Sunday, April 29, 2007


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good sunny Sunday Morning
I have just signed on so I don't have a clue as to who is about to join me!
Enjoy your day Steve and thanks so much for giving us double the worth of threads!

Going to slide back & bring over the eagle watchers - our nest is MT

Mema Jo said...

I am trying to send the article from the Los Angeles Times from this morning concerning the IWS trip over to Santa Cruz. Hope it comes thru.

The url is just too long for here and I had to register on their site to be able to view. We'll see...

MITS said...

Thanks, for the heads-up, Jo..heading out to noon mass soon:)

Mema Jo said...

Great! Just checked and the article is in your emails from the Los Angeles times. It's a good report-describes us eagle watchers to a "t". Enjoy

Mema Jo said...

TTUL this afternoon Mits.

MITS said...

It was a fantastic article...thanks for sharing.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time - I really hope everyone gets to go out and enjoy this beautiful day we are having.

Mema Jo said...

While eating lunch I was watching the Kent's 2 egg roll and the Puget Sound's 1 egg roll. No new chicks yet today.

Mema Jo said...

NE & VA Nest cams are still down.
Guess I'll check out the hawks & owls. Our nest is MT

Robyn said...

I'm heading out to lowes in a few so I can say I enjoyed the day lol. Kent eagle is edgy it seems, maybe he/she feels movement beneath. I am afrad to leave the screen!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

I PROMISE YOU - There was an eagle in our nest...... Fast little devil!!

MITS said...

I believe you, Jo.

movin said...



You go to their site, copy-paste your url, and they give you a short (tiny) version.

Some people were discussing it on the Maine blog, and I've seen it around recently...just didn't know the details.

Now, I want to find a way to place a "clickable link" into a blog.... Any ideas?

Looks like our pair have a definite egg bowl (or cup) formed again... Has any breeding been observed lately?


MITS said...

something might be going on at KENT

movin said...

Kent still has intact eggs, but she seems to be listening and looking closer at them, so maybe it is imminent.


MITS said...

KENT eagle jumping up and CALLING.

movin said...

I said "she" at Kent, but I think it is the dad on the nest right now.


MITS said...

off the nest completely now, maybe and intruder near by, but still 2 eggs intact

MITS said...

ok, she is back

movin said...

Mits, I thought I saw one egg with the end off of it briefly. Did you see that?


movin said...

He's got his eyes closed and head tilted like he's listening...

Mema Jo said...

Earlier when the egg roll was done at Kent, I thought I saw a very tiny line on the egg BUT couldn't be certain & didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.

Hi Mits
Hi Jim

Mema Jo said...

Looks like some new greens in the Kent nest......

MITS said...

thought so too, Jim, but going to look at my pics now.

Mema Jo said...

Puget Sound - both eagles in nest

movin said...

Channel Islands have interesting goings on now...Santa Cruz cam is working again.


MITS said...

Going out for awhile.....BBL:):).

movin said...

Mom must be gone to lunch on the BW Osprey nest...maybe with Dad.


Mema Jo said...

Full view again of the Kent's 2 eggs.
Adult off of them just sitting looking at them... Now incubating again.

Mema Jo said...

Signing off for a few hours -
Keep an eagle eye on Kent & Puget Sound nests if possible... I know someone will pass the word as soon as the event occurs and will have good
pics to share!

We still have MT nest... but I know they will visit sometime today or early evening..I'll be patient!


movin said...

Mema Jo, here's what the url to that L.A. Times article looks like after a quick trip through "".

Shouldn't be a problem to copy-paste that to your browser.

By the way, the site asked to access my "clipboard" for some reason, but I denied them permission.

Try this site, you will like it.


movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Jim When I google and bring up the site, it gives me a download for Is this what you downloaded???

Mema Jo said...

We sometimes have a 4:00 visit - but none yet.........

movin said...

Mema Jo,
No, I don't think that's what I did.

I just typed "" directly into the address box in Explorer and hit "enter"...didn't get any intermediary programs...went directly to the site.


Mema Jo said...

I'll try again...

Mema Jo said...

I got it. Thanks, Jim.

I don't know how to enter a link on the blog and have others open it.
On the IWS forum they do it all the time.

movin said...

Mema Jo,
If you are talking about a "clickable link"... that deleted comment just above was a failed experiment to create one of those.

A man (from Cal) gave instructions on the Maine blog, including a clickable link, which resulted from his work, but there must have been a step skipped. When I did it exactly by the printed instructions, it published the whole construction line and no clickable link ... back to the drawing board for now.

I think at least one of the photographers, who publishes in our blog, uses clickable you remember?

