Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday PM

New thread. Was in meetings all morning thus I'm late today. Really not much new to report here, except our window is rapidly closing, if not already closed.


sandyshaw said...

New thread on a pessimistic note. But, remember Maine!

Just Vicky said...


Mauley said...

Sandy, I love Norman Rockwell. The post is nice. Remember Maine, Yes I will Vicky. When did the cam get fixed and what WAS THAT THING IN THE NEST? donna

Mauley said...

Sandy, I will be remembering Tom in prayers today and tomorrow(and all days until he is better) If you know the exact time I will get my Sunday School class on it. When does your sister have to go home? Is she in health care? I know you hate to see her go.

Mauley said...

MT nest ours

paula eagleholic said...

They are there at norfolk.

paula eagleholic said...

Those eaglets are staring at the tree climber like "What the heck is that?"

paula eagleholic said...

They are too cute. All 3 sitting in the nest looking at the guy in the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

One is yelling at him with wings spread

paula eagleholic said...

Guy in the tree looks like he might be ready to roll now....pulling up the rope, pulling pulling....

paula eagleholic said...

Here comes guy #2

paula eagleholic said...

2 chicks sitting, 1 laying down now.

paula eagleholic said...

All are laying down now. They are still getting their ropes just right.

paula eagleholic said...

I see a guy #3 in the tree next to them

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they are going to bag them and lower them. there goes the big chick into the bag, won't go in.

sunny said...

Hi guys! I just tuned in in time to watch the happenings at the VA nest. Is there an adult eagle in the next tree, on the far left side of the tree? Poor Mama!

paula eagleholic said...

Sunny that was another climber.

They have one eaglet down and the are doing beak measurement. Now measuring the eaglet, feet? No wing and body maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Banding right leg/ankle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle is back.

paula eagleholic said...

No hood or anything on eaglet - did something else, not sure what, blood draw, maybe. Now eagle paparizzi are taking pics.

sunny said...

How do the VA eaglets compare in age to the BW's?

paula eagleholic said...

I think they are around the same age. MIght be same birth week, I'd have to go back and read their blog, which I can't do right now.

paula eagleholic said...

Returning first eaglet back to nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet 2 going down.

paula eagleholic said...

I want their cam :)

sunny said...

Thanks Paula - that's close enough for me!

Just Vicky said...

Do you see who is laying in OUR nest???

Serena said...

I saw someone laying in our nest! Could it be?

sunny said...

I guess Miss Belle doesn't like that the VA 'lets are getting all of the attention right now! LOL!

Serena said...

Those birds in VA must be scared to death. It looked like when they took the first one back, he was getting ready to do a #2. I probably would. LOL.

Just Vicky said...

Well she sure has my attention!!!

paula eagleholic said...

When did you see her Vicky

paula eagleholic said...

2 going back in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

He looks pissed at tree guy. LIttlest eaglet went right in that bag, and down he goes.

paula eagleholic said...

Does she have fluff pulled up by her breast?

paula eagleholic said...

She is up again.

normabyrd said...

GOOD AFTERNOON EAGLE BUDDIES----I'm trying to catch up my email & read the blogs-----I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL GRANDSON!!!!---ENJOYED FL----Missed you all----HELLO SANDY--VICKY--(I remember Vicky too!)---MAULEY---PAULEY---SUNNY---& SHARON----Did you all see the VA banding?---I'll never catch up---Did see those 2 "fuzz balls" in CO nest---Beautiful!!!----I swear---I think LIB & BELLE are playing games with us!!!!----I hope not!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Another fake out by Belle

Third eaglet is really calm

Anne-Marie said...

Another thing this has taught me is how big they are. when I see them in his lap I get a better perspective.

paula eagleholic said...

Good to hear from you Norma! Missed you too! When did you get back?

paula eagleholic said...

They are pretty big, arent' they?

normabyrd said...

I MISSED THE BANDING---Thanks Paula for the play by play---HELLO SERENA---Sorry, I missed you--& SANDY--will certainly have your family in my thoughts & prayers----

paula eagleholic said...

NOrma, they are just finishing banding right now.

paula eagleholic said...

3rd one going up

paula eagleholic said...

Another guy on the right too.

Anne-Marie said...

WoW. I looked just in time. What an experience. Question: The little guys were handled and petten by allot of people. How do the parents react to that? they have human sent all over them.

