Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hot Thursday

Getting steamy out there thread.


MITS said...

Yes indeed it is Steven!!GOOD MORNING EVERYONE

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

I was busy contacting the STATE POLICE to help us find you. Didn't see you return to us. So glad you are OK.

Costume Lady said...

Hope your Birthday is a real special day for you.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you. Did you know that Suzanne was AWOL this morning? We finally found her--or she found us.

glo said...

Good Morning all. Happy Birthday to Jim. Stay Cool.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning all. Happy Birthday Jim!

Finally processed Sunday's photos from BW:

Latest BW Photos

Mema Jo said...


Enjoy your special day!

Suzanne said...

Geesh, sorry, CostumeLady! But I gotta laugh, which state police were you gonna contact? I come through 3 states to come to work every morning!

Thanks, Jo, you sing better than me!

Gotta go check out Bob Quinn's new photos. Bob, love your pix!!! You are very talented, and so fortunate to work in such a photographic area!

Both chicks back in BW nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Bob & everyone
Just finished viewing the photos and you got some really really good pix.
I love the egrets and so glad you got a juvie! Thanks for sharing them with us! Hope you had a good long weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I am up earlier then usual because today I again am going to be MEMA.
Two times in a week is fantastic!
Will check in at her nap

Suzanne said...

Wow, awesome pic, Bob! Love the egret family pics!! Well, love them all, but thought the family pics were special. And that osprey has a REALLY big fish!

MITS said...

Wanda, when I read you were looking for her, got into a panic myself. It is not the same if Suz is not doing her very early commentary on the to see Bob's pics.

Suzanne said...

Appreciate all the kind words, everyone. I'll try to avoid any delays in early morning blogging in the future!

MT BW nest. Fish all gone. They all (all 4) ate off that fish for an hour.

Suzanne said...

Hey Jo, congrats on being Mema again this week. How cool is that! BTW, both burrowing owl sites are waking up, and owls are coming out to explore their new day.

movin said...


I noticed some eCards last night already just before're great.

This is a NOISY PUTER FAN DAY though, and I might be a little slow responding (now the noise died way down), so don't think I don't appreciate your efforts... I think today is the day the new part I bought on-line should arrive, so I hope to get the problem solved in no time (probably means I'll be screwed up for 2 weeks, going by history).

Everybody have a great day, and I'll be back as soon as I can. Thanks again for the birthday wishes.


MITS said...

THANK YOU BOB, FOR YOUR AWESOME PICTURES We need to get you up to our nest, it is such a pretty area.

movin said...

I just noted that Dr. Sharpe has some videos of the banding on the "Discussion" site of the Channel Islands site.


movin said...

Thanks for the "Happy Birthday" AND for the great pictures, Bob. Just great.


movin said...

Well, I've really got to go now, but...

Suzanne, you sing "Happy Birthday to you" stupendously!!!!!

Thanks a lot...don't understand what you were doing with the State Police yet though.


Suzanne said...

Jim, since it's your birthday, I'm sure the puter fix will go without a hitch! You'll be back up and running in no time!

Mits, just read that Maggie is gonna have a baby brother or sister! That's great! That is gonna be so much fun for you. Her mom is gonna go nuts for a while, but you'll enjoy it immensly, I'm sure. Mom will too! What does Maggie think about being a big sister?

Suzanne said...

LOL, Jim, had computer access problems at work this morning, so I was AWOL for a few hours. Didn't get to do my early AM comments or see the kids today. They were gonna send the state police out to find me. I just wondered which state, I go through 3 states coming to work. But I'm found now, so everything is copasetic!

Suzanne said...

Spirit just arrived with a big fish, and both chicks are snoozing!!!

Suzanne said...

Both Kent chicks are still sleeping. Spirit was squaking, I guess to wake them up so he can feed them, but they're not interested. Just wanna sleep. Hope they're ok!!

floralgirl said...

Well, I hope I'm not too late to wish Happy birthday to JIM Hope it's a great one.

Suzanne said...

Well Star came in to help wake the kids, and now they're sitting there. Spirit is feeding them. Ok, feel better now...

Suzanne said...

Not sure what Spirit is feeding the chicks, but the fish is still there untouched. It was between the chicks, but one chick moved over by the other one, and fish is in plain view. Whatever he's giving them, they like it, though!

MITS said...

SUZANNE, Maggie is just one happy little baby, so I think she will like being a "big sister", although she won't have a clue that she is one for awhile....yeah, kids will go crazy for awile, they still would like to have one or two more!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



Suzanne said...

Mits, I'll bet she will be happy. That is so cool, and she'll have a playmate when they both get a little older.

I'll have to go see if I can watch the videos from here. (Yeah, right.)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope all is well with my blog buddies. I haven't been around much lately but have all been in my thoughts.

