Sunday, May 13, 2007


New thread.


Robyn said...

Good morning, a bit chilly today.

Thank you for the new thread :)

MITS said...

Thank you for the new Sunday thread Steven, and, HAPPY MOTHERS'DAY AND GOOD SUNDAY MORNING EVERYONE!

sunny said...

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! I wasn't around yesterday because we went to southern MD to see an eagle's nest. We were there 4 weeks ago and found the nest, and saw Mom & Dad eagle. But it was getting dark and starting to rain, so I left my camera in the car. Now there are too many leaves!!!!! We could barely find the nest. Did see some eagles flying overhead, but couldn't get any pictures because of the leaves. I was soooo disappointed. Going kayaking today, and hope we don't get too chilly.

Have a great day, everyone!

Robyn said...

We have a visitor in the nest

MITS said...

Lots of wing practicing at VA today.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Eaglet Momster's Day
Now that should apply to all of you!
Enjoy your day and make it a good one for yourself and others!

movin said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Wish your Mom a great day for us too.

Looks like eagles have been in the nest and depositing a lot of sycamore leaves. Anybody see them?


movin said...



Mema Jo said...

Jim Robyn saw a visitor in the nest around 9:15am. My cam still is not picture perfect! For not using the nest, Liberty & Belle are keeping up with the Good Housekeeping!

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though they are waiting for Star to come & join them. Puget Sound little one is all stretched out. I see that new grasses had been added. I can't be sure if that infertile egg is still there - I'll have to try to keep an eye out.
The CO FtStVrain eaglets sure are getting large. Well as a matter of fact - All the eaglets are getting large! & soon there will be all those 1st flights I liked the fuzzy slippers picture Glo had on her FeedBlitz for today lol!

Mema Jo said...

That egg is still in the nest at Puget Sound - I suppose that the adults don't know how to discard it.
It should flatten out - but it looks round to me.

Mema Jo said...

I'll return later today..

movin said...

Has anyone heard when the Catalina cams will be reset??

Even the S. Cruz cam is malfunctioning as of now....


paula eagleholic said...

Full article On Two Harbors from the LA Times -

Two Harbors cut off without power, phones
The only way into the isthmus hamlet is by boat, and residents struggle to get by.
By Steve Stroud and Deborah Schoch, Times Staff Writers
May 13, 2007

For nearly three days, the 200 residents of the tiny Santa Catalina Island hamlet of Two Harbors have been without power and telephone service — and will probably stay that way for at least a week.

Electricity was knocked out Thursday afternoon, when a fast-moving brush fire destroyed the lines and poles that carry power and telephone service from Avalon northwest to this community at the island's isthmus.

Residents were plunged abruptly into a 19th century universe, lighting their homes with candles and camp lanterns and, for a time, sharing the only cellphone with a working signal to call relatives on the mainland.

The fire also closed roads from Avalon to Two Harbors, with boat transportation the only connection to Avalon and the mainland.

Although the flames were miles away, Two Harbors residents have been dramatically affected, focusing on hooking up emergency generators and trying to keep meat and milk from spoiling without refrigeration. At a nearby USC research center, hundreds of laboratory studies were jeopardized by the outage.

"We have no power and no phone service," said John Phelps, executive vice president and general manager of Two Harbors Enterprises, the firm that provides town services and is a subsidiary of Santa Catalina Island Co. He told residents to brace themselves for the possibility that they would be without power for up to three weeks.

However, Southern California Edison spokesman Gil Alexander said he had been told that power could be restored within a week even though the infrastructure serving the town was destroyed.

"It means four miles of infrastructure — 150 poles, 160,000 feet of cable that has to be strung," Alexander said.

Two Harbors tourism operators hope power will be back for the Memorial Day weekend, when thousands of campers, hikers, divers and boaters usually descend on the isthmus.

Two Harbors is accustomed to being eclipsed by Avalon, and tourists enjoy the sense of isolation. Although it's only 12 miles as the crow flies to the larger town, it takes nearly two hours to drive there on 22 miles of winding roads.

