Good morning. Reading paper....remember I mentioned the bear sighting between Charles Town and Harpers Ferry?? DNR had DOH put up one of those big electronic traffic signs along the highway saying Use Caution....Bear Crossing. Said it was more for motorist case someone hit bear and got out and was confronted by an angry, wounded bear.
Here's link to the column I mentioned yesterday by Dr.Shalaway about the MN loon cam:
I got pictures to put in Momster Album later of this morning. Libety and Belle in the nest. Belle eating fish herself she was hungry. Later she did feed Palmer.
Palmer has been using those wings to move from one side of nest to the other. Did stop at the "landed and take off zone" looking out. Like yep one day I'll take off from here.
Love these automatic threads! Good Wet Morning While driving some back roads yesterday I was looking for bear NOT deer. Strange feeling! Hubby and I are taking gd to lunch as her graduation day is Thurs up at Knotts Arena. (Jenny's gal) Gd and new GS show be on a jet headed to HI.
Update: I have had a closer look at the 3rd egg and can’t see any cracks yet. There may be on the other side of the egg though. Hopefully mum will turn it at some point today so we can get a good look. There’s no reason to worry about it just yet as it was only due to hatch today going on averages, but it could easily be another 2 days yet before there is any movement. Fingers crossed! Fiona
Amen and hallelujiah!! Carolyn has an interview tomorrow for the 911 job!! Yippee!! Momster prayers at work again! Thank you all. Keep praying, please!!!
Lynn - kids will be there 10 days so they should be able to enjoy most of it. Note of interest: When Anthony first saw me at the wedding he said "Mema we were watching Palmer" Thinking wedding thoughts I drew a blank as to who is Palmer --- DUHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The red-tails are now 40 days old. This afternoon they were practicing their hunting skills on a long strip of rubber (perhaps the remnants of the bicycle inner tube from last year). They repeatedly pounced on it, lifted it up with their talons and grabbed it back and forth from one another. Snakes are among the many things that red-tails will eat so the long strip of black rubber is good practice. They also spent some time attacking the greens on the right side of the nest as well as the infamous plastic bag.
GOOD MORNING... ALL KINDS OF GOOD WISHES AND PRAYERS FOR CAROLYN! Job hunting is one of the most stressful things that there is.... Flying to Hawaii is also stressful! My very first airflight was to Hawaii and that is waaay too long for anyone's first flight!!
Cool update, Mits! Wanda, that would be rough for a first-ever. Jo, 10 days is a good amount of time. Of course, things are so expensive over there....hope they got a really good deal!
Good morning! Have been to church and back. Jack and I weeded the beds and then added mulch. Looks good. I am ashamed that I let it get that many weeds, but it seems like it was not long ago that I did weed it. Oh, well. That is what a lot of rain will do.
There is a new video of Lily posted. She is a beautiful bear. Still no word on Hope. Poor little baby bear.
Now time to get busy here at home. Have another big chore tomorrow. Going to do the BIG spring clean up of the patio and putting the sealer on the tile. Always looks great afterwards, but such a big job. Will save it for early tomorrow morn.
Have checked several cams, all is at peace. Have a great day!
Good Morning/Afternooon, Everyone! Just got back from returning the rental car and picking up the mail at the post office.
Have 2 loads of wash done, and am about to start the third. Boy, do we have birds in our yard! Guess they missed us while we were gone. The feeders are empty already this morning, so will have to refill them soon. Could really use some coffee, so will be back in a couple of minutes. Gosh, it's good to be back! (Had a FANTASTIC birding vacation, though!) :o]
The 10-week old eaglets are beginning to "branch." Branching is the process by which the young birds hop out of the nest onto the limbs next to it. This is a step towards eventual fledging (their first flight). Branching allows the birds to really stretch their wings as well as improve their coordination and balance while building the muscles they'll need for flight. Fledging often happens between 9 and 14 weeks so keep an eagle eye out for them to begin flying soon!
ROFL, Mits.....they must be spending almost all their time up on those branches!!! They sure aren't in the nest much!
Andy, glad you are home and that you had such a great trip!!! Good you weren't at Big Bear----record cold low and high temps there!! When do classes start again?
Ah, Lolly, glad you got the weeding done early. Bet the garden looks loverly and peaceful.
Okay, I forgot. My bad. Just thought it was humorous to tell Lynn her gloomy day is good news. Speaking of which, did I miss good news about Carolyn and the job?
Rebels are branching. All too soon now an empty nest there.
Andy, glad you're getting caught up. Birds must be very hungry -- they missed you. So did we.
OK Our lunch with gd was fun! Graduation is Thursday evening. She wants to get in with a Vet this summer. Loves animals. Jobs are hard to find so I wish her well. Then she will start at Jr College this fall.
