Thursday, April 05, 2007


Snow squalls this AM thread.


1 – 200 of 203   Newer›   Newest»
glo said...

A must go visit

What an awesome way for an Eagle Lover to start the day!!!

movin said...

NEW THREAD..thank you, Steven.

It will be interesting to see if they try to protect the area of the nest from snow. Kind of inconvenient time for snow flurries if they are about to lay more eggs.

"More shall be revealed..."


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Sandy and Suzanne

Nice reporting Suzanne read from other blog.

Today is not a therapy day in Winchester for me so I get to watch more. Hope to soon see Liberty and Belle.

Wow Mits you have really been blessed to be there when they impregnated Mei. You've had the experience of growing with Tai. Now you'll been even sooner with this baby panda cub. So excited for you. Can't wait for more stories you share with us and thank you for them they have been great.

wvgal_dana said...

I was typing

Good Morning Glo and Jim

I hope our eagles wait for warmer weather to lay.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

OK I can't get you to the right place just by using the link provided earlier I just tried. So If you will go to Visit the

For the Love of Eagles

BLOG by clicking on my name here,

you will find 2 wonderful videos of eagle action out of Ca this week filmed by Dr Sharpe...

what an awesome way to start the day For Eagle Lovers

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Glo will check it out.

I've been watching the osprey nest at Conn. Teddy and Edith. Teddy has brought in a blue cloth. Hope the wind doesn't blow it out. He loves blue..this is where the blue teddy bear was last season.
of course all on one line

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I clicked on your name in here. Then Love for Eagles and there was 2 videos that were truly tear filled. Thank you Glo you have contributed so much in videos and other ways. They both were so beauty. A MUST SEE BLOGGERS !

Sandy said...


Thanks Glo!

wvgal_dana said...

Just finally made it into NE had to use the 45 for some reason. Anyhow she has snow all around her and chick was due to hatch April 4th was 35days. Poor gal sitting in all that snow. Prayers for her and eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

The colors at Conn. with Teddy and Eddie (Edith) are extrodary.

movin said...

Great videos, Glo, Dr. Sharpe.

Any word on where and when the chicks will be replaced in the nest??


glo said...

Been watching and Readomg Jim Haven't seen anything yet. Will also be another awesome experience for sure for Dr Sharpe and co-workers as well as for those of us who also get to benefit from his willingness to share what is being done in CA for those awesome eagle pairs .

wvgal_dana said...

Teddy and Eddie (Edith) are in the nest at the Conn. Osprey site.

MITS said...

HAPPY HOLY THURSDAY EVERYONE. JIM, I believe, PAULA, can answer your questions re: Channel Island nests, she is an active member of their blog.

MITS said...

Star is on eggs, Suzanne.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----I wish to repeat SANDY'S remark!!!----WOW! WOW!----UNBELIEVABLE!!!----Both videos----THANK you GLO---I am leaving today to see "Baby Sam" & the other 4 grand kids---What a BEAUTIFUL day---GLO---enjoyed the "tooth " & the "noisy" little sounds----EASTER BLESSINGS TO ALL---Oldest grand child having her first communion tonight----LOVE YOU EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok tc Norma God Bless and Happy Easter. Hugs those grandkids like you won't lol

paula eagleholic said...

NOrma, have fun with the grandkids, especially the newest!!! Hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful Easter.

Dr Sharpe will be fostering the first set of chicks on Easter Sunday. Don't know what time. The rest will be sometime next week.

MITS said...

NORMA, have a safe fun trip:). PAULA, thanks for the info.

movin said...

Paula, do they ever "foster" the chicks back to the original nest, and would it be called "fostering" if they did?

I just read Dr. Sharpe's report in that blog, and I guess Seal Rock will be getting a West End chick if Seal Rock's eggs don't hatch... Did I understand that right?


paula eagleholic said...

Anyone have any luck w/ Barton's Cove? 128k is not working and 45K only gets a blue screen.

MITS said...

Had some luck earlier, Paula, it was snowing. No luck now.

paula eagleholic said...

