Friday, May 18, 2007

Monday & Tuesday threads

in advance


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Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning Suzanne

Mema Jo said...

I did email for some help with our Frozen Cam..

Suzanne said...

Well, darn. Good morning, eagle world. Not a good morning for us, it seems. No osprey eggs, one is sitting on side of nest, BW eaglets are now sleeping on branches, and our cam is and has been down since Saturday! Bummer!! And I see Steve's gone, hope he has a wonderful time! Morning, Jo, wasn't ignoring you. If you emailed for cam help, guess I don't need to.
Nice night out anyway, 56° at my house, 67° here. Stars out in places, cloudy in others.
Not gonna try to read blogs, did print them. And read Lisa's update and saw her pice of the *&$#*& crows destroying the osprey eggs. Darn birds!
Collegue called in a little while ago, he's in Alabama, so guess I have to go tackle the back door. He sure ain't gonna be here to get the thing open! Geesh, doesn't look like it's gonna be a good day! Well...has noplace to go but get better!
All have a good eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz!! Sounds like a typical Monday morning, doesn't it?

I hope everybody has a glorious day!! :):):)

Suzanne said...

Action in the BW nest. Parent brought in and is feeding one of the fledglings, but both fledglings are there. And the osprey that has been hanging around all morning is/was grooming. But his chest looks white, can't see a necklace. Sure hope that's not our wayward male showing up NOW!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. Yup, typical Monday. Started out good, but sure went down hill fast! Have a good day.

Suzanne said...

Our cam is up!! MT nest, but good pic!!
BW still have a fledgling in nest, just hanging out. Osprey left at 7:18, first time all morning. Seems the PA falcons are exploring their world. Only 2 in the nest box at the moment. Others must be off cam view, out and about. Barnowls just hanging out in front of the cam, still 4, thankfully! Still dark out west, can't see Kent or WA ospreys. Sure hope they fledge their young!

glo said...

Cam is up and of course we should watch for visitors very soon. Up early today with a sick dog but gave me a little extra time to stop by the bLOG. Have yourselves a great Eagle Viewing day.

Thank MeMa Jo for help with the cam.

I am sure you are on the task force for next years cam project. I would certainly be consulting you if I were in the area.

Suzanne said...

Osprey just returned to side of nest. Only been gone a little less than half an hour.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. I didn't know you still had your shop! Thanks for sending out reminders.
Think we probably missed the early morning visit, they've been arriving about 5:15 or so. Hopefully you'll get to see them on their afternoon visit! We have a fledgling hanging out in the eagle nest, and an osprey in the osprey nest, but no idea of which osprey.

Suzanne said...

Oh, hope your dog feels better! Poor thing, nothing worse than a sick animal, they don't understand why they don't feel good.

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent. Can see a white head in nest.
BW fledgling still hanging out resting in nest.
Osprey still in nest looking around. PA falcons all back on cam. Some snoozing, some looking around. Our nest still MT. 4 Owlets still hanging out in their nest box. There is no video on the WA osprey cam. Darn!

Suzanne said...

Either the Kent eagle is having a very bad hair day, or it's raining in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Will you guys look at the BW eagle cam? He/She has been in that position for almost a half an hour, laying there with right foot extended and talons curled. I sent Lisa some pics, and asked her if that was normal. They both seemed alright earlier, but I wonder if he/she hurt his/her foot flying in and out of the nest this morning. I'm getting worried.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, never mind. Just moved the foot in. But I've been watching, and head and body have been moving, and he even flapped his wings, but foot was staying out with talons curled. Foot is now under him, so I guess he's ok. Phew, don't need any more nest problems this year!!!

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Suzanne, Glo hope yur dog feels better, Sharon...

Time for me to look in on the cams and then go plant some goatsbeard. Suzanne I have some really adorable pics of the Benicia Owlets

Suzanne said...

We just had a visiting osprey in the nest, and both of them had their wings out. Guess that isn't the missing hubby...

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robynann. Oh, share your pics, please.

glo said...

Yes Suzanne I still have my shop.

4 Eagle Lovers I closed the premium shop back in feb. as it was costing $7 a month to have it online but did at that time open up the Free Basic Shop Still has several nice choices though.

I was hoping we would have some new little ones to feature this year, and in time i am sure we will have them on board, but for now we can still continue to enjoy this pair of eagles and all the memories they give to us.

Its spring time for T shirts and I can't think of a better pair of eagles to feature.

The Patriotic T Shirt and the Isaiah 40:31 T Shirt are just unique examples of the many ways we can help the cam ...Lord knows it needs it ...and enjoy our eagles too. I am actually 1 sale away from my next check to Friends of NCTC for the eagle cam. Since I had only put the info in the FeedBlitz, not everyone actually got the reminder . Thanks for helping me to get the reminder on the bLOG as well. There may be some who read here that are not subscribed and did not know about my shop.

Robyn said...

Watching the BW osprey and seems an intruder is near , very near as the osprey is in a guarded position...

Suzanne said...

Osprey is defending her territory!

Robyn said...