There you go Lolly BWO - Lisa has the Loch of the Lowes hatchings! However it might just be the first hatching - the second hatching is the most interesting when a live fish helps split the egg open.....
Lynn will be praying that Carolyn gets the job. Saw the video this morning about the second hatch What a way to be brought into the world being slapped by a headless fish. Then mom takes the fish and leaves the nest. LOL
Thank you, Jo. I had the hatching video in the email. Just had not checked my email. I am getting really bad about that. Gotta do better.
Just came in. Have been working in the yard, but only in the shade. Going back out. Just took a break to check and see if any word on Hope.
Did I ever tell you about a road sign in Louisiana? This sign points down a side road to a church on that road. The name of the church......ta da...... Little Hope Baptist Church. Not very encouraging. LOL
Speaking of Hope made me think of that sign. Jack and I always laugh when we see it.
Back again--laundry and dryer and Hubby all called my name, OR my cell phone! Got busy while munching some early lunch and guzzling coffee, and wrote down all the birds we saw that we noted in our Field Guide while wandering around near Lake Tahoe. Fasten your seat belts--here goes:
Canada Geese, Mallards, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, California Quails, Cattle Egret, Turkey Vultures, Golden Eagles (a pair--couldn't find their nest, though), Rough-legged Hawk--light-morph female, American Kestrel--female, California Gull, Rock Pigeons, Red-shafted Flicker--female, Steller's Jays (many!), Black-billed Magpies (yep, Margy, many of them!), Clark's Nutcrackers (my personal favorite), Common Ravens, Barn Swallows, Mountain Chickadees, American Robins, Yellow Warbler--male, Oregon Juncos--several males, Black-headed Grosbeak--female, Brewer's Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Common Grackles (Bronzed), Red-winged Blackbirds--males, females, immature males, Yellow-headed Blackbird--male, and last but not least, a male Common Redpoll.
Phew! We nearly wore out our binoculars, and needless to say, had the time of our lives! So MANY birds, so little time! We were really impressed with the Carson Valley, and with the little Nevada towns of Minden, Gardnerville, and Genoa. If it weren't for Hubby's job and my school, we would seriously consider moving there! All you need to do to see a BUNCH of birds is drive slowly (NO traffic!),or just park at the side of the road,and keep your eyes peeled! The variety is just amazing.
Judie, our birds were not lacking for seeds while we were gone--I spread about 30# of birdseed on the patio before we left! Needless to say, the little piggies finished off almost all of it. Swept up a TON of seed hulls yesterday! The hummers didn't quite empty the big feeder I have for them, because we have so many flowers blooming that they like. All but one of my patio plants survived, too.
My goodness, Andy, so many birds!!! How fortunate you were!! Hope you got lots of pics! Like the two you have need to set up a blog that you can upload your pics to!!
Cut and brought in my lone peony bloom. Smells SO good. No ants on it, either! Rain has it a bit battered....don't know whether it will open any more or not.
Lynn, will try that tomorrow morning, when I hope I will have enough time to figure it out. By the way, am sending up prayers that your daughter will do well at the job interview! Praying for Mema Jo's GD to get in with a Vet, too! (Gosh, sounds like getting paid to have fun!)LOL :oD
Welcome Home Andrea ! Wow, all those birds, you are an ornithologist extraordinaire ! My prairie dog brother of his favorites is the Yellow-Headed blackbird. Hope the Magpies behaved themselves, they can be pesky for sure So glad you had such a good time xo
Lynn am sure that phone call from Carolyn to you about HER phone call, made a change in the dull and dreary day! Best wishes for a happy outcome prayers a'plenty from this roost
just had a quick visit with Dana here...we were trying to figure out some cell phone things. she is going to call later on her 9-1-1 so I can see what her GPS shows on her cell phone... (she'll call first on the business line to let me know )
newspaper delivery person threw paper right on my Megan Nicotania flower this morning, cut the stem right off !! put the remains in a vase, flowers are blooming. if it happens again, I make a phone call ! they are usually pretty good but this won't work for me...having my blooms cut short...
Have enjoyed all the posts about birds and nests and wildlife and family things... sorry time is running a little short here
Wanted to say: Wanda sent me home with a magnificent macaroni cheese and tuna dish yesterday evening, it was infused with L♥ve and it was a wonderful meal at work overnight
Thanks Wanda ! prayers continue for healing for GG, will anxiously read for updates when I get home in the morning
and prayers for all our other many needs here.
