Wednesday, April 25, 2007


New thread. I was out yesterday, sorry for missing Tuesday.

picture by Suzanne.


Costume Lady said...

New Post!!

Jill said...

Welcome Everybody. Not very often I get to be first. Not a morning person like some of you. LOL

Jill said...

Okay Okay. Almost 1st.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry Jill--
Sur hope we get a new picture of our Eagles along with our new Thread.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven! Sorry, no pics today, cam needs to be reset, missed the morning visit.

Brought over from other thread:
Robynann, I can't view the cam, but there is a 30 second refresh on the right of the cam. That's what I view. Gives you a top and side view of the nest box. Try that.

Morning, Mits. I tried the PA falcon cam, and for some reason, it still is not refreshing on this machine. That's a first, don't usually have problems with that cam on here, but there is a first time for everything, I guess.

Morning, Jill. Morning, Costume Lady. No new pics today, cam is down.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

How does a cam "freeze" in warm weather?? :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. Getting ready to start my new job at 11 so I won't be on much today. Will let you know how it goes.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good question Paula! :):):)

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Want you to know Star is just turning and turning her eggs. And I've seen Spirit in the tree first time in a long time. But seems she can't get comfy. Wonder if she feels or hears something! She just turned the eggs twice in the last 2 minutes! Got a pic, Mits gonna send to you. See if that's a crack.

Suzanne said...

Mits, you have mail! Tell me what you think...

Suzanne said...

Geesh, now Star is stretching her wing out again.

Suzanne said...

Star's first egg isn't due until Sat, the 28th. Wonder if it's gonna be early.

MITS said...

Suz, could be a blade of grass, but I love what they have done with the nest with the laurel of leaves:) TTYL....

MITS said...

She is doing that wing thing again.

MITS said...

you got some great shots of her hugging the egg, Suzanne.

Suzanne said...

LOL, yes, she's quite the decorator. That's probably in honor of her new ones. Blade of grass, huh? Darn! Was hoping that was a crack!!! Thanks for checking, I did want another opinion!!! Yeah, saw that with the wing. She does like to stretch out her left wing, doesn't she?

Oh, you have zoo today, don't you? Give your overgrown dalmation a big hug for all of us!!! Have fun!!

MITS said...

Hugs and kisses to Tai from all of you.....

Suzanne said...

Star is turning eggs again.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great day, beautiful outside. At least at the moment! Mits, have fun this afternoon, and thanks for passing hugs and kisses to Tai for all of us! Keep an eagle eye on Star, just in case.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon all
Thanks Steve for the new thread & for posting the pic from Suzanne

Hoping that our cam can be reset today.
Both Kent eagles in view-Usually an unsettled incubating eagle is a good sign those chicks are talking through the shell about pecking out!
I have checked cams but not the early morning comment on previous thread. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I didn't get online early enough to chat with all of you...I am out the door and I will check back in much later this evening.. Mema duties call!

Mema Jo said...

Link for red tailed hawk with 2 chicks from bird cam pg

Anne-Marie said...

good Morning all, yes I am late. I didnt get to work until after 10:00 and I got to the lab at 7:00. I had lab work that needed to be done and they lost the paper work. By the time I left there they should have done a blood presure just to check on me. I was furious. Oh well, I kept smiling. It doesnt pay to get angry. I will keep an eye on Star and hope today will bring a little one. Maybe she is just tired. You know that 9th month is uncomfortable.:) I will check back later.

Mema Jo said...

Steve - cam has been down since last evening. Anything you can do to bring it up will be more then appreciated by all of us. Thanx

Mema Jo said...

OK Leaving now and I'll will be back before you all say good night!

phyrfly said...

I just went to the Red Tail Hawk Cam...those little babies are adorable! When I was looking they looked like they were pecking at each other---too funny

Mauley said...

Afternoon dear friends, sure hope our Eagle Eye had a wonderful first day of work. You Go Girl. Hi Jill, Costume lady,Suzanne, Mitts, Mema Jo, Heidi Girl and Paula. It has been a beautiful day and I have rejoiced and been glad in it.Loved the hawk and thanks for the new thread, Steve. Has Glo been on today and have we heard from Nilla lately? Mema, how do you and Mits keep up with all of us momsters???? If I am off line for a day and Mema or Mits or Sharon or Glo doesn't get me an e-mail out to check on me I would be so surprised. Thanks for keeping all of us together, Girls, it means the world to me. donna

MITS said...

Hello everyone, Hi Donna, how are you...see our cam is still down. Tai was really active when I first got to the zoo, then he went to sleep for the rest of the afternoon, but , I was covering the rest of the animals on the Asia Trail today, some of the volunteers can't make it up the trail to switch off, so I just hang around the other animals.

MITS said...

feeding time at santa cruz.

Mauley said...

Phyrfly, I love your owl. He sure is nice. donna

Mauley said...

Mits, is the Norfolk cam down?

MITS said...

yes, donna, should be back up tomorrow

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I made it through my first day of my new job! It wasn't so bad. Start transcribing for real tomorrow!

