Friday, March 16, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


Costume Lady said...

JudyE, what a CUTE avatar...both of our Grandeagles:)

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tada, here we are!

JudyEddy said...


Costume Lady said...

Looks almost like there is a mirror between them:)
Oh, I'm so habby...2 eaglets, something we have NEVER had before!

JudyEddy said...

Cute Sharon you got me with it LOL I was shocked that I got a new thread I hardly ever get them I feel special now LOL

Jordyn is still down for a nap that kid sure loves her naps she should be up shortly I got my most of the laundry done dusted whole house wow that was a challenge and cleaned the kitchen just go to finish laundry but that is never finished is it

Mema Jo said...

I am #7 on here today.

I think the little kids are having
a party down under as much as Shep
stares down

Sandi said...

Thanks so much Steve, for the new thread! And thanks to Judy for the call over! From reading back, it sounds like Shep still hasn't figured out how to feed a chicklet! But he sure can sit on 'em!!

JudyEddy said...

I could just sit here and stare at them forever and not move like Shep does LOL at least he isn't playing with sticks now

Mema Jo said...

You called it right, Sandi.
I don't know what it is going to take for Shep to understand........
I don't think Belle will let them starve.

Costume Lady said...

With 2 eaglets, there is the greatest chance of a healthy rearing. Think about it...only one day apart in age and will probably be very little fighting over food. Very often, one eaglet, when there are 3, perishes due to unfortunated attacks from the stronger 2.
I feel we have the best of everything this year. LET IT BE SO~

WV sUSAn said...

Oh boy, two ospreys at BWO. Time for HP and restorations. Woohooo

Don't know if this is just news for me but I'm loving it.

Hoda said...

Lurking...I too wished he would have fed them...he seems to take small bites but has not made the connection that he has to take those bites to the chicks!!!I aqgree with you WANDA on the chances of survival for the two as they are close to each others' age.
He seems to be asking, what in the world is foing on in under there? I see a little one trying to sneak out...LOL do you see it?

Hoda said...

Little ones are a challenge Shep, if you feed them they will likely sleep for a while!!!LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its so warm under there Peek a boo they do want out wiggle wiggle down low he goes on them

Costume Lady said...

LOL, HODA, it won't be long, both of them will be poking their little heads out from every nook and cranny they can find...I love it when they do that!

JudyEddy said...

They ate at 1 right???????????????????I grabbed a pic of that feeding Have they been feed since then??????????????

Linda said...

Maybe Shep thinks the feedings are the Momma's job!!

RED - I think we need your help again explaining to Shep he has to help out. After all....times have changed and Dads need to chip in at home, too!!

Mema Jo said...

Lily and Faith outside of the den

WV sUSAn said...

BWO. The female osprey has been at the about all day and 2:35 a second flew in. Didn't get a look at the front of second one, but it sat on the side for about 20 min and flew away. At least the cam is on 15 second refresh now.

Hoda said...

Does it seem early to you for bears to be out JO?

hedgie said...

Charlie is in ICU. It IS the gall bladder as the chief culprit, and now throw in the renal failure and the septicemia. Carolyn is a mess.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I am so sorry will keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers So glad you are able to post to keep us informed BOY is Shep restless messing with the one stick

Linda said...

Poor Carolyn - Charlie, too! Thanks for letting us know, LYNN ♥

Will keep praying for them....

Costume Lady said...

Wow, unfortunate that he has been in ER so many times and now, when he is SO VERY SICK, they take the time to find out what is REALLY the culprit. INSURANCE COMPANIES are going to be the death of us all!!


JudyEddy said...

He keeps looking down like what the !!!

JudyEddy said...

keeps piddling with sticks

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my gosh Lynn, thats terrible. No wonder he's been so Ill. So sorry. What hospital?? I can't even imagine Carolyn eight now.

Hoda said...

So sorry LYNN to hear about CHARLIE...renal failure does not sound so good...I hope they can flush his system and get rid of the infections...PRAYERS for CHARLIE and good healing to occur.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynn, that is not what the kids were
thinking as they went to the 10:00
Dr appointment. Prayers for all..

glo said...

awww Lynn so sorry to read how ill Charlie is now. I am sorry but insurance companies practicing medicine infuriates me. It has since it all began. ARGH. prayers for all.

Linda said...

You sure have a valid point there, Wanda. Too many hoops to go through all the while things are getting worse!!

Linda said...


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I am sure the weather has a lot to do with the bear's behavior. Not sure
when Lily first came out of the den with Hope.

Hoda said...

Come on Shep feed the chicks!!!see he takes such small bites but does not bring them over!!!

JudyEddy said...