Tomorrow night I will be attending my baby boy's graduation ceremony. What a bittersweet time it is.

Loving my new job. I really work hard to stay on task so I can get done by 2.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, all!

Happy Birthday Jim. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Off to check on the eagle and osprey nests on the www.

MITS said...

Just saw one of the VA eaglets take off like a pro:).

Suzanne said...

All the burrowing owls in Albuquerque were out a few minutes ago, and the unknown animal, but then they all went away. I see why now, there is a truck there.

Suzanne said...

Truck left, unk animal back out and so far, 1 owl.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!----1st things FIRST!!!!------HAPPY---HAPPY BIRTHDAY "HANDSOME JIM"!!!!----wishing you---many more!!!!----

normabyrd said...

HELLO EVERYBODY!!-----NEED to catch up-----LOUSY WEEK---THINGS BETTER!! I simply CAN'T WAIT to see a ROAD RUNNER---TOOT" "TOOT"!!!----Have been a road runner for years!! ho!---- Hope you folks enjoyed your holiday!!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Jo, have a great Mema day! I'll try not to have computer problems tomorrow, and maybe I can actually blog AND see the kids!
Kent chicks are both awake, fish is still waiting to be eaten, and Spirit is in the tree watching. Geesh, I swear they double in size every night.
Ok, outta here. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

HI SHARON---I have been thinking about you & ANDREW!!!----You will feel so PROUD when he walks across the stage-----you will think your HEART will burst!!!!-----ENJOY!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - I guarantee you will be crying when he does!! :)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----SAFE TRIP HOME---Just chose the state with the best lookin' troopers!!!!---ho!----

MITS! did you go see the "Little Prince" yesterday?!!----Bet you folks had a "ball" at the beach!!!!

MITS said...

No little panda, yesterday, Norma. Came up from beach yesterday for an appt., trying to get together and go back down today. Love the live-streaming loon cam up in Maine. Just read on the AP, that a panda they released into the wild from the WOLONG RUFUGE IN CHINA, was found dead back in Febuary, he was released April of 2006 and was only 5 yrs old, may have been hurt in a fight with wild pandas. MTBR in how they are going to be able to release captive pandas into the wild

normabyrd said...

MITS---That is such SAD news about the Panda----I remember reading that happended to another Panda----I hope TAI stays "outa de woods"------Some time we forget these animals aren't human!!!---I hope you understand what I am trying to say-----Are you moving down for the summer!!!----ENJOY!!----

normabyrd said...

STEVEN----That's a GREAT MORNING SUNRISE you captured on film!!!!----Too BEAUTIFUL!!!!---Thanks for sharing!!!

normabyrd said...

The NORFOLK nest has really changed!!!----The "REBELS" are growing up!!!!----Teenagers now!!-------

normabyrd said...

The "ALANTA BEAUTY" is romping all around LUN LUN----She can get away & then dart back & jump on her MOM!!---ADORABLE!!!!

MITS said...

Norma, this year I won't be moving down completely, because of my commitment to the zoo, so I will be coming back and forth.

MITS said...

It's fruitcicle time at the national zoo....good thing it is 92° her in Bethesda, probably warmer in DC.

normabyrd said...

THANKS MITS!----If I were "KING OF THE ZOO"----I would have lots MORE of these FRUITCICLE BREAKS!!!!---He thinks he has died & gone to FRUITCICLE HEAVEN!!!!----CUTE!!!

normabyrd said...

I was watching the STORKS!!!----I ENJOY watching them so much!!!--Didn't watch them last year!!!

normabyrd said...

KENT EAGLES----There is a parent in the nest & the EAGLETS are sitting on each side----PRETTY PIC!!

normabyrd said...

NYC RED-TAIL HAWK!!---One CHICK outside----& the MIT RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS are in the nest!!!---The CHICKS are almost as large as the parent!!!!

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday Jim, good aftrnoon everyone

I just sent Jo pics of our visit to NCTC as I just picked up the film, how regal he/she looks sitting in the tree. Hope you all enjoy them.

I'll be in hiberntion mode the next day or two but will be lurking to keep up-to-date on the happenings in the eagle and oter bird tidbits... :)


MITS said...

Don't stay too long in hibernation, Robyn:).

MITS said...

Did anyone notice that Bob Quinn had called the eagles, weagles, on his has a sense of humor....I like that.

MITS said...

Well, someone has to do it, so it might as well be me....heading back to the beach:)...TTYL!

MITS said...

2 eagets branching at VA, 1 still in the nest, so pretty.

paula eagleholic said...

I can't believe I forgot to go look at Bob's photos. Thanks for the reminder, Mits.

Bob, nice egrets! And love the juvie weagles!

