Friday, May 18, 2007

Saturday thread

here's a picture of the place we're headed, photo by the Nature Conservancy, an the canoes we're using, built by my friends Rollin and Pete.

in advance...


floralgirl said...

HA! I'm first in the Saturday thread. How unlucky for me, cause that means I'm awake at this awful hour, and everyone else is sleeping. Have a great Saturday everyone. Time to get the van loaded for mkt.

floralgirl said...

Oh man, I am sooo jealous of all who are still sleeping. I already need a nap! Mits, I'm out of bananas! Gh watered, van loaded, peonies picked, off to Charlestown. The sun is coming out, the mockingbird is singing his freaking head off, looks like it will be a nice day. PEACE

sunny said...

Good morning, Eagle fans! I'm heading down to Fredericksburg VA today, so keep an eye on things, and take good notes. Lisa has a note about the viability of the Osprey eggs, after yesterday. I hope it's not true, but it was pretty cold out yesterday.

In Suzannes absence: Eyes to the sky! Watch the raptors Fly.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning--Flora & Sunny
Hope business is good for you in Charles Town today.

It seems our nest cam is stuck on l:30AM --- Kent family is awakening--Mom Osprey is sitting on her eggs for now. No one to bring her Breakfast. Maybe Jo's idea of putting a tub of fish near her nest was not such a bad idea. I know we are supposed to let nature take her course, but we can help out nature once in a while. Maybe someone nearby will consider a little help.

glo said...

Oh Man, well unless it unsticks itself which could happen its gonna be a long week. Enjoy the weather. Pretend you are on a trip somewhere doing what you love to do.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS!! to FLORALGIRL----She is #1 today & everyday!!!!----Love your beautiful flowers!! Peonies??---HELLO SUNNY--WANDA & GLO---Another GLORIOUS DAY in WV!!--temp 55°-----SUNNY---ENJOY your canoe trip!!--WANDA & GLO---ENJOY LIFE!!!---ho! ---Today is the PREAKNESS!!---Remember SANDY'S niece is STREET SENSE'S exerciser!!!---COOL!!

normabyrd said...

BW OSPREY is back on eggs---But LISA says she was off the nest at least 5 hours yesterday-----May be detrimental to the eggs----I watched her yesterday too----She was just hanging on the side of the nest with her head down----TRULY appeared to be MOURNING--(my opin.)--

normabyrd said...

KENT EAGLETS sitting so erect!!!---ho!--STARR is in the tree watching the sun rise!!!---Love that nest!!!

normabyrd said...

IN CASE SUZANNE IS LURKING!!!---There are still 4 BARN OWLS in the nest----!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Bright Sunny Morning Everyone No special plans today-Yet. Would love to go to Megan's Market to get some of those beautiful peonies. They are always blooming near Memorial Day. BTW =
Peace & Prayers to you on this
Armed Forces Day

Mema Jo said...

Our cam - Glo said it well - it's going to be a very long weekend at least.

Mema Jo said...

Checking through the cams - 1 burrowing owl out in the sunshine.Both eagles at PugetSound taking care of little one. Kent adults not in sight but chicks are snoozing.Now 1 adult has returned. That osprey is off of those eggs again! BW eaglet in nest-1 adult had been there. Nothing in the ME nest. Can't get NE cam up-still blue.

Mema Jo said...

Just had email from MITS
Beautiful day here right now. Sun is shining. Going to try the beach, do some cleaning and go to church and dinner. I haven't tried to go on blog, pls. tell everyone I said HI. Only had 119 problems to fix from Spy-bot. If this doesn't work, guess I will have to call Comcast..ugh!

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---Make sure you confirm the day MITS invited us down!!!!--I keep thinking it's SUNDAY!!!---Is that the date you have in mind????---ho! ho! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Yup, the cam looks like it did last night. Thanks goodness for other cams and eaglets!!

Eaglet at BW.

Mama off the eggs again. Not looking too promising. Oh, back on them again.

I got some more pics loaded. This is Morro Bay. Really, really pretty.

Morro Bay & Montana de Oro State Park

normabyrd said...

THE PA FALCON chicks are sleeping in the sun & MOM FALCON is standing watch over them!!----Can't see the EGG---but bet it is there!!

paula eagleholic said...