Another thing, Paula is 'in' to that blog you mentioned, so maybe she knows how to do it.


movin said...

Both adults in Kent nest scoping out eggs.

movin said...

Now there's one adult and a large fish (being consumed)...the eggs still look intact.


Robyn said...

Both birds in Kent nest and both looking up at something oops one in nest now, one adult is eating and the way he/she is looking at eggs maybe one is ready to hatch... nevermind back on eggs

movin said...

The Kent pair has been acting like they're expecting one to hatch all day. It could be a while though, since birds can hear through the shells (both directions) up to two days before hatching.

Wouldn't be surprised if one started to hatch very soon though.


movin said...

Check the Kent nest now..

Mema Jo said...

507pm Egg Roll Kent - still 2 eggs visible at this time.
No visitors yet to our nest.

Need to leave for about 2 hours..
Keep your eyes open!!


floralgirl said...

Right about now I could use that extra Sunday that Jim was offering....LOL HI, BYE, gotta finish mowing the grass, ran the mower out of gas, but hubby just brought more.(darn)

Robyn said...

Thanks Jim, they were acting like that yesterday too when I was watching them. So maybe today or tomorrow. Now I know what expectant dads must feel like lol

Mema Jo said...

You have mail Robyn

movin said...

Yes, and I need to do some things too...looks OK for a while.

Back later.


Robyn said...

Thanks Jo got it and sent another link to you :)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Jo for the Link. I don't know how to get three cams at once, so I really appreciate this. I am fairly new to fooling with the computer. Our daughters bought us one for Christmas but didn't tell us how to use it. We are self-taught, along with a "Computer For Dummies" book.(I swore I would never get into the computer world---but I have no choice now.) I don't know what I would do without it now!!

MITS said...

Sounds like my story, Costume lady...thought I would never get involved in computer, still have a lot to learn,

MITS said...

feeding time at puget sound, still only 1 chick

MITS said...

The WDFW bluebirds are starting to hatch, you can find them on the KENT SITE in upper left hand corner.

Mauley said...

Hi gang, been lurking. Opened our pool after church this afternoon. I really hated that we had tadpoles on the cover and I couldn't save all of them. We put as many as we could in the creek, b ut couldn't save all of them. Mema jo, love d the article. gonna get ready for work tomorrow. Lots of papers to grade and one final to prepare. Love ya all, and thanks for making my birthday Friday so special. Catch you all tomorrow. God Bless You every one. donna

movin said...

Weagle walert!

sandyshaw said...

Posted on the wrong thread. Both in nest

sandyshaw said...

Both gone.

movin said...

They're gone some pics, not too many.


Mema Jo said...

Robyn - The link you sent to me I didn't get it... Honest it wasn't on there... Wish you would send again. THanx.
Just got home..... Hope I can see our Weagles!

Mema Jo said...

Well, I am about 20 minutes too late I guess. Jim, I know you got a pic or two!

Mema Jo said...

I wonder where Spidey has been hiding. It is really warm enough for him to be out at night.

MITS said...

Darn I watched for awhile and then left to watch something on TV and missed the short visit.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I took 2 pictures this afternoon on the Falcon WV site (on the rocky clift). Be darn if I can find where I saved them. Mits & Sandra I had so wanted you to see them. The falcon wasn't nesting - just standing there being beautiful looking out on that view.

Mema Jo said...

I see that our Back-Up Sunday thread has disappeared! I think Steve must have been on!

movin said...

Kent looking at eggs...maybe right hand one is hatching.

MITS said...

My sister said there was 2 sunday threads, I told her she was seeing

movin said...

The Kent egg in question "looked like" it might have a crack around the circumference of the end, which is the way eagle chicks crack them open. However, I only got a glance at it before the mom settled back down on them.


movin said...

Anyone know what they mean on the Puget Sound site when they say the fledglings of last year tore the nest apart??

The thing fell out of the tree, or what?


movin said...

West End chicks are lolling in front of the camera.

Mema Jo said...

The NY Red Tailed Hawk is on the nest
Really large hawk!

That's the Tiny url I made)
See if it works for the RedTailHawk

Mema Jo said...

Over on the Momsters site placing Jim's pics of tonight's visit in the album....... Holler if you need me!

Mema Jo said...

This evening's visit pics are in
the momster's album

movin said...

The Red-tail tinyurl works fine, Mema Jo.

I had to install a little software to get the thing, it's showing me pics from before 8 P.M. in Queens, but it's got to be 10 P.M. there now.


movin said...

All 3 adults on the West End nest

movin said...

