Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Both eagles are up in the tree above the cam as I write.

New thread.


movin said...

I hope I'm first, I hope I'm first!!

Thanks, Steve... I'll go get the others.


movin said...

Morning, Steve,

I wonder if anyone has seen Liberty-Belle mating off camera...

They seem to be going ahead, but without mating, they ain't going to get anywhere.


MITS said...

Congrats, Jim, you are da man:).

Mema Jo said...

Da Man did it again!

Thanks Steve for the new thread, BUT most of all for your report of the sighting!

Just signing in for the day - Hi Mits and I'll be going over to see who else is a'coming from the previous thread.
HoHo! I didn't need to sign in - I was already Mema Jo & ready to go!!!

MITS said...

feeding time at KENT

MITS said...

how does that happen, Jo?????

movin said...

Talk to you all later,

Gotta do mundane stuff like work and turning in the rent payment, etc.

Have a great day.


movin said...


I still have to sign in too!!!

I am bummed....


MITS said...

Me too, Jim

Mema Jo said...

Off the eggs at Puget Sound

Mema Jo said...

That chick is a chick but
That egg is still an egg at PS

MITS said...

I don't think that egg is going to hatch:(

Robyn said...

Looks like a crack in the egg in PS, anyone else see that or is it me eyes playing tricks.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - do you mean around the middle of the egg you saw a crack? When you read the forum - this nest usually has a late hatching but I think they are getting concerned.

MITS said...

Been watching that crack for the last few days, Robyn.

Robyn said...

Thanks Mits and Jo, I have my fingers crossed, hard to read when I keep peeking at screen.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Ladies---Does anyone know what is on the 5o'clock edge of the Puget Sound nest?

MITS said...

Fish left over from yesterday, Candy.

MITS said...

Both adults at KENT

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get some Brunch & maybe even get dressed for the day. Don't have any commitments today.

Hi Wanda! Saw you over on the early thread.. Glad you came back..

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the heads up, Jim. You're on the ball! Mits, I was gonna post about both adults being at Kent, and the switch, but then I saw the new thread note from Jim. By the time I got here, switch was long over. BUT I GOT TO SEE BOTH BABIES!!! They're so cute, but they are also very wet, poor things. Think Star is on eggs now, and she only gave them a couple bites, then covered them up again. Wish that rain would stop! Did you notice Spirit when he left stopped by the tree and watched for a minute? He's a mother hen! Too funny.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo. Didn't see you earlier. Think I've spoken to everyone else. If not, HELLO, and Good Morning!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, Its pouring. I so wanted it to be nice for Paula. Its supose to be sunny tomorrow. Lets hope. You guys would laugh at us California sissy's. We dont have storms like you do back there. If on a rare occation it lighting and thunders everyone runs to a window so they can see it. Its laughable.Today its just raining.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzanne! No pics so far today but at least we know they are up there.

Mauley said...

Hi folks, has anyone heard from Sandy about Tom and Mom this week? Hi Jim, Mits, Jo, Suzanne,Robynann, Costume lady,Heidi Girl,

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Anne. Funny about the Rain in CA. Maybe Paula is keeping ahead of it - I know the birds in WA state are getting it full force.

Suzanne said...

Nope, no pics of our kids, Jo, but nice to know they're in the area. Hi Heidigirl and Mauley. Heidigirl, the sun is out here and it's absolutely beautiful. Wish WA was getting better weather, though! Kent eagle has her wing stretched we know why she was practicing, but the chicks are still under her, so hopefully they will stay nice and dry! Or get dry, they were kinda wet during breakfast.

Mema Jo said...

No report from Sandra - but she was online and watching our eagles visit.
In fact she gave a heads-up one day.

Suzanne said...

You can really see the rain on the WA osprey cam! Poor osprey looks very wet! As does our Spirit. I think that's Spirit, isn't it Mits? Uh oh, did Mits alrady leave for the zoo?

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Gonna stop by vet hosp and see my baby on the way home.

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

No zoo, today...

MITS said...

Jo, sometimes looking for the burrowing owl is like playing, "Where's Waldo?"

Mema Jo said...

The grasses are getting very high, Mits. They say if we see one outside that the other should be inside the burrow nesting... I'll believe it when I see them little buggers all march out of the burrow one day!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - do they ever have Mei & Tai in the same yard?

Anne-Marie said...

