Afternoon eagle momsters and dadsters. I just wanted everyone to know that mom went to hospital this early afternoon. She was vomiting green and just did not feel right. So they have done blood work, urinalysis which all is ok.slightly dehydrated. But she chose to be admitted, I think for comfort reasons and safety reasons. Not comfy with going up and down the stairs. She is to rest. She asks no visitors. She is hoping to only be here one day. You all have my email. Feel free to contact me email. That wil be the best way I can reply. I work mid to 6am tonight.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:41:00 PM
Then Later:Kay said... I've apparently had a delayed reaction to the injection--horrible headache, back and leg pain as bad as ever and a strange pressure in my chest. All I want to do is sleep. All systems are operating properly and these things were listed as possible side effects. I just didn't expect them to kick in 3 days after the shot. We're watching me closely and Julie will take me to the doc or hospital tomorrow, if the symptoms change for the worse. Requesting your prayers for me, too, but concentrate more on LYNN, please !
KAY I am so very sorry you had a delayed reaction to the injection...Also very wise that you are watching you very carefully and consider going to the hospital if the symptoms get worse...
I continue to think of LYNN and prayers for her and her healing.
Good run to the health food store and it is so much a day where I can open a window and feel wonderful that I did so...did not have to have a heavy coat either nor did I have to have a sweater...a light overcoat did just fine...
Shep brought in six fish today and no one mentioned a seventh while I was gone...six is plenty I would rather think...
Hi all, finally home! Thanks Steve, for the new thread and Glo for the call over! I swear, no matter how carefully I check and double check Mom's house before we leave, I leave something there - EVERY SINGLE TIME!! This time, it was my rain slicker, which I hung over the closet door last night since it was wet. But we both had to walk right past it to go out the front door of the house!! Will live without it til Easter!
I am so sorry to hear that Lynn is in the hospital and that Kay is having an adverse reaction to her injection! Prayers and positive energy for both of you!
Kay, so sorry you are feeling side effects. Take care and go to hospital if needed.
JEWELS thanks so much for sharing info about your momma.
LYNN sorry you needed to go to hospital but hope you are able to get juiced up from IVs and back home soon. HYDRATE HYDRATE most important every day. ((HUGS)) to you and girls!!
Hoda/Susan - I think it really is flugg matter - Shep had pulled it up from within the egg cup earlier & I though he was going to cover the eaglets with it but he put it down.........
Such funny observations of the nest and the things they do. Stacking fish, covering eaglets with flugg, the stock pile, my gosh, they are entertaining. I still think Shep has delivered more fish than any eagle or osprey I have ever seen.
Evening everyone - have a cute email to share. Hope it makes you smile:
I found a penny today, lying on the ground.. But it's not just a penny, this little coin I've found. Found pennies come from heaven, that's what my Grandpa told me. He said Angels toss them down. Oh, how I loved that story. He said when an Angel misses you, They toss a penny down; Sometimes just to cheer you up, To make a smile out of your frown. So, don't pass by that penny when you're feeling blue. It may be a penny from heaven That an Angel's tossed to you. :o) Prayers heading up for Lynn & Kay, and all the rest of us too!
For anyone who would like to know what an ice skating napkin looks like, there is a photo of a lovely one on my blog! She had already taken her skates off by the time I got to the dressing room, but you can see the outfit. Note the fleur de lis napkin ring at Madeline's waist. My sister made all 8 of the napkin costumes - she is a very adept seamstress.
We didn't get to see my friend with the riding school, but had a great time at the Children's Cancer Fundraiser. There were over 200 guys and gals who committed to having their heads shaved and the shavees raised about $234,000 for children's cancer research! I got to meet Dan's wife and little girl, Ally and also had another young lady run up to me and say, "You were my 5th grade teacher! Do you remember me???" I hate when that happens b/c they are still 10 years old in my mind, yet now they're grown and have kids of their own. I recognized her face but Stephanie had to help me with her name - after all, it was 20 years ago that she was in my class!
Afternoon eagle momsters and dadsters. I just wanted everyone to know that mom went to hospital this early afternoon. She was vomiting green and just did not feel right. So they have done blood work, urinalysis which all is ok.slightly dehydrated. But she chose to be admitted, I think for comfort reasons and safety reasons. Not comfy with going up and down the stairs. She is to rest. She asks no visitors. She is hoping to only be here one day. You all have my email. Feel free to contact me email. That wil be the best way I can reply. I work mid to 6am tonight.
BEAUTIFUL SANDI...I had no clue what an ice napkin would look like and I certainly like the FLEURS DE LIS...Québec symbol for us...Your day sounds wonderful and what an incredibly generous fund raiser it was for the cancer research...Good on you...
was trying to comment earlier but got sidetracked. I left and went to mom's took her trash out and then came home to rest..gotta be at work at midnight. Christie was still with mom for a little bit. They seen the dr but I haven't heard what was said yet. So when I know I will post.
