Monday, April 23, 2007


New thread, warm day. Thanks to Suzanne for the morning's picture.


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MITS said...

Thanks for the new Monday thread and Suzanne's pic from this a.m., Steven

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All Pic from Suzanne of this morning looks great on the new thread, Steven - Thanks.

Hope your weekend was fantastic & waiting to hear all about your seeing CATS!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! We're early birds today lol

Going over to previous thread to read, checking out cams and looking at email. That's a lot to do!

MITS said...

And the trip to Monterey

MITS said...

doing the same here, Jo....

normabyrd said...

MITS---I have known you are #1 for a long time---ho!----THANKS STEVEN & SUZANNE---COOL picture!!

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Hedigirl

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Norma! I'm usually not here to chat with you - you're to early for me on most days!
I saw where CostumeLady (Wanda) needs our prayers for her mom's health.
I hope ButaButa is awake at 10am! Haven't seen her in action for so long.

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO!---Go back & check who the EARLY BIRDS ARE!!!----ho! ho!---We planned a ramp feed hours ago!!!

Mema Jo said...

DANA miss seeing you on here... Hope your doing well

normabyrd said...

HI DANA---How are you feeling---GREAT to see you on this beautiful APRIL morning!

MITS said...

Prayers for costume lady and her Mom.....

Mema Jo said...

I think that Puget Sound and Kent nest are the ones left to have hatchings for us to watch. Then we'll be checking on the eaglets branching and first flight. Exciting times to come!

Mema Jo said...

Over to my emails....... don't want to get in mail jail.

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---I haven't seen BUTA BUTA with her EYES OPEN for a month---I think she gets tired during her morning show!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Monday Eagleland!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Yesterday a.m.--- I watched the PA FALCON for quite a while---MOM was panting & panting very hard & then began to SCREAM again & again for DAD---I figured she was burning up in the sun----He didn't get there while I was watching!!!--I wanted to go "hunt" him down!!-She appears calm this a.m.----

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Heidigirl!

Mema Jo said...

VA's oldest eaglet reminds me of BigBoy with the flapping of wings and jumping around!

Suzanne said...

Morning, all. Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Been on other computer, hot things to do. Norma, she's panting now, or at least she was a few minutes ago.
Need to read and catch up on what I missed. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Norma ButaButa is on cam outside walking around.

Robyn said...

Good morning all, looks like a lovely day out. Nice pic today Suzanne. Happy B'day Heidigirl. Well Va eaglets is down for the next few days *sigh* and the Kent eggs are going to be hatching soon and I am so looking forward to that, l hope they wont hatch friday while I am at a concert with my daughter.

If anyone can help me identify a bird I have seen which I haven't seen in a few years, it was feeding off the feeders yesterday. The bird has a black body and yellow on the wings fairly small but just a bit bigger then a nut-hatch.

Thank you :)

MITS said...

Hi, Robynann, looking forward to KENT hatching also, one of my fav nests.

Suzanne said...

Robynann, your bird sounds like a red-winged blackbird. They have a yellow band and a red tip on top of the band, top of the wing. I have one too. Love watching them. Think mine is like yours, very little red at the moment.

Robyn said...

Thank you Suzanne but it looked much smaller then the blackbird maybe when it grows up it will be bigger :).

My birdfeeders are full and my cats are being entertained and teased daily now as the screen denies them entry to the outdoor world, they are strictly indoor cats.

I see nut hatches, hairy and downy woodpeckers, cardinals, bluejays, tufted titmouses it is an endless array of beauty brightening up my deck area.

Suzanne said...

Robynann, the red winged blackbird is smaller than a mourning dove, larger than a sparrow. Not as big as normal blackbirds, and those pesky starlings! Your house sounds like my house...I feed the birds outside my kitchen window, and the cats love to watch them! They have been doing it so long, the birds ignore the cats now, they know the cats can't get out. But entertaining for the kitties! I have a window seat, and they take turns sitting/laying in it watching the birds. There were a gazillion there yesterday! Very musical!!

Robyn said...

YAY the va cam is still running, not sure how much longer but those little buggers are getting BIG!