On refresh she is gone...

movin said...

Good morning, everybody..

Both eaglets in BW nest.

Might have just witnessed an attack by an intruder at Osprey.

Saw her hackles up in the defense stance and saw wing tips in upper left corner. Then she disappeared at next refresh.


Suzanne said...

Robynann, There were 2 in the nest a few refreshes ago, and both had their wings out, so don't think that was hubby and wife. Then one took off, then was coming in for another landing, but the one in the nest took off after it. Wish I could see what was going on off cam, right about now.
Glo, I saw the Feedblitz this morning and bought 2 T-shirts. Hope that helps!

Suzanne said...

We have a little white bird in the osprey nest, top left corner.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Yup, saw the same thing. Guess the interloper is still hanging around.

Robyn said...

back in nest, looks like the goatsbeard can wait...

Robyn said...

OH my goodness, the air the juvies in Va are getting is really neat to watch...

Suzanne said...

LOL, funny how these cams can change our priorities, huh, Robyn?
Just had a switch at Kent. Parent brought fish for breakfast, other parent came in, first parent took off, now other parent feeding chicks. They have gotten so big over the weekend!

glo said...

Yes Suzanne saw your order. It was in fact your order that put us in place for one more sale and another check off to NCTC. You have been a tremendous support to the eagle cam I know for both myself and Paula. I hope and know you are getting a lot of enjoyment out of your items , as I surely love mine and getting them out to waer and drink my tea from LOL. Pretty cherished items now representing some pretty cherished memories.

movin said...

The Osprey must have been successful in chasing off whatever other bird was invading, and she is back.

Still wet with rain or drizzle at Kent, but she's feeding the chicks now.

Eaglets flaking out after their adventures on the branches remind me of Mr. In-between and Spunky last year.


movin said...

They are eating at Santa Cruz as well... I think that chick is ahead of usual and trying to peck food and feed itself already.


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. BW eaglets laying side by side in the nest.

Mama osprey in her nest too.

VA chicklets relaxing this morning too.

Sandy said...

Morning all....

In case you don't have your "nest viewing plate" full, there are baby storks in Germany...the Hugo site from last year. I think they hatched this past weekend. Not sure how many, but definitely one.

sunny said...

I've been hesitant to mention the storks here. But there are THREE! Hopefully they will have a more successful sean this year.

Sandy said...


When did they hatch? I didn't see them on Friday, But I only peeked in once......

Sandy said...

OK, just checked again....clearly saw all three...feeding time!!!

I hope they're more successful too. They replaced everything after last's hoping!!

movin said...

Took a look at the storks at the top of Beakspeaks list...

looks like two nests: One has three chicks, which look a bit older, and the other has one new chick. So far they all appear healthy.


Suzanne said...

Sandy or Sunny, what's the URL for the storks in Germany? I used to have it, but think I deleted it after Hugo. That broke my heart!

sunny said...

Sandy, I'm not sure exactly, but I think one on Weds., one on Thurs, and one on Saturday, their time! I saw the third little bobblehead early Saturday morning before I headed out for the weekend.

Jim, this is the nest we're watching.

sunny said...

Sorry Suzanne, I didn't see your request while I was posting. See above!

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---GLORIOUS MORNING on the BLOG!!--So many EAGLE MOMSTERS!!!----HELLO SUZANNE--(remember next Mon. is a holiday!!)--SHARON--GLO (--REAL BUMMER--when pet is ill)--ROBYN---MOVIN' JIM---PAULA---SANDY & SUNNY------LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

West end Nest is back up, don't see Two Harbors on yet

paula eagleholic said...

Jim -

That was a duck or cormorant brought into the SC nest yesterday - you thought it was a rabbit. K10 brought it in and it was still alive - ended up killing it in the nest - pretty graphic - they were still feeding on it this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

VA chicks laying all next to each other in a row, facing the cam....

Suzanne said...

OMG, both fledglings took off. I'm sure glad, I was worried about the one's foot. Phew, now I feel better...

Morning, All!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Sunny, got it. Bw eaglets are back. Or in and out at least.

normabyrd said...

SUNNY!!! Thanks for the STORK LINK---I have never watched it before---Last year--Stork was dying & I didn't check in!!!!----BEAUTIFUL BIRD---(little bobbling heads)--can't wait to see them!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, our PA chicks have grown! They have been all over the nest this morning, and now 1 is just standing looking around. Well, darn, never mind. He moved! But they are getting so big so fast. One fledgling back in BW, one osprey in and out of nest, absolutely NO CLUE who is in and out. Geesh, we need to get red tags on them so we can tell who is Mrs, who is Mr, and who is Hussy, and did Mr take up with Hussy??? Good grief, all this action. We're gonna have to make this next X rated!!!
Kent still looks wet, and barnowls are tucked in for their night now. Mom is with them.

normabyrd said...