Thinking of Lynn♥ and all the family and Kay ♥ and her family, such a comfort to know that our dear ones do not go through these difficulties ALONE....
Hoping that both Lynn and Kay are getting some much-needed rest from discomfort...
Paula I might have seen Buffleheads tonight on a pond near James's if so, they were taking a break from migration I suspect... They skated along the pond's surface so I really do not know what they were
Toddler crescent Moon is out, between Venus and Jupiter, in the West...closer to Jupiter... surprised the clouds cleared enough to see this It's beautiful, shining right now over top of the hospital Lynn is at ♥
So sorry to have worried some. I appreciate your concern. I have been extremely busy and needed a few days to catch up and stay focused on my work. I was getting overwhelmed.
Thank you to those who have asked.
I have heard from Lynne via email today, so she is okay.
I put three short no more than 5min each on the blog and facebook the 8am,2pm and 6pm feedings of the chicks I got no poop shoot Shoot LOL put two pic on also
Okay ! Email Rocks..... good to see you Linda... hope the workload eases up...we miss you, but we fully understand ! and thanks for letting us know Lynne is okay also !
okay so have a late-night laugh. My Christmas things, off the walls and shelves, sit in piles in my living room....waiting to be put away in their respective boxes.
Kathryn and Hunter have gone upstairs. Hunter does not have school tomorrow.
I may have a dental appointment. They e-mailed me that I have one scheduled for Wednesday, but I have been having problems ever since the root canal, so I e-mailed a request to be seen tomorrow.
We had brown creepers at the feeder in our previous house. They are interesting little birds that creep up the tree trunks.
When we bought the house, it was under construction. We had most of the backyard left wild, just wooded, so we got lots of interesting birds and critters.
Our guest choir at church today was wonderful. They also played Bells...I made a video of that part for Lynn to see. I know she loves the bell ringers. Will email it to her when she is home and feeling better.
I feel so stressed that Lynn and Kay aren't doing well. Hope the sun shines on you both, tomorrow ~
Shirley I bet I missed you... I love your story about rocking your twins and singing to them
I saw Brown Creepers a few years ago, same time I saw Ruby-Crowned Kinglets...never have seen either since I sometimes forget and call the Brown Creepers, Virginia Creepers, not the same thing at all
Thanks, Margy. I am glad you liked my comment about my twins. Sometimes I told myself that I would be able to think about those moments later and appreciate them, because it was not always so easy, but I was right because now I do enjoy the memories.
Sometimes one got rocked in my lap while the other got rocked in a little infant seat that I pressed against with my foot to make it rock. Sometimes you just do whatever works.
I learned to prop a bottle for one while I nursed the other one.
Here I am. I was able to get two good hours of sleep. Felt like three or four. So I asked Christie what the Dr said and he said they are going to try to get this nausea under control and perhaps do a change of medicines. So... not sure how things are going this late night, but I told mom to call if she was awake. I pray she sleeps well and all is ok. I will most likely call and speak to a nurse sometime during the night. My alerrgies or head cold seam dome what better. Just the sinus thing, no pain like I was having. So that is all good. Thanks for all the prayers and the well wishes for Mom and for me too. Hoping its a quick 6 hr shift!! GOt some hx to run, but I will chat back later on. For those going to bed, Goodnight sweet dear ones!
Hello to you Jewels... You are picking up at work, where I left off on Saturday LOL
Thank you for checking in with us....hoping and praying along with you for your Mom...and for excellent caring skills from all in whose care she is in at the hospital
Also very glad to read that YOUR condition seems to be easing up, the sneezy coughy runny nosing things....
I was up working on a project for James for school Monday.... but I guess I am headed to dent the pillows now myself...
We have your Mother and all the family encircled with Love and Prayers.... xoxox ♥
Thanks Margy. I am comforted knowing she in on the oncolgy floor. They are much more caring and passionate with the patients there. It is unforunate that not all the nurses are that caring bout their patients. They are all humans and hurting in some way or another or they wouldnt be there. Times like these I wish I had taken up nursing. Hope you finished that project for James!! Yes I picked up right where you left off. Only have 4 more to do!! Pleasant dreams Momma2!!
Jewels, hope your Mom is resting peacefully and getting the medication she needs to get rid of the nausea. Glad she chose to stay in the hospital. Sometimes they need to really SEE the problems instead of just hearing about them. It's as if they, dr's and nurses, don't believe it's so bad unless they see it for themselves. UGH!
