Sunday, May 23, 2010


Fresh thread.


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NatureNut said...

Stopping by to say Good Night to those that are hitting the hay & Good Morning to Dr. Margy who's always on call! ☺ ♥

We watched the Opening of Nascar Hall of Fame. What a place & great first inductees. One was Jr. Johnson who learned how to make a car do a 180 from times he ran moonshine & there was a blockade!!
Went to store for couple new pots & planted some flowers.
Gonna go watch end of Apprentice~~~

Costume Lady said...

Loved the wedding photos. Didn't realize the bride is Kristen's daughter?? And my favorite photo is the one with (I believe) Melissa and her 4 darlings in front of the Bride and Groom.
That is a "Feel Good" photo!

Mema Jo said...

I thank you all for the compliments on the wedding photos... It was the
bestest of days! Family all the way

Costume Lady said...

You and Ed looked wonderful, Jo!
Is Kristen the Bride's mother?

hedgie said...

Update is up....

stronghunter said...

Beautiful video, Wanda. I liked the Sheetz truck, too.

Got a bit more grading done, but am not finished. Going to try tomorrow morning.

Found a strange thing in my room awhile ago. I found some white marks on the wall, then on the TV stand, the TV box, the TV, and some other places. I suddenly remembered that I had left some of that whiteout that is like a thin piece of tape in my room this evening. Hunter was there alone for awhile. I guess he could not stand the temptation. I managed to get it off with some Windex and a little elbow grease. (I could have given him some construction paper and he could have taken the artwork home.)

Yes, he knows better! And I could have been grading papers. The rascal. Might just tell him privately that he should not do it again. His parents would be mortified and there would be sadness.

stronghunter said...

Read the update. Don't know what to think.

stronghunter said...

Must go load the dishwasher.

magpie said...

ohmygosh Shirley...
I am just learning to use that little white out wheely thing at work....
that's a pretty crazy story

sure you will really enjoy that new mattress !

Good Evening Evening Eagle Pals

OH sure wish I had facebook right about now

magpie said...

sandperson, Judie
just like come up with that term...☺

I saw that beautiful little flower garden of GG's in person, it is really beautiful, yellow snapdragons in bloom in addition to the reds and purples of the other flowers

sure was nice to have some Momster and Dadster time there

magpie said...

with all the rainy Lolly it sure is nice to rely on YOUR SUN ☼

now if we can just get Norma back on here !!

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy, I miss Norma!!!!

Well, that up date on Hope was not what I had wished for. I do "hope" that all is well in the morning and that Lily and Hope are back together.

Mema Jo said...

I am about to head down the hallway.
Guess we'll know if Lily finds Hope by tomorrow morning's report! Sleep well Shirley - I think I could use a new one also. Hope you have a fairly quiet night at work, Margy.

Good Night All
Many prayers for All

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Margy, Hunter could tell you how to use the little wheely thing, I am sure. I am just glad that he did not get to my good furniture . . . at least, not that I know of. There are some pieces I'd rather not use Windex on.

magpie said...

Thanks was very special to be there ♥

Hope everyone here gets some great sleep and the week ahead will be a good one

time for work here,
Take Care...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Getting up and heading to the church early to work in the prayer garden. It is looking a wee bit neglected. Need to pull a weed or two and spead mulch. Need to get there early before it gets hot.

hedgie said...

Hopefully tomorrow will bring better news about Hope. WOuldn't think that she would roam too far. There has to be an inate sense of "wait here for mom to come back"....but what predators lurk out there? :(

hedgie said...

Margy, I'll try sending you the link to the pictures Jo put on FB. See if it works for you.

magpie said...

thanks Lynn...Jo is a sweetheart about sending me some pics via email...saw a few earlier today....
((♥ hugs to all ))
it's exciting to read about it also ☺

stronghunter said...

Lovely pictures, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good night, friends. See you tomorrow. Must try out the new bed.

Mits said...

update from Isla's nest..............

Loch of the Lowes Osprey Wildlife Diary

Osprey Diary 24th May: Doting Dad
May 23rd, 2010 by Osprey Team
As our first two osprey chicks are four and three days old respectively today, we have to say they have been very lucky, coming into the world in good weather ( warm and crucially dry as they are so vulnerable in just their tiny down coats). The female has been dilegently nursing them- helping maintain just the right temperature for them alternately using herself as a duvet or a parasol as required. She has been serving many small meals of fresh fish , and tenderly feeding the chicks fairly. She has even been stowing away some fish for later (as she knows they need little and often) and it sometimes looks like she’s incubating half a fish alongside the chicks!

However, the biggest surprise so far has been our male osprey , who has amazed us all with his dilegance and sudden improvement. He has jumped from two or three fish a day to five or six , and has been regular as clock work in his deliveries. He has even been seen tenderly feeding the female himself- a truely touching moment. Credit where it is due- I have to say he has exceeded my expectations wildly and has been a model father so far. Mind you , last time I said nice things about him he gave us a nasty scare the next day with his negligence- so lets just hope he keeps up the great work!

