Steve Wunderley and I were just meeting with a reporter for the Martinsburg Journal who is planning an eagle story. We watched as the female came onto the nest and sat down, just as the rain started.
We too thought maybe it's time for an egg. But no egg yet.
However, it is very interesting that she flew in and sat down where the eggs would go, just as the rain started. Now that the rain's stopped, and she's off again (and perched a few feet away from the nest as I write), you can see that the nest is dry in that spot.
Steve W. says that's a good sign. But only time will tell.
Thanks for the great information Steve.
A story, GREAT!!!
Ahhhh-HA so she's keeping thisgs dry? Smart mama!
Humm, motherly instinct kicking in again.
Thats wonderful news Steven , as last week a reporter from the Journal paper was in my store and i spoke with him on doing a story about the eagles... Also showed him the our nest and the story about her losing the eggs during the snow storm... Told him that this was very educational for the childern... I have also called whats called Journal Junction in our local news paper and reported the eagles were back and hopefully we will have new eggs!!!! So glad the reporter took my advise and they are doing this story.. Thanks Journal!!!!!!!!
Great reportings, great news, Steven. Thanks.
She's definitely got something in mind in the near future...just a matter of time (short, I hope).
By the way, folks, I almost forgot...the BW eagle cam is back up.
Assuming you are using Windows, right click on the picture. A drop down menu will pop up, click save picture. Name the picture so you can find it. The go to pictures and find it.
That is great news from each of the Steve's. I am rooting for Belle and the promise of an egg or two. She & Liberty so deserve a second clutch.
Nilla That was quick thinking to tell the reporter about our eagles. They deserve some publicity around town!
Sunny, you should also be able to just put your mouse over the picture. It should show 4 little pictures. The one that looks like a computer diskette is the "save this image" one. Click on that and a window will come up asking where you want to save it. It will show you those words when you put your moust over the little images that pop up.
Jill-Paula thanks from me too. I've learned something also.I have to ask my kids if I dont know how to do something.
Thanks Jo, Hopefully the message i left for Journal Junction they heard also and became interested in doing a artical about Liberty & Belle and the struggles they have gone thru this season trying to raise afamily. The reporter i talked with knew who to speak with to do the artical, Just glad it worked and the word is out about the eagles..
Great, Nilla! Let us know if you see the article in the paper! Thanks.
Nilla, it is great to see you on here. I have missed you a lot.
Good signs are always a good thing around here. More will be revealed I pray!!!
Paula When I place my cursor over the eagle cam to take a pic - I don't get any four little windows. I get the drop down menu when I right mouse click and chose SAVE IMAGE AS..
How do I get the little
windows? Educate me!
Headed out the door to dinner with granddaughter & family.
I'll look for your instructions when I return, Paula.
Pics up in Momsters album for today
Keep an eagle eye out around 7:00 for an Eagle Alert...
Jo - what browser are you using and which version of windows?
The web site for Martinsburg Journal newspaper is www.journal-news.net you can check it to see if anything is written and put in online news site also.
I don't get the little windows on this computer but I do at work. Depends on what version of windows you are using. If they aren't there just right click and save the picture.
closing in on our evening visit I hope
Nilla you did it. You told me you talked to the reporter in your store. You show him our nest at Shepherdstown. You said he said "he knew who to talk to at NCTC". Wow gal great news to hear they have meet with both Steve's. WAY TO GO NILLA. YOU DID IT !! ( :
Nilla I thank you so much for taking the time and sharing one of your hearts passion. Which is Liberty and Belle with the Martinsburg Journal Reporter you knew. You are RIGHT when you said in the newspaper "That it is very educational for children too". Both cams are not just a fun thing.
Everyone take a second and think of something you learn't from watching 2005-2006 season. I bet you can think of more than one.
Congtrs. Nilla and THANK YOU
I posted a new puzzle on the momsters site this afternoon....
Enjoy it when you have the time.
Where do you work?
Thanks Jim
713pm waiting for Liberty and Belle to arrive
I have to leave. They should show up in about 5 minutes, if they follow the rest of the day. Everytime I left the computer somebody showed up. LOL
Just public awareness to the American Bald Eagle nest all over the USA and education of childern is what i was trying to stress to the Journal and that ALL the eagle cams we watch is a wonder of Mother Nature... Dana as you can see in the news paper i added www.beakspeak.com for all to explore these nest we all share.
The eagle spirits are coming around the nest-I am doubtful that we will see Liberty & Belle this evening.
They are usually around the nest at 7:30 or so.....
Well I feel like I have been stood up for the prom. I'm turning this computer off and going home. Hugs to all.
Do I see birds on the nest?
Shew. Thought I was seeing things. A little late for them isn't it?