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA----At least I saw the men risking their life---ho!--I watched the PA group band the falcons last year----But we didn't see them gathering them up----

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles do not have a very good sense of smell, so that won't matter. But they sure did allow a lot of people to touch them. I kinda thought that was a no-no.

carolinabeachmom said...

Rats! I got home just in time to miss the banding. I tried to get it on my computer at school, but only got into the site. The pic remained black. Reading all about it through sounded as if it were exciting. If anyone finds out that they have a video of it, please let me know. Thanks

Does anyone know what time our cam came up and see what happened to what was in the nest? Our nest is empty now. Hopefully they will come back around 6 or 7pm.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Paula, I was hoping that you would have a movie camera up to the screen for us poor souls that missed the banding. Didn't sound like it tho. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - I have video of the banding. Will you be able to go to youtube at school so the kids can watch it, or should I put it right on the blog for you?

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Paula, back to work.

paula eagleholic said...

Candy, Cam came up about 10-10:30, The dark thingy in the nest was gone.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks look no worse for the wear.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, folks, my sister, Mattie and I are going to Virginia Tech this evening for the candlelight vigil. Just feel the need to go. Will talk to you all later.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh Paula, I was only joking, but how great you have it. I'll go to utube with the others and watch. I'll check with our technology coridinator and see if we can get into it; I've never tried there. If not, I can maybe send it to myself in an email at school. I don't want to put you to any trouble.

I am soooo excited. I did just get in on time to see the last man sliding down the ropes. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

I have been watching the chicks and they sure do look all tuckered out. That was quite an experience for them. Parents are probably tuckered out too from all the excitement. :)

paula eagleholic said...

No trouble at all Candy. I probably won't have it done until late tonight, though. The long videos take forever to process, and this may be a 2 or three parter. It was an hour on the internet, but alot of that was rope setup time.

MITS said...

Thanks for the commentary, Paula!!!

Jill said...


Give a couple hugs for us while you are there. And light an extra candle too.

Bonnie54 said...

I'm Bonnie From Norfolk, Va..I have been a lurker for a long time..I'm pretty upset that they bothered the little eaglets today. Haven't seen the parents care for them in hours. Does anyone have any insite on that?

Jill said...

They band the eaglets so they can track them through life and monitor there progress. I am sure the parents will return shortly. Cant be as traumatic as returning to the nest in CA to find out you have babies in there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles in our nest!

carolinabeachmom said...

I wonder if they are just stopping by on a date, or here for the night. Time will tellllllllll.......

carolinabeachmom said...

Belle seems to be scooting over to the right place in the nest. Liberty is still keeping watch. There is no nest fixing; just two eagles in the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

The poor eagles are here to put on another show and no one is watching. I think everyone is all tired out from watching the Norfolk eagles getting banded

sandyshaw said...

Carolinabeachmom, I hope they're not just teasing us. Go, Belle!

carolinabeachmom said...

Been on nest 20 minuted and counting!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Sandy! I just wish this time they would suprise us with an egg. They have sooo many false labors. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Just one little itty bitty egg.

Anne-Marie said...

There is now a parent near the norfolk nest. Seems to be just watching chicks

carolinabeachmom said...

Whoopsie, look out Liberty. Don't fall off the nest!

carolinabeachmom said...

So glad to hear that their is a parent near the nest in Norfolk. I should be getting dinnertime for those chicks.

Anne-Marie said...

Why is it that the Norfolk is dark but WV nest its still daylight? Arent they in the same time zone?

carolinabeachmom said...

Norfolk is in the eastern part of the time zone/ Our nest is further west.

carolinabeachmom said...

My son lives in Winchester, Va. and it stays light longer there than here too.

carolinabeachmom said...

Liberty went out for a snack.

Anne-Marie said...

thanks, I'm going home. hugs to all.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good bye Belle. Another false alarm.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have a good night Heidi

carolinabeachmom said...

Well no action on nest, so I guess I'll call it a day for today. Can't wait to see Paula's UTube presentation on the banding of the chicks in Norfolk. Thanks Paula for doing that for all of us; especially for those of us that missed it.

Hope all you eagle watchers have a nice night and have news on the blog for me about our eagle pair when I get on after school tomorrow. You never know, one of these days........

movin said...

Good evening, everyone...