I wish he would feed them how often should they eat?????

JudyEddy said...

one is on the move looks like they are looking at Shep

JudyEddy said...

no foold wiggle wiggle back down on them

JudyEddy said...

I got a couple of min video of just now so cute

JudyEddy said...

uploading now still waiting for sleeping beauty to wake up

Mema Jo said...

Lost my cam
trying to get it back

Mema Jo said...

I missed seeing Shep turning around.....

Judie said...

Looks as if Shep is in need of eaglet-feeding classes. Hope Belle can provide some instructions.

Carolyn and Lynn, so very sorry about Charlie being in such poor health. Prayers that he can quickly get the treatment needed for recovery. Prayers for all the family.

Hi Jo. Hope you are feeling better today.

JudyEddy said...

I lost mine a couple of times today tooo but just had the spinning circle in the middle but it recovered

Robyn said...

I hope Charley gets better and can get the infection out. I sure hope he didn't go to city hospital.

Will keep him in our prayers

Costume Lady said...

My Insurance Co. just sent me a letter, yesterday and denied me any further Physical Therapy. Both my surgeon and my doctor at PT told the Ins. Co. that I needed another month of PT because my balance has not come back and that is VERY NECESSARY. No, No, No!
Yes, Ins. Cos. think they know what is best for the patient, but all they care about is themselves and the bottom line!

Mema Jo said...

I even missed a Poop Shoot

Shep looks so uncomfortable....

NatureNut said...

Peeking at Still cam for a second. Haven't seen chicklets yet! Thank Goodness I'm off tomorrow!
Thanks JudyE for the great avatar pic! Now I can see them anyway.

Dear Lynn, so so sorry to hear about Charlie. Somebody should be sued for incompetence!!!!!I don't understand all the waffling on a diagnosis.He could have had gallbladder taken care of weeks ago. aarrgghh

NatureNut said...

I agree with you, Wanda. And then I'll get off the subject. I haven't had a care problem yet, but some of my drugs are not being paid anymore by insurance. And they don't want to refill another one unless I write them & request an appeal for why I need it!!!When did ins. idiots get their MDs?????????

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Susan saw 2 osprey down on
the cam at the BWO platform.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are getting ready to move Nila to the Bower's Hospice House in Beckley. Hate this because I won't be able to visit as often. Heading to the hospital to see her before they move her!

JudyEddy said...

Is it further away Sharon is why you can't go as often

JudyEddy said...

Shep looks like he is about to do a faceplant Belle has been gone awhile now I wonder why he doesn't think to feed them he brings them food can;t he put two and two together LOL

JudyEddy said...

He us looking under himself now ust be wiggling

JudyEddy said...

must be wiggling

and he just did the wiggle wiggle pushing is chest on them they keep trying to peak out

Linda said...

Shep is obviously uncomfortable feeding the eaglets. He hasn't mastered that, Judy!

It would be nice to see Belle return. It concerns me that she is away for so long just after the eaglets hatched.

JudyEddy said...

cam just halted and started again the spining cirlce in middle of cam

JudyEddy said...

Just called Angie and said that slepping beauty doesn't want to wake up I went in there and she is still a snozzing she ate like a horse yesterday and now sleeping OK NO that means another growth spirt I talked to her and she just looked at me and went back to sleep Angie is coming her instead of me taking her to her at 430

DanaMo said...

someone is trying to poke his/her head out! How stinking cute!

Linda said...

It sure would be nice to see him at least try to feed those babies....

Come on Belle...where are you??

JudyEddy said...

I wish Belle would return to feed them I think 1pm was the last feeding that I saw Shep did do beak to beak contact earlier but no food

JudyEddy said...

Looks like he is gonna POOF on launch pad

Linda said...

Someone just flew in....Belle?

JudyEddy said...

no he is coming off it and back down to the other side of nest looking up

Linda said...

Or did he just jump and flap his wings??

Poof Shep over 3

JudyEddy said...

belle HOME

Mema Jo said...

Off goes Shep with
little black eyes looking at him

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Both in nest.....Yeah Belle is back!!

hedgie said...

Adult better hover over those babies or we'll have roast chickies!!

Both back!!

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Get out of there, Shep and let Mommy feed those little ones......

Mema Jo said...

Whoops Both Belle and Shep are in the nest.. This will be interesting

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Charlie. I would be beside myself.

Mom and Dad both there. Belle, you need to show Shep how to feed those babies.

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...


hedgie said...

72 here but in the sun it's reading 88.

Forsythia are all abloomin'!

Hoda said...

