Thank you Steve, and Very Best Wishes to you and all the NCTC Staff for what we all hope will be a successful Hatching Season... Thanks for making all this possible, to watch and be in wonder about ...
Just got home from seeing Nila. She moved her head and her hand when I spoke to her but didn't say anything. I think she knew I was there.
They are increasing her morphine. She has always fought taking it. I knew if there was anything left in her, she would fight it today and she did. They put the syringe to her mouth and her hand flew up and she started turning her head. Tough ole bird she is! They are going to move her to the hospital I guess for respite care for 5 days and then I don't know what. I am praying that God will intervene. Her sister Sharon is really tired. This has really taken its toll on her. Nila is a really heavy woman and now that she cannot walk anymore, it is really hard to move her. Praying for peace for us all!
OH Sharon I hope the end is peaceful and quick the lingering is so hard on the family it will take days for the body to shut down and the morphine will help her You will be in my thoughts all day as well as her family Peace to NILLA
got to go finish getting ready for work didn't get dressed when I first got up being didn't have to go till later ok I will see you all at lunch I work till 7 and not forsure when I will take my lunch 3 or 4
Thank you for this fresh new thread What a morning it has been - Very thankful for this year 2012 to be viewing 2 eggs in our nest with Belle and Shep.
Thanks Margy for the call over I have my oatmeal creme pie waiting...♥
Thanks Steve for this eggciting new thread! Thanks MARGY for the call over! And DELPHIA (I think), thanks for the Pi Day reminder! I have kids sitting in my classroom making up a science test and asked them if they know what's important about today. As soon as I said the date is 3.14, one of them said, "Oh yeah, it's pi day!"
SHARON, prayers for Nila. She KNEW you were there for sure!
I get it now too, was saying Pee-Eye day and that didn't make sense if I had just said PI like PIE that would have knocked me over the head a little more
Today is also Albert Einstein's birthday (very appropriate for pi, day, dont you think)? If we get a hatch today, maybe s/he should be named Einstein? Pi just doesn't cut it for an eagle name!
Interesting Google Image for the day, in honor Akira Yoshizawa, a Grandmaster pioneering artist of Origami.....the Origami Art by Robert Lang is beautiful on the graphic. Lang helped develop things like air bags, and many fold up things that went up in the Space Shuttles for the International Space Station...I can see how Origami art fits in with all that, the folding
Wonder what the sometimes "noise" like construction is at the nest
I know you must be so proud of her progress. It has to be really tough on her to do as much as she is doing after being down and so deprived for so long!!
Linda what she told me just now is how much she ,issues traveling and long car rides lol...
We will all be going camping end of spring early summer, Florida to see my folks and new Orleans to see cousins ... she will have me busy lol need to remind her she is 18 and can do these things with her friends now :-)
ROBYN, I hope Tori feels as good about her accomplishments, thus far, as I do about my own. I just came in from outside, looking over my gardens of tiny blue flowers and pink primroses and I feel like I have been in a jar for 4 years and someone has oppened up the lid and let me out. Walking up paths and steps, over rocks and down the hill. I am truly a new person, being able to do all these things that I could only do with a cane and a painful, crooked knee, last Spring! Lord, please be with this young lady as she is beginning a new life~
Wanda, Tori is the same way 6 years lost and she is looking to make those years up. We will be walking the c&o canal to help build her strength up. She is sitting here telling me of the things she wants us to do :-)
Have not been able to see if this was mentioned before, but this AM and on online news and now on MSN homepage here at work are stories about the current Administration giving permission for an Arapaho tribe to kill bald eagles "for religious purposes". they use the feathers in their celebrations and are tired of getting old stinky stuff from the Fish and Wildlife repository. This stinks worse! Thx for letting me vent. (I don't have making a link info here, but it's on most news sites)
I don't like the sounds of that Loretta ! I find it hard to believe the Ararapo tribe or any Indian tribe would feel that is okay....but I don't understand many of these things
WANDA, how wonderful for you to feel like you have been given a "new lease on life" with your new knee! Multiply that by about 1000 and we might have some inkling of what this miracle is like for Tori!
My 8th graders were excitied to see Shep fly in with that wiggling fish!