Fairy is standing at the ready, time to scram
Best wishes for a good evening, everyone God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥
Finally checking that BIG baby bird in the nest! ☺ P was napping at aroun 6PM, did a stretch and one wingtip & a footsie were out of the nest! Have seen some of our woodies today. The adult downeys & a baby come near the suet.Parent gets a mouthful & feeds baby. Most times it is Dad that feeds, but the last couple of days I've seen the Moms, too.I saw one Dad w/2 babies in the tree.Some of the babies don't come near the suet yet & parent has to fly to trees next door.Did see a Coopers hawk come thru a couple yards, but didn't catch anything.Boy, those little woodies get flat as pancakes on tree trunk.
Thanks again for all good wishes! Lowreeda, yes....don't know if they would be on same shift, or not, but always a possibility! Know that Carolyn would love her!
Good luck with the cell phone test, Dana and Margy! Remember hearing Margy track a young lady on cell phone as she continued driving---miracles of modern technology!
HUNTERSVILLE (AP) - A bald eagle born at the Carolina Raptor Center in North Carolina has been spotted in Alabama.
The Charlotte Observer reports Lola might be a mother.
She and her brother Len were born in captivity at the center in Huntersville in 2006. The young eagles were fitted with small transmitters and released. They were monitored for a couple of years, but then no one kept up with them.
A University of North Carolina Charlotte ornithologist released another eagle this month and looked up Len and Lola, now 4 years old.
Lola's movements hinted she had a nest 40 miles northeast of Birmingham. Local birders found the nest and indications that chicks have hatched but haven't left yet.
Len is hanging out west of Great Falls, S.C., about 45 miles south of Charlotte.
I wonder myself why they didn't attempt to put one on Hope. There are so many sightings of 'yearlings' on the loose that you would have thought this was to be expected.
Someone needs to help me pick out a laptop. Little Man is driving me crazy!!! I wouldn't even know where to start to look for a good laptop. I do know I want a good size screen. Good Memory which I don't know is how much? Fast processor (spelling) and what every else good I need?/???
Well I have someone calling me on my cell phone. It always comes up UNKNOWN. I accepted the first and they did a muffled laugh and goodbye. Now I just let it ring. Five times today. Guess someone thinks they will irrate me. I which all cell phones had to show the name and phone #er of who is calling you.
Well I am past time for the couch. I must say he is getting tired of me being in this room....little baby boy awwww so loving and cute even at 15 yrs old. Time to cuddle (really past time) and snuggle up.
Oh No! I read Lynn Rogers account--heartbreaking. If I lived close to there, I would be out now with a flashlight!
Need to get my act together for work in AM~~what clothes? What's the weather? = try to figure out how Wanda did her hair?? Margy said it looked good!☺ Guess mine is too short ☺ If I can't make it back, Pleasant Feather Dreams & love to all ;>)
Well, I just read about Hope and I am so daggone sad!
I found out one of my Train buddies is now watching our nest and today she went somewhere really near where she lives and took pics of a nest with babies. When she posts the pics, I will share the link with you. Now my Train buddies and eagle budlets are intertwining! I love it!
Hi all! Watched TV tonight after dinner on the patio.
I am very sad about Hope. I can't stand to think of her alone or something happening to her. I am not sure I want to wear my t-shirt now. One look at Hopes face and I will loose it!
Lynn, sure hope all goes well for Carolyn tomorrow. Laurel put in for a transfer to a new school today. First she went in and told her principal. She has already been told she has a position at this different school. She is just nervous about the change. She told the principal it is for family reasons and it partly is, but the main reason is the principal. It has been a rough year!
I am especially blessed to have MARGY as a friend...and blessed that she lives so close to GG. She has come to GG's rescue more than once since I've known her!
Finally got the DuoDerm bandages today. The drugstore didn't get them in, as promised! Got them at Panhandle Home Health store. Fourteen bandages=$110.00! Insurance will pay:) Margy did a good job, yesterday...wound looked better today!
Hi, Everyone, I just got home from my first night back at school. Got signed up in the Critical Reading class I need to take, and already have an English Composition 1 class, and a Medical Transcription Practice 3 class. Will be in school on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays this semester. Probably won't get home until at least 10 pm on Mondays. This new English teacher is GOOD; he has a Master's degree, and teaches at 2 other colleges, too. He's really tough, but by golly, when he's finished with all of us, we'll certainly be able to diagram sentences! My Critical Reading teacher is good too, and she's very nice. Not as much lecture time in that class, and more independent studying. Already have a wheelbarrel full of homework because of next Monday's holiday! Going to be fun, though. Just haven't had an English class since 1969! My brain is in 'search mode'--all that info is still in there somewhere! Just gotta locate it!
Margy, got the newspaper article about our nest when I picked up our HUGE container full of mail today! It was on the bottom, so must have received it the day after we went on vacation. Thanks for sending it--it's GREAT!