HEY!!!Those VA "REBELS" are planning what they are going to do next---Such sleek EAGLETS!!----JRB FALCON chicks are huddled in a corner----The COBB IS. "FUZZ BALLS" are huddled in the nest w/Mom---She is stunning!!--THINK THERE IS AN UNHATCHED EGG THERE!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I agree the PA CHICKS are growing fast----Won't be long until we start holding our breath every time they get close to the edge of the ledge!!---REAL CUTIES!!

normabyrd said...

The "blue" is gone at NE EAGLE NEST!!!----Mom & 2 EAGLETS are in nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning everyone
Lots of action going on - trying to keep up with it all.
Norma Here's the latest from Mits: Beautiful sun, we are out on the balcony now, waiting for the dolphins
I had been watching the storks - took me awhile to get my nerve up to do so since the Hugo experience.
I sent a Thank You to NCTC for getting the cam up - Come on Liberty & Belle!

Suzanne said...

Yup, Norma, I remember. And I remember the collective sigh of relief we could all hear when they moved back from the ledge!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo! Thanks for the message from Mits! Glad she's having a nice time and nice weather. Yup, Jo, gonna need a cam keeper tracker something to keep track of all the cams we're all watching now. Whoda thought we'd have this many cams this time last year? We were all busy watching our babies, now we're watching everybody's babies all over the world. How cool is that!

Mauley said...

Morning Mema, Glo - so sorry your furbaby is sick, lay hands on it and pray for it, and I will continue to pray for it too. Hi again Suzanne, Sister Sharon, Robynann, Jim, Paula, Sandy, Sunny and Normabyrd. It is what it is as Mits husband says, and it is Monday, but it is also the day the Lord hath made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Sister Sharon says have a glorious day and might I add the same? Thanks for the stork link, after Hugo I had also not returned, but am anxious to have a peek as well so BBL. God Bless you all today. donna

normabyrd said...

HI JO----I have been watching the "Little Prince"---I noticed he is strolling around with a SIGN on each side!!!----COME HOME MITS!!!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Just a quick HI, we are on our way to the boardwalk, I have some pctures that need to be framed and sisters want to get some candy to take home tomorrow. I will be heading back to Bethesda tomorrow and come back down Wednesday night or Thursday a.m. Have a good Monday :):):).

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, got to get back to see the little prince on Wednesday. Hope you all read the update on him, he is a whooping 137 lbs now.

normabyrd said...

The "Atlanta Beauty" is doing what she & LUN LUN do best---"SLEEPING IN THE SHADE"---Update Notes say she is "TOO WIGGY" for them to check her health!!!----Have been working with her & she is cooperating a "wee" bit!!!---

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the heads up on the NE cam & the WE cam. Check out the panda cam on ButaButa... Great sleeping weather
I need to get my Brunch & then have an appointment downtown.

sunny said...

I KNEW it!!! You're all a bunch of softies! Many said they would never watch storks again after Hugo, but no one can resist tiny little storklets!! I've been watching in secret, and now I feel I can come out of the closet! heehee!

Suzanne said...

Hi Mauley, Hi Mits. Glad you're having a good time at the beach. Mauley, you're right, of course. But this is Monday, and they're never too great a day! Course I guess if you wake up, and get out of bed, it's a good day!

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. MAULEY!!---It is such a JOY to read your message each time you log on!!!----GOD BLESS!

normabyrd said...

MITS---I neglected to tell you to ENJOY--ENJOY the beach---(i'm jealous)--ho!---Not really!!---HAVE FUN!!!!!!---Give my best to your family!!!

sunny said...

How is it possible (I'm looking at PA falcons right now) that those baby birds can possibly walk or move with those enormous feet?!?!? Can you imagine if humans had feet that size to grow into???

Suzanne said...

LOL, come on out, Sunny! Actually, I tried to find the URL a couple weeks ago, and couldn't find it. Wasn't gonna ask on here, and at the time, didn't have time to go to beakspeak. So you're not the only one!!!

normabyrd said...

CO NEST---2 EAGLETS---They also have an OSPREY cam & FALCON cam too!

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---The big WORRY for the PA FALCONS chicks is not falling off the ledge!!!!---We need to check, I think they are going to band the chicks on 5/28----

normabyrd said...

THE BANDING DATE OF THE PA EYSAES IS 5/24--!!!!!!!--------(not 5/28)

sunny said...

Norma, I just went over to check, and it's the 24th! I was able to watch last year, and it was pretty interesting. My sound on my work computer is broken this year. :-(

Sandy said...

Suzanne, Sunny

Me too LOL. I just couldn't help it this morning. Those three bobbing heads were adorable. I wasn't sure if anyone would yake a peek after Hugo though. Took me a while myself.

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---I watched them band last year too!----W/need to watch for the time!!!----I love the STORKS!!!--Didn't want to watch last year!!--Aren't they STRIKING!!!

normabyrd said...

The NYC RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are in nest---One is standing now---FLEXING his wings---BIG WINGS!!---ho!-----I certainly like the parents' names----MOMMA & POPPA!!---Can remember that one!!--

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle and cam watching day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

MIT RED-TAIL HAWK CAM!---MOM is in nest w/either BORIS or NATSHA---(can't tell)----along with a dead mouse!!!!---Good Site---

normabyrd said...


