Friday, March 16, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Went to a meeting and now I am home. They got Nila moved. The facility is super nice. My friend, Larry, was there when he passed away. I hate they moved her so far away but it is what her daughter wanted. Although, her daughter hasn't been here for over a month and lives in Indiana. She is the power of attorney though so she has final say. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Really funny reading about Belle and Shep and the big fish

Not caught up on the other thread

Sounds like the chicks are doing good

Keep watching never know when he will attempt tofeed them

Kay you can be loopy with us anytime

Lynn good to see you onhere today

FuzzleMT said...


Lynne2 said...

Darn far away is she now?

Hoda said...

OH many hours drive is it for you to get to see NILA...Good that you like the facility and sad that you might not be able to see her as regularly as you have been...♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon please give Nila a hug from me next time you visit

Lynn any update on Charlie

Lynne2 said...

I see is not feeling to well with her pain...hope you feel better soon Kay!

Hoda said...

I am wondering if they will do CHARLIE'S surgery tonight or will it take longer to get the infection out of his system...PRAYERS for CHARLIE...

Hoda said...

LYNNE2 have you heard from STEVE today?

Lynne2 said...

Very scary about Charlie.

I don't know about you all, but right about now, I'm pretty tired of being a grown up.

Briefly Hoda, this morning. Nothing really new to report. Wendy is in lockdown, he said. They have to empty their pockets and get searched before going into her room. Visiting is very limited. Getting details from a MAN is like pulling teeth! My FIL's daughter is on the phone with him right now, waiting to hear from her.

Lynne2 said...

How is SHIRLEY feeling today?

Lynne2 said...

well, darkness has arrived at the Royal Palace. BOOOO

Lolly said...

Dinner over and took a walk around the yard.

wvgal_dana said...

Just hoping they soon get that infection with Charlie straightened out. So if they have to do surgery they can.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon how far away from where you live is Nila now?

Lolly said...

I am so tired of that stupid 200 thingy!!!

Kay, so very sorry you are having to deal with so much pain. (((hugs)))

Understand the lock down, Lynne, but ridiculous that they have to be searched.

Lynne2 said...

saw the pics on FB Lolly....everything looks so beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

I think you all have left me on the
200! Here I come and I hope all is
well when I get here............

Lynne2 said...

I suppose they just want to make sure no one is taking anything in to her that she could get a hold of and use to hurt herself.

Costume Lady said...

Oh no, Mr. crab legs at China City tonight:( Chinese waitress told me why, but I didn't understand a word she said:) She did say 'maybe tomorrow', you come...I said oh, you betcha!

I think I will try to fix my own crab legs...Weis had some very good looking #1's!

Lynne2 said...

I am SO excited to have TWO babies this year! This will be the fourth season for me, and so I only have seen Hidey, Palmer, and then Little Paddy O'Joy :(

This is going to be awesome!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, would you look at LYNNE'S St. Patrick's green eagle:) Too cool~

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I get my crab legs at Martin's and they fix them with the amount of seasoning we like. They are really good!!

stronghunter said...

The spring peepers are peeping away down behind the house tonight.

Lynne2 said...

How's the new knew Wanda? Saw where they don't want to give you another month of PT. GRRRRRRR. Hope that can be over ruled!

stronghunter said...

Me, too, Lynne. Hidey was my first eaglet.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - did you trip out in the yard into any armadillo holes.... They
really went to town.

Lolly - Lynne
As she is on lock down - suicidal -
emptying pockets is necessary for anyone coming in - It is for Wendy's

Lynne2 said...

this will be a whole new experience for us Shirley! What fun it will be to see them interacting!

hedgie said...

Just heard from Margy--she swung by hospital after she got off work. Christie was going after Shannon's grandma's b-day party. And I managed to get the girls to mske arrangements to go be with their Momma. Margy says that Charlie's color is good and that he's apparently resting comfortably.

Lynne2 said...

Glad to know, Lynn

wvgal_dana said...

Good going Margy. Super job well done. Glad Charlie is resting. Happy girls are going to be with Lynn. (:

Lynne2 said...

