Sunday, May 23, 2010


Fresh thread.


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T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning eagle buddies, thanks for the fresh thread Steve.

Palmer looks huge.

Does anyone think he/she is a female?

Mits said...

Good Sunday morning everyone, thanks for the call over, Thelma..

Mits said...

Hi, Lori, good to see you, how have you been.....I have no idea what Palmer is.

Mits said...

update from BWE.....

Based on observations at the Refuge, we believe both Avis and Aquila have now fledged. We still expect to see them in the nest on occasion, although over time we'll see less of them. And they will still be reliant on their parents for several months.

Costume Lady said...

Lori, many of us think that Palmer is a female because of her size and big feet. We may never know...I still call her, him because of habit:)

Have a Blessed Sunday♥

Lori O. said...

Good morning Hellen & Wanda!!!

Palmer's wing span seems so huge compared to Hidey, and she just seems like a "large girl." ☺

Lori O. said...

I don't know that I've have that good a look at her big feet.

Anyone taking estimates on fledge dates? So funny how she practices and goes right up to the edge.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Nice bright and early thread.

the nest looks really bright this morning...

Glad to see you here, Lori and

Lori, I think most of us now think Palmer is a female!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, she should be fledging between 11 and 12 weeks, which would be June 5-12.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Happy 9 weeks birthday to Palmer!

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Taking a break between grading papers. Want to take a quick look at Palmer, then back to grading.

stronghunter said...

Looks like Palmer is sleeping in this morning.


hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes an d dudes. Still raining it time for an ark??
Great column in paper today by Dr. Scott Shalaway about (the Minnesota) loons--he is a cam watcher, too. It's not up on the net yet....said that one of their predators is bald eagles. :(

Lori, no one knows for sure what Palmers' gender is....but many think female because of her size. Good to see you, gal!
Palmer is hunkered down in the nest now....when I first got on, she was upright at the 1 position.

ceil said...

Morning all. Drizzly here. Just stopping by to say my test is not until June 12th. Just another research paper that had to be done.
Have a great day.

paula eagleholic said...

If you haven't checked the CHIL forum lately, Don gives a wonderful account of the banding of the Santa Rosa chick, the first chick to hatch on that island in 60 years. Santa Rosa is a gorgeous island just south of Santa Cruz. I had the opportunity to hike it when I went there in 2007.

Santa Rosa banding

paula eagleholic said...

Ceil...research paper? Sounds like some intense training!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I had to go back and look at my Santa Rosa's the link

Snata Rosa

Lori O. said...

Good morning Paula, Ceil, Strong and Palmer fans.

Well, I'm glad my eagle-eye has improved and I could tell the baby looks big this year. Hidey was my first so it was hard to tell. Palmer looks huge compared to Hidey. Thanks for the guidance gang!

Lori O. said...

Oh Hedgie - Good morning to you, too. Sorry bout that. I hope you're having a blessed day!

paula eagleholic said...


big fish delivery by Belle, I think, and now Lib has arrived, too!

Palmer poop shooting before breakfast....Oh my bad, Lib brought the fish and Belle has arrived to feed Palmer...Lib just took off!

paula eagleholic said...

Who said fishing was bad in the rain :)

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, Belle is hungry, she is tearing into that puppy while palmer is watching and peeping for some bites.

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure if Belle is going to share any of the fish or not!!

Lori O. said...

Paula -

That Santa Rosa link is GREAT!

Who is Don?

Would you please ask him what lens he uses to get those tight eagles in flight pics?

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer getting fed now. Big stringy pieces.

paula eagleholic said...

Don is an IWS employee. I'll post the question, but don't know if I'll get an answer! He generally just posts the weekly updates.

paula eagleholic said...

And good morning, Lynn, Shirley and Mits!

Lori - are you able to make the nest visit this year on June 12th?

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, forgot Ceil :)

Mits said...

update from BWE.....

Amazing video clips of the Loch of the Lowes' osprey chick (in Scotland) hatching: Video 1 and Video 2. This is what we can expect in about a week.

And a reminder that photographer Bob Quinn has posted new photos from the Refuge. Photos #52-61 show one of our Osprey Cam parents fishing.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob has some nice pics in that set.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer has quite the repertiore!

Lolly said...

Have 15 minutes before I have to start getting ready for church. Have been preparing Pizza Casserole to take to a covered dish lunch at church today. Thank you, Lynn.