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---Thanks---but BUTA is asleep outside----Maybe next time!!
ROBYNANN---I watched the NORFOLK eaglets this a.m.---They are growing in leaps & bounds!---Also check out the JRB FALCON on the same sight----She looks like she is sitting on lots of white cotton---Haven't been able to count how many have hatched!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Robynann - Oh to the life of the indoor felines once the bird feeders are in action! lol I am anxious too for the Kent hatchings - hope all goes well - we certainly will have a good view of things.
Yep Norma - ButaButa did it again to us - No Show Today!
Wonder where the B-Day girl is this morning?

MITS said...

Its only 8, where Heidi is, probably not at work yet.

Mema Jo said...

I am going out shortly for appointments.. BBL
Our cam has some not so nice lines through it every now & then!

MITS said...

Well, at least NCTC, has plenty of time to fix before next season.

paula eagleholic said...

Another loud lil peeper at Saanich, they say.

Suzanne said...

All these birthdays reminded me, my 3 kittens (yeah, right!) birthday is today also!! The little terrors are 3 years old! Have to send birthday greetings to their siblings. Means catnip party tonight. (Means catnip mess for me.)

Suzanne said...

Forgot, Kent eagle is doing her wing stretches again. Never saw an eagle do that, wonder why she does it.

MITS said...

I think it is just wing stretches, Suz.

normabyrd said...

SUZ---Kent LADY was doing that WING thing this past weekend too!----She must know something we don't!! ho! And it's driving us "NUTS"---CHECK out the OHIO FALCON----She is a BEAUTY!---Lots of important info about how to tell SCOUT (female) from (can't remember male name)----VERY INTERESTING----

phyrfly said...

I am back for a bit...doesn't look like these two want another egg. The longer we wait the the more I am afraid time is up. Boy am I keeping my fingers crossed though.

normabyrd said...

OHIO male is named ORVILLE----Other than size, the male's beak is more yellow than the female---

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Have to take my car in and get them to look at my slow leaking tire. Hope I have air to get there, or at least to a gas station here!
All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning All, you guys are something else. WOW, What a morning... Thank you all so very much. The storm has passed the sun is shining and what I thought would be a depressing day is wonderful thanks to wonderful people that made it that way. I came in and my desk is covered with flowers and I have wonderful birthday greetings on my computer. Cats was beautiful. It was my grand daughters 21st birthday and she sat there with tears streaming down her face. I dont think she will forget it for a long time. I then headed to Monetrey and had a brisk but beautiful weekend and so was he.:)The storms coming over the ocean were beautiful.Then the sun would shine.I didnt get home until late last night and Heidi is pouting because I left her. Turning 65 isnt so bad. Thank you all again.

MITS said...

April 29th to May 4th is the estimated hatching dates of chicks per Loraine at KENT.

Anne-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy birthday Heidigirl!!!!!! I would sing but am too lazy! :):):)

Hello everybody. Just realized I hadn't even read the blog since Friday. Hope everyone is okay.

normabyrd said...

HEIDIGIRL----I wished you a HAPPY--BIRTHDAY on the other thread this a.m.---But since this is your special day---I don't want you to have to go back---SOOO I will WISH YOU A HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!---ho!--ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY SHARON----New JOB must be going fine!!!!----BEST WISHES---

glo said...

Happy Birthday Heidi Girl. Hope your day is extra special. Although I am hoping along with everyone else for a new egg to watch hatch this year I would say its not looking like part of th eplan for this season. Lots happening in the eagle world though so eagle lovers are not bored. Lib and Belle are not bored either and look great every time we get to see them.

MITS said...

Sharon , you start work on Wednesday, correct??

MITS said...

Both eagles at KENT right now.

MITS said...

88° and climbing......

paula eagleholic said...

Saanich had two eggs and ended up with only one chick this year. Tough year for eagles.

I don't think we are going to see any more eggs from Lib & Belle. It has been 4 weeks since the eggs were lost. As much as I would dearly love to see them, I just don't think it will happen. I would be very surprised (and elated) if they had another clutch at this point.

paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk is still on, or did it go off and then back on? I know was supposed to be down today thru Weds.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL. VA chicklets look like 3 sentrys on guard. Each one standing up, facing a different direction, looking out of the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Paula, Mits and all of you eagle watchers out thee. I just got home from school and was surprised to see the Norfolk cam still on. Boy are those chicks getting big!

carolinabeachmom said...

