Tuesday, May 15, 2007

NCTC visit pics

Here's a couple of pictures from yesterday's NCTC visit.


paula eagleholic said...

Some great pictures there! Go Lib! Go Momsters!

MITS said...

Thanks, for putting the pics up on the Momsters blog, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Paula.

MITS said...

Steven, thank you for your hospitality yesterday, and thanks to Thelma too.

MITS said...

Guess what Jo....I have to sign in again today.....

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - That pic takes your breath away (The one of Liberty that is)

Mema Jo said...

I did also Mits. But then I have been bouncing all over the place.
I don't think I can just copy those links from the other blog...but I will go over and try...

paula eagleholic said...

Did you get to meet Nilla yesterday, Mits?

MITS said...

2007 Pregnancy Watch

May 11

There were few changes in estrogen and progestin levels over the past two weeks. The duration of the first phase of progestin activity following estrus, called the primary rise, is 50 to 180 days. Hormone concentrations will bounce around quite a bit during this phase. Coupled with this phase’s variable length, this makes it difficult to identify the onset of the second phase, which ends 40 to 50 days after the end of the primary rise. As a result, prospective analysis of the trend in progestin concentration changes will be touch and go for the next couple months.

Throughout this time, we will compare current profiles with historical profiles from Mei Xiang to provide the best interpretations available. However, combining these data with behavioral observations will provide the best clue to when the luteal cycle is likely to conclude—with a birth, we hope.

UPDATE ON MEI XIANGS' HORMONES.It is really hard to predict if and when she may have a cub.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, OK, he sent Thelma to meet you when you arrived - sorry was thinking Thelma and Louise!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - they are always hard to predict aren't they? Seems like no matter how much data they have, they still seem to be crossing their fingers all the time!

Mema Jo said...

Links to photos from Nest Visit

Momsters Photo Album


Mema Jo said...

I should be getting more photos from Wanda & Robyn later & will post them for all of you. Your right MITS I think we have found a good photographer right there under our wings in Martinsburg!

I have an appointment and then a get together with my granddaughter for the afternoon & dinner! BBL

Suzanne just said good bye on the other thread...... I'll copy.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I had a very senior moment & thought I had deleted the entire photo album over on Momsters! I did almost have heart failure lol
Thanks for the little ' to bring the album up front.... lol

glo said...

Yep and I will repeat briefly what I wrote on the other thread. That is Thanks Mema Jo you always remember me and I do notice and appreciate it very much!!!

Mema Jo said...

SUZANNE SAID...Time for me to hit the road. Hope this is a good driving day, like to get home in under 2 hours for a change! Big wreck Friday, little wreck yesterday. Geesh!
Blog at you tomorrow. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't mean to cause the heart failure Jo, just wanted the album up front for those accessing it "the old way" :)

Mema Jo said...

Glo said....
Thanks Mema Jo you always include me and I do notice . I do love these eagles and this site, and will always cherish past present and future memories from those brought together by this cam and these eagles.
My schedule is jam packed now I do always stop for quick skim/reads of this BLOG though, just don't have near as much time to always post here several times a day...its down to a few times a week but I am here and I will continue to be as best I can anyway.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:03:00 PM

Mema Jo said...

Now I am running.... BBL

MITS said...

lol...Paula, you have got that right.....Mother Nature at her best. Can't predict, but we can hope:).

MITS said...

Feeding time at Kent

MITS said...

Hancock/Sydney/Saanach chick has got its face right in the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Dad is feeding at VA

Costume Lady said...

I tried to email you photos of Nest Trip, but came back as "Undeliverable". Must be something I did. Will try later. Time to take Mom to therapy.

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglet eating a fish

MITS said...

Both eagles in Puget Sound nest.

MITS said...

Father Watch- We're keeping an eye out for the father osprey who hasn't been seen much since Sunday. LATEST UPDATE FROM LISA ON BW OSPREY PAGE. Seems Dad is MIA.

paula eagleholic said...

How did she get that fish she was eating this morning, I wonder? Maybe nestovers?

MITS said...

Don't know, waiting to hear back from Lisa.

