Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Shot above Priestly Rapids.

new thread.


Costume Lady said...

Another beautiful scene. I"ll bet it was hard for you to leave there Steve.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Steve, your pics are awesome! Beautiful scenery. Thanks for the new thread. Thanks for the heads up, Costume Lady. Think everyone is still asleep!

Suzanne said...

WA osprey has a chick!!!! Thought I saw it earlier, but it was still too dark! They had a switch, and this one is in no hurry to get back on it. Too cute. Wonder when it hatched????

movin said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful morning for us...thanks to Steve for the beautiful pictures.

I never canoed. but now I want to they have any with training outriggers, Steve?

Actually, I have a vague memory of kayaking on the forbidden waters of a local 'slough.' It was so fast and silent that you could almost glide up on a duck or a mud hen and do it in with your paddle.

The Norfolk eaglets are advancing quickly. Now the second one is on the big branch (where Momma sits) with his older sister...No. 1 scratches her head and just stands on one foot, and a 30 secs later, No. 2 is doing exactly the same thing...No. 3 is watching longingly, but he's still kinda afraid of the distance.

Hope everyone has a great day today.


movin said...

Now, Mamma brought some brunch, and all the eaglets are back on the nest and feeding in VA.


movin said...

Didn't intend to kill off the comments, people.

"I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!!"


movin said...

Anybody know what's wrong with the slide show at Norfolk?

It shows one pic and then refuses to slide...I hate a slideshow that doesn't slide....


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Don't think you killed the comments, don't think anybody is up yet! Sleepy heads this side of the country this morning!
I've been on other computer, haven't really been watching this one. Glad you are blogging about the VA eagles, can't get that site, so I'm always glad when someone else gets it and writes what's going on.
We had no visitors this morning, and if we did, cam was sick so couldn't see them. BW eaglet came in with something to eat, and mantled at the parent who came in with him. Kent eaglets are awake, one was squaking a sec ago. Parent is in tree. Think we have an egg hatching in WA...saw the little osprey this morning. Only saw 1, so think she has 3 eggs to go. Barn owls are getting ready to go to bed for the night, and the stork has been up several times showing us her 3 beautiful babies. Also beautiful outside, these sleepy heads need to get up and go outside!

movin said...

Well, Suzanne,
Have a great's pretty nice here too...I've got to get ready for work.


Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Morning

Another beautiful sunny day here in the valley. Thanks Suzanne & Jim- you two make for very interesting reading! So descriptive! Just remember if you feel alone, you have lots of readers.

I am going over to previous thread, check emails & surf the cams!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo. How was your day yesterday as Mema? Bet you had a good time!!! (Geesh, that was yesterday, wasn't it?)

Suzanne said...

Swear it looks like there are 2 chicks at the WA osprey nest.

Mema Jo said...



NOON TO 1:00 CA time

3 -4:00 Our Eagleland Time

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzanne There should be 2 chicks in the WA osprey nest that have been seen. Have you ever seen a feeding going on in that nest? There are still 3 eggs in nest box. The Burrowing Owls are out and about. And
Ms Owl is in the clean nest box! It had been empty for quite some time after the first clutch went bad.
I like WildWatchCams where you can see alot.
Yesterday was FUN

Suzanne said...

Ok, Jo, she moved again a little while ago and I thought I saw 2 chicks! Took a pic. And yes, she was feeding them. Too cool. When did they hatch? They look older than a day or so. Don't see the rest of the eggs, but I'm sure they are still there.
Glad you had a fun day, yesterday!!

Suzanne said...

Jo, that animal is back on the north cam of the burrowing owls!

Mema Jo said...

All the little owls are coming out of the Burrow on WildWatch Cam.

The Albuquerque owls are also out!
Looks like grass is growing on their hillside. Also looks like there could be more then 1 family burrow on the hill.

You know I love these guys!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Busy day here, I'll be lurking!!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching the "animal" Head looks like it's related to a groundhog but is that a long body or a rock.

Please sent me pic of the osprey feeding OR go ahead and place on the DeltaView Gallery at Kent site.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Jo, I thought you were talking about the Albuqerque owls.

Suzanne said...