I thought the two spots was something different, too, MARGY. Maybe his black spot is changing to white, now that he is a Dad:) If not, it will be by the time he gets done raising these two chicklets:)
Loretta, I meant to post about that earlier. My brother-in-law (Becky's daddy) called and said they have made it legal to shoot all bald eagles. I told him that he didn't have a clue what he was talking about. I checked into it and the Arapaho tribe has been giving permission to sacrifice 2 bald eagles for religious purposes.
PAULA, Why doesn't the parent help the eaglet? Is it for fear of hurting the baby with its beak? It just seems like such hard work for a tiny chick to peck its way out of the shell; you would think the parent would want to provide assistance. Obviously, no one has ever asked an eagle why s/he doesn't help, but have you ever read anything about it?
When I got there, they said I needed a root canal and they happened to have an opening right then. I figured that it was best to get it over. We know the dentist well and he had already done two root canals for me.
They did not think the insurance would pay anything, but it turns out they will pay something.
Anyway, here I was sitting in the dentist's chair trying to keep up with the eagle news.
The hygienist was very interested. Her father is a photographer and has taken a prize-winning eagle picture, and her stepmom is an artist who draws pictures of eagles.
I am going to connect with her via FB in a bit.
So the dentist, the hygienist and I were discussing eagles while I was getting ready for the root canal.
Jo, Tori may be going to Kernan tomorrow so I may be going home and seeing her every other day to allow her time to work and not have me there protecting her lol...
When I have eggs in the classroom we are specifically told that we are not supposed to help the chicks out of the egg. I did have to do it last year for a chick that was struggling for 24 hours, but otherwise you are not supposed to because it could hurt the chick.
Hi everyone. It's been forever since I've been on here. I retired 2 weeks ago and now have more time for the internet. I've been checking-in every now and then to see what's happening at the nest - but what inspired me to write right now is that I just read on a website that an Indian tribe in Wyoming has been given permission to kill 2 bald eagles. I could go into an hour rant about the President and what's happening to this country - but I will refrain so that this message won't be removed.
Thanks for the info/answer SHARON, DMO, and PAULA! I swear, the last 3 days have been the least productive of my career! I keep finding excuses not to be in the teachers' classrooms so I can be in front of the computer - like, "Let me pull this kid out to do the assignment," or "Yes, I'd be happy to supervise the kids who were absent yesterday and need to make up the science quiz!" I'm so lucky to have a job where I'm not the teacher in charge in the room, but I REALLY can't keep this up!
Thanks for the article on the eagles and the Indians. I don't understand. Didn't say a thing about the "feathers being stinky". Sounds like they feel they shouldn't have to do paperwork or ask for feathers and other parts of the eagle. Well I don't like it but permission has already been given.
Oh, I see that the very kind lady at the dentist's office is a registered dental assistant, not a hygienist. I just found her FB page. She may show up here.
It's a beautiful, sunny morning in So Cal, but it's only 58° going to the low-mid 60's. And they're still predicting a cold, rainy storm coming in for the weekend.
I see our Phoebe has laid her first egg of a new clutch, and probably is due to do the second one today.
The picture of the eagle pair on the BWO nest looks to me like the same one from the BWE the last couple of years; so whatever else happened there, there hasn't been a personnel change.
Hey Carol!! Good to have you with us on this very special hatching day. Wonderful that you have retired! What are you doing with your spare time...a lot of walking through your mountain at this time of year is wonderful. Gene waved at you as he went by Seneca Rock, but didn't see you wave back:)
Yep Wanda she finally did it. She said she was going to retire. She finally did it. So neat to have her back. I'm sure like most that retire she will find enough to do. Great day for her to come on the blog though. Can remember first meeting her at the Open House.
Haven't been able to see an eggroll, but read there's a pip crack 1/3 around! Shep may be Dad eaglet sitter!!Since he's so easy to identify, I wonder if Lib or other males sit on eggs this much? I have still cam up. The other mostly just shows the arrow goinjg around in a circle on these retarded 'puters. Did read a little before and see that Mega Congratulations are due to Tori getting up and around!!!!!Cheers for her and Robyn!!
Speaking of PHOEBIES, we have a pair repairing their nest from last year, under our deck. They are a sweet bird...don't bother anything or anyone and eat bugs and slugs from my garden. I have to put a cover on top of the deck to keep the rain from running down into their nest:)
JIM, weather has been beautiful here in the east for almost a week now...77° today and 81° tomorrow!