Our BBs are making excellent progress on their nest!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn for the update on Charlie. Had my do done today. My hairdresser had been in the hospital. She had to have her gallbladder removed. She had an infection and they wanted her on antibiotics for a couple of days before surgery.

No Jo. Did not trip in the armadillo holes. This time they were not big...just lots of them. And, besides that, it is against momster rules to trip and fall. I follow the rules, or at least try to follow them!

hedgie said...

Loretta, love your avatar! Is that ours??

Shar, sorry about Nila being so far away. :(

Seriously doubt that there will be any surgery for a couple of days. Wondering IF/WHEN they will start dialysis.....unless meds are getting the kidneys working again...

Lynne2 said...

Friend Dave's mom Carolyn (who's house I clean) mentioned that she'd like to have a spring wreath for her front door, so this weekend, I will attempt to create on for her from some Dollar Store flowers!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, what does this mean for his kidneys? Can they be fixed?

Hoda said...

Thank you very much LYNN for the update.♥

BEagle said...

Hello Bobblehead fans!

I pulled up the cam at work this morning and I saw two babies! OMG.

I called them Dit and Ditto until we get some names. :)

Many people at work are tuning in and captivated by them.

magpie said...

How're ya doing Eagle Pals...
I could do one of two things.
Read all the posts I missed all day long, or Jump....
so I Jumped

Have a cute story about Charlie
That's my next post.
Was a roomful of ladies in his room tonight, One wife, Two Daughters, One Sister-in-Law, One neighbor and HER Daughter, and one Magpie.
Some nice-looking nurses, and Two Guy Respiratory Therapists.

Story coming up next.

magpie said...

So I try to leave work at 4
no go,
try again at 5, no go
finally get out of there at 6 and get to ICU
Nice Room, like the Holiday Inn Express...sort of ☺
With a Nice View towards the West and the Sunset.
Carolyn looks beautiful, As Always!
Charlie sawing logs but seems comfortable.
Nurse comes in after awhile.

Charlie, Charlie.
Then she turns on the lights and takes his hand and starts asking questions, he opens his eyes.
What's your name: Charlie
What's this year? Hmm, not sure yet.
Where are you? The Hospital
Which One: Martinsburg.
Who is the answer
Who is that over there? Carolyn
Who's the President?
It brought the house down.

He woke up some more after that...
it was nice...

magpie said...

Christie brought Carolyn a Peanut Butter Chocolate Tropical Smoothie.
Boss !

Carolyn was to head home after a bit, I will leave the technical things to her, and what Lynn has already added.

She loves and appreciates all of you and all the well wishes, I can tell you that in advance....

magpie said...

My NY naturalist pal checked out the nest today and saw all the fish, he thinks some of them are Gizzard Shad...
or something similar, can't tell by me....
I go read now, know there are lots of things to catch up on

xo (( Evening Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

Long day with Miss Jordyn and then Angie came over then I went and the the couple of video I did they are on the blog and FB if anyone is interested and I have pictures also Todays nestcapades I captured this evening 6 feeding also

Sandi said...

LYNN and MARGY, glad to hear some good news about Charlie. And LYNN, it's good to see you posting on the blog and cheering for a basketball team!

I'm off to take a bath and then fall into bed. Watched Private Practice from last night - what an episode! Also watched The River - talk about strange!!!

Goodnight, my eagle friends - see everyone in the AM!

wvgal_dana said...

lol Margy that was cute "The President-Ask Carolyn" lol

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Thanks for the story about Charlie. Too funny!

I am thinking about getting ready for bed early. Like being comfy in my pj's. Also thinking about a pedicure. Horror of horrors! Today I wore sandals for the first time and the pinkies are not pink!!!

Linda said...

Great Report, Margy!!

You added levity to a difficult situation!!

So kind of you to stop by and check on Charlie & Carolyn...

And nice to have a Sis who loves and cares...

LYNN - I am sure your girls make you proud!

Lolly said...

