Lily the Black Bear May 26, 2010 - 12:19 AM No luck tonight finding Hope with the IR night-vision equipment. However, it's on loan to us for a bit and we'll try again. Our thanks to Mark Zimmerman of the St Louis County Rescue! Lots of activity in the area today with our searching so we feel it's best to let things quiet down. We don't scare her away ...from the area. We're hoping for some action on the trail camera. -- SM
Palmer just doing some serious wing flapping and hopping. Looks lovely this morning.
I am assuming you all are talking about a tv program and NOT Lib and Belle heading into the barn together?
Shirley, glad Will is uninjured but sorry about all the papers you still have to grade. I had more in numbers but suspect yours are more difficult -- I don't correct grammar, etc.
Wanda, so sorry about GG but glad the doctor was reassuring and gave you good advice. Also happy the soup kitchen went well, you arrived in the nick of time, and the cakes were moist. Take it easy today.
Andy, glad the classes are starting off well. Does sound like a lot of work this quarter. Prayers for Alice.
Special prayers for Lily, Hope, Dr. Rogers, Sue, and the St. Louis Rescue people. May today bring the reunion we all want.
Someone flew in with the fish for breakfast and I thought Palmer was going to do that (forget the word) that thing that Hidey used to do and cover the food for himself. She, Palmer, quickly withdrew and tucked her wings in.
Hi Everybody!!! Wow -- I'm so behind on the news. Didn't know that Hope was missing. Sweet baby. After reading your update, Mits, I looked it up and found another report. Not great, but a little bit of good news....
May 25, 2010 – 7:50 PM CDT
The emotional roller coaster continues. Heartbreak is turning into hope. After a day of dealing with our emotions while telling many TV and newspaper reporters that we were making one last attempt to find her, we got a call while standing at the red pine. A neighbor had spotted Hope running out of their yard not 200 yards away from where we were. We hurried over.
Food for Hope - May 25, 2010Hope was gone. We searched for a couple hours in the direction she went. We prepared a pan of diluted sweetened condensed milk with ground up pecans and put it the last place she was seen.
A few calls later, and a town official was heading over to put up a trail camera by the food.
We made calls to law enforcement and the fire department for an infra-red heat detection device to try to locate Hope in treetops against the night sky after it gets dark. At first we were unsuccessful, but the call was taken up by Beth Jett, anchorperson for Fox 21 News. Shortly, we got a call from Captain Tom Crossman of the St Louis County Rescue Squad that one of his men would shuttle a unit to us for the search tonight.
As soon as we finish writing this, we are heading out to search once again before it gets too dark.
Our goal is to find Hope and keep her alive in the forest in hopes Lily will reunite with her. Lily is currently 4 miles away, covering ground and maintaining her territory, but she will be back.
Thank you so much for your tremendous support the last few days. We are all pulling together for Hope. We were pretty down about it here. Some followers of the Lily and Hope saga knew better than us that she was still alive. As it turned out, she is not only alive but vigorous. The person who saw her said she ran away. Before all this, she was getting so strong she could climb as fast as a squirrel and run like a rabbit. As Kathy Allworth said, “She’s too sassy and spunky to be dead this quick.” Right on, Kathy.
Wanda, hope that GG has a better day. 14 guest last is going up. Your menu did sound great. Never answered your question. Yes, we have copperheads and rattlesnakes. However, I have never seen either in the wild. ☺ Knock on wood!!! Now, while hiking in Colorado, Laurel and I heard a rattlesnake twice, coming and going on a trail. That was scary!
Good Morning Everyone! Had to check things before I shove off to work. "Lily, come home!" Sounds like Hope is OK from the neighbor sighting. Wish Dr. Rogers & staff see her. Big Baby Palmer got breakfast, I read. Good girl. Will check later```have a great day! ☺
Is PA Nana here today? Anybody watch the PA Falcon nest in Harrisburg? The three babies are getting so big. They are out on the ledge of an office building. When they walk around, you can hear their big feet slapping on the cement. It just cracks me up. And, the faster they walk, the funnier it gets. Oh my.
Wow, It's hot here. Yesterday 92, today it's already 82. My classroom is all big windows on the sunny side. My students and I are melting.
Hot sleeping last night. We haven't put the AC in yet. Thank God for ceiling fans. I am not complaining though. Beats the rain. Plus remember that word "SNOW"
Palmer must be roasting. Trying to get out of the sun. Poor Palmer.
Poor Lily and Hope. I was working in the flower gardens this weekend. Then when I came to work on Monday and I have students taking finals, writing final papers etc. very busy.
I have been watching them from the beginning. I am heart broken. I pray for the Lord to keep Hope safe and Lily and Hope to be together again. First thing is finding Hope and getting her safe.
5/26/2010 :: Banding Event The annual banding event will take place at 1 PM tomorrow, May 27 here at the Rachel Carson State Office Building. The event will be live stream webcast. This is a highly valued educational opportunity as nearly 180 students and teachers will be in attendance. Visit the DEP Website at to view the banding event.
Good Afternoon..... I have been down to see Dracula and then came home and had my coffee! Daughter brought over some shortcake biscuits and strawberries that she & her niece and 2 young nephews picked yesterday - talk about melt in your mouth. Good crops this year! Anthony & Joseph asked her and their mom 'Why are there only girls picking berries?' Very observant!
that don't show that part Susan, they will have the live feed in the auditorium and will bring the eyasses down when the are ready, it is a neat even to watch
sUSAn - it is great to watch them - I guess I've watched that banding for about 2 years. School kids are there & they make it very interesting for them.
When I was younger I was afraid of spiders, mice, snakes, bats etc. I grew up with three older and one younger brothers. When my 3 older brothers would go play Mom would say 'Bring your sister with you" My brothers were not happy having a little sister tagging along. Needless to say that's when my fears began with these critters. My Mom didn't realize what she was doing. I have conquered all but snakes
I wonder if this could really work: Coast Guard Greenlights Top Kill Procedure The Coast Guard has given BP approval to try to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico by pumping heavy mud into the well, but there's no word yet on when the attempt will start.
Watching the Maine osprey nest and the loon cam!! Birds and pandas everywhere. I am so praying that Hope and Lily are soon reunited. It breaks my heart to think about her out there on her own!
I couldn't comment at the time, but a little while ago I was watching hornby 01. Dad and Phoenix were in the nest and Mom circled around the tree and flew straight in from 12:00. AWESOME!!!
I have to wrap things up here with the students. Then going to get my hair done. Going to get a little dummer, Opps. I mean blonder. LOL Be back later, gater.
Prayer again for all needs and for little Hope. I am so worried about her. Hungry, scared, all alone. Tears!!!
Palmer is really hard to see in the nest... sometime we won't see her..just wonder when that will be
also just saw only one RTH chick in Portland, then another flew in can't tell if parent or chick! guess babies are into the fledgling process, there is a post on the cam site dated today about that
glad Wanda, to read of your diners last night, and yay you had help getting that Texas Sheet Cake iced... more and more hungry folks will come for sure in the weeks to come also hoping that Joyce is coming along okay...
It's up....hope you can enlarge it to read the text.