Wanda I am so happy to hear you talk about walking around your yard. Looking at your flowers and walking up in the back. So wonderful!!!!!! Happy Happy (:
I have a list 2 feet long of things I'm gonna do now. So, I'm sure I'll stay busy. First job is a big purge of all the crap that I have, but don't need. That will probably take a couple of months!! (or more?)
Okay, two or three more honeybees in my house today. I have called the bee people. They are to call me back. I would love for them to come get these bees.
They say honeybees are in decline. I have been carefully putting them back outdoors, but I do not want them in my house.
I need to leave the blog for a while. Thanks to all for your good wishes. Thanks, Jo, for the Siku link. I didn't have that one in my list. Will check in later to see how the hatching progresses.
Shirley Big day for you, numb jaw, crown and chocolate milkshake, AND the interesting dential hygienist... Hope you are more comfortable now... sorry about the bees in residence, nice of you to give them their freedom, it's important for the flowers of the world
Called the county extension office and they gave me some phone numbers. The bee population is diminishing, they tell me. I am try to do my part, but these little critters keep coming in and trying to exit through the window glass. A couple expired there before I noticed what was happening.
speaking of avatars, Wanda Love your new one... and I saw that new knee: Bodacious it is ! and NO Cane, and no wobbling. So very pleased about all this. Again, Perfect Timing !
Kathryn is on the way to get my pain pills and will pick up something soft for me to eat for dinner. She and Hunter are going to have dinner with a friend.
Belle is out for her afternoon tea - She is usually away during this time -
Shep has got it covered - I don't think he realizes that Now his work really begins - Got to fish every morning, noon and evening - fish 3 times a day!!!
Just need the pain pills. I remember that I had quite a bit of pain when numbing medicine wore off, but I think it went away fairly quickly, so I will not likely need much.
Have been watching Shep - he surely seems to be at a loss! I love how he keeps looking around like he hopes Belle will return soon and take over. Come to think of it, Dennis used to do the EXACT same thing when the boys were babies!
Haven't gotten a good look yet but could definitely see something moving/wiggling under Shep the last time he got up!
OK I think i needed a new baby to finish healing. I am drawn to watch. shrug. I love this place and miss it when I am not here BUT I won't be reading too closely BUT watching and commenting on the sites and sounds IF I can figure out how the heck to see more than 200 blog posts.
Good late afternoon and welcome little bobblehead.
Thank you Steve for our fresh thread.
Sharon, so hoping that Nila will soon be at peace. You have truly been a wonderful friend for her.
Congrats to Wanda the wandering wonder woman. You go gal!
Super good report about Tori's progress. Thank you for the updates.
Red, you have done a terrific job coaching Shep. Now, would you remind him to tuck those talons in when near the babe?
Hi to everyone.
Now back to watching Shep try to figure out what to do with a bobble head and all those sticks. Wish Belle would return. She should be there for the birthing.
1 – 200 of 797 Newer› Newest»Thank you Steve, and Very Best Wishes to you and all the NCTC Staff for what we all hope will be a successful Hatching Season...
Thanks for making all this possible, to watch and be in wonder about ...
thanks for the new thread and a new eaglet on the way
I have 9 Oatmeal Creme Pies left, JudyE ☺
Whoohoo! Hatch seems imminent thread! Love it!!!
Just got home from seeing Nila. She moved her head and her hand when I spoke to her but didn't say anything. I think she knew I was there.
They are increasing her morphine. She has always fought taking it. I knew if there was anything left in her, she would fight it today and she did. They put the syringe to her mouth and her hand flew up and she started turning her head. Tough ole bird she is! They are going to move her to the hospital I guess for respite care for 5 days and then I don't know what. I am praying that God will intervene. Her sister Sharon is really tired. This has really taken its toll on her. Nila is a really heavy woman and now that she cannot walk anymore, it is really hard to move her. Praying for peace for us all!
You and Nila and all the family have my prayers....
Thank you for your fellowship to others, it's precious
Thanks for the imminent hatching thread, Steve! Very eggciting!
Hello Margy, Sharon and Judy!
Good morning all on this gloriously beautiful day. I'll get the weather forecast:
Sunny, with a high near 76. Wind around 6 mph. It's 68 now.
Ok Lori!
Hope you can see action between naps and awake time and bedtime...