Take a look at the Two Harbors nest...they are being fed. But what is that large white thing between the mother and the chicks?


movin said...

Well, Good night, everyone (Sunday night, finally got it right)....

Have a great week...


Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it an evening.

Good Night &
Peace Be With You

Good Morning Suzanne

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

When the dawn comes up at Kent
Get a good look for us all...
Spirit was on nest when it got dark & he was really unsettled.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Have had a wonderful two days out here so far visiting the Channel Islands. We hiked to the nest yesterday and got to see K10 and K26 on the nest with the chicklet. It was so cool and well worth the hike.

Today we went to Santa Rosa Island, and got to hike that one too. Didn't see any eagles, but saw whales, dolphins and sea lions in the waters around Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa. On the way back from Santa Rosa, we went around Santa Cruz to pick up more people, and pulled into the harbor were you could look up the valley and see the Santa Cruz nest again. Really neat day. And a wonderful bunch of folks from the forum. Everyone has been super nice, full of hugs, gifts and well wishes.

On to Morrow Bay tomorrow, meeting up with another forum member, then on to Big Sur and San Francisco.

I see ya'll heard about the article in the times, the writer and photographer went on the hike with us. They were really nice guys and did a great job on the article.

Hope everyone has a great week, don't know when I will find a computer again!

BTW, you cannot insert a link on this blog! It won't accept them.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Just checking through my email, don't see any pics of a new chick at Kent, so I'm guessing they didn't hatch yet. Hopefully today!
Beautiful moon and tons of start, but chilly! 45° at my house, and up to 57° here. Hopefully it will get warm today.
I see the BW eaglets have names. Darn, didn't win, but the names are nice anyway. Did like mine better, but hey, can't win 'em all. Our cam is refreshing, someone will open the blinds in a little while. Osprey nest is occupied, one off to the very right. Still too dark to see anything anywhere else, and the barn owl cam is still down. Has been down since Thursday. Bummer.
All have a great eagle day. Did we even have a weekend???? Went by so fast...
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

EAGLE ALERT!!! Early arrival.

Suzanne said...

Can't tell who it is, can see a white head and black body, looks like they're checking the egg cup. Oh, noow over at the launch pad. And it appears that the osprey that spent the night was our one legged faker...
BW chicks still snoozing.


Suzanne said...

BW chicks were doing some wing flapping, our kids still there. Lib on his perch, Belle checking out the egg cup. Maybe she's checking to see if Lib laid an egg for her...

Suzanne said...

Looks like Belle may be moving a branch, but still too dark to tell.

Suzanne said...

Lib still on perch, Belle over by the tree.

Suzanne said...

Llib just left from his perch. Belle watching where he went. Osprey doing some wing flapps! Falcon on eggs.

Suzanne said...

Belle still there, just hanging around looking pretty! Osprey on edge of nest, BW chicks settled down again.

Suzanne said...

Belle still standing around looking pretty. A 2nd osprey has arrived, and the way the first one is mantling, this may be the other female. Wish they'd make up their minds who is gonna get the nest, and get busy laying some eggs!

Suzanne said...

Belle still standing over dining area. Only moving her head.

Suzanne said...

BW chicks are flapping all over the place! Original osprey is still sort of mantling, other one in nest.. oops, never mind, just flew off, so original is more relaxed now.

Suzanne said...

Libs back, both there now. Got a great shot of him coming in, and Belle had her wings out too.

Suzanne said...

Lib's checking out the nest, Belle is watching. Getting lines on cam...grrrrr!

Suzanne said...

Both still there. 2nd osprey arrived, first one is unhappy again.

Suzanne said...

Lib is now standing in front of Belle, but he has his head in the nest. She's looking at him. Both female ospreys are mantling. Lib just left, Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

She's getting closer, never mind, she just left. Started to say she was getting closer to the launch pad, but she took off. Other osprey female took off also.

Suzanne said...

Belle is back, and so is...geesh, make that was the 2nd osprey with a huge fish!

Suzanne said...

Lib just came back, saw more wings! But he's already on his perch!

Suzanne said...

Lib on perch, Belle right behind him in nest. One osprey standing in nest, PA falcon on eggs, still dark out west.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Suz.
I find myself looking forward to having my coffee in the morning and reading your commentary.

I watched the Bluebirds hatch yesterday. Absolutely fascinating!!
Have a good day.

Suzanne said...

Belle's inching toward the launch pad again, but she's still in nest. Lib still on perch.

Suzanne said...

Lib did his disappearing act again, Belle still in nest but near launch pad.

Suzanne said...

Poof, gone.

Suzanne said...