Red, white and blue, eh Margy? I haven't done that in a while!
Wanda, I, too, hope that GG's leg is greatly improved. I thought that the DuoDerm was supposed to do that! You made me hungry for Texas Sheet Cake.....I may need to make that this weekend.haven't made one in a very long time. Always liked it so much better than brownies!!
HEY MARGY- the full moon in May is the flower moon. or the planting moon- so, yeah that is like the planting flowers moon- which I should be doing. HEllO all:) later...
Lily the Black Bear May 26, 2010 - 2:19 PM CDT A check this morning showed nothing had touched the food left at the base of the white pine -- and no pictures on the trail camera. We just returned from checking on Lily. Her mammae are still swollen and hard and she shows no signs of estrus. She's on the move today. Hopefully during her travels she will... run into Hope's scent and end this saga for all of us! -- SM
Yippee...Carolyn just called. Typing test and multi-tasking test done and done well! Manpower administered it for the there said if she didn't get this job, to come back to them and they would find her a job! Don't know why UE office doesn't coordinate with employment agencies to get people into jobs....guess they lose federal monies if there are too few people on UE!
that's super news, Lynn...things moved along right quick these last few glad to hear of it ♥
okay Planting Moon or Flower Moon or Planting Flowers Moon... maybe we should just call it the Megan Moon thanks Megan hope we get to see it and that all your planting work goes well
Covering all my bases, so please excuse redundancy: Last Call for June 12th: If you plan on attending our nest visit and haven't responded yet, please let me know today or tomorrow. Wanda and I need to finalize our menu. Thanks.....hope you can join us!!!
Well, my Sweet 16 gd does not want a party or anything special for her bd on the 3rd. She said she liked the family Pizza Hut gatherinng last year and would do that again. Getting her room painted in the colors she wants...thank goodness she changed her mind from the black/red of Twilight influence! Purple and lime green!! The other one will be 12 Sat., and she is getting a new bike.
well how in the world do you keep all THAT straight, Lynn !
lime green and purple, sounds like a color combination I have seen on South Queen Street....pretty cool!
Been missing Paula here of late. Have been trying to get some good daily photos on the Momsters Album Paula
(I think it might be Loch Garten that had that third hatch, couldn't tell for sure about Loch Lowe's - - good nest news for Scotland...and Chrissy ) headed out for some sun and kid fun ttfn xo
Mowing the yard in the morning and then going to Denton tomorrow afternoon. Taking dinner, picking up Jacob at school then we are all going to Jacob's end of the school program. Last week we reminded him we would be there for his program....he groaned and said "The worst day of my life." lol He really dislikes being in programs.
Not sure now which 3rd egg hatched but Osprey Diary 27th May May 26th, 2010 by Osprey Team No sign of the third egg hatching yet- could today be the day or is it a dud?
This just wasn't one of her best days. Her wound looks really nasty, but I guess if her Doc says it's OK, then it is. I'll be glad when she has her appointment with her new doctor. A Gerontologist may be more helpful in prescribing the right medication and teaching me the correct time to give it to her. IDOL Finale is on!
Researchers now are deciding how to get the bear out of the tree and will likely wait for the cub, which appears weak, to come down on its own. Rogers said a major question remains on whether Lily will accept Hope back. Because they’ve been apart for five days, Lily’s hormones may have turned to the new mating season an...d away from taking care of her cub. Because Lily is fitted with a GPS collar that gives her location every 10 minutes, Rogers and Mansfield hope to find her yet tonight and reintroduce Hope to Lily to see the sow's reaction.
Wanda you may need one of the places I think they are called "Wound Care". Really and seriously they really treat the patients well. Can't remember whether Martinsburg or Win. or Hag. it is.
Talked to Rus a couple of times today. He is doing okay. Had some problems with insurance, but things are mostly okay. It seems that there was an error with his prescription coverage, but the expense wasn't too great anyway.
Wanda, please know prayers for GG are headed your way being carried by a bright shiny garland of love.
Do like chocolate.
Having trouble reading the new posts so am sooooo grateful for your posts. I may get some sleep tonight knowing that Hope has been found and will be cared for. Please, Lily, remember your baby and take care of her.
Thank you Dr. Rogers and Sue for your diligence and concern. The fans of Lily and Hope are eternally grateful.
The pharmacy bill was a bit over $40. I think his employer should make it good, but he will only be working for them until the end of the week, so I wouldn't stress over it if they don't.
Mema Jo's 8:47pm comment made me cry. Praises to God that Hope has been found. She can always be taken care of if Hope doesn't. Just so glad she is safe and found!
Wanda Soup Kitchen meal sounded so good I almost came there.
Anyone other than Thelma Farley, Jewell McCollough and Carol Mick who have June Birthdays please email me so I can put you on the list for announcing to the group.
Well, I can't get to the latest report. No problem at all with the first one, but this one wants password, and then won't accept anything I create. ARGH. Maybe someone can copy and paste the text????
ICKK~~~American Idol final---unbelievable. Krystal is fantastic & I thought Lee should have gone a long time ago--couldn't understand his words. I thought Mike was the best guy.Oh well, it is what it is.
Tried to get on Blog today at work where they DO have internet to check on any Hope reports & "This site is blocked!!!" I could get Still cam. Did a Search for bear site. I see from comments that there must be rejoicing!!!Gonna read ☺ ☺
Good Evening and Good Night. Just heading to bed. I am soooo excited and happy our little Hope is safe. This afternoon I had sad tears. Now I have tears of joy. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers.
5:30 comes quick. Good Night all. Happy eagle and Hope dreams. Prayers for all needs and wants. See you tomorrow. ^..^
Have been SOOO busy today, but got all the laundry caught up, and most of the housework, too.
Here's a picture of some Arabian mares in a pasture in the Carson Valley in NV. Was tempted to have Hubby drop me off there for the day. Talk about gorgeous horseflesh! There were 7 of them altogether. I wonder if their owner would adopt me and let me sleep in the barn! I shovel horse poop, no problem!
So extremely happy that Hope and Lily have been successfully reunited! All of us will be able to sleep well tonight.
Prayers still being said for Carolyn--sounds like she has a job somewhere, but hoping for the one she really wants!
Prayers, also, for GG. Hope her wound is healed VERY soon!
Have read some of today's blog comments--good to see Megan here! I have a hummer story for you--yesterday I was working in the yard, staking up a very tall rose bush, and our female Rufous hummer came and sipped from a vine not 4 feet from me. After that, she hovered right in front of my face (!) for about 30 seconds, then flew to the lower branch of a tree on the other side of our fence--about 6 feet away from me. What a little cutie she is!!! Made me think of you right away!
