Monday, May 14, 2007


New thread, chilly morning. The eagles are spending time here now before dawn.


floralgirl said...

Yes, chilly but beautiful morning. Should be a great day to see the eagles soar. Hope everyone has a great time at NCTC. I would like to make it, but I've got a date with 150 calendula, 4 flats of feverfew and too many snapdragons to count. Planting time, and then I need to sow sunflower seeds. Hope everyone has a great day, it's gorgeous out there.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread
Getting ready to head your way.
Megan you will be missed but I hear the flowers calling you!

See you all

floralgirl said...

OK, you lucky ducks, hope the eagles are soaring above.

movin said...


And thanks, Steve for the observation of the eagle pair and for the new thread this bright morning.

Don't be too surprised if I don't make it on in the morning for a while...almost didn't this morning... For 2 1/2 yrs. this puter has performed well and quietly, but yesterday morning and again this morning it decided the cooling fan would start to "tick...tick.tick ... BBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" (against its own housing, I guess). Probably turned the neighbors on a whole lot.

It's running quietly again now, but it will likely get worse in the mornings when I start it up...
Guess I had better look into replacement parts.

I see Liberty-Belle visited this morning early...hope you people get some good photos of them when you visit.


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Thanks for the heads up, Megan and Jo. Megan, you're gonna be busy! But give the sunflower seeds to the birds, they'll sow them for you! They eat some, and drop some at my house. I have about a gazillion sunflowers starting.
Jo, you have a good time. Beautiful day for an outing!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Wasn't ignoring you! Hope you get the fan replaced, they can get very annoying and loud when they start to go.

Suzanne said...

Kent eaglets have been alone for a little over an hour now. Hope mom and dad aren't having trouble finding food!

movin said...

I noticed the Kent chicks snuggling together to keep warm, but I thought one of the parents was probably perched nearby...wonder if one is there.


Suzanne said...

If they are there, Jim, they're out of all the cam views. They usually perch on the tree on cam1, but I haven't seen them. Spirit was there, but he flew off at 5:20, and haven't seen him or Star return yet.

Suzanne said...

The PA falcon chicks are all laid out. Sound asleep. So cute.

BOTH parents in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks are getting breakfast. Doesn't look like a fish, though.

Suzanne said...

Kent breakfast is over, parent flew to tree, now back in nest. Kids watched while parent was in tree, too cute.

Suzanne said...

Oh, I was outside a little while ago and saw a swallow! Haven't seen a swallow in a long time. Thought they nested in barns, what in the world is one doing here in beautiful (yeah, right) Alexandria, VA???? No barns here, just buildings and traffic.
Oh, did not see my red-bellied woodpecker either Friday or all weekend. Maybe he was just passing through. Was nice of him to stick around and eat and let me see him, though. Downy's are still around, the female flew over and was eating Sat while I was outside. I just stopped and sat and watched her. Thought that was kinda cool.

Suzanne said...

Dang, our cam's all flooey with those psycho colors again!

Hope everyone is having a good time and seeing the eagles at NCTC!!!

Suzanne said...

Geesh, now it's clear again. Maybe Lib and/or Belle will stop by to say hi to us while the other momsters are down there watching them for real! That would be so cool....

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning all. Hope everyone has a great visit at the nest today. I am sure they are already there!

It's a busy Monday here, try to get back on later!!

paula eagleholic said...

VA eagle cam back on, couldn't get it yesterday. They really look pretty!

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks now have a nice fish for breakfast number 2!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Beautiful day out today. The momsters picked a great day for a nest visit! Sure hope they see Lib and Belle.
All have a great afternoon and evening. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Anne-Marie said...

good afternoon all, I was so hoping the cam would be clear so I could maybe catch a glimps of the visit to the nest but it looks "real groovy man". The weekend was long and full of family. Have fun today and take lots of pictures.

Bob Quinn said...

Outing to NCTC? Missed that. I should check in more often. Hope everyone is having a great time and seeing lots of activity.

Anne-Marie said...

Me too Bob but I'm too far away.

