Saturday, April 21, 2007


New thread. What a beautiful day today.

We had a U.S. senator here yesterday. He got very excited when we pointed out the nest and the eagle that was standing on a limb nearby. Out came his camera and a big telephoto lens, and I think he got some great shots.


normabyrd said...

WOW---I think I am #1 this afternoon---THANKS STEVEN---I hope the Senator was Sen. BYRD---He & Sen. Alexander, TN, announced April 12, 2007 a resolution for AMERICAN DAY IN WASHINGTON. The day would celebrate the recovery & resolution of the American bald eagle, the national symbol of the U.S.---He is a favorite of mine---

paula eagleholic said...

Did you tell him to make sure he sent you some copies of those pics?

Thanks for the new thread!

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm. Was that Senator Bluebird visiting?

Mauley said...

Thanks Steve, Hello Norma and Paula. It is a beautiful day today in SE KY. Hope Senator took pics he intended to share. have a blessed one. donna

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Ho! Ho! Norma - I hoped you might ask that. Hope Paula has an answer for you....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread this beautiful day. You are getting some noteworthy visitors - seeing our eagle should have made his day!

normabyrd said...

HI MAULEY---Yes!---This is close to a PERFECT DAY----Temp is 79° here in WV---When does you school semester end???---

normabyrd said...

YES--YES--YES!!! MEMA JO---That would make our day too-----

Mema Jo said...

I still remember all of standing at the barn looking up at Spunky who was hiding that fish!!!

Mema Jo said...

I just had a few minutes to come in and see what was going on...I see the MT nest. I will return later this evening after church service.
Take care Norma - Paula & Mauley.

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO----That is one of my favorite memories too---Remember SPUNKY would NOT let them in the nest either----I SO LOVED HIM at that moment!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yesterday was bluebird day and a senator visited, thus Senator Bluebird.

floralgirl said...

Yes, please tell us who the senator was so we can inspire him to support the cam with lots of funding.

movin said...

West End chicks are out for an airing.


paula eagleholic said...

Chicklets all alone at NE

movin said...

Santa Cruz is out too.

paula eagleholic said...

HEADING OUT THEN home, see ya later!

movin said...

Idea for cheap sound effects...

I was lookin at the West End chicks sunbathing and I heard the beautiful sound of wind and perhaps surf....

I thought "wow, they've added sounds to the site!"

Went to the Two Harbors nest ... same beautiful sound.......

Yup, it was the sound from the Santa Cruz site, which I had minimized. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

Oh well, the sounds fit all the nests in the area.


movin said...

Two Harbors mother is up, feeding the chicks, and you can see the young ones easily.


Costume Lady said...

HELLO---Does anyone know if there is a Live feed to view Belle and Liberty?

Jill said...

Live feed is sporadic at best. Probably not today.

movin said...

weagle alert

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Jill--I'll keep trying.

Costume Lady said...

Belle or Liberty appears to be eating something. The mass in front of her-him is getting smaller and smaller.

movin said...

It's Belle, and she now seems to be waiting in place...maybe for Liberty to show up.


movin said...

Just looked again...small feet...could be Liberty at that.

Mema Jo said...

Are you insinuating that Belle has BIG FEET? lol

I think (guess) it is Liberty. He sometimes spends more time in the nest then Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Headed back out the door for an hour.Glad I got to see Liberty with you all.

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo,
Yes, she has a big nose AND big feet! Hahaha.

I really thought it was her until the bird started sitting in this position and I got a look at the feet.

I found out I can refresh that pic every few secs this evening, checked the live feed, but no.


carolinabeachmom said...

Hello Jo and Jim

carolinabeachmom said...

Just got off the phone with my sister and see someone sitting in the nest. Oh rats, too late; gone now

movin said...

Hello, Carolina and all,
Well, it looks like Liberty has left without Belle showing up ... yet.


carolinabeachmom said...

Was that the first visit of the night ?

movin said...

Yes, I don't believe there's been much action at this nest today, although I haven't watched the whole day.


carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Mits! If you ever get on here tonight, I just wanted to let you know that your son had a beautiful day down here fishing. We still had a slight ne breeze, but no coats on the playground. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

It is already pretty dark here now, so the spirit eagles should be coming in soon. Last night they were here and we had to really look to see them.So they still might come back.

movin said...

They sometimes do make a last minute appearance, move one or two sticks, leave....

