema Jo said...

You should make us an album on the Momsters' site of your photos

Hi Megan Hope you're having a good day & also that you did get some rain sometime yesterday. Our storm was in and right back out! Was a good down pour.

Bob Quinn said...

I haven't been checking in recently. Hope everyone is doing well. Cool shot Steve. Took the cruise to Smith Island from Crisfield, MD on Saturday. Couple of osprey shots including some nests on channel markers. One of the nests has a plastic shopping bag, a good example of the hazards of litter.

Smith Island Cruise

My BW osprey platform theory:

Just speculation on my part but I’m wondering if the male osprey from last year’s cam platform never made it back this year and it was a different male right from the beginning. I’m sure others have wondered this too. From the start, this year’s male was not a great provider and would mantle his catch. I witnessed the female “stealing” fish from the male early on. I also saw him hanging out on the posts on the other side of the drive even before the first egg was hatched. It would explain a lot. Just a thought.

I was at Blackwater on Sunday. I saw absolutely no activity around the cam platform. I haven’t processed my shots yet. Nothing too exciting. I’ll let you all know as usual when I post.

sandyshaw said...

Great shot of the Albuquerque owls.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I wasn't here when you were on Bob. Thanks for the photos of Smith's Island. I sure know where to go to get some used floats! BTW - what does that blue truck have to do with Nature??? lol I know you just had to put that in there to be sure we were alert! Glad you had a good long weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandra
All six of them - I don't know how many are the young ones. Maybe that is mom & dad on the left and the young ones on the right.

sandyshaw said...

Hi, Jo What goes on in those burrows anyway? Do they hatch and then grow to full maturity before they venture out? And do the families stay together?

Steve Chase said...

Some of my partners got better shots of the bird. Will post when I get them.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe we should click above the picture where it says Learn More About Burrowing Owls.. I only remember that the eggs are laid & the mother stays with them until they hatch. Here is the WildWatch Info

WildWatch Burrowing Owl Page

Mema Jo said...

STEVE You going to post them in an album on Momsters"? I mean the scenic ones also.

Mema Jo said...


Burrowing Owl Research

sandyshaw said...

Thanks, Jo. Those owls have given me a lot of pleasure today.

paula eagleholic said...

Neat Picture, Steve. Bet you took a lot!

Bob - nice pics, again! Love the crab pot floats and the cormorants (sp). We used to collect crab pot floats, too.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a good Memorial Day!

Good Night Everyone



movin said...


I had a great time with my sister's family, some cousins, and some nieces and nephews. Sure hope you had a great Memorial Day.

Did anyone see the Norfolk
'nestlings' fly farther than one of the branches today? A couple of them are flying aroung within the branches of the tree enough that you might be tempted to call them 'fledglings' anyway.

Have a relaxed, happy 4-day week, friends.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Beautiful weather for the most part! Beautiful night out, bright bright almost full moon. 58° at my house, but 71° here.
Printed the blogs, not gonna try to read them now. Jo, not sure what you mean by "find our birds," sure hope they're not AWOL, and haven't made their early morning appearances! Nest looks wierd this AM, only light you can see is shining on the leaves, and it kind of makes a very wierd pic. Light can't get through the leaves, so it makes a kind of silhouette type pic.
BW eagle nest is MT, osprey cam is down. Dark out, so can't see the PA falcons, and they haven't updated their web site yet with the banding info. What in the world are they waiting for???
Still see owlets in CA, they're getting big.
One of the baby storks is out of the egg cup. Cute little thing. Still dark in WA, so can't see Kent or the WA ospreys. I'll keep watching.
All have a great eagle day, enjoy the short week! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, our first visitor has arrived in the nest!

Suzanne said...

Also daylight in PA. Parent on bar, no chicks visible on cam.
Not sure who is in our nest, but they're kinda standing on the perch looks like, and facing either 2 o'clock, or the tree. Now it's the tree...

Suzanne said...

Now it's 2, and still just 1 in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, standing on perch looks like ready for take off.

Suzanne said...

Well, no, no take off. Must be Liberty, still on perch, but now the one at the top...sorta, and facing into the nest.

Suzanne said...