Floral, I just love that peonies pictures.

normabyrd said...

THE NORFOLK EAGLETS are looking "SHARP" & BET they fledge soon too!----The JRB FALCON CHICKS are huddled in the corner -----COBB ISLAND FALCON MOM is in nest with chicks---Giving everyone the "EYE"---I think she is beautiful----(say that every time I see an adult falcon)----ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Those falcons are pretty aren't they Norma. Just love the coloring on them.

paula eagleholic said...

Mama O off the nest again.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Paula & Norma!
I need to run a quick errand, get a second cup of coffee and then I'll take my picture trip to Morro Bay!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Megan Contragulations on 20 yrs. Nice hubby fixed the lobster. Oh Megan he knows how hard you work in the gardens. Helping to bring money in. He showed you how beautiful you are to him by fixing the lobster. ( :

Hi Sunny, Custome Lady,Glo,Norma, Jo,Paula, and all others.

Sounds like a very nice trip to a great place NCTC. Seen some pics. Need to check out Momsters. Hi to all people I haven't gotten to meet.

Paula seen the Santa Rosa Hike but couldn't get the Morrow Bay up yet. Beautiful picks. Glad I didn't go. They would have been dragging me up the hills and "throwing me down the down hills" lol.

Sad about BW Osprey. Just seems this year we are seeing more of what happens in the world of "nature".

I drop back again. Megan flowers really brighten up the blog. Thank you.

Did see some pics of Minnie's trip to Disney. What fun to just relax and let the world go by.

Oh Bill please let us know when you go to BW what you see. Well of course you will ( : Just excited to hear.

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!!----Just ENJOYED watching your pics of MORRO BAY, ETC.---They are just "BREATH TAKING"---Honestly---I think one should have to pay to work there!!!!---ho!--I can't IMAGINE how great it was to be there & meet all the "NATURE LOVERS"--!!!!-----WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh sorry I did mean to add.

At CT Osprey the first egg will have been incubated today 5//19 = 38 days.

normabyrd said...

HI DANA!!!---How is your health?--Hope you are feeling BETTER!!!---Have missed you so VERY MUCH!!!--"SPUNKY DANA"---ho!----I did ENJOY NCTC---I had not been there before----Had been to the EAGLE NEST!!!----The EAGLES were waiting for us!!!----Where are the MINNIE PICS to DISNEY?----I haven't seen those!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!!----The BW OSPREY is REALLY off the eggs now!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if Mama Osprey is gone - it's been 25 minutes.

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

Good morning everyone, what a perfect day this has become. I asked my daughter to open the living room windows, all of a sudden there is excitement in her voice, much to my surprise running to the window what do I see...

either an immature sandhill crane or an immature great blue heron standng in my front yard near my white ash tree.

I wish it would have stayed a few minutes more for me to take a pic but alas he/she flew away.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Norma thank you missed you too. What's up with the cane Norma?

I'm finally getting to check out the pics of the NCTC trip. GREAT PICS everyone. What was Liberty's encounter with??

normabyrd said...

DANA---NO BIG DEAL!!---I bought a cane with an EAGLE HEAD as a handle !!---It REALLY is a COOL cane---if you like EAGLES!!!---The lady left the price tag on it & JO wanted me to remove it!!!---Then MITS noticed 2 HUGE URNS filled with black umbrellas by the doors in another bldg. JUST SAY SHE was checking them out!!!--Sooo! that's the deal about about "stealing" --It was just a FUN day!---I think I said we acted like "TEENAGERS"----Which I think one should do every now & then!! ho! ho!----Hope we all can go another time!!

normabyrd said...

DANA---We are sure it was a hawk---It had been flying around him---& WHOA! he took off after it---JILL took that pic---We also saw lots of Baltimore Orioles----LORD!----They are so beautiful!---Bright orange & black----I had never seen one before & it was really fascinating to watch them---

normabyrd said...

ROBYN---Have you gotten out your bird books & discovered what kind of bird you saw----That sounds exciting!!!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Update from Lisa -

As of Saturday morning, our solo parent has spent a long period away from the nest and is not protecting the eggs. Combined with the many hours that the parent was off the eggs on Friday, means it doesn't look good for the clutch.

paula eagleholic said...