Ah, our Palmer is having brunch. I think he is talking with food in his mouth! Shame!

Mits said...

wow...those Santa Rosa pictures are breathtaking, Paula..

paula eagleholic said...

Fish has been consumed!

paula eagleholic said...

Off goes Belle

Lolly said...

Poof! Were you watching Palmer? You will be taking off like that soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer up near the cam, now to the middle, maybe flapping time

paula eagleholic said...

Up at the back now, perching time

Mits said...

Paula, did I read somwhere that there is a banding out at one of the IWS sites today?

Mits said...

maybe TH???

Lolly said...

Ah, nice wing flaps! And there he/she goes to the suicidal position.

Lolly said...

Think Palmer is finding some table scraps.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, TH today, sometime between 10am and 1pm, PST, which would be 1-4pm here.

Mits said...

thanks, Paula;)

Lolly said...

Or 12 to 3 here! ☺ LOL

Lolly said...

Okay, gotta go now!

Hate to leave such wonderful company and while Palmer is stirring around. Oh, well, it is what it is!

Have a fantastic Sunday...sorry if you are having rain...sunny here!

Mits said...

correct, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer finally resting in the bowl after searching for nestovers...sounds like some raindrops, too.

Lynne2 said...

good soggy morning all!

Just posted a picture on my blog. At the garden center near hear, 2 ducks were attacked the other night by "something" and one was killed. They set traps and this morning found this in one of them. They seem to think that it's a mink. I don't think this is a mink but let me think, do you think it stinks? can it have a drink? would it be pretty in pink? OH SORRY didn't mean to go all "Dr Suess" on you! I think it looks like a wet raccoon. Doesn't look like a mink to me.

paula eagleholic said...

Rain really coming down now, Palmer at the 1 facing out

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I don't see any stripes like a raccoon...but don't think it's a mink, either! I believe they are sleeker...

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, not a mink, its ears are way too big, maybe a young raccoon?

Mits said...

hmmm no mask on the varmint...looks like a wet dog, thought minks looked like weasels, don't know what it is???

paula eagleholic said...

Well, reading up on raccoons, the mask should be visible.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought it looked like a dog, too, Mits!

Mits said...

wait, I think I saw something about racoon dogs....this guys snoot is so long compared to the racoon pics I'm looking at,,,,mystery varmint.

hedgie said...

Paula, great pics from S.R.---theirs and yours!!
Yep, TH on schedule.....kind of---they say they will be "at the nest between 10 and noon"----so will just have to keep it up and wait for them!
Two Harbors

hedgie said...

Ceil, sorry for mixing up test and reserach report!!! Do you feel like you are back in school??? Bet you are loving it!

Hope the Pizza Casserole is a hit, Lolly!!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you like the pizza casserole dish, Lolly...makes a good party dish

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder what that noise is?

hedgie said...

Lynne, I don't think it is anything in the weasel family. But it also doesn't really look like a raccoon, either......Mits, you may be on the right track....

paula eagleholic said...

Starting to brighten up outside, guess I'll get some laundry started and head outside in a little while

paula eagleholic said...

I have never heard of a raccoon's some info...interesting!

Raccoon dog

paula eagleholic said...

They live in east Asia!

ceil said...

Paula great pics and story.
Lynn love all the learning so many things I never knew about fish, birds, reptiles and mammals.
Going to a ballet this afternoon at the Peabody. Lucy is not in it this year. She had a piano recital yesterday. All children under 12 and some of them are amazing.

Lynne2 said...

I first thought is was a dog as well. In fact on the FB page the title was Minx in trap and I thought they had accidentally captured a small dog named Minx!

It does look like a raccoon dog but they on live in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia. Could have been someone's illegal pet?

My best guess is the due to poor lighting and that it's all wet, the raccoon markings are all just blended in and not really noticable in the picture.

They are still insisting it is a mink, but I just don't see it.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, you should post a picture of a mink on their site!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - good to see everyone here and welcome all the comments. Some great links! Really raining now here in the valley.
Message from Iris
Hi Jo,
Gillian and I are having a ball over here. Today we are on our way to Edinburgh by train.
Getting together with Chrissy and Frank and Matthew was so very delightful. We just couldn't HUG enough! I will be sorry to miss the June 12th event, but our other granddaughter Katie will graduate from High school on the 13th so I need to be on the road to Michigan on the 12th. Say hello to everyone and tell them I'll deliver Chrissy's hugs in October!