Shep walked around the manor!!! but did not feed the chicks!!1 LOL

Belle arrives and he takes off.
Maybe now they will get fed.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Interesting NOT
Shep made a fast fly out

Sandi said...

Hi all, home from school! have been watching our inexperienced dad trying to figure out what to 2 with something other than eggs!

Looked like Shep poofed and then hurried back in before Belle caught him leaving and yelled at him!

Now Shep has poofed again. Mom's in da house!! Shep had better bring more food!

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

She is probably looking did all the food go??

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Feeding time.

Linda said...

They are weak from no food....

Hoda said...

So cute here she is feeding WAY TO GO BELLE!!!

Linda said...

Covert feeding going on..

Mema Jo said...

Sandi your comment -
Looked like Shep poofed and then hurried back in before Belle caught him leaving and yelled at him! -
That is the exact feeling that I had!

Those little guys sure did go to sleep fast.............. I was hoping Shep
didn't injure them when he jumped by on
the egg cup.

Linda said...

I sure hope that younger one eats...

JudyEddy said...

she need to get on the other side don't ya think

Sandi said...

I keep losing the cam today - GRRR!!! OK, babies are being fed! Whatta mom!

LYNN, so sorry to hear about Charlie! Poor JEWELS! Prayers for both of them, and always for you!

JO, glad you're feeling better today!

Linda said...

I sure wish that little one would get some food.....

Sandi said...

Yeah, JO! When Shep flew back in, he got right over to those chicks and was almost cowering, like "I am SO busted!!" =D

DanaMo said...

Just volunteered at church for something new. I hope I do okay. I am now going to be a sacrastin. What's that you say? It's the person who gets everything ready ahead of time for mass so if we run out of the Eucharist during mass it will be my fault!! Yikes!

Hoda said...

Congratulations DANAMO and it is a big responsibility...Good on you...

DanaMo said...

off and running again. Glad I got to see the little guys even just for a few minutes! TTFN!

Mema Jo said...

Linda - Sandi please check your emails.

Mema Jo said...

That is a great of you taking on such
a very important responsibility in the
church. You will do fine.

Sandi said...

Shep arrives with food!! Good boy, Shep!

Mema Jo said...

Belle is off the chicks
Shep has flown in

Is it a switch or his lessons on feeding

Mema Jo said...

Shep took off at the noon position

Sandi said...

And off he goes! he sure doesn't seem inclined to stick around and watch the feeding!

Hoda said...

Shep in with a fish? Belle vocalized and had her hacklew up...feathers on her back were all zstanding on edge...
Shep hangs around for a bit and takes off to nine...Belle feeds the little ones.

Sandi said...

Looks like we're just going to have to assume that both chicklets are getting fed! Since I don't see either one, they must both have their little beaks up in Mom's face!

Mema Jo said...

I am beginning to believe that Shep thinks his job is to get the fresh fish up to the next and to keep the baby's

Hoda said...

BELLE is off and Shep back on again...he brought a clump of grasses this time left them at eleven

Mema Jo said...

Need a half hour break

Robyn said...

I can't believe how much food and scraps are in the nest! Shep needs to learn how to feed the wee ones

hedgie said...

Hurrah! Georgetown WON their first-round game!!!! Proud of them Hoya's!!!

hedgie said...

Robyn, how did the move go??? Is Tori settled in??

mariadangeloart said...

Thank you so much Hoda for the info! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all

Finally checking in from the beach

I brought a tool to turn on my water from the street connection...but it wasn't the right had to run to Lowes...water on now...

I think I am oout of heat...but I brought a small heater so its all good

Took a walk on the beach...of course Nick went swimming

Had some sun but its clouded up again

Will check back stuff to do

Linda said...

Poof Shep

Empty Nest...

Sandi said...

Belle must be close by - Shep just poofed!

JudyEddy said...

the babies are alone

Linda said...

Belle returns

JudyEddy said...

and he is back

Sandi said...

Belle arrives!

JudyEddy said...

looks like he is going to feed them??????

Linda said...

Belle feeding the chicks....

JudyEddy said...

I thought it was Shep

Sandi said...

Belle feeding babies and we get to see!!

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is watching with me

Linda said...

Oh, I am happy to see the younger one getting fed....

Hoda said...

Good view of the feeding...littlest one needs to put his head up to get some...there he goes...

hedgie said...

Glad you arrived safely, Paula. Traffic heavy???
Good that you got the water on....too bad about being out of oil, but heater should do the trick along with an extra blanket and a hot bath!

Linda said...

I sure hope Shep is watching from another branch.....taking notes!!

hedgie said...

These babies are both very strong!!!!! A bit uncoordinated yet, but showing so much strength!

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for carolyn and charlie

Sandi said...

