Monday, May 07, 2007

PM Monday

Here's a neat new blog run by some eagle biologists up in Maine. Check it out.


Mema Jo said...

Hi There! Thanks for new thread.
That neat blog is done by Wing - He does a very good job & he sure helped all the Maine Cam Viewers through the experience of losing their eggs like we did.
I just came back home - Sunny day!

MITS said...

Wing is a GOOD guy.......

MITS said...

Thanks, Steven, its neat, but not really new, been getting Maine info from there since last year.

Jill said...

I saw one egg at the BW osprey nest. It was definitely not there earlier. AT least I think it was an egg.

MITS said...

Still have not seen a loon yet, but they had a beautiful picture over a lake today.

MITS said...

Wind looks a liitle more calm in VA now.

MITS said...

Yikes....I know they are there, but can't see the BW chicks....or do we call them juvies now???? Can't remember the date it changes?

MITS said...

OK, I see the little buggers...

Mema Jo said...

Man! It took you 2 long enough to get over here... Hopefully you have already had dinner and are relaxing in front of the puter for the evening!
Typing up the directions to send out for NCTC...

Mema Jo said...

Jill, I just saw Sandra's message to you about the 14th. That would be great if you get Sharon to come with you. Robyn and Wanda are also traveling from Martinsburg.

MITS said...

I know, I took a little cat-nap, because I have been up since 5:30a.m.....tee-hee.

Mema Jo said...

Did you have to get up that early to check on the coffee pot? lol

MITS said...

ROFLMBO......I was so excited to finally have a coffee pot again, I think I did get up that early just to check it out.

MITS said...

Nest Update

The eaglets are spending more time on the edges of the nest and possibly some time on the tree branches.

We'll try to capture some new video clips this weekend to get a better view of how they're moving around the nest edge.

Lis'a update from today at BW.....Jo, how do you like this, I copied and pasted:).

MITS said...

Should be time for an eagle visit soon.

Mema Jo said...

You copied & pasted real good.
Now you need to learn to place pics into the Momsters album! Then I'll get you to make Links
There is so much more to do, to do,
to do.....

Mema Jo said...

Windy up in ME at the nest
Did not see any loons to date.
Need to check out the hawks

Mema Jo said...

Getting darker and darker at the nest
Don't see any white heads or tails bobbing around.

MITS said...

I'm taking baby steps here.....Jo.

MITS said...

I'm trying out IE 7, can't find the refresh button now, and Sharon is going to smack me....I'm getting the security message again when I try to post.......and I can't preview my post.

Mema Jo said...

That's what you get for messing around with your puter! lol
What is IE7 ?

Mema Jo said...

I just cleaned out my emails...boy it feels a lot lighter & I have no fear of mail jail. I hate thinking I will have dial up at the beach for a few days!

Mema Jo said...

Lisa/BW has a good pic and sure looks like 2 eggs for the Ospreys this season! #:)

Mema Jo said...

Going to take an hour or so break.
No visitors tonight.
BBL Don't get lost Mits

Jill said...

They can come with me if they don't want to drive. I can meet them on the north end at Weis Market if they want too.

Mema Jo said...

Sending email to you Jill....

Jill said...

Just saw the mail from Sandra. I can handle getting to her house. I will check my mail now Jo. Thanks.

Jill said...

No mail yet, Jo. I will check back in a little bit. Going to go watch tv before they decide to call me to work again.

MITS said...

Its Internet Explorer far I'm not liking I'm in JAVA hell, my american grettings has not worked since they changed their format.....thry told me to update to IE 7, did that and I still cannot get the addresses on the cards, but that is java problem......I hate this thing sometimes.

Mema Jo said...

Jill You really don't need my email (I did send it) but you seem to know your way around - especially to Sandra's.

Mema Jo said...

Postage goes up on May 13th - Just in time for mother's day.. Electronic cards probably get hit big time.
I don't think that people will stop buying cards for a long old time to come! Ya Hear That Megan!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I hear that!

Jill said...

I got it Jo. Thanks. I can find my way to Sandras house. Been to that corner many times. LOL. See you soon.

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad ya heard me!

Mema Jo said...

You going to bring my gourds (with birds in them) next Monday?

floralgirl said...

Sure!! you want carolina wrens or sparrows? Too much tilling today, worn out again, I'm off to bed. Hope you have a good trip, Jo. I think you said you leave tomorrow. See you next week.

Mema Jo said...

Going to also call it a night!

Good Night Everyone
Peace Be With You and Yours

Good Morning Suzanne
Been thinking of you

movin said...

Good evening/Good morning, eagle lovers...

Looks like most have departed for the night.

Mits, I've been using Explorer 7 for months with little problem...I like it.

You might visit Windows Update to update your Java or your Active X. It's at Windows Update

My machine gets auto-updated about once a month, but you can do it manually anytime. And if it's not at that site, search around in the Windows Family area.

The Maine site blog has a video of the pair visiting the nest tonight...Dad spends quite a while in the egg cup. Can't figure out if they are actually going to lay a second clutch or not.

Sleep well, have a great week,


MITS said...