My thoughts too Lori! We told the nurse she needed a basin. Well she didn't get back with one fast enough. So thankfully Christie was there, because I ran out to go get one and Christie had to give her a trashcan. So the nurse seen first hand for sure!!
Its two hours into my shift. I can't say the S word, but I am pleasantly happy how the night is going. I am plum exauhsted and the girls here are very worried that I may soon crash. But I am strong and too tough. I just go and go, kind of like the energizer bunny!! CHarlie has more blood work tomorrow. WE will see what his coumadin levels are. He is still complaining of stomach discomfort. His stomach is extended and hard. He will ask the DR or the Nurse Practioner in the morning as to what is causing that. Other than that, he is still not eating much. Few bites here and there and I still think he looks sick. Something still isn't right. I feel like it a never ending battle.
Caro, everyone is praying as much for you as anyone. We know you are running on fumes, but praying that you get enough sleep to keep up your strength. I work a different kind of radio than you do, or I would take a shift for you! :)
Thanks Lori!! I know you all are. Mom keeps saying she has had friends in her lifetime, but you all top any friend she has ever had. And too think I have never met most of them. I told her, you have found special people mom,and I too believe that, even for myself. You all on this blog are the best!!! Too bad you can't come join forces with us here!!
Thank you Shirley. I am planning on being there for the Saturday dinner. Will you be there then?? I would love to meet everyone!! ITs so nice to have a face to go with the names and avatars! My mom is very special indeed. Charlie always make fun of us because we call each other anywhere from one to ten times a day! We share every piece of news that we hear or find amusing. Sweet dreams Shirley!
Interesting article on weather about Eagles named Liberty and Justice who has 3 baby eaglets in Iowa. Called the Alcoa Eagle Cam. Not sure if this link is correct or not.
Have had my speed reading practice for the morning! Thanks for all the comments about Madeline and her costume!
Glad to see that Linda and Lynne checked in last night.
Shirley, cute visual of you rocking one twin in the rocker and one in an infant seat with your foot. You're right, do what ya gotta do! Good luck at the dentist; enjoy Hunter's day off!
Prayers for Kay that you feel better today, with the side effects AND the pain gone!
Prayers and more prayers for Lynn - I sure hope they can change your meds to get rid of this nausea!
Andy, I bet Emma slept well last night and I know how happy you are to see her!
Jewels, prayers also for you that you get enough rest and some answers on Charlie!
Freeze warning here for tonight - very different start of the week weather from the end of last week! Kids were in shorts last week, back to corduroys and sweaters this week!
Will try to check in from school. HAGD my eagle friends! Oh year, Thelma, hope you have a calm morning for a change!
Trying to read back and find out how Lynn is doing. Read last night that she was staying in the hospital, but I was on my phone so I couldn't really respond well. I hope she is okay and will include her in our special intentions this morning. Re-lit my candle, thanks to whoever posted that link. I always forget to go relight so it's great when someone posts the link as a reminder. Can't believe it is Monday already. The weekend flew by! Annemarie's team lost yesterday. Got our butts kicked. Apparently Middletown plays year round as a team, and we bumped up to U15 when we could have stayed U13. Now the com,petition is much tougher and the game was very physical and our girls are not used to that! It's a good thing though to be challenged and learn. It will get them ready for HS next year.
Have to put in some school time today. Will check in later.
Meanwhile, sending prayers for Lynn and Kay and feelings of deep gratitude for Carolyn keeping us informed while having to work, not feeling well herself, and being concerned for Charlie.
Shirley, hope the dental visit goes well and painlessly today.
Belle up doing some wing flaps, feeding the chicks from the back of the nest. Their second coat of down is starting to come in, you can see the darker down on their elbows
+They sure need to keep those babies extra safe because of that wind. I'm going to have faith and say "sure they will." But I'm preaching to the chore on that subject.
Good evening and Thank You Steve for
this Sunday new thread. It has been
beautiful weather this weekend even with the rain.
Prayers being said for Lynn and Kay.
((((HUG FOR BOTH))))
This was today:
Jewels said...
Afternoon eagle momsters and dadsters. I just wanted everyone to know that mom went to hospital this early afternoon. She was vomiting green and just did not feel right. So they have done blood work, urinalysis which all is ok.slightly dehydrated. But she chose to be admitted, I think for comfort reasons and safety reasons. Not comfy with going up and down the stairs. She is to rest. She asks no visitors. She is hoping to only be here one day. You all have my email. Feel free to contact me email. That wil be the best way I can reply. I work mid to 6am tonight.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:41:00 PM
Then Later:Kay said...