Both chickets are eating! Both are just bobbling away!

Linda said...

Sounds wonderful, Paula....that walk on the beach.

Stay warm tonight!!

How are you feelin', HEDGIE??

Hoda said...

So wonderful to see LYNN'S posts...I hope that means you are eating and able to be rested too...AWESOME simply AWESOME.

Welcome "home" PAULA to you r beach PARADISE. You are always so practical and when one thing does not work you make sure there is another that can work...this is so cool I would say.
Are you returning Sunday night?
Glad you made a safe trip of it.

Robyn said...

Lynn, Tori settled in nicely and said she will be ordering coffee every morning. She will have 3 hrs pt and ot while here and that is what scares her since she has some temporary neuropathy.

The therapists weren't expecting her to be as strong as she is so that is a plus.

I hope you are having a good day.

hedgie said...

Speaking of food......human variety! Finished my Mexican meal for lunch, so dinner is going to be PB Cheerios with a banana!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Robyn. Feeling better this evening, so far!
Are they giving Tori Gabapentin for the neuropathy? 3 hrs. doesn't sound TOO bad, as long as it's broken up!

Sandi said...

ROBYN, It looks to me like Shep is going to have to step up the amount of food coming into the nest - those chicklets are non-stop hungry! And, speaking of food, it's time for me to fix some for dogs and peeps!

LYNN, happy to hear that you are doing so well!


Mema Jo said...

Lynn, a banana is a must!

Grilled cheese on this table.

Robyn said...

She gets neurotin and lyrica once she gets mobile it should ease up but the prograf can cause some issues

Linda said...


Kay said...

Good late afternoon Eagle Buds ! Thanks for all the good notes regarding our eagles and eaglets. Happy to see Belle move to "this" side of the nest for feeding, even though she blocks the view. The youngest wasn't getting the hang of turning around when #1 was being fed.

Prayers for Charlie, CAROLYN and LYNN----the Soper family and any others I may have missed.

Time is running out on NBG nest. Read that female eagles often have trouble conceiving in their first year or two of adulthood. Glad the males don't have a problem where their part of the bargain is concerned ! Our bobbleheads are adorable !

WANDA, I agree about the insurance companies. I haven't been denied any procedures, but the insurance company is micromanaging my Rx needs and I fail to see that as part of their responsibility.


Sandi said...

BIGGGGG fish - you go, Shep!!

Sandi said...

OK, found my St. Patrick's Day avatar. Now, I'm off to fix some dinner! OMG those chicklets are so cute and so feisty!!

Linda said...

Belle eating at one of the nest....

Shep eating at the other.....

Belle feeding the babes

LOOK Shep....and see how it is done. Get your head out of that fish....

Linda said...

KAY- Happy to see you emerge! Sure hope you are feeling okay. I miss seeing you pop in from time to tome. Are you still in a lot of pain?

Hoda said...

WOW SHEP!!! leave some fish in the river for tomorrow!!! He comes in with a huge fish. He is eating it though...Belle got off the chicklets to see if he is going to feed? Both are taking small bites but not feeding the little comes Belle the little ones were not fast enough...Shep is not watching...
was that eagle call antoher eagle? Belle is watching she comes back to the chicks and sits on them

Linda said...

Great - so Shep eats the freshest fish in the nest!!

Linda said...

Now Belle is looking at him as if she thinks he is crazy!!

Linda said...

Belle gets up and gets right in Shep's face!!

I think she wants him to save some for the chicks!!

Linda said...

Belle is feeding the chicks again.

She's got the fresher fish for them!!

Linda said...

Poof Shep

Kay said...

Thanks, LINDA ! Yes, I'm in a lot of pain, though now able to take the painkillers along with the anti-nausea med. and the TENS helps some, of course. So, when the meds are working I tend to be groggy. Not posting a lot because I worry about sounding loopy !!!

Hoda said...

It is Belle making the noise and she gets up to tell SHEP enough eating already...he leaves the fresh fish and goes to an older one and Belle feeds the little ones from the fresh fish...
Poof Shep from five.

Linda said...

I think Belle just wanted him out of the nest.

Go do your chomping somewhere else!!

Hoda said...

Prayewrs for healing KAY. HUGS♥

Linda said...

Wasn't that funny, Hoda??

She got right in his face and sort of bullied him away from that fresh fish!!


Linda said...

We'll love you through the loopy posts, KAY!!!

Are you getting enough food down, too?

You poor thing!! Keeping you in prayer, Dear Lady!

Hoda said...

True LINDa it was funny, she had her danders up, it is what I call it when she has her back feathers standing on end...he did not argue with her, he knew better.LOL

Linda said...