Robyn said...

I'm finished planting my goatsbeard now to peek in on all these cams.

Hi Jo, Mits, Norma, Sandy, Jim, Sunny, Mauly.

What happened to the storks last year?

normabyrd said...

HI ROBYN----The STORK died last year!----It was so very sad!!!--I didn't watch last year---Beautiful-Bird----One can hardly see the little ones---Just these little bobble head pop up!---SO COOL!!---My lawn man just came---not dressed yet---Must run a few errands too!!!---W/check in later!!!

sunny said...


Hi Robyn. I started watching the storks last year after the season was underway. I think they laid 4 eggs, of which only 2 hatched. One baby died, and at first, they thought the parent had stepped on it. THen they fostered Hugo into the nest with the remaining chick. 2nd chick died soon after that. They decided it was from a lung disease, that came from the grasses that the storks were bringing in. Hugo was a little bigger, and we thought he would make it, but he didn't. There was a lot of controversy over whether he should have been put in the nest, be taken out of the nest, etc. Eventually, it appeared that the parents starved him, because they knew he wasn't going to be strong enough to migrate. It was a very sad story, and very controversial. The nest basket was completely removed and replaced for this year in the hopes that it won't happen again.

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUNNY----I didn't know the whole story---I knew the stork was named HUGO & that he became ill & died---Thanks for sharing this information!!!!!---

sunny said...

I think all cam watchers totally fell in love with Hugo! I forget why he was fostered. I think something happened to one of his parents, and the other couldn't care for two tiny chicks, so they were removed from their original nest. If I'm wrong about that, please feel free to correct the story, someone!

Robyn said...

How sad for sure, but I can see Mother Nature has a reason for everything she does but we will leave my beliefs at the door ;).

I am quite amazed at all the trials and tribulations our wildlife friends endure and also amazed at their instinct which we lost to logic.

I saw a lightning bug last night which my first thought was WOW it is almost June already, OH the things we can learn from all the fauna and flora nature has given us, I sure did learn to respect Mother Nature this past few months

sunny said...

I found this on the German forum, and had it translated.

At the morning of the 19 June, the third chick slipped in the "internet storks" in Vetschau/Spreewald. Stork fans had waited in the internet with tension on that in order to observe and to hold this moment. Already at the frühern morning, the first videos with the three "Wackelköpfchen" in the internet were to be seen.

The first both chicks slipped distance in the night to the 17 May with few hours. Uncertain is whether further chicks slip, because in the deep nest hollow the amount of the eggs to was not to be recognized. A visit in the stork information center is now especially profitably. The stork family can be visited daily except Monday from 10 to 17 o'clock.

On Tuesday the chicks names receive. Children of the Astrid-Lindgren-elementary school in Lübbecke propose the names.

paula eagleholic said...

Getting lots of nice air at VA

2 eaglets at BW

1 Osprey in nest at BW

Mema Jo said...

Stochennest Forum -
Click on FORUM on the left -
Scroll down half way & you will see English
There is also information under
NEWS on the left.

Last year we did not start watching when Hugo was a chick because I think (I will need to read up on 2006 season) he was adopted to that nest.
I could be wrong. I'll find out.

Mema Jo said...

Yep, I see that Sunny said the same thing. Big controversy when Hugo died - many thought they should have intervened & taken him from the nest when the second chick died.

Mema Jo said...

YouTube has a good many videos from just this year of the storchs..

YouTube Storchennest

Mema Jo said...

I was/am hoping for an evening visit to our nest. I hope I don't miss it, if it happens.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is 8:03 & I must run a quick errand... I bet they come to visit as soon as I leave.........

Mema Jo said...

I've returned - no luck!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to sign off for this evening.. It has been a busy day for
Good Night Everyone

We stay on this thread Tuesday

Good Morning, Suzanne
No sightings yesterday!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Jo, and anyone else who is lurking :) Been outside planting flowers! Got more to plant tomorrow night.

paula eagleholic said...

BW nests are both MT, going to go check out SC and WE

Robyn said...

Sweet dreams Jo...

I'm currently lurking :). I spent the day in the garden building a new flower box, planting goatsbeard and clearing out weeds.

Put my 2 nephews to work for huge logs out in the field to make seats out of in my yard. Living in the woods makes the rustic look fit in.

I am watching the Benicia owls, awaiting Diego to bring some food...

movin said...

Guess I'll say Good night/Good morning too.

I see that there is some video, although distorted, from the West End nest cam again. Maybe they'll have them all working soon.

The BW Osprey nest is empty tonight...anyone know what the story is there?

Have a good week.

Jill said...

Jim, an osprey hung out there most of the day. I havent' checked it for a while.

sunny said...

Good Night everyone! IT's morning in Storkland, and it looks like the storklets have a morning newspaper to read with their breakfast! I love listening to them. I don't have sound at work during the day.

Robyn said...

It must be raining in Kent, not sure who is sitting in the nest keeping the babes dry but they look extremely soaked

Suzanne said...