Well, I'm getting kinda bleary-eyed, so think I'll say goodnight. The porch light is automatic, the night light is on, and the eye scanner is ready to go. Prayers being said for everyone. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love you guys! :o]
Lynn, I wore my St. Francis medal at wotrk today! Maybe it helped! I need help w/stray cat problem now. Guess I'll be letting my fingers do the walking on internet again. Very frightened calico cat came to the 2-3 ft. snow bank on our deck after blizzard. Since we couldn't get to bird feeder, Fubby was throwing seed on top snow. He said one AM, he put out a whole piece of bread & cat appeared & ate it! This led to occasionally putting out some cat crunchies or sliced turkey hot dog when we saw it.It travels around a few yards & some days you don't see it at all. This AM, Fubby checked neighbors' wood pile where he had seen Calico & a little black & white kitten ran under a hole. Later I saw the Mom go over there & saw 2 little tails on top the wood. This PM Fubby spotted a 3rd! HELP! I have to find out who will take aq wild Mom & kittens & leave them together and alive!I've heard of places that take "barn cats". Have to do research. Needless to say, I had tears when I got phone call that there were 3! Girl next door probably doesn't know they are there, but there are a few people around here who hate everything! I'm sorry, thx for listening ;>(
Good evening all! Been following the Lily and Hope saga on FB for a few days. I'm so conflicted about everything. What a very difficult decision they had to make. On one hand, my heart says yay!!!! On the other, my head says, research (as opposed to someone simply finding a hurt or abandoned animal)should not be interfered with by human intervention, as difficult and brutal as nature can be...I had come to peace with whichever way they decided to handle it, I'd be OK with their decision.
When I saw that they had her in a pet carrier and were on the way to find Lily, so many different scenarios ran through my could have just as easily ended very badly, with no one sure why this all happened in the first place. I sure am glad everything went well!! What an amazing journey we have be privileged to watch!
Just read through the blog really fast....Boy GG's wound sure is becoming a problem child. Prayers that it really IS fine the way it looks, and continues to heal.
Something appears to have happened with Laurel and her job, or job she hoped to get...prayers for that situation as well.
SO glad Russ is OK...WHEW!!
Prayers for Carolyn's potential new job, too! I think I'll be the very last unemployed person in the country :(
I'm sure I've missed someone....I'm sorry. Been so busy and my computer time limited, and recently monopolized by HOPE for one little black bear cub!
Under my blog Eagle and Panda pics I have posted two pictures of Hope and Lily. Two fans created them and posted them on Lily's facebook page. Thought you would enjoy them. Double click the poem to make it large enough to read.
Loretta, that's a tough one. This is "kitten season" as those in the vet, shelter and rescues call it. Most abundant time of year for kittens. So, SO many....someone brought in a box of FIFTEEN kittens she found in a box in a parking lot, to the ER where my friend Tracey works. All different ages. It seems to never end. If you can't find anyone to take them, maybe you can find someone who'll trap, neuter and release them. There are feral cat rescues that will do that.
It was the most satisfying moment of my 44 years of bear study. When Sue and I got the cub into the little carrier kennel and I saw Sue crying, I could hardly keep from breaking down myself. And then seeing Lily and Hope’s reunion was the most beautiful expression of animal emotion I have ever seen. Hope was bawling very loudly, and Lily was doing her pleasant grunts as Hope latched onto a nipple and Lily half dragged her nearer to the white pine where they had nursed together so many times in April.
Sue is readying video she took of the reunion. It’s late, and we were up half the night last night, so we’ll fill in details tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for pulling together with us as we all went through this emotional roller coaster. The roller coaster effect continued right up to the unexpectedly wonderful end. More on that tomorrow.
Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support today. We can’t wait to meet many of you all at the Lilypad Picnic in a couple months.
—Lynn Rogers, Biologist, North American Bear Center
SO glad that everything has worked out so happily. WOnder what tomorrow will bring? Will Lily remember the pain of seperation and make sure that it doesn't happen again, I wonder? Can't wait for that video! Goodnight to all turning in. Think I'll wait a few more minutes to see if Sue gets the link up.
truly wonderful success story for Lily and Hope and all the Bear search and rescue folks and everyone who has cared and prayed so much... thanks so much to everyone on here for all the updates great pictures Lolly, and won't that video be fun to watch
Woke up and had to look at the video of Lily and Hope. Lovely and noisy reunion. Cannot imagine what Dr. Rogers and Sue must have experienced. Bless them.
Can you believe the miracle of Lily and Hope? That was the sweetest video of them reuniting. No one can tell me animals don't have emotions! That certainly was pure joy for the both of them!!
♪♫♪♫♪Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪ Happy Birthday, dear Ceil!!♪♫♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪ AND MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY MORE!!♪♫♪♫♪
Osprey Diary 27th May May 26th, 2010 by Osprey Team No sign of the third egg hatching yet- could today be the day or is it a dud? Yesterday was brilliant veiwing with lots of tender loving care of the chicks from mum and a record breaking fish delivery by our male at about 8pm- by far the largest fish he has brought in and a nice ‘blue’ trout to boot. We are also seeing the first signs of sibling rivalry on the nest between the two chicks, but this is entirely normal. Commonly it is at this age that the chicks squabble to establish their ‘pecking order’, which is crucial in minimising fights over every mouthful of food and more serious battles. Though it looks awful, real damage is rarely done and in fact this is an important stage in the chicks developement. The dominant chick will always thereafter be fed first, but the less senior one will still get its share of food as long as there isn’t a drastic shortage. Keep up the great work dad so that won’t happen! Emma Rawling Perthshire Ranger
Good morning! Just a quick good morning, a ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to Ceil♫♪♫, and now out to mow!
The video of Hope and Lily is just too wonderful for words. I think though that we will be watching them with "what next" attitude. Wish I could have more confidence, but they are wildlife. If we do continue to see them through next year, then we face the separation again. However, Hope will be ready at that time.
I am off! Have a great day, especially Ceil. Hope your day is very special, just like you!♥
Good morning! What a glorious way to start the day---the video of Lily and Hope reuniting was so great. Pure maternal love....and people say that animals don't have emotions? BS!
Happy Birthday again, Ceil!!
Look at all the flower blooms in the loon nest! Pretty!
I am so happy about Lily and Hope. What a happy ending. "Now Lily stay with your baby." I had been sharing Lily and Hope with some of my students. They are excited this morning when I showed them the video. These two bears have touched a lot of hearts. Smile, smile, smile.
I am also so excited because I got the NCTC article. What a great article. Thank you so much Magpie. I like the picture of the juvie head shot. Looks like some of my students when they're being silly. LOL
Lynn, your daughter is a beautiful young lady. "You done good". It must sound wonderful when they are playing their bells.
I just had to get up and see the video of little Hope greeting her mom. She sounded like one happy camper! My one fear was whether or not Lily would accept her..she sure die lick that little gal all over!
1 – 200 of 382 Newer› Newest»good morning....
Lily the Black Bear May 26, 2010 - 12:19 AM
No luck tonight finding Hope with the IR night-vision equipment. However, it's on loan to us for a bit and we'll try again. Our thanks to Mark Zimmerman of the St Louis County Rescue! Lots of activity in the area today with our searching so we feel it's best to let things quiet down. We don't scare her away ...from the area. We're hoping for some action on the trail camera. -- SM
Thanks Autopilot
weather looking good for Shuttle Landing at the Cape
sorry to hear of Rus's wreck
and the crisis with GG...hope for continued good reports for both
figured Greg the Naturalist would take care of things at PRP with the cam Loretta...good news
Palmer looking good this morning, or course !