MITS said...

Wonder what happened to the automatic sign-in all of a sudden?

Jill said...

Wow what a surprise. I have been gone all day and came home to see one of my pictures was on the opening page.

SUZANNE-It is digital SLR from Olympus. I was using a 40-150 zoom lense yesterday. I want a bigger one. LOL. Was kind of surprised at the picture of the encounter didn't think it was much until I starting zooming in.

Thanks Steve for having us there yesterday, we all had a wonderful time.

Jill said...

It's that little blogger guy that was giving me such a hard time yesterday. LOL

MITS said...

HERE IS LISA FROM BW REPLY..It's a little unusual. Hopefully nothing has happened to him. I have heard of dads going missing for a couple days, but he needs to return eventually. She can't do it alone.

Lisa, is this unusual that DAD is missing?????:( .

MITS said...

Well, Jill, we will just get Norma after the blogger monster, now that she has the eagle cane, she can just smack him silly.

Jill said...

LOL Mits. I think she already smacked him once, he hasn't bothered me today. (yet).

paula eagleholic said...

I never had the automatic sign in, so I guess I can't miss it if its gone! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey turning eggs at BW

Jill said...

Mine comes a goes, so I never really know what I need to do. The other day it kept kicking me back and I couldn't figure out why. You kinda have to sign in DUH.

Anne-Marie said...

My heart just aches for that poor little bird sitting there and waiting for her mate to come home. I've been watching her. I got rid of a husband that did that one too many times.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I have been watching Mom osprey also, she has to be hungry and thirsty.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Got the email with the pics! Thanks! I will get them into the album.

Robyn said...

I'm putting my film in tomorrow to be developed as I finshed the film off today when 2 deer came walking past the back of my home this morning. I should have them back thurs or fri.

Anne-Marie said...

Mits how long can she be gone off that nest?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda's pictures have been added

Anne-Marie said...

Robyn, you have deer, turkeys and critters. I have trafic, noise, and dirty air. As soon as I can sell the house and find something out in the country I'll be happier. My day will come.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Robyn -
We really had such a great time & all these pictures just prove it!

MITS said...

Heidi, Mom osprey just turned the eggs, I don't think she will leave them, because of a predator swooping down to eat them.

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Mitts.

Mema Jo said...

I wish someone at BW would consider throwing a fish up in that nest! I think it could be done....

Anne-Marie said...

Jo I was just thinking the same thing. Well its time for me to sign off. I have a few minutes left. I think I'll drive down and watch the whales for a while. The news says they are still in the river. I hope they get turned around. Have a peaceful evening all.

normabyrd said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES!----I have been in and out all day!!----JILL---WOW!!---GREAT EAGLE PICS!!---All the pics are a GREAT REMINDER of ALL YOU EAGLE MOMSTERS!!!---How lucky to be a member of you folks----

Mema Jo said...

Norma, I just added some more that were from Wanda. Robyn will have hers later this week & then I'll add them.
I agree with you! We are so lucky to have one another!

normabyrd said...

JILL---I AM going to remember you because you know all the cops in the area---ho! ho!---WHO KNOWS---YOUR NAME MIGHT COME IN HANDY!! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Puget Sound nest - That left over egg is turning blue....

Jill said...

Hey Norma, you might want to start with do you know Jill Bishop, wait for the reaction, the proceed forward. A few of them don't like me. LOL. If they frown and look disgusted just say, she is a nasty person. LOL But if they smile tell them I am your niece or something. That should work.

normabyrd said...

HI JO!!----I received an email from a high school girl friend--- lives across the state---The photo of all of us at NCTC w/Steven---really impressed her---ho!---She couldn't believe we (MOMSTERS) were really there!!!---EAGLES TOO!-----Told her we had "you" & YOU get us invited!!!-- ho!---Did remind her of the OCT. DAY!!---THANKS FOR PLANNING THE DAY!!!

normabyrd said...

JILL---You are too kind!!----You could have told me to tell them I am you MOTHER!!!---That they might believe!!!----REMEMBER---I have a CANE & can CANE anyone that bothers you!!!--ho!

normabyrd said...