OH Sharon I hope the end is peaceful and quick the lingering is so hard on the family it will take days for the body to shut down and the morphine will help her You will be in my thoughts all day as well as her family Peace to NILLA
Sharon, thoughts and prayers for peace and an easy transition for Nila and her family...and you, her dear friend.
Going back to finish last thread.
HI BACK at you LORI I have to leave in a bit to go to work YUK BELLE MOVING AGAIN
Oh boy or oh girl, whichever, come on out!!!
I just got two video from the peeps I subscribe to of the peep
Belle and the PIP
another one
they are from two differnt people subscribe to their channels and you can get it emailed to you also just a thought
got to go finish getting ready for work didn't get dressed when I first got up being didn't have to go till later ok I will see you all at lunch I work till 7 and not forsure when I will take my lunch 3 or 4
Thank you for this fresh new thread
What a morning it has been - Very
thankful for this year 2012 to be viewing 2 eggs in our nest with Belle and Shep.
Thanks Margy for the call over
I have my oatmeal creme pie waiting...♥
Thanks Steve for this eggciting new thread! Thanks MARGY for the call over! And DELPHIA (I think), thanks for the Pi Day reminder! I have kids sitting in my classroom making up a science test and asked them if they know what's important about today. As soon as I said the date is 3.14, one of them said, "Oh yeah, it's pi day!"
SHARON, prayers for Nila. She KNEW you were there for sure!
moving again
Oh duh, I get Pi day now!!
Thanks for the new thread, STeve. We will do our best to fill it up ☺
I get it now too, was saying
Pee-Eye day and that didn't make sense
if I had just said PI like PIE that would have knocked me over the head a little more
Today is also Albert Einstein's birthday (very appropriate for pi, day, dont you think)? If we get a hatch today, maybe s/he should be named Einstein? Pi just doesn't cut it for an eagle name!
HA! The horse in National Velvet is The Pie.
I just woke from a nap.
Thanks Steve for the new thread and the name of the thread.
JudyE have a good day.
Interesting Google Image for the day, in honor Akira Yoshizawa, a Grandmaster pioneering artist of Origami.....the Origami Art by Robert Lang is beautiful on the graphic.
Lang helped develop things like air bags, and many fold up things that went up in the Space Shuttles for the International Space Station...I can see how Origami art fits in with all that, the folding
Wonder what the sometimes "noise" like construction is at the nest
Up and digging
Funny how the Pie went from being a piebald horse in the book to a chestnut in the movie....
Pipping egg still in front
Well it was....wings spread...facing noon
I went to Google looking for a Pi graphic, but found those beautiful Origami butterflies instead
tffn going into lurk mode
Thinking of Lynn♥
Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone xo
Good point, Lynne, observant! One of my all time fave movies as a kid - still is! The orignal, not the remakes.
Having a hard time winding down for a nap...wonder why? lol
I'm just too eggcited, but will try. I'll be listening for a wushi delivery.
I'm thinking of you, too, Lynn! ♥
Made to UMMC sitting with Tori watching nest and getting great reports on her progress. Tor stood 3 times today which will make pt much easier.
Awaiting a hatching
She is one amazing girl, Robyn!
I know you must be so proud of her progress. It has to be really tough on her to do as much as she is doing after being down and so deprived for so long!!
Yay, TORI!! Keep up the good work!!
Belle - looking down.....what is going on down there.....??
Back from a rest after the migraine meds and feeling somewhat human. Dennis wants me to stay down, but I have way too much work to do today.
There she goes again. Pip, pip, pip...
Thank you so much for these reports, Robyn, and Yay, you two and others there can share the eggcitement today !
Linda, I hope your Migraine is making a swift exit !!
That was a red-shouldered hawk
'and still is
the is not visible, the hawk
Linda what she told me just now is how much she ,issues traveling and long car rides lol...
We will all be going camping end of spring early summer, Florida to see my folks and new Orleans to see cousins ... she will have me busy lol need to remind her she is 18 and can do these things with her friends now :-)
Way to go Tori....stand up some more!
It takes awhile to get comfy on a
pipping egg
ROBYN, I hope Tori feels as good about her accomplishments, thus far, as I do about my own. I just came in from outside, looking over my gardens of tiny blue flowers and pink primroses and I feel like I have been in a jar for 4 years and someone has oppened up the lid and let me out. Walking up paths and steps, over rocks and down the hill. I am truly a new person, being able to do all these things that I could only do with a cane and a painful, crooked knee, last Spring!