THANKS, JIM THAT HELPED 100%, YOU DA MAN!!!!!! Good Night everyone.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. You wouldn't BELIEVE the trouble to get on this computer, then this blog. Or even print a document. Something is going on, and this thing could only get slower if it stopped!
Nice night out, moon has an aura and looks pretty cool. Not too bad, but had the heat on in the car this morning, 51 at my house, think 47 here.
Read the blogs from the weekend last night, and I want to thank everybody for their kind thoughts and wishes for Pharaoh! Unfortunately, when I got to the vet's on Friday afternoon, he was in a lot of pain, and totally miserable. He hates the car, as do most cats, and I had a 3 hour drive to get him to a specialist. The vet didn't think he would make it, and he was just meowing in pain, so I did the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life... I put him to sleep. I held him while he went to sleep, but at least he's no longer in pain. I can only hope he's in a better place. So thank everyone again for their kind words.
I'm still not able to get on my computer, so will call the help desk again, but won't be able to stay on this computer very long.
I did read where the eyases finally started hatching in PA! I thought they'd start hatching last week, and I'm excited they finally started, think on Friday. And an OSPREY EGG!! We have another chance. Mom was/is on the egg as we speak. Only see 1 eaglet in BW, so guess the other is on a branch snoozing now. Just like the big kids! Did see our nest is sick... no pic, just lines, so guess I won't be able to sneak in here and see Lib and Belle if they should show up.

Oh, forget who it was, but congrats on the Derby win! I don't watch sports at all, but I DO watch the Triple Crown every year! Loved that Street Sense won, that was so cool...came from 19th place to totally take over and win. And that jockey was just so excited! He was fun to watch. But congrats on (think Sandy?) Sandy's niece, who exercises Street Sense. That has got to be so cool.
OK, not writing a book here. All have a great eagle day. Will try to get on later in the day, but not sure that will be possible. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Back for a sec. Both ospreys are in the nest, and I saw the egg. They had a switch, both were standing there, one took off, and egg was between them. BW chicks are having wing flap practice. Both in nest, one of the very far right. OH! Belle in our nest!!

Suzanne said...

Our cam pic has improved, but there are still partial lines on the pic. But you can see Belle. She's just standing there in the center of nest, looking at 2 o'clock.

Suzanne said...

Make that noon. Both ospreys still in nest, one on egg, one on side looking at her. Both chicks in BW nest.

Suzanne said...

Ahhhhhhhhh, eagle cam just went flukey! Hopefully, it will be back next refresh. Wonder if one of the chicks flapped by the cam. Nope, not back yet...

Suzanne said...

Hum, saw Lisa's update on the osprey page, looked like 2 eggs on the pic she has. But I only saw the 1 this morning. I'll have to send her the pic.
Belle still standing there, but pic is rapidly getting worse!

Suzanne said...

Osprey is turning egg, other is watching. Belle still there, but getting hard to see through the colored lines.

Suzanne said...

Belle gone. Lines still there. The one egg is visible again..

Suzanne said...

Well, osprey is comfy on egg. BW eaglets are finished with wing flap practice for the moment, only one is visible in the nest, and that's only the tail. Our cam has some serious lines that come and go.

Costume Lady said...

So sorry about Pharaoh. I know it hurt to put him to sleep (we had our dog put to sleep) but he--and you aren't suffering anymore (except for the pain in your heart). Thanks for sharing that with us--we have all been wondering and thinking about you.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Morning, Costume Lady. Thank you. Yes, that is a very painful process for us humans...

Suzanne said...

Think we lost the BW eagle cam. It's been on the same pic for several minutes, and with those kids flapping all over the place, I don't think so...
Think that's Mom osprey on the egg, she's facing the cam.
Our cam still has partial lines on it.

Suzanne said...

Much as I'd like to visit and watch the cams (the ones I can get up here, now, anyway), time for me to get off this computer before boss arrives. All have a great eagle day. Try to be back later.

Suzanne said...

The eagle cam is NOT down. Shadows are moving, eaglets are not. Maybe too much flapping this morning, and they're tired now. OK, BBL.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and costume lady and all eagle watchers out there. Again Suzanne, I am so sorry to hear about Pharoah. Just know that we are all with you at this time, and you are in our prayers.

I'm glad to hear that somebody is having nice weather. We had school called off yesterday, due to high winds and now have to go on this Saturday. Sitll rainy and windy, and guess it will be this way for a few more days here. You all enjoy your nice weather while you can. I am back in my fall/winter clothes again.

Mits, I came in to find two panda books on the computer that my teacher must have bought for the kids to read. :) I guess she is getting into the swing of panda watching here at school, too. The kids will be excited to see them and the panda's on the video feed. I have to keep refreshing it, as time watching them is limited.

Well, have to go for now. Getting time for kids to arrive. Hope you all have a nice eagle watching day, and JIM, you are as young as yoou feel! :) BB:

Costume Lady said...

Hello to all you "Bird Watchers" out there. It is a beautiful morning here in the Martinsburg/Shepherdstown, WV area--cool (45) but going up to 70degrees later. Our cam is still ailing. Looks empty.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE.SUZANNE, I am so sorry for your loss.

Costume Lady said...

New thread---come on over

movin said...

Good morning, Friends...

Good morning, Suzanne. You made the right decision with your's hard to do, but it is best for an animal suffering so much.

I saw the egg at the BW Ospreys nest as I came on-line...they were changing the guard, and it looks like only one egg to me also. I think the second egg, which appeared so clear last night was part of the mothers head or face.

Lisa's saying that there probably will only be one egg this season, but that's certainly better than none.

"Bad camera, bad cam"...kind of clears up..."bad camera, bad camera...."

Steve has opened a new thread; let's go over there.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...