And this on the BW eaglets

Special Note - An eyewitness report from the refuge: It does not look like either eaglet has fledged, but they have been making short flights to branches at the left and top of the cam image.

Robyn said...

That is so sad Paula, just knowing how I feel about the clutch I can just imagine how biologists see this event.

Robyn said...

Norma :), I have 2 really nice bird identification books but at the present time I would not know where to look, the psst year has been nothing but text books for me and I wish I knew where to look for them, most likey right under my nose they are!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Robyn that is so cool! Guess you should start carrying your camera 24/7, LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Norma for the answer to "who the encounter was with". Thank you very much.

I know I haven't been on here or Glo's chat. For a good while. Sorry all. Rehab takes alot of time plus alot of energy. I just had a re-acessment and it was very VERY GOOD. Doesn't mean :( I that I won't be having the surgery. But my cardo, muscles and abilities are better. Still can't to land rehab alot due to cervical and spinal stenosis. It has really been something what pool therapy can do it you apply yourself. Happy Happy I am. Thank you all for the prayers I know you have been sending my way. HUgs

paula eagleholic said...

Really glad to see you on here and that things are improving! We have missed you!

paula eagleholic said...

A lady here at work did water physical therapy for her back. She loved it.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey back at BW, standing over the eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Now she is laying on them

Both adults at Kent.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Star left w/ chicklets giving them a mid-morning meal.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Mama O got some food while she was gone.

paula eagleholic said...

The oldest VA Eaglet is 10 weeks old today. The other 2 are 2 & 5 days younger.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Paula that is true. We have one lady that does land rehab M,F and Wed does the pool.

I really like the pic in the album with you by the water. I think you should have that in a 5 x 7.

Got to go out awhile. Someone check in on those Osprey at Ct. first egg is overdue today is 38th day. Later all.

paula eagleholic said...

She has collected a lot more sod balls in the CT nest since the last time I looked. Still has that trashy piece of plastic.

paula eagleholic said...

She was just up and checking, but couldn't see anything.

Dennis Puleston nest expecting possible hatching starting today

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just dropped off a fish in VA - I love the way the other eaglets "eye" the eaglet that managed to mantle the fish first, LOL :)

paula eagleholic said...

Mama Osprey still on the eggs

paula eagleholic said...

SC cam is working again

paula eagleholic said...

Update on CT for Dana :)

Dad brought Mom in a fish. She took it and left. Dad is now incubating. Still looks like 4 eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

VA eaglets got another fish drop, parent nearly attacked trying to get out of the way!

Parent gone now, looks like a nice size fish, think it was still flopping a little bit.

movin said...

I don't see a note if there is one that the Santa Cruz camera is back up...that eaglet seems to have grown its dark feathers out over night. And it was sitting with its enormous feet out front, then stood up straight and took some tentative steps.

Thank God you're feeling better, Dana. I don't think I got the full info on your medical thing, but I am definitely glad you're better... Welcome, welcome.

"I can't do anything about what's happening in BW, I can't do anything about what's happening in BW," I keep telling myself. We should know more after Lisa has scoped the scene firsthand. It's a potential tragedy after all that pair have been through this season.

The Preakness runs this afternoon, for you racing fans, and I think "Street Sense" has an excellent chance to win the Triple Crown.

Have a good day eagle, osprey, peregrine lovers..


movin said...

There's a Burrowing Owl outside the nest hole right now.

paula eagleholic said...

Mama Osprey still on the eggs. Eaglet nest has been empty since around lunchtime or so.

paula eagleholic said...

VA- Mom arrived first, followed quickly by Dad, who dropped off another whopper of a fish! Mom snagged it from Dad, and is currently standing over it. All eagles are looking towards to the right rear of the nest - must be something nearby they need to guard the fish from - Dad maybe? LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Mama VA is going to eat the fish - chicks are watching, hoping. They dare not try to sneak a piece!!

paula eagleholic said...

Mama CT osprey came back and pushed Dad right off the eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

Mam VA feeding eaglet now.

paula eagleholic said...

Mama BW is sitting on right front corner of nest box - has been there about 15 min now.

paula eagleholic said...