HEY!---How long as the OSPREY dad at BW been missing?---PRAY they will return soon!!!----Those BW EAGLETS are ready to go!!!----

MITS said...

Norma, maybe you can be her clerk og the court!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


normabyrd said...

HEIDIGIRL----Please keep us informed about the WHALES!!!---That must be a terrible situation----Only hope the WHALES are saved!!---Thought about you when I saw the ALASKAN CRUISE SHIP that was grounded----Have you worn your RED DRESS lately!!!----HOPE YOU HAVE!!!YOU GO GIRL!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS----I will be the JUDGE!!--ho!-----REMEMBER I have my cane!!!--MY EAGLE CANE!!!----Will share the JUDGESHIP with you!!----Have you told anyone about one of the MOMSTERS who shows her tattoos??--ho!

normabyrd said...

DON'T you all love those KENT EAGLES & those "adorable" EAGLETS!!!---ONE or the other always appears to be yelling at someone or something!!------COOL EAGLES!!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - mum is the word about the tattoo Shhhhhhhh! Now, if anyone wishes to see Norma's Eagle Cane - look at my picture inside of NCTC on the stairs - lower right hand corner

Can anyone guess what the price tag says?

Mema Jo said...

Looks like BW osprey is rolling the

Jill said...

Good lord Norma if you told them you were my mother they would have a heart attack. They are scared of ghosts and most of them know my mother is dead. Although it would be worth it to see the look on their faces. HA HA. I got back to work at midnight, could I borrow the cane? My gavel is broke. Threw it at an officer and hit the wall instead. Idiot ducked.

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day...

Good Night Everyone
Peace Be With You and Yours

Good Morning Suzanne

movin said...

Good evening, all...
Starr has just begun to feed the chicks a fresh fish, which I believe Spirit brought in, and Spirit is perched on the limb above...


movin said...

I think there may be an interloper in the sky at Kent, She stopped feeding and both adults are looking skyward and doing the complete eagle call ritual.


movin said...

Both parents at Kent are still scoping the heavens and looking like they may have to defend the territory.


MITS said...

I once put a temporary smiley face tatoo on my butt to surprise my doctor during a colonoscopy...and with that little tidbit, I bid you all a GOOD NIGHT I'm really worried about Momma osprey at BW.

movin said...

Worried? You think the Daddy Osprey has gone missing?

I believe I saw both of them in the nest Monday morning, if not this morning.

Who's feeding her now if not the male?

Are they thinking he got into it with the strange female and didn't make it?


movin said...

Guess I had better bid you all a Good night/Good morning too....

Chores to do before I sleep...


MITS said...

On Lisa's report today, Jim, she said Dad has not been there alot since Sunday, guess if this is to work, Dad must be there more often, because Mom can't leave the eggs to go hunt for food. I did send Lisa a pic from early evening where Mom was gone for a very brief time.

movin said...

I see, Mits...well, I'll look in the morning, of course. Not sure if I saw him this morning, as I was half asleep and not aware he might be missing. But I am sure I saw him yesterday morning ... on the eggs as Mom, who had probably just eaten, was preening in the far right corner.

She could be leaving briefly to eat something he brought off-camera.

Anyway, I hope it turns out alright.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mits. Good night.


MITS said...