Sandi, like the avatar!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh the bird count for today...osprey hawks and vultures....about 25 in a tower

Saw the osprey at the nest over RT 50 on just thois side of the bay bridge

No osprey here at the beach jkust yet

Sandi said...

LOLLY, love your garden pics on FB!! Now, I really am going to bed - goodnight all!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Irene! I saw you back there :)

Hey Lolly I brought my nail polish down...might do my toes too....

Very quiet outside tonight...couple of geese...hoping maybe some owls later

Glad charlie still has a sense of humor...thanks Margy

magpie said...

Sharon posted that the new place for Nila is in Beckley...WV

Google says is about 53 miles
"58 mins"
86 km (like that Hoda ??) ☺

Hope you get to see Nila easily, Sharon, know how much it means to her !

magpie said...

Redbuds in bloom, Awesome, Lynne, know how very special they are to you and Steve....

and Forsythia, the most beautiful yellow bloomin' posey !

magpie said...

Good report on the Paradise, Paula...happy to read that you are there and got the basic necessities going, including nail polish!

magpie said...

And Best Wishes to Tori with the OT and PT, Robyn...

and to all, love the new avatars

ttfn xoxo

Lolly said...

Thanks Sandi!

I said I was going to go get comfy, but I didn't! I have been playing. Wanted to add a touch of green to my avatar. LOL

I am really gone not! IBB

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY on the KM...
...and for CHARLIE'S sense of humour story

magpie said...

Guess it's a good things those eaglets don't need diaper changes...
Shep would need to learn that too!
I think he'll come around...
on the feeding duties...

magpie said...

seems to me I read somewhere
that at one time WV DID have armadillos....
think it was in Wonderful WV Magazine....

Lolly said...

Well, I would not wish armadillos on my friends...but would consider that for my enemies! LOL

magpie said...

Am rip-roaring happy to read that you are feeling better today !

And also that Tori gets to wear something that is not so "breezy" in the back ☺

Lolly said...

I am now clean and comfy. Now to attempt to polish the tootsies. Maybe if I did yoga, I could get to them easier. Hmmm? Something to consider. LOL

magpie said...

I thought of something while I was reading the old thread, can anyone remember what it is ?

magpie said...

one of the RT guys comes up from Fredericksburg and works his three days...stays at a local hotel then back down he travels to "Spotsy" as he calls it ☺
Nice guy, he helped me find my way out of the hospital tonight

magpie said...

I was going to say...
Hope Nick's gal-pal Grace is at the Beach also

magpie said...

I pretty much feel naked without nail polish on the fingernails and tootsies, Lolly...
just a girl thing I guess...
I'd come there and paint yours if I could....
"we" but not me, Wanda? or Paula? did it once for you from miles away.....for one of our Nest Visit Dinners, yes ??

Costume Lady said...

I'm trying to say Good Night, but can't pull us the right thread:(

magpie said...

At least YOU remembered what you were going to say Wanda ☺
Hope you get your fix of Crab Legs one way or the other, soon

magpie said...

one more comment...
I felt Charlie's forehead earlier, it was "cool and moist."
But I never learned or cared much for the technique of feeling with the BACK of my hand...
so I did it with my palm....
seems so much more personal that way though I know, not maybe so accurate

Lolly said...

Yes, Wanda said she painted them. LOL But, they were already painted!!! I give them a rest in the winter. I wear socks then, and certainly no open toe shoes. I am like you, though. In the summer I feel naked without them polished!

magpie said...

I'm magpie-ed out.

Prayers for Lynn and Charlie and Carolyn and the entire family...
and for Kay and Pa Nana and Nila and ALL others in need of healing and comfort and restful sleep

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless this Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Base coat is on, now to let that dry.

Lolly said...

I know you are thrilled with the step by step announcement. ☺

Lolly said...

Nite, Margy!!!

Costume Lady said...