From Bob Quinn -

Sent: Sat May 19 15:28:36 2007
Subject: At BW now

Paula - I'm at BW now. Hard to see if Mama is on the OCam nest but I think I see her hunkered down. You can check the cam. There is another osprey on a post on the other side of the drive. Not positive but it looks like a male.


paula eagleholic said...

And then this from Bob -

Sat, 19 May 2007 15:49:33
The plot thickens. The osprey on the other side of the drive took off and started circling high above the cam platform. As this was happening a third osprey appeared nearby. Never got too close but close enougjh to be a perceived threat. When the third osprey departed the second one returned to a post on the other side of the drive.

paula eagleholic said...

Mama Osprey at BW appears to be looking towards drive again (to the left)

paula eagleholic said...

For Dana -
Before Mama at CT came back, she brought back another piece of white something to the nest, looked like she was tucking it under Dad - Looks like white foam packing sheet.

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglet back

Mama Osprey looking towards cam, still off eggs, she was getting close to them, then stopped.

Robyn said...

Sadness at the preakness, mending fencings was put down on the track with a fracture.

Bob Quinn said...

From Lisa:

Don't know if you were there for the crow, but the eggs are gone.

I saw the intruder earlier. I was watching the monitor, and I looked away from her sitting on the eggs, and when I looked up, the eggs were sprayed around her like she had kicked them and she was standing up and calling out. I think she did that reacting to the intruder.

If there was a male around, I assume it wasn't dad, since she was getting no help on the eggs. Maybe a new male who saw she was alone.

I guess we're done for the season. Just a matter of seeing how much she hangs around or if other ospreys use the nest for perching. No nesting likely.

movin said...

Thanks a lot, Bob, for the great reports. I'm looking forward to more info if you have any.

Here's a note on the fate of the Osprey eggs from the Osprey site...

Special Note - Our solo parent left the eggs alone again and this time a crow came in and made quick work of them.

There are also photos of the crow on the site.

Whatever it is determined happened, it looks like this nesting season for the BW Osprey pair has concluded.

The mother Osprey is back on the area of the nest where the eggs were....


movin said...

Incidentally, the "Special Note" is only one short paragraph...I added the remainder of the comment.


Bob Quinn said...

I wasn't there when the crows came but I did get a few shots of the other two osprey flying around while mom was on the nest. I'll let you know when I process and post them. From what I could see there was still an intruder problem.

movin said...

Thanks again, Bob. Your on-site observations are of great help to the many who can't see anything but what happens on the platform.


movin said...

I just looked at the BW sites again...

Both eaglets are lying in the nest tonight.

The mother Osprey was lying in the egg cup, moved to center rear of platform, and now she's standing on the reeds to the left side of the nest...she may be having nightmares or something, given all that she's experienced today.


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula, I read and chuckle at the comments on the CT nest. I'll check the out tomorrow. To see what they are up too and the white stuff lol

MITS said...

So very sorry about the BW nest, I was so looking forward to them coming back and getting on with their season, have to wait til next year now.:(

Jill said...

What a day. Pulled off the surprise with no problems. Well except changing the date and time 5 times. Walking around whispering to people all day, taking phone calls fromt the "same" person 20 times to make sure everybody got there. And he didn't suspect a thing. Didn't even notice 7 people sitting on our deck when he backed the car in and started up the walk. DUH.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Glad your surprise party was a success. Hope you were able to relax and enjoy yourself.
Enjoy your stay at the ocean. I can't think of a better place to be.


Jill said...

Wish I was at the Ocean with Mits. Then I could relax with the sound of the water just outside.

Mema Jo said...

I got lost today - So sorry for saga of the Momma Osprey to end the way it did.. Those fish crows have now destroy 2 clutches of eggs.
I was so happy to see Dana back on the blog and feeling a bit better!
Glad your surprise party went well, Jill.
Remember that 1st one on the blog tomorrow should post on the
SUNDAY THREAD that Steve left for us

See everyone on the new thread in the morning

movin said...

Well, we can't say there was nothing happening today, that for sure.

Still don't know what happened to the male Osprey in Black Water, but that particular battle is over for this season.

My favorite for the Preakness Stakes got beat ... barely. No Triple Crown winner again this year.

Good night/Good Sunday Morning to you all...enjoy the weekend.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...