I need to try to check more on it tomorrow, but my class schedule says that I'm supposed to graduate in Oct. of 2011. Hope I can find a way to speed up the process a bit.
Haven't been able to read too far back on the blog, but have figured out that Hope is missing! Saying some major prayers about that. My heart is breaking! Can see that it would be risky to put a collar on a growing cub, but wish there were some way to track them! Wish Hope would turn up. Feel so bad for Lynn Rogers!--and for Lily!
Well, gotta go veg for a bit and hit the hay. Saying prayers for everyone. Hope everyone sleeps well. Will talk to you tomorrow. The night light is on, and the porch light will see you coming. The eye scanner security is enabled. God bless and goodnight! Love all of you guys! :o]
Up to see if there is any new information about Hope -- not yet.
Lynn, wishing Carolyn an instant HUGE success with the interview today.
Jo, enjoy the time with daughter.
Sharon, maybe your TRAIN friend can take a train to open house to visit you.
Lolly, good for Laurel. I am sure she's made the best decision. Not being happy at work makes life miserable and that is really not good when working with little children.
Wanda, good news that insurance will pay for those very expensive bandages but GG is worth every penny and more.
Hi Andy. School schedule sounds busy but you're almost near the end. Hang in there girl.
Going to try to get back to sleep.
Wishing everyone a lovely day and that there will be good news about Hope and Lily.
Thank you Steve or Steve's backup. Have a lovely day. I'll go call the others.
Palmer had breakfast and fed herself.
Hi Dana and Hi Sissy.
Dana, maybe you're on to something that could bring great wealth -- let people pay to use your yard for their dogs. Certainly charge more than .25
Morning, Mits. I think we're alone in the blogosphere. Have a good one.
you too Judie....:)
Good morning.
Reading paper....remember I mentioned the bear sighting between Charles Town and Harpers Ferry?? DNR had DOH put up one of those big electronic traffic signs along the highway saying Use Caution....Bear Crossing. Said it was more for motorist case someone hit bear and got out and was confronted by an angry, wounded bear.
Here's link to the column I mentioned yesterday by Dr.Shalaway about the MN loon cam:
great article, Lynn. thanks
Good Monday Morning in Eagle Land Lynn and Mits. Hi again Judie hum
have to give that some thought. lol
I got pictures to put in Momster Album later of this morning. Libety and Belle in the nest. Belle eating fish herself she was hungry. Later she did feed Palmer.
Palmer has been using those wings to move from one side of nest to the other. Did stop at the "landed and take off zone" looking out. Like yep one day I'll take off from here.
It's another dreary, gloomy damp day in this part of Wild and Wonderful (?) WV. Yuck.
Love these automatic threads!
Good Wet Morning
While driving some back roads yesterday I was looking for bear NOT deer. Strange feeling!
Hubby and I are taking gd to lunch as her graduation day is Thurs up at Knotts Arena. (Jenny's gal)
Gd and new GS show be on a jet headed to HI.
Just caught a glimpse of one of the BWE in the middle of the nest.. didn't stay for long.
Loved the tapes of the hatching 2nd osprey egg at Loch of the Lowes - that was pure drama.
latest update from Loch of Lowes...
Update: I have had a closer look at the 3rd egg and can’t see any cracks yet. There may be on the other side of the egg though. Hopefully mum will turn it at some point today so we can get a good look. There’s no reason to worry about it just yet as it was only due to hatch today going on averages, but it could easily be another 2 days yet before there is any movement. Fingers crossed!
Jo, the kids are in for a l--o-n-g flight!!! They'll be exhausted for a day or two. Happy Honeymoon!!
eggs alone at loon nest right now
loon is back
I think this crazy eaglet is going to try to fledge today.........
She is too eager and too rambunctious near the edge!
Amen and hallelujiah!! Carolyn has an interview tomorrow for the 911 job!! Yippee!! Momster prayers at work again! Thank you all. Keep praying, please!!!
great news, Lynn:)
Lynn - kids will be there 10 days so they should be able to enjoy most of it.
Note of interest: When Anthony first saw me at the wedding he said "Mema we were watching Palmer" Thinking wedding thoughts I drew a blank as to who is Palmer --- DUHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Fantastic news Lynn and prayers are going up big time! I am sure she is besides herself - just like you are!
Best of everything for Carolyn
Need to get ready for the lunch date..
update from Portland RTH chicks...
The red-tails are now 40 days old. This afternoon they were practicing their hunting skills on a long strip of rubber (perhaps the remnants of the bicycle inner tube from last year). They repeatedly pounced on it, lifted it up with their talons and grabbed it back and forth from one another. Snakes are among the many things that red-tails will eat so the long strip of black rubber is good practice. They also spent some time attacking the greens on the right side of the nest as well as the infamous plastic bag.