Jo, you should have a pic of both babies, and the feeding this morning. Sent it a few minutes ago. Let me know if you don't get it. Think 3 pics.

Mema Jo said...

I think I was talking about the Owls
at Albuquerque concerning the 2 family & the grass growing & the mystery animal. I also mentioned that the WildWatch ones were out & about.

Good morning, Paula

Suzanne said...

Jo, have the WildWatch cams up, look at them all! All lined up in a row on their way out. That is too cute!

Suzanne said...

Jo, did you get the WA osprey pics?

Mema Jo said...

I haven't made it over to emails yet lol............ Best go do that now. BRB

Mema Jo said...

I can get the pics, Suzanne! They are great. JPG does it! Thanks...

sandyshaw said...

Hello everyone. Sunny, warm, humidity building here in Shepherdstown. The barn owl is back in the nest on Owl Cam 1 in Washington. And all the little burrowing owls are out. So cute.

Suzanne said...

Great, Jo.
Check out BW eagle! Chick mantling big time, other on side watching him!

sandyshaw said...

Whoops, I didn't read the blog first. Jo already posted all the owl news. Thanks, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I saw the mantling, Suz.
Hi Sandra!
Watch the owl in the nest box on WildWatch Cam - strange behavior - Do you think she is getting ready to lay an egg?

Suzanne said...

This kid is going around in circles, mantling the whole time. He's not giving up a bite! Oh, well that being said, the other chick left, and now the one that was mantling is just sitting there. Geesh, I swear they can hear me and change just cause they can!

Suzanne said...

Hi SANDY!!! Jo, I've been watching her on and off (mostly off) since you mentioned it. She's also been laying on her side. Is that normal? Never saw an owl lay on their side before. But then again, never saw a lot of these birds doing things before, so who knows what is normal?

Suzanne said...

Did anybody ever decide what kind of eggs they are in the bluebird nest box now?

Suzanne said...

Did anybody but me notice the barn owl's cams are getting fuzzy today? Don't know how they handle poop shoots, but both views are fuzzier than they've ever been.

Mema Jo said...

The 3 eggs are thought to be of a Tree Swallow. Bluebirds don't put feathers in their nest (we think)

I don't know enough about owls to know what she is doing. I saw the same things as you, plus I think she was being vocal a couple of times. I saw her look down under like she was checking for an egg.

Suzanne said...

Has anybody seen the Kent kids getting fed today? I haven't, but I haven't been watching that closely, either.
Jo, if that owl lays an egg, I just KNOW you're gonna take a pic!
BW eaglet still eating in nest. Other chick gave up and left.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Ok, thanks, Jo. Tree Swallow, how cool.
Uh oh, both chicks in BW, and don't think the first one is finished eating! Just showed us his wing span.

Ok, outta here. All have a good night!

Robyn said...

Morning all,

Found an article on the Yellow-billed Loon and how it is dvancng towards the endagered species list

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn - Owl is back in the nest box. Thanks for the link. Did you see the loon cam in Minnesota?

Sandra - this loon is beautiful. Hope the link works...

Mema Jo said...

I have an afternoon appointment for which I must get myself ready! You all know that I belong to the PJ club. Sandra we never did have our breakfast get together! lol

Costume Lady said...

Just looked in on the Swallows in the Bluebird Box. Eggs look as if they have been damaged. Not sure. Will check in on them later. This just hasn't been a good season for our birds.

Costume Lady said...

JO--I, too, belong to the PJ club. That is one of the privilegs of being retired.

Mema Jo said...

Good - You can come to breakfast at Sandra's also! There is quite a good many of us! lol

Sometimes the eggs (nest box ones) look as though they have a crack but it turns out to just be a piece of the grass.. I hope so!

Wanda - watch the owl in the nest box

I have to get a going! BBL

Costume Lady said...

JO-- You were right, the Swallow eggs look fine now. Mom should lay 2 more and decorate with more feathers.

Mema Jo said...

I am back from my appointment

Wanda - I haven't seen the swallow in the nest recently - Have You?

Mema Jo said...

Just tuned into the

Two Harbors nest -

Chicks are not to be seen Therefore, Dr Sharpe must be there! Banding is in progress!

