Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Nice day, new thread.


Costume Lady said...

New Thread--Good Morning Steve

Costume Lady said...

Our cam in Shepherdstown is still "colorful" and empty. What a beautiful sunrise at Kent. Mom just sitting there looking around.

movin said...

Good morning, Thanks for the thread Steve. I know you guys will be able to clear up the camera problems; so I will thank you for that in advance.

From the earlier thread...

Good morning, Friends...

Good morning, Suzanne. You made the right decision with your cat...it's hard to do, but it is best for an animal suffering so much.

I saw the egg at the BW Ospreys nest as I came on-line...they were changing the guard, and it looks like only one egg to me also. I think the second egg, which appeared so clear last night was part of the mothers head or face.

Lisa's saying that there probably will only be one egg this season, but that's certainly better than none.

"Bad camera, bad cam"...kind of clears up..."bad camera, bad camera...."


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Jim--
Looks like all our East Coast friends are still asleep or at work. It would be our luck for Belle to "do her thing" while the camera is on the fritz.

MITS said...

Thanks for Tuesday thread, and once again SUZANNE, so sorry for your loss of your beloved Pharoah.

movin said...

Very good morning, costume lady, it would be "our luck" literally...important happenings have taken place many times when the cam was down.

It is a fairly nice morning in So Cal also, but I just heard on the radio that it is the driest year in L.A. ever...less than 4" of rain so far. I think we'll be OK for a year or so because the reservoirs are full.

El nino years are usually very rainy here, so don't know what the quirk is this year.

Have a great day,

Suzanne said...

Good morning, all. Seems I'm not getting my computer fixed again today, so will have to be in and out.

Thanks, Mits, CarolinaBeachMom and Jim. It was the right thing to do, poor guy, but it sure doesn't feel like it right now.

Can somebody post the URL for the 3 cam view at Kent? I can't find it on the website, and I'm not on my computer...no favorites on this one. (Best keep it that way.)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone I need to go over to read earlier remarks of the day & check out emails.
Beautiful sunny day - air a bit crisp
Guess Lisa needs to go with the 1 egg
Spirit in the Kent nest with sun rising.The mark on left side of head is just as good as a wingbling to ID him from Star.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS TO COSTUME LADY--You are #1 today!---The cam is starting to clear up---HALF-WAY there---GLORIOUS MORNING in my section of WV too COSTUME LADY!!!--temp 53°--HI MOVIN' JIM-----FORGOT---I went to the "RAMP FEED" SUN.---DELICIOUS!!!--They had raw ramps & in: Corn muffins--w/potatoes & eggs--meat loaf--ham--all kinds of beans--salad---even in the cake icing---& just RAMPS!--I like them plain best---Didn't smell as bad as I thought!!! ho!!--LOTS OF FUN!!--

Mema Jo said...


Kent Three Cam View

Suzanne said...

Wow, Jo, that's the one I wanted! You're getting quite the wiz, with these links, aren't you??? Way to go, girl!

Suzanne said...

Awwwww, they're so cute. And dad is so gentle!!

normabyrd said...

OSPREY NEST certainly looked like 2 eggs in 1st pic LISA shows---But the last pic is definitely 1 EGG---That will still be great!!---JUSTICE & MAJESTY look like they will take "fly" to the branches soon!!---Remember that fun with OURS!!!

normabyrd said...

I AGREE SUZANNE!!---Yesterday I noticed one time they were "wobbling" so tall---One would think they were in the ARMY!!---ADORABLE!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it's gonna be a pretty one out. See our crazy cam is back, must not like the chill in the air this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Need to go over to check out emails.
I will be leaving around the noon hr & will return on Thurs or Fri. WILL try to get the dial up running & communicate or at least keep up with things for those few days.

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to hear about your Pharoah. I know how hard that decision is. But he is free from pain now and in a better place over the Rainbow Bridge.

Suzanne said...

Norma, they are adorable! Dad sort of walked off after feeding them, and they watched him go, but then they kind of laid down to take a nap. All that eating must make them sleepy!
Welcome back, Paula. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

normabyrd said...

MORN' PAULA & MEMA JO---PA FALCON has 4 hatched chicks---Still has 1 unhatched egg----JO--Hope you have a GREAT time----W/miss you!!!---

Suzanne said...

