Friday, April 27, 2007

Rainy Friday

New thread


Joni said...

Wow, I always get excited when a see a "white" ball in the nest and a beautiful Belle with it. Guess it's wishful thinking. She's been there awhile - maybe today??

Joni said...

Ok.. you can tell it's Friday, been a looooong week - Lib in the nest, not Belle...sorry

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday Mauley!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to all you late risers. Have a nice day and a great weekend (it's going to be a good one).

glo said...

Good morning all and a big Happy Birthday to Mauley. I htink an hatching in honor of your birthday would be wonderful too. Keep and eagle eye.

floralgirl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAULEY! hope it's a great one:)

MITS said...


MITS said...

Thanks for the headsup, Joni and takes for new thread, Steven.

normabyrd said...


movin said...


Does anyone know what the things in the egg bowl in the nest are?

Have a tremendous weekend.


normabyrd said...

HELLO!! SUZANNE---ROBYNANN--JILL--PHYRFLY & "BIRTHDAY GIRL-MAULEY" on the other thread----SUZANNE---You get better each day in your UPDATE for us----ho!--Will you ever forgive the "ONE LEGGED OSPREY"--for "FOOLIN'" you!-----You are COOL!!!

movin said...

S. Cruz... both eagles in nest now.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Jim--
Don't know for sure what's in the nest, but it may be "Green Eggs and Ham"!!

normabyrd said...

MORNING JIM!----I would guess some kind of food---Magnifying it didn't help either---(looks like BELLE left her slippers)---ho!

movin said... does look like a pair of Belle's slippers, Norma!

I'm still home owing to the fact that I accidentally parked in a similar stall near mine in the carport, and my car got towed away last night!?!? No brainer....


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Joni, and hello to you. Good morning to all! Hi Bob Quinn, love your photos!!
Both Lib and Belle were in the nest this morning, Belle came very early, 5:58, guess she couldn't sleep. I sent some pics of all the visits to Jo for the momsters album. That stuff in the nest is branches Lib brought in on his 08:07 visit. He started to arrange them and changed his mind. Just got on his perch and looked pretty and watched the world for a while.
Poor BW eaglets look soaked. One osprey in nest, and LOL, Norma, not sure about our little one footed faker! She sure had me fooled when she first arrived! Falcon on her eggs, and I think that's Spirit on the eggs in Kent. No hatching yet in Kent, darn. Checked the WA ospreys a few minutes ago and saw both of them in the nest. Don't see that too much anymore.
Back to the grind. All have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Jim, that's terrible about your car. Are you going to be able to get it out of hock soon?

sunny said...

Good Morning Gang! Happy Birthday Mauley! I was just thinking about the meeting I'm going to tonight, and it's at NCTC!!!!!!! Maybe I'll get to see Belle and/or Lib. If I do, I'll tell them hello from everyone!

normabyrd said...

JIM---Explain!---How does one "ACCIDENTLY" park in the wrong stall?????

Suzanne said...

Wow, Spirit in REALLY tenting. Both wings way out!

normabyrd said...

HI SUNNY---Hope you all get to see 'OUR EAGLES'----That's GREAT!!!

Suzanne said...

Star just turned the eggs, but didn't get a good look at them. Didn't see any broken shells, though.

Jill said...

Interesting way to get out of work Jim. LOL.

Suzanne said...

Sunny, I hope you see the eagles tonight. Take your camera with you!

normabyrd said...

JO---BUTA BUTA is out on her own--LUN LUN keeps grabbing her by the "BACK OF THE NECK" (poor baby) & when the "Little Princess" gets lose---up the tree---then she got under the foundation of the platform---LUN LUN can't get under there---When MOM'S on one side---This little "white face" peeks out the other side----SHE IS ADORABLE & FUNNY!!

normabyrd said...

HI JILL!---Talked with your friend----KEITH WOLFE---Oh!--He remembers you---I am to say hello---Had an appointment Mon.----He is so kind!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Happy Morning!