Best wishes for a good day everyone
xo z z z z z
thanks for that update Mits...
keeping optimistic
Thank you, Steve. How's the trip going?
Good morning Mits and Margy!
Good morning to those coming in later.
Palmer just doing some serious wing flapping and hopping. Looks lovely this morning.
I am assuming you all are talking about a tv program and NOT Lib and Belle heading into the barn together?
Shirley, glad Will is uninjured but sorry about all the papers you still have to grade. I had more in numbers but suspect yours are more difficult -- I don't correct grammar, etc.
Wanda, so sorry about GG but glad the doctor was reassuring and gave you good advice. Also happy the soup kitchen went well, you arrived in the nick of time, and the cakes were moist. Take it easy today.
Andy, glad the classes are starting off well. Does sound like a lot of work this quarter. Prayers for Alice.
Special prayers for Lily, Hope, Dr. Rogers, Sue, and the St. Louis Rescue people. May today bring the reunion we all want.
Good morning Mits, Mags, Judie -
Beautiful day -- big, big baby Palmer! Love her!!!
Hey Mits, what's the link for Lily?
Someone flew in with the fish for breakfast and I thought Palmer was going to do that (forget the word) that thing that Hidey used to do and cover the food for himself. She, Palmer, quickly withdrew and tucked her wings in.
The Whole family is in the nest now - or is that nestaurant?
Lori, the link for the Lily cam is down, I have been reading updates on Lily's FaceBook page....the eaglets do what is called mantling.
I hope everyone is well and happy.
Mits, I'm not up on the Lily/Hope story, but I hope it turns out okay for Hope. Those bears can break your heart.
Back to work then home! Make it a wonderful day.
Mantling - that's it. Gee what's gonna happen when I can't remember what my name is? ☺
welcome to my world, Lori,;)
from BWE....
And as you can see, one of the eaglets has pushed the cam box down so we can see the trunk of the tree.
Hi Everybody!!!
Wow -- I'm so behind on the news. Didn't know that Hope was missing. Sweet baby. After reading your update, Mits, I looked it up and found another report. Not great, but a little bit of good news....
May 25, 2010 – 7:50 PM CDT
The emotional roller coaster continues. Heartbreak is turning into hope. After a day of dealing with our emotions while telling many TV and newspaper reporters that we were making one last attempt to find her, we got a call while standing at the red pine. A neighbor had spotted Hope running out of their yard not 200 yards away from where we were. We hurried over.
Food for Hope - May 25, 2010Hope was gone. We searched for a couple hours in the direction she went. We prepared a pan of diluted sweetened condensed milk with ground up pecans and put it the last place she was seen.
A few calls later, and a town official was heading over to put up a trail camera by the food.
We made calls to law enforcement and the fire department for an infra-red heat detection device to try to locate Hope in treetops against the night sky after it gets dark. At first we were unsuccessful, but the call was taken up by Beth Jett, anchorperson for Fox 21 News. Shortly, we got a call from Captain Tom Crossman of the St Louis County Rescue Squad that one of his men would shuttle a unit to us for the search tonight.
As soon as we finish writing this, we are heading out to search once again before it gets too dark.
Our goal is to find Hope and keep her alive in the forest in hopes Lily will reunite with her. Lily is currently 4 miles away, covering ground and maintaining her territory, but she will be back.
Thank you so much for your tremendous support the last few days. We are all pulling together for Hope. We were pretty down about it here. Some followers of the Lily and Hope saga knew better than us that she was still alive. As it turned out, she is not only alive but vigorous. The person who saw her said she ran away. Before all this, she was getting so strong she could climb as fast as a squirrel and run like a rabbit. As Kathy Allworth said, “She’s too sassy and spunky to be dead this quick.” Right on, Kathy.
yes that was the report of earlier last night...the one I posted was after midnight....they are doing all that they can.:)
Don't worry, Lori -- we'll remind you -- if WE can remember your name.
OK Mits -- I'm speed blogging here at the office. lol I see your HOPE update is from just after midnight AFTER when she was spotted.....
Sorry 'bout that Chief.
no worries;)
Bless you, Palmer!
Good morning! Just as I was getting on Palmer sneezed. lol Whoops sorta did it again, Spring allergies!
Palmer is hanging out at the base of the cam, looking in at the nest.
Went to fb first thing to look for and update on Hope. Poor little thing is hungry and frightened! Shame on Lily for going off!
Wanda, hope that GG has a better day. 14 guest last is going up. Your menu did sound great. Never answered your question. Yes, we have copperheads and rattlesnakes. However, I have never seen either in the wild. ☺ Knock on wood!!! Now, while hiking in Colorado, Laurel and I heard a rattlesnake twice, coming and going on a trail. That was scary!
Enjoyed my coffee and reading the paper on my shiny, clean patio. Hurry on over while it is still spanking clean!!!
So, today I get to get back to working in the yard. So glad to have the patio job done.
Palmer is still just hanging out in the same local, just under the cam. Looking down on the back on his neck and head.
The Iris are starting to open up on the Loon cam, yellow, my favorite. Cool!
Just watched a feeding at Loch of the Lowes. Looks like the 3rd egg is a dud. Those two are really cute!
Just read the Loon blog. Eggs should hatch next week, maybe as early as Monday. Sure wish we could set cams to record. lol
Palmer is now at his favorite postition at 12 o'clock.
Have done my cam surfing, all the while keeping an eye on Palmer. He is just hanging, no wing flaps, or jumps. Shucks!
I am off to start my day! Have a good one. Prayers for Hope....I want that baby back with her Momma!
Good Morning Everyone! Had to check things before I shove off to work. "Lily, come home!" Sounds like Hope is OK from the neighbor sighting. Wish Dr. Rogers & staff see her.
Big Baby Palmer got breakfast, I read. Good girl.
Will check later```have a great day! ☺
Is PA Nana here today? Anybody watch the PA Falcon nest in Harrisburg? The three babies are getting so big. They are out on the ledge of an office building. When they walk around, you can hear their big feet slapping on the cement. It just cracks me up. And, the faster they walk, the funnier it gets. Oh my.
they are fun to watch:)
Good morning. Haven't read back yet. Carolyn just got a call to go for her typing test and multi-tasking assessment.....another good sign, we hope!
hedgie -- good luck to Carolyn!
Gee, cam at BWE looks better than it did skewed too the side!!! But nobody home!
make that TO the side......argh!
Bright sun on our nest! And here, too!! Gotta try to blow off deck of all the debris that came off roof in the downpours!
I think Palmer is scoping out all possible launch sites
Atlantis, by the way, picture perfect landing in Florida
Love to all, and prayers for all things
Great news Lynn...for Carolyn...
best wishes continue for her
xo ttfn
Very good news about Carolyn, Lynn. Fingers still crossed and job prayers still headed her way.
May need to turn on AC today. Headed for 90.
HEART ATTACK TIME!!! Just check on Palmer. Saw nothing in the nest. Then noticed her real tight near the tree. Woooooo!