MITS said...

Good for you, Sharon.

Costume Lady said...

As I recall, each day will get better and better. It has been a long time since I worked in a public job, but I can remember it can be a little scarey. Good luck to you1

Costume Lady said...

I ment it can be a little scarey starting a new job---not scarey working in public. Although that can be a little scarey at times too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A new job is scary but the benefit of my job is that I can do it in the comfort of my own home, dressed in my nightgown or whatever I want to wear! Love it, love it.

Mema Jo said...

Guess who is sitting in her daughter's house with my hubby's laptop peeking at you?

normabyrd said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES---I was out yesterday---checked in a few min this a.m.---Then have been out all day---I need to catch up----will talk tomorrow!!---

Mema Jo said...

Costumelady Hi Wanda. My youngest daughter called today and has found a seamstress over in Frederick at one of the costume places there on RT85 for her son's wedding jacket. She has set up an appointment to check it out. She checked there due to Aaron had rented outfits before for things like the prom..... So we shall see....

Mema Jo said...

Norma, you are to fast for me other then to say HI and BYE. TTUT

MITS said...

Hello, Jo...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits
I thought you might be watching TV. Glad your day went well at the zoo. It is sprinkling some rain over here in Catonsville - are you getting any?

Costume Lady said...


I too, work from my home. I have a costume shop next to my house. Many times, I have done several hours' work on the phone and on the computer. I couldn't possibly work any other way now. I feel so blessed. Good for Us!!

Costume Lady said...

Hi Jo
I'm glad your daughter found a seamstress. They are few and far between over here.

Costume Lady said...

I think I am having "Brain Freezes" this evening. I meant to say I did my phone calls and computer work in my night clothes also.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Its a tough life, but somebody has to live it! :):):)

MITS said...

No sprinkles here yet...sat out on the deck for awhile tonight...going to watch TV now.

Robyn said...

Good evening all, hope everyone had a pleasant day. I am havng withdrawals from the Va cam being down and ours fozen in time. Good thing for the Washington cams I can get all anxious awaiting the eggs hatching.

Suzanne what link do you have those pics at, I meant to ask earlier but got busy around the hacienda.

Costume Lady where about in Martinsurg are you? I am about a mile from 7-11 off Berkeley Station Road.

Costume Lady said...

I am just off Rt.45 (Shepherdstown Rd.)--5mi. from Martinsburg--3mi. from Shepherdstown. I am about 3 miles from Belle-Liberty nest.

Robyn said...

You are fairly close, and closer to my daughter's school, FCA. I am bout 5 miles from the nest.

Costume Lady said...

That was a powerful story!

movin said...

"D" word! "D" word! "D" word!!
First the camera froze up, and now the blog freezes and loses my comment!

Evening, everybody, anyway...

Has anyone from the nest site or passing by the site reported any action by our pair, or has anyone said anything about what the prognosis is for the camera??


MITS said...

Hi, the majority of the links can be found on the Momsters site or birdcams, that address is also on the Eagle Momsters site.:)

MITS said...

JIM, Jo and I asked on the blog today about resetting the cam, and, we have received no comments or explanations, sure they are busy and since we aren't having a regular season, there is no urgency, I guess to fix it....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Costume Lady said...

Good Night to all you night owls. Tomorrow is another day.

movin said...

Thanks for the info, Mits.
Well, let's hope it's not a permanent down situation for the season.

Tomorrow is another day.

Good night/Good Morning, everybody.


Mema Jo said...

Good night Good Morning

Just got home... Late night being Mema down the road..

Talk with you all tomorrow

Hi Suzanne
Please email Steve about the cam
IF it is still frozen this morning.

Suzanne said...

Morning, eagle world. Jo, cam still down, I emailed Steve to reset it or have someone reset it! Thought sure it would be up yesterday, though!! Maybe Steve is out of town.
Not too bad out, but bit chillier than it has been. Only 50° at my house, that's the coldest it's been all week. No idea what it is here, didn't look, but the wind is really blowing here and that makes it colder.
And dang, no osprey in the nest this morning! Seems they can't make up their minds! BW eaglets are snoozing away, still can't get the PA falcon cam, and the barn owls are by themselves. Guess mom and dad are hunting, probably lunch time for them (1:30 in the AM). Clearly see 4, all pretty much close to the same size. First one hatched is just bigger than the others, but the other 3 are close. Lisa's updated the eagle web page, put 2 pics I sent her yesterday on there. Eaglet hovering, and then both hanging out by the very edge. Cool!
May try to read blogs if I have time. Been busy here lately for me! But that's good, that's what they pay me for!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

My falcon cam came back! Course it's too dark, but I can see her when daylight arrives. Can't wait to see Kent either, see how Star and Spirit are acting while sitting on the eggs. Wonder if they hear anything or feel anything yet? Sat could be the first hatching! Exciting, huh?

Suzanne said...