Its a warm rain here. I hope Wash babes are warm. We have a red tailed hawk that lives on the roof of the building where I work. He has been putting his leftovers down the rain gutter. The maintenance man isnt too pleased about that. The rain isnt going down like its suppose to so he had to dismantle it. All kinds of critters came out of it. I guess he thought it was a garbage disposal.

MITS said...

I read that, Jo, can't wait to see the "little buggers". No Tai and Mei or separated, they are not sure when and if they will let them visit, he seems perfectly happy by himself and, as an older male now, not sure what they would do with each other. This is a learning experience, since it really has not been done here before.

Mema Jo said...

I can still see the egg under PS eagle's breast......

MITS said...

LOL>>>>>hawks will be hawks...

MITS said...

feeding time at KENT

MITS said...

I'm enjoying this cam as much as I thought I would, maybe next year sound:).

Mema Jo said...

Going to head across the road & visit with son & grandson. BBL

MITS said...

So today is day #40 for the 2nd egg at Puget Sound, not good:(.

Anne-Marie said...

Mitts, how many days usually does it take to hatch?

Anne-Marie said...

I see blue sky toward San Francisco... Hurray...

MITS said...

Incubation period is approx 35 days for bald eagle, Heidi.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you.5 extra days isnt good.

MITS said...

no it is not:(

MITS said...

both eagles at Puget

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though the CO cam stopped updated around 10:30 (their time) this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Time for dinner planning... BBL

Mema Jo said...

Watching Puget Sound again.
For sure one eaglet
Hope it's feeding time soon so I
see under

Mema Jo said...

Napping in the VA nest - all in a row

Mema Jo said...

Just checked in on CT osprey - Looks as though they lost their BLUE cloth from the nest.

Mema Jo said...

7pm Eagleland time - No sightings of eagles in the nest - only high above on the branches as Steve reported this morning.

MITS said...

feeding time for the red-tailed hawk in NY

Mema Jo said...

Must have just came in to nest.
The other hawk cam had the adult sitting on the edge with what appeared to be food lying there & the 2 little chicks were still napping.

Mema Jo said...

On Wavelit - I opened the woodpecker link...... Big one staring at me from out of the hole. But I'm not sure it is a woodpecker...

MITS said...

I was watching that one too, Jo, and both hawks were there.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Didn't find the page

Mema Jo said...




MITS said... doesn't look like a woodpecker, and it always seems to be raining there.

MITS said...

But if you look at the pic directly below it, it does.

Mema Jo said...

I think it is like the hummingbirds -
repeat video..........


MITS said...

little buggers snuck in while I was watching Woody

MITS said...

Belle must be losing weight, doesn't look as big

Mema Jo said...

Feathering down..

MITS said...

standing right over the nest cup

MITS said...

she picked up something in her beak and left.

MITS said...

George was just at the KENT NEST.

Mema Jo said...

Did you get a pic - Did he bring the peeps a present of welcome?

MITS said...

Pic is on the way, Jo.

MITS said...

belle is back

Mema Jo said...

Belle returns to Lib in nest

MITS said...

she is gone again, looks like she brought in some fresh pine.

Mema Jo said...

You have mail Mits

Anne-Marie said...

Well I'm happy... Got my Eagle fix for the day. Got to go home, I'm tired...

Mema Jo said...

Aren't you late leaving work, Anne.
They came for you to see! TTUL

Mema Jo said...

My bad! You leaving early? ho ho

MITS said...

Got it Jo.....

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Looks as though the Sycamore is getting its leaves now.

MITS said...

feeding time KENT

MITS said...

Well it was both E's there now

MITS said...

now just 1

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Funny about George visiting the Kent nest - glad you got a pic. Why not post over in their gallery?

Back to the PS drama - Is it or isn't it going to crack open to a new chick

Costume Lady said...

Hello to my Evening Eagle friends.
Haven't been "Bird Watching" very much last few days. My Mom got her test results back (No Cancer), but full of arthritis spurs. Taking her to physical therapy.

Has anyone seen the baby Bluebirds? Cuties.

sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - I was checking Bluebird off & on today. Usually when I looked the mom was on them in the nestbox.
I am thankful about your mom's test results. Do you take her right in Martinsburg for therapy?

sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

How beautiful is that?????

MITS said...

man alot of kissy-face going on...

MITS said...

what's with the split tail???

Mema Jo said...

Lib flew off
Belle remains

Mema Jo said...

Tail straightened up before take off - Got a pic of it.