Good grief, good morning, eagle world. MT nests all around, that's no fun! BW eaglets must be in branches, and I'm sad to say, our momma osprey is not on the nest or the side of the nest this morning. Course our nest is MT, but we do have lines across the pic. Thankfully there are still 4 owls, and from the size they're getting, maybe all 4 will actually live long enough to fledge! Let's hope!
Chilly out, 48° at home, 56° here, but at least the wind's not blowing. Think it's supposed to warm up, so let's hope it does!
Read the weekend blogs yesterday after I got home, Heidigirl, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! You are in my prayers.
Sandyshaw, glad to hear Tom is home and your mother is improving. Let's hope they both continue to improve!
Robynann, I didn't know thar about Mending Fencing at the Preakness! So sad to hear! I watched it, but didn't watch the after show very long. Was an exciting race, but I'm sorry Street Sense didn't win. That's an amazing horse, came from 9th to 1st to 2nd, by a half a head. Unreal!
Megan, didn't say earlier, but congratulations on your 20 year anniversary! That's quite a milestone!
Paula, I'm gonna go back (if I have time, today), and check out your vacation pics. I'm glad you had such a good time.
Ok all, now that I've rehashed history, all have a great eagle day. I'll sure be glad when it gets daylight in Kent! At least I get to see some eagle babies!!!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well this is just too depressing for words! All our MT cams! Ugh! PA falcons are almost visible, but still dark. Our cam refreshes about every other time with only half a screen, other half is black! Both the osprey and eagle nests are MT, too dark in Kent, the osprey cam took a while to refresh, it was stuck on yesterday...WA osprey I mean. Finally, after about a half dozen refreshes, it came up for today, and the silly barn owls are just standing around. Lib and Belle haven't made an appearance yet, so I hope they do shortly!

Suzanne said...

Well, dang. Lib and Belle must be either sleeping in, or having another cuppa coffee. No appearance yet that I've seen. Both BW nests MT, but you can see the falcons in PA now, so that's something. There is life out there. Oh eaglet in BW. Welcome little buddy!!!

Suzanne said...

Well that didn't last long!

Suzanne said...

Oh, forgot to mention, cam 3 is down at Kent. Went down last night, and can't tell which parent is in the nest, but the poor eagle is soaked! Has his wings out trying to keep chicks dry, but they're in front of him/her, not under him/her. Sure hope their rain has stopped today!

Suzanne said...

Oh, and I don't see the egg that wouldn't break anymore in PA. Maybe it finally did break, or mom or dad rolled it out of cam view. Or the chicks...they were awake and kind of playing yesterday, so maybe they knocked it out of the way. Sure getting a lot of wing leftovers in their nestbox, too!

Suzanne said...

Somebody just popped in the BW eagle nest again. Head down, juvie, don't know if they're eating or not.
Lib and Belle have opted for a third cup of coffee! They're AWOL this morning.

Suzanne said...

Both eaglets home for a visit. Or perhaps they think they'll get lucky and mom or dad will bring breakfast! Hopefully, that is likely!

Suzanne said...

Eaglets are gone, out and about on the branches, I guess. Sun is coming up nicely on our MT nest, but it looks cool! Osprey nest still MT. Eaglets are back. Ok, so we're out and about on branches AND the nest. Geesh, aren't they teenagers now? Who can keep track of them!
Cutie pie falcons are sunning themselves and looking all cute in their messy nestbox. Owls are standing around, trying to catch a few winks before their bedtime.
Still dark in WA, so can't see either Kent or the osprey cam. Osprey cam is having a hard time refreshing today, but it will eventually. That poor parent in Kent just breaks my heart! Sooooo wet.

Suzanne said...

Well, we're getting little bird visitors to our nest, so that tells me Lib and Belle are out and about. Eagle and osprey nests MT. PA falcons sunbathing and sleeping, and I think 1 of the owls had something to eat a while ago. Still working to get it down, but thankfully, whatever it is is off cam.

Suzanne said...

Looks like breakfast for the PA falconettes, and lunch for the German stork babies. That sure is a beautiful mom stork! Least there is some activity on some cams, still. All 4 owlets were grooming a sec ago, too cute.
Both BW and our nest MT.

glo said...

Good Morning all.

Lib and Belle get your cute little feather butts home to say you listen to us Momsters.

Everyone else have yourselves a great day.

Suzanne said...

You tell, 'em, Glo! Morning to you. This is more like fall, seeing all these MT nests, locally.

Getting dawn in Kent, and you can see WA osprey on nest. PA falcons are snoozing on their tummies, too cute. You can see a white head in Kent...barely! Owls are standing around, and stork is hunched over babies. Beautiful bird! uh oh, might have already said that...

Hope you have a good day.

Suzanne said...

Poor Kent parent eagle still looks soaked. Guess the rain hasn't stopped yet. WA osprey doesn't look wet, but I can't really tell. Sun is not out, though, looks overcast, so osprey may be wet also.
Our nest and both BW nests MT. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
PA falcons laying around just getting bigger. You can almost watch them growing!
Looks like Spirit on the nest with the kids. Owls still hanging out, just sorta standing around, and the German stork is grooming. Man, that's a neat trick with that long bill!!!