I think I found myself:)

Margy, it was I who painted Lolly's toenails:) Didn't do a very good job and Jack said I must have been drinking:)

Glad Charlie is resting comfortably, wonder what they gave him? Whatever they gave me when I was there, worked instantly and I slept a lot. Prayers for he and Carolyn~
Sweet of you, Margy to check in on them at the hospital, I'm sure Carolyn appreciated it, but if Charlie didn't know the president's name, I'm sure he didn't know you were there:)

So Tired, saying good night now. Prayers for all, especially our Lynn and Charlie, YOU TOO, CAROLYN♥

Mema Jo said...

I think we all, especially Carolyn and Lynn, can rest better knowing Charlie is
being responsive.
Margy, the story of Charlie's responses
is hilarious - Did Carolyn help him out with his answer???
Lynn so glad you arranged for the girls
to be there with their Mom. I am sure
that gave Carolyn comfort.

Linda said...

Enjoyed catching up on your conversations tonight.

Glad the toes are getting taken care of....

And Margy, glad you got help finding your way out of the hospital!! And that you remembered what you wanted to say!!

Praying that Carolyn can go home and get some rest, too. Hope she isn't working again late tonight. That poor girl!!

I am closing up shop for the night and headed for the pillows. Boy does that sound heavenly!

Praying for a good night for Charlie.

♥ LYNN - Praying you get some rest and don't worry yourself too much. You have to work on getting YOU well, too.

Prayers for Kay's pain to subside so she can come back to us. I really miss her, too!!

Thinking of Steve and his family, Tori, and so many others tonight...

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond...

Night ♥

Hoda said...

Tomorrow is a busy day with CFUW Resolution committee meetings and the regular luncheon followed by the 2013 AGM planning committee. Then I will go to yoga... So if I do not check in in the morning you will know where I am...

Lolly said...

Tootsies are painted!

Whoowee...ready to party tomorrow. We are going to Light Catcher Winery for dinner. Trinity River Whalers are playing and singing. Yea! Gonna enjoy the evening!!!!

Hoda said...

You are half way there LOLLY to being a yogini that know when painting your toe nails you put cotton between your toes to keep them seperated? In yoga we have a tool that we stick between our toes to keep them seperated feet make for better balance is the idea...I will see if I could find one on google...

hedgie said...

Thanks for update, MArgy.

Apparently kidneys are okay.....they had to cath 900cc's!
Carolyn will head home as soon as he falls asleep.

An eagle was seen perched atop a cherry tree along the Tidal Basin today in DC!!!

Going to get my snack and head to bed. Been a long, exciting, and worrisome day with little snoozing. Caroyn will call when she leaves or gets home, but hope that will be before the news ends.

Goodnight, dear friends. Thanks for your support! Prayers for all.

Hoda said...

There they are LOLLY Yoga toe seperators

glo said...

:-) Just me stopping by to say good night.

PA Nana said...

paula eagleholic said...

Going to say goodnight before my phone dies

Grabbing some hot tea and a bbok and heading for the covers...its pretty comfy in the house

Nite and (((hugs for all)))

Hoda said...

Night LYNN. Big day today indeed and you played a major part in making CAROLYN feel supported. See you tomorrow.PRAYERS♥

NatureNut said...

Getting ready to konk out.
Have a lot to read. We watched Dr. G. She's a brainiac!

For all those hitting the hay
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for all ills, especially Lynn, Charlie, Carolyn, Nila, Tori
;>) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

LOL Hoda! I need that tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Night special prayers for Lynn, Charlie & Carolyn, Nila, Tori and Robyn and Kay and anyone else that needs them.


Mema Jo said...

Heading for the pillows does sound Heavenly! Lots to pray for - in fact I have been sending positive thoughts to all of those is need most of today.

Good Night and may everyone of us have a restful night. Prayers for all!
** (((HUGS))) **

May tomorrow be the day that Shep feeds his off-springs... ♥

PA Nana said...

Found my way to the end I think.

Just in time to say goodnight to all and special prayers for Carolyn, Charlie, Tori, Kay an anyone else in need.

And always Lynn ♥♥♥♥

Got the knees injected with Synvisc today and one bled pretty badly, but under control now and I'm exhausted. Been up with the chicklets since 5:30 AM.