Love and hugs to you and yours,

hedgie said...

Interesting info, Paula...but apparently NOT what is in trap. Wonder if it could be a hard to tell without seeing whole body!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I definitely don't think Raccoon as even the very young have their mask. I don't see Mink either. I really see shaggy wet dog .. wish we could see a pic of him in full view. Did he have any feathers in his mouth!
May not even be the culprit.

paula eagleholic said...

Or some sort of fox???

ceil said...

Lynne it sure does look like a dog It just doesn't look like a mink
Hey Jo. Glad the wedding went great.

Mema Jo said...

Sharing Chrissy's email I received

Morning pet,,,,,
Just a quickie to say a big THANK YOU for the wonderful card you sent us here. I think you and all the others know by now what you all mean to me,,,,
Things are getting a little straighter day by day, though we still have to decorate, I'm really looking forward to that, more mess !!!
I loved meeting up with Iris,, are time was so short,, I wish I'd got the room here and she could of stayed over,,,,, I miss her so much right now,,,,,,I think we hugged out you know,, I'm trying to get to the bottom of all the e-mails I've got backed up,, but it's taking forever,,, I'll get there pet,,,,,
It's so hot here now, I'm melting,, I now have to have my computer in my bedroom upstairs,, and heat rises,, so I'm going down now for a cooling drink,, I can't find my ice-cub trays,, I know I packed them,, BUT where they are heaven only knows,, I keep opening the freezer door to stand and feel the coo air,, but Frank tell me off,,,,,,speak soon
take care
much love and many hugs

ceil said...

Paula it does look like a young fox and I agree maybe not the culprit.

Mema Jo said...

I am waiting to make some phone calls to be sure all the chicks got back to their nests safely! It was great and I know you'll be able to say the same about your upcoming event!
Hope to get some pics up soon. The kids leave for HI on Monday.

Mits said...

lol...Jo, yeah, where is the evidence....where is the DNA, this poor thing might have wandered into the trap, wrong place wrong time.

Mits said...

glad you had a good time, Jo:)

Mema Jo said...

Good! Palmer is in full view now!

stronghunter said...


Taking a quick break. Found one paper that will go back ungraded. The student did not have any internal citations. I told her that a college prof would not give her a passing grade (nor would I). We can hope she appreciates the opportunity for a do-over. And that she will learn more from the do-over than she would from an "F." Also no extra credit for turning it in early unfinished. She also had sentence fragments (shudder). Profs would not like this either. These are honors level seniors. They have to do better that that!

Yes, I have fragments in my blogs, but I would not in a formal research paper.

We actually have to write an essay for our administrators this year. Commentary on an article on education. I thought I could find one from all of the classes I've taken, but so far I haven't dug up anything usable, so I guess Ceil will not be the only one writing a paper. I have to get it done by May 30, so time is running out. They did not say anything about a formal research paper, so I'm thinking that I will do a response to something I have read for one of the classes I took. It would be interesting if someone actually reads my essay and responds to it. We will see.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is all squirmy. Maybe she's itchy. Maybe just grooming.

Does everybody think Palmer is really bigger than Hidey? I remember people saying that Hidey was big. I will have to ponder this question.

stronghunter said...

But I will ponder it later. Now I must ponder about some more papers. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

I think you guys could be right. It may well be a baby fox. Wish they had better pictures. Or that they'd have called me to come see. If it's a fox kit, it's probably too young to be away from mom. And they took this animal up to the watershed and released it.

movin said...


GooD MorninG

tO you aLL..


Partly cloudy and 58-64° today in So Cal......

How's it going so far, early birds??



T-Bird said...

Palmer is going to fledge on June 5th or June 3rd and yes I think Palmer is a female.

hedgie said...

So glad that you heard from Iris, Jo!!!
Got another email from Chrissy this AM: Boy Toy is just referred to as Y7, but read this:

Oh there have been allsorts doing, gonig on at the nests pet,, I watched the most glorious fighting display yesterday at The Loch of Lewes,, Isla had called Y7 to come and defend her from an intruder,, the cam girl shows us the whole panarama of the area and we saw the fight in the air, Y7 diving onto the intruder and trying to knock him into the water, then swooping right up high into the sky and all talons clashing,, it was fantastic pet,,,,,,
NOW,,, it does begger belief pet,,,"Could the intruder be Angus"??? All the staff have said they cannot get a view of the rings on the birds legs to see who he is,,,, and it seems to the staff, that it is only this one male bird that is persistent all the time to return to the nest over and over again,, usually it only takes 2 or 3 times for an intruder to get the message, but this is happening everyday, sometime tewice each day,, so you never know WHO it could be,, also this Intruder has tried to mate with Isla on many occasions since Y7's arrrival,, and Isla han't objected, not once,, does Isla know something we don't ???