I've apparently had a delayed reaction to the injection--horrible headache, back and leg pain as bad as ever and a strange pressure in my chest. All I want to do is sleep. All systems are operating properly and these things were listed as possible side effects. I just didn't expect them to kick in 3 days after the shot. We're watching me closely and Julie will take me to the doc or hospital tomorrow, if the symptoms change for the worse. Requesting your prayers for me, too, but concentrate more on LYNN, please !
Hi Glo - Thanks for the call over this evening. It is going to get cold here
but it won't last for long.
KAY I am so very sorry you had a delayed reaction to the injection...Also very wise that you are watching you very carefully and consider going to the hospital if the symptoms get worse...
I continue to think of LYNN and prayers for her and her healing.
Good run to the health food store and it is so much a day where I can open a window and feel wonderful that I did so...did not have to have a heavy coat either nor did I have to have a sweater...a light overcoat did just fine...
Shep brought in six fish today and no one mentioned a seventh while I was gone...six is plenty I would rather think...
Belle is chowing down and big one says me too Mama!!!
Poof Belle from five. The chicks are untended
chicks alone ;^(
landed on the edge of nest top left corner
I see feetsie
and it s SHEP
Light a candle and say a prayer for Kay and Lynn.
EM Candles
walks over to 6 to eat I think
Trying to make his decision LOL
In comes Shep. It looks like he was on the railing out of camera view ar around nine...
He goes to where Belle was eating and it is his turn to chow down at six position
He is chowing down on something at 6
going to go watch Good Wife BBL
In comes Belle
Shep has arrived. Babies are resting in cup. Shep went to 6 and is having some dinner from the larder.
Poof Shep ...what did Belle put in the cup?
Belle in and Shep POOF.
A clump of somethingseemed too stiff to be fluff matter!!!
Hoda, I can't tell.
Hi all, finally home! Thanks Steve, for the new thread and Glo for the call over! I swear, no matter how carefully I check and double check Mom's house before we leave, I leave something there - EVERY SINGLE TIME!! This time, it was my rain slicker, which I hung over the closet door last night since it was wet. But we both had to walk right past it to go out the front door of the house!! Will live without it til Easter!
I am so sorry to hear that Lynn is in the hospital and that Kay is having an adverse reaction to her injection! Prayers and positive energy for both of you!
OK she took the clump right out of there and it is on the rim of the cup around three. Colour gone from cam
Belle preparing to brood.
Hi sUSAn
I'll watch Harry's Law at 8:00 and then
The Good Wife at 9:00.
Then I'll be back chatting until bed..
BTW - I have one little 7 yr old left
over from last night here for her
2nd overnight! How lucky can a gal get?
Hi SANDI Glad you are back and sorry about leaving your rain gear at your Mom's so easy to do...
Kay, so sorry you are feeling side effects. Take care and go to hospital if needed.
JEWELS thanks so much for sharing info about your momma.
LYNN sorry you needed to go to hospital but hope you are able to get juiced up from IVs and back home soon. HYDRATE HYDRATE most important every day. ((HUGS)) to you and girls!!
Ready for bath and book, blogging by phone.
How exciting JO...
Hoda/Susan - I think it really is flugg matter - Shep had pulled it up from within the egg cup earlier & I though he was going to cover the eaglets with it but he put it down.........
Evening, all!
Home early today...
Are the chicks under or in front of Belle?
Night light on now.
Thanks JO...fluff matter it is...
PAULA Welcome back. I am inclined to say chicks are under Belle
Looks like something fairly solid right in front of Belle. Maybe that is what she put in the cup.
OK PAULA not entirely in under Belle I stand corrected...Little one just moved and it looks lie two chicks not covered by Belle.
SHIRLEY the fluff matter that Belle had put in the cup and that JO identified is now part of the rim you are right.
Such funny observations of the nest and the things they do. Stacking fish, covering eaglets with flugg, the stock pile, my gosh, they are entertaining. I still think Shep has delivered more fish than any eagle or osprey I have ever seen.
Looks like the chicks are part way under her
I left a post on the previous blog.... could someone repost it for me? That is one thing this phone won't do. Copy and paste. Thank you!!
Evening everyone - have a cute email to share. Hope it makes you smile:
I found a penny
today, lying on the ground..
But it's not just a penny,
this little coin I've found.
Found pennies come from
heaven, that's what my Grandpa told me.
He said Angels toss them down.
Oh, how I loved that story.
He said when an Angel misses you,
They toss a penny down;
Sometimes just to cheer you up,
To make a smile out of your frown.
So, don't pass by that penny
when you're feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.
Prayers heading up for Lynn & Kay, and all the rest of us too!
For anyone who would like to know what an ice skating napkin looks like, there is a photo of a lovely one on my blog! She had already taken her skates off by the time I got to the dressing room, but you can see the outfit. Note the fleur de lis napkin ring at Madeline's waist. My sister made all 8 of the napkin costumes - she is a very adept seamstress.