Goodnight and God bless!!

Lolly said...

I am going to call it a night, too. Toes are dry, now going to read for a while

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Diann, let us know how that works for was offered to me, may consider when there is health insurance again.

I disappeared to watch TV for a while.

This is the first night all week that I haven't felt wired and anxious, and I think I will finally get a good night of sleep.

Margy, FUNNY FUNNY story!

Lynne2 said...

Glad to see Charlie's kidneys are OK! Sure hope Caro gets some rest tonight.

Geesh, so much going on with so many of us. So glad we have each other!

Love, and prayers for all tonight.

Hoda said...

Good night.


Ms Bookworm said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Think I'm finally caught up here.
It's taken a while!

We were running like crazy again today. Had a scare this morning when Sierra's kitty, Latte, disappeared for a couple of hours.
Turned out she was hiding somewhere in Sierra's room. She appeared when I took her bag of kitty treats upstairs and shook it.

We made corned beef and cabbage and red potatoes--enough for an army--in the big crock pot, and in a big pot on the stove. Jen had invited a bunch of people over to meet us tonight. It was lots of fun. She and Marq have some really nice friends. They make you feel as if you've known them for years and years.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, I'm sorry I didn't call you today, but Kubby and I got new phones today--those new I-phones that do everything imaginable, and I'm not sure how it works yet. Jen is giving me lessons. I'm hoping to be able to meet you for lunch next Friday. Just about booked up every day but that one! Will keep it open till I hear what's going on with you. I hope to have most of the new phone's functions figured out by tomorrow, and will let it charge all night so it's ready to go.

Lynn, mighty glad to hear your updates on Charlie! Prayers going up for him, for sure--and for Carolyn, too! Glad he seems to be somewhat better, and glad his kidneys are working.
Did you have another chemo treatment today? Hope you are feeling OK, and not nauseous. Prayers for you, too! (((HUGS)))!!

Sharon, sorry Nila is farther away from you now! Hope you are able to visit her, if not as often. You have been such a wonderful friend, I'm sure your visits mean the world to her.

Ms Bookworm said...

I hope that Red will have another talk with Shep, and teach him how to feed the babies!!! Those two bobbleheads are cute as can be!
Good thing that Belle is such a fantastic mom!

Oh--Jen has arranged for all of us to have family portraits taken on Sunday morning. I think we are going to a botanical garden, though I'm not sure which one. Should be fun!

Well, guess I'd better go get some sleep! About to do a face plant here. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep well, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

A beautiful morning to everyone.


Here's today's nest weather:

Areas of dense fog before 9am. Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 74.

DanaMo said...

Sandi said...

Morning LORI and DMO - happy St Patrick's Day!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺

Thinking of Lynn ♥

Yes... Foggy Morning it is here in Martinsburg, WV


magpie said...

Belle's awake.
More than I can say for myself...

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everyone

magpie said...

Well, There's SHEP
A silent arrival

Lori O. said...

SHEP just landed at 3

Sandi said...

Morning MARGY!

Shep just arrived at the nest - don't see a fish for breakfast!! Hmmm ...

LYNN, so glad to hear that Charlie's kidneys are OK; that's a relief!

magpie said...

Bye Shep
A silent departure also

Sandi said...

Hope he left to go to the drive thru for breakfast!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy, Sandi and DanaMo!

Hoping Charlie and Lynn are feeling like it's going to be a great day!

magpie said...

looked like he was counting fish, maybe going out for a fresh one now

magpie said...

And the Royal Babies. my heart stops a little until I see them both move

DanaMo said...

Love seeing those babies moving around.

Good morning Margy, Lori,& Sandi!

DanaMo said...

Too funny Margy I was thinking the same thing....move darn it! And they did! I have a big mouth!

DanaMo said...

My house is pretty empty today, might be a good day to get some cleaning done. Let's see if I am motivated enough to do it! LOL!

magpie said...

It was nice of Belle to let us have a little peek first thing in the morning...