They do try to put the chicks back into the original nest. If the Seal rocks eggs both hatch, then WE will be getting all 3 chicks back. It they don't then one will go to Seal rocks. I think they have a good chance of going back into their original nests this year, because the San Francisco zoo chicks are too old to put on the nests this year, they seemed to hatch earlier than last year.

I think the term "fostering" is used because the chicks were not hatched in their nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Our nest is "pink and green" for Easter. Now it went back to normal. lol

MITS said...


MITS said...

And that quick it is down least, we know they are trying.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits she has snow in the nest at NE doesn't she?

MITS said...

Up again, she just did an egg waddle

paula eagleholic said...

Finally got NE up on the 45k....little bit of snow in the nest....doesn't look like it is snowing now.

wvgal_dana said...

That is how I got NE on this am Paula the 45.

MITS said...

I guess NE runs thru Denver also.:)

Sandy said...

Well fiddle sticks! Getting ready to go be kindergarten mom... I'll check back when I can.

MITS said...

BW chicks look like a pile of dirt:) BW osprey looks comfortable in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Gotta run out awhile bbl

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like NE is on and off today

MITS said...

Cape Coral juvies are branching.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Critters at my feeder today - cardinals, cowbirds, sparrows, blue jays, titmouse, chickadees, mourning doves and a squirrel!!

MITS said...

Maine is having a blue day also, but I never worry about these cams that I watch, because I know the people are working hard to restore them as quickly as possible.And most often report on there progress.

MITS said...

A fun time in Bluefield WVA. How you doing my fine feathered-fur friend???

glo said...

Lesson learned No matter how exciting it is when you discover something miraculous you are eager to share, finish reading the whole page, there is probably lots more valuable information to be found .

So many eagles, so much awe and wonder...oh to have time to see it all...not in this lifetime, but I love a challenge so I shall certainly continue to try LOL.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Mits, I can't get Maine up either....35 days for the first egg is April 10.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Dr Sharpe certainly knows how to share. He is really great at posting those videos! So glad we had the camera fundraiser for IWS!!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding time at VA

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, it is 30° in Bluefield, been spitting snow. I hate it. I am so ready for spring to be here and stay here.

paula eagleholic said...

They are calling for a foot of snow in Maine - no news on the cam,yet.

MITS said...

I am in awe of Dr Sharpe's and Stefanie's' dedication to the eagles and so glad they share their important work...they should get some kind a reward for they really do EDUCATE US!

paula eagleholic said...

And since everyone here has enjoyed those videos so much, it would be really nice to send IWS a little donation for their wonderful efforts. Just visit

and click on Support IWS.

From the Website -

Your tax-deductible contribution to the Institute for Wildlife Studies will help us continue our wildlife conservation efforts. Choose to make a secure contribution on-line using PayPal (you do not need to have a PayPal account) or use a convenient mail-in form (PDF or Word).

As a "Thank You" for your support, you may choose a gift (t-shirt, hat, video, or notecards) for specified contribution levels. You may make multiple contributions at one time to receive multiple gifts.

Mauley said...

Afternoon All, Our college campus took a hard hit Tuesday night with straight line winds. Lots of damage. No classes yesterday or today. Iffy for tomorrow. Internet and Electricty and phone lines have been out, just off and on today so I took a chance to get a message of to you (in case anyone besides Sharon, Mits, Jo, and Glo had missed me.) Terrible to be without electricty or phones, isn't it. Hope this post while electricity is back on. If anything has happened in the last two days that I can't live without knowing please email me and I get it later. Trees still on our garage and part of our lawn at home. Just not enough time to get everything cleaned up yet. Lots of folks lost everything here in KY when the tornados touched down about 70 miles from here. Those folks need prayers. Thanks donna

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon to all of you!

I have been through the emails, the cams and the blogs! Took me awhile this am to get it all done.
Safe Trip Norma and I know you'll be having a blessed easter with family
Watched the photobucket egg hatching video - I think now we have seen it all. I pray the eagles accept their newborns with open wings!

Mema Jo said...

Mauley Thank the Lord your safe but will pray for those that lost everything. I also do not like being without electricity-hope yours is back up soon.