Bob Quinn said...

Heidigirl - Just a couple of hours and a day off from work for me. Haven't processed yesterday's BW photos yet. I'll let everyone know when I do. Are the instructions for embedding a link posted anywhere?

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, if you send me your email address, I will forward the instructions that I have for it

Jill said...

We had a great day at NCTC. Such a pleasure to meet everyone and enjoy some time together.

Anne-Marie said...

Hey Jill I missed you guys... Cant wait to hear what happpened.

Costume Lady said...

Hello to you all---
We had a wonderful day at NCTC. When we arrived at the "Nesting Tree" Belle or Liberty was there perched on the tree waiting for us. He/She sat there and posed for at least one half hour! We saw a beautiful Baltimore Oriole flitting aroung the top of the Sycamore tree where the Eagle nest is. What a beautiful song he has.
The Eagle finally left and joined his mate and they soared the sky for awhile then we left. We had a wonderful lunch and great conversation. Steve joined us for a little while
We toured the building, saw the exhibits and the comfy auditorium.
We could not have "ordered" a more perfect day! Truly wish you all could have joined us. Maybe another time, another place.
We all have photos to share with you later.

Mema Jo said...

Words cannot fully describe how beautiful the events of today have been. Six of us momsters were in attendance at NCTC at 10:00am give or take a few minutes. Norma,Helen (Mits), Jill, Wanda (Costumelady), Robyn (Robyanne), myself & my daughter Jennifer. Thelma, Steve's appointed welcoming committee of one met us and gave us the scope on things we could do. Steve was on a break from his meeting & met with us for about 10 min and then Thelma took us a short tour. We were then set lose!
We viewed the exhibits at the Auditorium Bldg and then all 6 jumped into 2 cars and headed for the road by the barn in front of the Sycamore Tree! There waiting for us was OUR EAGLE - up on his high branch above the nest. We were all so excited & some of you very well know the feelings we were having! He sat there for a very long time giving us the profile look and then would look right down on us.I was excited and didn't time his visit but it must have been a good half an hour or more. Finally off he flew & we followed his majestic flight which we think led him towards the river. We then went to the Commons Bldg & visited the gift shop. Up to the cafe where we met Steve & enjoyed the delicious lunch food and the conversations amongst Momsters & Steve. It was so relaxing & comfy-the buildings are beautiful. Down we went to the gift shop & made some purchases of eagle items! Young lady clerk said she had never sold so much eagle merchandise before. We then explained why that was!! We then planned to end our day with some of us going back over to the nest just in case...... AND THERE SHE WAS WAITING FOR US! On a different branch - lower in the tree but still above the nest. The visit wasn't long but it was so beautiful to see her take flight! Lots of hugs between the Momsters and lots of smiles of happiness until we all got on the right road to go home with all of our memories of today.

Jill & Robyn had zoom lens on their cameras and pictures will be coming into the Momsters site soon.

Bob Quinn said...

Sounds like a wonderful time and quite a photo op too! :-)

Jill said...

I have reviewed my pictures and soem are just wonderful. I will have to adjust the size of them to email them. Don't worry Jo, I will get in done in a couple of weeks. LOL

Jill said...

Is anybody else getting an error message after sending a post? It keeps happening. And this time when I tried to get in it wouldn't let me but it is posting my messages

Jill said...

Okay that time no message. I give up. Can't believe you guys saw the other eagle while I was still on the property. I stopped for a few minutes to talk to my guard friend.

paula eagleholic said...

What a perfect day for a tree visit. Sounds like everyone had a great time. Nice to know that they are hanging out in the sycamore tree. I know how exciting it was for everyone to meet! Looking forward to your pictures!! I am hoping to get out there soon myself.

Anne-Marie said...

thank you so much for sharing your day with the rest of us that couldnt go. I'm so glad everything went well and that our "kids" made a special appearance for you.

Mema Jo said...

Can't believe you didn't come on back to the barn with your camera!!!!!
I kept wishing!!! Belle wasn't there too long.