MemaJO, have a safe trip! Be careful and have fun. We'll keep ya posted. (And if I ever get my computer fixed here, you'll have pics.... LOTS of pics.) Well, providing Lib and Belle cooperate, that is.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Norma, 4 already! One to go!

normabyrd said...

OHIO FALCON NEST---Still no hatchings there---DONNA DANIEL, WEBMASTER--W/be in field today--update tomorrow---SUZANNE--Did you read that DONNA DANIELS---Doesn't have a computer at home---I wrote that you--SUZANNE---are starting a TREND!!!--ho!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Nice close up at Saanich of chick eating

Suzanne said...

LOL, yes, Norma, I did see that! Probably not a good trend to set, in this day and age.

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at VA

MITS said...

I love that nest, Paula, nice closeup and the sounds are greatr.

MITS said...

And when you go full screen its like you are sitting in the nest with the chick.

normabyrd said...

CA BARN OWL nest still has 4 OWLETS---You can see some feathers on their tails & wings---Their nest is so small---Just pics of FUZZ again----KY OSPREY has 1 EGG--located directly under the OWL nest on web!!

MITS said...

PAULA Did one of the eagles at SC lose its orange number???

normabyrd said...

HI MITS---When I checked on the VA EAGLETS---They were asleep--"BLOWIN' IN THE WIND"-----The "poor" little JRB chicks are always bunched together---Did see MOM there yesterday!!

MITS said...

Hi, Norma.......#10 lost his left side tag, chick was sitting on it.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey still mating at BW

normabyrd said...

The NY RED-TAIL HAWK MOM is at nest---I can see the wings of one of the chicks---but can't tell if she is feeding or not---That is such a BEAUTIFUL bird & site!!!

normabyrd said...

LATER--Lunch date---

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, have a great time at the beach. You going to OC?

paula eagleholic said...

2 VA chicks laying side by side in nest, 3rd one staning behind them. Look so darn cute.

Mema Jo said...

Headed down to open summer home at Fenwick Island - right down from OC.

I must sign off - much to gather up around here so I can get out the
Watch those eagles - I'll be watching sea gulls!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good view of TH chick up by cam

Suzanne said...

Wow, just got back on, Spirit is looking at his sleeping babies with absolute awe! He's just watching them sleep, looking like, "did I do that?????" That's amazing! He is such a good dad!

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, parent, looks like Lord BW feeding chicks. Haven't seen that for a while.

Suzanne said...

And Spirit has his wings out, but can't tell if he's covering the chicks or not.

Jill said...


Take me please. I thought you said your place was in OC. Doesn't matter I love them both.

MITS said...

Jill, I'm in Ocean City:)

Suzanne said...

Time for me to lock up. Doesn't look like I'll have a computer tomorrow either, help desk never showed up. All have a great day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mauley said...

Afternoon all, I have been lurking catching up with blog. I fell the other day and got my head glued back together, opted for the glue rather than the stitches. It is called derma bond and it flat out glues your wound together. I was running to the car to get out of the rain with my arms full of shock and algaecide (we opened our pool) slipped and fell into the car door. Didn't feel much like posted just lurked the past couple of days. Anyone had any experience with derma bond? Have a blessed day, friends. donna

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey eating at BW

Jill said...

One of my boys was glued back together with derma bond. It is like surgical super glue. Doesn't leave much of a scar and no stitch marks so if it was in noticeable place it won't be so bad. And it will dissolve into the skin so no repeat visits to get stitches out. I beleive they sell it over the counter as Liquid Bandage or something like that. I used to have some in the soccer teams medical bag.

Mauley said...

Re: nest trip. If there is any way I can talk DH to take off a few days we will be in Shepherdstown for the nest trip, if not, I plan to make the next one, alone, if necessary. My husband, Raymond, took off with 23 fourth graders to celebrate American's 400th anniversary in Jamestown, Va. last Friday afternoon. Our daughter wouldn't let our grandson go without someone going with him. He is allergic to all tree nuts, and could go into anaphalactic shock, carries an epi-pen with him. So, Popaw crawled on a SCHOOL BUS and went with the class on a five day field trip. From what I have heard they had a ball, meeting the Queen, going to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Richmond. Dakota like the Avenue of the Generals. They should be meeting with the Govenor of Virginia (we live in KY, and daughter is in VA) as I type. If Popaw isn't worn out, he might come to Shepherdstown with me, but I am thinking they probably tried to kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are coming home tonight and they all need traveling mercies. Didn't mean to write a book, forgive me. donna

Robyn said...