Good Night, Jim.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Well this blog made me smile this morning! How cool to see the momsters' visit pics! And our Lib! So cool. Thanks for posting them, Steve.
Beautiful night out, 67° at my house, 70° here and it's not even 4:30! Gonna be a nice day, I hope. Think we're supposed to get rain later this afternoon, but not really sure. Wasn't paying attention to weather forecast last night.
See our cam looks good... MT, but good. BW eaglets, one is half way sleeping on top of the other one. They were like that yesterday, one has hit butt on other one's back. Both sound asleep, heads tucked under wings. Uh oh, there go lines on our cam. Shouldn't have said anything! See Lisa updated the osprey page...keeping a watch out for the father, hasn't been since since Sunday. Sent her pics yesterday when the osprey finally got up and ate, she replied that she hoped the osprey didn't have to catch it herself! Me too, but I've only seen the one on the eggs all week. Have to go check my pics. Darn, this poor couple is having nothing but problems this year. Sure hope it starts getting easier for them! And I hope there is a THEM!!
Too dark in PA to see falcons, and of course out west, but owls are up and about. Only see 3, but there is some white over in the corner that I hope is owlet number 4. Geesh, anybody sees Norma, tell her not to read the blogs until I confirm there are really still 4 owls!
Checked the bluebirds this morning too, looks like a parent in nest, but can't see much else.
OH! I almost forgot! I have a birth announcement....I have chicks. Remember when I put out the birdhouse I had for a couple years in the kitchen, and it was occupied immediately? Well I was listening Saturday when I was out there, and didn't hear a thing. Yesterday when I fed and watered the birds, had ALL KINDS of little cheeping going on! Don't have a clue how many, and not gonna get up to look, but I do have chicks. Yesterday was the first I heard them. Sparrows. I know, they say not to give the sparrows nestboxes, but didn't know that until I had put it up and it was occupied. So now I'm excited.
N O W, I have to watch my outdoor kitties when these chicks start to fledge, would not make me a happy camper for them to get a chick!
Ok, nuff on the book this morning, already. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Let's hope daddy osprey shows up!

Suzanne said...

Dang! Posted a while ago, and got the google error, and just now finally got back in.
Checked my osprey pics, last pic I have of both of them is from last Friday, the 11th. Not online during the weekend, so wouldn't see them, but have not seen both of them in the nest yet this week.
BW chicks are getting off cam and doing early morning wing flaps already. Our nest MT. The way they have been going, they're like late! Maybe they just like to keep us guessing!!!
Still see 3 owls, and a white something off to side. Can't say much more than that, but I think the white something is the other owl.
Hum, wonder if this will post. Guess we'll find out shortly...

Suzanne said...

Ok, that one was easy...

Suzanne said...

Well, here's something you haven't seen in a while...MT nest in BW! Both eaglets must be out on branches flapping away...

Suzanne said...

Well, the flapping eaglets are back, both on very edge of nest. Falcon is on bar outside nest box, don't see egg anymore. Our nest MT, osprey all alone on eggs, and well...owlets still standing around.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, we have a circle of leaves in the bottom of our nest. How pretty and creative Lib and Belle are getting!

Suzanne said...

Osprey just turned her eggs, now she's back on them. Still no sign of hubby. BW eaglets are scrounging around in the nest, probably looking for leftovers. PA falcons have had breakfast, now they're totally sacked out. Our nest has been MT all day. Still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

I see the falcon egg finally broke apart. It was still 1 piece a little while ago, but mom was kind of standing over it giving the chicks breakfast. Guess it finally broke.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all eagle buddies out there. I finally got a chance at a computer and read secpmd postings from yesterday. It sure looks like everyone had a good time at Shepherdstown. Tonight if I can get on, I'll have to try to get in the first of the day postings.

carolinabeachmom said...

Been pretty busy here lately and haven't been able to get on a computer at home.

Suzanne, I haven't been in my email in awhile, but thank you, in advance, for any pics you might have sent.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy. Glad to have you back! Think everybody had a wonderful time in Shepherdstown! And Liberty and Belle were there to say hello, so that was very nice!

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, it is so nice to be able to check in this site and see your cheary commentary. Thanks so much for being there.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Candy, you're welcome. None today though, I'm afraid. Nest has had absolutely no visitors all morning, that I saw. Not even blackbirds! But there is a nice circle of leaves in the center of the nest...

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I want to view the pics of the visit to our eagle nest, so I will get off now and BBL.

Suzanne said...

Enjoy, Candy! TTUL.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglets are getting breakfast.

Suzanne said...

One eaglet just flew over parent from one side of the nest to the other, but I wasn't quick enough to get a pic! Darn!
Getting daylight in Kent. Don't see an eagle in tree this time, so they're probably on the nest.

Suzanne said...