Many tourists arrive at Two Harbors on their own boats or stay at camps in the hills. The community consists of modest houses and some trailers. Many who live here work in the store, restaurant, bar and lodge — all of which were closed because of the power outage.

More than 100 residents gathered at a town hall-style meeting Saturday afternoon to hear the latest news and pick up practical information such as how to operate the 35 emergency generators being distributed. Island managers ran their own barge to the mainland to buy the devices, some of which will be shared by two or three households to at least power refrigerators and a few lights.

The mood at the meeting was a mix of frustration and anxiety.

"It's a hardship on everyone," Phelps said.

Without electricity to pump well water, residents are being asked to refrain from flushing toilets frequently or taking long, hot showers. "Shower with a friend," Phelps quipped.

School was held Friday at Two Harbors Elementary School, but sans computers.

The outage is causing problems at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, which needs electricity to create oxygenated water for its experiments.

"We are in danger of losing hundreds of experiments," said the institute's director, Tony Michaels. He said hundreds of small marine animals — sea urchins, starfish and tiny crustaceans — were shipped Friday to USC to keep them alive. The university is expected to send one or more large generators to the institute.

The divers who frequent the island are also encountering problems. USC operates one of the region's only hyperbaric chambers — used by divers to safely decompress — on the island, and currently has only enough stored air to treat one diver. Operators have sent out word to divers to use extra caution.

Tourists are being asked not to visit until Wednesday, and ferries will not take them to Two Harbors.

"It just seems odd," Phelps said. "We're a tourist town. We want people to come. We want them to enjoy the island. And now, we're telling them to stay away."

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Mother's Day to all human and animal kind!

paula eagleholic said...

Well the wedding is finally over and all went well. There were threatening skies during the ceremony, and it did manage to spit on us during the ceremony, but the main storms went north and south of us - and it did rain later on, but that was OK because the reception was inside. The DJ got lost on the way to the reception, but was there and set up OK by the time we arrived. We partied until Midnight! My Mom and brother spent the night with me and we stayed up until 2am before we were all finally wound down enough to go to bed. We woke up and had a nice Mother's Day breakfast together and then they finally headed home. A Wonderful time was had by all! Today, we are all recovering, and John and Ajay are headed to the Poconos for their honeymoon.

paula eagleholic said...

I posted a couple of wedding pic on

Haven't had time to practice the clickable links yet!!

carolinabeachmom said...

A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL! Just checked in for a minute before I go out and work in the yard for a bit before the rain hits again.

Paula, so glad to hear that your son's wedding went ok and a good time was had by all. And now the calm sets in and relaxation for you finally begins. It was nice, I bet, to have your mother and brother with you too.

Also, thanks for giving us an update on Two Harbors and the island. I feel so bad for the residents, but am so glad that the eagles were ok.

Robynann, it was nice to hear that we had a visitor in our nest about 9:15 this morning. I hope to be able to get on later to see if they visit again.

Mema Jo said...

Wedding Pictures from Paula

Happy for you and that is one beautiful wedding party! Congratulations, Mom!

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon to you all

PAULA--What a beautiful day you had for a beautiful wedding. And what a lovely Mother of the Groom you were. Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

HAPPY MOM'S DAY to all our Mothers.
Look forward to seeing all you Ladies tomorrow in Shepherdstown.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Jo for linking Paula's son's wedding pics. They are just beautiful and looks like the weather cooperated; beautiful dresses (brides was gorgeous) and the groom and his men were quite handsome. You did good Paula.

movin said...

Thanks, Paula, for the thorough information explaining the situation on Catalina, and thanks to Mema Jo for practicing her 'clickable links' to get us to the wedding pictures.

Paula, you all must have had a great time at the wedding, and the two youngsters look very happy together. Congratulations to them.

Hope everybody, who has ever been a mother or who has ever had a mother, is having a great Mothers Day.


Mema Jo said...