Good aftrnoon all.

Suzanne I am so aorry to hear of your loss, if you get a chance could ou email me I would like to send you something, It is so hard losing family member myst864@yahoo.com.

Mualey I hope you are feeling well.

Haven't had a chance to veiw cams yet or read my other blogs between trying to contact my professor and my daughters specialst in DC has me quite razzed today and sitting in Washingon County Hosp in Md last night with egotistical Dr's still has me fired up.

Time to relax and enjoy the beauty of our eagles.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like 2 eggs at BW Osprey!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I sent Lisa a pic a few minutes ago, but you can def see 2 just a moment ago. She has them covered up again.

Jill said...

I thought I saw two earlier too but the angle was bad so couldn't decide.

Mauley said...

Hang in there Robynann, somtimes it does me good just lurking and not posting, sometimes just knowing that there are folks out there who understand and really care how you feel makes a difference, doesn't it. I will be thinking about you and Suzanne, too and saying a prayer for you everytime I think of you. love donna

Mauley said...

Paula, we certainly missed you while you were gone, and even though I was so envious of you and the trip I know you forgave me. Glad you a back and doubly glad you had a blessed trip. donna

Mauley said...

Jo, loved the Kent link. You are toooo good. donna

Robyn said...

Thank you Donna :)

MITS said...

Donna, hope you head fells better, be careful next time.....

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning/Afternoon all. Its only 10:00 and its 80 already. Dry and Hot.
Suzanne, one of the hardest things I have ever had to do was hold my tiny love of a dog for 19 years while she was given an injection for sleep. Its still painful. Its hard to let go but I knew I was being selfish to hold on to her. My love and understanding go with you.

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa thinks we may have 2 Osprey eggs, also. :) Hooray!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Osprey turning eggs at BW

sunny said...

Hey Gang! I had a huge deadline at work today, and all is finished, so I'm taking a couple of minutes to pop in here. It looks like BW Osprey does indeed have two eggs. And Mama Harrisburg looks so proud standing guard over her fuzzballs. Looks like still one egg in the bunch. I haven't been to VA or Kent yet today, so I'm off to pay them a visit.

Suz, so sorry to hear about Pharoah. I've felt that pain myself, more than once.

And just how old IS Jim, anyway??

Anne-Marie said...

Just a break for me. 1 chick at BW, Santa C. shading chick, 2 harbors, empty! I dont where they are but they are out of sight. W.E, all present at once. Watching a boat go by. P.S. chick, mom and still that 1 egg.

Robyn said...

Looks like Va juvies are eating some kind of bird for supper.

Serena said...

I wonder what kind of bird it is. It's got some pretty long legs!

Robyn said...

Kinda gross but interesting. And to think in my next life I wanted to be an eagle :/.

Jo please remind me sunday to bring some pictures I have of wood storks I took in Florida last year at my folks and the eagles I took in Bar Harbor Maine

Anne-Marie said...

OK I, getting concerned. Where are the chicks at Two Harbors? They are still not there..

Anne-Marie said...

OK I take it back. I still cant see them but something is moving in the far left corner. Maybe they moved from the living room to the bedroom for naps.

Jill said...


If you look really close you can see part of a body at the far left of the screen. It will move every once in a while. They must have a nice view from over there because they spend a lot of time there.

Jill said...

They stay over there a lot and most of the time you can jsut see a little bit of a body moving.

Robyn said...

Heidigirl, sometimes the two harbors will go far left of the camera. A few times I thought the nest was empty till I saw movement on the left. If you look you will see them move )

Anne-Marie said...

I feel like a mother hen jumping from one nest to another checking on chicks. LOL

MITS said...

Something has the Kent mom looking from side to side and all around, and, she looks mad.

MITS said...

WEAGLE ALERT.............

MITS said...


MITS said...

YEP, they are both still there.

MITS said...

can't get 1 decent shot of them.