Lord, please be with this young lady as she is beginning a new life~
Shep is back with a fish!
Shep in with a flopping fish. Minnow that is.
rodent ?
Hello Shep !
He is at the launch pad with the fish, facing 5
That's beautiful Wanda, what you just posted.....
and guess my eyes don't see too well, thought it had four legs, the food
Shep working on the fish a little...Belle up and outta there
Wanda, hope it just gets better and better!
Shep heading to the eggs
Wanda, Tori is the same way 6 years lost and she is looking to make those years up. We will be walking the c&o canal to help build her strength up. She is sitting here telling me of the things she wants us to do
What a beautiful miracle Tori is!! HUGS TO YOU BOTH, ROBYN AND TORI!!!
Have not been able to see if this was mentioned before, but this AM and on online news and now on MSN homepage here at work are stories about the current Administration giving permission for an Arapaho tribe to kill bald eagles "for religious purposes". they use the feathers in their celebrations and are tired of getting old stinky stuff from the Fish and Wildlife repository.
This stinks worse! Thx for letting me vent. (I don't have making a link info here, but it's on most news sites)
I don't like the sounds of that Loretta ! I find it hard to believe the Ararapo tribe or any Indian tribe would feel that is okay....but I don't understand many of these things
It makes us so happy to hear of TORI'S progress, ROBYN, it is truly a MIRACLE!
everything Robyn reports though, is getting better and better each day
((Hugs Robyn, Tori, and all the Family ♥ ))
It might be my eyesight, but it looks like Shep's One Spot is Two spots today, one for each Egglet...
ttfn short Panda nap coming up right now for me
JUDYE, Thank you for the video of the "very clear to see' pip in the egg!♥
WANDA, how wonderful for you to feel like you have been given a "new lease on life" with your new knee! Multiply that by about 1000 and we might have some inkling of what this miracle is like for Tori!
My 8th graders were excitied to see Shep fly in with that wiggling fish!
I thought the two spots was something different, too, MARGY. Maybe his black spot is changing to white, now that he is a Dad:)
If not, it will be by the time he gets done raising these two chicklets:)
I heard they were going to let them shoot 2 bald eagles.
Yea, he'll have gray feathers ☺
Margy, I have seen that as well...and sometimes it looks like a ♥
Even ONE is too many. Ridiculous!
Shep doing some adjusting....think the pip egg is in front
Bet it's hard to get outta there while you're being rolled around ☺
Our letter this week is the short e how appropriate for eggciting!
Loretta, I meant to post about that earlier. My brother-in-law (Becky's daddy) called and said they have made it legal to shoot all bald eagles. I told him that he didn't have a clue what he was talking about. I checked into it and the Arapaho tribe has been giving permission to sacrifice 2 bald eagles for religious purposes.
Arapaho Tribe
Bummer we missed the fish being brought in today. Too busy in this darn classroom!
We have a wiggling egg ☺
Shep trying to get back on them. LOL
Trying again
Did I miss seeing Hoda on here
So nice and warm outside today
Breeze is just right for 'Riding the
Tori, Stand Tall!
Wanda, Don't you Fall!
Love you all ♥ Yes, I love US ♥
PAULA, Why doesn't the parent help the eaglet? Is it for fear of hurting the baby with its beak? It just seems like such hard work for a tiny chick to peck its way out of the shell; you would think the parent would want to provide assistance. Obviously, no one has ever asked an eagle why s/he doesn't help, but have you ever read anything about it?
Back from dentist with a very numb jaw.
Having a chocolate milkshake for lunch.
When I got there, they said I needed a root canal and they happened to have an opening right then. I figured that it was best to get it over. We know the dentist well and he had already done two root canals for me.
They did not think the insurance would pay anything, but it turns out they will pay something.
Anyway, here I was sitting in the dentist's chair trying to keep up with the eagle news.
The hygienist was very interested. Her father is a photographer and has taken a prize-winning eagle picture, and her stepmom is an artist who draws pictures of eagles.
I am going to connect with her via FB in a bit.
So the dentist, the hygienist and I were discussing eagles while I was getting ready for the root canal.
Nice peek....pip has more than doubles in size!
Sandi, I think the eaglet pipping out helps it build strength.
Hoda was last on at 2:08 a.m. this morning.