Costume Lady said...

Somebody is in our nest.

Costume Lady said...

Lib or Belle is still in our nest--has been there almost 30 mins. Just checking things out.

I haven't seen Mama Swallow for 2 days. Nest looks undisturbed. I print at least 1 pic. a day.

Jill said...

Oh Mits, I feel so bad for you. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I see the weagle!! :):)

paula eagleholic said...

In the nest at noon, back to the cam, looking to the left.

paula eagleholic said...

NOw looking to the right...

Eaglet at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still in our nest

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets at BW

Eagle still in our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle on the move now...

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone!!

Anne-Marie said...

I cant believe I missed them. I am drowning in paper work but I do check in.

Anne-Marie said...

I just saw my first "poop shoot" Wow what aim. I wondered what you were talking about. It was Santa Cruz

Mema Jo said...

I just added Robyn's pictures of the trip to NCTC in the album. There are 10 new shots of our eagle!

Mema Jo said...

Daylight is breaking in Germany


movin said...

Good evening, Friends and eagle lovers...

Well, Suzanne and Sharon definitely sing the birthday standards like they were pros.

And the rest of you are the best at wishing me 'Happy Birthday.' Really great, everybody.

I am about to head over to AOL...just wanted to say thanks and tell you my replacement fan did come today, but of course the fan is 'whisper quiet' tonight. Better do it anyway, since it sounded like it was ready to blow up this morning for a while.

I'll check back later. Have a great evening.


paula eagleholic said...

Great photos Robyn. I just realized that was the exact same spot I saw the eagle last Saturday!

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone

Moon is really beautiful tonight.

It is Friday Suzanne and Candy

movin said...





Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world! Short week, but alas, a long one too. Beautiful night out, and our moon is bright and full. This is a Blue Moon, shining brightly. (Isn't that what you call a 2nd full moon of the month? Think so.) Anyway, 72° at my house, 71° here. Little strange, there, but nice all around.
May try to go back and read blogs if I have time.
In any case, all have a great eagle day.
Candy, good morning to you when you get up, and Costume Lady, morning to you also. And of course, Jo. How was Mema day yesterday, Jo? Super great fun as always?
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

EAGLE ALERT!!! Looks like it could be Belle, standing by the tree.

Suzanne said...

Well, if you didn't know where to look, you'd never see her. She is that little white spot down by the tree. White head is all that is showing.

Suzanne said...

Op, not she's facing the back of the nest, about 1 o'clock.

Suzanne said...

Little toot is going back farther in the nest, and the light is just shining on the leaves. She's becoming invisible and just blending in. She moved, not sure if she's still there or not, very hard to see.
Oh one of the fledglings just arrived, and yes, Belle is still there, she must have had her head down.

Suzanne said...

Well, BW eaglet is laying down stretching his wings out a bit. Belle is standing by the launch pad. You can almost see her, look for white head. Well, better yet, look for white spot down at bottom right to move...

Suzanne said...

Ok, there go those flukey lines! Makes it even HARDER to see, but she's still there.

Suzanne said...

She's turned around and facing noon now. Lines still there, but not so bad.

Suzanne said...

Now I see. She's standing on the launch pad facing into the nest. That's a first, she usually stands facing out. Ok, now looking towards noon.
Eaglet still trying to catch a few zzzzz's. Musta had a busy night.
Belle now looking down into the launch pad.

Suzanne said...

Now you can see an eagle body! Facing 2, standing in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Well, now she's gonna get up on perch at 3 o'clock.
BW eaglet moving around and stretching wings out.
Ok, Belle just moving around the nest, but the eaglet is trying to sleep, Belle's inspecting.

Suzanne said...

Now it appears to me that she's looking in the egg cup, or what used to be the egg cup, but I'm getting those black short lines again! Grrrrrr!
Now she's facing about 7ish.
Think our eaglet finally got to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet playing possom, he's awake. Belle still hanging around on right side of nest, just looking around.

Suzanne said...

Getting lighter out, you can see her better now.

Suzanne said...

She's standing in the nest facing 3, just looking around. Our eaglet took off to go exploring again.
Oh darn, Belle just left too!!! What, are these guys connected to leave at the same time?????

Suzanne said...

Oh, both parents in nest with all 3 stork babies! Cool!!!!

Suzanne said...

One of the BW eaglets was sitting in nest, other one arrived and brought a fish. When 2nd one arrived, both were mantling, now just one mantling. Cool.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Jo's owl arrived a little while ago in the nest box. Didn't spend the night, box was MT when I first saw it this morning.
BW chicks standing in nest, one has head down, but not mantling.
Stork babies are standing outside the egg cup.

Suzanne said...

Oh, now we're mantling big time!!

Suzanne said...