Sandra Give us a report on how things are going for you before you
leave the blog tonight - please. We've all been wondering about you doing ok.

Mema Jo said...

MT Nest

MITS said...

Hope your Mom gets relief, Wanda....Yes, Sandra everyone has been asking for you. How are things going?

MITS said...

Jo, I'm all logged on at Deltaview, but can't figure out how to send pic.

Mema Jo said...

Trying to watch Puget Sound but the eagle's back is to the cam..... Robyn thinks
there is a hole in the tip of it But Mits thinks it has been there for a couple days. Their forum is getting concerned about its hatching.

Mema Jo said...

I've never posted one there
Robyn can help Email her

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Sharon has done it before.

sandyshaw said...

Hello to all: I did respond to Donna today, but I didn't forward to the blog. Sorry. Tom is doing well, is now in Charles Town in rehab. They are now treating a specific bacteria so we hope that after 4 to 6 weeks of antibiotics he will be bacteria free. Then they will put in a new knee. And we will be back to where we were a year ago. Mother is recuperating and we are working on getting her to walk to her reclining chair and to the kitchen. We still have home health care and my sister is here, but she will go back to Callifornia on the 15th. We have help at night, which means that we can sleep. I shuttle back and forth to the hospital. Thank goodness for the eagles and the eagle people. They are an enormous comfort.


Robyn said...

Mits I will email you how...

MITS said...

PS eagle will not turn around.

sandyshaw said...

PS I should say thank goodness also for good friends and neighbors and church members. Also, where is the info about the burrowing owls? I can't figure them out.

Mema Jo said...


Burrowing Owl

This link may not work - still trying to perfect my doing this...I'll email you if it doesn't become a clickable link

Mema Jo said...

DId not get me to the right page...

I'll email you link

Mema Jo said...

Puget Sound Feeding

Still one egg I see

Mema Jo said...

Burrowing Owl

I'm determined to do this linky dinky thing right! Trying again for a link

Mema Jo said...

I guess I did some extra help Jim
Always takes me to an error page for the correct sight though.

Mema Jo said...

Ignore my Burrowing Owl links
They do not connect
Leaving here so Jim can review for me

Mema Jo said...

Think I need a break - going over to put pics in Momsters from tonight's long visit. BBL

MITS said...

dinner at KENT

Robyn said...

Mits, did it work?

Mema Jo said...

Maine Forum Update

Mema Jo said...


Jim, I is DA WOMAN!

I just made a link & it worked!!

Mema Jo said...

I don't see George over there yet...

Robyn said...

There may be a hatching in PS as per their forum, anyone see anything yet?

Mema Jo said...

No - It was getting too dark
I'll check again..

Mema Jo said...

Eagle is nesting
Paying attention to what is down under every now & then.....

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Guess we'll to keep looking because when Star Struck -Kent WA saw no egg at 10:32 I don't think she got a pic.

Robyn said...

I'm looking and going cross-eyed

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles were at the nest at PS
Hope there is another feeding before too dark to see how many are there

Mema Jo said...

Keep focused, Robyn Keep focused...

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - whistle the Star Spangled Banner and maybe she will stand!

Robyn said...

Here we go

Mema Jo said...

Robyn You need to take the pic
I just never learned how to...

Mema Jo said...

Here she goes

Mema Jo said...

Please take flight

Mema Jo said...

Oh No Darn it.

Robyn said...

No, I guess she had a bad view that looks like an egg to me

Mema Jo said...

Looks like one to me too.
You may want to go over to the forum .... I know others got their hopes up with her comment.

MITS said...

still can't figure it out yet, Robyn.

MITS said...

both eagles at PS

MITS said...

still an egg at PS

Mema Jo said...

Spirit in the nest watered down with the rain.

Mema Jo said...

I am saying good night to all cams.

Mema Jo said...

Now I am saying

Good Night Eagle Lovers

Peace Be With You

Good Morning Suznne
It's not Friday yet
Hope your feline friend is ok

MITS said...

Cool Jo, you did it....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

MITS said...

Oh my, those chicks at KENT are soooooo cute:).

movin said...

Good evening, everybody..
Changeover in Kent, and Dad is feeding chicks...but what is he feeding them, doesn't look like fish to me.


movin said...

Congratulations, Mema Jo, "you is da woman."

I noticed that a lot of blogger at the ME site are now using the clickable links ... it's the right idea at the right time.