MITS said...

About 10 mins ago, pic was perfect.

MITS said...

got a few shots.

MITS said...

1 took off

MITS said...

cam is really a mess!!!!!!!!!!!1

MITS said...


MITS said...

not even going to waste any more time snapping pics.

MITS said...

both there

MITS said...

Belle took off..Lib there.

MITS said...

just sitting there.

MITS said...

all gone eagles.

MITS said...

back again, unless cam is looping, which might be the case

MITS said...

MT nest now.

Anne-Marie said...

I missed everthing. Oh well its time to go home.

Jill said...

Hey Mits. We are leaving here around 9ish tomorrow. Should arrive at the zoo around 11. We will work our way around to the Asia Trail around 1. Will check for you there.

MITS said...

I will be up at Sloth Bears at around 1:30, and if I am the only volunteer then I will come down to the pandas, after the feeding demo for the sloths. Name on my tag will be Helen....not...Mits:).

MITS said...

Jo, made it safely to the beach and said to tell everyone..HELLO

Jill said...

Yeah Mits I know to ask for Helen. We will be the crazies running around going wheres Helen. LOL.

I am mad at Jo, she didn't take me to the beach. LOL.

Need to get some sleep before our big adventure tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Finally done all the shopping for the rehearsal dinner - now the fun part - fixing it!!!

Woo hoo, got the rest of the evening off. Don't have to start on that part til tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I got it, just miscounted!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I want to see Jill go in and ask for Mits, they'll say ?huh?

movin said...

The Channel Island nests have interesting activity now.


Jill said...

Could just ask for the lady that lives for eagles and pandas. Bet they would find her then. LOL

MITS said...

Yep, they know I love eagles also, but like I've always said, my 1st love is the pandas. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

paula eagleholic said...

Nice new pic, Mits.

Where has Sharon been?

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, eagle friends.

Good Morning Suz

PS - we now have 2 Osprey eggs!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. I'm actually on my very own (gov't) PC! At least till 8 this morning, then that stops. I'll get to use this computer again some day, I just know it.
Beautiful night out, 52° at my house, 60° here, but I think we're supposed to get rain later this afternoon. Moon looked cool this morning. It's very low on the horizon at 2, but by the time I get to work (4ish), it's much higher.
I have all my cams up! Paula said we now have 2 osprey eggs, how cool! Looks like mom is turning them, but can't see them in the infrared light. I hope they have time to mature and learn all they need to know, or can, before their migration. We have 1 juvenile in the BW eagle nest, guess the other is on a branch. Our nest MT, but the light is hitting the leaves, and it looks pretty cool. Still dark in PA (duh!), so can't see the falcon. I haven't seen her little fuzzies yet, I'm anxious to see them! Of course still dark out west. I see 4 owlets! I'm relieved that there are still 4. Think the little one is probably big enough now to take care of himself with his siblings. Let's hope!
Ok, have things to catch up on, so probably won't read blogs. All have a great eagle day! Oh, if anyone has any pics of the Harrisburg chicks, send me a pic, please.. shall3991@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

The osprey that is currently on the eggs has moved the sod ball right next to her. Kind of has her wing out touching it. Maybe it gives her company. (I'm saying her, but absolutely no idea if male or female, and back is to the cam.)

Suzanne said...

Alright...our branch sleeping chick has returned to the nest. Both of them there now. Looks like they're squaking at each other...
Osprey has moved the sod, she keeps it near, and when she moves, she moves it with her. Our nest still MT. One of the barn owls is right in front of the cam... they're not that cute when they're up close and personal. They grow up to be, but at the moment... sorta prehistoric looking. Wierd. Well, ok, he heard me. Just moved his body next to the cam, so can't see face anymore... just a big blob of white fuzz. Too funny!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, now both BW eaglets are exploring, and neither is on the nest or in cam view.


Suzanne said...

Well that was quick! In and out in 60 seconds. No, by the tree, she's still there!!!

Suzanne said...

You have to watch when she moves or you'll lose her. I see a body and a tail, she must have her head down. Sorta facing 2. Ok, scratching back...

Suzanne said...

Still dark, and she is barely visible. Dang blinds or spirits!!!

Suzanne said...