Mema Jo said...

TH cam had been frozen - don't think anyone saw the eagles being taken.

I do think the cam is operating ok now.

Mema Jo said...

Both eaglets have been returned to the nest and have their red wing blinges! One is #77 - Can't be sure of the other one yet.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though it will be #77 and #78. I'll let you know if I am wrong.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Two Harbors cam froze when they were taking the eaglets out, and froze after they put one back in. Looks like we have a 78 and 79 back in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty short with all the freezing, but here it is.

Two Harbors Banding Video

Mema Jo said...

Paula Did Stef bring up one or both the banded eaglets?
Glad the parent has returned with fish..They look plume tuckered out!
I wasn't sure if it was a #77 or #79-
Glad you cleared that one up.

Video is great!

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you so much Paula. I missed the banding. I was in a meeting and was watching my watch. Someone said something to the fact that I must have a hot date. Little did they know it was with an eagle. Back to work.

Mema Jo said...

Since your back Anne - Just MAYBE our eagles will come before you leave from work. They used to do that all the time............

Anne-Marie said...

I'm wating.I think because of the daylight change they wait until later. We will see

MITS said...

It sure would be nice to see them, nest looks beautiful.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all, Going to get the nails done and then a dinner date. An old falme. Eagles will have to do without me.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if Heidigirl will wear her red dress tonight! I love to tease her about the dress. lol Someday I hope we get a pic of her up on the tabletop dancing away in her flaming red dress! Anne deserves her 5 mins of fame! I don't think I ever had my 5 mins of fame... Since I don't remember it - I'll have to work on what I want to do.....

Mema Jo said...

When anyone sees the Puget Sound eaglet moving around, please record it. I keep seeing him hanging over the far side of the nest. I can tell it must be hot - the adult seems to be panting.
The mother osprey on the WDFW cam was shielding the chicks from the sun today with her wings.
I am still watching the barn owl in the nest box & also looking for the swallow to come back to the 3 eggs in the bluebird box!

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

Both KENT parents are on the branch and eaglets in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I just was viewing the Puget Sound neset and the eaglet is alive & well. At least I saw both of this feet moving around.
Good old Egg-Mate is still in the center of the nest! I swear it is one of those Dr Sharpe wooden eggs

Mema Jo said...

I have not been able to get the Ft.St Vrain CO eagle cam up. I didn't look back on the daily pics to see when it was last up - but don't think for the past 2 days it has been up

sandyshaw said...

I've been watching the barn owl, wondering what she's doing and whether she's the same owl?

Will you please pray for Tom. Today, tests revealed that the antibiotics have affected his liver, and so we had to discontinue them immediately. The hospital will not allow any surgery on anyone who has any trace of merca or other bacteria. What happens if his tests show that the bacteria are still there? We don't know. Please pray for us.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra, I will continue to pray for Tom and you. I hope your mom is comfortable and that you have ample help with her.

Barn Owl: I had not watched the first one very often - Do you think this one is larger then the 1st one - The forum felt the 1st one was rather young.

MITS said...

Sandra, my prayers are with you and Tom.

Costume Lady said...

Prayer has always been an important part of my life and I will pray for you and your family.

movin said...


Liked Paula's video of the banding today.

Wondered if the W E banding video had surfaced yet, as I missed it.

Hoped everyone was well and happy this evening.


Mema Jo said...

Jim WE video wasn't there this evening. I think the Dr has been too busy to process it yet.

The burrowing owls are out for the evening on WDFW cam.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to sign off for tonight

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Prayers for all my friends being said

Morning Suzanne

movin said...

I see both BW eaglets are sprawled in the nest tonight.


paula eagleholic said...

Nope, haven't seen any WE video yet either. The TH banding - what you saw in my video is what everyone saw - cam froze right after Steffani placed the first eaglet back in the nest....I don't know if she or Dr Sharpe placed the second eaglet in there or not. Also, the cam froze when they took them out - one minute they were there, and 15 minutes later (long freeze) they weren't. So I guess we have 2 videos to wait on!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandra - Hope the antibiotics have done their job!

movin said...

Evil genius got my comment again!