Don't know if they're resting before the big event or just tapering off.


carolinabeachmom said...

I have a bird tale for all of you that get on. When I first got home from school,(we had to make up for missing this past Monday with the storm) the weather was so nice that I picked up my book and headed out to the deck to do some reading.

I backed up against the railing sext to our porch bench and layed my head with my rattan visor back on the railing. It wasn't too long before I heard a flapping of wings. Flapping and flapping all around me. The next thing I knew, this bird was landing on my hair and scratching and picking through it. I couldn't see what kind it was and wondered if it was just getting some hair for it's nest, making a nest in my hair, or just digging like they do in the dirt. It was there for awhile flying off and on and going all over my hair. It was there for a bit and then left. First time that has ever happened to me. Couldn't believe it. I just had to share that with you all. Unbelieveable.

movin said...

Spirit eagles are getting into position to guard the nest for the night.


carolinabeachmom said...

I've been wondering myself if they are calling it a year, once I saw the other birds in the nest. It is getting quite late in the year now. Who knows tho, stranger things have happened.


carolinabeachmom said...

Babies are out at Two Harbors. Mom or Dad just came back

carolinabeachmom said...

Babies also visible at West end. They sure getting big at both places. It just seems like yesterday that they were being put into the nests.

MITS said...

Candy, glad you had nice weather there and the story of the bird in your hair was hilarious...I guess 1 bird in the hair beats 2 in the bush or some saying like that???

movin said...

Looks like they won't be visiting the evening now...

That is a great story, Candy.

So the bird (small, I take it) was in your hair, which was hanging down??

Could have been hair for the nest, or looking for insects (not that it found any!). Did it get away with a lot of hair, or can you tell? You never got a look at it?

Interesting story anyway.


movin said...

Think Daddy just brought in a fish at the West End...


movin said...

Feeding at Two Harbors too.

carolinabeachmom said...

No, I don't have long hair, but it happened that I just had my neck against the rail and didn't move when the bird first approached. I guess the visor on my hat kept it from seeing my face, or that would have scared it! :)


carolinabeachmom said...

Whatever it was doing, it hurt a little but I just had to see how long it would go on scratching and pulling. I still have hair there. Now I hope I don't get the first case of bird flu in the US! :(

carolinabeachmom said...

AND you can never tell if it might have found bugs in thee, with all the kids in school having lice off and on; only kidding.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Mits how are you. I just wanted you to know that you should have some fish coming home. Nice weather means he can be out there fishing, and it sure was nice here today.

You are sooo funny with your bird in the hair, and two in the bush. I didn't know what to think at first. I have had squirrels come up and eat out of my hand, but never a bird in my hair.

You just never know.

movin said...

The video at Santa Cruz has gone beserk and looks like a psychodelic I was writing this my own cable connection went down for a short time...had to reconnect to AOL, etc.


carolinabeachmom said...

I think the Santa Cruz camera has taken somening, and is on a colorful high. I saw it like that once before. Beautiful colors, tho.


carolinabeachmom said...

That sun shining on the water at West End is really beautiful. All three babies side by side.

movin said...

It was sunny but not too hot in So Cal today, and the chicks have been hiking around and sunbathing most of the afternoon. It must be just righteaful today with the breeze on top of the pinnacle.

Add to that a nice chunk of orange roughy, and you've got a primitive's heaven.


carolinabeachmom said...

I must have missed the feeding at Two Harbors as babies seem to be sleeping nest to parents.

Can't seem to get the falcon cam at James River Bridge. Wonder how many of her five eggs have hatched now.

MITS said...

They sure do have a nick chunk of real estate out there in California.

movin said...

Got a picture at Santa Cruz now.


carolinabeachmom said...

Sounds as if they had a eagleful day out there for themselves.


carolinabeachmom said...

I wouldn't mind being in S. California right now myself. I only got to Monterey when my husband was at Ft. Ord years ago. I just loved it there. I have a friend that lives in Long Beach


carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the tip on Santa Cruz. I got there just in time to see how big that chick is getting. Those parents hatched their own egg, no?

movin said...

I just refilled my hummingbird feeder a few days ago, but when I came home yesterday, I discovered a big bird of some kind had been jumping on it and tipping it...most spilled onto the patio floor.

Guess I'd better go do something useful like feeding the hummingbirds and maybe myself too.