Still standing on perch, facing into nest, just looking regal and pretty!

Suzanne said...

Still just standing there looking around. Still think that is Liberty, and he's waiting for Belle to show up.

Suzanne said...

Ah, he looks lonely, just has head down looking into the nest...

Suzanne said...

Still there, looking over the side of the perch now. Getting those multi colored spots again, grrrr!

Suzanne said...

LOL, found the falcon chicks! ALL the way down at the end of the ledge. Up against the building, but about as far down as they can go!
Lib still sitting there looking cool...

Suzanne said...

Moved over to the launch pad, so that may be Belle.

Suzanne said...

Didn't take off, just standing on the launch pad now. I've only seen Liberty take off from there once, usually that's Belle's take off point.
Who knows? Still there, looking down at the ground.

Suzanne said...

Eagle still standing on launch pad.
BW eagle nest has had no visitors this morning at all. Bummer!

Suzanne said...

Oh, must have heard me. Eaglet just arrived in nest.
Our eagle still at launch pad, just looking around.

Suzanne said...

It looks kinda foggy at the nest. It was patchy fog coming in this morning.
BW eaglet came in with head down, and now I see he/she has brought some food in the nest with them!

Suzanne said...

Still at launch pad, looking all puffy, must be feeling good!
Whatever eaglet has, he's not letting go of it. His talon is wrapped very tightly around whatever it is.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet still eating, our eagle still there.

Pete said...

I was wondering if you would be intersted in doing an interview for my site

I really like the angle of your blog and think it would make a great addition to the interviews allready posted there.

Would it be ok if I sent you through a few questions?

Let me know

Suzanne said...

Eagle still there, still sitting on launch pad.
BW parent has arrived.

Suzanne said...

Looks like BW parent eating, and the eaglet still has a fish under him, but looks like he wants to share parent's meal too!
Our eagle still there, but cam is now getting lines and black marks. Never mind, eagle just took off.

Suzanne said...

Not much left of the fish the eaglet brought in. It's a small one, wonder if he caught it himself? Parent just left.

Suzanne said...

Falcons are still at the very edge of the ledge...looks like parent may have brought in breakfast, they're all standing around in a circle waiting their turn.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet all gone. Fish leftovers still there. Our nest MT. Falcons are breaking up their circle around parent. Can see all 4 owlets in their nest box. Couple of them are really getting big, and getting their feathers! Very attentive stork parent checking on kids. Saw one out of the egg cup for the first time earlier! Too cute. Beak is a long as they are tall.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Pete. Not sure who you're talking to, Pete, but usually nobody gets up quite this early but me. I don't know you, but you may have been on this blog earlier in the weekend, I'll have to go back and check.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning SUZ--Hope you enjoyed your weekend. We should have at least 1 long weekend every month.
Glad to have you back with us.
Coffee time.

Suzanne said...

OH, before I forget...GLO!!! I got my T-shirts Friday, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend! Love them, they are wonderful! Love the pic, the comment, color and the size is perfect. May have to go back to your shop and look around some more, getting to be T-shirt weather, now. Thanks again for doing this for us!!!

Suzanne said...

Candy, I'll go along with that! At LEAST one long weekend every month! Morning, to you. I stopped by McDonalds in Tyson's Corner this morning and got a large iced coffee to bring in with me! Love them. (Geesh, can you sat that about McDonalds anything????)

Suzanne said...

OMG, too funny! The PA falconettes are strolling along the ledge, but stopping to look in the windows! I'd love to be inside those rooms, right about now! Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Another eaglet is back in BW, and there isn't much left of the leftover fish that was there!

Suzanne said...

Oh, parent and other chick have arrived. Chick is mantling, parent seems to be eating, other chick just this refresh left. Chick still mantling.

Suzanne said...

BW parent left, chick stopped mantling, but now just standing there. The owl nest box is getting smaller...owlets sure have grown!
Getting dawn in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Whatever the BW eaglet brought in, he's still eating. Very intense, head hasn't been up to take a breath for quite a while. Oh, now he's moved over to the other side of the nest, but still has head down like he's eating.

Suzanne said...

He moved again, has his beak on the fish. Fish still looks pretty much intact, though. Another little one. That's so cute! Oh, never mind, big hole on the side of fish.