It has been another beautiful day out here today. I hope all you lucky ducks that don't have to work got outside and enjoyed it a bit.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was so glad to hear that Heidigirl had a very nice weekend and came home to a wonderful birthday. 65 is just beginning life Heidi. I'm chasing you at 63. That is why I love to be with the kindergarteners, I think; they keep me young.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just checked in on the James River Bridge mama and is she busy. Does anyone know if she had all her 5 eggs hatch. There was a lot of white fuzzys all around her.

Costume Lady said...

Hello to all my new friends,

Back from the hospital: Mom's tests are all finished--just waiting for results. She is also a Bird Watcher. She saw her first Humming bird yesterday. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome costume lady. Glad to hear that her tests are done and over with. Hope all turns out well for her.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am going out and enjoy some of this nice weather befoe it starts to chill off. BBL

Anne-Marie said...

good afternoon all, I got kidnaped for a long lunch and its nice to be appreciated. Its been a great day. Me kindergarden? I dont think so. I taught headstart when I was much younger and now I couldnt take a class room full of 5 year olds for anything. I have a hard time with my three youngest when I have them all day. I'm glad I can send them home even though I love them so. I think Lib and Belle are going to take a rest this year. Even Moms and Dads need a rest once in a while. Maqybe next year.

MITS said...

yea...the WDFW osprey cam is back online, Suzanne will be happy:).

carolinabeachmom said...

Mits! Did your son have a good fishing trip to the Outer Banks. When I was to breakfast Sunday morning after church,at Pot's On in Curre\ituck, about 5 or6 men came in traveling together, for breakfast. I wanted in the worst way to go up to them and ask them if one had a mother called Mits that worked at the Washington DC Zoo; I was chicken. :)

MITS said...

Candy, I haven't called him today, his wife left on a business trip and he went back to work also, but his is in charge of 8 month old Maggie, so I know he is busy...may e-mail him later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle is in the nest!

MITS said...

yep, she sure is...

MITS said...

been there for around 20 minutes.

MITS said...

still there.

MITS said...

been there over 50 minutes now.

Anne-Marie said...

I cant believe she is still there. She is prettier every time I see her.

Bob Quinn said...

Happy birthday Heidigirl!

No eagle or osprey pics today. I was at Pickering Creek on Sunday and caught a mama fox and her pups (is that what they're called?) frolicking. Also an owl. It's the last 23 shots on this gallery:

MITS said...

I left the room and when I came back she was gone. Hello, Bob, how goes it???

sunny said...

Bob, AWESOME pictures. Does that fox family really have their own house?? I saw the sign that said Private REsidence. LOL! Any chance you teach photography classes? If so, sign me up, and I'm on my way to BW! As always, thanks for sharing!!

Bob Quinn said...

Sunny - I'm still learning every day. I'm just an entusiastic hobbyist who happens to have a long lens and access to some cool places. :-)

MITS said...

BOB, I just looked it up and baby fox are called "kits"....the pics are beautiful, how did you get them to pic does look like Mom is giving you the stink eye...:).

MITS said...

Mema Jo is going to love the owl pictures.....thanks for sharing.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Bob. Its been really a big day. I will go to see your pictures.

Costume Lady said...

Eagle on nest

Bob Quinn said...

Mits - Mom was definitely giving me the "stink eye". I kept gradually moving closer until she started to only look at me and decided I better back off.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Had to laugh at that one Bob, she really was looking straight you...

MITS said...

all gone.

MITS said...

back again...

Mema Jo said...

Such a beautiful eagle

MITS said...

Hey there, Jo....HI.

MITS said...

all gone..

Costume Lady said...

She's Baaack

Costume Lady said...

Gone again

Mema Jo said...

MT nest...
Bob I loved the fox and the 3 kits - I was thinking like Sunny said about Private Residence Whoo Hoo!
Just yesterday evening around dusk, a beautiful lg. red fox went running down the tree line at the end of our property toward a small creek. As for the Owls- love them just like Mits said I would!

Costume lady (Wanda) Thankful all the tests are finished for your mom Now we will pray for good results.

Mema Jo said...

I'll have to put my 2cents worth in with some of the other eagle watchers remarks that I feel doubtful for a new clutch from Liberty & Belle. I would be jumping up & down if it did happen. But I can wait until next season and just enjoy seeing our adult couple visiting at their nest.