MITS said...

Oh, Donna/Mauley, that is terrible news. Are you and family alright? Let me know if there is anything we can do....I always miss you when you are not hear, you are our resident chaplain, with beautiful inspirational prayers and you are the one in need now. Prayers for you and your family and colleagues.

glo said...

Good to hear from you mauley So sorry to hear of the storms and the devastation. Glad to know you are ok thouhg. You and htose you know who need help in recovery are in my prayers. Not sure that you will actually be seeing this post, but I am glad you were able to get to the bLOG to let us know of your experiences the last couple of days.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Just put an MT Nest photo on Momsters hoping that now Belle & Liberty will visit.

Mema Jo said...

MITS With 2 inseminations on Mei Xiang, couldn't she have twins?

paula eagleholic said...

I think Panda twins are fairly common.

paula eagleholic said...

NE finally came up - just missed a parent switch, both were in the nest (the snow is about gone), and the second one was wiggling down on the can't tell you what is going on there, but my guess is no chicks yet the way the eagle was trying to get down on the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Paula My browser is Mozilla
Firefox... That is probably why I don't get the 4 little windows.

MITS said...

Jo, out of 10 possible strips yesterday, they implanted the 6 best looking ones high up, so the little sperm buggers would not have far to swim, don't know how many they implanted early this a.m. I would hope for only 1 panda, but anything is possible MTBR. When there are 2, they usually take one away because Mom can only handled one better.

MITS said...

Thanks for the IWS info, Paula, I've ordered one of their sweatshirts:).

MITS said...

Wow, already got a reply of thanks from Dr. Sharpe:):):) Do you think if I went out there he would let me take he and his crew to lunch????

Anne-Marie said...

good morning all,Sorry to hear about the storms in Ky. My prayers are with you. Its hard to rebuild and repair. I've been there. Got a kick out of the bird house story. I'm a bird house hotel faliure.I have done the painting,hanging and feeding. 12 houses, pretty as can be and there they sit. All they do is visit, eat, bathe, and twiterpate and find housing elsewhere. I'm crushed. The houses are now conversation pieces in my back yard for 5 years now. I got close only once when a family of squirles took refuge in a large one during a storm, then moved when the sun came out. I must have other talents some where.Oh well...

MITS said...

Heidi, maybe you should lower the prices, birds might not be able to afford the rent, but I bet they are pretty.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Heidigirl/AnneMarie! Bet you don't have snow flurries like we did this am! Wondering if you have any days off over Easter and hoping that you do. BTW How is Heidi?

Anne-Marie said...

Mitts, I dont want to be a slum land lord but I just might take your advice. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Jo, yes Easter is a big deal in my family. I raised 4 children by myself (RN) and 101 foster children. They arent all around but enough are to make it a roudy bunch. Saturday is a picnic at the lake. Sacramento has allot of water. I came up here from Southern California to go to college and never went back. Sunday is church and a nice dinner. My dining room looks like the Easter Bunny crashed. Big Easter hunt Sat.

MITS said...

Holy Cow Heidi!!! Your are THE WOMAN!!!!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Jo my Heidi is a sweetheart. She was a puppy of my late husband. They breathed the same air. When he died unexpectantly she would cry for hours. It almost killed me. I would sit and hold her. She would run out side and run round his truck and cry. It was pitiful.(sp), I cant spell either. She is over it now and just a comfort and someone to greet me at the front door after a long day. She also makes me walk at night instead of crashing in front of the TV or computer. It helps both of our weight.

Mema Jo said...

Another new member for the Momsters' Group. We are at 91 members!

Mema Jo said...

AnneMarie- Sounds as though Heidi helped you to get through your grieving for the loss of your husband. I am certain she holds a very special place in your life.
Your East egg hunt sounds spectacular

Have a Blessed Holiday.

Mema Jo said...


You know I meant to say

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just heard from our friend across the pond, Chrissy. She said to give you all her love. The time difference makes it hard for her to blog with us. She said we would hear from her soon.

Mema Jo said...