Ahhh, looking at each other. Good morning, honey...
Ok, either Lib or Belle checking egg cup, think Belle.

Suzanne said...

Well dang, Belle's gone, Lib watching where she went.

Suzanne said...

Lib still there looking around.

Suzanne said...

He was looking around, he's now looking into the nest. Has only moved his head, he's standing still.

Suzanne said...

Belle just moved her head way down by the tree. She's standing there, and you really have to look. Well, I THINK Lib took off, Belle by tree.

Suzanne said...

Nope, both there, he put his head down.

Suzanne said...

Lib on his new perch at 3, Belle still by tree.

Suzanne said...

yeah, little toot. Belle left, Lib looking in egg cup.

Suzanne said...

OOhhh, 2nd osprey just arrived, and there are 2 eggs!! Lib still in nest, BW eaglets still in branch.

Suzanne said...

Looks like maybe Lib might be moving sticks on his new perch. Still hard to tell, it's still dark out.

Suzanne said...

Ok, switch at the osprey cam. Saw the 2 eggs. Lib still working on sticks in nest. I saw a wing, and now one of the eaglets is on side of nest. OH, there are the baby Falcons!!!See a lot of fuzz, but I'm guessint that's the 4. The egg is visible, not hatched yet. Yup, Lib moving branches.

Suzanne said...

OK, Gotta stop the world for a moment....



And many more, babe!!!

TODAY IS DANA'S BIRTHDAY!! I wish you a very good, happy, wonderful, PAIN FREE day. Lib and Belle are hanging around to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO. In fact, Belle (thought it was Lib), is still in the nest. So she say's Happy Birthday to you too!!!

Suzanne said...

Too cute, Falcon parent back, chick mouth open! Both BW eaglets in nest, Belle standing on perch, but facing into nest.

Suzanne said...

Sure glad you guys are still asleep, the memememmeme warm up didn't work very well...

Suzanne said...

Falcon feeding time, egg visible, Belle still there, both eaglets hanging around in cam view, and osprey on eggs. 3 barn owls are in the corner, 1 in front of cam.

Suzanne said...

Belle still standing by the tree, just sorta looking around. Feeding time in PA.

Suzanne said...

PA chicks are adorable. Still eating. Belle still standing by tree. Both BW chicks in cam view. Osprey on eggs. Owls are all over the nest playing. Still dark out west. Love the fact that PA has kept the 2 cams on the 2 minute refresh, so we can constantly watch the chicks!! They do that every year, nice of them.

Suzanne said...

BRB, Belle still in nest, and still feeding time in PA.

Suzanne said...

Had to step out for a sec. Belle left during that time, our nest MT. Only part of an eaglet is on cam, osprey on eggs, falcon on babies, owls jus walking around nest.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne:)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but seems our inop computer cards are FINALLY causing quite a stir! So had to totally logoff, so someone else could try with their card, etc, etc. I don't have any cams up at the moment, will have to logoff very shortly, as I have to return the new card reader that just sorta "appeared" in my cube on loan.

Have a great day, Megan. Enjoy it while you can. Supposed to start raining sometime this afternoon. Heaven knows, we need it!!!

floralgirl said...

Rain??!! Yeah, we need it badly. Hoping to plant this morning, then hopefully we'll get some rain to water everything in. So sorry to hear about your kitty, always so hard to lose a beloved pet. Hang in there. Didn't realize it was Dna's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANA!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Megan. Yes, it is! Yup, Dana is another year younger today. Sure glad noone is up when I sing around here!!! LOL, clean out the house real quick!!
We do need rain. I bought a couple big boy tomato plants the other day, I may plant them tonight. Depends on how hard the rain is coming down when I get home. If it's started by then. Love home grown maters!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanna and floralgirl. Thanks for the running account of Lib and Belle. At least I know they come to then nest sometime during the day.

AND a VERY HAPPY BRITHDAY TO YOU DANA! May your day be the best ever for you.

carolinabeachmom said...

I finally was able to come to school with the sun trying to peek through the overcast. It has been miserable down here at the Outer Banks and hurricane season will soon be starting. We've been lucky so far; hope it keeps up.

Suzanne said...

Breakfast in PA! They are adorable, but it didn't take long to get that nest messy! Leftover wings, and shells all over. Hope the last egg hatches today.

floralgirl said...