MITS said...

Me too, Jo, love when they visit.

MITS said...

chick at SC in full view.

Mema Jo said...

Need to run over to son's home - be gone for an hour...... BBL

Mema Jo said...

I have returned. I'll be over on the Momsters in the photos for today.

MITS said...


movin said...

S. Cruz is feeding chick, and T.H. has chicks just 'hanging.'


Mema Jo said...

Calling it a night...........

Good Night All
Another sunny day but maybe some wet stuff tomorrow....

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Beautiful night out, 70° with rain just starting at my house, and 68° here with no rain. Ran out of rain before I got out of PA. But guess it's coming.
Will attempt to go read blogs and see what I missed yesterday. Was disappointed this morning, no osprey in the nest! Darn!
BW eaglets are laying side by side sound asleep, our nest is MT from what I can see through the blinds, and it's still dark, so can't see much of anything else. Can however, see the barn owls. They are so cute! Such little fuzzballs, but man, they grow quickly. They are alone now, and can't see how many there are... one is sitting in front of all the others. Wierd looking, he's out front now. His beak sticks way out. I'll have to go read, she had 7 eggs, 6 I know hatched, but that doesn't look like 6 chicks. Hope it is, though. Hum, guess their beak is like the panda's tail and the eagle's feet... they grow into the beak.
Ok, all have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, the BW chicks are awake, scooting all over the nest and looking around. An osprey, looks like a female, has finally arrived in the nest! Bout time. Our nest MT.


Suzanne said...

That's Belle!

Suzanne said...

Man, if she hadn't come in sideways, I might never have noticed her. She's now facing 5, and all you can see is her white head. Ok, now facing 9, but can still only see head. You can see the body if you look closely.

Suzanne said...

Well, ok, make a liar outta me. Must be Lib, because he's on his perch! Very top, too.

Suzanne said...

Thought he was gonna leave, but he turned around and is now looking in the nest. Glowing eyes and all... Now checking what looks like the side of the nest, on the outside of the nest.

Suzanne said...

He just jumped into the nest, has his head in the egg cup. I swear, he's looking for a surprise from Belle! "Is there an egg there yet???" Let me look closely.
Now he's over by the launch pad. Not on it yet. Just looking at it.

Suzanne said...

Nest inspection completed I think. He's on the launch pad.

Suzanne said...

Well, dang! He launched!

Suzanne said...

Dang, we have 2 females in the osprey nest. Thought the interloper had left the bldg. Guess not. Bummer.
BW chicks sleeping, our nest MT, but visible now. PA falcon is on her eggs, too dark in Kent, and oh! finally got the WA osprey cam back up, thanks for the heads up, Mits! The barn owls have been alone for a couple hours now, except there was something there that looked like a rug with a fringe on it that slowly worked it's way up to the chicks, then slowly worked it's way back out. I have no idea what that was. Their comments page doesn't say anything about the 7th egg hatching, or if they still have 6 owlets. I distinctly see 4, but that's all. I made a comment, let's hope they answer.

Suzanne said...

Oh, while I was posting last post, one of the female ospreys left. One still in nest.

Suzanne said...

Belle in nest. With new tree branches.

Suzanne said...

Nestorations going on...

Suzanne said...


Nestorations and just standing around looking pretty.

Suzanne said...

Little flying practice in the eaglet nest!

Lib and Belle standing around looking pretty.

Suzanne said...

Well dang, Belle moved up by the tree and I guess took off. Lib still in nest working on the new branch with leaves growing on it.

Suzanne said...

No, think Lib left. That's Belle redecorating...

Suzanne said...

More flying practice for the chicks.

Belle still standing there. She's "thinking where do I want to move this branch????"

Suzanne said...

OMG, Belle still in nest, and a blackbird landed on a branch by her tail.

Suzanne said...

Bird just took off, but Belle didn't pay any attention.

Suzanne said...

Well, another bird was toward the back on the nest in a branch, and Belle paid no attention. Guess the small birds don't bother the eagles if there are no babies.

Suzanne said...

Belle still thinking about where to put the new branch.

Parent just arrived (finally) with a meal for the owlets. She/He has been gone for over 2 hours.