Boy Jim, I bet you won't confess your troubles on here anymore considering the questions you're being asked!
Sunny Depending on time of meeting (I know it is usually a late one) TAKE YOUR CAMERA just in case!
Hi Joni Welcome.
I have been over in emails - Thanks Sharon & Suz for the pics! Will post on Momsters as soon as I
download them.
Kent can't be far behind!
Maine Must go read their blog as to what I saw on Glo's FeedBlitz video - Very concerning about the intruder at the nest!
I must be missing some other thoughts I had - I need to read previous am comments Oh Yes -
Those golden slippers!

Suzanne said...

Sun is coming up in Kent and shining on Spirit. Beautiful! BW eagle pic is not updating...

Suzanne said...

PA falcons, mom on eggs, dad standing guard right in front of her. He sure is sticking close to home last couple of days! Maybe we'll get a falcon baby for Mauley's birthday!

Mema Jo said...

Great article about the ME intruder situation by Wing on their blog.
Hi Bob Thanks for the superior photos!
I am anxiously awaiting the names for those 2 eaglets down at BW.

MITS said...

both eagles at Maine nest.

MITS said...

I like WING:):):)

Mema Jo said...

OK Just where are some new photos Bob for Mauley's birthday????
I just assumed that you were on the previous blog as I hurriedly went over to get the link - You were just being gracious by wishing H b-day to Mauley. That is sooooo great of you!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits - I can't get Tai's cams to come up - You think it's the zoo problem or my system?

MITS said...

I can't get on either, Jo. I'm thinking with the increased publicity of the news of Tai's extended stay, the cam is getting alot more hits. It was like this when he was born, took forever to get on.

MITS said...

nestoration going on up in MAINE

MITS said...

Of course mom is doing all the work and dad is sitting on the branch doing poop shoots.

MITS said...

mom is taking a break now

MITS said...

Jo, I went over to Animal Planet and got the cam up, they said there many be periodical outages in the coming weeks, because zoo is working on its infrastructure..whatever????

MITS said...


MITS said...

Eagles still up in MAINE, don't think they want to leave there nest MT...

MITS said...

Jim, that's cruel, you make one tiny mistake and BAM.....

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Mits! Jo, you have mail. My bad!!!

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great weekend. Hope the rain has slowed down, or better yet stops soon.

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Costume Lady said...

Jo--Please check your email when you can..

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - checked email - nothing yet.

phyrfly said...

Good afternoon all...Happy Birthday MAULEY!

Mema Jo said...

You have mail CostumeLady.

Mema Jo said...

So is the sun shinning in Morgantown this afternoon, Phyrfly?

Bob Quinn said...

Mema Jo - Sorry no birthday photos for Mauley. Sitting in my office cube wishing I was out taking photos (even in the rain). I'll try to get one for her this weekend!

Mema Jo said...

Have all am pics from Suz & Sharon ready to place in album but good old Yahoo is down right now. I'll keep checking.........Will let you know when they are in.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Bob for letting me know that.. I don't want to miss any. I even have your site bookmarked and went over but didn't find any new ones. Maybe the sun will shine...I know what you mean about sitting in the cube - been there & done that & now I am a Free Bird! You'll get there and it's well worth the wait!

Mema Jo said...

Leaving for awhile......... BBL

normabyrd said...

Check out those JAMES RIVER FALCON CHICKS----Messy---Messy---POO is all over their pen---It is such a small space---You can almost see them growing---

MITS said...

MOM AND DAD at HANCOCK/SYDNEY NEST...raing and mom is tenting and very vocal.

MITS said...

Hanock nest closeup is soooo close you can see the raindrops running down her feathers,

MITS said...

Jo, I know you left, but panda cams in DC are back on:).

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all and a beautiful, loving birthday to Donna. I hope this day brings you smiles. I need some computer tips. How do you view and write in the blog at the same time? This is something I dont understand. My computer allows me to one or another but not both. Also I cant get it to refresh fast enough to answer back in a timely manner. Now, I work for a big company that has lighting fast cable but I cant ask anyone here because they will want to know what I am doing on line anyway. Any ideas?

phyrfly said...