Of course, Steven is right, the window is closing. But Liberty-Belle are doing everything in their nesting program that their instincts dictate; so I think that if they are still able to produce fertile eggs this late in the Spring, they will do it.


MITS said...

Yes, Jim, we are still hoping, but, I'm not too optimistic.....Good Night Everyone

paula eagleholic said...

I am working on the banding videos - glad to hear adults returned to the nest. They have been off of the nest most of the time now, anyhow....except for feeding, it seems.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all. Just got home from Virginia Tech. What an experience that was. It was such a spiritual and sad time. The Norris Hall building is right beside where we were for the Honor Band Concert. There are police guarding the building and yellow tape all around it. There were so many people there. The press was everywhere but at the end, there was silence for a long time. It was just beautiful.

movin said...


Paula...definitely not trying to push you, but I tried to click on your name to view the videos today, but I did not find one. Did I look in the wrong place, or did you get as tired as I am and crash?

Have a great day.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Running late today, couldn't get it together this morning for some reason. I see our cam is up, wonderful to see! MT though, and I see Steven's note that it may already be too late. Here's still hoping. BW Parent in nest with chicks, she's awake and kind of looking around. Of course the chicks are sound asleep. Sorry to see our osprey nest is MT, so guess nobody spent the night. Sure hope they have a clutch soon! Too dark to see anything else.
May try to go back and read blogs.
All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Nothng much happening. Looks like BW parent might have gone for breakfast, but it's a bit early, maybe just on one of the branches. The chicks have taken over the nest, and there ain't no room in the inn. Osprey nest still MT, no visitors yet, and our nest MT. Still no video on the osprey cam in WA, what's the deal with that? They get an egg, then turn the cam off. Bummer!!

Suzanne said...

It's daylight now, or getting there. We have 1 osprey in the nest, BW chicks still snoozing waiting for breakfast, and our nest is MT. Still not light enough to see if those unknowns are still there, but there is something white next to the tree, looks like a very large buckle of something. Falcon is on eggs, dad is not on the bar.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, osprey gone. Didn't stay long.

But Lib is in our nest! Or Belle.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness... sitting on egg cup! Could that be Belle, and could it be???

Suzanne said...

Well, no now she's up. Fooled me!

Suzanne said...

NOW THEY'RE BOTH THERE!!!! Lib has his head in the egg cup. Guess he wants to see if Belle just laid an egg. No, Bell has her head in cup. Now both looking around.

Suzanne said...

Osprey is back. Lib and Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

Lib just left, Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

She's sort of standing over the egg cup, facing 2ish.

Suzanne said...

Now she's gonna stroll around the nest.

Or sit there and look around, facing 5.

Suzanne said...

Breakfast just arrived for BW chicks. Belle still standing in nest. 1 Osprey still in nest.


Suzanne said...

Wow, huge fish!

Lib looking at egg cup, belle looking off behind nest.

Suzanne said...

Dang, Belle just left. Lib standing over egg cup.

Both BW parents in nest to feed chicks.

Suzanne said...

Standing on take off point, I presume he's gonna leave.

Suzanne said...

Nope, just getting a better view.

Suzanne said...

Feed switch at BW, parent that caught fish is gone, other parent feeding chicks.
Osprey on edge of nest looking around.
Lib or Belle still standing at launch pad, but looking around.

Suzanne said...

Still there standing, just looking around.

Suzanne said...

Wow, got a couple pics of Lib practicing flapping. thought they were gonna mate for a minute! He took off, Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

Belle's doing nestorations. Both osprey in nest watching sun come up. BW chicks still eating. PA falcon awake and looking at cam.

Suzanne said...

Wow, must be a beautiful sunrise. Ospreys are beautiful in sun, so is the falcon. Belle just this second left. Bw kids still chowing down.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now I'll go retype my pic names, cause I was in a hurry, and have no idea what they really are on a lot of them. Typos!

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys sunning themselves, and one chick has his own hunk of fish.

Suzanne said...

Well, there is a huge stick laying across the egg cup. That would have to be moved before Belle could make a deposit. Big chunk of fish for BW chick!

Suzanne said...

Looks like both chicks have their own chunks of fish. Part is still under parent, and they're watching to make sure the chicks don't get stuck pulling and eating.

Suzanne said...

Sent pics around. That stick you see in the nest, Liberty brought in. He put it on the launch pad, and Belle moved it to where it is now after he left. Since she's got the egg cup covered with the stick, I wonder if she's trying to tell him something. I think he wants babies, and she doesn't.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, cam is going fritzie! Help!