I need to leave for a few hours...
I will return
We still have an MT nest.........
I hope Liberty & Belle are not

MITS said...

Glad that you heard from her , Sharon.

MITS said...

I think they went to Bermuda for the Easter weekend, Sunny:).

paula eagleholic said...

NE down again, nothing on Maine, SC back is zoomed even a tad closer....

MITS said...

I think you have got that right, Sunny!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi again Heidi (Anne) yes like you said it took you a year. I hope other lurkers/people that read but don't write. Will see you chatting and say "hay she did it so can I".

Sounds like your birdhouses are beautiful. I had this one certain one that never was claimed. Finally one year I moved it and bingo. Couldn't believe my eyes one morning. Smiling here when a head pocked out.

wvgal_dana said...

By the way Chrissy thanks for the card for Easter. Here's a Easter Hug from across the ponds to all you UK Gals ((((hugging))) you back. You all know that your missed terribly in here. Can't wait for you to come in.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I remember when I first got on here, I was scared to death to post. Lurking is okay. We are entertaining and informing a lot of people that way. Maybe one day they will join us but until then, keep lurking!!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana I hate to admit it but I was a lurker for Months after I first found the cam. I remember Glo and Sharon being on the blog. I just got my nerve up and said I have to talk about these wonderful eagles to someone else - so then I found all my Eagle Buddies!
AnneMarie (Heidi) did just what I did and now she is a very good buddie!!

MITS said...

Well, I know of some readers who, will not come on the blog, because there is not enough time in their busy lives to read and blog, so they choose to read just to keep up on things, and I know some former bloggers who are just readers now, and that is fine also. What ever floats your boat. I'm thinking most readers are adults and if they feel like coming on they will and they are always welcome, don't think they need constant reminders. JMVHO.

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping, like I told Jim, that our cam pic was frozen and that
Belle and Liberty have been at the nest all day long!!

MITS said...

Tai-Shan is inside playing with his enrichment toys.

movin said...

Hi, I've got to leave shortly to pick up my windshield and some repair work on the front of the car owing to a careless gravel truck dropping parts of its load on the freeway ahead of me.

But I wanted to say that it's not necessarily a bad sign that the pair hasn't been in the nest much today. Seems to me the various pairs we've watched always take a break right before laying eggs...also they might have been breeding again in the last couple of days. Don't give up on them yet.

Birdhouses: You should probably do a little research (maybe on-line)...some bird species require "this" and some require "that." The opening size is important and the direction the opening faces (relative to the prevailing wind direction) is important.

Some birdhouses have an opening on each side for different faces into the wind and one faces away from the wind. [the direction of the wind determines how much lift their wings get, same as airplanes].

Anyway, you could probably find out how to position it and attract something, even if it's only sparrows or starlings.

Good luck...just do a google on "birdhouses" and see what you get.


Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Jim, Ill do that. It will be fun..

MITS said...

Let us know how it goes Heidigirl

Mema Jo said...

Jim - you and HeidiGirl are both from CA

Anne-Marie said...

Yes Jim I was raised in Riverside a short drive down the freeway.

Mema Jo said...

Must leave - at least close down for now. Dinner with family coming. Have to clear the table! Hubby is making spaghetti for all. BBL

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Mitts. I will create birdhouse subdivision. I understand there is money in building in California.:)

paula eagleholic said...

Got a little white out going on the cam, there.

wvgal_dana said...

Heidi I love that "subdivison for birdhousees" lol

Well Jo you aren't the only one that was a lurker. I was too. I was too afraid to join the group that was here. They already seem to know each other through comments or meeting. I felt like an outsider so I just read comments.
Then one day I took a chance.

floralgirl said...

Over in Shepherdstown for a few hours today near nest. Never saw either eagle, drove by nest, no sign of them up in the tree today. Hope they show up at the nest soon. Snow squalls again here, windy and cold.

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, I need help. I went to the sight fore the Institute and cant find a link for Pay Pal. Do I go to pay pal its self and sent my controbution to the web sight? If I do how will they know what I want.? Sorry, this isnt EBay.I'm a little dence.