It was a little wet this AM coming into work, but for the moment the sun is out and it is warm. We had a great thunder storm last night...I loved it.
I am having great fun watching this little black bird in our nest. I think it's funny

MITS said...

LOL....HEIDI, I don't know how to do it either, unless something is up in real player, but what I like about this blog is the ease at which you can read and answer:).

Costume Lady said...

Hi Heidi--
I am a new kid on the block also, and I don't know either. Se have a lot of fun things to learn. Good Luck to us both!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have an indigo bunting and rose-breasted grosbeak at my feeder!! What beautiful sights!!!

normabyrd said...

THE OWLS are missing another member of the family---From 7--they are now down to 4----WHEN I COME BACK IN MY NEXT LIFE----I am glad I wish to be an EAGLE---NOT AN OWL!!!!! ho! ho!

MITS said...

I want to be a panda at the national zoo....what a life>

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks all, I read about your bluebirds and cardinals and I am envious. Our birds are so different here. I am glad for any sparrow or chickadee. Sometimes I get to see a hawk or waterbird. The scrubjays and mockingbirds that think they are nightingales drive everything away. I have morning doves that coo and I love it but the jays wont let them near my feeders. The one thing I love is Anna's humming bird. We have them all year around here. I was in Florida this time last year and got to see many birds I had never seen before. I got a book to learn the names and where they live. I never get tired of learning about birds.

sunny said...

okay, okay.....where do I find the owls? Don't you people realize that I'm supposed to be working here?? I used to watch this nest, and read the blog. Then came BW. Then came PA falcons. Then came storks. And then osprey, more eagles, more osprey, and now owls. Puhlease don't mention this to my boss! LOL!

glo said...

Heidi If you want to view have another window open for whatever reason just go up to File: first menu on left: Choose
New: and then choose window. Whatever page you are viewing at the time will open again in a different window So if it is the BLOG you will then have two copies of the BLOG running. If you are wanting to read the BLOG one place and respond in another then just use the one you are logged on and do your writing. You can hit refresh on either whenever you want to update.

Not sure this was your question but it is how I understood it, hope that helps.

Anne-Marie said...

Hey Sunny, I wont tell if you dont!

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you glo, I will try.

Anne-Marie said...

It works, thanks glo....

MITS said...

SUNNY, GO TO BEAKSPEAK.COM OR EAGLET MOMSTERS LOG. BEAKSPEAK is a great place for ALL you bird watchings. Just click on Birdcams at the top of the page:).

Anne-Marie said...

I really dont have to work this morning. All I'm doing is handing out checks. I'll get more done this afternoon when the crowd thins down.

Anne-Marie said...

look at the west end chick. I can only see one but it looks like he is reaching for the camera..

normabyrd said...

SHARON---I have TWO of your birds---TOWHEE!---I haven't had a rose-breasted grosbeak for a long while--Still get the yellow breasted grosbeaks----I would LOVE to see an INDIGO BUNTING---I never have---

MITS said...

both parents and chicks at BW.

MITS said...

well, there were 2 adults there, but one left.

MITS said...

ok, now just 2 chicklets.

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is doing what she does most of the time----SLEEPING---She was having a good time this a.m.---LUN LUN could hardly keep up with her!!!!

normabyrd said...

CONN OSPREY still in "messy" nest with the blue cloth---The wind is certainly blowing there----Maybe that's how the nest gets messed up!!

normabyrd said...

OUR NEST has colored stripes running across it!!!!---Wonder what that means?

normabyrd said...

HARD TO SEE the "Little Prince"---He is covered with bamboo---Eating as if someone is going to take it away from him----HE'S ONE COOL PANDA!!!

MITS said...

He is a sloppy eater like his Dad, Norma.

normabyrd said...

MEI LAN woke up & The "Little Princess" is nursing---ADORABLE!!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Hi--I didn't know you were there---Not much happening around the old corral this afternoon!!

MITS said...