Suzanne said...

Phew, it cleared up! Getting all kinds of lines and double exposures.

Suzanne said...

Paula, just read the blogs from yesterday. What an awesome commentary about the VA banding! Sounded exciting, and I felt almost like I was there! That would have been terrific to see. Thanks for posting step by step!! Felt like I didn't miss a thing.
Our nest still MT, BW chicks snoozing, both ospreys still hanging out in nest, both falcons there, female on eggs, male on bar by nest box, and of course, still dark out west.

MITS said...

Good Morning, Suzanne and Everyone..have a good Wednesday.

MITS said...

Just checked the James River Bridge falcon nest and either they are hatching are some of the eggs did not make it, some broken shells in view. She had 5 eggs.

Suzanne said...

Mid-morning snack time for the BW eaglets, and they are less than interested. Parent in nest eating, they're sleeping! Both ospreys still hanging out at platform.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Hope the eggs are hatching and not broken!!

You go to the zoo today, don't you?

Suzanne said...

Was just downstairs and FOX news said they are evacuating Burruss Hall, next door to Norris Hall, where the shootings occurred yesterday. They have dogs, police, and SWAT teams making everyone get out of the area. They don't know if it's a bomb threat, or someone else is inside. Geez, what next?

OMG, only 1 chick inBW nest. Where did the 2nd one go? Anybody see? He is NOT in the nest.

1 osprey still hanging around.

Oh wait, maybe he is there, phew, very very far right, on the edge. That's where one of them does their poop shoots. Oh, phew, that was it, he's back. Scared me to death for a minute!

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne, today is zoo day:).

MITS said...

feeding time for VA chicks...really flapping those wings.

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent.

MITS said...

Just read where Wing of BRI is heading out to the Maine nest to work on Internent connections..MT nest there right now.

Suzanne said...

Mits, sun is coming out, but it's awfully windy. Stay warm this afternoon!

Wave hi to Tai for all of us. I would say pet him on the head, but I know you can't do that. Bummer! And he's way too big to put in your purse and walk out... Hummmm, maybe a change of clothes, hold his hand, and off you go...

movin said...

Good morning, Eagle Lovers,

Look at that 6 X 6 Liberty hauled in this morning!

They must be planning major improvements ... maybe a new roof.


Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Nest activity... more grasses it looks like.

Suzanne said...

And the stick has been moved over to the side.


floralgirl said...

Weagle alert!

Suzanne said...

This is unusual.. a mid morning visit!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Suzanne said...

Belle leaving...

Suzanne said...

Poor Lib, all by his lonesome again.
Kent cam3 is down, went down last night.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan and Sharon. Lib still hanging around.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!---HELLO--JIM--SUZANNE & MITS----Maybe today will be the "DAY"---SUZ--sent pics this a.m.---LIB & BELLE are moving sticks around!!---MITS---Give TAI my "love"-- ho! ho!---First thing I checked when I got back was TAI!------ADOREABLE!!!

MITS said...

off he went....

Suzanne said...

Dang, both gone again. But what a surprise to see them at this hour! I see they moved that large branch off the nest cup!

MITS said...

I can just picture it now...me and Tai riding down Conneticut Ave. with his head hanging out the window of the car. Bet, I would get stopped by D.C.'s finest:).

Jill said...

New Thread.

movin said...

Two Harbors is feeding chicks.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. MEGAN & SHARON!!---SUZANNE---That little "black ball" isn't leaving mama's place yet--ho!
I don't remember SPUNKY & his group being that black!!!---But we have a closer view of this crew!---SHARON---I bet that was quite an experience---Will probably stay with you for a LONG--LONG time------MEGAN--Have been worrying about you too!---Hopefully this weather will settle down for you to plant & not have to use heaters every night----Are you still working in the day time?----This weekend will bring warmer weather!!!---STAY COOL!

Suzanne said...

Mits, give Tai a big baseball hat, and DC's finest won't know the difference. Just think he's a large guy... And yeah, just like dogs, he'll probably want to hang his head out the window! Oh too funny when you picture this...

movin said...

Beautiful pics this morning, Suzanne. Thank you.


movin said...

Cam #3 at Kent froze up again last night...in case you missed that exciting event and were sleeping instead.......


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...