Suzanne said...

Dad is feeding Kent chicks breakfast. They're so cute and so polite!
Eaglet in BW. Looks like he's eating a fish, you can see the tail.
Breakfast is over at Kent, dad in tree, chicks going to sleep.
Looks like stork is shading her young, wings out to shade them.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, BW eaglet mantling over food, other chick showed up.

Suzanne said...

Too funny, he's not sharing!!

movin said...







Suzanne said...

Hum, he's pretty good at blocking, too!

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, I have a really adorable pic of the owlets in Benicia if you would like to see, my daughter awws it each time she sees it. I got to sleep in so have not peeked in on any of the cams.

I'm heading to DC to take my daughter to her specialist and will be back this afternoon if traffic permits, looking forward to reading the blogs to keeps up to date...

Great day all

movin said...

Both BW eaglets on the nest feeding and the Osprey mama has returned to the nest also.

I don't know if anyone has noted it, but the West End cam is back on-line least you can get a glimpse of the activity.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!---SUZANNE & GLO!!!---Just checked the KENT EAGLES----WOW!!--You certainly wouldn't want to meet MOMMA STARR this a.m.----SHE LOOKS LIKE A MEAN GENE!!!!---ho!---Another GLORIOUS A.M. in WV---"SUNSHINE ON MY SHOULDER---MAKES ME HAPPY"----(To quote John Denver)----temp. 56°---LIFE IS GOOD!!

Robyn said...

Osprey in corner of nest looking down, VA juvies waiting to catch som air...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ROBYN & MOVIN'JIM!!!---Safe trip to DC ROBYN!!!----JIM are you drinking SEATTLE coffee?---The BEST!-----SUZANNE---Ever since the trip to NCTC---I don't worry about OUR EAGLES not being in the nest---- I know THEY ARE PERCHED ON A LIMB HIGHER UP IN THE TREE---

Robyn said...

Morning Jim, Norma.

Been quite chilly the past few weeks in the evening, seems like we had a real spring again this year as opposed to the last few years when winter rushed into summer...

I see spots around the Ospreys neck so it must be female, wow I am getting better at this lol...

normabyrd said...

ROBYN!!!---You are getter better!!----I saw the OSPREY in & out---but didn't see the spots!!!----Counted the OWLETS!!!---Still have "4" in the nest!---ho!

movin said...

Morning to Norma and Robynann too...

No Seattle coffee, Norma, but I recall seeing something on TV to the effect that Seattle has more specialty coffee shops than any other place, and they really love their coffee there.

Did Starbucks start there?

I stick to the freeze-dried Folgers
with less acid per 'flavor unit' to protect my stomach lining.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim, Robynann, and Normabyrd. I was going to respond to your question about the osprey, Jim, when the phone rang. But I see someone saw it. That was the first visit today on the nest by an osprey. Robynann, I'd love to see the owl pic. Email it to me at

if you will, please. Thanks.

One of the BW chicks came in with a fish, you could see the tail, and the other chick came in. First one that had the fish did some serious mantling! Too funny, he wasn't gonna share a bite!

Yes, Norma, Lib and Belle are probably perched on the branches above the nest. Think that's where they keep their coffee pot, along with their fish bagles!! Sometimes they linger over breakfast, and forget to come to the nest and let us know they are there, and aren't they pretty, and now that you've admired us for today, we'll see ya later....

Kent kids had breakfast by Dad again, then he flew to the tree, then took off. He's still wet, but not as wet as on cam3, which is still down. Looks like sun is coming out now, though. At least in Kent, can't really tell on the osprey cam.

Oh, stork feeding in GE.

Suzanne said...

Jim, yes, Starbucks started in Washington!

movin said...

Looks like heavy fog at S. Cruz, but you can see the chicks have grown a lot and one is sitting up like an adult at W. End.


Suzanne said...

Osprey on side of nest, eaglet in nest.

Jill said...

Good Morning every one. Just stopped in to say Hi. Heading to Frederick to deliver some racks. Does any one know anybody who could use display racks or slat wall hooks. I have tons and tons. I hate to just junk them but I dont' have room for them.

Suzanne said...

Stork cam, you are being mooned!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jill! Not even sure what you're trying to get rid of, so guess I don't need any!!

normabyrd said...

I love watching the STORKS---She is truly a BEAUTIFUL BIRD!!!---Those little heads pop up & down are so funny!---Need to read up on them---SUNNY--Need you to educate me!!!

Suzanne said...

Storks are getting fed.

normabyrd said...

YEAH JIM!----STARBUCKS started in Seattle too----SEATTLE is the coffee brand I drink-----When I was at NCTC last summer----SPUNKY told me his parents---BELLE & LIBERTY--- prefer SEATTLE COFFEE!!!
ho! ho!---(couldn't resist!)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Having trouble posting!!!The PA FALCON chicks are snoozing--Checked yesterday---They are banding them 5/24----Need to find the time----Some of us watched last year!!----pray that this will post!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Eaglet feeding time, parent brought food. Now the trick is to take turns...

