Tuesday, May 15, 2007


New thread.


Steve Chase said...

Are there any photos out there yet from yesterday's NCTC visit?

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve--enjoyed meeting you yesterday

Costume Lady said...

Steve--yes there are photos on Momsters site.

Mema Jo said...

Sending photos in email......

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Thought you would post a pic of the momsters visit from yesterday, but if you didn't have photos yet, that's kinda hard to do!
Thanks for the heads up, CostumeLady!
Osprey still eating, and eggs still visible. Falcon feeding chicks. Guess they don't eat their infertile eggs, poor egg is still there. Kent chicks are waking up, dad still in tree keeping an eagle eye on them. Barnowls are sleeping, guess they're in for their night. Haven't seen any panda for a while in San Diego, since they cleaned the enclosure.

Suzanne said...

I'll go along with that, Mits. Pics are awesome!

Jill, do you have a 35mm or digital? How large a lens?

Suzanne said...

OMG, 2 falconettes are sitting up, one squaking. That is way too cute!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of short flight practice at VA

MITS said...

Couple of hours ago, when I was watching VA, one was really practicing, it was completely out of sight.

normabyrd said...

STEVEN---WOW!!---WHAT AN AWESOME PLACE & EAGLES TOO!!---ENJOYED meeting you!!---You all were so kind & gracious to us!!!---TRULY A GLORIOUS DAY----

Anne-Marie said...

Good morning all. The news of the day around here is that two whales have come up river and they are having a hard time herding them back to the San Francisco Bay. The big problem is that the big freighters need to come up the river and have been stopped because of the whales. Tempers are flaring. I drove down to the Sacramento River and watched them for a while. I couldnt get any pictures but it was a nice way to watch the sun set. I did see a parrot and a bunch of parakeets flying together. I guess they are escapees from a home or pet store. There is plenty for them to eat.Have a beautiful day all .

Mema Jo said...

Brought the links over for NEST VISIT

Momsters Album


paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo, bring that post over to the new thread w/ pictures!!

MITS said...

Aren't we lucky, 2 new threads in one morning

Mema Jo said...

I sent Steve the pics in an email & just perhaps he will update our thread with one of them. The links are posted to the album and the film loop. I should be getting more photos from Wanda & Robyn later & will post them for all of you. Your rightMITS - I think we have found a good photographer right there under our wings in Martinsburg!

I have an appointment and then a get together with my granddaughter for the afternoon & dinner! BBL

Mema Jo said...



Suzanne said...

Check out the PA falconettes. They are spread out and sacked out! Too funny!

Suzanne said...

BOTH parents in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Hope this is a good driving day, like to get home in under 2 hours for a change! Big wreck Friday, little wreck yesterday. Geesh!
Blog at you tomorrow. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

glo said...

Thanks Mema Jo you always include me and I do notice . I do love these eagles and this site, and will always cherish past present and future memories from those brought together by this cam and these eagles.

My schedule isjam packed now I do always stop for quick skim/reads of this BLOG though, just don't have near as much time to always post here several times a day...its down to a few times a week but I am here and I will continue to be as best I can anyway.

Mema Jo said...



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...