Yup, can see top of a white head in nest. Still too dark to see much of anything else, but soon.

Suzanne said...

Osprey turning eggs.

Suzanne said...

One of the falcons is sitting out by himself... my what big feet we have! Too cute, they grow into them just like the eagles, but they sure look large when the chicks are this small!

Suzanne said...

Spirit is on babies.

Suzanne said...

This is too funny. All 4 falcons are lines up in a row and one has his beak open. gossip session. Another chick is sitting on the egg, which by the way, is not the broken piece I saw earlier. Egg is broken, but not quite in half yet. Too funny.
Did you hear....

Suzanne said...

Now they're smiling.

Wouldn't you love to know what goes on in their minds???

BTW, that's lined up in a row, not lines.

Suzanne said...

Gossip session is over, nap time.

Suzanne said...

Daylight in Kent. Spirit is standing by chicks. Swear they double in size every night!

Suzanne said...

Sleepy head Kent chicks are waking up. Dad sitting right by them.

Suzanne said...

Spirit was in the tree after the kids woke up, and was squaking at something. He left, chicks are alone, but waitig patiently for breakfast delivery.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz--
What a beautiful day we had at NCTC. Good Eagle viewing and good company. As you msut know, I am new to the Momsters, but after meeting the ladies in person, I felt like I had known them for ages. I guess because we all have "like" interests.

Coffee is gone--time for juice.

movin said...

Good morning, citizens of Eagleland...

I haven't seen the BW Osprey Daddy yet either, but I did get something else that might indicate if he is around:

The next time she gets up, take a look at her crop to see if she has eaten lately. OK?


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----Beautiful day in WV!---temp 75°---HELLO SUZANNE & WANDA (COSTUME LADY)---So very nice meeting you too!!----How is your Mother---Hope she is feeling better!!!---My daughter asked if you make costumes for theater?----She had some classes when she was in school----SUZANNE---ENJOY READING YOUR COMMENTS!!!!---Count the OWLETS!!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' JIM!!---Didn't see you when I logged on!!!---

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady! We're all one big happy family on here! Yes, we all have like interests, so they'res always something to talk about1
Morning, Jim. She hasn't eaten yet today, at least since 4:20 when I logged on. Think it was around 11 yesterday when she finally got to eat, (actually, 10:56), so maybe it will be around the same time today.
I sent Lisa an email asking if she could hatch and raise the eggs/chicks alone, or would predators get them. Haven't gotten any answer yet, so we'll see. These guys sure have had a rough time so far this year, I hope it gets better for them quickly!!

Suzanne said...

Falcons have had breakfast, Kent chicks still waiting for that delivery guy! Oh, never mind, adult just arrived in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, morning, Normabyrd. Didn't see you a minute ago. Left a note that if someone saw you to tell you not to read the blogs or check the owls yet!!! But right now this minute, I see 4!!! This is the first time all morning I have seen all 4 of them. The 3 must have had him hiding behind them, but now mom is in nest, and they're all spread out from their corner.

Mema Jo said...

Good Beautiful Eagle Morning To You Early Birds Thanks Suz for all the info because I don't have much time this morning to go cam surfing. Going to pick up a great-granddaughter for the day..
I'll check in when I can - Hope the BW dad is able to come home to the nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUZANNE---I always count before I log on!!!!---But thanks for checking!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!---I have to get dressed---Study group then lunch date-----LATER!!

Suzanne said...

Mom osprey is fishing!!

movin said...

Lady Osprey just left the nest.....

movin said...

She's back and on the eggs, but my puter refused to refresh and I saw only a glimpse of her standing...crop didn't look very full.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jo! You're welcome, glad to keep you informed.
Cam3 is down at Kent. Star is in the nest with the babies, but she didn't bring breakfast. Guess they went back to sleep, dad's still fishing!
Osprey eggs are alone again. Mom left a little while ago, but returned without food. oh, she just came back again, so maybe she's flying around trying to find dad. Falcons are all spread out, taking up a lot of the nest box now. Did see 4 owls, but now they're all huddled in their corner again. Mom is in nest with them.

movin said...



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...