Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday night

new thread with a picture of a maine eaglet.


Jill said...

That thing is scary.

MITS said...

WOOOOO, thanks for the warning, Jill, startled me when it opened, but it is too cute...thanks Steven for the late Sunday night thread.

MITS said...

Full House at WE....

sunny said...'s so ugly it's cute! A typical eaglet.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Love the picture, Steve.

I'll have to go check out Bob's pix too.

Congrats, Sandy, that is so cool about your niece.

Had a great time at the Bachelorette Party last night. We gave her a list of things she had to do before the night was over - you wouldn't believe some of the stuff on the list! Was really fun. Stayed out till 2am, slept till 11:30 am :) And no Hangover!!

Been out shopping all of today for the rehearsal dinner, we are having a steak cookout, so hopefully it won't rain on Friday Evening.

Hope to get my California pix online soon, I'll let you know! Don't know if I can really manage too much this week. Have to figure out how to get them off the memory cards - my last camera didn't have that.

Thanks for all the nest updates - makes for a great read when you haven't been able to be here. Hope everyone has a nice evening.

Mema Jo said...

STEVEN I had no idea what to expect when Jill gave the warning!
I thought is was going to be another moose or something like that to get our mind off of our MT Nest!
I love that pic

Steven - you have mail

Mema Jo said...

The link on the pic takes you to the Maine information. Maine does have a loon cam up & running now.

Hi Paula Glad you got alot accomplished today & happy to hear the evening was quite enjoyable!

MITS said...

I have been watching for the loons, haven't seen any yet.

Jill said...

At least you guys had a warning, I didn't. LOL.

Hey Mits,

How do I find you at the zoo?

floralgirl said...

AW, I love that picture! Too cute.

Mema Jo said...

I just came back and I was going to holler for you Megan! How was market?

Jill - just go to the Panda store
I know Mits will map it out for you - that's where I met her

floralgirl said...

A little chilly but good, Jo. Good to be back at mkt., nice to see all my friends and customers. The townspeople have shown us a lot of support for the mkt. as we work to get beyond all the politricks and have a great season. I am worn out, though, long weekend, first one with 2 mkts. and other job too. Been going today since 5 am and didn't quit til 8:45 pm. Frost warning tonite here, had to put away lots of plants.

floralgirl said...

Hate to post and run, but I gotta get some sleep, gonna be a busy week. Nite all.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't know about the frost warning. No worry for me - my plants aren't in the pots yet!
Sounds like you need a good night's sleep, gal. Please don't stay up & do any dishes. Eat your ice cream & go to bed.

Mema Jo said...

Almost 11:00.... Going to call it a night...

Good Night Everyone
Peace Be With You and Yours

Good Monday Morning Suzanne

Robyn said...

I love the new pic :)

Jill said...


She said she was going to be with the sloth bear, is that close to the panda enclosure? I forget. Hopefully she will see the post and answer. I would hate to be that close and not see her.

Mema Jo said...

Something happen with the sloth bear exhibit - I forget what Mits said.

Mema Jo said...

You have mail Jill

Jill said...

Got it Jo. Thanks.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Just a quick note today, my new card does not work in my computer (what a surprise), so have to use someone else's PC at the moment. But I think he'll be in shortly. Post everything so I can get caught up. Well, he's here now, so gotta sign off. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE.Suzanne, I got up early to see how everything went on Friday, and, now you can't talk.We have an MT nest right now.

floralgirl said...

OH, is it morning already? I could use about 3 hrs. more sleep. Hi Mits, if you are still awake. Can't believe we can't get any nest reports this morning from Suzanne.

MITS said...

I know, she is the BEST...our nest is MT, the falcon in PA is hiding her chicks, can't tell how many are there now, and NE looked beautiful with the rising sun this a.m. Ospreys are all ok.

MITS said...

Our cam is a mess.

MITS said...

Still windy in Norfolk.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to all of you.
Suz---We are all wondering about Pharoah. Hope conditions are better. We do love our pets!

MITS said...

Sent Suz an e-mail about her kitty, have not heard back yet...

Costume Lady said...

Floragirl--After such a busy weekend, I thought you would still be asleep. Did you know that "Flora" means Goddess of the Flowers? You should now be known as our "Goddess". Did the frost get any of your flowers? I don't think we got any here on Shepherdstown Rd.

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Costume Lady. Well, I don't know if I'm qualified to be a goddess. No rest for the weary, no extra sleep this time of year. No frost here, went down to 36° here. Had to run heater in GH.

MITS said...

Megan, you are a goddess to us:).

floralgirl said...

You are so kind. Never saw a goddess with so much dirt under her fingernails.

Costume Lady said...

I know what you mean about the nails. I have a few flower gardens and a veggie garden and my nails are constantly stained from the dirt and chipped and unsightly.

MITS said...

I think there is an eagle in our nest......

MITS said...


MITS said...

ok, our cam is looping showing the same pics over and over.

MITS said...

both eagles now.

Sandy said...


"Sandy - clarify more for me
Are you my Sandy Bowers from NC?"

Yep, that's me!

NC Sandy

MITS said...

both still there..........

floralgirl said...

Oh, that cam pic hurts my eyes...psychedelic. Have a good day everybody, looks like a pretty one. The garden is calling me.

MITS said...

You got that right, Megan, what a mess....have a good one..

floralgirl said...

Oops, had to wolf down a banana, need some energy. And I almost forgot to put on my sunscreeen. Allergies are driving me nuts this morning. How can someone who loves the outdoors so much be so allergic to it?? Just not fair. MIts, are you coming to visit the nest next week?

MITS said...

Yes, Megan I am:).

floralgirl said...

Cool, I am going to have to try to make the time, just not sure yet.

sunny said...

New thread, folks!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...