ALL KINDS OF GOOD WISHES AND PRAYERS FOR CAROLYN! Job hunting is one of the most stressful things that there is....
Flying to Hawaii is also stressful!
My very first airflight was to Hawaii and that is waaay too long for anyone's first flight!!
Palmer is making my heart beat too fast! I hope you're not right Hedgie..
Too soon but she sure is hopping and flapping...
Yes Palmer That is the launch pad
Cool update, Mits!
Wanda, that would be rough for a first-ever.
Jo, 10 days is a good amount of time. Of course, things are so expensive over there....hope they got a really good deal!
Good morning! Have been to church and back. Jack and I weeded the beds and then added mulch. Looks good. I am ashamed that I let it get that many weeds, but it seems like it was not long ago that I did weed it. Oh, well. That is what a lot of rain will do.
There is a new video of Lily posted. She is a beautiful bear. Still no word on Hope. Poor little baby bear.
Palmer surely fills up the nest!
Seems like she has grown even more overnight!
Off to lunch now
Jo, where did you find the video of the egg hatching at Loch of the Lowes?
Palmer looks like he is asleep right under the cam. Looks a lot bigger in that position than at the suicide jump off spot.
Now time to get busy here at home. Have another big chore tomorrow. Going to do the BIG spring clean up of the patio and putting the sealer on the tile. Always looks great afterwards, but such a big job. Will save it for early tomorrow morn.
Have checked several cams, all is at peace. Have a great day!
Guess I missed something while away -- why is Mits telling Lynn another gloomy day is good news?
There is an update on Lily and video of her travels back in her territory. No sign of Hope.
Just wondering -- if Hope is found alive, will she be taken care of by Dr. Rogers/others? This is so upsettng.
Mits, thanks for all the critter updates. I try to check the RTH, ospreys, Palmer, others as often as possible but updates are great.
no Judie, I was saying great news about her daughter Carolyn's interview for 911 job....:)
Wind strong at nest. None here....but raining off and on.
Good Morning/Afternooon, Everyone!
Just got back from returning the rental car and picking up the mail at the post office.
Have 2 loads of wash done, and am about to start the third. Boy, do we have birds in our yard! Guess they missed us while we were gone.
The feeders are empty already this morning, so will have to refill them soon. Could really use some coffee, so will be back in a couple of minutes. Gosh, it's good to be back! (Had a FANTASTIC birding vacation, though!) :o]
from NBG....
The 10-week old eaglets are beginning to "branch." Branching is the process by which the young birds hop out of the nest onto the limbs next to it. This is a step towards eventual fledging (their first flight). Branching allows the birds to really stretch their wings as well as improve their coordination and balance while building the muscles they'll need for flight. Fledging often happens between 9 and 14 weeks so keep an eagle eye out for them to begin flying soon!
ROFL, Mits.....they must be spending almost all their time up on those branches!!! They sure aren't in the nest much!
Andy, glad you are home and that you had such a great trip!!! Good you weren't at Big Bear----record cold low and high temps there!! When do classes start again?
Lynn, that was about Norfolk, can always see them in the nest:)
Lolly - Suzanne sent it by email to some of us. I watched but then deleted. Lynn-Mits do you still have the video of the hatchings at Loch of Lowes?
sorry already deleted it.
showing one of the eaglets up on a branch at NBG now, doing wingercises
Dad Hornby brought in an opossum for Phoenix this a.m., what a guy:)
Sounds like a storm is brewing at Hornby nest. Little Phoenix is lying down with adult beside him.
GooD dAY tO YoU aLL.
Ah, Lolly, glad you got the weeding done early. Bet the garden looks loverly and peaceful.
Okay, I forgot. My bad. Just thought it was humorous to tell Lynn her gloomy day is good news. Speaking of which, did I miss good news about Carolyn and the job?
Rebels are branching. All too soon now an empty nest there.
Andy, glad you're getting caught up. Birds must be very hungry -- they missed you. So did we.
OK Our lunch with gd was fun! Graduation is Thursday evening. She wants to get in with a Vet this summer. Loves animals. Jobs are hard to find so I wish her well. Then she will start at Jr College this fall.
My feetsies are going up!
no worries, Judy, I probably would have thought the same thing....sometimes I have to refresh blog to see posts.
Hi Jim - you just caught me going for my panda nap! BBL
Mema Jo, I think you found the links to the hatching on the BWO site, and they are still there.
There you go Lolly BWO - Lisa has the Loch of the Lowes hatchings! However it might just be the first hatching - the second hatching is the most interesting when a live fish helps split the egg open.....
2nd osprey chick helped to hatch by a fish
Lynn will be praying that Carolyn gets the job.