We didn't get to see my friend with the riding school, but had a great time at the Children's Cancer Fundraiser. There were over 200 guys and gals who committed to having their heads shaved and the shavees raised about $234,000 for children's cancer research! I got to meet Dan's wife and little girl, Ally and also had another young lady run up to me and say, "You were my 5th grade teacher! Do you remember me???" I hate when that happens b/c they are still 10 years old in my mind, yet now they're grown and have kids of their own. I recognized her face but Stephanie had to help me with her name - after all, it was 20 years ago that she was in my class!
JO reposted just after 7 today....
This was today:
Jewels said...
Afternoon eagle momsters and dadsters. I just wanted everyone to know that mom went to hospital this early afternoon. She was vomiting green and just did not feel right. So they have done blood work, urinalysis which all is ok.slightly dehydrated. But she chose to be admitted, I think for comfort reasons and safety reasons. Not comfy with going up and down the stairs. She is to rest. She asks no visitors. She is hoping to only be here one day. You all have my email. Feel free to contact me email. That wil be the best way I can reply. I work mid to 6am tonight.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:41:00 PM
Belle is tucked
Good night sweet MaMa Belle and everyon else. Prayers for Lynne
So nice to see the family resting.
Not sure if someone mentioned but Nora arrived at Dyfi Saturday afternoon. Now the wait for Monty to come.
Ospreys coming in at Loch of the Lowes but no sighting of Lady Isla or Laird yet.
BEAUTIFUL SANDI...I had no clue what an ice napkin would look like and I certainly like the FLEURS DE LIS...Québec symbol for us...Your day sounds wonderful and what an incredibly generous fund raiser it was for the cancer research...Good on you...
Prayers of relief and comfort for Kay and Lynn.
Thank you, Steve.
Sandi, what a day. Your sis is very talented. A huge fundraiser for such a good cause. So nice.
Thank you Lolly for the candle link. Sorry to hear that Lynn and Kay are feeling poorly.
Looks like we had a good bit of rain here, back yard is wet and muddy!
And 6 fish today! Way to go Shep!
Jewels said...
was trying to comment earlier but got sidetracked. I left and went to mom's took her trash out and then came home to rest..gotta be at work at midnight. Christie was still with mom for a little bit. They seen the dr but I haven't heard what was said yet. So when I know I will post.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 7:52:00 PM
Thanks for sharing Jewel's comment, Paula.
God bless you, Carolyn. Hope you get some rest before you have to go to work.
Thanks PAULA for sharing CAROLYN'S comment...HUGS CAROLYN, rest before your night shift then...♥
Thinking of Lynn♥
and all the family
and Kay ♥ and her family,
such a comfort to know that our dear ones do not go through these difficulties ALONE....
Hoping that both Lynn and Kay are getting some much-needed rest from discomfort...
(( Hugs in the Night ♥ ))
Hello Eagle Pals...
CarolAnne, I loved your Penny Prose...
I have found many pennies on the ground this very week !
so it struck a chord with me...
I am looking and looking for a post from Linda...seeing none, I am going to try an email...
Hope what little Power Nap Carolyn can manage before worktime, is super-powerful...!
Sandi, beautiful narrative about the Cancer fundraiser....
Thank You for sharing that, and so joyous you could be there...
Welcome Home ♥
Wowser, another sleepover for a granddaughter at Jo's -
How lucky can TWO gals get !
I might have seen Buffleheads tonight on a pond near James's if so, they were taking a break from migration I suspect...
They skated along the pond's surface so I really do not know what they were
make that GREAT Granddaughter at Jo's - ooops
Toddler crescent Moon is out, between Venus and Jupiter, in the West...closer to Jupiter...
surprised the clouds cleared enough to see this
It's beautiful, shining right now over top of the hospital Lynn is at ♥
Pretty skating napkin! Very clever costume. Thanks for sharing.
Working on recipes again, about finished but need to order a 3rd book. Yikes!
My TV Program is LATE
Waiting for the Good Wife.
Now it is on.
Anyone remember hearing from Lynne today?
I have not seen LYNNE2 on here today JO...
Good Evening....I'm back!!
So sorry to have worried some.
I appreciate your concern. I have been extremely busy and needed a few days to catch up and stay focused on my work. I was getting overwhelmed.
Thank you to those who have asked.
I have heard from Lynne via email today, so she is okay.
Just following the leader
CA thanks for bring over the poem I do remember it SWEET♥♥
I put three short no more than 5min each on the blog and facebook the 8am,2pm and 6pm feedings of the chicks I got no poop shoot Shoot LOL put two pic on also
Okay !