Jo, Tori may be going to Kernan tomorrow so I may be going home and seeing her every other day to allow her time to work and not have me there protecting her lol...
Oh cool, Shirley.
Sandi, they let the eaglet hatch by itself...have only ever seen them remove shells after hatching...
I think that pip is getting bigger by the minute
When I have eggs in the classroom we are specifically told that we are not supposed to help the chicks out of the egg. I did have to do it last year for a chick that was struggling for 24 hours, but otherwise you are not supposed to because it could hurt the chick.
Did I just see a head?
Robyn tell Tori "that she has made big steps without I know she can do this PT cause she is a fighter!!!" Hugs and Love to you both♥♥
Hi everyone. It's been forever since I've been on here. I retired 2 weeks ago and now have more time for the internet. I've been checking-in every now and then to see what's happening at the nest - but what inspired me to write right now is that I just read on a website that an Indian tribe in Wyoming has been given permission to kill 2 bald eagles. I could go into an hour rant about the President and what's happening to this country - but I will refrain so that this message won't be removed.
Sharon, big pip line...probably 30% the way around the egg
Welcome back Carol_in_WV! Did you see we have a pip?
Yeah, we don't do religion and politics too well on here! :) ((((HUGS))))
Congrats, Carol!
Off to yoga.
Good morning/ good afternoon.
Happy Eaglet day.
I have not read back will do so when I come back.
Yes, I saw that we'll soon have an eaglet. I'm still getting used to the idea of not working. I think I'm gonna like it a lot!!!!
Thanks for the info/answer SHARON, DMO, and PAULA! I swear, the last 3 days have been the least productive of my career! I keep finding excuses not to be in the teachers' classrooms so I can be in front of the computer - like, "Let me pull this kid out to do the assignment," or "Yes, I'd be happy to supervise the kids who were absent yesterday and need to make up the science quiz!" I'm so lucky to have a job where I'm not the teacher in charge in the room, but I REALLY can't keep this up!
Carol_in_WV is this Mick?
Yep it is her. Just called and she answered. Neat!!!!!
Thanks for the article on the eagles and the Indians. I don't understand. Didn't say a thing about the "feathers being stinky".
Sounds like they feel they shouldn't have to do paperwork or ask for feathers and other parts of the eagle. Well I don't like it but permission has already been given.
Yay, Hoda checked in!
Oh, I see that the very kind lady at the dentist's office is a registered dental assistant, not a hygienist. I just found her FB page. She may show up here.
Want to get things right!!
GooD MorniNG,
It's a beautiful, sunny morning in So Cal, but it's only 58° going to the low-mid 60's. And they're still predicting a cold, rainy storm coming in for the weekend.
I see our Phoebe has laid her first egg of a new clutch, and probably is due to do the second one today.
The picture of the eagle pair on the BWO nest looks to me like the same one from the BWE the last couple of years; so whatever else happened there, there hasn't been a personnel change.
How are you folks all doing today?
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Jim, we have a pipping egg!
Hi Jim I was watching Phoebe the other day. She had one egg in nest and was building nest a little bigger.
Hey Carol!! Good to have you with us on this very special hatching day. Wonderful that you have retired! What are you doing with your spare time...a lot of walking through your mountain at this time of year is wonderful.
Gene waved at you as he went by Seneca Rock, but didn't see you wave back:)
DanaMO, the question of the day is. . .
Yep Wanda she finally did it. She said she was going to retire. She finally did it. So neat to have her back. I'm sure like most that retire she will find enough to do. Great day for her to come on the blog though. Can remember first meeting her at the Open House.
Haven't been able to see an eggroll, but read there's a pip crack 1/3 around!
Shep may be Dad eaglet sitter!!Since he's so easy to identify, I wonder if Lib or other males sit on eggs this much?
I have still cam up. The other mostly just shows the arrow goinjg around in a circle on these retarded 'puters.
Did read a little before and see that Mega Congratulations are due to Tori getting up and around!!!!!Cheers for her and Robyn!!
Speaking of PHOEBIES, we have a pair repairing their nest from last year, under our deck. They are a sweet bird...don't bother anything or anyone and eat bugs and slugs from my garden. I have to put a cover on top of the deck to keep the rain from running down into their nest:)
JIM, weather has been beautiful here in the east for almost a week now...77° today and 81° tomorrow!