Osprey has made it INTO the nest now.

normabyrd said...

NYC RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are standing around FLEXING WINGS---They are sharp looking birds---Beginning to get some red feathers on chest!!!---PRETTY COOL!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, I watched them the year before, but couldn't watch the banding last year. Way everything is blocked on this computer, doubt I'll be able to watch again this year, unless I take off work and go to the library. It's really neat to see them do that, and those chicks are VERY vocal! They don't like to be handled, and they let everyone know it!

Suzanne said...

Osprey is in the nest, but don't think that's our mom. She has a much more defined necklace, and she's standing there with her wings partially out. Well, she was.
Both eaglets still in nest, they were in there with I believe Lord BW, but he tried to eat then left. One of the fledglings looked larger than he was, that's why I think it was Lord BW. Believe the chick that tried to steal his food was Justice, she's the female.

normabyrd said...

OSPREY is back in the nest---EATLETS are still coming back for food---so if fledged---not far?---Isn't that correct-----Last year our CREW seem to party all night then sack out in the morning!!!!---

Jill said...

Norma, Lisa said when they miss a meal they have truly fledged.

Suzanne, it is left over display racks from my scrapbook store. Trying to find a place for them other than the scrap heap.

normabyrd said...

Attempting to find TAI---Appears to be asleep on a log or a tree---Leaves are hiding the "LITTLE PRINCE"!!!----ATLANTA BEAUTY "BUTA BUTA" is showing off for her AUDIENCE!!!!-----

normabyrd said...

JILL---You mean the 'EATLETS'---ho!
Last year our EAGLETS kept coming back & coming back for R&R at the nest-----JILL--I should think you could sell your racks!!!

Costume Lady said...

I think I could use some of your racks. I have a Costume Shop and can never have enough places to display things.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!!---GREAT NEWS!---You & JILL can help each other!!---
ENJOY the day!!---

MITS said...

GODD MORNING EVERYONE Have limited knowledge of what is happening on the blog these past few days...we are packing up...sisters will probably leave first and I will follow shortly after...Jill, maybe Floralgirl could use some racks for her garden or hot house????

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady. Thanks, Jill, wasn't sure.
Norma, think Lisa had a note on the eagle website somewhere that they had a couple visitors there this weekend, that said the eaglets had NOT fledged, they were just flying from branch to branch, not out in the open. I can't find that note now, but I'm sure I read it on there somewhere... Course that was this weekend, and today is Tues, so they might have fledged by now. Yea, remember our kids? Party hardy all night, and come home to sleep! Too funny!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits. Morning, Ceil. Drive safely you guys! Mits, glad you're coming back for your tour of duty at the zoo. I'm sure Master Tai would be disappointed if you weren't there one week!

normabyrd said...

The "3" INDY FALCON CHICKS -- were banded yesterday!!!!---Now they are having a naming contest!!---Just scanned---but appears INDY COLT players' names might win!!!!

normabyrd said...

HI MITS!!!---Safe journey home!!---We have missed you!!---SUZANNE--Safe journey for you too!!!----Lunch date----LATER--AFTERNOON!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Knew I should have saved that last post....lost somewhere in cyberspace :)

I saw the osprey and eaglets this morning too. Sorry our nest has been MT.

I got some more vacation pictures posted. I visited Hearst Castle in San Simeon. Very gorgeous and opulent. I took 2 tours of the castle. The Hearst family gave it to the National Park Service. You enter at the Visitor Center and take a 15 minutes bus ride 5 miles up the mountain to the castle. The Hearst family still owns and visits one house on the property, and I think they have 5000 acres for cattle ranching surrounding the castle. You have to watch out for cattle crossing the road on the road up there. The whole place is constructed out of 1 foot thick steel reinforced concrete walls to survive earthquakes. It has worked so far, no damage to the castle as little as 3 years ago during the last quake. Take a look if you have the time, there is quite a few pictures, but the place was so pretty, I had to share them all.

Hearst Castle

paula eagleholic said...

One eaglet eating at VA

paula eagleholic said...

Doesn't look like any chicks at CT osprey nest yet :(

paula eagleholic said...

Have a safe trip home, Mits.

sunny said...

Norma - I tried to research the storks last year, but I didn't find out much info. I guess because we don't have them here. Just click on all the links to the left of the cam screen!

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglets gone again, Osprey still in nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I see 1/2 and egg shell in front of Mom at CT Osprey

paula eagleholic said...

CT Mama Osprey certainly restless - hope that is a chick and not a broken egg.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great day! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Might be a chick hatching at CT - hard to tell, even with the great picture they have because of the coloring of the eggs, chick and nest

paula eagleholic said...

That does look like a different female at BW osprey - darker necklace

Mema Jo said...

I was busy all morning... Now I am being a lurker... I have checked the cams & comments & emails. Everything seems to be moving right along. I'll be back later. Holler if you need me

paula eagleholic said...