Saw the video this morning about the second hatch What a way to be brought into the world being slapped by a headless fish. Then mom takes the fish and leaves the nest. LOL
Thank you, Jo. I had the hatching video in the email. Just had not checked my email. I am getting really bad about that. Gotta do better.
Just came in. Have been working in the yard, but only in the shade. Going back out. Just took a break to check and see if any word on Hope.
Did I ever tell you about a road sign in Louisiana? This sign points down a side road to a church on that road. The name of the church......ta da......
Little Hope Baptist Church. Not very encouraging. LOL
Speaking of Hope made me think of that sign. Jack and I always laugh when we see it.
Watching the video of the chick being "helped" by the headless fish reminded me of a commercial: give me back that filet of fish, give me that fish...
Guess the Hope anxiety is getting to me.
lol....all 3 NBG eaglets are lying in a row...
Judie, Carolyn goes for an interview tomorrow for the 911 dispatching job!
Hi, Gang,
Back again--laundry and dryer and Hubby all called my name, OR my cell phone! Got busy while munching some early lunch and guzzling coffee, and wrote down all the birds we saw that we noted in our Field Guide while wandering around near Lake Tahoe. Fasten your seat belts--here goes:
Canada Geese, Mallards, Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback, California Quails, Cattle Egret, Turkey Vultures, Golden Eagles (a pair--couldn't find their nest, though),
Rough-legged Hawk--light-morph female, American Kestrel--female,
California Gull, Rock Pigeons, Red-shafted Flicker--female, Steller's Jays (many!), Black-billed Magpies (yep, Margy, many of them!), Clark's Nutcrackers (my personal favorite), Common Ravens, Barn Swallows, Mountain Chickadees, American Robins, Yellow Warbler--male, Oregon Juncos--several males,
Black-headed Grosbeak--female, Brewer's Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Common Grackles (Bronzed), Red-winged Blackbirds--males, females, immature males, Yellow-headed Blackbird--male, and last but not least, a male Common Redpoll.
Phew! We nearly wore out our binoculars, and needless to say, had the time of our lives! So MANY birds, so little time! We were really impressed with the Carson Valley, and with the little Nevada towns of Minden, Gardnerville, and Genoa. If it weren't for Hubby's job and my school, we would seriously consider moving there! All you need to do to see a BUNCH of birds is drive slowly (NO traffic!),or just park at the side of the road,and keep your eyes peeled! The variety is just amazing.
Judie, our birds were not lacking for seeds while we were gone--I spread about 30# of birdseed on the patio before we left! Needless to say, the little piggies finished off almost all of it. Swept up a TON of seed hulls yesterday! The hummers didn't quite empty the big feeder I have for them, because we have so many flowers blooming that they like. All but one of my patio plants survived, too.
We bought some wild bird seed while there, and put some on our bedroom balcony. Made a few friends with that! Here's a Clark's Nuthatch.
Pelican Harbor will band Thurs. at 11AM!!
My goodness, Andy, so many birds!!! How fortunate you were!! Hope you got lots of pics! Like the two you have need to set up a blog that you can upload your pics to!!
Cut and brought in my lone peony bloom. Smells SO good. No ants on it, either! Rain has it a bit battered....don't know whether it will open any more or not.
Lynn, will try that tomorrow morning, when I hope I will have enough time to figure it out. By the way, am sending up prayers that your daughter will do well at the job interview! Praying for Mema Jo's GD to get in with a Vet, too! (Gosh, sounds like getting paid to have fun!)LOL :oD
Whoo Hoo! I am going to be treated to a Wendy's Frosty!
Get me one, too, please, Jo!!
Thanks, Andy!
My oldest gd wants to just volunteer at our Vet's office---she'll be 16 in 9 days!
Welcome Home Andrea !
Wow, all those birds, you are an ornithologist extraordinaire !
My prairie dog brother of his favorites is the Yellow-Headed blackbird.
Hope the Magpies behaved themselves, they can be pesky for sure
So glad you had such a good time
Hello Eagle Pals
am sure that phone call from Carolyn to you about HER phone call, made a change in the dull and dreary day!
Best wishes for a happy outcome
prayers a'plenty from this roost
just had a quick visit with Dana here...we were trying to figure out some cell phone things.
she is going to call later on her 9-1-1 so I can see what her GPS shows on her cell phone...
(she'll call first on the business line to let me know )
hated to cut short the visit but work looms :(
newspaper delivery person threw paper right on my Megan Nicotania flower this morning, cut the stem right off !!
put the remains in a vase, flowers are blooming.
if it happens again, I make a phone call !
they are usually pretty good but this won't work for me...having my blooms cut short...