Have a good evening, everybody.
I do have some pics of Liberty's visit, which I will try to post in the momsters album.


carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Jim and have a good night.

movin said...

Yes, Candy,
Last year they hatched the first chick naturally in about 50 years in the Channel Islands, and they also hatched their own this year...not the only ones this year though. I think two nests on Catalina also hatched their own this year (at least one can check their "Discussion" page, look at the videos).


carolinabeachmom said...

How were the Pandas today. I only got to get into the site early in the day, then the rest of the day (We had early dismissal since it was a make up day) was work and no play.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looking at one now and it is busy chewing it's supper. BTW what are the loud sounds that come on when the cam is on? It is really wierd.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, guess our birds aren't coming back tonight, soooooo guess I'll call it a day. I hope everyone in eagleland has a good and peaceful night.

MITS said...

Candy, I didn't get a chance to watch pandas this afternoon, but Tian broke a big stalk of bamboo and handed to was cute. Its nice when the get along. I don't know what that sound at SC is sometimes. I know when they have a thunderstorm, you feel like you are in the middle of it.

MITS said...

check out WE now, 2 adults 3 chicks.

MITS said...

Candy, some of that noise at SC is the wind blowing around the microphone.

Mema Jo said...

TH chicks alone - the little one is looking all around for mom or dad

Mema Jo said...

BBL to say good night.

MITS said...

I'm going to say..."GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE"!! TTYT!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Hope for a sunny Sunday

movin said...


Let's hope that Liberty and Belle move forward this day with their egg laying and brooding program.


carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Jim and all other eagle watchers in eagle land! I thought I'd be the first to see the eagles today, but Jim beat me. No one is on the nest now, but it looks like they are going to have a nice day in Shepherdstown.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle alert! One on nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Gone :(

carolinabeachmom said...

That sure was fast. In looked like Belle. MT nest now. Hopefully they will be back; that was just a test run.

carolinabeachmom said...

Checked in on all the nests one could see and BW is still frozen and can't seem to get the falcon cam off the James River Bridge. The Norfolk cam was still black, but at least one of our eagles flew in for a minute.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was just thinking that since the senator was visiting our site that maybe he would get funds for better watching our birds. Fat chance, right?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well nothing stirrig in the nest, so I guess I had better get dressed for church. I hope someone sees our eagles this morning. BBL

sunny said...

Morning, EagleLand. MT nest at 7:40, cam still stuck at BW. Off to visit other nest now.

Costume Lady said...

Oh What A Beautiful Morning--

I live about 3 miles from the nest of Belle & Liberty, so their day is as beautiful as mine. Maybe this will inspire them to put a bundle of joy in the nest.
Hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed day.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---I want to the FIRST to wish everyone------HAPPY EARTH DAY-----Do something GREEN today!!!!
WOW---You "kids" are early risers---A GLORIOUS DAY----ENJOY!---Hi JIM---CAROLINA---SUNNY & COSTUME LADY!!

Bob Quinn said...

Morning all. Beuatiful day on the Eastern Shore. It was quiet at the OCam platform yesterday while I was there. The couple were both there just hanging out. Got these shots of a determined great blue heron catching a fish. It kept picking it up and dropping it and eventually swallowed it whole. I'm guessing it was a carp. Quite a meal:

Mema Jo said...

Think GREEN today! Earth Day!

Good Sunny Sunday morning to all of you early birds! Thanks for visiting us Bob - I'll be going over to check out your new photos. Thanks for the update on the osprey nest-glad they are still there.
Going down to the river's edge today along the tow path. Maybe I'll see an eagle fishing!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful series of shots, Bob. Nice shots of the wingspan, too. I can't believe he hate the whole thing!

I love the blue heron. I saw a lot on my BW trip last fall, not so many at the eagle festival. Nice to see them!

Thanks again for sharing your beautiful pictures with us.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope everyone gets out to enjoy this wonderful spring day...going out to work in the yard, myself!

Mema Jo said...

I can't believe he ate the whole thing - like 'Down the hatch' and it was gone. The photos of the heron swallowing the fish, which was a pretty big size, are fantastic! Didn't realize that their necks could expand that much. Thanks so much Bob

MITS said...


sunny said...

Hi Bob! Fabuolous pictures, and I'm so glad you're always willing to share with us. I'm just glad I'm into eagle-watching, and not carp-watching!