Suzanne said...

Other eaglet has arrived, but looks like he has his own fish too.

Suzanne said...

Eagle visit pics have been sent.

Suzanne said...

Oh, parent stork is off the 3 babies. They are so cute. They may be standing in the egg cup, they're showing themselves.
Kent eaglets are sure getting big!
Both BW eaglets still hanging in nest.
Barn owls just standing around.
PA falcons are all over the ledge, exploring their new world.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, raining like mad in Germany. That's typical!
One of the BW eaglets is moving a stick.

Suzanne said...

Rain storm is passing in GE. Eaglets are in their old "secret telling" positiions, by the tree! "And what have YOU been doing, where did you go while flying????"

phyrfly said...

Good Morning all! It's been a bit crazy this last few weeks, but I wanted to say hello :)
Suzanne I lived in Germany for 7 years...your right, if you wait until it is not raining to do something, you will never get the chance! The grass is so very green for it though, and I loved that.

Suzanne said...

Ok, people, time to rise and shine!
Rain stopped in GE, chicks don't look too bad, but nest is all wet, so I guess they are too.

Suzanne said...

Oh, dumb me! That is a parent on the chicks in GE, wings out. It was raining so hard, thought it was just the chicks.

Suzanne said...

Hi Phryfly! Yup, you learn to live with the rain. I lived there for 14 years, and yes, very green. Loved it. Where were you?

phyrfly said...

I live 3 yrs in Wiesbaden, and 4 years is Landstuhl. I really had a hard time leaving, but we were military, and when they say you have to go there is not much choice LOL

floralgirl said...

Oh, did someone mention rain?? Send it my way please. We are down about 6 or 7 inches for the year, need rain badly. Way too early in the summer to be dealing with this. Allergies are the worst I've ever experienced, no rain to wash any of the pollen away. Waiting for the water truck to bring me some H20, don't want to use my well to water the garden. Have a great day, everyone. Off to plant, thousands of plants to still go into the ground.

Suzanne said...

Oh, we were neighbors! I lived in Zweibrucken for 12 years, then Bad Kreuznach for 2 years. Then came back to the States. I was in Zwei from 1980-1992, the BW from 1992-1994. Loved it! Been in/around/through/on volksmarches, etc in both Landstuhl and Weisbaden. Thankfully, didn't ever have to hit the hospitals for a visit, though!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Some of the folks here are really suffering with allergies too! The rain was in Germany, on the stork cam! It poured! We got some rain this weekend, but it didn't last long. Had a very strong storm Sunday, but only lasted about 20-25 minutes, then moved on. They had severe hail in Lancaster, we just got the rain.

phyrfly said...

I miss the volksmarches, and how easy it was to get around by bike or foot. The US could learn alot from GE about things like that. I also miss the spurmules ( I think I spelled that wrong) I took home a lot of german memories for free! My son was born there too. The whole experience was wonderful

Suzanne said...

Dang, Lisa just updated the osprey page...battery going bad. If it doesn't recharge today, they'll replace it tomorrow. (Wed)

floralgirl said...

Yep, Suzanne, worst allergies I've ever had. Nothing is working, haven't been able to smell or taste the flavor of anything for a week. Strange. Constant headache, and I feel so tired. Headed to the health food store later to see if there's something alse I can try. We had a shower here Sun., only a tenth of an inch of rain though.

Suzanne said...

I agree, Phyrfly. You always felt safe over there. You could go for a walk through town at midnight if you felt like it, and nobody would ever bother you. They would speak to you, though, if you actually did see someone else! I liked that too. Not sure what spurmules are by that spelling. Describe them. How cool that your son was born there! Landstuhl?

Suzanne said...

Megan, I hope you find something. From what these guys tell me, they've also tried everything, and they're still miserable! I sure hope we get some heavy rain for you and all the allergy sufferers.

floralgirl said...

Well, I'm glad it's not just me, I guess. Tell them to let me know if they find something that helps. I've never felt so bad for so long, and I've got no appetite, cause nothing has any flavor. Off to try and get some work done.

phyrfly said...