Well, Good night/Good morning to everyone on this blog. Tomorrow is bound to be a great day.


carolinabeachmom said...

Glad to hear that all is going well with your brother and mother. We'll keep the prayers coming.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hello again Jo and all you eagle watchers out there. Congrats Jo on making a link. I double clicked on it and it worked for me.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Eagle Watchers.

Suzanne, thanks so much for sending me pics of our eagles while I was away a few days. I enjoyed them very much. That is why I am up so late or so early, whatever you want to call it. I have been trying to play catch up on all you lovely people; birds, too. I saw where Liberty and Belle were doing some kissy, kissy stuff today. It would be nice if they would get down to business. Who knows. Time will tell. Guess I'll call it a night. It is good to be back with you all again.

spavel said...

Congratulations, Mema Jo, that's some fine tagging. Here on SoCal we do most of our tagging at night after we've made sure no one's looking.
But once you start it's hard to stop and you can get pretty bold. In fact, you can do some italicizing as well. And, once you get that down you can add emphasis to your boldness.
I summarized the techniques at here.

I am
Tom in Cali

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, eagle world. One more workday to go! Good grief, are you still up, Candy? I'd be in bed if I could! Hi Spavel, Tom, nice to see you.
Beautiful night out, slightly cloudy, but cool beans moon through the clouds. 54° at my house, 62° here. Think it's supposed to be nice again today.
Got my Pharaoh out of the hospital yesterday afternoon, was relieve to do that. Had quite a long discussion with the vet weather to take him home or spend another night. We agreed home would be good if I could watch him. So.. I watched him. Came in the house, went immediately to potty (good thing), then came to eat some of his favorite food (another good thing). So other than the fact that he goes every 2 minutes, very little, he is improving. Sure glad of that!
OH! I have an apology to make!! Was on other PC yesterday, and came back here and said good morning to all I thought were on at the time...however, I missed a very important person... Mauley, Donna. So, Donna I did not mean to miss speaking with you yesterday, and I do apologize. So for yesterday, good morning. And for today, good morning again! Bad me!

There is an osprey in the nest, no clue as to which female, and looks like there may be another ball of sod. BW chicks are snoozing right next to each other, eagle spirits are out at our nest, which is MT. Barn owl chicks are awake and walking around the nest. Too dark to see anything else at the moment.

All have a great eagle day! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne, you are doing an excellent job as always.

Thanks to "Tom in Cali" Spavel for the hints on improving our blog experiences. (Later, when I'm awake, Tom...thanks. Your advice on how to do 'clickable links' has already revolutionized blogging for quite a few people.)

Well, I am awake temporarily, Susanne, for the usual motives and taking a peek to see what might be going on.

I saw in the Maine blog that takeover attempts could be due to damage from the storm...wonder if something similar might happen in WV....

Talk to you more a little later, Suzanne.

movin said...

The B Water Osprey appears to have moved to the egg bowl area...hope she has a good motivation for that.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! I hope she does too! A second osprey just arrived, and looking at the first one with glowing eyes, and I HOPE that's the male! We need an egg soon, I'm afraid. At least they're not mantling or flapping at each other. BW chicks are both on edge of nest. Little toots are getting big, they can hide from the cam now. Our nest MT. PA falcon on eggs, still no word on the site about a hatchling. Barn owls are just hanging around, walking around the nest. Still too dark out west to see anything.

Suzanne said...

Dang, 2nd osprey just took off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, eagle land!! Getting ready to start my work day. I hope all is well with everybody this morning.

Remember -- do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great for the giver and the receiver.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon!


Suzanne said...

Belle by tree, Lib doing the usual egg cup check.

Suzanne said...

Looks like they're just hanging around for a while. Well, no, Lib just left. Belle still there. Maybe he'll be back.

Suzanne said...

Lib has returned, both in nest.

Suzanne said...

They are so pretty!!

Suzanne said...

Lib is back to checking egg cup again. I think he still wants a family...

Suzanne said...

Well, Lib didn't find any secret egg, so he's on perch now. Belle still standing by her launching pad. Still there, just looking around.

Suzanne said...

Both still on/near their respective take off places, but looking around. 1 Osprey in nest standing over egg cup. One BW chick has his head on other chick's back. Guess he makes a good pillow. Bell and Lib still in ..oops, no Belle just took off. Was gonna say still in place, but just Lib there now.

Suzanne said...

Poof, now he's gone to join her. MT nest.