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

I have been watching the PA FALCON for a quite a while----She is panting & CALLING & CALLING for DAD----I bet she is burning up!----Don't know where DAD is---usually close!! Doesn't seem to be today!!
CHECK out the "Little Prince-- MITS---Has an BIG audience this a.m.----What a SHOW OFF!!!--LOVE 'EM!!!

normabyrd said...

BOB----GREAT PICTURES!!!---You are GOOD!---(think i have said that a few times)--ho!----REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SHARING THEM WITH US-----THANK YOU!

Bob Quinn said...

I was amazed he ate the whole thing. He just wouldn't give up. Lisa said she is going to try to put them together in an animation.

Mema Jo - I think you mentioned once before about watching for new pics of my domestic "wildlife". Last 11 here are relatively new:

MITS said...

Norma , I was watching that little guy this a.m., he is a natural showmen....

movin said...

It's a beautiful Sunday morning in Eagleland...

I checked out Bob Quinn's shots of the Blue Heron... great subject, great photography, and it makes a very interesting slide show. Thanks much, Bob.

Bob's comment about the Osprey nest makes it sound as though the female challenger's attempts to take over have ended (at least while both members of the pair are there), so they should be able to get back on track.

Are my eyes still closed and dreaming, or did I read there haven't been any significant visits by Liberty-Belle today??

Well, the first time around in the season, Bald Eagles often seem like they take a mini-vacation just before they get down to business...hope that's it.

Both parents at the Kent site, and there's a lot of 'show off the kids' in the Channel Islands going on if you want to watch.

By the way, do you know what's up with the Harrisburg cam this year?
I don't think it's on Beakspeak anymore, unless there's been a name change I didn't catch.....


MITS said...


movin said...

Hi, Mits,
BW is back on-line..after several refreshes, everybody must be trying to get on it.

I found the "Harrisburg" site, now under DEP, and they have revamped the coverage somewhat...better.


movin said...

Those "little fuzz balls" at West End are "huge fuzz balls" now!!


movin said...

The BW Ospreys look like our original pair, but although things might be calm, they are still on the outlook for attack.

I sure hope they get it going again soon, but you can imagine what would happen if the challenger female attacked our female while she was down on the eggs in the bowl...they probably have to be sure the interloper is done first.


MITS said...

And the tension mounts, Jim..

movin said...

Santa Cruz is feeding chick.

movin said...

Both Ospreys were looking alarmed in the leftward direction, the male took off for a few minutes in chase. Now he's back, and they're both looking behind the camera to the right............


Costume Lady said...

Your photos are beautiful and very insightful. Are you a professional?

MITS said...

look at those 3 wonderful VA eaglets......

movin said...

Take a look at S. that heavy fog, a rain cloud, or just an electronic snafu??


MITS said...

I was thinking the same thing, Jim??????

movin said...

Yes, I just looked a S. Cruz again, and she is looking wet and tenting somewhat now ... must be heavy fog at least.


MITS said...

going to fix dinner..burgers on grill....temp here is still 87°. BBL.

floralgirl said...

Oh, darn, I guess I'm too late for those burgers...

MITS said...

SSSSoooorry, Megan, just finished, but temp is down to 82° now...what a glorious's the garden going ,Megan?

MITS said...

poor eagle at SC looks drenched.

floralgirl said...

Well, that's ok, just had some fried chicken. YUM! We spent all weekend tilling and weeding. Gardens are starting to shape up. 3 days of sunshine has been glorious.

movin said...

Looks like both Ospreys are tuckered out ... snoozing the evening away. Probably means the attacks have at least lightened up.


MITS said...

boy, I hope the fight has ended at BW, Jim. The sun has been nice for a change, Megan

movin said...

Don't know if Liberty-Belle will show, but I've got to go to the pharmacy and a couple of other places.

Please take a pic or two if they do show.


MITS said...

birds flying in and around our nest, but no eagles.

MITS said...

weagle alert...

MITS said...

Belle in and Belle out......

sunny said...

I see a white weagle head up close to the tree trunk.

sunny said...

gone now.

MITS said...

Lisa, from BW has the next 4 vdeo clips of the eaglets from last week....the last one had me lol.....

movin said...

No weagles...Check the Channel Islands and Kent.

I'm going to call it a day also. Have a great week, everybody.


MITS said...