Someone else at The Dennis Puleston Osprey cam saw a chick at CT!!

MITS said...

Both osprey at CT nest, one has a feather sticking up out of its back......TTYL...heading home to Bethesda.

paula eagleholic said...

Still an Osprey at BW Osprey nest

paula eagleholic said...

Pictures of newly hatched Osprey at CT from Maine forum. Also, check out the pictures on page 41. They are actual pictures that someone took while visiting the nest.

Maine Forum

paula eagleholic said...

Also pictures on page 40 at Maine link

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey gone but 2 eaglets back at BW

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everybody.

I just looked in on Buta Buta. I hadn't done that in probably a month or so -- where is she, you ask? Lying on the logs on her favorite structure!! I am not surprised.

I hope all is well with everybody!

Mema Jo said...

New site for falcons with chicks coming from Derby England

Derby, England Falcon with Chicks

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - ButaButa makes me want to take an afternoon nap... She gets more sleep then she really needs - I have not seen her active for so long.
DC pandas getting Bamboo treat.

I've been looking at the Osprey chick-thanks Paula for that link. I was just on the message board on CT link.
I am going to investigate the chances of a pm nap.. BBL

Jill said...

Made it to Frederick and back. Jo could you do something about that mess at Myersville? I ended up coming back by Charles Town because of it. Not bad. Ate at Panera and went to Kohls.

Wanda you have email.

Mits drive safe. Be glad you dont' have to come through Frederick

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, Panera!!! One of my favorite lunch spots.

Robyn said...

Good afternoon all...

Back from DC and need to head to Annapolis tomorrow for a Navy family day and to see the Blue Angels, first time in 23 years so this should be exciting.

Tlme to check in on the cams and see what's happening.

Would someone mind postn the ct falcon site?

All day I kept thinking of the birds!

Jill said...

Wow Robyn. What time do the Blue Angels fly?

paula eagleholic said...

Here you go :)

Connecticut Osprey

Mema Jo said...

Just got back from the Nursery & now have a beautiful hanging pot in full view. I love flowers.
Was over on Kent forum and here is a new site

>Burrowing Owls at Albuquerque

There were five out.There are two cameras there. The owls are living in the one on the hillside. Click on the picture and it will switch to the other camera

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a great day tomorrow, Robyn. Enjoy!!

paula eagleholic said...

Two Harbors Nest is up! Glad they were able to restore the electricity!

Mema Jo said...

Feeding time at TH nest & I finally get to see the 2 eaglets up close

Robyn said...

Oh my, sometimes naps can be sneaky and knock one right out.

Jill not sure what time the Blue Angels fly but it is commencement week for the midshipmen so there will be so much going on there this week.

Thank you Paula for the link.

Jo I saw that link and the owls are right there in full view and so adorable

Mema Jo said...

Banding for the Channel Islands nests is the last week of MAY. We'll need to keep checking the forum updates so we can see it if possible.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn - Glad your day of travel went well & I know you will have a special time tomorrow! Go Navy!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...




Jill said...

Thanks Robyn. My friend is on a field trip at the Aquarium tomorrow. Thought maybe they could get a glimpse of them if they knew what time to look.

Jill said...

Wow those little grey balls of fluff that played dead for 2 weeks really grew at TH. Almost as big as the parents.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jill - Had a phone call. I can't do a thing with that Myersville traffic - Just glad I'm on this end of town. I can't believe that you were at Panera's today and I didn't get a phone call!
Love the broccoli cheese soup....

Robyn said...

Jill, just of the phone with my brother, Angels should be flying beween 12 and 2 that is all he knows, but since the picnic is at noon he is figuring closer to 2.

Jill said...

I was in CT at Paneras. Spur of the moment. Had to get those racks out of here. Next time I go to Fred. I will let you know.

Mema Jo said...

Off to watch a movie...BBL

Jill said...

Thanks Robyn. I will let them know. They seem to think they will have exra time after the go to the aquarium and need something to stay busy.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the eagle! Was finishing up my flower garden plantings. Got my hanging baskets yesterday, Jo. I have 8 flower gardens! I do mostly perennials and fill in with annuals.
Watching the Dancing with the Stars finale.

paula eagleholic said...

2 BW eaglets in the nest

Osprey in Osprey nest too

movin said...

Well, not too many sightings, but it looks like a lot of our bloggers are getting accomplished at making 'clickable links.' Good for you.

Glad to see the cams back on please clear up the distortion on the WE cam......

Have a great Wednesday.


MITS said...

HELLO AND GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE My sisters saw the Blue Angels today as they were heading back to Baltimore, while they were going across the Bay Bridge, so they took a different RT since the Severn River Bridge was closed during their practice...I've seen them several times, since we used to live in Annapolis and Severna Park. They are just awesome....GO NAVY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I love those Blue Angels, too. We used to seem them at PAX - Patuxent Naval Air Station - near my Parent's beach house.

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if they performed for Armed services day last Saturday at Andrews?

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 205   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...