Have enjoyed all the posts about birds and nests and wildlife and family things...
sorry time is running a little short here
Wanted to say: Wanda sent me home with a magnificent macaroni cheese and tuna dish yesterday evening, it was infused with L♥ve and it was a wonderful meal at work overnight
Thanks Wanda !
prayers continue for healing for GG, will anxiously read for updates when I get home in the morning
and prayers for all our other many needs here.
Fairy is standing at the ready, time to scram
Best wishes for a good evening, everyone
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
...also, hoping for a good outcome with Lily and Hope...
thanks for all the links on that
naturalist friend in NY has seen his first fawn
they are out there somewhere, will be awhile before we see them probably
xo ttfn
Finally checking that BIG baby bird in the nest! ☺ P was napping at aroun 6PM, did a stretch and one wingtip & a footsie were out of the nest!
Have seen some of our woodies today. The adult downeys & a baby come near the suet.Parent gets a mouthful & feeds baby. Most times it is Dad that feeds, but the last couple of days I've seen the Moms, too.I saw one Dad w/2 babies in the tree.Some of the babies don't come near the suet yet & parent has to fly to trees next door.Did see a Coopers hawk come thru a couple yards, but didn't catch anything.Boy, those little woodies get flat as pancakes on tree trunk.
Lynn, fantastic news about Carolyn!!!! If she gets the job, will she work w/Margy???? ☺
BBL~~gotta do din din---
Oh Lynn It melted by the time I came home - Sorry !
Looks as though Palmer is hanging by the tree trunk instead of the noon hr.
Thanks again for all good wishes!
Lowreeda, yes....don't know if they would be on same shift, or not, but always a possibility! Know that Carolyn would love her!
Good luck with the cell phone test, Dana and Margy! Remember hearing Margy track a young lady on cell phone as she continued driving---miracles of modern technology!
Check the Lily cam sight.....discouraging report......they haven't given up but.........hope for Hope is dimming. My heart is breaking.
Evening, all!
News about Noah's sister :)
HUNTERSVILLE (AP) - A bald eagle born at the Carolina Raptor Center in North Carolina has been spotted in Alabama.
The Charlotte Observer reports Lola might be a mother.
She and her brother Len were born in captivity at the center in Huntersville in 2006. The young eagles were fitted with small transmitters and released. They were monitored for a couple of years, but then no one kept up with them.
A University of North Carolina Charlotte ornithologist released another eagle this month and looked up Len and Lola, now 4 years old.
Lola's movements hinted she had a nest 40 miles northeast of Birmingham. Local birders found the nest and indications that chicks have hatched but haven't left yet.
Len is hanging out west of Great Falls, S.C., about 45 miles south of Charlotte.
Wishing for good news about Hope, too.
Good luck to Carolyn, Hedgie!
Turned out to be a rather nice day after all!
Heading out to Lowe's and Wallyworld shortly.
Welcome back, Andy. You sure do know your birds!
Margy - no tip for the paper boy!
Dogs are in, heading out....bbl
Palmer at the noon, facing out.
Recent update Lily and Hope
♫ Blue skies smiling at me, patches of blue sky do I see! ♫
And some sun, too!! I also have purple fungus growing on the ground. Ah, nature...ugh!
Loon is off the nest - eggs visible
Just stopping by.
Palmer was unable/disinclined to feed herself to adult took over. Much screeching.
News is not good regarding Hope. Hurting heart. BBL
Just popped in while fixing dinner to check on the Lily and Hope situation on FB. Such discouraging new :(
too bad they could not have put a tracking device on the cub.
I wonder myself why they didn't attempt to put one on Hope. There are so many sightings of 'yearlings' on the loose that you would have thought this was to be expected.
BWO Reminder
1st egg laid: April 22 (Earth Day)
Possible hatch: May 30-31
2nd egg laid: April 25
Possible hatch: June 2-3
3rd egg laid: April 28
Possible hatch: June 5-6
I would think that maybe the growth factor would come into play in regards to collaring a cub......just a thought.
But they could at least find her to adjust it ... just another thought..
Well gals we have our 3 Finales tomorrow on our Terrific Tuesday TV !
Well, Jo....maybe they could and maybe they couldn't! What if it died???
Yeah, tomorrow night will be good.
Hedgie and Jo...I hear both those thoughts...
Someone needs to help me pick out a laptop. Little Man is driving me crazy!!! I wouldn't even know where to start to look for a good laptop. I do know I want a good size screen. Good Memory which I don't know is how much? Fast processor (spelling) and what every else good I need?/???
Well I have someone calling me on my cell phone. It always comes up
UNKNOWN. I accepted the first and they did a muffled laugh and goodbye. Now I just let it ring. Five times today. Guess someone thinks they will irrate me.
I which all cell phones had to show the name and phone #er of who is calling you.
Dana, I sent you all the puter info last week.