This is so cute! They lay together and share secrets, and I'm betting they are flying together, but they sure aren't gonna eat together!!!

Suzanne said...

Chick that's not eating has moved over to other side of nest. Trying very hard to see what the one is eating! Uh oh...inching closer...head is going farther down, but not mantling..yet. Ok, gonna try a distraction..maybe if I look away, he won't think I'm interested in what he's eating...Ok, eating eaglet has head up, other one is now much closer and looking.

Suzanne said...

Oop, that didn't work! Serious mantling again, and chick has moved to the other side of the one eating again. Gonna try a sneak side attack, but still seriously mantling.

Suzanne said...

Holding whatever real tight to body, wings out but close to body. Other one is at the very far edge of nest, still watching. Ok, wings tighter to body, other chick a few inches closer to one eating. Think the one eating is Justice. Ok, now Justice has switched her bod to totally cover whatever it is, Majesty is getting pushed to the very edge, and now by Justice's tail end. Head back down munching.

Suzanne said...

Is anybody else watching this? This is too funny. 6:15 sleepy heads, time to rise and shine, world is moving by....
Ok, now Justice has her rear and whole body covering whatever. Majesty is slowly getting pushed to the edge. Never mind, there they both go mantling. wonder if Majesty stole the fish.

Suzanne said...

Hum, now don't know. One on eatch side of nest, one has head down, other one has head out of cam view, over the side of the nest.

Suzanne said...

Ok, here comes the one that had head down. Still down, but now he's over by the one that has head out of cam's view.
Ok, now back on other side of nest again.

Suzanne said...

Both standing side by side, but one still has head down and other is out of cam view.

Suzanne said...

Oh good grief. The one that is eating is all over the nest, and next to the one that isn't eating. Think he's saying look what I have! Wish we had streaming video, this would be a riot to watch!

Suzanne said...

Now standing side by side talking to each other. Now that one is no longer eating, they're buddies again.
I haven't seen the PA falcon babies all morning. Either they're moving out of cam range every time the cam switches, or I'm not finding them!

Suzanne said...

Now they're both just hanging out in the nest. One on each side.

Suzanne said...

One just left, other one still in nest, looking up. Probably watching sibling to see where he/she goes.

Suzanne said...

There are the falcon babies. All up by the nest box. One by the pole, and one hiding behind the box peeking out.
Think our BW chick is getting ready to take off.

Suzanne said...

Yup, gone. MT nest in BW.

Suzanne said...

And back. That was quick.

Suzanne said...

Think our fledgling is looking for leftovers, he's scouring the nest.

Suzanne said...

Nope, gonna lay down again and try to go back to sleep. Wings out.

Suzanne said...

Pics of our visit just went out. We also just had a pretty bird on one of the branches on the launch pad, but don't know what it was. Our BW eaglet is still laying in nest, falcons are still up by nest box hanging around, Jo's owl still in nest box, barn owls are hanging out in their nest box, which is getting fuzzier and fuzzier every day. Stork parent is grooming, kids are watching. And the burrowing owls aren't up yet. (As are a lot of us! :-) )

Suzanne said...

Ok, you sleepy heads. Rise and shine, the world awaits!
Our BW eaglet is still hanging out in the nest. Falcons are hanging out on the ledge and in nest box. Our nest MT, osprey cam still down (darn, wonder who and how many we would see???), Albuquerque burrowing owls cam is not up yet, Benicia barn owls are just hanging around in their nest box. Phew, still dark out west, but getting almost dawn in Kent, so will soon be able to see the eaglets and ospreylets. Couldn't get the osprey cam yesterday at all, just stayed dark. Haven't checked the burrowing owls in CA yet.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet left. WildWatch owls are not up yet, either.

Costume Lady said...

Good to have you back this morning.
We all had a good time yesterday speculating as to where you were.
Glad it was only work related.
I slept in this morning and haven't had my coffee yet, so I'm off to get it. Have a great weekend.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Costume Lady! Thanks for the welcome back. Nice to be back, and nice to see the kids this morning! Well, Belle, anyway. Lib was lingering over his second cup of coffee and didn't show in the nest. I'm plannning on sleeping in this weekend, that's for sure. You have a great weekend too!

Suzanne said...

Kent eaglets are waking up. They are getting big!
BW eaglet back in nest.
Falcons are strolling the ledge.
Oh, both osprey parents and both chicks in WA nest!

Suzanne said...

Albuquerque cam is up. Comes up at 6 their time, 0800 our time. Now I know. Anyway, 2 of them are out and about.

Suzanne said...

Dang, forgot. WA osprey chicks are getting fed, and both parents are in the nest.

sandyshaw said...

Good morning Suzanne! New thread is up. One of your wonderful photos.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...