Email Rocks.....
good to see you Linda... hope the workload eases up...we miss you, but we fully understand !
and thanks for letting us know Lynne is okay also !
We gotta stick together...
(( Hugs ♥ ))
oops forgot the link
Todays activities
I can't stay as I have yet to take my shower and it has been a long day.
Will be in fervent prayer for LYNN ♥ tonight!
Am deeply saddened that she is feeling so poorly again. I pray she gets the fluids, meds and rest she needs to gain her strength again.
Will also be keeping KAY ♥ in prayer as she battles the side effects of that shot.
Very thankful both LYNN and KAY have such awesome daughters looking after them. ♥
Hoping I can visit more this week!
Love to all! xoxo
Not sure we could handle it, but sometimes it seems we need more than 24 hours in a day....would throw the extra ones onto the sleep time !!
okay so have a late-night laugh.
My Christmas things, off the walls and shelves, sit in piles in my living room....waiting to be put away in their respective boxes.
Oh, I am not behind, not me
xo Shower time...
Thank you, Margy, Lynne and Hoda for searching me out!!
It's nice to be loved and missed!
You know what is weird....
I checked my email on my phone by mistake tonight.......
Otherwise I would have NOT known I got your emails. I would have showered and gone right to bed!!!
God works in mysterious ways...even if it's... well not butt dialing with your phone, but butt checking email... LOL
that's "way cool," Linda...
you are so right...
about the mysterious ways....
and so many other things.
ttfn back before bedtime just not sure what time that will be ☺
I heard chirping...I can not see what is going on, Belle is bent in the cup facing nine
Baby chirping?
Kathryn and Hunter have gone upstairs. Hunter does not have school tomorrow.
I may have a dental appointment. They e-mailed me that I have one scheduled for Wednesday, but I have been having problems ever since the root canal, so I e-mailed a request to be seen tomorrow.
Hunter will be thrilled to accompany me.
evening all, popping in to say goodnight.
We spent the day trying to regroup.
Then took a nice long walk. Saw a Brown Creeper for the first time ever!
Sure hope to read tomorrow that Lynn and Kay are feeling much better!
Goodnight and prayers for all
I hear the wind blowing at the nest.
We had brown creepers at the feeder in our previous house. They are interesting little birds that creep up the tree trunks.
When we bought the house, it was under construction. We had most of the backyard left wild, just wooded, so we got lots of interesting birds and critters.
So glad to see you Lynne.
Red-Tailed Hawk Nest
Found this nest cam awhile ago. There is a contest to name the mate.
Good to see you LYNNE. Goodnight.
SHIRLEY it sounded to me like an afult eagle chirping...
make that adult!!!
Maybe she was telling the babies a good-night story.
She is looking around now.
I always enjoyed watching the brown creepers and the nuthatches creeping up the tree outside my kitchen window.
I like that SHIRLEY...goodnight story...
I am going to join Kathryn and Hunter upstairs now.
Rest well, my friends.
God bless.
Thinking of you, Kay and Lynn.
She is a good momma. She must tell stories to her eaglets.
I remember many nights of sitting and rocking my little twin babies very late at night. I don't sing around adults, but I sang to them.
The wind will be rocking these babies in their nest tonight, so momma can sing little songs and tell them stories.
I have 30 comments to read
On my way to bed...
Our guest choir at church today was wonderful. They also played Bells...I made a video of that part for Lynn to see. I know she loves the bell ringers. Will email it to her when she is home and feeling better.
I feel so stressed that Lynn and Kay aren't doing well. Hope the sun shines on you both, tomorrow ~
I bet I missed you...
I love your story about rocking your twins and singing to them
I saw Brown Creepers a few years ago, same time I saw Ruby-Crowned Kinglets...never have seen either since
I sometimes forget and call the Brown Creepers, Virginia Creepers, not the same thing at all
and Best Wishes with the dental things, Monday or Wednesday or maybe even Tuesday
missed Wanda too!
That sounds wonderful, the choir, Lynn will so enjoy that, and Christie also, she plays the bells !!
Not going to miss the rest of you:
to Hoda, I see you are still here...
and to all about to head to the pillows ....
Good Night, Precious Pals
Thinking of Lynn♥
Prayers for Wellness and Comfort for Lynn, Kay, and for many other needs amongst us...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
Thanks, Margy. I am glad you liked my comment about my twins. Sometimes I told myself that I would be able to think about those moments later and appreciate them, because it was not always so easy, but I was right because now I do enjoy the memories.
Sometimes one got rocked in my lap while the other got rocked in a little infant seat that I pressed against with my foot to make it rock. Sometimes you just do whatever works.