Don't work too hard, DanaMo

work day for me, need to get ready for that now

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

Hoping that Carolyn's Charlie and Mom Lynn are both going to have a good day....and therefore, Carolyn might also ♥♥♥
xoxo ttfn xoxo

Sandi said...

Looks pretty on the nest this AM with the fog. A little bit of fighting over food, but both babies are getting some. Sure hope Shep can find a nice, big fresh fish for the family with all that fog! Belle is calling him NOW!

magpie said...

computer went completely frozen...

Ah, full color on the nest now

"See you" all from work...

xo (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Have a great and joyful day, Margy! Make sure you step outside to enjoy the sunshine.

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Must be hard to see the fish in the Potomac this foggy morning. Shep has been gone about 25 minutes. He def. looked around the nest like, "Man, the cupboard is getting pretty bare! Better fix that!" before he flew off!

KAY, looks like your falcons are getting active; site says the same female is there (Durand) and they think the same male as last year. They have the live cam up and running in the nestbox. Saw one sitting on the ledge this AM. Time for me to start watching that one.

Morning JUDY!

JudyEddy said...


BEagle said...

Belle just stood up and there are two little chicks still snorkeling.

Good morning everybody.

JudyEddy said...


BEagle said...

Yummmm. Smelly fish!

hedgie said...

Top o' the mornin' to you, lassies and lads. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

Looks like Belle is plucking at her brood patch...or maybe she's got bugs!!

Bobbleheads are moving about, and fog scene is lovely. It's getting worse here.

ARGH....just found that I left garage door open yesterday afternoon after a gal came to pic up some Animal Advocates stuff. Makes me SO angry, and hoping that no critters settled inside. Dumb me.

BEagle said...

Belle is getting fish to both who are now fully awake and reaching for the big beak.

hedgie said...

My new phone died overnight! Charging now. Didn't realize I had used it that much!

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Morning BEAGLE!

Morning LYNN! You're sounding chipper this AM. Any new news on Charlie?

BEagle said...

The fog makes it look like the camera angle changed.

JudyEddy said...

I love how she goes back and forth witht hem soo cute

Sandi said...

Belle has just about used up that fish and Shep has been gone for an hour. He had better get his butt back to the nest with a big ol' fish!

LYNN, isn't it mighty early for you to be up and on the blog? I'll take that as a good sign that you're feeling OK!

BEagle said...

I hope the two will be nice to each other. I just noticed some wing pounding by the elder.

JudyEddy said...

and wiggle wiggle down she goes Nap time

BEagle said...

Hey Sandi

Belle is punching the perimeter of the egg cup and settling back in. She looks very damp.

JudyEddy said...

Poop shoot

BEagle said...

That's it for a little bit.

BEagle said...

She's wiggling more. I guess she's not used to two to cover and has to adjust. Now she's looking underneath and wiggling more.

Sandi said...

Brian (son in Africa) ordered himself a brand new ipad3 and had it shipped here (costs less to have things shipped here and then we ship them on to him, than it does to have things shipped directly from a store to Africa). It arrived yesterday. Boy, am I tempted to open it and play with it for a week before I send it to him! =D

BEagle said...

I would be tempted also....knowing an iPad is near doing nothing. :)

Prayers just went up for Charlie.

glo said...

Good morning . Off to coffee and dog treats but hopefully I am signed in to see the happenings.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you have to make sure it works right LOL

JudyEddy said...

Love having you back GLO and are the eagles still up there???

Sandi said...

JUDY, you are absolutely right! Seriously, that's a valid point! BRB!

JudyEddy said...

Almost time for me to head to work

JudyEddy said...

We always made sure our kids toys worked before we gave them to them Its a safety issue LOL

BEagle said...

This is so exciting having two chicks.
My first eaglet was Palmer from beginning to end.

I got on the tail end of the Hidey season.

BEagle said...

My son would probably not mind me messing with any of his packages UNTIL it comes to his machines....then it's
"I love you mom but back off."


JudyEddy said...

I found a appropriate AVATAR for the day

Sandi said...