Opps, sorry. Good Morning/Afternoon Eagle Buddies. ^..^
Wow, It's hot here. Yesterday 92, today it's already 82. My classroom is all big windows on the sunny side. My students and I are melting.
Hot sleeping last night. We haven't put the AC in yet. Thank God for ceiling fans. I am not complaining though. Beats the rain. Plus remember that word "SNOW"
both osprey at BWO
eaglet in BWE nest, looks like it is eating.
Palmer must be roasting. Trying to get out of the sun. Poor Palmer.
Poor Lily and Hope. I was working in the flower gardens this weekend. Then when I came to work on Monday and I have students taking finals, writing final papers etc. very busy.
I have been watching them from the beginning. I am heart broken. I pray for the Lord to keep Hope safe and Lily and Hope to be together again. First thing is finding Hope and getting her safe.
Stronghunter, Thank God Rus came out of his wreck without serious injuries. I pray his road burns heal well.
Prayers also for GG. May she have better days.
Prayers for Lolly's Laurel. What a rotten thing to happen. There is probably something better for her.
Prayers for Carolyn and getting this position.
So many prayers right now.
SNAKE---did someone say snake. I'm outta here.
PA falcon eyeasses
5/26/2010 :: Banding Event
The annual banding event will take place at 1 PM tomorrow, May 27 here at the Rachel Carson State Office Building. The event will be live stream webcast. This is a highly valued educational opportunity as nearly 180 students and teachers will be in attendance. Visit the DEP Website at to view the banding event.
both eaglets at BWE now
LOL, far so good here=no snake sightings!!
Thanks for all continued good wishes for Carolyn. She so desperately needs this job.
Oh Mits -- thanks for bringing that up about the banding in PA. I saw that the other day but hadn't thought about it being this week.
I'll be interested to see how they get up on that ledge, capture the babies... without anybody going off the edge.
Good Afternoon..... I have been down to see Dracula and then came home and had my coffee! Daughter brought over some shortcake biscuits and strawberries that she & her niece and 2 young nephews picked yesterday - talk about melt in your mouth. Good crops this year! Anthony & Joseph asked her and their mom 'Why are there only girls picking berries?' Very observant!
that don't show that part Susan, they will have the live feed in the auditorium and will bring the eyasses down when the are ready, it is a neat even to watch
sUSAn - it is great to watch them - I guess I've watched that banding for about 2 years. School kids are there & they make it very interesting for them.
No snakes is good.
When I was younger I was afraid of spiders, mice, snakes, bats etc. I grew up with three older and one younger brothers. When my 3 older brothers would go play Mom would say 'Bring your sister with you" My brothers were not happy having a little sister tagging along. Needless to say that's when my fears began with these critters. My Mom didn't realize what she was doing.
I have conquered all but snakes
Palmer sure is hugging the forward limb!
I wonder if this could really work:
Coast Guard Greenlights Top Kill Procedure
The Coast Guard has given BP approval to try to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of
Mexico by pumping heavy mud into the well, but there's no word yet on when the
attempt will start.
Good afternoon my wonderful friends of birds and bears, etc!!
Well, Palmer just gave me a scare! I couldn't find her in the nest, had to scroll down and THERE SHE WAS!!!!!
Watching the Maine osprey nest and the loon cam!! Birds and pandas everywhere. I am so praying that Hope and Lily are soon reunited. It breaks my heart to think about her out there on her own!
I couldn't comment at the time, but a little while ago I was watching hornby 01. Dad and Phoenix were in the nest and Mom circled around the tree and flew straight in from 12:00. AWESOME!!!
Going to take a break & put my feet up before it is Ally Time!
Hubby called, said it is 94F in town,
I have to wrap things up here with the students. Then going to get my hair done. Going to get a little dummer, Opps. I mean blonder. LOL
Be back later, gater.
Prayer again for all needs and for little Hope. I am so worried about her. Hungry, scared, all alone. Tears!!!
Palmer is really hard to see in the nest...
sometime we won't see her..just wonder when that will be
also just saw only one RTH chick in Portland, then another flew in can't tell if parent or chick!
guess babies are into the fledgling process, there is a post on the cam site dated today about that
that's hot up there in Maine, Ragdoll....
hope you get a "cool" do
I just painted my fingernails red, white, and blue...want to join me?
glad Wanda, to read of your diners last night, and yay you had help getting that Texas Sheet Cake iced...
more and more hungry folks will come for sure in the weeks to come
also hoping that Joyce is coming along okay...
Hoping that GG is having a good day and YOU too
Have fun Jo...
good afternoon/morning Eagle Pals and so long for now
Getting ready to post a lovely page from Nat'l. Wildlife Fed. mag on my Lair. Check it out in a few!!
It's up....hope you can enlarge it to read the text.
Red, white and blue, eh Margy? I haven't done that in a while!
Wanda, I, too, hope that GG's leg is greatly improved. I thought that the DuoDerm was supposed to do that!
You made me hungry for Texas Sheet Cake.....I may need to make that this weekend.haven't made one in a very long time. Always liked it so much better than brownies!!
HEY MARGY- the full moon in May is the flower moon. or the planting moon- so, yeah that is like the planting flowers moon- which I should be doing. HEllO all:) later...
That is a spectacular picture Lynn
Great news about 3rd hatching at Loch of the Lowes. I was thinking it was a dud. BWO could get a chick this weekend.
Lily the Black Bear May 26, 2010 - 2:19 PM CDT
A check this morning showed nothing had touched the food left at the base of the white pine -- and no pictures on the trail camera. We just returned from checking on Lily. Her mammae are still swollen and hard and she shows no signs of estrus. She's on the move today. Hopefully during her travels she will... run into Hope's scent and end this saga for all of us! -- SM
Yippee...Carolyn just called. Typing test and multi-tasking test done and done well! Manpower administered it for the there said if she didn't get this job, to come back to them and they would find her a job! Don't know why UE office doesn't coordinate with employment agencies to get people into jobs....guess they lose federal monies if there are too few people on UE!
Certainly not the news we were hoping to hear, Mits.....sure hope that Lily is moving in the right direction....mtbr :(
Hi, Megan!!! Glad you took a break to drop in!!
Carolyn should be bright eyed and bushy tailed now! That was a great compliment! Now one way or another she is going to have a job..
Lynn Make that sheet cake and celebrate!
that's super news, Lynn...things moved along right quick these last few glad to hear of it ♥
okay Planting Moon or Flower Moon or Planting Flowers Moon...
maybe we should just call it the
Megan Moon
thanks Megan
hope we get to see it
and that all your planting work goes well
now to get some good news about Lily and Hope would be most welcome
appreciate all the updates being posted
Palmer taking quite an affection for that 5:30 spot at the nest -bet it's an awesome view from the ground up
Hope it is a good evening for everyone
ttfn xo
The moon last night was brilliant!
Hopefully it will shine again. I wonder what the moon looks like from a beach in HI?
Like the Honeym♥♥ners Moon, Jo...
Off to have dinner with Ally & her dad.
Then back here for a play date!
9:00 is my Criminal Minds and then
CSI:NY My shows are going to be all gone soon!