My son was born in Wiesbaden. A spurmule was when you could put anything out on the street for disposal, and peole would drive from house to house to pick up things for free that others wanted to get rid of. I picked up a beautiful tile in-layed table, and a wooden cabinet. It was just fun

Suzanne said...

Oh yea!! I forget what that's called! We (Americans) called it junkin'. Awesome time. I used to do that too, every time they had it. Would go with a friend who had a pickup, and get really nice stuff! We'd take his daughter just in case we found some really nice stuff and couldn't get it all in the truck! She'd stand guard over it until we could unload the truck and come back! Too funny, but a lot of fun! Man, that brings back memories!

Suzanne said...

Megan, I'll let you know if they find anything to help. But so far, one of them is taking a prescription something or other, other just over the counter drugs, and neither one of them is helping these guys any...

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Suzanne I am glad you found our bird(s) I did try to get in here early, but it wasn't early enough. They show up for you obviously.

Suzanne I am so glad to hear your T Shirts arrived in time for Memorial weekend. I love that Cafe Press has added so many more color and style options. I did get the additional sale so there will be a check for NCTC Eagle Cam project headed that way for this month. Sales close about June 14, so any sales up til then do qualify for this same check. After that I am back to making that initial $25 in sales to even qulaify for another check.

Anyone wanting T shirts with a nice selection of styles and colors with the NCTC Eagle Family is encouraged to stop by the shop in the next couple of weeks and take a look, as proceeds can then go on this same check.
phyrfly good to see you on here again. I have subscribed to your BLOG and have been watching for more of your writing. I love the way you write.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
GreatGranddaughter going to be here today! Maybe at her nap time I will return.. Glad you back & the pics are coming in, Suzanne. So off to being MEMA!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Hope you all had a nice peaceful Memorial Weekend. I know thanks go to the service men and women, active and retired, who are resonsible for us to celebrate our freedom. Weather was nice here in OC, big storm Saturday night, and Maggie just loved the beach. I know some of you know that Maggie will become a "BIG SISTER", around October 2nd. If you get a chance please pray for Maggie and her soon-to-be brother her sister. D-I-L is not gaining much weight, this time, she is so busy with Maggie and her full time job, but my son is a big help to her. Her Mom and Dad live 5 mins from them and are also a big help. Don't know how they will do this, but it is in God's Hands now.. Maggie is progressing nicely and is a very easy baby. Love to you all. Have a great week.

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Uh oh, Glo, sounds like you got stuck yesterday with the short straw! Had to get up and watch Lib and Belle on their first visit of the day. Sorry they didn't show for you, they're usually here about 5:15ish or so. Believe me, if I didn't have to be here at that time, I wouldn't be!

Yup, loved the shirts. Are you looking to add to this check, or do you want to wait until after the 14th of June and get another check started?

MemaJo, sounds like you're going to have a good time today being Mema!!

glo said...

Suzanne I am looking to add to this check. Its a long way to clearing the $25 needed to qualify for a check right now. Took like 3 months to get that in sales so YES especialy since we don't have new eaglets to feature its a little harder to get the items sold now. However there are Great new designs there with Lib and Belle and the 3 we all still love so very much. So yep a visit to the shop linked in previous post Before June 14 would be much more timely.

However any visit is always appreciated at anytime.

Suzanne said...

Okie dokie, Glo!

Suzanne said...

Kent eaglets are learning to stand! So cute. Balancing on those wings to help them. Parent in tree watching!

Suzanne said...

Geesh, Arizona burrowing owls finally came out to see daylight! Two of them, anyway.

Suzanne said...

Now there are 7 burrowing owls out and about.

Suzanne said...

Man, now there are 8! Didn't know there were that many there!

glo said...

Hey Suzanne head on over to the new thread. 8 owlettes.hmmm I haven't followed them the eagles keep me realy busy and when I read the part about counting heads on some owl cam to see each day if they were all still there it just didn't sound like me lOL. I do peak in on the stork cam but yep I too still suffer from a little pTSD from Hugo...oh what a mess we bird watchers can be LOL

movin said...



paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Jim, I thought one had fledged yesterday....but now I don't think so!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great day, it's beautiful outside! Blog at ya tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...