Anne-Marie said...

Sorry about the spelling. I am doing too many things at once. Is it Friday Yet?

floralgirl said...

Don't worry, we knew what you meant. Gotta go feed the birds one last time before dark, so cold outside tonight.

wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

Heidi -
Under the Support IWS section, there are 3 choices -

Contribute and Receive a Gift
Shop our Cafepress Store
Become a Member

The first option, Contribute and receive a gift - you get a sweatshirt, tshirt, hat, dvd or notecards for your donation. You select the item right there on the page, go thru paypal, etc.

The second Option, shop our cafepress store, takes you to cafepress website where you can buy some other items with the eaglet picture fromt the eaglet that hatched last year.

The third option, become a member, is purely a donation. They have different levels listed, and you do the donation right there on that page, also.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

someone brought a stick!!

wvgal_dana said...

NU has been eating but I haven't seen an egg or a chick yet.

MITS said...

Finally an eagle to look at in our nest

floralgirl said...

Oh, thanks Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Standing at about noon, looking our the back of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Now working in the middle of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Now standing in about the middle of the nest, looking to the right.

paula eagleholic said...

Rats! Gone!!!

But that's OK, got to see our eagles today!!

paula eagleholic said...

YUp, Dana, I was looking for Mits on the news. Not sure if that was footage from yesterday or today.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I am going upstairs to warm up some leftovers for dinner....hope they will be back again yet tonight....

MITS said...

Paula, I'm assuming was footage from today, since there were no news people there last night.

paula eagleholic said...


Sandy said...


Anne-Marie said...

Eagle in the nest...

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...


Sandy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Digging in the nest bowl

floralgirl said...

I don't see the weagle:)

MITS said...

one of these days, I 'm going up to that cam and give it a swift kick in the lens, then I will replace it.

paula eagleholic said...

eagle looked right at the cam

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Working on the egg cup, both still there.

MITS said...

That's Paulas' new word for both eagles, Megan...we, together, both...weagles.

MITS said...

looks a little breezy

paula eagleholic said...

that was 1/2 of the WV pair, LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the middle, Lib far

floralgirl said...

ok, that's Momster slang.

paula eagleholic said...

Foot of snow in Maine, power out all over.

Mema Jo said...

I don't see any of those
weagles. What do they really look like?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is working on the branches on the right...

paula eagleholic said...

I see the weagles,

MITS said...

I like it...weagles it is...

MITS said...

Poor MAINE....

paula eagleholic said...

Glad dinner is just leftovers, if it were on the stove, the house would be burning down now....and the phone can just ring....

paula eagleholic said...

boy they are really just hanging out tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Whew, they are still moving, the weagles that is.

MITS said...

So nice to see them:):):).

paula eagleholic said...

back to work!!

MITS said...

Man they are dancing around.

paula eagleholic said...

They are all over that nest, now.

floralgirl said...

Oh, I hope this is last minute arrangements for a special arrival:)

MITS said...

little spat over where to put the stick

paula eagleholic said...


MITS said...

a little kissy face:).

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if she told him that an Easter Egg was coming!

Sandy said...

How cool!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looke like EP to me.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is gone...

Sandy said...

where'd Lib go????

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Belle will stay - I Hope!

Mema Jo said...

Spoke to soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, what a nice long visit....have enough pics to make a little movie.... :):)

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, now I am going to go finish warming up my dinner!! I really don't think they'll be back again...but... :)

Sandy said...

Jo, pictures coming....

Mema Jo said...

Paula, make your movie - should be great - but please put some on Momsters. You are such a great picture taker!I have some and others should have been taking pics - I know Mits did and Megan & Sandy may have. I hope Dana was watching and got some for the album.

Anne-Marie said...

Fantastic, I sure wish at least Belle would have stayed. I tried to take pictures but I am on a work computer and I got all sorts of flashes and warnings. So I will wait until I get home for another time.I will log off at 5:00 my time and leave the watching to you while I fight rush hour traffic. Goodie for me.

Mema Jo said...

OK Sandy! Glad you're getting to see alot of these weagles!