That's right Margy! Beautiful.
Covering all my bases, so please excuse redundancy:
Last Call for June 12th: If you plan on attending our nest visit and haven't responded yet, please let me know today or tomorrow. Wanda and I need to finalize our menu. Thanks.....hope you can join us!!!
Well, my Sweet 16 gd does not want a party or anything special for her bd on the 3rd. She said she liked the family Pizza Hut gatherinng last year and would do that again. Getting her room painted in the colors she wants...thank goodness she changed her mind from the black/red of Twilight influence! Purple and lime green!! The other one will be 12 Sat., and she is getting a new bike. bad....hers is Mon. My anniv. WAS the 29th. Christie and Shannons is the 30th.
well how in the world do you keep all THAT straight, Lynn !
lime green and purple, sounds like a color combination I have seen on South Queen Street....pretty cool!
Been missing Paula here of late.
Have been trying to get some good daily photos on the Momsters Album Paula
(I think it might be Loch Garten that had that third hatch, couldn't tell for sure about Loch Lowe's - - good nest news for Scotland...and Chrissy )
headed out for some sun and kid fun
ttfn xo
Quick visit.
Really good news about Carolyn. Either way, things seem to be looking up.
Speaking of looking up, the moon last night was beauteous. Will be looking again tonight -- flower moon.
Jo, enjoy the time with Ally.
Red, white, blue, purple and lime green -- what a colorful group.
Wanda, sure wishing GG had a better day. Prayer for quick healing.
Never made or eaten Texas Sheet Cake. Have a recipe in a book sent from Houston friends. Maybe give it a try.
Art Linkletter has passed away at 97. He was great!
Judie, you should try it if you like chocolate!! gets a little confusing. Add in BIL May 22, sis on June 1 and Mom on the 18th---I get clobbered monetarily.
Well, I have really goofed off today. Really did not accomplish much. Oh, well............
Saw the fb post on Hope and Lily. Not good.........
Lynn, sounds good so far for Carolyn. Let's all hope this works out for her.
See Palmer in his usual position. I see to always miss any action.
Mowing the yard in the morning and then going to Denton tomorrow afternoon. Taking dinner, picking up Jacob at school then we are all going to Jacob's end of the school program. Last week we reminded him we would be there for his program....he groaned and said "The worst day of my life." lol He really dislikes being in programs.
Lily the Black Bear Another cub siting - we are heading to the scene now. this was poste about 10 mins ago...MTBR
Not sure now which 3rd egg hatched but
Osprey Diary 27th May
May 26th, 2010 by Osprey Team
No sign of the third egg hatching yet- could today be the day or is it a dud?
It is Hope!!! She is in a cedar.
That comments was taken from the Loch of the Lowes I think I had an email telling me a 3rd egg did hatch but I guess I don't remember where.....
For Real Lolly
Lily the Black Bear It is Hope!!! She is in a cedar. -- SM
from FB page
Hope has been found? Alive?
Poor Jacob! That is just too cute!
LOVE those grandkids:)
How is GG doing, Wanda?
This just wasn't one of her best days. Her wound looks really nasty, but I guess if her Doc says it's OK, then it is.
I'll be glad when she has her appointment with her new doctor. A Gerontologist may be more helpful in prescribing the right medication and teaching me the correct time to give it to her.
IDOL Finale is on!
that is too bad, Wanda:(
Lily and Hope update about a minute ago
Researchers now are deciding how to get the bear out of the tree and will likely wait for the cub, which appears weak, to come down on its own.
Rogers said a major question remains on whether Lily will accept Hope back. Because they’ve been apart for five days, Lily’s hormones may have turned to the new mating season an...d away from taking care of her cub.
Because Lily is fitted with a GPS collar that gives her location every 10 minutes, Rogers and Mansfield hope to find her yet tonight and reintroduce Hope to Lily to see the sow's reaction.
Wanda you may need one of the places I think they are called "Wound Care". Really and seriously they really treat the patients well. Can't remember whether Martinsburg or Win. or Hag. it is.
Thank God PRAYERS ANSWERED !!! They found Hope!!! Maybe they will have to take her to a rescue and have them feed her. OUR PRECIOUS HOPE ( :
Lily the Black Bear: Hope lured down with sweetened condensed milk. We have her in a pet carrier. We are looking for Lily.
Amen. Prayers answered.....Oh, I do pray now that Lily will accept her back.
Headed in for 2 hrs of TV shows
Haven't read all comments yet.
Good Evening Eagle Friends. Watching American Idiol.
God Bless your sneezing Palmer.
Prayers for Alice Andrea so glad she has a niece that could move in with her during this hard time.
Prayers GG keeps her leg propped up and healing.
Laurel I'm sending up prayers for you too.
Lynn Carolyn need those special prayres going up too. Praying we can end up saying "Praise God she got the job".
It is dark at nest put I can surely hear Palmer.
I have been reading about Hope. Good news!
Talked to Rus a couple of times today. He is doing okay. Had some problems with insurance, but things are mostly okay. It seems that there was an error with his prescription coverage, but the expense wasn't too great anyway.
Wanda, please know prayers for GG are headed your way being carried by a bright shiny garland of love.
Do like chocolate.
Having trouble reading the new posts so am sooooo grateful for your posts. I may get some sleep tonight knowing that Hope has been found and will be cared for. Please, Lily, remember your baby and take care of her.
Thank you Dr. Rogers and Sue for your diligence and concern. The fans of Lily and Hope are eternally grateful.
Of course, it should be up to Hope....Lily LEFT her.....
You better rest your eyes, Judie!
Shirley, glad Rus is doing okay. Pain pills often are relatively cheap!
The pharmacy bill was a bit over $40. I think his employer should make it good, but he will only be working for them until the end of the week, so I wouldn't stress over it if they don't.
Shirley so glad Russ wasn't hurt very bad. So sorry to hear about it all.
Been 92 here today..yuck
Good performing during American Idol. Was spelling wrong before but didn't want to use trash can.
On the 6:30EST channel 7 news it showed there is a Company that can and has taken up the oil. I can't understand why they are not using them.
Judie, take care of your eyes.
Wanda, I hope GG has a good day tomorrow.
Enjoying American Idol here, too, Dana.
Prayers for Carolyn to get the job.
Palmer is right under the cam...standing.
Finally done with the yard for tonight, worked past dark....time to eat now...
What a great evening!!!! Hopefully Lily will take Hope back, however if she does not, you think they will raise her there at the bear center?
Bless you Palmer!
Lolly, sometimes you need those don't do much days!
Flower moon, very appropriate!
two bandings in one day...PH and Harrisburg...what to watch?
Wish I could watch them, but work has been so busy, I haven't even been lurking at work :(
Wow are strawberries in already!
Oh, sorry that GG is having such a time with that wound. Not fun!
I have been enjoying the blueberries and the price on them!
So good with vanilla lite yogurt. Yummy!My afternoon snack.
Mema Jo's 8:47pm comment made me cry. Praises to God that Hope has been found. She can always be taken care of if Hope doesn't. Just so glad she is safe and found!
Wanda Soup Kitchen meal sounded so good I almost came there.