Dinner is done - dishes too. Not by me hoho! Been a good day.. I am getting anxious for tomorrow morning when I will be with my eagle buddies!
I'll be back later - MT Nest for us.
Checked all the others - sleeping or eating. Even Tai was eating!!
This is the 1st time since Steve did the new blog format that I am going to have to sign it - it had been automatically entered...Hope I remember my sign in!

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle Alert!

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...



carolinabeachmom said...

Two Eagles!! We finally got lucky!

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Candy!

Great Viewing!

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm so glad you are on Jo, as I had trouble posting it when it first landed. Then I had to sign in all over again. :(

carolinabeachmom said...

The wait paid off. I have had this on all afternoon, as I could do much yesterday. So today, I have been watching the owls, the falcon, the red tailed hawk, Kent nest, and Santa Cruz, just waiting with our nest in the bottom corner.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like we lost one when I was typing.:(

carolinabeachmom said...

Back again and cam seems to be doing fine soooo far.

Mema Jo said...

I'm getting lots of good pics considering we haven't had a good cam or visit recently.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't even see it happen as the cam went zonko!

Mema Jo said...

BACK AGAIN..........

carolinabeachmom said...

Both gone and then one back again.

Mema Jo said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Jo, I thought that maybe he was just picking her up for a date of dinner and the movies.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like other one is back

Mema Jo said...


carolinabeachmom said...

It sure is a big stick. They must be getting it set up for next so they won't have to labor too much then.

Mema Jo said...

Belle left.
Will she return?

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok give us a break you two eagles. Spend some time in the nest together.

carolinabeachmom said...

You just asked the sixty four thousand dollar question. :) Maybe they are trying to get the next deep enough so that next year their eggs will be safe if it snows.

Mema Jo said...

The Sycamore has an abundance of leaves this year - You usually could see the bldgs beyond them......

carolinabeachmom said...

You are right, Jo, between the messy cam and the leaves, the buildings aren't visible.

Mema Jo said...

Well we will have some pics in the album for Mother's Day... Good!
Cam really is messing up - F5 refresh doesn't do zilch!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, I guess our luck held up long enough. Lib is still there, but very hard to see with that ridiculous cam. Oh, I guess it heard me talking about it.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! They did give us a long visit!

Mema Jo said...

Now that is Too Funny - Very clear pic when there is an MT NEST !

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes they sure did. That will probably all I'll get to see tonight as our visiting young man will be coming home soon.

carolinabeachmom said...

Did you say clear nest! Not for long. I guess we have to watch what we say about it. It has touchy feelings, as after your comment, it went totally black. Back to messy blinds again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, our visiter is about to come home any minute, so I had better say "Good night to you all". I hope Jo and all you other bird watches had a very nice Mother's day. Tomorrow brings a new day with new things to do and see.

MITS said...

Hello....great wedding pics. Paula. Thanks, Jo for making them clickable, still practicing that one. Nice to see an eagle visit tonight.

Mema Jo said...

TTUL Candy

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits Hope your day has been as beautiful as the weather!

Mema Jo said...

Placing the photos over in the album from this evening's visit.....BBL

Mema Jo said...

Album for the 13th is ready for slide show................

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Here is the link
I almost forgot that I had spoiled some of you.... lol

Slideshow of Today's Visit

MITS said...

WOW!!!! awesome slideshow, Jo:)

Mema Jo said...

Awesome subject to photograph.
I hadn't seen them in soooooo long!

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a beautiful day!

Good Night All
Peace be with you and yours

Will get on as soon as I return from
the Nest Visit

Paula - I hate to tell you but I think you'll back to work today

Morning Suzanne - some pics from yesterday in album (link is a couple messages up)

MITS said...