Bob Are you at work? I was down at BW Refuge this past Friday & I actually looked around for a guy with a camera! Where are you new pics..?

Bob Quinn said...

Mema Jo - Still at work, about to head out to pick up my better half who called with a flat tire. If you're at BW and see a tall guy with a big white lens and there's a green '99 Acura TL with a big scratch on the side that would be me.

MITS said...

Just one word......AWESOME

Bob Quinn said...

Will post new pics hopefully tonight including an eagle with a happy birthday balloon (kinda fuzzy though). Wish I could have photographed the scenes at NCTC today, eagles and people both.

paula eagleholic said...

I am so glad you finally got to see the nest, Mits :)

Mema Jo said...

I was so glad Mits also got to meet Normabyrd!!! You would have loved it Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

VA chick just got some air. Cool, just did it again.

paula eagleholic said...

Next visit should include the Market to see Floralgirl's stand and a nest visit!!

Mema Jo said...

Set it up - date & time - & we'll be there!

Mema Jo said...

I will be posting on Momster's mainly people pictures. I know Jill's & Robyn's will be the better ones of our eagles. I'll let you know when to look....

MITS said...

:):):) Thanks, Paula, I just was so surprised to see them. Well, I really enjoyed the lunch too....yummy. We had to stop Norma from taking NCTC property, she is little, but feisty, had to keep an eagle eye on her....tee-hee.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that Norma is a feisty one!

What kind of eagle stuff did you guys buy? I want pictures.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my gosh, that is right Mits! You have never seen them!!!! How awesome!

paula eagleholic said...

Not in the flesh, er or feathers, I guess :)

MITS said...

Yep, I was a newbie at seeing them, and, they did not disappoint, they are a gorgeous pair

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like we need a cam that looks up the tree from the nest, also.

MITS said...

Why don't we set up our own TV station and we can take turns broadcasting live from the site.

paula eagleholic said...

That would be a great job if I didn't work!

MITS said...

Just tell work, you have to move your office a little bit away:).

normabyrd said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES----What a GLORIOUS DAY at NCTC!!---Meeting JO--her daughter, JENNIFER--MITS (in person)---JILL--COSTUME LADY (WANDA)---ROBYNANN (ROBYN)----& HANDSOME STEVEN!!!---WHAT A TREAT----To top off a perfect day----WE SAW LIBERTY & BELLE---!! BEAUTIFUL MAJESTIC BIRDS----THAT PLACE IS AWESOME!!!----(bet you can guess I really enjoyed the day)

Mema Jo said...

The people pictures are ready
Eagle pictures yet to come

Nest Visit

MITS said...

We all enjoyed it..Norma. How was your ride home?

MITS said...

Pictures are great, Jo.

MITS said...

Time for those eagles to get off the upper branches and make an appearance.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh Thank you so much Jo . The pictures are better than great. Now I can put a name with a face.

Anne-Marie said...

I havent been able to see anything on the cam all day. Lots of color but thats it.

Anne-Marie said...

Santa Cruz looks funny. Its fuzzy and I cant see a chick. No parent either.

MITS said...

Both eagles at KENT

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all, I'm hitting the freeway....

Mema Jo said...

Sent an email to Todd concerning the cover of the course catalog that we saw today.Will let you know if I get a reply concerning the photo.

Jill said...

It's doing that error thing again.

MITS said...

Thanks, does that sometimes, Jill, there is a little man inside the blog, we have been trying to catch him.

Bob Quinn said...

Yesterday's BW pix. Thanks Paula (and Jo) for the embedded link instructions.

New BW pix

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

BOB The balloon/eagle pics are fantastic! I loved the juvie also. In fact I loved all of them.
Thanks for sharing!

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo, et al

Wonderful pictures from the nest visit today! Nice to see the newer momsters meet the older momsters!

Mits, Wanda, Jill and Robyn - how did you like hanging around the barn looking up at the tree? Wasn't that awesome!

paula eagleholic said...

The eagle and the balloon is awesome - figures it was a juvie!

The eagle in the tree - Is that the grove of pine trees to the left of the cam, when you make that left turn on the drive?