Margy, I will pass on the red, white, and blue nails. LOL Guess I am a little conservative! Gave myself pale pink tootsies a little while ago.
Enjoying Amer Idol!
Lolly it has really had good performers on there.
wow another weird season finale for Criminal Minds.
Anyone other than Thelma Farley, Jewell McCollough and Carol Mick who have June Birthdays please email me so I can put you on the list for announcing to the group.
Hope and Lily have been successfully reunited!!!
I wonder if they were video taping the reunion???
Did you read any official announcement other than the chat about them already being reunited? Is there a link to it?
Lily's status has been says SUCCESS!!!!
Duluth News Tribune article -Hope
oN fb jO
I agree Mits - didn't care too much for it...... But I'll remember it!
Good news about Hope and Lily!
Getting ready to head upstairs.
See you tomorrow.
Deluth News Tribune report on location says "Eagles Nest Township (12 miles west of Ely)" name for a place!!!
Well, I can't get to the latest report. No problem at all with the first one, but this one wants password, and then won't accept anything I create. ARGH. Maybe someone can copy and paste the text????
Lily the Black Bear SUCCESS!!!
An answer to prayer!!!
Can hardly wait to read the report.
Yes, a lot of great entertainers on AI. Even Kelly Clarkson is there.
ICKK~~~American Idol final---unbelievable. Krystal is fantastic & I thought Lee should have gone a long time ago--couldn't understand his words. I thought Mike was the best guy.Oh well, it is what it is.
Tried to get on Blog today at work where they DO have internet to check on any Hope reports & "This site is blocked!!!" I could get Still cam. Did a Search for bear site.
I see from comments that there must be rejoicing!!!Gonna read ☺ ☺
Yep, Loretta....more prayers answered. Sure hope that someone videoed the reunion between mom and daughter!
From FB Lily the Black Bear Upcoming video in tonight's update and news about Juliet too!
Lily the Black Bear Upcoming video in tonight's update and news about Juliet too! -- SM
OK, they say video coming!
Everyone is waiting and looking for a video from tonight's Lily/Hope escapade!
I am just sitting here smiling!!!! Can hardly wait for the video!
Good Evening and Good Night. Just heading to bed. I am soooo excited and happy our little Hope is safe. This afternoon I had sad tears. Now I have tears of joy. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers.
5:30 comes quick. Good Night all. Happy eagle and Hope dreams. Prayers for all needs and wants.
See you tomorrow. ^..^
Hi, Everyone!
Have been SOOO busy today, but got all the laundry caught up, and most of the housework, too.
Here's a picture of some Arabian mares in a pasture in the Carson Valley in NV. Was tempted to have Hubby drop me off there for the day. Talk about gorgeous horseflesh! There were 7 of them altogether. I wonder if their owner would adopt me and let me sleep in the barn! I shovel horse poop, no problem!
So extremely happy that Hope and Lily have been successfully reunited! All of us will be able to sleep well tonight.
Prayers still being said for Carolyn--sounds like she has a job somewhere, but hoping for the one she really wants!
Prayers, also, for GG. Hope her wound is healed VERY soon!
Have read some of today's blog comments--good to see Megan here!
I have a hummer story for you--yesterday I was working in the yard, staking up a very tall rose bush, and our female Rufous hummer came and sipped from a vine not 4 feet from me. After that, she hovered right in front of my face (!) for about 30 seconds, then flew to the lower branch of a tree on the other side of our fence--about 6 feet away from me. What a little cutie she is!!! Made me think of you right away!
Well, I'm getting kinda bleary-eyed, so think I'll say goodnight.
The porch light is automatic, the night light is on, and the eye scanner is ready to go. Prayers being said for everyone. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love you guys! :o]
Good Night!
Finally found out tabout the hatching of the 3rd egg:
We have a third hatching at Loch Garten... last evening.
GO EJ and ODIN!!!!
Hi, Andy....G'night, Andy!
Think everyone will rest well tonight with relief!
And goodnight to you, too Ragdoll!
So where did Palmer scoot too while I wasn't watching!
Not sure I'll be up by the time the video is posted, will watch it tomorrow...
Night all...slam wore out here!
Lynn, I wore my St. Francis medal at wotrk today! Maybe it helped! I need help w/stray cat problem now. Guess I'll be letting my fingers do the walking on internet again. Very frightened calico cat came to the 2-3 ft. snow bank on our deck after blizzard. Since we couldn't get to bird feeder, Fubby was throwing seed on top snow. He said one AM, he put out a whole piece of bread & cat appeared & ate it!
This led to occasionally putting out some cat crunchies or sliced turkey hot dog when we saw it.It travels around a few yards & some days you don't see it at all. This AM, Fubby checked neighbors' wood pile where he had seen Calico & a little black & white kitten ran under a hole. Later I saw the Mom go over there & saw 2 little tails on top the wood. This PM Fubby spotted a 3rd! HELP!
I have to find out who will take aq wild Mom & kittens & leave them together and alive!I've heard of places that take "barn cats". Have to do research. Needless to say, I had tears when I got phone call that there were 3! Girl next door probably doesn't know they are there, but there are a few people around here who hate everything!
I'm sorry, thx for listening ;>(
Aha, Palmer is at 2-3ish...far right
Good evening all! Been following the Lily and Hope saga on FB for a few days. I'm so conflicted about everything. What a very difficult decision they had to make. On one hand, my heart says yay!!!! On the other, my head says, research (as opposed to someone simply finding a hurt or abandoned animal)should not be interfered with by human intervention, as difficult and brutal as nature can be...I had come to peace with whichever way they decided to handle it, I'd be OK with their decision.
When I saw that they had her in a pet carrier and were on the way to find Lily, so many different scenarios ran through my could have just as easily ended very badly, with no one sure why this all happened in the first place. I sure am glad everything went well!! What an amazing journey we have be privileged to watch!
Just read through the blog really fast....Boy GG's wound sure is becoming a problem child. Prayers that it really IS fine the way it looks, and continues to heal.
Something appears to have happened with Laurel and her job, or job she hoped to get...prayers for that situation as well.
SO glad Russ is OK...WHEW!!
Prayers for Carolyn's potential new job, too! I think I'll be the very last unemployed person in the country :(
I'm sure I've missed someone....I'm sorry. Been so busy and my computer time limited, and recently monopolized by HOPE for one little black bear cub!
Heading to bed. Have a good night everyone!
Sorry, Loretta. Hard situation. Feral cats are so troublesome on all fronts.
Under my blog Eagle and Panda pics I have posted two pictures of Hope and Lily. Two fans created them and posted them on Lily's facebook page. Thought you would enjoy them. Double click the poem to make it large enough to read.
Sleep well, Lynne!
Loretta, that's a tough one. This is "kitten season" as those in the vet, shelter and rescues call it. Most abundant time of year for kittens. So, SO many....someone brought in a box of FIFTEEN kittens she found in a box in a parking lot, to the ER where my friend Tracey works. All different ages. It seems to never end.
If you can't find anyone to take them, maybe you can find someone who'll trap, neuter and release them. There are feral cat rescues that will do that.