It was a great Mother's Day Weekend. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Jo, I'll go back and check your link for pics. Nice out, sure glad we didn't get the frost they kept telling us about! 45° at my house, 48° here, so do need a jacket or heavy sweater or something. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I did, did some outside work, so I am TOTALLY sore today! Muscles I forgot I had are reminding me they are still there. Had to get up Sat and take Gypsy for her annual checkup and shots, and it dawned on me that people actually get up and do things on Saturdays. I had forgotten. I also forgot the yard sales, and the yard sale drivers! Ok, let's just stop in the middle of the road, see what's there. Turn signal? What in the world is a turn signal??? Arrrrrggghhhhhh! But then it was so nice out when I took Gypsy home, went to Chambersburg, bought some plants and flowers, and then played outside in the dirt all day Sat! So glad my new baby plants didn't get frost this morning!

Dang, collegue just called in, he's not coming in today. Guess I have to open the back door, and I can NEVER get that thing to open!

See we really DO have 3 eggs! That's nice to know I wasn't going blind! May try to read some of yesterday's blog, if I have time.

Brought our cam up this morning and almost had a heart attack! Saw some white, thought one of the eagles was in the nest. It's not moving, so I'm guessing it's new leaf decorations, they show up white with the infrared light.

Both BW chicks are sleeping in nest, and one of the parent ospreys is on the 3 eggs. Glad to report there are also still 4 owlets in CA. Oldest one is getting his real feathers now, looks more like an owl than a fuzzball.

All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Osprey is turning eggs, but can't see them.

Suzanne said...

OK! Jo, just watched your slideshow from yesterday. Guess those white things I see in the nest are leaves! They were in the nest yesterday. Looks like Lib and Belle had a nice visit with you guys last evening! Belle sure brought in a huge stick! Nice they're still doing nestorations.

But I think someone is in the nest now!! Head moved.

BW eaglets still snoozing, doing wing stretches in their sleep. Osprey turned eggs. Owlets are really getting their feathers in now, the oldest one looks more like an owl than a fuzzball.

BELLE IS IN THE NEST. Had to watch a couple refreshes, but she is there...her head moved every refresh.

Suzanne said...

If anybody is up, she is almost exactly in the center of the pic. Put a cross exactly in the middle, and you will cross her white head! It will move on refreshes.

Suzanne said...

Well, she either took off, or she's not moving her head now. Nope, head was down, just came up!

Suzanne said...

I'm thinking that's Lib, not Belle. He's over by his tree and perch, and keeps checking the egg cup. That's Lib behavior. Oh, now I see a while head on his perch, so yeah, that's Lib. Head looks like a ghost, still dark out, and you can't see his dark body. Just white head and tail. Dang, there went pic again!!!

Suzanne said...

He's going back and forth on his perch. Facing out, facing into the nest, then back out. Maybe he's looking for Belle.

Suzanne said...

Now he's standing on perch, eyes glowing. Uh oh, another refresh, cann't find him now.

Suzanne said...

Ok, had to wait until one of the white "spots" moved. He's still there. In nest, in front of perch.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now over by Belle's tree..

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, cam pic is not updating. Lib is there, facing 5 o'clock, standing in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Well, shut my mouth! He's gone, MT nest.

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight, sorta red/pink sunrise, and saw a sliver of a moon outside. Saw a gazillion stars at my house, but couldn't see the moon.
Just looked in on mom falcon. See her and the fuzzies, and still the 1 lone egg. Guess that one's ot gonna hatch. Oh, she just left, the 4 fluffies are huddled together, and the egg is off by itself. Both BW chicks are on edge of nest, osprey on her 3 eggs, and out nest MT. The 4 owls are just standing around. Waiting for food, I presume. Still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

I see the nest box in PA is getting it's annual white wash job already! Sure doesn't take those little guys long to start whitewashing everything!

Suzanne said...

Changing of the guard at the osprey nest. All 3 eggs are clearly visible.

Suzanne said...

I sent pics around of the visit this morning. I looked at them while copying them. Both were in the nest this morning! Lib left from his perch, and Belle left from the launch pad. You really have to look hard, but they ARE there.

Suzanne said...