I'm hanging out, just looking for some eagle action...

Bob Quinn said...

That eaglet at BW is scaring me. He's way out on the edge. Guess he's not scared of heights like me. :-)

Bob Quinn said...

Looks like he's getting some lift now with practice flaps.

Mema Jo said...

What time can you leave your cube Bob and get some fresh air?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just finished another work day. Progressing quite well. BBL!

Bob Quinn said...

15 minutes to go Mema Jo. At least I can see both eaglets again.

Mema Jo said...

When you look at the eaglets you are realizes how high up in the tree that nest is.. I guess from the cam view I sometimes forget about that. First flight will come soon enough! Then they have to learn all the hard things in order to survive.


MITS said...

My sister said the same thing, Bob, when I sent a pick of them to her.

Anne-Marie said...

Mits, I saw my first Panda cam today. I saw the babe nursing but where did you see the one eating bamboo? Am I on the right sight?

MITS said...

The baby nursing is the Atlanta cub, just goggle the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC for the cams to Tai-Shan and his mom and Dad, or just e-mail me at and I will send you the link.

sunny said...

I'm getting ready to head down to NCTC with my BIG lens. If Belle or Lib show up, tell them to hang out and wait for me!!!! BBL

MITS said...

HEIDI, you have mail:).

MITS said...

shouldn't our eagles be coming in to say goodnight.

Jill said...


Keith is a nice person. His whole family is nice. Well except his little sister. Don't know if she was stuck up or traumatized. Mom had serious mental issues. I haven't seen him since my mother died almost 20 years ago. I am about 10 years younger than him so he probably thinks of me as the brat from the neighborhood. Although him and his brother were always willing to spend a few minutes playing ball with us.

Mema Jo said...

Something is distracting the adult at Puget Sound nest.
Does anyone know if the second egg hatched? I don't know exactly what I am seeing in the nest to the right.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

mt nest

Anne-Marie said...

I missed then again? Dont these people who want their pay checks know I have other important things to do. Nothing happens when I have nothing to do. This is a heck of a deal..

Mema Jo said...

I was reading Panda Cam Updates for yesterday about Mei Lan & the rain!
.....During her morning tour of the habitat this morning, it started to rain lightly. You would have thought her name was Chicken Little yelling “the sky is falling!” based on how fast she ran to the doors wanting to be given access to her nice dry indoor day room. lol

Mema Jo said...

Hi Anne I'll take any left overs!
I got some pics of this last visit..If Yahoo lets me on our site I'll have them posted soon.

Mema Jo said...



sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...

both in nest

sandyshaw said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandra....... Sure have been thinking about you... Over taking some pics Aren't they beautiful??

Anne-Marie said...

I'm happy now. I finally got to see them. I have to go and check on my girls before they go home. I am going out to dinner with my oldest grand daughter so I will be home later. Keep an eye open for me. Hugs.

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

saw her just before she took off..

Mema Jo said...

It was a very good show they both put on for us... Got pics.. will do in a little while..

Mema Jo said...

Sandra -- hope things are going well for Tom's recuperation and that your
Mom is doing pretty well. How about you! What have you been up to?

Mema Jo said...

Guess I'll work on Momsters pics since it just let me in......BBL

sandyshaw said...

I'm so happy I got to see them, as I haven't had time to look very much. Thanks to whoever found the hawk nest, I love it.

Mother is stronger, and we have night time help which means that I get to sleep. Tom was transferred yesterday (our 32nd anniversary) from Winchester to Charles Town. His prognosis is better because they have identified the bacteria and can use specific antibiotics. He has a long road ahead though.

My sister is still here, for which I am so grateful, but at some point she will have to return to Califrornia.

I see lots of new names on the blog. The more eagle fans the better.

Jo, I see that the juice bar is open, but haven't tried it yet. Good luck to them.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Mauley (Donna)

Just to let you all know. Nilla called me ask me to come into Blog and tell you all. As you know she is on her way to Florida. As of alittle before 7 pm EST they stopped at Cracker Barrel in S.Carolina.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra So good to have you give us a rundown on happenings. Night help would be a blessing to you. Keep in touch with us and always know we are thinking of you! One day I'll come down and we'll try out that juice bar! Haven't talked to them yet to see how things are going.