Belle has head down in nest now, looking for leftovers... she's looking in the dining area. She must have found something, she has something in her mouth.

Suzanne said...

Lib is back, checking the egg cup again. Swear he wants babies!

Suzanne said...

Now he's on the perch. Guess he thought Belle might have left an egg while he was gone. Poor guy. They'res always next year, Lib!
Now they're both doing nestorations.

Suzanne said...

both working on same branch. Beaking. Whispering in his ear.

Suzanne said...

Lib is back on his perch, Belle looking closely at egg cup, and stirring up grasses by it. Maybe she thought HE laid an egg for HER.

Suzanne said...

Lib left from perch, Belle still working on branches and grasses.

Suzanne said...

Big visit, Lib back!

Suzanne said...

Moving branches on the take off point, both of them together.

Suzanne said...

Still doing nestorations.

Suzanne said...

Both still there, just standing around now.

Suzanne said...

Now Lib is checking the dining area for any leftovers. Belle's watching him... just in case he finds something.

Suzanne said...

Something may be flying around, they both move and look in the same direction at the same time. Still there, long visit this morning.

Suzanne said...

Well, dang, I had to say that, didn't I???? Belle left, Lib still there.

Suzanne said...

Lib still standing there just looking around.

Suzanne said...

Lib still there all along...

Anybody else up watching this?

Suzanne said...

Lib still standing there just looking around.

Suzanne said...

2nd osprey just arrived, but both are mantling, so guessing it's the other female.
Parent just arrived at BW, no breakfast yet.
Lib still standing in center of nest, looking up, something may be flying overhead.

Suzanne said...

Interloper left, still 1 female in nest. But truthfully, don't know if that's the one that was there, or the one that just came in.
Lib still there looking around.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz--
What do you think? Is today the day?

Suzanne said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle Alert!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all. I just got to work, got the classroom ready and turned on the web cam to find a beautiful eagle in our nest. What a way to start my day!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you,Carolinabeach---wishI were there--Do you live near the beach?

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Suzanne and costume lady! I got lucky today! Hope you both havae a nice day. Kids are about to come in, so I have to go for now. Enjoy eagle and osprey watching today. BBL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy and CostumeLady. Lib and Belle were both in the nest this morning, fairly long visit. When you logged on Candy, that was Lib. He left, but didn't see him leave. Got some pics, I'll send them around in a little bit.

Suzanne said...

Sent pics around. Some of are the early AM visit, not quite daylight yet, but most are from this second visit.

Costume Lady said...

Mema Jo,
A belated thank you on Bluebird info ( the Bluebirds are actually in my Mother's yard). She too, wanted to shoot them. She lives within the city limits and that is a $1000 fine. She is 87 years old and not that experienced with a gun.The Swallows are now trying to take over the boxes---hope they are sucessful. They build the most beautiful nest I have ever seen and eat tons of insects.

sunny said...

Good Morning, Eagleland! Have you heard the Panda news? There's going to be a news conference @ 9:00am, where they are expected to announce that Tai Shan will be staying for a couple more years!!!

Thanks Suzanne for all your early morning commentary. You say you feel silly talking to yourself sometimes, but I certainly appreciate it later!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Sunny

Has there been any news about a possible pregnancy in the Panda House?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks for remembering me with the pictures Suzanne. I look forward to that visit from Liberty and Belle every morning. Its always good to see them no mater how lon gor short they stay!

Suzanne said...

Oh Sunny, that's exciting about Tai Shan! I'm so glad he's gonna stay. And 2 years, that's wonderful. Maybe he'll be old enough then to at least make friends with little Mai in Atlanta! We've always been saying on the blog that they would be a perfect pair... they're not related, and they'd have beautiful kids!
Glad you enjoy the commentary. I figure someone will read it later, and I know I enjoy the commentaries when I can't see our babies and someone gets on and says what they are doing.
Morning, Glo, glad you like the pics. Morning, CostumeLady.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, heard the news about Tai - Isn't that great!

Suzanne said...

Grrrr, our PA falcon cam is not updating pic! Good pic of mom snoozing, but that's been there since 0816!

Costume Lady said...

I have a clarification on the Bluebird saga--Mom didn't want to shoot the Bluebirds; it was the Sparrows she was wageing war on.

Suzanne said...