Wanda I am so happy to hear you talk about walking around your yard. Looking at your flowers and walking up in the back. So wonderful!!!!!! Happy Happy (:
Too funny Sandi! Glad you can sneak peeks and I can too! I know I will be planted at the computer when I get home!
I have a list 2 feet long of things I'm gonna do now. So, I'm sure I'll stay busy. First job is a big purge of all the crap that I have, but don't need. That will probably take a couple of months!! (or more?)
Carol Thinking of you with this
link for Siku the polar bear cub
This is the url if my link doesn't work!/live-cams/player/siku-cam-1
He just now went into the water...I
Love this little cub.......
Hahaha, Dana. I just looked at Phoebe again, and she has one egg and she is busy adding material to her nest again.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Egg has a big crack in it.
Looked like some of the egg was being pulled away from the chick by
attaboy Shep
Roll them both, even if they roll right back there they were at first
he grabbed on to the fluff with his beak and held on tight while he was a'wiggling down
so neat !
I was hoping Shep would step aside for a snack so we could see better
CAROL, once you retire, seems you never get done the things you've been wanting to do...but be sure to take time for yourself!
Hi everyone. Margy just let me know there's a pip. Hurrah!!
Will watch a bit but notice some egg shell is off and poor Shep didn't seem to know what to do about rolling the rest. LOL
Thak you Steve and all others for keeping us informed.
Okay, two or three more honeybees in my house today. I have called the bee people. They are to call me back. I would love for them to come get these bees.
They say honeybees are in decline. I have been carefully putting them back outdoors, but I do not want them in my house.
I was so looking forward to that Smiling Saint Patrick's Day picture, Diann....
Get comfortable as you can and watch with us ☺
I need to leave the blog for a while. Thanks to all for your good wishes. Thanks, Jo, for the Siku link. I didn't have that one in my list. Will check in later to see how the hatching progresses.
Big day for you, numb jaw, crown and chocolate milkshake, AND the interesting dential hygienist...
Hope you are more comfortable now...
sorry about the bees in residence, nice of you to give them their freedom, it's important for the flowers of the world
well, make that Root Canal, Shirley, sorry I forgot what I read
sorry I missed You Carol, Congratulations and Welcome Back, perfect timing !
Called the county extension office and they gave me some phone numbers. The bee population is diminishing, they tell me. I am try to do my part, but these little critters keep coming in and trying to exit through the window glass. A couple expired there before I noticed what was happening.
speaking of avatars,
Love your new one...
and I saw that new knee:
Bodacious it is !
and NO Cane, and no wobbling.
So very pleased about all this.
Again, Perfect Timing !
Poor little guy that is trying to get out of the egg probably wonders why he keeps getting rolled around.
root canal AND registered dental assistant, two corrections to my one post
I'm batting about zero on this.
sorry Shirley !
Did you see the baby move??
OMG, Did you see the little guy move???
I DID !!
Siku the Polar Bear cub is now on cam 2 playing
He's going to split that shell any moment!!
LOOK at our bobble head move!! I have chills!!!
i saw a bobblehead!!!
I'm thinking Shep would like Belle to return
I saw it move! Wasn't eggspecting that!!!
Split the shell!!! Right in half. I am not Shep knows what to do!!
I don't think Shep knows quite what to do. He is nervously moving sticks.
Be careful, Shep.... No he does not need a stick yet!!!
Nice warm sunny day to emerge from the shell, isn't it??
I'm going to cover you up til mamma gets here!
Okay now I have to hurry and get home. Hope I don't get a speeding ticket!
I am going to make this personal today. We get a new eaglet when I am possibly losing a very dear friend! God is doing his best to take care of me!
I agree that Shep is a bit perplexed!!
He may be thinking it's time for the lady of the house to return to her chick!!
Praying for a peaceful transition to paradise for Nila, Sharon!!
We see one life fade as another comes into this world! Blessings from God!
LOL, Belle is making him jump in talons first...
Oh, DanaMo, it might be hard to explain to the officer that you were rushing home because of the hatching of a baby eagle.
wHAT? A chick!
He is going to need Wanda and Gene to make his some eagle talons before it is over.
We're with you Sharon.
Hope you can whisper the good news to Nila.....
OK, who got a pic...Sharon didn't Andrew teach you how to use the snipping tool yet?
Paula, did you just notice that?
I have it, hang on.
Righto Paula...
Belle must have Royal confidence in Shep...