DANA Thanks so much for the message from Nilla! I just know how she loves those Cracker Barrells and she find plenty of them in FL.
Are you getting along well with your treatments. Nilla told us you were going 3 days a week. I surely do remember you in my prayers! Miss You

MITS said...

Star is moving around alot out in KENT.

MITS said...

MY BAD, its Spirit

sunny said...

Back from NCTC. We saw one eagle in the tree above the nest at 7:00, but couldn't tell who it was. Huge, so I'm guessing Belle. She/he kept putting it's head down, so I didn't get very good pictures. Only had a minute because we were late for our meeting, so hubby took the pics out the window while I stopped on the road.

Bob - if you're around, I gave your name to the president of our photo club, and recommended you as a guest speaker. He works at NCTC, and may be contacting you!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sunny - great that you saw our eagle in person - even if out the car window! I didn't spot them until 725pm when I got some pics.
Anxious to see the pics (even if you think they are not good quality)

sunny said...

Jo, I don't know how to post pics, so I e-mailed them to Paula. I do know how to e-mail! But she hasn't been here all day. She's on her way to a wonderful vacation in California, isn't she. Darn.

MITS said...

Paula, will be gone all next week, I think...will be at Santa Cruz tomorrow.....lucky duck.

Mema Jo said...

Sonny - I guess I'm not still in your address book.. Send them on.....

sunny said...

Yes, Jo, you are! The pics are on their way! I'm off to bed - have to get up early in the am. THanks!

sunny said...

awwwww feeding time at Sidney nest. I love the angle!

Mema Jo said...

No chick yet at Kent...

Just placed Sunny's photo in the album. This am pics are also there.
I will be placing the evening visit pics before I go to bed.......

MITS said...

egg turning at KENT nest just a few minutes ago....we are getting close...

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be over in the Momsters album - I best now say ..

Good Night & Peace be with you

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


movin said...

I don't know if anyone is on yet, but if someone is, could you tell me what is being referred to as the "Sidney site?"

I DID get my car out of "hock," thank you all...don't recall all the friendly questions from you now, but I deny everything.

GOOD NIGHT/GOOD MORNING...hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Night again everyone

Today's pics are in the Momster's album......... Enjoy.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Everyone---What? Nobody home? Well, I'm going back to bed. Have a wonderful weekend.

Costume Lady said...

Before I go--Have to tell you Belle & Liberty are both in the nest (maybe they had a PJ party last night)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lib and Belle are back in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty is in Spunky's spot and Belle in the middle. Both are just taking it all in!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are still there but I am going back to bed. I have saved a few pics and will send them out later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WEAGLE ALERT IN OUR NEST!! Although, I don't know if anybody is here to see it! :)

Robyn said...

Good morning all, long day yesterday, 6 hrs siting in line which produced great seats, and the opportunty for my daughter to go back stage to meet her favorite band , this weekend I am the coolest greatest mom till I inform her to clean her room lol.

Scanned through the posts and will read them later, after I come back home from running errands. I see our nest is mt, Va is still down I hope they fix it before those eaglets fledge. No kent egg and pugent sound has both adults in nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Just in to let everyone know Nilla called me this morning (Sat. 4/28) she is in St. Augustine Florida and nearing the place they will stay out near Disney World.
If you get a new thread please take this over to it ty

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Missed our eagle action this a.m. Have a great Saturday.

MITS said...

ROBYNANN You get Mom of the Year Award...what concert is it???