Will our third egg hatch today? My guess is -probably , simply because I am on a day off after a whole weekend of night duty and it seems to be sods law that I miss the hatchings! I’ll be following online though, just like you, so here’s hoping!
Emma Rawling
Perthshire Ranger

hedgie said...

Shirley, isn't that just like a boy?? But, yeah, he's old enough to know better. At first I thought you were going to say it was powdery----when they took my old mattress and boxspring out, it sifted white powder all over everyplace!

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you all that the dear physician that we had the false report on DID pass away yesterday. Please say a little prayer for his family, patients, friends and co-workers. Don't know whether Wanda told GG yet, or not. I told Carolyn to call her paternal GM and tell her, as he had done all of her surgeries through the past 40 years.

hedgie said...

Well, goodnight to you all. Hope everyone has a restful night, and that we all wake up to pretty sunshine in the morning!! Bet Glo is in 7th heaven tonight with her son and family visiting!

Costume Lady said...

We have got to get Miss Margy a facebook page to put all her fascinating adventures and photos on! What is the problem, Margy...need help? Just ask!


Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower. Really sleepy tonight. I have also been trying to get to bed earlier so I am up earlier. The pleasant mornings go by so quickly and it is starting to get very warm.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! What a great weekend for Momsters. Margy our caregiver and a Mema Jo and Mema of the bride.

Lolly said...

Light a candle for Hope

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (very late!)Evening, Everyone!

Finally home from Lake Tahoe--we got back late yesterday. Had no internet hookup in our room, although they said they had one there in their information folder. The computer in the lobby worked the first time I was able to use it, but after that, the blog was blocked by them somehow. Talk about frustrating! AArgh!

Have S-O-O-O missed being here and talking to all of you!!! We did have a wonderful time, though, and I will have to write a list of the birds we saw while we were at Lake Tahoe, and in the Carson Valley nearby. The list is as long as my arm! What an amazing and beautiful place! We had trouble with our rental car on the way home yesterday, and were stranded in Victorville for 2-1/2 hours waiting for a tow truck. They took us to Ontario Airport (the only place Hertz had a rental facility open on a Saturday after 5 pm! We were given a Lincoln Town Car loaded with EVERYTHING. Got home about 9:45 pm, and went and got fast food for dinner. Unpacked a bit and fell into bed! Have been on the run all day today, doing grocery shopping and trying to revive my patio plants, clean up birdseed hulls from about 30# of seed, and clean up the laundry and mess!

Have very little idea of what's been happening for the last week, and probably NO chance of catching up, but will at least try tomorrow.
Have had all of you in my prayers for the last week! Hope everyone is OK! Am leaving the night light on, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled.
Prayers said tonight for everyone.
Sleep well, and will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]
P.S.--It is so good to be back here! MISSED all of you!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Have tons of pictures, but need to get them into my computer tomorrow first. Here's a teaser--this was the view of the Carson Valley from the little balcony off our bedroom. Calgon, take me away! :o]

Judie said...

Good morning,

Up early. Restless. Waiting for an update on Lily and Hope. Would have liked to read of a reunion -- maybe today.

Jo, any other way to see wedding pictures? I don't use Facebook.

Shirley, sorry about Hunter's antics. Daughters of a friend decided to help mom clean and dusted wood tables with Ajax and wool scouring pad.

Lolly, get a good head start on the garden before heat arrives.

Mits, thank you for the osprey update. Been following that nest and am happy dad is taking his responsibilities seriously.

Lynn, sorry about the doctor's death. Always sad to lose a really good doctor.

Wonder if the person who announced his death days early would like to work for the Psychic Network?

Andy, glad you made it home but sorry about the inconvenience. Hope you otherwise had a terrific time.

Shirley, can't wait to find out how you slept. Hope is was restful both mentally and physically.

Off to do some reading -- maybe a nap.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Lurking around today, playing catch up from being gone all weekend!

I miss Norma!!! :(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday Morning in Eagle Land

Bless you Palmer sneezed

Hi Judie and Sissy.

Little Man and myself have been taking for him muscle relaxer and me pain pills. Staying on couch laying down all day Sunday, some on Saturday. Why? Well vet said he wasn't emptying his kidney enough. No others dog wet in our yard. So myself and my Husband's great doggie went for a walk. We both seem fine and did he ever mark a lot of spots. About an hour after getting home is when I found out we both had walked to far.

Guess I'll have to find different doggie wets and spray in back yard lol Oh I can always say to the kids, "25 cents for your dog to wet in my back yard" LOL

Got to find those wedding pictures and catch up on blog.

I did go to Betty's Sat. early AM for breakfast. Also had to make the trip to grocery store. I have talked with so many people about their 1st time coming to NCTC Open House this year.

Judie said...

New Monday thread. Ya'll come!

hedgie said...

Good morning.
Reading paper....remember I mentioned the bear sighting between Charles Town and Harpers Ferry?? DNR had DOH put up one of those big electronic traffic signs along the highway saying Use Caution....Bear Crossing. Said it was more for motorist case someone hit bear and got out and was confronted by an angry, wounded bear.

hedgie said...

Here's link to the column I mentioned yesterday by Dr.Shalaway about the MN loon cam:


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...