If Shep could grab a cigarette and pace around the nest he probably would !
Attention to Duty comes first
Time for a cigar ☺
Sharon, I was reading backwards! LOL
Coworker had me away from my desk!
I sis nor fwr pix
\\\That is I did NOT get a pic
Where in the world is Belle???
Shep is obviously nervous and I hope he doesn't hurt the little one on accident!!
Under my wildlife on my blog.
It that a chick?
I do see a little more movement! He is trying to pick up the shell, but looks nervous!
OK I see it now...
Time for Belle to come home
Use your Big Boy Voice Shep and holler for Mother !
Where is Belle???
Belle needs to come and make sure he is doing it right.
I was wondering if Shep knew what was
inside those eggs! He is very nervous
Come home Momma Belle
We need a feeding lesson here!
A huge positive this year as opposed to last year, we already have fish in the nest.
Hard to make out the chick in the bright sunshine
Shep says, when in doubt just sit on it again. lol
I sent an email to Steve about what is going on now, hope he can watch...
you included all this in your instructions, right ???
Good to See you glad you are watching. xo
Kathryn is on the way to get my pain pills and will pick up something soft for me to eat for dinner. She and Hunter are going to have dinner with a friend.
I will probably be in la la land soon.
Wonder what Belle is doing? Not like her to be away so long at hatching time.
I am wondering the same thing, Red.
To read back over our blog comments as to first spotting the egg in half to when the chick moved - Such excitement.
Sharon/Paula TEXT away
I wouldn't miss it Margie.
I have some soft foods left over Shirley...
Hope the healing goes painlessly
not sure that phone was returned yet...Jo...
going to try something different here
Belle is out for her afternoon tea -
She is usually away during this time -
Shep has got it covered - I don't think
he realizes that Now his work really
begins - Got to fish every morning, noon and evening - fish 3 times a day!!!
Jo, that shell is definitely broken in half!!
Shep looked like he was trying to pick it up but decided not to a little while ago.
Margy if you have Christie's phone - send it there. She may still be with Lynn...
I think Shep will be a good provider. The boy is taking his responsibilities seriously.
Got it covered, Jo, thanks !
Shirley - resting is good - do you need
any gauze on it?
Is Hunter home yet to be told about the eaglet.....
okay so I just found out today that my new class is 16 BOYS LOL to 9 girls!
for next year that is...
That's exciting DanaMo
had to spell Exciting the right way this time...☺
Might as well mention:
Talked with Hunter on the phone. Kathryn picked him up at school today. I told him. He has been watching along with me.
I am hearing a bee, but not seeing it yet. Glad that honeybees are not aggressive.
What's A Father To Do?
They've got some fried fish in the nest after a day like today.
Just need the pain pills. I remember that I had quite a bit of pain when numbing medicine wore off, but I think it went away fairly quickly, so I will not likely need much.
I sent an email to Lynne2....
and Lynne1 and another one to Diann
Have been watching Shep - he surely seems to be at a loss! I love how he keeps looking around like he hopes Belle will return soon and take over. Come to think of it, Dennis used to do the EXACT same thing when the boys were babies!
Haven't gotten a good look yet but could definitely see something moving/wiggling under Shep the last time he got up!
Nuts! I missed seeing what we have as a chick! I'm gonna have to quit working, too! This is more important!!!!
OK I think i needed a new baby to finish healing. I am drawn to watch. shrug. I love this place and miss it when I am not here BUT I won't be reading too closely BUT watching and commenting on the sites and sounds IF I can figure out how the heck to see more than 200 blog posts.
Good late afternoon and welcome little bobblehead.
Thank you Steve for our fresh thread.
Sharon, so hoping that Nila will soon be at peace. You have truly been a wonderful friend for her.
Congrats to Wanda the wandering wonder woman. You go gal!
Super good report about Tori's progress. Thank you for the updates.
Red, you have done a terrific job coaching Shep. Now, would you remind him to tuck those talons in when near the babe?
Hi to everyone.
Now back to watching Shep try to figure out what to do with a bobble head and all those sticks. Wish Belle would return. She should be there for the birthing.
Otherwise in 4 more I will be gone again until new thread but I am watching and so praying for a good season at this nest.
Otherwise in 4 more I will be gone again until new thread but I am watching and so praying for a good season at this nest.
Glo it will say post comment - just post something and it will come up in the right place.
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