You too, Jim...

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good night all..
Another sunny day tomorrow!

Costume Lady said...


Won't visit for awhile. Taking my Mom to have xrays and scans tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated.

Have a wonderful week!

Suzanne said...

Good Monday morning, eagle world. Geesh, can any Monday morning be good? What was I thinking. Beautiful night out, 54° when I left my house, 61° here at work! Got here early, had to leave early, have a slow leak in one of my tires, so had to get air before the drive down. Now I have a splitting headache, what next??
We have an osprey on the platform, just woke up and is looking around. Our BW eaglets are getting big. Each sleeping in their own space now, not snuggling. See our cam is up and running, but the blinds are drawn. Also looked at the barn owl cam, the owls are up. Of course they are, they're nocturnal, this is lunchtime for them! So pretty faces! Think that's Mom with the freckled chest and my 5 babies. Got a glimpse of the babies, but she's hiding them now.

All have a good eagle day.

Today is Heidigirl's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HEIDIGIRL! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Osprey still awake, owl chicks are getting big, they just hatched! One BW chick has his foot on the other chick's back. Too cute. Our nest still fuzzy.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, one of the chicklets woke up to go potty. That is too cute.
Osprey awake and still standing on edge of platform. Our nest blinds are still closed, but at least spidey's out! Still too dark in PA to see falcon, also in Kent, barn owl grooming. Can't believe how fast those chicks grow!

Suzanne said...

Awww, our lone osprey is no longer on platform. Didn't see her leave. BW chicks now snuggling, owl chicks are all alone, cute little fuzzballs. Our nest MT. BW chicks now in their own space. They move constantly while they sleep.

Suzanne said...

Ospreys are mating!!! Hope that means we're gonna get an egg or two.

Suzanne said...

Mals osprey took off immediately after, but he's back now, and both are in the nest. BW chicks still sleeping, our nest MT, blinds are open, Falcon on eggs, owl chicks all snuggled together. Oops, osprey male gone again.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Lib just left, from his perch.

Suzanne said...

Belle's still hanging out. Both ospreys back, BW chicks still sleeping, falcon on eggs being pretty, parent back keeping owls warm.

Suzanne said...

Belle's still there looking around, 1 osprey lest, BW chicks are awake, one is doing wing exercises, other watching. Falcon on eggs, mom owl on chicks.

Suzanne said...

Belle still there, just watching the sun come up.

Suzanne said...

Dang, Belle was on the launch pad, then gone. Maybe they'll return.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all eagle watcher out there. I'm on my way to school, but just stopped by to see if our couple had been at the nest. They had, but thanks fo Suzanne, we at least know they have. Thanks for being there Suzanne.

Happy Birthday to Heidigirl. I hope you have a blessed and fun day today on your birthday.

Well, gotta go. Keep your eyes on the birds Suzanne. Sorry about no pics this weekend. I never caught only one short visit. BBL

Suzanne said...

PA falcon turning her eggs.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, good morning, Candy. Sorry I missed you! I was actually doing other things, and not watching my cams!! I did get a couple pics, I'll send them around in a little bit. You'll have them waiting for you when you get back from school.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Hope your week is starting well and ends even better. Wishing you all Great eagle Viewing...Kent will be due to hatch late this week.

phyrfly said...

Good morning all...Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent all day Saturday digging ramps. You know spring is really here when the ramps come up.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. Morning, Phyrfly. I know what ramps are now, so I know what you did this weekend! (I didn't know what they were until Sharon told me.)

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----Beautiful day in the neighborhood!--HELLO--SUZANNE--Thanks for the update---CANDY---Good School Day---GLO--I so enjoy your feedbit each morning---& PHYRFLY--I just discovered your page----Great thoughts about the JEWEL PLANT---I admit---I am not familiar with the plant----BUT YOU ALSO DIG RAMPS---HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! HAPPY--HAPPY DAY TO HEIDIGIRL---& MANY--MANY MORE!----COSTUME LADY--I saw your note yesterday---Will keep your Mother in my thoughts & prayers!!!

normabyrd said...

PHYRFLY---You forgot to include directions to your house for the "ramp feed"---ho! ho!----NEED COFFEE----LATER!

phyrfly said...

There are plent of Ramps to go around! If you are in the Morgantown area...let me know :)

I am off to Feed the birds, it's the best part of it being monday.

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...