REALLY, I'm going to bed now!
Posted by Dr. Rogers
Reunited at last!
It was the most satisfying moment of my 44 years of bear study. When Sue and I got the cub into the little carrier kennel and I saw Sue crying, I could hardly keep from breaking down myself. And then seeing Lily and Hope’s reunion was the most beautiful expression of animal emotion I have ever seen. Hope was bawling very loudly, and Lily was doing her pleasant grunts as Hope latched onto a nipple and Lily half dragged her nearer to the white pine where they had nursed together so many times in April.
Sue is readying video she took of the reunion. It’s late, and we were up half the night last night, so we’ll fill in details tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for pulling together with us as we all went through this emotional roller coaster. The roller coaster effect continued right up to the unexpectedly wonderful end. More on that tomorrow.
Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support today. We can’t wait to meet many of you all at the Lilypad Picnic in a couple months.
—Lynn Rogers, Biologist, North American Bear Center
Will rest easy tonight, knowing that HOPE is safe:)
Are we excited Jo, or are we excited?!!! LOL
Time to rest this weary head
Good Night all
Prayer for all
(((hugs to all))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hey Lolly - I am excited! Loved the pics on your blog! Night!
Good night everyone. Pleasant eagle and bear cub dreams.
Night Jo! Yes, saw those two on the Lily fb, but the comments go by so fast, I was sure many missed them.
Sweet dreams!
Thank you for the post by Dr. Rogers, Lolly.
You are more that welcome, Judie. I may not be able to settle down and sleep. I am just beside myself with joy!!☺ Can hardly wait to see the video.
Heading to the shower and then attempt to sleep.
SO glad that everything has worked out so happily. WOnder what tomorrow will bring? Will Lily remember the pain of seperation and make sure that it doesn't happen again, I wonder? Can't wait for that video!
Goodnight to all turning in. Think I'll wait a few more minutes to see if Sue gets the link up.
Good Night, aLL.
Okay, I went to bed and could not get to sleep. Am so excited about Hope. Had to come downstairs to see if Lily and Hope were really together again.
Thank You Lolly for the Post from Dr. Roger.
I will now be able to sleep knowing that Hope is nursing on Lily. Yeah, woooooohoooooo!!!
Can't wait to see the video tomorrow.
Again thank you Lolly and Thank you God. Good Night (((HUGS)))
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Goodnight one and all! Prayers and Praise.
truly wonderful success story for Lily and Hope and all the Bear search and rescue folks and everyone who has cared and prayed so much...
thanks so much to everyone on here for all the updates
great pictures Lolly, and won't that video be fun to watch
glad Rus is doing okay, and hoping and praying that GG will improve
and last but certainly not least:
Happy Birthday dear Ceil
Hope it is a wonderful day and a great start for a wonderful year to follow
xoxo ♥
Hi Margy! I am just so excited. Now to try to sleep.
Thanks be to God!
Nite all! Sweet, wonderful dreams!
Thank God Hope is found and with her mother. Tears of joy here.
Now must get some sleep. Will have to deal with extremely humid day tomorrow and chance of severe storms (maybe hail again).
Prayers for all needs/wants.
Good morning,
Woke up and had to look at the video of Lily and Hope. Lovely and noisy reunion. Cannot imagine what Dr. Rogers and Sue must have experienced. Bless them.
Good Morning everyone in Eagleland!
Big Baby Girl is wingercizing like a mad woman. She's not gonna be here long. Has she branched yet?
Good morning once again everyone!
Can you believe the miracle of Lily and Hope? That was the sweetest video of them reuniting. No one can tell me animals don't have emotions! That certainly was pure joy for the both of them!!
♪♫♪♫♪Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪
Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪
Happy Birthday, dear Ceil!!♪♫♪♫♪
Happy Birthday to you!!♪♫♪♫♪
Two babies at the osprey nest in Maine, little bobbleheads are precious! Watching hopefully on the loon cam this morning!
Hope everyone is doing well, lurking around (as usual) today, trying to work and all that jazz!!
(I miss Norma!)
And, of course, our precious Palmer is trying to get ready for the big day!!! Pandas, pandas, and more pandas!!
Happy Birthday Ceil! 29 again?!?!
I hope it's a beautiful day for you.
Hi Sissy! Do you have the link for the video of Lily and Hope'e reunion? I'd love to see it.
LORI, you have mail...:)
good THURSDAY A.M. everyone
There ya go Lori!!
Thanks ladies. What a sweet video. My day is happy now!
LOCH OF LOWES update....
Osprey Diary 27th May
May 26th, 2010 by Osprey Team
No sign of the third egg hatching yet- could today be the day or is it a dud?
Yesterday was brilliant veiwing with lots of tender loving care of the chicks from mum and a record breaking fish delivery by our male at about 8pm- by far the largest fish he has brought in and a nice ‘blue’ trout to boot.
We are also seeing the first signs of sibling rivalry on the nest between the two chicks, but this is entirely normal. Commonly it is at this age that the chicks squabble to establish their ‘pecking order’, which is crucial in minimising fights over every mouthful of food and more serious battles. Though it looks awful, real damage is rarely done and in fact this is an important stage in the chicks developement. The dominant chick will always thereafter be fed first, but the less senior one will still get its share of food as long as there isn’t a drastic shortage. Keep up the great work dad so that won’t happen!
Emma Rawling
Perthshire Ranger
Good morning! Just a quick good morning, a ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to Ceil♫♪♫, and now out to mow!
The video of Hope and Lily is just too wonderful for words. I think though that we will be watching them with "what next" attitude. Wish I could have more confidence, but they are wildlife. If we do continue to see them through next year, then we face the separation again. However, Hope will be ready at that time.
I am off! Have a great day, especially Ceil. Hope your day is very special, just like you!♥
Good morning! What a glorious way to start the day---the video of Lily and Hope reuniting was so great. Pure maternal love....and people say that animals don't have emotions? BS!
Happy Birthday again, Ceil!!
Look at all the flower blooms in the loon nest! Pretty!
Lynn, you quoted exactly what I told Sharon about animals and emotions!!!! How funny! Great minds....
Good Morning Eagle Friends. What a wonderful day.
I am so happy about Lily and Hope. What a happy ending. "Now Lily stay with your baby." I had been sharing Lily and Hope with some of my students. They are excited this morning when I showed them the video. These two bears have touched a lot of hearts. Smile, smile, smile.
I am also so excited because I got the NCTC article. What a great article. Thank you so much Magpie.
I like the picture of the juvie head shot. Looks like some of my students when they're being silly. LOL
Lynn, your daughter is a beautiful young lady. "You done good". It must sound wonderful when they are playing their bells.
Good morning.
Palmer doing some serious wingersizing and hopping all around. Eyeing the tree above the camera. All too soon.
Thank you, Mits, for the osprey update and info.
Again, happy birthday Ceil!♥
Have a lovely day everyone. Sunshine, heat, humidity here.
Hope I made it in before you all split!
I just had to get up and see the video of little Hope greeting her mom. She sounded like one happy camper! My one fear was whether or not Lily would accept her..she sure die lick that little gal all over!
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