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning all you 'go back to bed' eagle watchers Sounds like some action in the nest this beautiful Sat morning. Some evening pics from Sunny are in the momsters' album- Mits asked about the Sycamore not having many leaves yet when all the other trees were getting them.The tree does get
broad, maple like leaves and has a trunk and limb complexion of mixed green, tan and cream.It can grow to 70 feet in a short 17 years. The bark peels away to create a mottled patchwork of tans, whites, grays, greens and sometimes yellows. The inner bark is usually smooth. Some Momsters are fortunate to have a piece or two of OUR tree's bark! Our eagles nest is in a beautiful tree

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits - you sneaked right in front of me How about that Robyn gal - she is still going strong!!!

Need to go check emails & cams.

MITS said...

Going to keep a close eye on KENT the next few days, can't wait to see those chicks. Good Morning , Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Had to mention that I am checking out the IWS cams in CA & Paula is looking at them in real life
Very anxious to hear about her trip & the wonderful group of eagle watchers she is going to meet!

movin said...


It's heavily overcast in So Cal this morning, but it will probably brighten up later.

By the way, as I watched the slideshow of the pics which Mema Jo posted on 'momsters', I figured out what the objects (Belle's slippers) in the nest bowl area are... They are leaves from a branch one of them brought in when the nest was wet..probably sycamore leaves.

I also think I know why eagles stare off into space (in different directions) when they are the nest...even in 'romantic' situations. They are probably watching for possible attacks from challengers for the nest and the territory.

You might have heard that they have such an attempt to take the Maine nest the other day. A young male took over the nest in an attempt to oust 'Dad.' But soon Dad swooped directly at the intruder, which drove the younger one out.

Dad was able to keep his position on the nest through several murderous dives by the younger male, and he is still 'Top Eagle' in that territory. He's still limping on his left foot, but I think it's getting better.

They have the links to some videos of the incident, plus an explanation by the expert in Maine's blog.

Have a good day,

MITS said...

Morning Jim, its only Saturday:):):)....

MITS said...

I've been thinking about Paula, this a.m. starting her hike in Santa Cruz.....hope she gets good pics.

Mema Jo said...

Looking at the RedTail NY cam - There is a little chick in that nest - no adults there that I can see. In fact there is more then 1 chick.

The other Hawk cam with the 2 little chicks is down - They are the cuties!

Mema Jo said...

Well it takes awhile to check cams for eagles, falcons, osprey, hawks and not to mention the pandas!!!

Now to emails.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Don't you dare wish your weekend away too fast just because you missed one day of work - you still need to keep track of time! lol Did you get the Sydney link I sent you last evening & get to view that nest?

MITS said...


movin said...

Well, it looks like we shall have two Sundays this weekend... That's cause for celebration.

Made my comment before I made my cup of coffee .................

I did recall it was Saturday while I was thinking of something else in the kitchen, I get some demerits taken off???

You want two Sundays too?


Mema Jo said...

I would love 2 Sundays and also keep the Saturday!

movin said...

Yes, Mema Jo,
But it didn't turn out to be in Australia, as I thought a 'Sydney' should.

I see there is a hyperlink to it on Beakspeak also.

Thank you, I looked in this morning, but it was early and all I saw was the mama.

Have a good Sunday #1.


normabyrd said...

GOOD NOON EAGLE BUDDIES---WHOA JIM!!---Yesterday you "accidentally" parked in the wrong stall-----THEN---YOU THINK TODAY IS SUNDAY!!!!---NOW I think I know why ONE ACCIDENTALLY PARKS IN THE WRONG STALL!!!---

movin said...

I think I will check out the Redtail nest...that's the biggest raptor we see in the local skies.

I actually saw one of these nests years ago as I was hiking on a friend's ranch in San Diego County. They had built it about 40 ft. up on top of a dead Eucalyptus.

They do have some eagles in the mountains to the east of us, but every time I have thought I spied one, it turns out to be a very large female Redtail. But they are also magnificent birds...just smaller.


MITS said...

JIM, just needs more coffee....

normabyrd said...

ROBYNANN---What concert did you all see?---Bet if was EXCITING to go back stage too----You are also one COOL MOM!!!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Did you by any chance attend the 38 Special/Lynard Skynard concert last night?

normabyrd said...