Well, I thought the osprey that caught the fish was the one that took off, but she's in the nest eating. It was the one legged faker that took off, so I'm guessing this is the female of our pair. BW chicks just hanging out, one on very edge of nest, our nest MT, I'll do pics and send them around in a few. PA falcon looking all pretty on her 5 eggs. Still too dark to see Kent and WA ospreys. Closed the barn owl cam, down.

Suzanne said...

One of the BW chicks is flapping his wings right on the edge of nest, but facing in. Other chick was in middle of nest. Now all I see if a chick wing and feet hanging on...

Suzanne said...

Now just the feet of 1 chick, have no clue where the other went.

Suzanne said...

Never mind, just came back...still flapping!

Suzanne said...

Osprey ate that huge fish and she took off. Both BW chicks have settled down. (At least till the next refresh!)

Suzanne said...

Justice and Majesty are sitting side by side, good shot of the size difference between the two. And the osprey saga continues... we have another osprey in nest. Can't tell if this is the first one that left, our little faker, or the male, can't see chest.

Suzanne said...

Ok, she turned around. This is a female in osprey nest. Thank you!

Costume Lady said...

Suz--Where do I find the Osprey Cam.?

Suzanne said...

These eaglets are sure getting wing flap practice in this morning! Osprey still in nest, our nest MT, maybe they went for breakfast, PA falcon looking directly at cam, and still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Costume Lady. That's the BW osprey cam.

All on one line, of course.

Suzanne said...

Ospreys are mating!!! I think...

Suzanne said...

There was lots of wing flapping going on, I'll have to go look at the pic But now they're both just standing there, so that's a good thing.

Suzanne said...

One of the ospreys just took off. Costume Lady, did you find them?

Suzanne said...

Lib and Belle pics from both visits this morning sent out.

glo said...

Good Morning all. Thanks for your great commentaries inthe morning Suzanne. Wishing everyone a great Day. Sorry there was no FeedBlitz last night. I will work on something nice for tonight.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Glo
Suz--thanks for the Osprey link.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Glo. You're welcome. Maybe you can do something with the pics I sent out. You're welcome, Costume Lady. Got one standing in the nest now, but can't tell if it's a male or female. Just stood up, so maybe something/someone's coming. BW chicks are crashed, all those wing exercises this morning. They're laying down but not sleeping. Our nest MT. PA falcon on eggs. Site doesn't say anything about any hatchlings, so guess she still has 5 eggs. Not quite dawn yet in WA, so can't see anything yet. Time will tell...

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent! Won't be long now, hope I can catch either Star or Spirit turning eggs!!!
BW chicks laying down, but looking around. Still 1 osprey in nest, our nest MT, falcon laying on eggs, and still too dark to see WA osprey nest.

Suzanne said...

Dawn in Kent, but can (almost) only see a white head! Can see the osprey nest enough to know someone is on the eggs, but that's about all. BW chicks awake and just laying around, still 1 osprey on side of nest. Ours is MT.

phyrfly said...

Good Morning all....Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. beautiful weather.
There are still 4 owlets in the nest this morning, and the 2 baby hawks are doing well. Rat for lovely.

Suzanne said...

Well dang, missed the egg turning, checked when (I think) Star was finished! Grrrrrr!!!
Morning, Phyrfly. Can you get the owl cam? I can only view the 30 sec refresh, and it's been down since last Friday.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Star is on the eggs, and looks like Spirit is talking to eggs. There are the eggs!!!! Both parents looking at them!!!

Suzanne said...

Just had a switch, and egg turning. This may be Spirit on the eggs now.

Suzanne said...

I'm losing my NCTC cam. First tons on lines, then only half to a little pic, rest black. Refreshing doesn't seem to help any.

sunny said...

New thread - come on over!

Bob Quinn said...

BW Osprey Cam report - I was at BW yesterday and I'm not sure the struggle over the cam platform is completely over. There was an osprey on the platform and another on the other side of the drive on a post. A third osprey appeared high in the sky above the platform. The osprey on the post took off and gave chase. I lost track of them. A few minutes later an osprey appeared, dove and caught a fish. As soon as that happened the osprey on the platform took off and chased after the osprey with the fish. I don't know if they were mates and she was just looking for her share or it was an advesary. Lisa mentioned the male of the couple has not been good about sharing. She showed up back on the platform a few minutes later without lunch. Sunday's pictures are here:


movin said...

Good morning, everyone,

I learned a way to place 'clickable links' into blogs from the Maine blog, and I'm going to try it on Bob's photo url from this morning...


Bob Quinn's pics

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...