Wouldn't it be something if it IS Angus?????

paula eagleholic said...

Seems I've missed a lot lately :(
Is your son getting married, Ceil?

HI sounds like an awesome honeymoon!

paula eagleholic said...

Or Jo, were you talking to Shirley?

paula eagleholic said...

Talked to the college kid last night (can I still call him that, LOL)...he's loving his first week of work...

paula eagleholic said...

Nice wing flaps, go Palmer go

paula eagleholic said...

Sure hope we get to see her fledge this year!

Lynne2 said...

I'll bet it IS Angus

stronghunter said...

It will be great when I can actually watch the nests more closely.

Bye for now.

paula eagleholic said...

Breezy at PH nest today!

NBG triplets playing with sticks...

Lynne2 said...

don't know if this link is going to work but trying anyway in case anyone didn't see yesterday's notes on Lily from Dr Rogers. There has been no further updates since this last night.


hedgie said...

It applies to either Shirley or Ceil, Paula---yep, James is getting married, too!

ceil said...

Paula yes Jim and Jennifer will marry on October 16th. Sitting here crying already. Tears of joy. This date happens to be Annie and Kevin's anniversary.
If it is Angus Serves him right for being late. He was probably doing hp some where else

Lynne2 said...

Ceil, I posted this question to you yesterday but you were already gone

Do you happen to know if the aquarium still has a Hyacinth Macaw named Margaret? She is all blue and was donated a few years ago when the owner passed away.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for awhile


ceil said...

Lynne I don't think so but I will find out.

Lynne2 said...

that would be great Ceil. She was owned by a very caring man who did parrot rescue and he passed away a couple of years ago. Margaret was a very special bird! I know that there was much discussion and paperwork for donation to the aquarium and I THINK, but not sure, that she was going to be part of the Rain Forrest.

movin said...

Lynne, and all, my best guess on the trapped animal, although it looks like a terrier mix in the pic, is probably a young raccoon, that hasn't gotten it's mask yet.



hedgie said...

Very worrisome report about Lily and Hope. Wonder what today will bring?

paula eagleholic said...

Ceil, will that take place on the West Coast?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Congrats, Ceil & Jim!!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading back out!

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim. Do you have TH up?
Sun came out for a getting very dark again...suppose another downpour coming. Yuck!

hedgie said...

Palmer in a very precarious stance on edge....hope there's no wind coming until she hunkers down.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Jim, it sure does look like a terrier!!! I guess we'll never know for sure. I sent a mink link to them and asked if they had other pictures but haven't heard back.

Lynn, it's pretty disturbing about Hope and Lily. But as Dr Rogers says, this could be perfectly normal behavior previously unknown because til now the technology wasn't there. One of the FB people called the bear center and was told that Lily is heading back to where Hope was. Might get back tonight. There is a lot of praying and chatting going on over at her FB site.

Lynne2 said...

Palmer just did a jump and glide from top of nest to bottom!

movin said...

I have TH up now, Hedgie. What's the story?



movin said...

Did you all watch the hatching videos that Lisa posted on BWO??



hedgie said...

And here it is----absolutely pouring again.

hedgie said...

Oh, Jim....banding to happen between now and 1 your time.

hedgie said...

Flood watches amped up to warnings in parts of VA.......don't know why not here!

hedgie said...

Yes, watched the Loch of Lowes hatching video. How wonderful that they have the cam manned for zooming in so that we can really see things clearly!

ceil said...

Paula West Coast Oregon

stronghunter said...


Lunch break from grading. It is sunny here for the moment, but cloudy. We had pouring rain last night.

stronghunter said...

More than halfway through the papers I have here at home, but there are many more at school. I have only brought home the ones that came in early. It's less discouraging to handle them in do-able bunches.

One of my students was astonished when I explained that I spend 30-45 minutes on each paper. Can't do research grades with a Scantron.

stronghunter said...

Sun is already behind the clouds.

stronghunter said...