As it said in that info, screen is 17.5 inches.
Thank You Lynn I got yours. Maybe Wanda and Paula can send me information on their Laptops and I can do some comparison.
Well I am past time for the couch. I must say he is getting tired of me being in this room....little baby boy awwww so loving and cute even at 15 yrs old. Time to cuddle (really past time) and snuggle up.
Prayers for those that need them
Oh No! I read Lynn Rogers account--heartbreaking. If I lived close to there, I would be out now with a flashlight!
Need to get my act together for work in AM~~what clothes? What's the weather? = try to figure out how Wanda did her hair?? Margy said it looked good!☺ Guess mine is too short ☺
If I can't make it back, Pleasant Feather Dreams & love to all ;>)
Well, I just read about Hope and I am so daggone sad!
I found out one of my Train buddies is now watching our nest and today she went somewhere really near where she lives and took pics of a nest with babies. When she posts the pics, I will share the link with you. Now my Train buddies and eagle budlets are intertwining! I love it!
Gee, are there 2 birds in the nest??Dark blobs at 9 & 3 o'clock.
Moon is out! And on that note, I will say my night-night now. Prayers for all and peace.
I watched Law & Order's finale. They said next year it will be Law & Order LA.
I am ready to head back the hallway
Up early to greet daughter at the door
Good Night All
Sleep soundly and sweet dreams
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi all! Watched TV tonight after dinner on the patio.
I am very sad about Hope. I can't stand to think of her alone or something happening to her. I am not sure I want to wear my t-shirt now. One look at Hopes face and I will loose it!
Lynn, sure hope all goes well for Carolyn tomorrow. Laurel put in for a transfer to a new school today. First she went in and told her principal. She has already been told she has a position at this different school. She is just nervous about the change. She told the principal it is for family reasons and it partly is, but the main reason is the principal. It has been a rough year!
Oh, Margy, I saw the Dr Margy Angel video that Wanda made ♥♥
Aren't we blessed to know our Margy?!
Time to call it a day!
See you tomorrow! Nite all!
Sweet dreams!
I am especially blessed to have MARGY as a friend...and blessed that she lives so close to GG. She has come to GG's rescue more than once since I've known her!
Finally got the DuoDerm bandages today. The drugstore didn't get them in, as promised! Got them at Panhandle Home Health store. Fourteen bandages=$110.00! Insurance will pay:)
Margy did a good job, yesterday...wound looked better today!
Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from my first night back at school. Got signed up in the Critical Reading class I need to take, and already have an English Composition 1 class, and a Medical Transcription Practice 3 class. Will be in school on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays this semester. Probably won't get home until at least 10 pm on Mondays. This new English teacher is GOOD; he has a Master's degree, and teaches at 2 other colleges, too.
He's really tough, but by golly, when he's finished with all of us, we'll certainly be able to diagram sentences! My Critical Reading teacher is good too, and she's very nice. Not as much lecture time in that class, and more independent studying. Already have a wheelbarrel full of homework because of next Monday's holiday! Going to be fun, though. Just haven't had an English class since 1969! My brain is in 'search mode'--all that info is still in there somewhere! Just gotta locate it!
Margy, got the newspaper article about our nest when I picked up our HUGE container full of mail today! It was on the bottom, so must have received it the day after we went on vacation. Thanks for sending it--it's GREAT!
I need to try to check more on it tomorrow, but my class schedule says that I'm supposed to graduate in Oct. of 2011. Hope I can find a way to speed up the process a bit.
Haven't been able to read too far back on the blog, but have figured out that Hope is missing! Saying some major prayers about that. My heart is breaking! Can see that it would be risky to put a collar on a growing cub, but wish there were some way to track them! Wish Hope would turn up. Feel so bad for Lynn Rogers!--and for Lily!
Well, gotta go veg for a bit and hit the hay. Saying prayers for everyone. Hope everyone sleeps well. Will talk to you tomorrow.
The night light is on, and the porch light will see you coming. The eye scanner security is enabled. God bless and goodnight!
Love all of you guys! :o]
Good morning.
Up to see if there is any new information about Hope -- not yet.
Lynn, wishing Carolyn an instant HUGE success with the interview today.
Jo, enjoy the time with daughter.
Sharon, maybe your TRAIN friend can take a train to open house to visit you.
Lolly, good for Laurel. I am sure she's made the best decision. Not being happy at work makes life miserable and that is really not good when working with little children.
Wanda, good news that insurance will pay for those very expensive bandages but GG is worth every penny and more.
Hi Andy. School schedule sounds busy but you're almost near the end. Hang in there girl.
Going to try to get back to sleep.
Wishing everyone a lovely day and that there will be good news about Hope and Lily.
New Thread.
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