Good, we have 2 ospreys in the nest, one laying on the egg cup. Did not see them arrive, so don't know how long they've been there.
One BW eaglet just moved on top of the other's head and both are still sleeping. One of the PA falcons is on the bar, I presume the other is on the eggs. Oh, eaglet just moved and flapped his wings at the one that was on his head. Guess he didn't like that. Still can't wait to see Kent, and the owlets are still along.
Ok, one osprey left, one that was on the egg cup is still there!!! ON THE EGG CUP! Good grief, dare we hope!

Suzanne said...

Well, it's getting daylight out, and our kids should be visiting any time now, if not there now. However, cam is down, so of course can't see them so no pictures again today. BUMMER.
One osprey still in nest, but standing by the egg cup, not on it. Frieda, barnowl mom came back, but didn't see the chicks eating. And I can see our mom falcon on the eggs! Nice to see her again! Still dark in Kent and WA, so can't see them yet.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, forgot to mention the eaglets. Still sleeping, of course. They are awake and then back to sleep, then they wake up for a refresh, then sleep for the next refresh. Wonder if we'll get wing exercises again today... hope so!

Suzanne said...

Ask and you shall receive... got a little wing flapping going on in the BW eaglet nest!

Suzanne said...

And both ospreys are there now. Hum, wonder if they're gonna be in and out all day like they were yesterday? Guess we'll see.

Costume Lady said...

Suz--Good Morning
Maybe when the camera comes back on there will be eggs in the nest. Would be worth having the camera down.

Suzanne said...

LOL, morning, CostumeLady! Yup, you're right. But I'm thinking it may be getting a little too late for this season. But... ya just never know.

Osprey just took off, MT nest again. BW chicks are sleeping again, short flapping time this morning. One falcon on eggs, the other one on the bar. Owls all huddled together, and still dark in WA.

Costume Lady said...

I am new to computer "Bird Watching" and don't know how to find anything else but the Shepherdstown nest.Where are the Ospreys?

CamsGrammy said...

Good morning to all of you. I was just checking sites and the Maine site is awsome. 2 eagles visiting and the sun rising behind them. Beautiful. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Suzanne said...

Morning, CamsGrammy!

CostumeLady there are several osprey cams we watch. One I'm talking about is at Blackwater Refuge:
There has been a couple there, 1 egg which we later lost, and there is a female interloper. High drama. There are a list of birdcams available on beakspeak dot com, or if you are a Momster, there are a bunch of cams listed on the momster's web site too.

We've been watching the Blackwater eagles and ospreys, eagles in Maine, out in CA, ospreys all over, and now owls in CA. Also watch the PA Harrisburg falcons, she has 5 eggs again this year. And let's see... Kent eagles, they have 2 eggs, first one may hatch Saturday. And WA ospreys. List is endless, check out beakspeak and/or the Momsters site! You will neve be the same again!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Camsgrammy-
Thanks Suz for the info. I look forward to tuning in on other nests now that I know how. Have a nice day!

Suzanne said...

You too, CostumeLady! But fair warning... it will be very addictive!

phyrfly said...

Good Morning All...I see our cam is still stuck :( The Hawk Cam is temp. down for maintenance, and at the owl cam...Mom is in front and total view. I can hear babies, but not see them. Guess I'll try again later.

Mema Jo...I posted to my site yesterday, take a look.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you Phyrfly. No Belle and Liberty again today.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Phyrfly! Getting dawn in Kent, and I can see a white head on cam 2. Well...enough to know it's a head. Can't wait to see the eggs!
I'm also watching the owls, but I have to use the 30 sec cam refresh. Both parents were there a little while ago, and the chicks are behind Frieda at the moment, in the corner.
Ospreys are in and out, have been all day. Eaglets are just hanging around. Mom falcon still on eggs.

Suzanne said...

Getting lighter in Kent!
Both parents in owl nest.

Suzanne said...

Daylight in Kent, Star just turned her eggs. No chicks yet. WA osprey on eggs. Falcon on bar outside nest.

Suzanne said...

Dang, our cam problem is in Denver, but they are working on it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting ready to start my work day. Will check in later. I hope everyone has a glorious day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Robyn said...

Good morning all, looks like a coudy day here with rain approacing. I peeked in on the owls and it seems one of the owlets is attempting to swallow a mouse or something similar, all I see is little legs kicking up as one of the owlets tries to eat it, ewww.
Looks like the Va cam s still down, haven't had a chance to look at ours yet. And it s daylight in Kent :)

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!----HELLO SUZANNE---COSTUME LADY--CAMSGRAMMY---& PHYRFLY!!!----It's a gray cloudy 49° here---Hope you folks are having lots of sunshine---ho!---When I started watching---& I believe when SUZ started watching---We had ONE NEST---& only one to watch---OUR NEST at NCTC---It has taken a year to pick up all these other sites, which we are blessed with now----so enjoy learning the new sites---IT IS EXCITING!!!---& EXCITING to have you new EAGLEMOMSTERS with us!!!---I ADMIT IF OUR NEST HAD AN "EGG"---We would all be 'HAPPY CAMPERS'--ho!

movin said...

eagle in our nest ,,,,
Good morning!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...