OH, me too. My tomato plants I grew for myself are almost 3 ft. tall. Ready to plant mine soon, too. Flowers always come first here, though. Tilling yesterday, and it was like a dust storm. Little scary that so many areas in the US are so dry this early in the Spring.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am so excited for all of you who will be meeting at Shepherdstown on Monday. I know you will have a very nice time there; meeting eachother, seeing Steve and having lunch. We will all just pray that the weather stays good for your visit.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Candy. Glad you're finally getting some sun! Nice here now, but will get rain later. Just hope I'm home before it starts...folks down here can't drive well in the rain!
Wow, Megan, they're huge already! I bought some little plants at Lowe's, and I'll put them in a very large pot. Usually get 2 plants, and put them in 2 pots, but this year I think I'm going to just use one very large one. They're gonna look funny, so little now, until they grow!

floralgirl said...

Well, good morning, Carolina beach Mom. Sorry to hear your weather has been so nasty. Today is already beautiful, we just need some rain here.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Floralgirl and Suzanne, I'll send you up my low with rain and high winds and you send me down that beautiful high that you have been having up there. I'm starting to feel a bit moldy here. :)

floralgirl said...

Well, I grew them in the GH, Suzanne, and I think I started them in March, so they should be big. Had to put them in gallon pots about 3 weeks ago. They are now taking up valuable space, so I may put them in today if I can. I still need to sow more seeds in the GH.

floralgirl said...

Look, I will accept the rain, but no low temps. or gusty winds are welcome.

carolinabeachmom said...

It has been sooo cool that we haven't put our big boy tomatoes in yet. I just loooovvveee home grown tomatoes.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh ok, I'll just send the rain.
I have feeling like I was living back in NY again; been so chilly here and the winds make it much worse.

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, come down to the beach in tourist season. No one is polite anymore. I try to stay off the roads during the warm season; fear for my life and that of my car.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

BTW do you all have all your different cams on your page at the same time? It sounds like you do. Do they all work?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, my teacher is here and the children will be close behind. TTYL You all have a nice day!

Suzanne said...

Sorry, Candy, had to move some email. If your mailbox gets too full, you can't send mail until you MT it out! So had to do that. I have all my cams up and the blog at once, but not sure I can do that at home. (If I ever get hooked up, that is.) And we'll share our high with you, but you can keep the low! We like highs! Always means nice weather. And thanks but no thanks, tourist season must be very similar to just normal DC driving, I imagine. People are nuts! And yeah, I worry about me and my car. Not like I have a second car in case someone smashes into mine!
Megan, you're sowing more tomato seeds? Wow, you're gonna have tomatoes all summer and fall. That is so cool!

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent. Hope it gets daylight before I have to get rid of my computer for the day!

Suzanne said...

Ok guys, good morning to all. I may lurk if I get the chance, but my time is short on this computer. Osprey is incubating the sod now too. Eaglets are off and on the cam, they've discovered branches, I think. Our falcon has a tummy full of fuzzballs, and is having a hard time keeping them all under her. One of the chicks was on the last egg a little while ago. Norma, I know you watch the owls, there is one off in the corner, doesn't look good, but the other 3 seem fine. Well, side view when you can get them from in front of the cam. And DANG, not light enough in Kent to see anything other than a white head! I WANT TO SEE THE BABIES!!! Maybe I'll get a PC back later today, and can see them. All have a great eagle day.

normabyrd said...


Robyn said...

Good morning Ladies,

Suzanne thanks for the morning update :). I looked in on the owlets, are you taking about the Benicia owls? Isn't no. 4 amazing?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I still count the OWLETS every a.m.----ho!---Those KENT CHICKS are the CUTEST of all---Aren't they well behaved---Such nice manners!!!---ho!---Just sit there & wait their turn for food---I LOVE 'EM!---HELLO to SUZANNE---FLORALGIRL---CAROLINABEACH--& ALL YOU LURKERS!---ENJOY the BEAUTIFUL BIRDS & WEATHER!!!

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to all of you
Happy B'Day Dana.
Robyn--where are they Owls that you are watching? All I can find is an Owl with 5 eggs.

normabyrd said...