Nice pics of the eagles, both the adult and the juvie.

Awww, Mom opsrey in the nest.

MITS said...

Paula, it was so much fun:):):). After watching this nest for over a year and to finally see them was great.

MITS said...

BOB thanks for the pictures, the balloon ones were funny. What happen after the balloon went past the eagle? Or did the eagle pop it with its talons?

Mema Jo said...

Even though I have made about 6 trips to the nest - whenever I see that eagle up on that branch I lose it!
We started up the road to the barn & I'm hollering, Oh Man He's There, He's Waiting On Us! Mits & Norma were in the back seat & of course couldn't see where I was looking! But as soon as they stepped out of the car -

Mema Jo said...

I think we may have lost Jill to the Blogger Cop!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Mema Jo - I can just imagine all the excitement! Nothing compares to seeing them in person.

paula eagleholic said...

BBIALW - I have got to go pay some bills!

Costume Lady said...

It was a dream come true for me to see the Eagle today. I have never seen a live Eagle and wanted to for many years. The day was so beautiful and the company was so great that I could have stayed all day--but Liberty decided we had seen enough and left; probably to get lunch and so did we!

paula eagleholic said...

Costume Lady - That was the first time I saw live eagles, too. What a special thing it is to see them in person. I am so glad they made an appearance for the Momsters!

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - The eagle in the tree was actually towards the start of the drive, after the blind on the right. Not the first time I've seen eagles in those trees. I've also frequently seen them in the stand of trees you mentioned.

Mits - Once the eagle got close to the balloon and realized it wasn't edible it just flew off. I think it thought it had an easy, slow moving meal at first.

Robyn said...

Good evening all,

What a wonderful day this was. I met some truly amazing women and this was the closest yet I have been to an eagle. The excitement was definitly evident. I enjoyed the center, all that stone and wood!

I'm game for next visit, maybe even a picnic around Harpers Ferry and try to catch an eagle or two fishing.

Thanks for the great company today. I will get my film developed this week and will put them online.

movin said...

Hope everybody has recovered from all the excitement of the visit...must have been great from the way you describe it.

And many thanks to Bob for another great set of photos. Between everbody's inputs it's almost like being back there and experiencing the sites ourselves.

Have a good evening and tomorrow.


Costume Lady said...

I second the motion to go to Harpers Ferry. Might bring a fishing pole--I,too, like to fish.

We did have a great day didn't we?
JO--Thank you for putting this visit together (You are a super lady).

Mema Jo said...

I do think I am calling it a day.

Good Night All
Peace Be With You & Yours

Costume Lady said...

Wish you could have gone with us today to visit the nest. We could have had a cup of coffee together. (I couldn't find any coffee, but Steve found some somewhere)--Oh well, I'll have some with you in the morning.

Good Night to all my new friends.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - that center certainly is gorgeous. Did anyone point out the way the wood railings look like fish?

All have a good night - going to hit the hay - still beat from the wedding weekend. And thank you to everyone for all your nice comments and well wishes for the happy couple. I will be sure to pass them along!

MITS said...

LOL, Paula, it took me along time to see it, guess that is why I'm not good at jig-saw puzzles...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

MITS said...

Wish I could have been there to see the look on poor eagles face, when it realized the balloon was not edible. Thanks, Bob for the pics. I put one of your eagles pics as my desktop.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - I didn't see it until the second time I was there.

Suzanne said...

Morning, eagle world. Beautiful night out, I even forgot my jacket. But it was 60° at my house, 63° here, so maybe I won't need it.
How was the trip yesterday? Have to go read blogs, want to see if they had Lib and Belle sightings. Sure hope so! Think you guys were supposed to meet Steve, too, right? He's a nice person, isn't he? Did you guys also meet Todd? He's another nice guy. Ok, no more questions, I'll go read blogs.
Our nest is MT, but don't know how long pic will last...getting those psychadelic spots (hurt your eyes), alternating with black and white lines, alternating with a real picture. So at this rate, may not see their before daylight visit.
BW eaglets are both snoozing in nest, end to end...takes up maximum space! Osprey on eggs, barnowls standing around, can't tell if there are still 4. I see 3, but I'm hoping the 4th is hiding behind the big guy in front of the cam.
Still dark, so can't see PA or our west, of course.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, thought I saw a white head in our nest, but it's gone. In fact, whole picture is gone...