I learned to prop a bottle for one while I nursed the other one.
you must write that book, Shirley...♥
and thanks for the Red-Tailed Hawk's nest site, I just bookmarked it to watch in the daylight !
okey dokey, two "New-Old" books await my review....
and then time for sleep...
G'Night to each and every one, seen or unseen here...
xoxo ♥
Good night, Margy.
I'm finished and up to date. All seem to
be present and accounted for!
I feel brain dead...Worry does that to a person...
Good Night Friends
Special prayers for Lynn and Kay
and for all of us who love them ♥
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **
AMEN to your prayer JO.
CAROLYN must be on duty now...I wish you a good shift CAROLYN.
SHARON missed you too, saw you earlier the day but hear silence for the rest of the day...Lots going on...HUGS
Here I am. I was able to get two good hours of sleep. Felt like three or four. So I asked Christie what the Dr said and he said they are going to try to get this nausea under control and perhaps do a change of medicines. So... not sure how things are going this late night, but I told mom to call if she was awake. I pray she sleeps well and all is ok. I will most likely call and speak to a nurse sometime during the night.
My alerrgies or head cold seam dome what better. Just the sinus thing, no pain like I was having. So that is all good.
Thanks for all the prayers and the well wishes for Mom and for me too. Hoping its a quick 6 hr shift!! GOt some hx to run, but I will chat back later on. For those going to bed, Goodnight sweet dear ones!
Hello to you Jewels...
You are picking up at work, where I left off on Saturday LOL
Thank you for checking in with us....hoping and praying along with you for your Mom...and for excellent caring skills from all in whose care she is in at the hospital
Also very glad to read that YOUR condition seems to be easing up, the sneezy coughy runny nosing things....
I was up working on a project for James for school Monday....
but I guess I am headed to dent the pillows now myself...
We have your Mother and all the family encircled with Love and Prayers....
xoxox ♥
Thanks Margy. I am comforted knowing she in on the oncolgy floor. They are much more caring and passionate with the patients there. It is unforunate that not all the nurses are that caring bout their patients. They are all humans and hurting in some way or another or they wouldnt be there. Times like these I wish I had taken up nursing.
Hope you finished that project for James!!
Yes I picked up right where you left off. Only have 4 more to do!!
Pleasant dreams Momma2!!
Hellooooo Margy & Jewels!
Jewels, hope your Mom is resting peacefully and getting the medication she needs to get rid of the nausea. Glad she chose to stay in the hospital. Sometimes they need to really SEE the problems instead of just hearing about them. It's as if they, dr's and nurses, don't believe it's so bad unless they see it for themselves. UGH!
My thoughts too Lori! We told the nurse she needed a basin. Well she didn't get back with one fast enough. So thankfully Christie was there, because I ran out to go get one and Christie had to give her a trashcan. So the nurse seen first hand for sure!!
I hope you're having a slow night that is going quickly, Jewels!
Thanks for the update on your Mom!
I feel so bad for how exhausted I know you must be.
How is Charlie doing? What's the latest with him?
Its two hours into my shift. I can't say the S word, but I am pleasantly happy how the night is going. I am plum exauhsted and the girls here are very worried that I may soon crash. But I am strong and too tough. I just go and go, kind of like the energizer bunny!!
CHarlie has more blood work tomorrow. WE will see what his coumadin levels are. He is still complaining of stomach discomfort. His stomach is extended and hard. He will ask the DR or the Nurse Practioner in the morning as to what is causing that. Other than that, he is still not eating much. Few bites here and there and I still think he looks sick. Something still isn't right. I feel like it a never ending battle.
Caro, everyone is praying as much for you as anyone. We know you are running on fumes, but praying that you get enough sleep to keep up your strength. I work a different kind of radio than you do, or I would take a shift for you! :)
Time to get in the shower and get ready for work. I'll check in with you when I get there around 3:30.
Thanks Lori!! I know you all are. Mom keeps saying she has had friends in her lifetime, but you all top any friend she has ever had. And too think I have never met most of them. I told her, you have found special people mom,and I too believe that, even for myself. You all on this blog are the best!!!
Too bad you can't come join forces with us here!!
Be safe going to work Lori!!
Hi Carolyn,
Have been keeping up with your posts tonight and thinking about you and your family.
Your mom is a special lady. I have met her because I have been to two of the open houses. Would like to have met you, too.
We've also kept in touch by e-mail. I am saying a special prayer for her tonight. And another one for Charlie.
Bless you and your family.
Closing down again and heading back to bed.
Thank you Shirley. I am planning on being there for the Saturday dinner. Will you be there then?? I would love to meet everyone!! ITs so nice to have a face to go with the names and avatars!
My mom is very special indeed. Charlie always make fun of us because we call each other anywhere from one to ten times a day! We share every piece of news that we hear or find amusing.