HI ROBYNANN & MITS!!---ROBYANN--SUZANNE is referring to the CA BARN OWLS----KY OSPREY (same page) has hatched a chick too!!---HEY MITS!!---FORGIVE ME---I didn't forget the "Little Prince" this a.m.---He KNOWS he is #1----ho!----Study group this a.m.---must get dressed!

movin said...


Happy Birthday to Dana.


movin said...

BW Os off eggs..how many you count?

MITS said...

Still see 4 eyases and 1 egg up in PA.

MITS said...

http://blogs.indystar.com/falconblog/ All on 1 line of, course, but this is another wonderful falcon site....don't have time to read instrutions about tiny url, but Jim if you see this url, maybe you can do it.....beautiful falcon and I think 4 eyases, 2 cam views.

MITS said...

Feeding time at PA.

movin said...

OK, Mits... Here's the tinyurl...



movin said...

...and here's a clickable link to Mits' site.

Mits’ link


movin said...

Have a wonderful day, eagle lovers...got to get ready for work.

At least the cam looks good today with a refresh or two.


movin said...

I see Kent is feeding chicks.

Suzanne said...

Back for a sec, morning all who came in since I left. Thanks for the link, Mits. Such cuties, but the Indpls falcons are no neater than the PA falcons! Yes, LOVE the Kent babies! Love that site anyway, and Spirit is sure a good parent! Was gonna say mommie, but he might not like that!!! He's so gentle, and the babies are so patient. I'm talking about the barn owls in California. Norma counts them every morning, as do I, because what started out as 7 is now down to 4. They eat them (disgusting to see), and I always want to make sure the little one is still there as the little one! He was off in a corner by himself, but that was several hours ago. He's since joined the group and Mom is in the nest box with them.
Don't know about the osprey eggs now, but there were 2 this morning earlier.
Mits, have a blast at the zoo this afternoon. Gonna bring your overgrown dalmation home for a visit? Have fun.
Later, all.

MITS said...

((((HUGS, JIM, THANKS))))When I have time, I'll practice.

Suzanne said...

Hark, will miracles never cease. They're coming to fix my machine! Be off line till that is done, hopefully, by today. LATER.

MITS said...

About darn time, Suz!

MITS said...

Some kind of bird has taken over the Tesoro nest in FLA, going to try to write to Lynda and find out what it is...maybe some sort of Heron.

Suzanne said...

Wow, a real person again! You're right, Mits, ridiculous amount of time to wait to have a driver installed. Push it out on the network, that's what they're for! Good grief!!
Now have to get my cams up.

Suzanne said...

Someone look at the osprey nest (BW). Is that our pair, or the interloper??? Look at how the one on the eggs is acting!

Suzanne said...

Oops, never mind. She settled down. They were both having a face off, didn't look friendly. Seems ok now. Our cam has lines...

MITS said...

Our cam has lines???? Geesh, that rarely happens.....NOT!

Suzanne said...

Just had a switch at Kent. Spirit goes to the tree when Star takes over and watches for a few seconds. Guess he wants to make sure she's doing it right. That is so funny! Isn't he the young one, and aren't these his first chicks? He acts like an old pro. Star got a look on her face when he flew off the tree, like "you're not leaving me alone, are you?" Love watching these 2!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I thought Star and Spirit have been there several years.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Thought this was Spirit's first goround. Didn't he chase Patriot off? Thought that's what I read from Lorraine a while back.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birtday Dear Dana
Happy Birthday to You!!

:) :-) ;) ;-)

Chocolate Triple Layer Birthday Cake for Dana!


Robyn said...

I thought eagles were monogamus and stayed with their mate.

Suzanne said...

Wow, triple chocolate! Birthday party is at Dana's house!

They are Robyn, but believe Lorraine said Spirit (unnamed at the time) challenged Star's previous mate, Patriot. Guess he gave a gallant try, but Spirit didn't give up, and finally chased Patriot off. They never saw him again, she said. But think Patriot was much older, and if I remember correctly, Spirit is very young. I'd have to go look at their site to find that, and really can't right now. But I do believe this is Spirit's first young, but not Star's.

Mema Jo said...


Paula made you a very special cake!
Glad you liked your card...




Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day! (Nice to have my computer back!) Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...