No sooner spoken than there they are.. Now I cant go home.
one left 803pm
Both were there, now just Belle!
other flew back in
Lordy Lordy!
Sharon or Dana - are any in the nest now 8:12pm
Sharon Thanks for getting the pics - I'll have them in the albun in a few.......
Mema Jo, I sent you 3 or 4 pics. They are gone now.
I got the 4 pics - I thought they had taken off to the tree tops!
Sharon why can't you put the pics in the album?
Dana had good pics in the album - I added Sharon's. I try to get them in sequence as to the time - down to the seconds! Makes for a good slide show.
Dana, I can, just too lazy or too tired or something. I normally send them to Jo and she puts them in. She is my buddy and loves me and spoils me!!!!!
Dana, anyone can put pics in the albums that Paula & I create on Momster because we check it as a group. I have probably spoiled Sharon, Mits, Jim and now Sandy since I have the time to do it.
Man - talk about "think alikes"
Sharon I don't think that was truly necessary to say in the blog. Where MANY PEOPLE lurk. Alot of lurkers feel uncertain about coming in here to talk as it is. Alot that have was afraid of "clicks".
We don't and shouldn't have any "clicks" in here. EVERYONE IS TO BE TREATED THE SAME. Thank you and have a nice day what's left of it.
Momsters: You will find that special bondings of friendships occur between persons that have never seen one another but only know each other through comments on the blog. At my age, there are quite a few bloggers that I have adopted as though they are my own daughters...I have gone through personal trials with them in hopes of helping them keep the Faith. In other words - I have taken them under my wings - I feel God meant me to do that with all my Eagle buddies. We are all bonded equally.
Amen, Mema Jo. I am truly one of the most blessed persons on here because I have you in my life. Love you!
Momma BW in the nest with the eaglets....must be anticipating the cold evening.....It is still windy out there... makes for a pretty chilly dog walk!!!
Glad L&B were in the nest tonight...
Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!
My cam has a black screen.
Anyone else have that?
Mema Jo, it looks like the website is messed up. I clicked refresh and it gave me the red Xs in the boxes.
Thanks for the website, Nilla. Thought maybe you had an idea when it was coming out...
Mine is black too....will probably need a reset in the morning if it gets cold tonight....obviously still something wrong with the cam in that repect...
But I think this is fws issue...says
Service unavailable....www.fws.gov
Ok, So maybe not!
I'll take the cam working anytime...appears OK for the moment!!!
Mine is refreshing now
My cam NCTC is working fine ( :
Where's Mits?
Recovering from the Zoo??
Hey There! Blogger Cop just got me!
I was just saying that is really windy here in the valley and the
temps are dropping. My cat just
blew in the side door! lol
Bet Spidey has a chilly touche tonight!
Mits had Zoo and then a trip to see
Good you all got pics of Spidey the other night - too cold out for him tonight.
My cam is good now too.
That's right, forgot about the grandbaby!
I'll be seeing mine again on Easter, everyone coming over for dinner.
Hellooooo...Yeah, just took the dog out, wind is really gusting here. Still 43°, supposed to get colder.
Well (Personal News) my daughter and hubby & their son will start out at 5am tomorrow morning for Ft Stewart GA in hopes of being able to spend some time with Ryan (my grandson) He just finished a 5 week training for Sniper and now he is headed out to CA for the training they give before deployment - This will be his 2nd tour in Iraq. I so pray for PEACE to come... Susan just wants to be able to see him for fear the military time table will ship him out before they have any time off. Sad, Sad world.
FloralGirl Do you have to put any heat in the GH tonight?
Jenny said she was cutting all her
daffs and tulips. I hoope she bring me some of the daffs.....
Yeah, Jo, running 2 kero heaters tonight. Gets expensive. Hoping everything works out for your grandson, Ryan.
I keep my faith for his safe return but I get very scared for him! Just human for a grandmother.
Jo, bless you and your family. Prayers for you, and for all military families.
Dana Did you go through the procedure for submitting names for BW eaglets? Sounded a little complicated.
Sandra Give us an update on your family. Has your extra help arrived yet?
Jo, do they have that thing where you have to register? I haven't checked it out yet...guess I should, but I am at a loss for names this year...
Sandra you know I wrote you an email.
Megan suppose to be a HARD FREEZE tonight. Oh my so sorry Megan. I've really been praying for all your work and plants and seedlings.
I just read briefly on BW page from Lisa. To me she was talking about registering onto WildCam in order to submit names. For some reason I have a user/password for it. Don't know when I did it... Wild Cam used to be something else I think... Pete's Pond yep! THAT'S IT.
Oh, don't worry Dana, all my plants will be fine, they are all in GH, nothing outside yet. Supposed to get down near 26° here.
Ok Megan but I'm still keeping you in prayer. You do ALOT of work and hard work too.