Suzanne said...

BW eaglets are waking up. One is out of the pic now, oh, never mind, back. But exploring edges of the nest. Other one is laying there just watching him.
Have lines on our cam now, and if you REALLY strain your eyes, you could probably see something. But guess my eyes are too old for all that straining, can't see a bloody thing!

Suzanne said...

Wing flap practice, time!

Suzanne said...

I DID see a while head. May be Belle, up by the tree. Cam is clear this time. was. Did get a pic, though.

Suzanne said...

Ok, been watching another white "ball" or round object. Think that may be Lib on his perch, in the back. However, lines are back, so now can't see a thing...

Suzanne said...

Well, guess that white "ball" I was watching was Lib, cause now the nest is MT, and the white "ball" is no more... There is nothing around there that would show up like that on the cam, so gues it was his head. Standing on the perch, where else?
BW chicks are resting, they've been doing flaps and showing us their wing span. Falcon on edge of nest, chicks huddled together, and that broken egg is still there. Osprey hasn't moved off her eggs all morning. Still only see 3 owlets, but I THINK there is a white fuzzball off to the right of the cam. I sure hope so!

Suzanne said...

Oh Brrrr. Was just outside, and the wind has picked up! Blowing like mad. Colder now than it was when I came in. They changed the cams in PA yesterday, in case you hadn't noticed. Can see the whole nest now, and parent outside when they're there. Can really see the whitewashed stripes now, too. BW chicks are on sides of nest, osprey only rearranging her position, falcon outside of nest, chicks huddled in corner, and still only see 3 owlets. I sure hope that little one is off cam, or behind the others!

Suzanne said...

Wow, clear cam and BELLE IS IN THE NEST!!!

Suzanne said...

OK, All 4 owlets are there! Other one was off cam. Phew!!!
Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

Dang, Belle gone.

Suzanne said...

Falcon dad must have brought breakfast, looks like mom is feeding the kids. BW chicks were flapping wings and rolling around, too cute.

Suzanne said...

Think mom is checking out her broken egg. Chicks are watching.

Suzanne said...

Someone's back, but cam is acting up again, bad pic. But someone is in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Cam pic cleared, still there. This may be Lib, looks smaller than Belle, and tail feathers are different.

Suzanne said...

Yup, that's Lib. He's checking his perch.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, getting ready for take off. Lib on perch.

Suzanne said...

No, just wants to view the world from a higher place. Lib still on perch, facing out.

Suzanne said...

Lib still there, looking down under the nest.

Suzanne said...

Lib still on perch, but pic going flooey again.

Suzanne said...

Lib still there, but cam is totally messing up. Psycho lines are back, hard to see.

Suzanne said...

Musta heard me. Beautiful lpic now, Lib in center of nest.

Suzanne said...

Now in center of nest. If you refresh about 4 or 5 times, you get your pic back. Most of the time, anyway...

Suzanne said...

Ok, now I'm confused. Eagle is now on launch pad, where Belle usually hangs out.

Suzanne said...

Eagle still there, terrible pic!

Suzanne said...

Still there, at launch pad. Pic is bad, but you can still see.

Suzanne said...

I don't get it. Wind is blowing, but sun is out. Lousy pic, but eagle still there on launch pad.

Suzanne said...

Naturally! Beautiful pic, eagle took off. Wonder if that was Belle the whole time? Who knows, I'll send pic in a few minutes.

Suzanne said...

Latest update on the Falcon page:

5/14/2007 :: The Latest...
It is now clear that the fifth egg will not hatch. This is not unusual and it happened with this pair two years ago. As for the smallest of the four nestlings, he appears to be a scrapper. He is likely a male, therefore smaller than possibly one or two female siblings. In addition to this, he was the last to arrive. In previous cases such as this, the little one eventually became more aggressive out of necessity. One or both of the adults is nearby at all times, vigilant in defense of the chicks from possible avian predators and other disturbances.