Discussion of time spent on grading led to a discussion of how much I make. One boy could not understand how I can function on one paycheck a month. Cute.

hedgie said...

I would say they are getting close to the nest, judging by parent flyovers and baby squeals.

hedgie said...

So did someone bump the cam apparatus?? Yep...there they are!

hedgie said...

Saw a hard hat and heard a voice.....

hedgie said...

#1 in the bag......

stronghunter said...

Trying to catch with you all. I think I found the banding site. Two Harbors? I hear voices.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about all of the teacher talk. You all are always so patient and good sounding boards.

hedgie said...

Not nearly as dramatic as watching them scale the rocks a couple of years ago at ?West End? I think it was.

hedgie said...

Yes, Shirley, that's it.
No problem....sorry to ignore your posts....was concentrating on the "show"! Bet it's a heck of a job grading so many in a short time. Glad you are teaching the one student the error of her ways!

hedgie said...

Assuming that was Dr. Sharpe, he said they'd be back in an hour.

hedgie said...

Atlantis has left the space station. Scheduled landing is Weds.

stronghunter said...

So they took the birds off someplace to do the banding? I missed what was going on.

hedgie said...

Just checked my bird nest....mama survived the deluge. I am almost sure it's a robin. Got a pic....will post next time I get on PC.
Sun coming out again...MTBD.

hedgie said...

Yes, they take them back down and do all the measuring and then the banding, and then climb back up.
Notice that nest doesn't have crib rails??

hedgie said...

And if you watch, Shirley, you can see shadow of parents flying over.

stronghunter said...

This would be very upsetting for the parents.

hedgie said...

I think so, too.

stronghunter said...

Looks like it is about to storm here.

Mema Jo said...

Hello All! I have returned home just in time to see the eaglets returned to TH. I find these events very interesting.
We ran through a rain storm - guess it could be headed your way Shirley. Just a down pouring rain - not a real storm.

Lolly said...

Hi all! I am home now as well and see that the eaglets have not been returned to the nest yet. I am watching and waiting.

stronghunter said...

Have seen what looks to be the parents' shadows, Lynn. Thanks for mentioning it.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the TH chicklets are off on their 'bling adventure'

Lolly said...

I thought they would be back by now. What time did they get them? I left and moped some floors. ☺ Now need to get out and water some new grass plugs I put in.

stronghunter said...

Must do some laundry. Be right back.

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Very concerned about Lily and Hope. Comfort in knowing Dr. Lynn and his crew will do all they can to figure out what has happened and, in time, let us know.

Jo, so glad the wedding was perfect -- a perfect wedding ceremony always has to have something that makes a good story -- this time it's cake.

Shirley, check out the Chronicle on Higher Education. Often find articles there that are thought-provoking. One I appreciated was a pro-con debate on allowing/disallowing lap top computers in classes.

TH chicks were still out of the nest so will go back and watch.

hedgie said...

Here comes another downpour. This is ridiculous!

hedgie said...

Lolly, they should be returning any minute.

hedgie said...

Oh, oh---did they turn cam off???

hedgie said...

Guess not....back on. HAd sound but pic had gone all blue! Refreshing didn't change it.

hedgie said...

This rain is unbelievable.

hedgie said...

they are back to nest!

hedgie said...

Cleaning lens?

Mema Jo said...

They're back!

stronghunter said...

They are messing with the camera. Picture all fuzzy.

hedgie said...

Wonder if that is Steffani in nest?

hedgie said...

Wonder where her helmet is? Sure hope they get that thing focused right...and back to a close up.

Mema Jo said...

I have no clue as to what is taking place - Don't recognize person in nest - especially without a hard hat!

stronghunter said...

Trying to read their chat and our blog.

paula eagleholic said...

They are adjusting the cam view/zoom

paula eagleholic said...

That's Steffani

Lolly said...

Whoa! Out of focus!

Lolly said...

I want to sit in a nest like that! ☺

hedgie said...

Maybe they are going to keep cam zoomed out in order to better see fledge goings and comings....??

Lolly said...

Wonder what the problem is, was in focus earlier.

stronghunter said...

What a view they have! I went to Google Earth and found Two Harbors, but not where the nest is.

hedgie said...

Estimating wing spread?!

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to get the distance with the proper focus...and yes they want to zoom it out to see fledging...

Lolly said...

Flies or mosquitoes must be bothering her.,

Mema Jo said...