Mema Jo said...

Sunny, we need to figure out some type of eagle alarm to use for you.

MITS said...

Parent is actually in the nest with BW chicks tonight.

MITS said...

PAULA, Greys' is a repeat tonight and ER comes back next week with new episodes....

wvgal_dana said...

Mits Mei should be back on channel 9 washington news on tv at 11pm tonight.

MITS said...

I saw it on Channel 4, Dana, and on Channel 9's website:). was probably filmed at this a.m.'s procedure or they filmed it yesterday and gave copies to the news stations today, because no media was there yesterday, it was nice and quiet. Ben Cardin, MD's Senator was there yesterday, but could not stay for the procedure. They were some FONZ donors there yesterday too, must have gotten a special call from the head honchos of the zoo to come in and watch. I was just lucky, because I don't usually work on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

MITS said... has good footage of the panda news on their website.

MITS said...

off to watch CSI..BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Momster Album for this evening's visit is ready for viewing.
Thanks everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am finally back home. Took Andrew to the doc today for a follow-up of his ER visit. He is feeling much better. She just ordered more blood work.

I am so grateful our weagles were in the nest this evening. I was getting a little worried!!!! :):):)

Mema Jo said...

Good news concerning Andrew's health. Yep, they were back but decided not to stay the night!

MITS said...

Glad Andrew is doing better, make sure he takes all the meds for time required.

MITS said...

The Weagles Were Wonderful:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

BIG NEWS - We received in the mail today that Andrew has been awarded the Promise Scholarship. I am so grateful!!! It pays tuition and fees for 4 years of college.

Mema Jo said...

Maine cam is up - Infrared - hard to tell but I think it is the white feathered head of the eagle I see in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I'll say that is the

Congrats Andrew and Andrew's Mom

Mema Jo said...

It is almost 10:00 ... day has gone fast especially with evening excitement at the nest...
Are you finished cleaning, Sunny?
I will start tomorrow...

floralgirl said...

OH, Sharon, congratulations to Andrew!! That is some well deserved wonderful news:)

sandyshaw said...

Hurray, Sharon. Congratulations to Andrew and good for WV giving an opportunity to a homestate student. Will he be going to WVU? You folks deserve some good news.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Sandy, not WVU. He has decided to go to Concord University closer to home. I am really grateful. They have a wonderful music program there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just got wax!! YEAH ME!! :):):)

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have no doubt my Daddy is smiling up in heaven. He played such a huge part in Andrew being who he is today.

MITS said...

Well, the both of you should be very proud, and Andrew should be proud of himself also, he did all the work, to achieve this great accomplishment.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Finally got video done from this evening's visit. Computer was giving me fits. Could only work on the video...anyhow it's uploading to youtube now, will post on the blog when it's done....

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats to Andrew on his scholarship! Great work. College is expensive!!!

MITS said...

Someone want to explain to me with the weather up in Maine, that, they have their cam, both 15-second and the live-stream working??? It's nice to see people work soooo hard in what they truly believe in and give it 110%. I truly appreciate that quality in people, it reminds me of my hubby, his work ethic is wonderful.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

I read your news Sharon and got chills for you and Andrew. I am thrilled for both of you. The Love of Music and more young to keep it flourishing in our culture..YES Its all good.

Why I think I can see you both grinning from ear to ear

MITS said...

Happy Easter, Sunny:).

MITS said...

Jo, I can't tell if that is an eagle in Maine nest are not, but looks like snow, but winds seem calm.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your Easter company, Sunny.

I bet NORMA is holding a little one!

Paula If you have the pic from tonight for 7:34pm - beaking. No one got that one for the album.

Mits - I really don't know if it's the eagles head I see in Maine nest
or not. I am concerned for their eggs. I sure hope they hatch ok.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it a night of a very beautiful day

Good Night To All
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Saying prayers of thanks for all of you in my life

Good Morning Suzanne

MITS said...


glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Wishing you a reflective Good Friday. Hoping your Easter weekend is filled with both Hope and Promise.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Maine's nest has snow and CO nest is rainy and fog.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 203   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...