Suzanne said...

The BW eaglets are beginning to look like sleek eagles now! Sigh... our babies are growing up!

Suzanne said...

Not much size difference now between the chicks and parent when they stand side by side. Just had another osprey arrive, but hunched over, can't tell who it is. Uh oh, must be the other female, it's mantling and the one that was in the nest is just standing there watching. So maybe it's the male with his breakfast. Oh, just took off again. The one that was there sorta has wings out a little bit. Wing flap practice at the eagle nest.

Suzanne said...

Get outta the way... one flying from one side of nest to the other side.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz
The Osprey Cam seems to be frozen. Maybe you are watching a different one from me (Blackwater?)

Costume Lady said...

Eagle in our nest.

Suzanne said...

Belle's back!!

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys were in the nest, one just left.

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady. Nope, watching the BW osprey cam. It refreshed only every 60 seconds, not 30 like the eagle cam.

Belle's still standing in dining area looking around.

Both ospreys in nest now.

Costume Lady said...

Osprey Cam OK now, I see 2.

Suzanne said...

One of the eaglets has been off cam for a while. Other one is standing on edge, looks like a little black ball with yellow feet! Both ospreys just standing, and Belle still there looking around.

Have someone coming in in a few minutes to upgrade my other computer, won't be able to post. (Or watch, darn.) BBL, Costume Lady, you have the com...

Costume Lady said...

2 Osprey in Blackwater nest---1 in our nest.

Costume Lady said...

Bluebirds are sound asleep at
Wolfhaven. Where is Wolfhaven?

Costume Lady said...

2 birds still at Blackwater and a little action going on--don't know what. 1 bird in our nest just sitting there looking pretty.

Good Morning to all our morning Bird Watchers--I am going to get some more coffee. Later....

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne, good morning all. I have just a few minutes before the children come in and I turned on the eagle cam. Surprise! Eagle in our nest! Is it Belle and she is sitting on the egg cup! Will it be another false alarm?

Suzanne said...

Back for a sec, tech is late. Thanks, CostumeLady. Belle still standing in nest, 2 osprey in nest, one grooming. One chick still AWOL in BW, other one still on side. Mom falcon on eggs, 4 owlets standing in corner. Still dark in WA, so can't see Kent or the ospreys there. All have a good day, I'm gonna lurk when I can. Upgrade should take a couple hours.

Suzanne said...

Oh, see we have more new branches in our nest. Belle took off, she was standing over them, and just now saw them.

Suzanne said...

Hi Candy! Yes, that was Belle, believe it or not standing over the egg cup! Did the kids get to see her? There are 2 ospreys in the BW nest, one grooming, so I'm guessing that's our pair.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Jim, I was the first one on today, Thursday! :) Beat Ya! I couldn't sleep, soooooo was catching up on all my missed eagle news.

Well, I guess I got on just in time. MT nest. I guess it is up to you, costumelady, to keep us informed, since Suzanne computer is down and my children are about to come in. You all have a good eagle and bird watching day. Candy

Costume Lady said...

1 Osprey at Blackwater-we have an empty nest with some fresh leaves in it. I think that is all we are going to get this year--Leaves

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to BeachMom--How is the weather there? Overcast here and cool.

Costume Lady said...

Wake up all you morning "Bird Watchers" I feel like I am talking to myself---and that is not a good thing.

Costume Lady said...

Hummers are busy at my feeder right now---so pretty. Only males---females have not arrived yet--maybe in a few days. Haven't seen my Grosbeak yet. Bluebirds are coming to the birdbath but not even considering building a nest. Towhee pays me a visit every morning and evening. Aahh, Spring is here!

1 Osprey in nest none in our nest. Bluebirds still sleeping.

Costume Lady said...

1 Osprey still in nest (appears to be glued there) HawkCam shows Adult, 2 babies and a half-eaten mouse. Our nest empty and it is starting to get daylight at Puget Sound.

Costume Lady said...

2 Osprey in nest now and still nobody home in Shepherdstown.

Costume Lady said...

Red Tailed Hawk seems slightly agitated with people walking beneath the nest. Babies look cold. Mouse looks nasty.

Costume Lady said...

Babies being fed at Kent---so cute!
Our nest still empty.

Costume Lady said...

Hawk is now eating other half of mouse (i'll be glad when it is gone). Babies must be full.

Costume Lady said...

New Thread---come on over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...