Glad to hear that, Costume Lady! I wasn't going to say anything, but sparrows are somewhat like the darn starlings... they take over and are aggressive towards indigent birds, and I think bluebirds are indigent to the States. I didn't know this until I read something form National Wildlife Federation about nesting boxes for sparrows, cause I put a new box up, and the sparrows jumped right into it. Anyway, NWF recommends not putting boxes up for them. (Read this AFTER, so not gonna evict them now.) But sparrows are an import from Europe too. Personally, I like them, but I've had a bluebird box up for about 2 years that has been totally ignored by all birds. Put up a little box a friend of mine made, and it was occupied the next day! So I'm just kinda thrilled I'm gonna have babies eventually. But would love to know what to do to get bluebirds in my yard!!!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Mits!!! Got the WA osprey cam up, thanks!!!

MITS said...

I e-mailed them several times, Suz, but all of a sudden it was on, love that cam.

Suzanne said...

I do too, but after she laid the first egg, they hid it from us. Wonder how many she has now. They might not have answered your email, but they fixed the cam! Bet your email did it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Bob -
Those foxes at Pickering are too cute. Love the one peeking out behind its Mom.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Mits is doing the happy dance this morning :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Newsy Morning to everyone
Mits - Sunny heard that Tai may be extending his stay in the USA! And like Suz said - just maybe he'll meet ButaButa ! Would that be possible Mits - like when does a panda breed

Suzanne - your morning commentaries are great and after reading this mornings, I was ready to jump in here and get going!
Does anyone think that the BW Ospreys are going to turn out like the WEnesters?????

Costume Lady said...

The Sparrows actually went into the nest and killed the female Bluebird and destroyed the eggs.
This happened last year. We are hoping for better results this year. To be continued....

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think I've ever read about an Osprey 3-some, Mema Jo. I guess there's a first for everything!

Suzanne said...

Oh, costumelady, that's too bad. I read where they do that, but didn't really believe it. Cowbirds' babies do that too. Parents lay their eggs in a host nest, cowbirds hatch first, and kill the locals! Bluejays also. Darn bullies!!! I hope you have better luck this year too! I have another nest box I was going to put up, but after reading what NWF said, I didn't put it up. I'm going to buy/get/make a plug for the hole to make it smaller. Right now nothing much bigger than a sparrow can get into it, but I would like to have gold finches. Or purple finches. I have a gazillion at my house, and I'd love to have babies!
Morning, MemaJo. Glad you enjoy the commentary. Got lucky this morning, fairly long visit for a change. Is the WEnders nest the one that had the racoon stealing and eating eggs? Did they ever catch that little bugger?

floralgirl said...

Well, kinky! but I don't think those osprey ladies are gonna share that space! Hello everyone! In to grab a bite, on my way back outside. Costume Lady, you should get your Mom a BB or paintball gun!LOL. See you Later.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Paula, I emailed Lisa about the eagle nest out west with the 2 females and 1 male. Told her she needed to pass along the info to our ospreys, work out a time share or something!!! (With the male, and egg sitting.)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Bye Megan, enjoy the day before the rains come.

MITS said...

LOL!!!!! A friend of my just e-mailed me and said she just knew I was doing the "EXTREMELY HAPPY DANCE" Yes, I am! This was a very generous offer from the Chinese government, with much behind the scene diplomacy, I'm sure, but the end results are wonderful. He will now go back around the time of sexual maturity, which starts around 5 to 6 yrs old.

MITS said...

I can't stop grinning:):):):):)!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Mits, you're probably not the only one!!! I think that's wonderful!

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - WEenders is the 3some that Jo was referring to!

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Thanks, Paula. Still think Lisa needs to let the osprey group know about them. Maybe they could work something out...

Suzanne said...

Guess maybe not, kids are watching!!! Need a "G" rating, and all. (hee hee)

Mauley said...