Sweet dreams Shirley!
Sleep well, Shirley.
Hello Carolyn, Caro, Jewels!
You makin' it through the morning okay?
Hello Lori, I am making it thru!! We having all kinds of conversation in here. Keeping it interesting!!
Interesting article on weather about Eagles named Liberty and Justice who has 3 baby eaglets in Iowa. Called the Alcoa Eagle Cam.
Not sure if this link is correct or not.
Morning Lori, DMo, and Jewels! DMo, is it just 5 days til your spring break? Or is yours after Easter, like mine?
Have had my speed reading practice for the morning! Thanks for all the comments about Madeline and her costume!
Glad to see that Linda and Lynne checked in last night.
Shirley, cute visual of you rocking one twin in the rocker and one in an infant seat with your foot. You're right, do what ya gotta do! Good luck at the dentist; enjoy Hunter's day off!
Prayers for Kay that you feel better today, with the side effects AND the pain gone!
Prayers and more prayers for Lynn - I sure hope they can change your meds to get rid of this nausea!
Andy, I bet Emma slept well last night and I know how happy you are to see her!
Jewels, prayers also for you that you get enough rest and some answers on Charlie!
Freeze warning here for tonight - very different start of the week weather from the end of last week! Kids were in shorts last week, back to corduroys and sweaters this week!
Will try to check in from school. HAGD my eagle friends! Oh year, Thelma, hope you have a calm morning for a change!
Very pretty picture Sandi. I guess you are already off to school. Have a great day! Spring break in 8, only 46 days left of school!
Trying to read back and find out how Lynn is doing. Read last night that she was staying in the hospital, but I was on my phone so I couldn't really respond well. I hope she is okay and will include her in our special intentions this morning. Re-lit my candle, thanks to whoever posted that link. I always forget to go relight so it's great when someone posts the link as a reminder.
Can't believe it is Monday already. The weekend flew by!
Annemarie's team lost yesterday. Got our butts kicked. Apparently Middletown plays year round as a team, and we bumped up to U15 when we could have stayed U13. Now the com,petition is much tougher and the game was very physical and our girls are not used to that! It's a good thing though to be challenged and learn. It will get them ready for HS next year.
DMo -- Big diff between U13 and U15. Good experience though.
Thinking of LYNN this morning.
I see Dad feeding his babies! Nice way to start the day! I'm off - later! Morning Susan!
Belle is feeding two eager little chicks.
Sandi, I had to get my "tilk" on but see his spot now. He has developed his feeding skills so very well!!
He went from zero to sixty so quickly... a pro!
Sun coming up on the nest! Windy and chilly this AM, babies are all snuggled in with lots of fluff around 'em.
Susan, agree that Shep has really stepped up!
Looks breezy out there!
Belle is back and look at the sun hitting their feathers - beautiful!!
Shep has poofed and Belle is standing on the rails at 10ish, eating. Now feeding A and B.
Good morning my eagle peeps.
I don't know if any other of you all have had trouble with the sound but I have, but I have it this morning. I think. : )
Yes I hear the wind blowing.
You will hear wind all day, THELMA!
Here's the forecast for the nest today.
Sunny, with a high near 60. Breezy, with wind between 13 - 20 mph.
Oops, babies unattended!!
Huddling together in the cup to stay warm this AM!
Belle is back and is settling over both chicks.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE PEEPS OF THIS WINDY DAY AT THE NEST The little ones need to stay in the cup or get blown out
JEWELs thanks as always for keeping us informed and I hope your MOM gets so relief
KAY I hope today is a better day for you
SANDI I am going to show your ice skating napkin to my daughter bosses her daugher has been in ice skating for years Very creative♥
Remember the Alaska lady with the eagle on her porch here is another one from yesterday she did
Alaska eagle lady
Morning, all.
A couple of windy days are ahead of us...
Just had to do a flash player update to view the nest...
Good morning.
Have to put in some school time today. Will check in later.
Meanwhile, sending prayers for Lynn and Kay and feelings of deep gratitude for Carolyn keeping us informed while having to work, not feeling well herself, and being concerned for Charlie.
Shirley, hope the dental visit goes well and painlessly today.
BB sometime
Belle up doing some wing flaps, feeding the chicks from the back of the nest. Their second coat of down is starting to come in, you can see the darker down on their elbows
both are sitting up, eating nicely ☺
Now, just as I posted that, saw one peck from big to little
Belle feeding them some pretty good size chunks of food every now and again.
She looks up and calls out, now back to feeding
Feeding's a real job getting over both chicks!
+They sure need to keep those babies extra safe because of that wind. I'm going to have faith and say "sure they will." But I'm preaching to the chore on that subject.
Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Well Guess What...
Thinking of Lynn♥
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