KAY - At least you would have an excuse for the "loopy" sounding posts!!

What about the rest of us??

Kay said...

LOL, LINDA ! I like all the loopiness I see here !

Thanks for the HUGS, HODA ! I like those, too !

Prayers for all in need !


Linda said...

I know when you are in pain, you don't feel like doing much of anything, KAY!!

I am soooo sorry this has lingered for so long with you. It seems like it has been one thing after another with you...... ♥

DanaMo said...

Obviously Shep is a good fisherman! ☺ ♥

Sandi said...

OK, dogs are fed and I stuck frozen pizzas in the oven - that's the extent of my cooking tonight!

KAY, we'll love you, even loopy! As LINDA said, at least you'll have an excuse! I wondered about eggs at NBG this year with all those young females - I recall what happened with the young female falcon in Columbus last year - laid 5 eggs, but none were viable.

DanaMo said...

Enjoy the beach Paula!!!

Hi Lynn glad you were here!

Nap or beer, tough choice!

hedgie said...

T'storm approaching here according to weatherman.

wvgal_dana said...

Good to see Lynn commenting (:

Kay I hope you soon feel better. Sorry you are feeling so poorly.

Prayers for Charlie and Carolyn and Lynn and the rest of the family.

Glad Sharon has gone to see Nila. Praying she can get a visit in some while Nila is at the other place.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers continue for Tori for Pt and ot.

wvgal_dana said...

I am like the rest of you. I wish Shep would learn to feed the chicks.

wvgal_dana said...

awwww just look at both those big black eyes awwwww

wvgal_dana said...


Just in case she is still watching Judy.

Hoda said...

She is truly a devoted MOM this wonderful BELLE.Takes her time to feed the chicks the best morsels of the fish while it is still fresh.

Hoda said...

here is the funny video of Shep eating the fresh fish till Belle got up to get him to stop!!! LOL LINDA and I commented on it earlier. Big Fish and Shep and Belle.

Hoda said...

In comes Shep with a smaller fish and again he starts to eat it!!! LOL!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Did Shep just bring in a minnow (small fish)?

Hoda said...

Oh OH!!! Belle gets up and her dander is up!!! She is eating and is he going to feed the chicks...? He is not watching looking around and saying am I not a good fisherman and poof he goes!!! Belle is feeding the chicks.

wvgal_dana said...

I think so and he was eating it and Belle took it for herself lol

hedgie said...

Yep, Robyn---Neurontin and gabapentin are the same thing.

Kay, so sorry you are in so much pain still...... :( But join the loopies!!!! I'm one sometimes!!

stronghunter said...

So sorry you are in pain, Kay.

Mema Jo said...

I missed a fish delivery and a
food disagreement.
Hoda Going to watch the video now

All of you have explained the incident
so well that I am laughing at what you
all saw.

Lynne2 said...

good evening....


Mema Jo said...

Kay - loopy or not you still are
loved ♥

Mema Jo said...

My forsythia bush is full and Yellow

Lolly said...

Hi all! Got my do done this morn and when I got home I went straight to the yard. We mowed edged and blew!! Ane, I am too pooped to pop!!

So, so sorry to hear about Charlie's problems, but glad they finally have it diagnosed. Good grief!!! Why, did it take them so long? Prayers for Charlie and for poor Carolyn.

Lynne2 said...

Very excited about our Redbud...this is the third spring since we planted it, no flowers at all the first spring, on 4 or 5 tiny ones last year...but WOO HOO...finally got some appreciable budding going on!

Lynne2 said...

All the cherry trees around here are blooming, as are the pink magnolias! Daffies up everywhere, wood squill, and HEY MARGY, I found a patch of coltsfoot too!

Lynne2 said...

some odd noise at the nest has Belle's attention

Lynne2 said...

I got home just in time to see her feed the chickies before she turned her back on us!

Mema Jo said...

To the right of our cam the urls to
pictures are in the comments.
I don't tweet but the photos are present in a very nice frame.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lynn....what the heck with Charlie???? My gosh, I don't understand! Renal failure???

Lynne2 said...

think I hear starlings, maybe?

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

what the heck IS that noise???

Lynne2 said...

after what appearred to be some additional feeding (and, uh, love ya Belle but your backside isn't what we want to see) she has tucked them in.

Hoda said...

S P L I T in two

Lori O. said...

This thread to te 200 dead end filled up fast!

Good evening everyone!

Prayers for Charlie. So happy he's finally getting some treatment for the problem.

NatureNut said...

My gosh. I was able to save one pic of bobbleheads at work, but couldn't send it to me. Email down~~~DUH!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 614   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...