Sandy, I will pray for you and Tom, and I'm sure with us all praying, we are sure to have a positive result.

God bless you and Tom. May he be very much better soon.


movin said...

Thanks for substantiating what I suspected about the earlier video, Paula.

They're sure having their troubles with the cams out there lately...although the Two Harbors lens looks much cleaner this evening.


MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Jim, I think Dr. Pete takes a bottle of windex with him when he goes to the nests...

movin said...

I'm fairly tired myself tonight...might hit the rack early.

Happy nest viewing...


Mema Jo said...

I am really hooked into watching the 3 storks Chess, Mila and Gwen.
I had forgotten how much I loved Hugo and now there are 3 bobble heads getting fed. I love the sounds they make.... I'll get to bed soon.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to All
Am I on the wrong page again or what? I can't find Suz.

Costume Lady said...

If you are there, say something. I need you to have my coffee with.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Thursday morning Costume Lady. I just signed in to read the latest about this mornings happenings from Suzanne, and I don't see her either.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was late getting into school and wondered if she saw anyone in our nest this morning. I got up early yesterday only to find the cam really messed up and we didn't see anything.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hope Suzanne is ok and nothing is wrong. We all love her writings in the morning and she starts our day.

carolinabeachmom said...

BBL My children will be coming in to start the day. I hope Suzanne shows up.

Costume Lady said...

I am so concerned about your abscense that I can't enjoy watching our nests this morning. I hope our other Morning Watchers will join in on a search for you.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, good morning, eagle world! Sorry for the delay this morning, being a contractor you have dates the contract ends. Well the company got the contract extended, but one of our illustrious government leaders didn't think it necessary to forward any paperwork to the network folks! So we all came in on time and sat around. Nobody could get on any PCs! If I'da known that, I sure would have slept in this morning! Went and got donuts, sat around and talked and ate donuts and drank coffee. Then more people joined us, so I sure would like to know what this cost the gov't this morning! 3 of us sat around for 4+ hours! Then figured I'd at least do something constructive, have (UGH!!!) filing to do, so got that started. Now I have to finish it...UGH again.

Anyway, I apologize, I usually do this when nobody is quite up yet, but ya'll are gonna have to listen to my singing!! (With apologies, but I don't have ear plugs.)



Happy Birthday, Jim. Hope you have a wonderful day! Do something special for yourself.

Haven't read blogs, just logged on, don't even have any cams up yet, so no idea what is going on.
All have a great eagle day. Dang, missed the early AM visit this morning. Got to open my cams.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Both BW chicks are mantling in nest, parent is checking out what they have. They look way bigger, so it must be Lord BW in the nest with them.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, just saw CostumeLady's and Candy's last comments. I'm fine, thanks for worrying, but do enjoy the cams!!! Thought about calling someone this morning, but I sure wouldn't have appreciated a phone call about 4:15 or so saying someone couldn't get on the computers! Sorry, everyone. We're good to go now until July of next year, so maybe this won't happen again until then!

The BW chicks each have a fish, and the chick on the right has a huge one! Parent just left.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, I finally get on, sing Happy Birthday, and everybody else goes back to bed... What's the deal with that?

BW eaglets still in nest eating. Justice finished hers, now she's eying Majesty's. Majesty ain't sharing, but he's not mantling either. Justice is just watching him eat.

Suzanne said...

This is unreal. Lord BW just flew in and is now stealing the big fish from the fledgling! I can't believe it.

Suzanne said...

Oh good grief! Majesty had the fish, Justice was really watching him and wanting it, now Lord BW came in and is over it. Lady BW just arrived, she is now over the fish, Lord BW watching, Justice trying to keep it from mom. Oh too funny, all 4 are fighting over this fish!

Suzanne said...

It seems Lady BW kind of split up that big fish, and now all 4 are eating some of it. Leave it to mom to figure that one out!!!

Suzanne said...

Lady BW just left, but Lord BW and both chicks are still nibbling.


MITS said...


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Hope your Birthday is a real special day for you.

Mema Jo said...


Discussion Forum
May 30


Mema Jo said...

Don't forget there is sound on the videos

paula eagleholic said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...