Couldn't do it! Had the box open but couldn't bring myself to tear off the shrink wrap and put fingerprints on his new toy! Will ship it first thing Monday morning so I'm not tempted!

BEagle said...

Belle is still quiet on the nest and facing about 9 ish.

BEagle said...

Proud of you Sandi!!!!

Sandi said...

MARGY, I hear a red winged blackbird at the nest AND I can tell from its call! Also hear a woodpecker.

JudyEddy said...

WOW strong woman you are LOL

BEagle said...

That's a pretty green eagle!

JudyEddy said...

I was wondering what kind of bird I was hearing at the nest

JudyEddy said...

Thanks BEagle I googled it and found it Odd what we can find huh

JudyEddy said...

Well its time for me to head to work Yuk I will see you at lunch

BEagle said...

The fog under the nest is lifting.

BEagle said...


magpie said...

maybe it's old news

Google Graphic Image is nice...
Saint Patrick's Day theme

Lori O. said...

eaglets being fed again.

magpie said...

I see lots more Morning Eagle Pals...
including Lynn ☺ ♥

Sandi: Good on you! the bird sounds id-ing..I cannot have the sound here at work of course....

magpie said...

I see female Osprey at BWO

magpie said...

and sure enough, breakfast time at the nest


Lori O. said...

Sounds like Shep is in the attic and Belle wants him to come down and take his turn feeding.

Sandi said...

Belle is calling! Looking up in the tree. Belle poofs!

magpie said...

and also a grackle?? on BWO with the Osprey

magpie said...

never mind

BEagle said...

Came back to check and Belle is up and calling. Just flew off shaking the nest and waking up one of the chicks. Peep, peep.

Sandi said...

And Shep arrives!

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

here comes the Royal Dad....

wshep !

BEagle said...

And there is Shep. He's pretty quiet.

magpie said...

WSHEP ?? New name

BEagle said...

He is gently padding about the chicks and now wiggling down.

Sandi said...

And he settles right down on the chicklets! And, he didn't arrive with a fresh fish! His body is so much narrower than Belle's - those babies aren't going to fit under him for long!

BEagle said...

Shep is wiggling again, getting the wiggle-down perfected.

BEagle said...

All is quiet.


BEagle said...

Before I BBL, isn't Shep a little large for a male?

BEagle said...

Maybe not.

Sandi said...

Could be BEAGLE. I recall that, when he first showed up last year, folks originally thought he was another female fighting Belle for the nest.

BEagle said...

Okay. I didn't want to bring up memories better left forgotten.

But, yeah, I remember that.

BEagle said...

Shep has interesting feathers on his back just underneath the white ones and in between his wings.

BEagle said...

Shep is up.

BEagle said...

He's being very cautious around those chicks with his talons.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo-----our Hedgesville EAGLES boys are going to State Championship game!!!! GO EAGLES!

BEagle said...

He is wiggling down and now facing about 1:30 ish.

Picking up sticks and throwing them.

He must be getting more comfortable.

BEagle said...

Hip Hip Hurray! Hedgie.....Hi young lady. Glad to see you!

BEagle said...


paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Pretty day here...sun is out, the birds are chirping

Buffleheads, cormorants, seagulls and all sorts of land birds this morning

BEagle said...

Shep is facing 3


Sandi said...

Morning PAULA! Supposed to be beautiful and close to 70 today! Enjoy!!

Sandi said...

Shep is up and the bobbleheads are bobbling. Right now, he's playing with sticks.

Sandi said...

And Belle returns! Shep is eating.

Sandi said...

Belle is feeding the chicks and Shep is standing on the rails at 6. Shep poofs.

BEagle said...

Hi Paula,

I will have to look up a Bufflehead.

Sandi said...

A little bird has been flitting around the nest - has Belle's attention. She just flapped her wings like, "Shoo!!"

BEagle said...

It's a beautiful duck! A bufflehead.
The name comes from buffalo because of the bulbous head shape.

The marking of white at the back of the head looks like they pushed their bonnet back.

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...