Morning everyone, My family and I are advocates for The Eastern Bluebird. 15 years ago there were few if any Eastern Bluebirds in our county. My husband manned an effort to restore them. The population was depleted due to fewer farmers in our area putting up wooden fence posts, and strip mining for coal which and logging which reduced the number of trees with cavatiies available for nesting. Blue Birds must nest in a cavity. They like their nest cavity or box near human habitation and about 4 to 5 feet off the ground. They are territorial and nest boxes need to be spaced accordingly. They DO NOT need a perch on their boxes. Perches encourage other birds to access their nests. If constructing a box, PLEASE do not put a perch on it, but PLEASE either put some mesh (on the inside under the opening) for the babies to climb to the opening. My husband makes small indentations about three inches wide under the opening inside and gradients them upward from the bottom of the box to the hole opening for them to climb out. In the last 15 years he has singlehandedly assembled and distributed close to 8,000 blue bird boxes (at no charge) to Boy Scout Groups, his own 4-H Clubs (Hubby is a 4-H agent) Girl Scouts, and anyone else interested in lessons in Blue Birds and construction of Boxes. Our Birds produce 2 settings every spring in all the boxes. Starlings and Sparrows are notorious, but if you have enough boxes out, I suppose you have less trouble. Most people in Harlan County now say that we are "infested with bluebirds". If ever the adage, "If you build it they will come," is appropriate it is in reference to our birds. Happy Late Birthday Heidi Girl, I knew your birthday was yesterday, and I didn't forget, it was just so hectic, I did as my dear old daddy used to say (God Bless Him I miss him so much sometimes) I just disremembered it. Hope your day was super. God Bless You. donna

MITS said...

Hello, Donna:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I am so tickled about Tai! I LOVE GOOD NEWS!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Mits, it worked!! YEAH!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, I'm just getting my first cup and your lives are spinning. I cant keep up with you. Thank you again for making yesterday something to remember. I really appreciate it. Now I will need to make up all the work I negelected yesterday. Another threesome Paula? I'm not sure how I feel about that. Tisk Tisk. I wouldnt want to share my kitchen with another woman let alone any other room.A little risque'this morning even for me. Have a beautiful day all. I will be checking in.

MITS said...

THANK YOU, SHARON. This is a pic of Tai-Shan taken 4 days ago:).....

Mema Jo said...

Mits Love your update pic of the little PRINCE.

MITS said...

That's "our" boy...

Mauley said...

Baby foxes are called kits, the mother is the vixen. If I remember the father is called a dog????? Help I can't remember??? I know the vet told me to put out dog food (dry) for the family of 4 that I have been feeding at our barn. Keeps them from getting chickens!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL donna

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley, Sharon, and HeidiGirl. Happy Birthday from yesterday, Heidi... I never get to talk to you.
Mauley, I have a bluebird house, they ignore it. No perch, heavy fish line on the outside, on the sides, and still no takers. Inside is somehow rough for the babies to get out, but guess it's not the right color or something. It's forest green, working on fading, it's been up 2 years. Thought maybe it had to "weather" but think that has been accomplished by now.

Oh well, one of these days I'll get somebody... maybe.

Time for me to hit the road in a minute. All have a great eagle day. Hope the BW kids don't get rained out!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, I emailed PA about the falcon cam, but haven't heard anything back yet, and it's still down.

MITS said...

Aren't we do for a new thread?????

Mauley said...

Suzanne, check for wasps. they won't build where there is a nest. clean it out good and put up 2. They seek out their nesting cavaties in February. Hope you get some soon. they are so neat. They eliminate their wastes in white fecal sacs and you can watch their parents carrying those sacs out of the nest. It looks like they are carrying out pieces of egg, but it is the babies' wastes. No poop shoots for baby bluebirds, and the parents carry their waste away from the nest. Consume thousands times their weight in insects. donna

MITS said...

Sun is coming out:)...76° here. Channel 5 has live from the zoo coverage coming up.

MITS said...

Thanks for the info on bluebirds, Donna

Mauley said...

Mits, I, too, am excited about the little prince. donna

Mema Jo said...

Hate to leave such a happy bunch of nesters this noon but appointments are scheduled. Be back around 4:30 - I hope... TTUL

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like VA cam is down...

KateAZ said...

Good morning all...

Just thought I'd let you know that there will be maintenance on the NE cam this weekend; they evidently have some battery problems.

MITS said...

Thanks for the info, Kate.

sunny said...

The BW's must be practicing their perching skills today. You can barely see them on the edge of the nest!

MITS said...

Probably looking for future launching sites, Sunny

Anne-Marie said...

Santa Cruz chick , mom and dad are all sun bathing. So sweet.

MITS said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 305   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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