I am registered on there from last years contest....hmmm gonna have to think of a couple of names...
Yes, Dana, I received your e-mail, and I thought I replied, but if I didn't, thank you. I assume your water therapy is at the Wellness Center at City? Mother is there, on the heart floor, so maybe I'll run into you there.
My sister and brother-in-law arrived tonight, and Carolyn will stay as long as needed. This is a great relief to me. Mother is improving. My greatest concern is that she is tired of fighting, tired of rehab, and might just give up. But I think Carolyn's presence will help her.
Good night to eagle land.
Small Journal Newspaper artical i called into Journal Junction that was in todays paper: From Martinsburg:On a Lighter Note:The NCTC eagles of Shepherdstown have returned...after losing 3 eggs in a snow storm. Hopefully, we will see eggs in the nest again this week. This nest,along with many others across the United States, can be seen by logging onto beakspeak.com. Very educational for childern to see our national birds raising a family....
Hitting the hay, ladies and gents. All have a good evening!!
Good Going Nilla! Now that the reporter has been with Steve & Steve we may even get a full page article!
All kinds of publicity helps - you and I know that all of Shepherdstown isn't aware of their EAGLES!
I am going to call it a day....
Good Night All My Eagle Buddies
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Remembering all of you in my prayers
Good Morning Suzanne
Any frost on the windshield this am?
GOOD NIGHT ALL very busy day at the zoo today. I was allowed to stay and watch Mei Xiang be artificially inseminated at the zoo today, they set everything up right inside the panda house and they will do another AI tomorrow a.m. Was there til 6 , then off to see Maggie. really tired tonight, but can't relax yet too excited over the days' events...TTYT..MTBR.
Its late for most of you but I just got dinner over and cleaned up. Dana I watched all of you for a year and a half before I left a comment. I didnt want to interfear.I am far away but my interest and love of nature is the same. Jo your comments about that terriable war remind me so much of viet nam. Its the prayers,pain and worry all over again.I am very sorry for the people over there who have suffered under that leadership but I want our own back. I pray...Good Night.
WOW Thelma thats great you got to watch Mei's insemination!!! I watched her today and mostly heard her Poor thing i felt so sorry for her in the door way... So they did it with sperm from San Deigo zoo male? Gao Gao's? That should make the UK girls happy happy... Also watched Tai he was up -side down tree hanging so funny!!! Wouldnt that be spectacular Jo a whole page about our eagles ... then again wishes do come true sometimes... I am happy just to know people will read and know about the famous NCTC eagles Liberty & Belle..But perhaps they wont mention the names we gave them ya think??? wink...lol
Good morning, Suzanne, been watching on and off since 6- never saw anyone come by the nest when I was looking. Only 31° here, snow blowing around out there for about half an hour, just stopped.
Good Morning everyone. Suzanne Love your commentary, YES the lines are long at the grocery store just before easter...but there is lots of "Special Stuff", I am sure Lady Blackwater has a surprise or 2 in store for the little ...quickly getting big" ones.
All have a great day.
Snowing at NE this mornig, it is time for a chick there, almost makes me scared to turn on the cam though on a "hatch" day. Prayers for whoever is in that nest int he storm. Then of course there is Maine and Dad with his hurting talon...alhtough thinking it is perhpas more int he knee area now if there is sucha thing from what I have been reading, anyway they get to endure another storm again too...what is with the weather this year and our eagles :(
OK well come next week Spring has come to stay, I feel it in my bones.
Have a great day everyone. Suzanne I don't know if Undle Sam gives you tomorrow off or not, so just in case he does I wanted to wish you a Happy Easter, and anyone else whose weekend is busy enough they may not get to the bLOG again before that Sacred day.
Just flurries here, Suzanne. Tired of snow and cold weather, looks like it's gonna be chilly here til next week. Very cold at night.
Morning all!
Well, nobody in our nest yet today? How odd.....
I have tomorrow off and all next week for spring break with the kiddos. I'll get here when/if I can, but my father-in law and brother-in law are coming down from Ohio for the week as well. I'm tired already.
Have a wonderful and blessed Easter if I don't get back to blog...I'll be checking the cam on occasion..so keep notes for me please. Must go get some work done now as I leave in a little while to go to son's kindergarten party.
Hoping for eagles here.....
Oh yeah, Suzanne, gotta run heater most nights, last night and next few nights will have to run 2 heaters. Trying to keep it around 60° out there, lots of seeds germinating and little seedlings going. They all look great this morning. Gotta get out of here, kid wants to go to a friend's house, (no school:)), need to water in GH. Have a great Easter weekend, I assume you are off tomorrow. I have to work for a couple of hours Sunday because Walmart never closes. Why do people need to shop constantly?
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