I think he is playing dead!
Sitting so still... Look at that pretty new wing bling!

Lolly said...

There is one....sitting so still!

Lolly said...

Now second one is back.

Mema Jo said...

Now there is that guy with a new hat!

stronghunter said...

Might take them awhile to get over this.

hedgie said...

Okay, humans get out of our nest and leave us alone!
Lines on picture....don't like that!
Blings are orange, right?

Mema Jo said...

I know their thoughts must be that "If we stay really really still - they may go away and then Mom/Dad will come home"

stronghunter said...

I see the lines, too, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

TH chicks are 04 and 06

guess they couldn't get it quite right for the zoom out, although it looked pretty good to me at one point...

hedgie said...

WOnder if they were changing connections on the wiring when it was blue. Know we have had to do that periodically with satellite dish as weather causes some rusting. Bet sea air is even worse.

Mema Jo said...

Good show - thanks Paula for telling us their wing bling numbers.


Lolly said...

Went and finished a little watering. Do not think they have changed positions. Look so sad!

hedgie said...

Early dinner in our nest.

hedgie said...

SOS.....send ark.....I have rivers and lakes where I've never had them before. It's coming down like crazy again.

Lolly said...

Row row row your boat!

hedgie said...

Looks like sun on the out,'s probably going to dump on your again!

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals

saw my first hummingbird today...several times in fact or maybe more than one
at GG's - 1/2 mile away makes for an easy visit
also with Captain and First Mate, whatever Wanda did to her hair overnight, was a success ☺

headed for a nap back to work at midnight

Hope everyone is doing okay
and that the evening is a nice one.
This is rainbow weather...

paula eagleholic said...

Done in the yard for today!

Palmer perched at 1, facing the nest

Saw parent at the back with Palmer a short while ago.

TH chicks are resting and seem no worse for the wear :)

Lolly said...

The TH eaglets look exhausted! lol

Just watered the plants and now to fix Jack a bite to eat. I am not hungry after eating at churh.
Think I will munch on a salad and popcorn later.

Certainly is quiet on here today.

Judie said...

Palmer did a wing flap and a hop. Alone with Boris for company. Going to get some reading done before the sandperson arrives.

Will check back later to say goodnight.

Mema Jo said...

On FB I put up the groom's mother's pics - take a look.

stronghunter said...

I got my new mattress set. They took the old one to the dump. It was in pretty bad shape. We put my bed together and had dinner.

I need to work on papers for awhile. Want to finish the batch I have here. Will check back later.

stronghunter said...

Will look at your pictures an a little while, Jo. So nice to get to enjoy grandchild's wedding. I have awhile to wait for that. Hunter is a bit young yet.

stronghunter said...

I hear night sounds at the nest. And the everlasting web is stretched across the lens again. I think I see Palmer. Hard to tell. I don't think Palmer is as aggressive with her parents as Hidey was.

stronghunter said...

Will return to say good night.

Costume Lady said...

It certainly IS QUIET on here today. Maybe we were all taking a "RAINY DAY PANDA NAP"... I did:)

MARGY'S GG visit was a very special one. I had no more bandages for GG's wound and Margy, being the good, retired EMT that she is, just happened to have all that we needed to fix that Boo Boo:)
Her work was so very professional and she has a super bed-side-manner (as you would expect).
See for yourself...I posted a short video of her doing her good deed for the day...


Costume Lady said...


Take the time to see what an ANGEL our Margy is:)

Judie said...

Wanda, lovely images of Dr. Margy with GG. A special lady taking care of a special lady. Thanks for sharing and thanks to Margy for being such a wonderful friend.

Shirley, I do hope you sleep the bestest ever in many, many years. Enjoy the new mattress.

Going to turn my light off now. Am tired and hope that sleep will come soon. I am truly concerned for Hope. Maybe some update in the morning.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in. Sleep well, everyone.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to Shirley and Judie!
Time for Army Wives!

Lolly said...

Was watching TH a little while ago. Both eaglets were sitting still and there was a big ol fish in the nest. Adult flew in and a feast began. All three chowed! That fish disappeared. Then second parent arrived and the first left. Good that they are back to normal.

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy is a jewel!

Jo, lovely wedding pictures.
Really enjoyed looking at them. You made a beautiful Mema of the bride!

Lolly said...

Waiting anxiously for the nightly update on Hope and Lily.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...