Suzanne said...

BW parent just arrived.

Suzanne said...

BW kids are getting breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Guess one of the BW chicks decided he couldn't wait to be fed...Jumped over and tried to steal fish from parent. Other chick just watching, but staying out of the way.

Suzanne said...

Well, the BW chick is now eating whatever the parent had. Parent is watching. Think that may be Lord BW, but wouldn't swear to it. Ok, now other chick coming over...what gives, where's mine????

Suzanne said...

BW chick still eating whatever it was, other chick watching.

Suzanne said...

Oh too funny. Been watching the owls, and now one is RIGHT up in front of the cam. You can see absolutely nothing but white fuzz on the side view. You can see him standing there on the top view.

Suzanne said...

He's moved a little away from the cam, not it just looks like a big ol' cotton ball!!!

Suzanne said...

One owlet is now showing us his new feathers in his wing. Others are watching him.

MITS said...

Good Morning Suzanne, and everyone else who comes in this a.m. What is in the middle of our nest?

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz & Mits
I think our nest has more leaves in it. Not sure.
SUZ--If you have time to read previous blogs, you will find that we had a wonderful day visiting our nest and our eagles.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! And all lurkers! No clue what is in the nest, think it may be leaves?

The BW eaglets are whispering to each other, telling secrets. Too cute.

Did you have a blast yesterday? I checked out Glo's feedblitz, sure sounded like it! Don't know who is who on the pics, though, but sure was nice of Lib and Belle to meet and greet you guys!

Suzanne said...

Hi Costume Lady! Saw Glo's feedblitz this morning. Sounds like you guys had a blast! I'm just so glad Lib and Belle were there showing off for you!!!

MITS said...

Morning your coffee? Going to get mine now.

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent. Love cam 1 when it's getting daylight!

Suzanne said...

Oh, almost looks like an eagle in the tree...

MITS said...

They just changed cam position at VA....extreme closeup.

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight in Kent. That is an eagle in the tree, and the chicks are snuggling alone in the nest. One of the BW chicks is laying on top of the other, and has been for a while.

MITS said...

Suzanne, on the KENT forum, someone thinks there is something wrong with one of the eagles wings, but I'm thinking they might have just seen when the eagles strecthes out that wing.

MITS said...

There are new cams at the zoo, just go to bottom of zoo page and click on the sloth bear pic.

Suzanne said...

I hope that's all it is, Mits. Haven't seen either one of them have any problems with their wings when they're in the nest or the tree. The babies are sound asleep, and parent is guarding them from the tree. Man, swear they have double in size overnight!

Suzanne said...

Parent left, must have gone fishing for breakfast. Chicks still asleep.

Suzanne said...

Yup, breakfast is being served in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Kent looks foggy, but the WA osprey cam is clear.

Suzanne said...

I have the San Diego zoo up, and that poor panda is just pacing back and forth, back and forth. Don't know which one it is, but they sure aren't comfy at the moment.

Suzanne said...

That was Spirit, he turned his head on cam 2. He's now back in the tree, and the little ones are gonna take a nap.

Suzanne said...

Dad's grooming in the tree, kids are zonked out. Guess all that eating takes a lot of energy!!!

Robyn said...

Good morning, Suzanne, Mits, Costume lady and all who are lurking or settling in for a view of their favorite nests.

Going to be a hot one today in Martinsburg, calling for 88 so it may each 90, not sure I am ready for hot yet as it is still spring.
My daughter enjoyed hearing all about yesterdy and the eagle in the tree.

I'll be lurking as I must read up on 6 chapters and study for a quiz on employment law. Have a great day all

Suzanne said...

Kent, one parent in tree, other parent feeding chicks again.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robynann. Glad you had a good visit at the tree. Beautiful sight, huh?

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys in WA nest.

movin said...

Good morning, every person in Eagleland..