HI JILL!---Just reading yesterday's blog----WOW!----YOU are just a "CHILD"-------

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma We're all waiting for that Kent egg to crack!

normabyrd said...

SANDYSHAW---So nice to hear from you----Great to hear TOM is improving & has moved closer to you----Keeping you in my thoughts-----Give my best to you & your family!----Keep us posted---

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---You must be one COOL GRAMMA if you can keep up with all these young groups!----I have a piece of the SYCAMORE BARK in my car----Sometimes when I turn around I think SPUNKY is with me! ho! ho!---That was one GLORIOUS DAY!!----

normabyrd said...

I AGREE with you folks----The RED TAIL HAWK is a magnificent BIRD--BOB QUINN has some great pics of the hawk!!!

Mema Jo said...

I only knew about that concert as it was my daughter's b-day yesterday along with Donna's. Her hubby, daughter & son surprised her with the concert tickets - She said they all drove home singing Sweet Home AL !
Best of all was that at 11pm the phone rang and it was her soldier son
Ryan wishing her H B-day! Her day was then PERFECT! He may get some leave end of May before deployment.

MITS said...

NORMA, you have mail

MITS said...

That's great news, Jo:).

Mema Jo said...

Norma When is your next trip up to Shepherdstown?

movin said...

You might want to put an eagle eye on the Kent nest... I'm not sure, but I think one might have hatched.


movin said...

She was only half standing, and I thought one egg might be a chick. She's back down now, and I can't tell for sure.


Mema Jo said...

Also watching Puget Sound for that 2nd egg to hatch.
Mits - you might have to email Loraine at Kent for an update soon.... This is exciting.

movin said...

BW Osprey was down on nest ... egg cup might have been moved. Could be laying egg, it's been about 3 days since mating.


MITS said...

You took the words right out of my mouth, JIM....was just watching the BW nest and wondering the same thing.

Mema Jo said...

RedTailHawk is feeding chicks

Mema Jo said...

Both adults eagles at Puget Sound

MITS said...

I only see one.

MITS said...

never mind was looking at wrong nest:):):).

Mema Jo said...

Hoping for a nest change so I can see if other egg has hatched.....

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

1 Little chick peeking out from down under Hope the adults change incubating duties so I can see way down under

Up she comes - down he goes

Mema Jo said...

Last comment concerned Puget Sound

Now I am out of here for a few hrs.
Visiting kids up the road a ways.


floralgirl said...

HA! Good Staurday afternoon! I will also take that extra Sunday, Jim. I also want to know what concert you took your dughter to, Robynann- Hey JO, Mits, Norma, Costume Lady, Hi Beth. Sharon- there has been an indigo bunting in my yard for a few days, had a towhee, but haven't seen him for a few days. My catbirds showed up yesterday, now the battle wages between them and the mockingbirds for possession of the holly trees by the house, it's a fight every year. I haven't seen a hummer yet, naughty me, still don't have a feeder out. Too much going on, I need more hours in a day to get everything done. Maybe that second Sunday will get me caught up.

Robyn said...

Normabyrd, Mits, my daughter is 13 and her favorite band is My Chemical Romance, The Muse opened for them and I must say out of all the concerts I went to this was the best concert I have ever seen. They are very polite boys face to face and very fan oriented.

Jo, I would have loved to have seen Lynard Skynard but had a blast last night

I hope for the one being deployed a safe time there and hope he gets back home soon. My brother goes over for his 3rd and final time to Iraq, this time for 18 mths, 3 mths shy of his retirement.

Hoping the kent eggs hatch this weekend...

floralgirl said...

Oh, Robyann, my daughter turns 13 this Thurs., she loves My Chemical Romance also. Will keep your brother in my thoughts. PEACE

MITS said...

Hello, MEGAN and ROBYNANN....ok, I'm old never heard of them, will have to ask my 11 yr. old niece

floralgirl said...

Well, I know you recently had your 30th bday, that's hardly old. LOL

MITS said...

lol....yeah, Megan, almost 30 yrs. ago...

MITS said...

eggs showing at eagles.

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...