The BW eaglets had 2 new sticks across their nest. Well, they must have played tug-o-war with one, cause each eaglet had a piece in their talons. Stick is now 2 smaller sticks! Too funny.

Suzanne said...

The eaglets are sure getting their wing flap practice in this morning! Awesome to see.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all eaglet fans out there. We finally have the sun shining, but still a little coolish here. Hopefully it will warm up tomorrow.

Suzanne said...

PA falcon chicks are getting breakfast. BW chicks taking a break from flapping. Our nest MT, osprey on eggs, barnowls just standing around, one is right in front of cam, neat profile!

carolinabeachmom said...

Glad to hear we had a nest visit already this morning. Maybe the group going to Shepherdstown will get to see Liberty and Belle. I do hope they have a wonderful time. Wish I could be with them.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Had a visit this morning, but it was before daylight, hard to see them. But nice to know they were there. Coolish here too, but hopefully it will warm up soon.

Suzanne said...

Well, there is a hole in the PA falcon egg, but I don't think it's hatching. Been too long, and mom hasn't been on it to keep it warm. Think it is deteriorating.

Suzanne said...

A rodent has appeared in the owl's nest. Well, it is now in an owlet's mouth!

carolinabeachmom said...

On Thursday night I will be headed up that way to Winchester, Va. to visit my son and go to a show at Sight and Sound in Lancaster. I'll get soooo close but be sooo far. I wish all the participants a wonderful, fun day today.

Suzanne said...

Wow, that was quick. Rodent in owlet's mouth, and gone. Parent arrived in eagles nests.

Suzanne said...

That will be nice, Candy. You're close but so far. Lancaster is about an hours drive east of me, down Rt 30.

Yes, today is the nest visit!! I hope everyone has a blast! I hope Liberty and Belle are in the tree or flying around and give the momsters a good show!!! Have fun, all. Wish I could go too, but have to work.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was watching the owls yesterday in the afternoon. Did you still see 4 babies in the nest. I couldn't be sure as they were all bunched up against the camera. One seemed to want to sleep; looked like the youngest, and the one kept moving and waking it up. I hope he was alright.

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Yup, still 4 this morning, I counted! They usually sleep during the day, but they're awake now. You can really see their feathers coming in now, too. They take turns standing up close to the cam.

Suzanne said...

The egg finally broke. One pic it had a hole in it, next refresh it had 2 holes in it. It is now broken almost in half. Ya don't think it's hatching, do you????? I think it's way too late, now.

carolinabeachmom said...

So glad to hear there are still four owls in nest. Thanks.

Well I had better be on my way. The children will be coming down the hall soon. Keep abreast of all the happenings in the nests for us and keep us informed. I love reading the daily blog to catch up on all the happenings.

To all your Shepherdstown lucky ducks, have a wonderful, fun day. Take plenty of pics and let us know what it was like. Hope you see Liberty and Belle.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz and Beachmom
I am excited about our visit to Shepherdstown today. I have never seen an Eagle (live) before and have wanted to for many years. So wish us luck that we may see even a glimpse of Belle or Liberty

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady! I sure do hope you get to see Lib and Belle! Hope you see them on the branches above the nest, then soaring in the air!!!
You guys have fun!! I am so jealous!

Suzanne said...

Dawn is arriving in Kent.

MITS said...

GOOD MONDAY MORNING EVERYONE Going to get ready for the trip to the nest, running a little behind, don' t remember how long it takes me to get there from here, it has been a couple of years since I have been to Shepherdstown.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Have fun today! Hope Lib and Belle give you a show!

Spirit is on chicks.

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Bird Morning All
I'll be back to give you our Nest Visit story this afternoon.
I am very excited!

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks are getting big! Little cutie pies!

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, MemaJo! You're up early! I hope you have a great time today at the nest! Take lots of pics!!!

Mauley said...

Good Morning all, Paula, wedding pics absolutely stunning. Hope you are recovered. Have a blessed one, dear ones. donna

floralgirl said...


Mema Jo said...



3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...