Our cam is lined, red-spotted, white lined....clear as can be...back to the lined. Guess the batteries are still charging up.

The chicks at Kent are enjoying their freedom from heavy fog this morning.

Did you read the report on the Santa Cruz camera in their "Discussion Forum"...It will be off for one minute every couple of hours, which will reset the camera to avoid the crazy tapestry look.

Have a creative day.


Suzanne said...

Poor Bai Yun at San Diego is still pacing back and forth. Very restless.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone.
Suzanne Sorry I didn't take time to identify everyone but the same pictures with names are on Momsters and they are pretty much the folks who would identify the names anyway. It was 11 pm before I got 2 feeds done last night so like you sometimes just no time to go back and label.

Besides the most important ones there were Lib and Belle.
LOL kidding

I am glad it was such a nice day. And a few new Momsters and Mits too made their first trip to the nest. Sounds like they had the perfect Host and Hostess.

Suzanne said...

Glo, I think you did a fabulous job! Loved watching it this morning, and looks like everyone had a good time. So nice of the host and hostess to show up and show off for the momsters!

Morning, Jim.

Suzanne said...

Star is cleaning up the nest, the little ones are watching.

Suzanne said...

Switch at Kent.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!----HELLO SUZANNE--MITS--WANDA & ROBYN ---Another GLORIOUS DAY in WV--Yesterday was wonderful---meeting the other MOMSTERS is almost as thrilling as seeing LIBERTY & BELLE!!!---THANKS JO for organizing the TRIP!!---SUZANNE--I must go COUNT THE OWLS---I certainly hope there are FOUR!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, good morning. Glad you had a good time yesterday. Relax, there are 4 owlets!!! One was hiding off cam this morning, got really nervous, then he showed up. There are 4, mom is with them. Guess they're tucked in for the "night" now.

normabyrd said...

HELLO JIM & GLO---Didn't see you all when I posted!!---Just checked on the OWLETS---WHOA---Only pic one can see is a 'WING'---They say there are 4 OWLETS---I HOPE THAT IS TRUE!!!

movin said...


Better get ready for work...have a great day.


Suzanne said...

Norma, you have mail!

Mauley said...

Morning All, I have been lurking, and just wanted to sign in. Have a great day, dear friends. BBL mauley

Suzanne said...

Mauley, are you feeling better?

Mauley said...

Did everyone get a chance to see Paula at the wedding????? Paula you are as beautiful as the bride. Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics. I enjoyed seeing your sons and the grand baby, too. It sure was a big production. I know you are glad it is over, but it sure was fabulous. Congratulations to all mauley

Mauley said...

Suzanne, I am much better. I still have a knot on my forehead, but the glue is all gone and it didn't leave a bad scar. Thanks so much for asking about me, but I am okay. Classes are over and I am just tying up loose ends before the kids start sending grandkids in on me. I am getting two this afternoon, maybe three. I won't try to keep 6 at a time anyone. THEY TRIED TO KILL ME. . . . . . just kidding. Love donna

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Morning All My Eagle Buddies
I just opened 2 emails from Jill and will hurriedly place her photos in the Momsters Album of the trip. These are the ones you have been waiting to see. Remember that the 2nd sighting after our lunch - no one got a good picture. These are the ones of OUR Eagle when we first arrived at the nest. BBIAM

Suzanne said...

I'm glad you're doing so much better, Mauley. I've been thinking of you, and haven't seen you on here for a while.

Morning, Jo! Glad you had some sightings yesterday!!!

Mema Jo said...

Nest Visit New Photos Added

paula eagleholic said...

Mauley - thank you for your kind words! I will certainly pass along the congratulations. Hopefully will get more pictures up later in the week, as well as ones from my California trip - the last week has just been too busy to get them done!

Suzanne said...

Awesome pics, Jill! So nice to see Liberty and Belle! Thanks for posting, Jo!

Suzanne said...

Our osprey is off the eggs for the first time today!

paula eagleholic said...

Jill, those pics are awesome

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey is eating in the corner of the nest.

Costume Lady said...

New thred---come on over--

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...